How to make blocks at home. Various DIY building blocks

Cinder block is one of the most popular materials today. It is used for the construction of objects for various purposes and the most different sizes. These can be small outbuildings or industrial buildings.

To make cinder blocks, a special device is used, the principle of which is to vibrate the concrete mixture. To significantly save on building materials, you can do building blocks with your own hands. To do this, you need to purchase or independently construct a vibratory pressing machine.

To start making concrete blocks with your own hands, you need to prepare all the tools and materials that may be needed in the process. Standard size cinder block is 390x188x190 mm. The inside of the product remains hollow. Two or three holes act as voids, the shape and size of which directly depend on the configuration of the machine.

Thanks to such voids, the cinder block provides sufficient sound absorption and thermal insulation of the house. But, despite such a hollow structure, the material is very durable and will last for many years. Once you start making, you can significantly save on building materials.

Initially concrete blocks were made from slag. In order to prepare a classic version of a cinder block, some proportions should be observed:

  • 7 parts of coal slag from a blast furnace;
  • 2 parts of expanded clay sand (it is better to give preference to the large fraction);
  • 2 parts of gravel, the fraction must be no less than 5 and no more than 215 mm;
  • 1.5 parts of cement grade 500;
  • 3 parts water.

Other materials can be used as filler, just classic version It was slag that was used. Today it is difficult to obtain, so brick waste, expanded clay, ash, gravel, screenings, crushed stone, gypsum or processed sawdust can be used instead. The amount of water may vary slightly depending on the filler. Its quantity must be adjusted during the preparation of the solution. The main thing is that it is not too dry, but spreading of the solution is also considered unacceptable.

In order to check the consistency of the solution, you need to throw a small amount on the ground. It is considered normal for the mixture to spread smoothly without water streaks, but if the mixture is squeezed into a fist, it should stick together.

If concrete blocks are made with your own hands using slag, it is very important to control that there is no foreign objects. The slag must be cleaned of various chips and earth. It is unacceptable for the solution to include unburnt coal. In order to remove contamination, the material must be sifted through a sieve.

If gypsum is additionally added to the cinder block, the proportion of materials will be slightly changed. Gypsum (1 part) is mixed with three parts of the slag mixture, water is added during mixing. This solution must be used immediately after preparation, since the plaster will begin to dry quickly. It is recommended to soak the slag in water for some time before preparing such a solution.

Modern market building materials offers various additives that significantly improve the quality of the solution. You can add a plasticizer to the solution; about 5 g is needed per cinder block. Such additives increase frost resistance, water resistance and strength.

There are two types of concrete blocks. They can be hollow or solid. The first ones are much lighter; they are used to build walls, since they do not create too much load on the foundation; in addition, such blocks have good sound and heat insulation. Solid blocks are most often used to build foundations.

In order to make a cinder block, you can use two technologies. One is based on the use of a wooden form in which the concrete solution dries. For the second method, you need to purchase or make a special machine yourself.

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Manufacturing method using molds

Both wood and metal can be used as the material from which such forms are made. If wood is used to create the form, it must be very well dried. It should additionally be treated with a product that will increase moisture resistance. Otherwise, through a short time the shapes may become deformed, which will affect the geometry of the concrete blocks. The internal size of the mold should be 400x200x200 mm. But this is not a limitation; the shape can have various sizes.

This form consists of a bottom and side walls. To make the production process faster, it is recommended to make several molds. In order for all corners of the mold to be filled well, the solution should be prepared more liquid. To make blocks hollow using a mold at home, you can use empty glass bottles.

After the solution is poured into the mold, the bottle neck is lowered into the mixture, the surface is leveled and required height concrete block. After 5-6 hours, the bottles should be removed and the blocks should be left to dry further. Drying the blocks lasts at least a day, after which they can be removed from the molds and stacked. Before construction, such blocks must rest for at least 1 month.

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Concrete blocks using vibratory compacting machine

Using special equipment, concrete blocks are made more durable and of higher quality. Is it possible to make a vibration pressing machine with your own hands? Quite.

Tools needed to create special equipment:

  • grinder for cutting sheets;
  • welding machine;
  • meter and chalk (pencil) for marking;
  • pliers;
  • hammer.

For the manufacture of matrices into which will be poured concrete mixture, need to take sheet metal thickness no more than 3 mm.

The machine must be equipped with a 100 W motor, in addition, a load should be prepared that will create imbalance and vibration.

  • In order to make such a machine, it is necessary to use sheet steel. Blanks are cut from it:
  • 2 pieces measuring 400x250 mm;
  • 2 pieces measuring 200x250 mm;
  • visor 400x150 mm;
  • ribs – 4 pieces measuring 40x40 mm;

clamp size 39.5x19.5 mm.

After all the blanks are made, you can begin assembling the main matrix. For this, parts measuring 400x200 mm and 200x250 mm are used. It is very important that all welds are on the outside. Otherwise, the finished concrete blocks will have rounded corners. The result will be a matrix of 400x200x250 in size. To make voids inside a cinder block, you need to use a pipe with a diameter of 80 mm. The length of the workpieces should not be more than 250 mm.

The final stage includes installing a vibrator; it is attached to the longest side of the matrix. Bolts are used to secure it. Once the bolts are tightened, they are welded in place for added strength. To protect the motor from water and contamination with mortar, a protective visor is welded on top. A leg is welded to the edge of the visor, which will add additional strength. For convenience, handles are welded to the matrices.

Having at your disposal construction mechanisms presented on our VIDEO, you can with your own hands and in short time produce the required quantity building blocks. Today, when the sizes of building blocks have been standardized, making them yourself from scrap materials using a machine is becoming very relevant.

Manufacturing technology DIY building blocks so economical that it allows you to fulfill all three main goals in a person’s life - raise a child, plant a tree and build a house. Since time immemorial, brick has been the main building material, but last years Methods for making building blocks were developed, often used for the construction of private houses.

Making building blocks do it yourself VIDEO

Basic mechanisms for making blocks with your own hands:

Vibrating sieve - allows you to sort bulk materials such as crushed stone, expanded clay, sand into fractions;

Concrete mixer - no comments needed;

Vibroforming installation for the production of building blocks (from 1 to 6 at a time).

The ability to use different components for the production of blocks allows you to select the most suitable composition for climatic conditions different regions. The large format size of building blocks significantly speeds up the construction process. The starting material for the production of blocks is a mixture in the form of a thick dough, including cement.

To increase the durability and quality of the product, use cement of at least M400 grade. Water and sand are also important components of the mixture. This building block is made in the shape of a parallelepiped with cavities or without recesses in the middle. Geometry is one of the most important requirements in production. If a block made independently at home with your own hands has uneven surfaces, then the costs of building walls will be higher.

You can make your own blocks with the parameters necessary for construction. All types of waste can be used as filler, such as sawdust, shavings, various products of coal combustion in boiler rooms - slag, ash, as well as waste from processing natural stone (granules). An example of the ratio of components: coarse sand, gravel with a diameter of 5-8 mm, cement and water in a ratio of 6: 2: 2: 1. The consistency of the mixture is such that it does not spread when falling to the ground.

Various plasticizers are also added to the building blocks, reducing chipping at edges, making the cutting process easier, and preventing cracks from forming during work. Often, when building a private house, when you make blocks with your own hands, ordinary liquid soap is used as a plasticizer.

The main principle of the block production unit is vibration, with which the mixture is pressed into special shapes. The blocks are then removed and moved to dry. The whole structure resembles a vibrating table. Vibrations are achieved by oscillating the plane that is used to produce building blocks. Due to the rapid movement of the plane and attachment to the springs, the amplitude and strength of vibration increases, which leads to dense packing of the mass in the molds.

When producing building blocks that are used to erect the walls of a house, a flat space is required for further drying, which can last more than 2 weeks.
Various materials, such as slag, granite, gravel, sand, expanded clay, different kinds concrete and broken glass, are used as filler for the production of building blocks.

The solution is prepared in a concrete mixer by adding and mixing successively water, cement and filler. The prepared solution is transferred into molds. The vibration molding machine must be installed on a flat, horizontal surface.

Information about wall materials:

Let's summarize the results of making building blocks with your own hands. It is advisable to produce several hundred pieces of building blocks for the construction of a garage or other outbuilding, then such independent production will be fully justified and will save a significant amount of money. But to build a house you will need much more building materials, so the purchase costs necessary materials will be much higher. In this case, buying blocks will not only be more reasonable, but also easier.

To make homemade blocks, you only need a few molds for casting them, as well as cement, sand and filler - slag or broken brick. Other types of fillers (gravel or crushed stone) will make the block very heavy, and in addition, a wall made of such material will heat up faster in the summer and cool down in the winter. If you use expanded clay as a filler, then, although it has almost the same thermal insulation properties as broken brick and slag, it will cost several times more.

Molds for the production of building concrete blocks

To make building blocks yourself at home, you will need special metal or wooden molds, inner dimensions which are different: 150 X 150 x 300 mm, 175 x 175 X 350 mm or 200 x 200 x 400 mm. With small blocks it is more convenient to carry out masonry, and with large blocks construction is carried out faster.

To make a collapsible metal mold for one block, you will need four rectangular iron plates 3-4 mm thick (the height, width and length of the plates will depend on the selected mold size). Fastening grooves must be cut on the sides of the plates, and handles must be welded to the end parts of the mold. For a four-block mold, you will need to make two rectangular plates and five smaller plates to separate future blocks in the mold.

To make concrete blocks with your own hands, you need to compact and create bubbles in them; for this purpose, you need to make a special device. It will require one rectangular iron plate (according to the size of the mold), a small piece of rolled wire with a cross-section of 10 mm and three pieces of pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 150 mm. At one end of each pipe you need to cut four triangular “teeth” to a depth of 50 mm. Then these teeth must be connected to each other to form a cone. The seams between the teeth must be carefully welded. Then you need to weld a wire rod handle to one of the planes of the plate, and to the other - cutting pipes with a blunt end.

Wooden collapsible form
Wooden collapsible form

To make a wooden collapsible form, you will need four cuttings of boards 35-50 mm thick (the dimensions will depend on the size of the chosen form). Of course, wood is more weak material for shape, so you need high-quality and strong boards. All joints in the wooden form must be secured using tightening screws. Otherwise, the design of the wooden mold is the same as the metal one. Handles for the mold can be made from wire rod with a cross-section of 10 mm, flattening its ends and drilling holes with a diameter of 6-8 mm in them.

To make building blocks with your own hands, you need to make a solution of cement, sand and aggregate (slag or broken brick) in a ratio of 1:4:6. When adding filler to the solution, you need to ensure that it is viscous and sticky, but not liquid or crumbly. Next, the solution is poured into molds in which, in hot weather, it will harden within 2 hours, and will acquire its final strength in 1-1.5 days. In cool weather (+7 ... +18 C), the time of hardening and complete drying increases by 3-5 times, and at temperatures below +7 ° C and during precipitation, it is not recommended to make blocks at all.

If slag is used for mortar along with cement, you can completely abandon sand, and then the ratio of cement to slag should be 1: 6 or even 1: 8.

Before pouring the solution into the mold, all its parts, regardless of the material of manufacture, must be moistened with water. You should work on a flat surface and fill the mold with the solution to 2/3 or 3/4 of the volume ( exact amount determined experimentally after using a device for making voids).

After the block has completely hardened, it must be freed from parts of the mold. The raw block must be left until completely dry, and the mold parts must be filled with water.

You can make blocks directly at the construction site, i.e., fill on site. In this case, the dimensions of the pouring mold can be increased to 330 x 300 x 600 mm. This will further speed up the construction process.

Consistency cement mortar and the filling method are the same as in the previous case. You can weld several molds into a working structure (3-4 molds are enough), and then the laying will go even faster.

To prevent the cement mixture from sticking to the walls of the mold, before pouring its internal cavity must be generously moistened with water or lubricated with used machine oil. After the mixture has set, the mold plates are peeled off from the walls of the block. In the process of erecting walls, it is necessary to verify the horizontality and verticality of the rows. In general, the laying of corners and the band between blocks are fully consistent with the methods brickwork half a brick.

Adobe - a mixture of clay and straw, for making homemade blocks

The cheapest building material for making concrete blocks yourself at home is adobe - a mixture of clay and straw. Cheapness is not the only advantage of adobe - it is a durable material, with high thermal insulation properties, and easy to “produce.” Collapsible metal or wooden molds are also used to make adobe blocks. It is better to make small blocks, maximum 150 x 150 x 300 mm, since larger blocks are heavy and inconvenient to work with and, moreover, voids cannot be made in them.

On a note!

The disadvantage of adobe is its instability to moisture. Before erecting adobe walls, it is necessary to ensure reliable waterproofing of the foundation, and finished walls require plastering with cement-sand mortar, covering with any available polymer or metal mesh and finishing.

Homemade concrete blocks for construction

The order of work in the construction and production of concrete blocks is standard: first you need to choose a place, then make a foundation - here you need to build a slab foundation, you can use foundation slabs, install communications, build walls, build a roof, install windows and doors and perform facing work and interior decoration summer kitchen.

The walls are laid out in half a brick; for a summer kitchen, the thickness of the wall can be one brick - and that will be enough. As you lay, it is necessary to align the walls vertically and horizontally, using a plumb line and a cord stretched horizontally from one corner of the house to the other.

Home production of building blocks allows you to reduce the cost of laying openings with the subsequent installation of windows and doors. During construction, door and window openings must be made in the building box. The location of windows and doors should be determined at the planning stage. During the process of laying walls, you can leave openings of the required width in the places where doors and windows are installed, and also insert wooden plugs, to which the subframe boxes will then be attached. Wooden plugs must be inserted in the second row relative to the bottom of the box and in the penultimate row relative to its top. At the top level of the box, a reinforced lintel with a thickness of 120 mm or a beam with a thickness of 70 mm should be installed. The ends of the lintel must be placed 20 cm on the walls. If the planes of the next row of masonry and the upper part of the frame are at different levels, you will need to bring them to the desired height using parts of the blocks and mortar, or assemble the formwork, tie the reinforcement and fill it with cement mortar.

After the walls are erected, boxes should be installed in the spaces allocated for windows and doors, having previously wedged the corners. Next, you need to align them horizontally and vertically, and only after that you can attach the side parts of the box to the wooden plugs using nails or screws. The remaining space between the walls, foundation, lintel and frame must be filled around the perimeter with acrylic foam.

The second method of installing door and window openings- this is when door and window frames are installed in the right places and then covered with blocks. Typically this method is used when decorative masonry, when further wall decoration is not provided.

In this case, to prevent the door frame from moving during the laying process, you need to clamp it on both sides with blocks while laying the first row, having previously inserted supports into the corners. After the second row, you need to align the box vertically and horizontally, fix it with nails or screws on the sides to the wall. It is also necessary to leave an outlet of 10 cm. Then you need to apply a solution to the outlets and clamp them with the block of the next row, once again making sure that the box is level. The same must be done in the upper part of the door frame, as well as on the fourth and sixth rows with the window frame. The jumpers are installed here in the same way as in the first method.

Each of us needs a family and our own comfortable place to permanent residence. Some people want to have an apartment in a big city, while others dream of living in a place where they can grow vegetables and fruits, keep pets, have a house suitable for habitation, and all the necessary outbuildings. But not everyone can afford to build all the necessary premises from purchased building materials. In this case, we think about whether it is possible to build a house from self-made material.

Aerated concrete blocks are a lightweight building material, so when building a house there is no need to strengthen the foundation.

All generations before us have asked this question, so a sufficient number of ways to obtain building materials from improvised means have long been known.

The most optimal solution in this case, it is building housing on your own from what can be obtained directly on the spot.

Elements of the supporting frame: 1 – the first row of blocks based on mortar; 2 – additional cellular blocks; 3 – ring reinforced belt; 4 – reinforced concrete floor slabs; 5 – heat-insulating gasket; 6 – monolithic reinforced concrete distribution belt; 7 – concrete reinforced lintel; 8 – concrete lintel; 9 – waterproofing; 10 – base.

The most accessible material that can be found everywhere is earth, or rather, the soil that is located under the fertile layer. Since ancient times, residential buildings and other buildings were built from soil, but more often in areas where there was little forest. Blocks were made from this material using plastic molding or compaction, as well as using formwork (soil was simply packed into it very tightly).

For example, if work on building a house with your own hands is planned without a basement, then the soil that was removed for the construction of the future foundation will be enough to build the walls of a one-story house. If you make a basement, then the house can already be made two-story. For walls will do and the soil that was removed during the construction of a pool, drainage or well.

Previously, it was not possible to mechanize at least some part of the process of manufacturing such building materials, but in our time, of course, you no longer have to mix the necessary ingredients with your feet, because special mechanized devices have been invented for this.

With the advent of special mechanisms, the situation with construction using scrap materials has changed significantly for the better.

Using an electrified tool, you can produce material - mix it and compact it. And the result is no worse than in ancient times, but it takes much less time and physical effort. To the authors of the equipment about which we're talking about

, it was possible to create a tool suitable for compacting concrete and other low-moisture construction mixtures and materials, as well as soil masses. And this invention, affordable for many, will make it possible to produce most of the building materials and parts directly at the construction site.

Soil manufacturing technology Using this machine you can form wall blocks

from local raw materials, incl. from soil using the “zone injection” technology. The basis production process This device reproduces a natural effect called “flowing wedge”. home technological feature

consists in the fact that the mold, the molding powder mass and the supercharger simultaneously move in it. And all this without any vibrations or noise. At the same time, such traditional processes as mass dosing, control of product size and pressure that is applied to the punch in similar molding factory installations are not needed.

In the molding apparatus called “Mini-supercharger” MH-05, a dense and uniform structure is formed throughout the entire volume of the mold, and the dimensions of the product always correspond to the shape in all respects. When switching to another material, no equipment readjustment is required. And in the process, the effects of elastic aftereffects, air entrapment and over-pressing are eliminated.

Sequence of laying blocks: a – single-row ligation system; b – multi-row dressing system; c, d – multi-row ligation system using a mixed method (numbers indicate the sequence of masonry).

This molding kit is indispensable for owners of garden and dacha plots, cottages, farmers, landscape designers and architects, as it opens up endless possibilities for individual creativity both when building a house and when landscaping any areas, be it a personal plot or a park.

Everyone has the opportunity to work with this device. There is no need to do anything complicated. And at the same time, the cost of building a house is several times lower than usual. Here are some parameters of products that can be made on the MN-05 (name, size in millimeters and one-time quantity):

  • raw brick from soil block – 65x120x250 – 4 pcs;
  • concrete block for paving – 65x120x250 – 4 pcs;
  • paving slabs 250x250 – 2 pcs;
  • concrete gas stone – 65x120x1000 – 2 pcs;
  • flat tiles -120x250 – 4 pcs;
  • window sill plate – 50x250x1500 – 1 piece;
  • window lintel – 50x250x1500 – 1 piece;
  • concrete facing tiles– 250x250x15 – 2 pcs;
  • reinforced concrete pillar rack – 65x65x100 – 3 pcs;
  • concrete tray – 65x250x100 – 1 pc.

The “flowing wedge” phenomenon makes it possible to obtain unique properties of the material: its density reaches 99%, which prevents elastic stress, transverse delamination and expansion of compacts from occurring, since air is not pinched.

Production in block form

It is better to make a mold for making blocks with a removable bottom, this will make it easier to remove ready-made blocks.

There are other technologies for making blocks for construction and other building materials for the house with your own hands from scrap materials (clay, sand, lime, sawdust, earthen) and from cement.

The technology we are talking about now we'll talk, is similar to the technology called “tise” (technology + individual construction+ ecology), but this one is modified and universal, since it can be used to make building blocks with voids (sand and cement mortar) and without them (clay, sand, sawdust, cement, lime, earthen).

The durability of structures made from blocks using this technology is greater than that of those made traditional ways, – up to 100 years or more. With the help of such blocks it is possible to construct buildings up to 4 floors.

The process of making a block with your own hands:

  • preparing a solution (sand-cement or other);
  • placing the block mold in an exactly horizontal position;
  • pouring the solution into the mold (and, if necessary, compacting it);
  • after 5-10 minutes, the pins and internal structures are removed to form voids;
  • removing the mold from the manufactured structure, further drying the block.

In this way, you can make up to 40 blocks per day with your own hands. And building blocks made in block form receive significant advantages over panel or brick blocks:

  • very significant reduction in construction costs;
  • use of economical equipment;
  • no need for heavy lifting and transport equipment;
  • availability of building materials;
  • minimal waste;
  • ensuring high strength of the structure;
  • high thermal insulation of the house;
  • environmental safety and high level comfort;
  • There are no high maintenance and repair costs during operation.

Wood concrete building blocks

The main composition of wall blocks includes wood chips and concrete.

Wood concrete blocks are lightweight building wall blocks that are made from wood chips (usually from trees coniferous species), water, sawdust, chemicals and cement. In the sixties of the last century, the production of such blocks was carried out by more than 100 factories throughout the country. But after approval panel construction production was discontinued.

Nowadays, it is possible to make wood concrete blocks for building a house with your own hands, subject to strict adherence to all technological requirements. The requirements of GOST, according to which wood concrete was previously manufactured, require the use of wood particles whose size is strictly 40x10x5 mm. The amount of leaves and needles cannot exceed 5% and there should be no more than 10% bark.

Manufacturing requires a considerable amount of cement, which impairs the thermal insulation properties of the material. It is because of this ideal option Wood chips are considered the main raw material.

Wood concrete is an ideal material for making walls of a bathhouse or sauna.

Experts recommend using sawdust and shavings, because wood shavings can serve both for heat and for reinforcement. The ratio of sawdust and shavings can be either 1:1 or 1:2. Before use, in order to avoid rotting, sugar must be removed from shavings and sawdust, and this requires keeping the material outside for 3-4 months. Without this procedure, the blocks may swell in the future.

During aging, it is necessary to periodically shovel the shavings and sawdust, but if this is not possible, then the mixture must be treated with calcium oxide. A solution is prepared at the rate of 150-200 liters of 1.5% solution per 1 m² of raw material. The treated mixture is left for 3-4 days with stirring several times a day.

For the manufacture of wood concrete it is necessary. Experts recommend using Portland cement 400 grade, and as additives - liquid glass, slaked lime, aluminum sulfate and calcium sulfate.

Additives are prepared in an amount of 2-4% of the cement mass. The best combination of additives is considered to be a mixture of 50% calcium sulfate and 50% aluminum sulfate or in the same ratio liquid glass and calcium oxide.

Process Features

If possible, you can prepare both shavings and sawdust with your own hands using special machines and processes, but you can also purchase these raw materials in finished form and already processed.

This material is soaked in water with the addition of liquid glass. And to speed up the process of hardening and mineralization of the material, calcium chloride is added to the mass. In order to carry out disinfection, you need to introduce slaked lime.

And only after all these preparations is the mass mixed in a concrete mixer along with cement and other necessary ingredients. Next comes the filling of special forms with the resulting material, and it is necessary to compact the mixture using a manual tamper, a vibropress, or pneumatic or electric tampers.

Material Formation

Experts recommend making molds for blocks from boards and covering their walls with linoleum to make it easier to remove the building blocks. At manual tamping it is done in layers using a tamper made of wood and covered with iron. Afterwards the block is kept for a day and then removed. Then it is left under a canopy to be fully refined to the required strength. In this case, it should be covered while still wet to allow hydration to occur.

The optimal temperature and period for this is 15 degrees and 10 days. Lower temperatures will require longer soaking time. It is important not to allow the level to fall below zero and do not forget to periodically water the blocks with water.

Expanded clay blocks

You can do it yourself. First of all, to make expanded clay blocks you need to prepare a special mold. You can do it from regular board. The form is made from a pallet and two halves resembling the letter “G”. Boards are necessary with inside either treat it with machine oil or beat it with tin. Special closures must be installed at the ends to prevent the mold from falling apart or changing size.

It will be a little more difficult to make a mold with void formers for an expanded clay block with voids, but this is compensated by the economical consumption of the expanded clay mixture. If desired, diagrams for their correct manufacture can be found in articles on this topic.

The size of the form can be arbitrary and depend on the assigned construction tasks, but the following sizes are more often used:

  • 39x19x14 cm;
  • 19x19x14 cm.

In addition to the form, you will need the following tools:

  • Master OK;
  • shovel;
  • buckets;
  • container for primary mixing of components with water;
  • metal plate for final mixing of expanded clay concrete mass;
  • water, sand, expanded clay.

Component ratio

To make a high-quality mixture, you need to take:

  • 1 part of the binding material – cement grade not lower than M400;
  • 8 parts of expanded clay (approximately 300-500 kg/m³). It should be added that about 5 kg of expanded clay of a fraction from 5 to 20 mm can be placed in a 10 liter bucket;
  • sand - 3 parts without admixture of clay and other components;
  • 0-8 – 1 part water.

Experts advise adding a teaspoon of any washing powder to the solution to make the solution more flexible.

Correct casting of the mixture

Using a trowel or shovel, you need to carefully pour all the components into a container of water and let this mass sit for some time. Next it is transferred to a metal sheet and brought to the desired state by thorough mixing.

After ready mix is placed in a mold and subjected to vibration using a special device that creates vibration impulses. You can also get by by tapping the sides of the mold with a shovel.

After two days, the compacted block must be carefully released from the mold by unhooking the closures on it, and in this form it must be left to harden for another 26 days.

A standard block of expanded clay weighs from 16 to 17 kg and requires about 1.5 kg of cement, 4 kg of sand and 10.5 kg of expanded clay. Having made some simple calculations, we find that each block costs about 25 rubles, with the average cost of finished expanded clay being 30 rubles without delivery.

Aerated concrete blocks

To prepare aerated concrete blocks, you need the following components:

  • Portland cement;
  • quicklime;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • a small amount of aluminum powder.

You will also need:

  • concrete mixer;
  • block molds;
  • metal strings to cut off excess mixture from the top of the molds;
  • shovel;
  • measuring utensils;
  • buckets;
  • individual protection means.

The components are taken in the required proportion: quicklime and Portland cement - 20% each; quartz sand– 60%; aluminum powder - less than 1% and a little more than 9% - water. All this is mixed in a mixer until it reaches the consistency of sour cream.

Experts advise purchasing molds for casting aerated concrete ready-made, giving preference to metal and plastic forms. And the finished mixture is poured into such forms, filling it halfway, since gas formation will raise the mixture to the rest of the part over some time. And if the mixture rises above the edges, then the excess is cut off with strings.

The mixture is kept in the molds for 6 hours. In this state, the blocks will be ready to be cut into smaller pieces after the formwork is removed from the precast forms. When cutting, it is necessary to form grip pockets and grooves for the fingers.

Further, in industrial conditions, the blocks are placed in an autoclave to gain strength, but these installations are very expensive, so when self-production the blocks will gain strength in natural conditions.

The removed and cut blocks are kept indoors for another day before they can begin to be stacked on top of each other. Such material can be used to build a house only after 28-30 days, when the blocks have reached their final strength.

Whatever method you choose to prepare the material for building a house with your own hands, in any case, the construction of buildings from it will be cheaper, and in some cases also much more environmentally friendly, stronger and more comfortable than using industrially produced material.

Why make blocks?
What do you need to have for this?
What are the blocks made of?
How to produce them?
Why is it profitable to create blocks yourself?
What is the profit from this?
Where to start and how to develop this business?

In this article you will receive answers to all the questions posed and you will be able to “turn on” for yourself a reliable source of income that depends only on you.

And so, let's figure it out in order.

Why make building blocks?

You have probably noticed that construction has been booming over the last 4-5 years. They build from small and medium-sized private buildings: garages, dachas, estates, workshops, workshops, agricultural buildings, to large industrial and residential buildings, storage facilities, centers. Construction professionals are in demand more than ever before.

New ones appear construction technologies and materials. But are they always available in price and technology to a wide range of developers?

Therefore, they are rarely used in small and medium-sized construction, as in major cities, and in small villages.

The most affordable building materials remain the so-called cinder block and brick.

Moreover, brick is often inferior to cinder block in price, thermal conductivity and ease of laying.

But hollow-core building blocks are convenient and affordable for most private developers.

Yes, because thanks to its properties:

It is easy to use them to build a low-rise (2-3 floors) structure (garage, house, cottage, outbuilding, workshop, etc.) without even resorting to the services of a mason. (1 block = 3-4 bricks);

Walls made of cinder blocks are sound and heat impermeable;

The price of cinder block is lower than the price of brick, foam block and other building materials due to the low cost and availability of its components (see below);

Only cinder blocks can be made by yourself. You can also make adobe (clay-straw brick) yourself.

So how do you make cinder blocks yourself?

What is needed to produce building blocks?

It is known that cinder blocks were produced by reinforced concrete using special equipment using a steaming chamber. Therefore, the production of a high-quality block at home was not available.

But if there is demand, then supply is inevitable. And it is!

Since 1994, experience in the production of building blocks in private and small-scale production has provided the answer to the question posed.

What does that require?

Vibrating machine
- Raw materials
- Technology
- Relatively flat area
- Household network at 220V (no comments).

Let's clarify each point in more detail.

Vibrating machine

There are different designs of vibration machines. In domestic production conditions and small businesses, the manual, electric, small-sized cinder block vibrating machine MZ30 (14th year of production) has confidently proven itself in the CIS countries. Popularly known as "The Developer's Dream"

Raw materials

To produce building blocks, the following components are required:

Cement- Portland cement grade 400. Another one is acceptable. But selection of proportions is necessary. For example, when using grade 300 cement, its consumption should be increased by 10-15%.

Fillers for concrete may be the most different materials: sand, crushed stone, slag, granulated slag, ash, sawdust, shavings, screenings, expanded clay, gypsum, brick scrap and other natural and industrial materials.

Depending on local conditions, requirements for the blocks being produced and cost, you can select the appropriate filler. I will list several popular concrete compositions and the main groups of concretes

1). Slag from metallurgical plants (gray or dark gray with high cement content, seeded fine fraction) – 9 parts

Cement – ​​1 part

Water 0.5 volume of cement

2). Granular slag from metallurgical enterprises (yellow-greenish color with a high cement content, sifted fine fraction) – 4 parts

Small screenings – 4 parts

Cement – ​​1 part

Water 0.5 volume of cement

3). Other cinder concrete

4). Concrete on sand and crushed stone

5). Concrete on brick waste

6). Expanded clay concrete

7). Ash concrete

8). Sawdust concrete

9). Perlite concrete

10). Polystyrene concrete

and other concretes with different combinations of the above.

Now it is clear that the current name “cinder block” is not the most precise definition possible building blocks.

Plasticizing additive- This is not an essential component of concrete. But its presence ensures: early strength of the blocks (this is very important with limited production space), improves the quality of the blocks (cracking and abrasion of the blocks are reduced), and improves the water resistance and frost resistance of concrete.

The amount of additive is very small - about 5g per block.

Manufacturing technology of building blocks:

  1. Concrete preparation
  2. Block production
  3. Drying and storing finished blocks.

Concrete preparation(using the example of the previously given 2nd concrete recipe)

1). Fill in 4 shovels of fine screenings + 4 shovels of granulated slag

2). Fill up 1 shovel of cement

3). Mix thoroughly

4). Adds dissolved UPD to 7-9 liters of water + 250 ml (half a half-liter jar). The additive solution is prepared as follows: pour 0.5 kg of UPD into a 40-liter container and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.

5). Stir. In this case, the concrete is qualitatively impregnated with the UPD solution.

Block production

1). Pour ready-made concrete with a small slide into the vibrating machine. Briefly, for 1-2 seconds. turns on the vibrator - the concrete shrinks, with a trowel, in one movement, you level the surface of the slightly settled concrete.

2). Install the clamp and, without special effort, put pressure on him by turning on the vibrator.

Blocks with round and rectangular voids vibrate for 4-5 seconds. until the clamp is lowered onto the stops.

Narrow full blocks (2 pieces) vibrate for 5-7 seconds.

3). You lift the machine with vibration - the block remains on the platform.

Drying and storing finished blocks

When using UPD, finished blocks can be removed from the site and stored within 5-6 hours. Without UPD - in two days.

After this time, the blocks do not crumble if the proportions of concrete and the technology for their production are observed.

I recommend storing the finished blocks in pyramidal stacks in one block with a small (2-3 cm) gap between the blocks - for further drying of the side edges.

There are 100 pieces in each such pyramid. Easy to count. It is useful to mark each pyramid with the date and time of production of the last block. This will be useful during implementation. You can ship on the 4th or 5th day.

Production site

  1. A room with a smooth concrete floor.

Blocks can be produced all year round. Desirable good ventilation and heating in cold weather.

  1. Open flat area.

It can be concrete or earthen, covered with plastic film to preserve the presentation of the blocks (the back edge does not get dirty).

  1. An open, relatively flat area without preliminary preparation.

On such a platform you can lay out ready-made blocks on pallets.

Where to start producing building blocks?

1. Select the best local concrete material based on cost and delivery.

2. Calculate the cost of 1 block taking into account the components of concrete.

3. Decide on the production site.

4. Buy a vibrating machine.

5. Master the given technologies.

At first, concrete can be prepared by hand. Subsequently, it is more effective and easier - on electric concrete mixer volume 0.2-0.5 cubic meters (preferably 0.5, taking into account the future).

Why is it beneficial to create the building blocks yourself?

I will give my real costs for aggregate with delivery and cement, calculation of the cost of producing blocks and the payback of the "Developer's Dream" vibrating machine for the production of cinder blocks in Zaporozhye (Ukraine) in 2004 using the example of concrete made from granulated slag (gray) and cement.

Initial data:

8 cubic meters of slag– 30 dollars/car with delivery within the city (KRAZ or large MAZ)


Proportion 1:9 - 0.88 cubic meters or 18 bags of 3 dollars = 54 dollars

Vibration machine price- 200 dollars

Total volume of solution:

Proportion 1:9 – 8 + 0.88 = 8.88 (cubic meters)

Volume of solution per 1 GOST cinder block:

Total volume: 39cm x 19cm x 19cm = 0.014 (cub.m)

volume of voids:

With d = 9.5 cm: 3 x 3.14 x 4.75**2 x 15 = 3188 cc = 0.003188 cu.m

Volume of solution per 1 block at d = 9.5 cm: 0.011 cubic meters

Table of calculation results:


1. For a cinder block with 2 rectangular voids, less mortar is required (but the strength of such a block is lower)

2. By replacing granulated slag with a local aggregate for concrete that is acceptable to you, the prices of your region (in Russia the retail price of a cinder block is higher) and using the dimensions of a cinder block, you can easily calculate the cost of 1 pc/block and the payback of the machine for yourself.

Calculation of profitability and profit:

We accept the initial assumptions:


Range of values

Reference value

Time to form 1 block (sec.) without UPD

Number of blocks per 1 hour, taking into account the loading time of concrete in 30 seconds. (things)

Number of blocks in 1 day (8 hours) pieces

Retail price of 1 cinder block (in 2005): in Ukraine

2.0 UAH ($0.4)

15 rub. ($0.5)

Profitability(From the previous table it follows that the cost of 1 block is 1/3 of its retail price)

Produce blocks per day in the amount of:

in Ukraine

Produce blocks in the amount of:

in Ukraine

The cost will be:

in Ukraine

The profit will be:

in Ukraine

Note :

  1. If you apply UPD, productivity will increase significantly.
  2. The record belongs to Viktor Romanov and Sergei Rachmaninov, who produced 700 blocks 390*138*188 in a day in July 1998

Business development and expansion

1. Hire responsible employees, worthy of their interest. (In our city - 20 kopecks (0.04 cents) per block, in the region - 0.02 cents.)

2. When starting sales, reduce the retail price, thereby creating worthy competition and receiving grateful customers and their recommendations. (Important! The quality must be worthy).

3. In the warm season or in a heated room (regardless of the season), work can be organized in 2 shifts.

4. In this case, the entrepreneur depends only on: the presence of voltage in the network and the health of the workforce (at the first stage, before payback, you can work with the machine yourself).

5. If appropriate, rent out the machine to “developers”.

6. Fulfill orders from “developers” directly on their site, saving them money on loading, transporting and unloading blocks.

7. In addition, – you will not need permission from the State Electronadzor, since all equipment is designed for a regular household network!
Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08/13/97 No. 1013, Gosstandart of the Russian Federation No. 86 dated 10/08/2001 and Gosstroy of the Russian Federation No. 128 dated 12/24/2001, the list of products requiring mandatory certification does not include building concrete blocks with various fillers (slag, expanded clay , sawdust, etc.), as well as vibration-forming equipment for their production.

Thus, the business for the production of building blocks can be developed in stages:

  • Start with minimal costs for the purchase of a vibrating machine, 1 machine of local raw materials as a concrete filler, 15-20 bags of cement.

Provide free advertisements for the sale of high-quality cinder blocks.

Produce 800-1000 blocks. Quickly sell by reducing the retail price.

  • Purchase a concrete mixer and the next batch of raw materials + UPD.

Level the price to retail (optional).

Post free ads + paid ones.

  • Productively, with accumulated production experience, produce high-quality blocks, managing to fulfill orders.

There is no need to advertise anymore: high quality blocks + word of mouth advertising will do the trick.

Organize a 2-shift production of building blocks.

Expand the range of produced blocks.

Purchase additional vibrating machines, and possibly a concrete mixer.

Recruit hard workers

Have time to spend your profits or invest them in new business, just as cost-effective.

What I sincerely wish for you!

Success and Prosperity!!

“Catalogue of complete business packages”
mailto: [email protected],
Ukraine, Zaporozhye, August 2005