How to make a coffee machine at home. Homemade do-it-yourself coffee maker

The popularity of coffee machines is growing every day: it’s quite convenient, the coffee turns out delicious, and it also saves time. But, like any household electrical appliance, coffee makers sometimes break down. And then many owners of such equipment have a thought: how to repair a coffee machine at home with your own hands?

Fortunately, many problems are fixed ordinary people even without technical education and any skills. And in terms of cost, this approach to solving the problem will cost you less than calling a specialist of the appropriate profile.

But in any case, remember that when you repair a coffee machine yourself, all responsibility for the result rests solely with you.

Tools and materials to prepare

For repairs you will need the following tools and materials:

  • a set of screwdrivers, pliers, a light hammer;
  • special lubricant for mechanisms (sometimes included with household appliances);
  • brush;
  • cleaning products or cleaners recommended by the manufacturer;
  • consumables: silicone tubes, seals;
  • spare parts, if the fault can be identified with high accuracy.

And remember that repairing a coffee machine of any type with your own hands is not at all like replacing a burnt out light bulb.

Find the instructions and study them carefully so that later the specialists from the repair team do not have to restore the algorithm of your incorrect actions.

Before proceeding directly to the description of specific malfunctions and methods for eliminating them, it is worth recalling the observance of basic hygienic rules for caring for the brewing unit. If the manufacturer provides for easy removal of this unit, then it must be thoroughly cleaned periodically: rinse under running warm water, and wipe the compartment where it is placed with a damp cloth. If the coffee maker has any other collapsible parts, do not forget about caring for them. Such actions significantly extend the life of the device, reducing the likelihood of sudden breakdown.

Water leak in the horn area Most often it happens that the problem is directly in the sealing ring, which becomes clogged with particles of coffee, grease or even foreign objects

. In this case, you need to wash the O-ring and its installation location. And then clean the electrical appliance with special products and decalcify it. Second malfunction of the coffee machine, which will require DIY repair - the sealing ring wears out, loses elasticity and over time microcracks form on it. In this situation, you will have to replace the damaged part with a new one, fortunately this is quite easy to do even for an untrained person.

A number of problems with your coffee machine can be solved yourself.

Thin stream when dispensing coffee from a horn, strange whistling sounds appear

Perhaps the mesh on the coffee maker or the filter on the horn is clogged. Coffee grains, coffee fat and scale accumulate here. To carry out the repair yourself, wash the mesh, carefully clean the filter and decalcify the coffee machine.

If the manufacturer has provided for adjusting the grinding of coffee beans, increase this value slightly. It is rare, but it happens that the pump that pumps water fails. If you suspect just such a case, the pump will have to be replaced with a new one, because it will most likely not be possible to repair this part.

The coffee machine makes a cracking noise or other sounds, but does not brew coffee

First, you need to understand whether water is supplied from the tank and heated at all. If everything works, then you should pass a little liquid through the cappuccino maker (panarello). In this way you will eliminate the possible air lock, formed in the system.

If there is no result for high-quality repair of a household appliance with your own hands after the above steps, you will have to rinse and clean the coffee machine’s pipe system.

If this doesn’t help, call the experts - the problems are probably more serious than originally thought.

Buttons do not respond to touch If the button backlight is working normally, you need to check the presence of water, coffee and all components

electrical appliances in their places. Reading the manufacturer's instructions, which indicate ways to solve frequently encountered problems, can help clarify the situation. Sometimes doing DIY repairs of any type of coffee machine is very, very simple, but you still have to look at the documentation. If the front panel is easy to remove, test the functionality of the buttons. But sometimes it happens that the electronic control unit or one of the controllers is faulty. If you have insufficient qualifications, it is better to immediately call specialists to carry out.

further work Common problem

with coffee machines - faulty buttons

Water leaking from under the coffee machine As a result of improper use or prolonged Failure of O-rings, seals, silicone tubes, plastic or metal elements is possible.

Try to accurately determine the cause of the leak to save on consumables. But in any case, repairs cannot be delayed; this may lead to a complete stop of the coffee machine.

No response when pressing the power button

The main reason in such cases is a malfunction of the cord, plug, socket or lack of electricity in the network. Sometimes the electronics unit or mini-transformer fails. Less often, it turns out that the door was not closed tightly or the automatic activation of the thermal protection was triggered due to overheating.

The coffee grinder makes noise, but the coffee does not grind

To begin your DIY repair, start by cleaning and rinsing the coffee machine. If this does not help, you will have to carefully and carefully disassemble the electrical appliance to use special cleaning agents and detergents.

Malfunction of the motor or coffee grinding ears

In this situation, there is nothing left but a complete replacement of the damaged parts. To save time and if you lack qualifications, it is better to call a specialized repair shop.

Failure of one or more sensors at once

If there is such a malfunction, you will see a message on the display or indicator lights. Start by rinsing and cleaning the coffee maker, and if this does not help, you will need to disassemble the case. Don't forget to check that there is enough water and that the float is working.

Also note that models from different manufacturers produce a specific list of errors. But, as always, careful reading of the instructions will help you understand this and other issues.

Video: Saeco coffee machine repair

Remember that a coffee machine is a rather complex mechanism, and therefore starting repairs with your own hands without the necessary skills is dangerous. If you feel that you can’t handle it yourself, call a technician from a repair shop. This will give an almost 100% guarantee that your coffee machine will return to service.

Coffee lovers will definitely enjoy this in the morning. this review, since in it we will present a method for making a coffee machine with our own hands.

We will need:
- copper or polypropylene pipe;
- funnel;
- hacksaw;
- coffee filter;
- coffee;
- gas torch or soldering iron for pipes;
- three knees;
- two tees;
- two plugs.

According to the author of the idea, when buying a funnel, you should pay attention to the quality of the plastic from which it is made, since it should not be afraid of boiling water. Let's get started.

First we need to divide the pipe into small sections. The length of the first segment should be 15 cm, the next two segments should be 8 cm long, two more 15 cm long and one 5 cm long.

Take a hacksaw and cut out all the necessary pieces.

Let's start assembling the structure. Let's start with two 8 cm pieces that need to be connected with one tee. Next, we put one elbow on the free ends of the 8 cm pieces and connect two 15 cm pieces, closing the ends of these pieces with plugs.

Insert the third 15 cm piece into the free hole of the tee connecting two 8 cm pieces.

At the end of a 15 cm piece we put on a knee, a 5 cm piece and another tee.

We paint the resulting structure with spray paint of any color.

Our coffee machine is ready. It works according to the following principle. Insert the funnel into the upper tee. We place a coffee filter in the funnel itself.

Take coffee and put a couple of teaspoons on the filter.

As soon as we resumed the column dedicated to the inventions of our readers, letters from all over the country began to arrive to the editor.

Thus, Abubakar Gadzhiev from Makhachkala offers his own way to increase potato yields. “The method pays off even before planting - by saving seeds and fertilizers,” he writes. - Usually the tubers are placed at the bottom of the hole (furrow) and covered with a layer of soil. I place them on the surface of the earth and cover them with covers made of light-proof material. The lids have holes for the stems to come out. Advantages? The growing season is reduced by 15%, potato roots are not damaged when cultivating the soil (it is simply not needed), harvesting is reduced to selecting tubers from the surface. And most importantly, the yield has increased more than three times!”

Vladimir Averin from Amur region is developing a project for a fire parachute to rescue people in high-rise buildings. The Ministry of Emergency Situations has already become interested in his ideas. Another means of rescue - an amphibious float plane - was invented and patented by Yuri Polovnikov from Balashikha. The purpose of the device is to evacuate sailors in distress. The navy does not have such a weapon. The Ministry of Defense has something to look at.

Coffee maker

Relatives and friends of engineer Vladimir Oreshkin are delighted with the espresso that he brews at home, because he does it in a coffee maker of his own design.

This design was tested on prototypes and recognized as an invention - a patent was issued for it. The device simply and logically implements the “steaming” effect used when brewing espresso. This makes the drink rich and especially tasty. “Unlike other coffee makers, there are no sealing gaskets, filters, or wear-out elements,” explains V. Oreshkin, “so it can last forever.” It has a durable body, double walls, designed for maximum pressure pair. Thanks to this, there was no need to install any protective valves that do not work in real conditions and create only the appearance of protection. I am constantly improving the design; I am attracted by the development of the “most perfect” version of the product.”

In order to brew espresso, you need to turn the handwheel, open the lid and remove the inner “glass”. After filling it with water, you need to close the housing. Ground coffee should be poured into the internal cavity to the top. After this, you can screw on the lid and put the coffee maker on fire. The drink flows through the drain tube into the cup at a speed that depends on the degree of heating. At the same time, no measuring spoons or manipulations with adding and draining water are required: the volumes are selected in the optimal ratio.

There are a huge number of different devices for making coffee. But due to their ease of use at home and accessibility, they have gained wide popularity.

One of important elements These devices have a filter, the main task of which is to filter ground coffee during brewing. The taste and aroma of the drink depends on the quality of the filter used.

What filters are there?

In the last century, a coffee filter was invented by an enterprising housewife from Dresden, Melitta Benz. She took an ordinary schoolboy's blotter, folded it into a funnel, into which she poured ground coffee. Placing this simple structure over a cup, she slowly poured boiling water through it. That's how she got hers flavored coffee, and all the thick stuff remained on a piece of paper.

Ancient brewing method

In modern conditions, there are many coffee filters that are made from different materials. Let's look at the most popular options.

Paper filters for coffee maker

They are made in the form of funnels or baskets, with smooth or wavy walls - it all depends on the model of the selected coffee maker.

Flat-bottom filters are convenient for making drip coffee, while conical filters are suitable for drip coffee makers or for single-serve brewing in a cup. Wavy options are ideal for pour-overs, as they provide uniform distribution water.

For their production we use:

A special feature of paper filters is their ability to remove diterpenes (oil components) from coffee beans, which can cause an increase in cholesterol in human blood.

Among the significant “advantages” they note:

  1. Ease of use (easy to install and replace);
  2. Suitable for any type of grinding, even for powdered coffee;
  3. It will not give the drink any foreign taste or smell;
  4. Disposable use (no need to clean the filter later);
  5. Biodegradability of the material - no harm to the environment;
  6. No expiration date;
  7. There is no concentration of pathogenic bacteria, which is typical for improper care of reusable elements of a coffee machine, i.e. full compliance with sanitation standards.
  8. Affordability.

Using a paper filter for a coffee maker

With such advantages, paper filters for coffee makers still have a drawback - they are only used once, which means that constant flow. It is important to monitor their balance in the house in order to replenish the supply in time.

Fabric filters

You can replace paper ones with fabric options, which are made from hemp, organic cotton, and muslin fabric. Their advantages:

  • environmental friendliness,
  • simplicity,
  • a small noble sediment in the finished drink, since the pores in the fabric are slightly wider than in the paper counterpart.

The inconvenience of using such products is that they quickly become dirty and require constant cleaning.

Fabric version

Nylon filters

The design is a plastic frame covered with nylon.

Basically, most coffee makers are equipped with such filters. According to the manufacturers' recommendations, it can be used up to 60 times, then it must be changed.

Nylon filter

In terms of money, this option is the most profitable.

The disadvantages of the products include:

  • The need for thorough cleaning after brewing;
  • Compatible only with coarsely ground coffee.

Gold filters

They are, of course, not made of gold, but an improved version of a nylon filter, the surface of which is coated with titanium nitride. This resulted in a significant improvement in product quality and durability. Their disadvantages are the same as those of nylon products.

Less popular than others are products made of porcelain, plastic, and steel.

What filter sizes are there?

In a coffee shop you will find such products various sizes– from 1 to 12. Look carefully at the packaging: the indicated dimensions must match the size of the container of your drip coffee maker or drip funnel.

If size 01 is written on the pourover, then you need to buy a filter element of the same size. Sizes 02 to 04 are suitable for a drip coffee maker. The smallest size products are suitable for brewing in a cup.

How to make a filter for a drip coffee maker with your own hands

What to do quickly when faced with the need to replace the filter, and the supply at home has run out? You can easily solve this problem at home.

The simplest material you need for this is paper.

Important: Before you begin, you need to check the quality of the paper when exposed to water. Too much dense material will increase the filtration time, and low-quality loose cellulose will simply “fall apart” upon contact with boiling water and it will not be possible to make coffee.

Also, do not use paper with printing ink and glue, or photographs; this will significantly spoil the drink and may even harm your health.

Thick white or brown napkins or paper towels are convenient in this case.

The last option is the most successful, since the towel is highly porous, so it quickly lets through

The last option is the most successful, since the towel is highly porous, so it quickly allows water to pass through, and retains large particles of coffee well. We also note that filters of any size can be cut from a towel.

For example: take a saucer and trace it on a piece of towel. Using scissors, cut out a square or circle, fold it in half, and then in half again. In such homemade filter pour the ground coffee and insert it into the funnel and then into the cup. Slowly pour boiling water through the prepared structure and get an aromatic and invigorating drink.

If you suddenly don’t have high-quality paper at hand, you can use a fabric option - a bandage, cotton towel, gauze or sheet.

An important detail: the fabric used should not be dyed, as otherwise, when exposed to hot water“tasteless” chemical dyes may be added to the drink.

For more thorough filtration, fold the gauze in several layers.

Very interesting option The production of the filter element will use nylon women's tights as a material.

A cut out square or circle from tights will be a wonderful coffee filter. In addition, it can be used several times.

Also on the list of homemade products are metal strainers from teapots. The obvious disadvantage of using them is small size and bad throughput. These strainers usually become clogged with coffee mixture very quickly and therefore require constant cleaning. Fans do not recommend preparing coffee in this way - the drink turns out unsaturated and unflavoured.

The main problems in using homemade filters.

It is important not to forget that all of the above materials for self-made filter elements will only help you temporarily; without proper hygienic treatment, they are only suitable for one-time brewing.

Stock up on such products in a timely manner, because they are easy to buy in any specialized store.

Many people love espresso, but you can’t make it without an expensive coffee machine. And, probably, few people thought that such a seemingly complex household appliance could be made by yourself from scrap materials. Let's first understand the theory and explain the basic concepts.

What is espresso?

Espresso is prepared at home by skipping hot water through a filter with ground coffee. This is exactly how our espresso coffee maker will work.

A shot of espresso can be regular, double or triple (30, 60 and 90 ml). For each serving you need 7-8, 14-16, and 21-24 grams of coffee, respectively.

There is no generally accepted standard for preparing espresso at home, but the pressure most often cited in sources is 9 bar.

We will tell you how to make an espresso coffee maker with your own hands.

What are the requirements for our pocket espresso machine?

  • An espresso coffee maker should fit in your jeans pocket
  • To make a coffee machine, simple, not scarce materials should be used
  • The tools used in the project should be simple and publicly available
  • All components must be assembled in one housing
  • An espresso coffee machine should be low-cost.

Materials and tools for making an espresso coffee machine

Copper parts

  • Two plugs with a diameter of 1″
  • Four plugs with a diameter of 1/2″
  • One tube with a diameter of 1/2″, 75 mm long
  • 3 fittings with a diameter of 1/2″ (two of them will be used for making filters)
  • One 1″ diameter fitting
  • Adapter from 1 to 1/2″ (1″ - male). The adapter will be used to make a teapot
  • Adapter from 1 to 1/2″ (1″ - female). The adapter will be used to make the boiler.
  • One copper tube with a diameter of 1/4″, about 100 mm long.


  • 6mm bolt 75mm long
  • 6mm wing nut

For the filler hole: small bolt and nut. The length of the bolt should not be more than 12 mm, the height of the nut should be about 10 mm.

For the heater: small bolt and nut. The bolt diameter should be less than 1/4 inch diameter copper tube. The length of the bolt is about 12 mm.

Additional details

  • Two rubber gaskets 1″ diameter
  • Two rubber O-rings used on faucets. The rings are needed to seal the filler hole and the hole under the wing nut
  • 10cc syringe
  • A small board.


  • Drill
  • Hacksaw
  • Soldering iron
  • Sandpaper No. 150
  • Wire cutters
  • Pliers
  • Hammer
  • Drills (diameter 6, 3 and 1.5 mm)
  • A few small nails.

Coffee machine manufacturing technology


Drill 4 holes in the adapter from 1 to 1/2 inches. Insert the 1/2-inch tube into the adapter and seal.

Note: Use only lead-free solder.

Boiler (part 2)

  • Take a 1/4" diameter tube and make a V-shaped cut about 25mm from one edge

  • Bend the tube at the cut site at a right angle

  • Solder the bend
  • Use a hammer to flatten the long end of the tube

  • Cut a small notch at the bottom of the flattened edge.

The tube needs to be flattened so that it fits into the boiler. The notch is needed so that if scale forms, the tube does not become completely blocked.

Boiler (part 3)

  • Assemble the parts shown in the photo, make sure all parts fit well

  • Solder everything together (don't forget to solder a nut parallel to the water supply tube).

Alcohol burner

The boiler is ready, and now we have the approximate dimensions of the required alcohol burner.

You will have to design it yourself. Since the burner must be very small, but burn for quite a long time, the fuel must come from a container located outside. After numerous experiments, such a heating pad with a fuel tank from a 10 cc syringe was created.

With a full container of fuel, our particular sample runs for about 18 minutes. Now you need to make a fuel dispenser. You can, of course, come up with something more sophisticated, but we just stuck top part syringe with electrical tape, in which a small hole was made with a needle.

As a result, fuel entered the burner at a rate of approximately 1 drop per second, which ensured its long, continuous operation.

Alcohol burner (part 2)

  • Fabricate all parts of the burner based on the drawing given in the previous paragraph
  • Drill a hole with a diameter of 6 mm and a depth of 12 mm in a wooden board. This board will become a conductor, facilitating the processing of copper tubes
  • Insert 1/4" tubing into the jig and cut 4 grooves
  • Adjust and solder the tube into which the syringe will be inserted with a tube that will supply alcohol vapor to the burner

  • Insert the fuel tube into the heater and solder the bottom of the heater

  • Solder the top of the heater

  • After inserting the evaporator tube into place, screw something like this to it gas burner made from a tube with holes, a washer and a bolt.

Burner (part 3)

  • Carefully saw off the syringe needle to the desired length, do not use wire cutters for this, otherwise the hole inside the needle will flatten

  • Insert the syringe into the holder tube and seal it

  • Cover the top of the syringe with electrical tape.


Measure out 7 grams of coffee to estimate how much volume it takes up. To make a teapot we use a 1 to 1/2 inch adapter. The adapter needs to be filed so that a small espresso cup can be placed under it. There should be metal filters inside the teapot, which you will have to make yourself.

Teapot (part 2)

  • Prepare all parts of the teapot in accordance with the drawing
  • Saw one fitting lengthwise and straighten it with a hammer.

  • Flatten the copper plate until it is as thick as a needle
  • From the resulting plate, cut a circle that fits inside the 1-inch plug

  • Cut another circle to match the outside diameter of the 1/2-inch plug

Teapot (part 3)

  • Place the mugs on wooden board and use a small nail to make many bumps on them

  • Rub the mugs with the bumps on sandpaper. Rub until a small hole is formed at the tops of all tubercles.

Teapot (part 4)

  • Solder the smaller copper filter into the adapter

  • Solder a 1/2-inch plug to the adapter

  • Cut the water supply pipe coming out of the boiler so that it matches the shape of the inch plug
  • Solder the joint between the tube and the plug
  • Cut a ring about 6 mm high from an inch hose.

  • Insert the ring into the top of the teapot
  • Install an inch copper filter
  • Install a 1-inch spacer to hold the filter in place.

Zavarniik (part 5)

  • Drill 3mm holes in both copper filters. Try to ensure that the axes of the holes coincide.
  • Assemble the teapot and secure the parts using a 6mm screw and wing nut.

Calibrate the system

Wash the coffee machine and fill it with water through the hole with the soldered nut. Screw the corresponding bolt into the hole, placing a rubber gasket under the head.

Fill the syringe with alcohol and seal the tank with a 1/2-inch cap.

Wait about 15 seconds until the alcohol vapor reaches the burner.

Hold the coffee machine by the brewer and lift it up. Using a lighter, heat the bottom of the burner until the alcohol ignites (this takes about 10 seconds).

Place the coffee machine on a flat surface and wait until the cup under the brewer is half full.

Let the coffee machine cool down and repeat the same operations, after pouring coffee into the brewer.

Enjoy your espresso!