How to make your own screen for a room. DIY screen made of plastic pipes for kindergarten

  • 2. French liaison. A screen can not only divide, but also unite. Installed in a wide partition between the windows, it becomes the center of attention, preventing the space from “falling apart” into pieces. A screen by Jean Cocteau, a couple of sheep and photographs of Pierre and Gilles bring an element of artistry to the rather conservative interior of this bedroom.
  • 3. Collected works. Decorating screens with fake paintings is a long-standing tradition. Such an object is capable of not only modeling space, but also filling it with new meaning. For example, with the help of a screen depicting shelves with books, it is easy to turn any room into a reading room. And at the same time, emphasize that the owners of the house are intelligent people and are not indifferent to the written word.
  • 4. Open book. To study in detail the skillful painting on the sashes of the Japanese screen, you need to place it at eye level. To do this, you will either have to sit on the floor or hang the screen on the wall. The plot must be “read” from right to left. It is advisable to dim the light - after all, Japanese houses twilight reigns. Then the gold on the screen will shimmer and not scream, and the colors will become soft and refined.
  • 5. The third way. This half-empty hotel interior, designed in a neutral color scheme, had every chance of becoming one of those transit zones that do not “catch” the eye in any way. The situation was saved by a screen, thanks to which the room acquired a new dimension. Of course, we are not so naive as to mistake the painting for a real landscape. And yet the city streets that go intoperspective, involuntarily lead one to think: where to move next - right, left or straight?
  • 6. Give it your all! Such a screen will not be able to fulfill its original purpose - to intrigue and hide. But thanks to it, there will be no cluttered corners in your bedroom that need to be hidden from prying eyes. For greater practicality, you can insert a mirror into one of the doors of such a mini-wardrobe.
  • 7. Divide and conquer! Should you make the kitchen isolated or combine it with the living room? The truth lies in the middle, and its name is a screen. For example, the owner of this Parisian loft uses a rare Claustra screen, invented in the 60s by the Cloutier brothers, as a partition.
  • 8. Corner kick. This corner is a typical “dead zone” - the approach to it is blocked by armchairs and a table by the fireplace. The screen does not simply “justify” the existence of this nook. Its mirror doors reflect light and visually expand the space. The only problem is that the screen is located close to the head of the bed. Think carefully about whether such a neighborhood suits you: admiring your sleepy face in the morning is not fun for everyone!
  • 9. Holy place. The age-old problem of how to use the space under the stairs was solved by designer Kelly Hoppen with the help of a screen. An openwork design made of black lacquer rings became the backdrop for the yellow “eared” chair. However, in this interior the screen solves not only decorative, but also spatial problems - it serves as a “watershed” between the dining and sofa areas.
  • 10. Reliable rear. Sitting with your back to a door or window is extremely unpleasant. In this interior, the problem is solved by using a screen, which forms a kind of niche and gives a feeling of security. I can’t even believe that in front of us is not a cozy old mansion, but a modern open space.
  • 11. Oh times, oh morals! Since screens first arrived in Europe, interest in them has waxed and waned. Another surge occurred during Art Deco, when screens made using varnish, metal and glass came into fashion. The photo shows a typical representative of that era, although it is not an antique, but a skillful stylization. The author of the object is contemporary American designer Thomas Fisant.
  • 12. Everything is to the side. Sometimes screens take on the role of architectural elements (such as columns, niches, etc.), changing the proportions of the room and setting it in a solemn mood. Installed on either side of the bed, they form an alcove.
  • 13. Up to 16 and older. As they say, comments are unnecessary. Before us is an object that is useful in all respects. It remains to add that such a screen will be useful not only in the nursery, but also in the office or, say, in the kitchen. If you don’t like chalk (it crumbles), insert a magnetic board with a special coating on which you can write with felt-tip pens into one of the doors.
  • 14. The head of everything! The screen often acts as a headboard. Here this idea is taken to its logical conclusion: the doors are covered with the same fabric as the bed valance and the upholstery of the chair. But you can do it differently - play on the contrast, making the screen the central element of the interior.

Learning theory

Answering the question of how to make a screen with your own hands, we can say that in fact general view it looks something like this: you need to make frames, then stretch the material over them and connect the frames with hinges so that the screen can fold. In this case, usually the width of each screen sheet is about 50 centimeters, and their height is approximately 170-180 cm: if these dimensions are observed, this element of the interior will be easy and pleasant to use.

It is also worth noting that a classic screen, as a rule, should have three or four individual parts, which are usually made from canvases of the same size and pattern. To create a screen with your own hands, you will most likely need the following tools: a hacksaw, a drill, wire cutters and pliers. If you decide to create a model using metal structures, then you will need a hacksaw and a welding machine.

Let's try it in practice

In order for our conversation with you about how to make a screen with your own hands to take on a concrete character, you can write down the “recipe” for its “cooking”. So, you will need 6 pieces of wood, each about 2 meters long, and 6 shorter pieces that will make up the width of the screen. You will also need to purchase fabric of any color you like. In this case, you should start from the place where this screen will be located. For example, for a children's room you can choose a more cheerful and bright fabric that will create a playful mood in the baby.

In addition, to create a screen with your own hands, you will need to prepare 4 door hinges: if your accessory has three doors. Also, don’t forget about a paint brush and varnish, which you will use to put the frames for the screen in order. It is worth noting that when performing this work you also cannot do without nails and a hammer or self-tapping screws. However, some experts use a furniture stapler and various elements decorative finishing.

The technique for doing the work will be as follows:

  1. You need to create a frame from bars. To do this we do 3 wooden frames s, and then fasten them together with screws.

  2. We fasten the frames together using door hinges. To ensure that the base for the screen is completely ready, coat it with varnish and let it dry thoroughly.

  3. We cut the fabric to the required size, leaving 2 cm from each edge for the hem. Then we carefully stretch the resulting blanks onto the frames and nail them with a furniture stapler. It is very important that the fabric is stretched tightly and evenly. If desired, you can decorate the resulting screen with any decorative elements.

Otherwise, the hand-made screen is ready and you can put it in its place and enjoy its beauty and privacy.


A screen - partition is a rather interesting and versatile decorative element, thanks to which you can easily zone a room. Therefore, if you would like to create in different rooms separate zones, then feel free to start making a screen - partition.

This kind of home screen - partition is quite simple to make, just prepare everything necessary materials and tools.

. Wooden blocks 2 m long, 6 pcs;
. Wooden blocks across the width of the room (measure the width of the room, dividing by 3) - 6 pcs;
. A piece of thick fabric (choose colors to suit your taste or to match the interior);
. Brush;
. Door hinges - 4 pcs;
. Varnish;
. Furniture stapler;
. Glue;
. Self-tapping screws;
. Nails;
. Hammer;
. Decorative braid

Instructions for making screens - partitions

1. First you need to make a frame for the screen. We use prepared wooden blocks. From the prepared bars you need to prepare 3 wooden frames, connecting the bars together with screws.
2. We connect the frames together door hinges.
3. Using a brush, open the frames with varnish to add shine.
4. Cut 3 cuts from the prepared fabric for each frame in accordance with the dimensions of the frames.
5. Glue each piece of fabric with glue to one side of the frames, and then secure it with staples using a furniture stapler. Next, stretch the fabric and secure with staples on the other side of the frame. Make sure that the fabric is stuffed evenly and symmetrically.
6. The front side of the screen - partition is ready, now it is necessary to decorate it aesthetically inner side screens. To do this, use prepared braid, which you carefully stick to the cut edges of the fabric.
After this, all the main work is completed and your screen - partition is ready for use. If you wish, you can easily further decorate the screen by decorating it with appliqués, original inserts and photographs.

We are confident that a handmade screen or partition will become a wonderful decoration for your home. Creative success and good mood!


The topic of this article is DIY screen.

As I already said in my article, you can zone a room different ways. Including using a screen.

This is a very convenient option that allows you to change your space at the speed of light! Especially if you have several screens various designs(or the base of the screen is the same, but the panels (filling) are different). After all, moods can also be different - and the world around should change accordingly!

Panels can be made from fabric, wood, plastic, stained glass.

The design of a screen should be based not only on the style and color of the interior, but also on the functions that our screen should perform. If you need to tightly fence off some part of the room, then you need to choose less transparent materials. It could be wood, opaque plastic, opaque fabric (or light, but very tightly gathered), possibly stained glass.

If you only want to visually separate part of the space, then you can limit yourself to transparent materials, or even make a screen with decorative holes.

And if necessary, you can safely put the screen in a corner and free up space, for example, for a party!

You can easily make a screen with your own hands. In addition, you will know for sure that no one else has a screen like yours! Thanks to this guide, you will make it quite simple!

If you have children, this is a great opportunity to connect your child to the creative process of creation! Everyone will have fun and interesting! The main thing is to use a little imagination!

You can safely use almost everything you find at hand: bright scraps of colored fabric, old broken hairpins, pieces of leather (can be cut from an old bag), beads, beads, paints, various ropes, child’s drawings, photographs, etc.

And if you feel the strength to do it, go ahead!

So, to make a wooden frame we will need the following tools and materials:

  1. Directly ourselves wooden planks(we recommend taking pine ones 6 cm wide and about 2 cm thick). There should be 24 pieces: 1.70 m long - 12 pieces, 0.6 m long - 12 pieces. (or take 6 pieces of 1.2 m each).
  2. Designed for a screen with three doors.
  3. A simple pencil with a square.
  4. Carpenter's glue with paint brush.
  5. Varnish for wood.
  6. Sandpaper.
  7. The chisel is thin.
  8. Carpenter's vice - 4 pcs. (you can do less, but then the process itself will take longer).
  9. Hammer.
  10. Hacksaw.
  11. Wood screws (D = 3 mm, length can be 1.5 cm). Approximately 100 pcs.
  12. Screwdriver (if available).
  13. Steel corners - 12 pcs.
  14. Loops - 6 pcs. or 9 pcs. (depending on the type of loops)


So, we take our wooden planks, retreat about 6 cm of edge on each side on both sides, mark a line parallel to the edge of the plank.

Note: These lines should be on one side of the plank.


Along these lines we make a notch with a hacksaw to the middle of the thickness of the plank.


We take a hammer and a thin chisel and make cuts (remove the wood by about half the thickness of the plank) to the line and the cut we marked.


We take two long strips and two short ones, apply glue to the inside of the notches and assemble the frame. We clamp the gluing areas with a carpenter's vice and wait until the glue dries.

We do the same with the rest of the planks.


It is necessary to sand the resulting frames sandpaper. Then coat them with wood varnish.


Now we take the corners and secure our frames in the corners with them.

The use of decorative partitions to delimit space and decorate the interior has been known since ancient times. Lightweight, compact and mobile screens were used many centuries ago in China, Greece, Egypt, and the Roman Empire. They were made from simple and lightweight materials and could come in different sizes and shapes. Rich owners decorated partitions with rare fabrics, inlays, precious metals and stones. We invite you to learn how to create beautiful, original screens with your own hands.

What types of screens are there?

When choosing a screen model, not only stylistic orientation is important. It is necessary to take into account the space in which the product will be located, its mobility and even functional purpose. Therefore, let’s turn to theory and consider what types of screens there are.

  1. Casement sliding doors. They consist of several interconnected frames, from 3 to 8 or more. If necessary, they can be folded like an accordion and removed.
  2. Single-screen screens consist of one wide sash. This can be a frame made of any material with stretched fabric or paper, a sheet of plywood, chipboard, plastic or glass attached to a stand. It is advisable to equip such a screen with wheels so that you can roll it to the right place.
  3. The book screen consists of two doors of the same width (although asymmetry is allowed). Fold it like a book and move it to where less space. Depending on the decoration, such a screen can be used for changing clothes and even for holiday photo shoots.
  4. Flexible screens. They are made from many long thin sections: pipes, plates, slats, connected to each other. The peculiarity of this screen is that you can arrange it in a wave, a spiral, or even roll it up and put it aside - it does not take up much space.
  5. Blind screens can consist of different quantities valves, their distinguishing feature- complete opacity. It can be a solid board (plywood, chipboard, plastic, sheet metal, frosted glass), thick fabric stretched over a frame or cardboard inserted into the frame. Such screens are used not only for zoning rooms, but also as partitions for changing clothes.
  6. Transparent screens. Most often this is transparent fabric stretched over a frame - organza, tulle and even starched gauze; very convenient to use against mosquito net. Also popular are metal models made using the air forging technique, or wooden screens with openwork through carvings. Such products are decorative in nature, they are often used for wedding and holiday photo shoots or to decorate rooms and gardens.

What materials are best to make a decorative partition for a room?

Traditionally, screens were made of wood: solid boards or slats on which fabric was stretched. Nowadays, a creative approach and the use of the most different materials. Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. Tree. As before, it can be a board - smooth or with a pattern carved on it, or a structure made of beams or slats. Plywood is in demand for creating screens due to its low cost, lightness and ease of processing. Designers also offer great ideas for using obsolete items. For example, you can build a screen from old doors, having previously restored the panel, giving it fresh look. A screen made of wooden elements can be placed both in the house and in the garden.
  2. Metal. Most often used metal frames of a given shape, which can be ordered from a familiar welder or at a specialized enterprise. Panels made of wood, glass, plastic are inserted into these frames, or fabric is stretched. A sheet of iron will look bulky and will not add comfort to the room, but an ornament forged from twigs will greatly enliven the product. Often, metal pipes of small diameter (up to 5 cm) are used to create such a frame. This screen looks great in the garden or yard.
  3. Plastic pipes are also used to create frames and frames for screens. They are much cheaper, and most importantly - lighter than metal ones. The screen made of plastic pipes is easy to assemble and disassemble if necessary, and it is very simple to maintain: just wipe off the dust from the surface in time. If necessary, you can hide under it outside on a hot sunny day.
  4. Plastic panels are a very easy-to-use material, often ready to be used to create a screen. It is enough to select several panels with the same pattern, connect them - and now you no longer need to think about fasteners fabric drapery. You can also insert a panel into a frame made of wooden slats or metal. Such screens are not afraid of the sun and rain; they can be used to decorate a garden plot.
  5. Cardboard - cheap material, capable of quickly turning into an original, creative screen. Working with cardboard is very simple: just cut out the parts according to the diagram and fasten them into a single sheet. Often such screens are placed not only straight or at an angle, but also in a wave-like manner. True, they are completely unsuitable for the street: they deteriorate from moisture, wind and sun.
  6. Branches: bamboo, willow twig, reed. Screens made from these materials are very popular due to their lightness, mobility and visual simplicity. The fashion for them never goes away; they are combined with many styles in the interior: classic, tropical, eco-style, empire. True, making such a screen requires wicker weaving skills. But ready product It will look appropriate in the garden and will not be damaged by weather conditions if the material is processed correctly.
  7. CDs, vinyl records. They can be connected to each other with threads or staples to create a stylish openwork fabric. It can be hung anywhere in the room in a straight line, in the form of a wave or a semicircle. More often, screens made of records are used in the home, but even on the street this decorative element looks original.

Unusual handmade screens - gallery

Decorative cords stretched vertically over the frame - a simple and very effective screen partition Vinyl records, interlocked with each other in a canvas - an excellent decoration for a music lover’s room Reed or bamboo are excellent materials for flexible screens
The screen can be made from ready-made door leaves, which are sold in hardware stores. You can make a simple screen from smooth boards yourself Don’t rush to throw away your old doors - they will make an excellent decorative element for your home Wooden slats and fabric stretched over them with an interesting pattern - bright accent in any room Cardboard butterflies collected into a voluminous canvas will decorate your room You can build an original high-tech screen from cardboard rectangles

Necessary materials and assembly diagrams

There are many ideas for making screens. We tried to select for you those that are not very difficult for beginners. The materials and tools used in the master classes are quite accessible.

Classic-shaped screen made of wooden beams and fabric

The traditional version of the screen involves fabric stretched over a wooden frame. The product can be made in the form of a book, dressing table or accordion; the shape depends on the number of frames. And the pattern on the fabric and its color determine which room your screen is suitable for.

Required tools:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • construction stapler;
  • 12 door hinges;
  • hacksaw;
  • sandpaper;
  • 96 screws.

In addition, you will need materials:

  • wooden blocks;
  • varnish and paint;
  • textile;
  • universal glue;
  • decorative elements (ribbons, beads, appliqués, etc.).

For a full-fledged screen, you need to take 24 bars 6 cm wide and 2 cm thick, of which 12 pieces. length 170 cm and 12 pcs. 60 cm long.

  1. The basis of the screen is the frame, it is not difficult to make. First of all, you need markings. Take the plank, measure 6 cm from its edge using a ruler and draw a line with a pencil. Repeat on each plank.
  2. Now use a hacksaw to make cuts along the markings. Their depth should reach half the width of the plank.
  3. Make cuts from the edges of the plank: place a chisel on the beam and, hitting it with a hammer, remove layers of wood until the cut is made.
  4. On inner surface Apply universal glue to the notches. Assemble the planks into the frame and press tightly.
  5. Wait until the glue has completely dried, then sand the surfaces with sandpaper, especially at the joints. Coat the frames with wood varnish.
  6. For fastening you need door hinges(you can replace them metal corners). Secure them to the frames with screws using a screwdriver.
  7. The base for the screen is ready, now you need to decorate it with fabric. It can be of any color and texture; when choosing, be guided by the main colors of the interior and your preferences. First of all, make a pattern according to the size of the frames, taking into account the hems. That is, you need to add 5 cm on each side of the frame. You can use fabric of different colors or even the remaining large pieces of different fabric, stitching them together on a sewing machine.
  8. Use a staple gun to attach the fabric to the frames. First of all, fix top part, then, having stretched the fabric well, secure it to the bottom bar of the frame. The tension must be very good so that the fabric does not begin to sag later. Secure the sides last.
  9. When you finish covering all the frames, start assembling the screen onto the door hinges. You will need 2 loops per connection, so that later it will be convenient to fold the product.

We make a screen from wooden slats and fabric - video

Portable screen made of cardboard tubes: creative, unusual, environmentally friendly

Eco-friendly interior design has not gone out of fashion for several years. Its feature is the use natural materials and ease of manufacture. From common household items that are often thrown into the trash as unnecessary (packaging materials, wrapping materials), you can create real masterpieces with maximum imagination and minimum effort.

We suggest you make a light screen from the simplest material - cardboard tubes for winding linoleum or fabrics. In specialized stores they are thrown away as waste, so you can buy them for literally pennies. And if you're lucky, you'll get it for free.

This screen is very stable due to its wavy shape and its own weight. To make it you will need:

  • 16–20 cardboard tubes for winding fabric;
  • a skein of strong decorative rope;
  • roulette;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • drill
  • if desired, paint a color that matches the interior.

If you are using linoleum pipes, take 8-10 of them. Since their width is more than 3 meters, you need to cut each one in half.

  1. Cut the pipes to the height you need. You can alternate different heights and widths, so the screen will look more fun. Lay out all the pipes in a row, aligning along one edge: this will become the bottom of the structure.
  2. Measure 20 cm from the bottom edge and make a mark on each pipe at this level (point A). Measure a section 1 m long upwards, mark again (point B). Mark point C strictly in the center of the segment. Repeat with all the pipes.
  3. Using a drill at low speed, drill holes all the way through at the marked points.
  4. First, at points A, then B and C, thread a decorative rope through the holes.
  5. Push the pipes together tightly and tie strong knots of rope on the sides of the screen.

That's all, the screen is ready. Outwardly, it resembles bamboo or reed.

If desired, such a screen can be moved to any point in the apartment to block the bed, workplace, or simply delimit space.

Modular partition made of cardboard

Even such a simple and unpresentable-looking material as carton boxes, will serve us well. And if you can get sheets of cardboard, that’s great! To make your own cardboard screen, prepare the following materials:

  • sheets of cardboard 4 mm and 7 mm wide;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • scissors or stationery knife.

To create modules, use the diagrams below.

  1. You can redraw these diagrams by eye or print them on a printer, maintaining the proportions. The size of each side is indicated in centimeters. You will get 5 parts, on the diagrams they are designated by the letters A, B, C, D, E.
  2. Cut out the diagrams. Attach each part to a sheet of cardboard and carefully trace it with a pencil, taking into account all the slots. As a test, connect two pieces of cardboard to determine the width of the slot.
  3. Cut from thinner cardboard details A-D, from the thicker part - parts E: they will serve as the legs of the screen. As a result, you will have 16 A parts, 80 B parts, 70 C parts, 64 D parts and 5 E parts.
  4. When you have cut out all the parts, start assembling the individual modules. Parts C and D will become connectors for A and B, which are larger in size.
  5. Using connectors C, fasten the screen modules.
  6. Attach parts E, which serve as legs for support, to the bottom of the screen.
  7. The size of such a screen can be adjusted, making it higher or lower, forming a cascade or ladder.

A simple cardboard partition: an option for beginners

If the process of creating a screen from complex multi-part modules seems complicated to you, use a simpler option. You will need:

  • sheets of cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.

You can take cardboard of one color, or “play” with gradation of shades.

  1. Redraw the outline of the part from the picture onto thick cardboard. You can choose the required dimensions yourself, depending on your own preferences or the parameters of the room where the screen will be located. You will need a lot of such parts, but there should be a pair of them. Carefully cut with scissors, taking into account all the grooves.
  2. Prepare the modules by connecting 2 parts perpendicular to each other in the central grooves.
  3. Line up the finished modules, securing them to the side grooves; build the second row in the same way and so on. You will get a light and original screen of the required size and shape.

Using the same pattern, you can create a screen from cardboard butterflies. Cut out parts for the modules in the shape of insects. Use different colors, this way the screen will be brighter and complement any interior.

In the same way, connect 2 parts to each other, and then add the modules to the screen size you need.

DIY changing screens made of cardboard - video

Mobile screen made of metal or plastic pipes

A screen-partition made of metal pipes helps to zone a room or provide shelter from the sun's rays on a hot summer day. And the peculiarity of this design is that it can be easily moved on wheels.

To make such a screen you will need:

  • 3 metal pipes for the frame;
  • 1 metal pipe to weight the base;
  • 4 furniture wheels;
  • 2 corners for connecting pipes in the upper part;
  • a board that will serve as the base of the screen;
  • 2 flanges securing the pipes to the board;
  • self-tapping screws and nuts-washers;
  • screwdriver;
  • brush and paints.

Metal pipes can be replaced with PVC pipes of similar length and thickness. But to make the base heavier you still have to take iron pipe or other heavy load.

  1. Draw markings on the board, indicating the attachment points for furniture wheels.
  2. Secure the wheels with self-tapping screws to the board using a screwdriver.
  3. Now you need to fix the weighting agent with bottom side screen bases. Screw the load with self-tapping screws using holders. This is necessary to ensure that the screen does not fall during operation. Unfortunately, the higher such a structure, the less stable it is, so weighting is indispensable.
  4. Attach the flanges to the top side of the base board and insert the pipes into them.
  5. Connect two vertical pipes on top of one horizontal one, inserting their ends into the connecting elbows. When finished, paint the structure.
  6. Now it's time to show your imagination. If you plan to use the screen exclusively as a partition, hang thick fabric over the frame. Even an old curtain can serve as it; the main thing is that the size of the fabric matches the width of the frame, and the color and pattern correspond to the main notes of the interior.

And such a screen on wheels can be temporarily used as a mobile wardrobe. Place it in the bedroom and hang clothes on hangers.

Opaque sliding structure made of wood

If you need a dense screen that can even muffle sounds, then you need something more serious than a piece of fabric attached to a frame. Use wood.

The wooden structure will serve you not only as a partition. Thanks to the thick lining, you can attach family photos, children's drawings and crafts to the screen.

The body for the screen can be thin wide boards from any available wood. The easiest way would be to use MDF panels.

You will need:

  • 3 thin boards 45 cm wide and 180 cm long;
  • 3 pieces of padding polyester 50 X 200 cm;
  • 3 pieces of thick fabric 50 X 200 cm;
  • primer or sealant;
  • construction gun;
  • acrylic paint;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors;
  • upholstery tape;
  • hinges for doors;
  • decorative construction nails.

If you have the opportunity to find boards that are wider, use them. Just don’t forget that the padding polyester and fabric need to be adjusted to size.

  1. First, prepare boards or MDF panels. Cover one surface with primer - this will be the back. Once the primer has dried, open up that side of the panel with acrylic paint.
  2. From the padding polyester, cut a strip slightly wider than the panel, taking into account the allowance. Place the material on the board and secure it with a construction gun. Cut off the excess padding on the sides using scissors.
  3. Now it's time for the fabric. The cut should be the same size as the padding polyester. Place the fabric on the panel, stretch it well, fold the edges and secure it with a construction gun over the padding polyester layer.
  4. Using glue, secure the upholstery tape along the edges of the panel. Additionally, secure with decorative nails, driving them in at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Repeat these steps on all panels.
  5. Now is the time to connect the structure. Place the two panels face down; make sure the bottom edges are level. At a distance of 10 cm from the bottom and top edges, attach furniture hinges, attach them with a screwdriver. Fix the third panel in the same way.

If you wish, you can additionally decorate the finished screen with a pattern of decorative nails, giving the surface volume and texture.

Screens for creating spectacular photos

If you are a professional photographer, then you probably know how important it is to have beautiful, spectacular screens for thematic photo shoots. Most often, such orders are made for weddings, but other celebrations are also in demand. Therefore, a newcomer to the photography business needs to consider all possibilities just in case. We will help you create beautiful, light and airy screens for different photo shoots.

Painted screen for wedding photo shoots

The master class on making a wedding screen is based on the same principles by which similar products are made from a wooden frame and fabric. True, it will be a little more difficult: you will have to use your skills in painting.

To make a screen for photo shoots, you will need:

  • mosquito net;
  • wooden blocks;
  • corner brackets;
  • long screws 5.7 cm;
  • short screws 1.27 cm;
  • loops;
  • scissors;
  • acrylic paint (white);
  • glitter;
  • stapler;
  • drill for tightening screws;
  • protective coating on water based;
  • brush;
  • white paint for wooden surfaces.

First you need to decide how big the screen will be. This depends on the size of the room in which the photo sessions are held, the number of participants, and additional decorative items. Having determined the height and width of the future product, you can easily calculate the quantity necessary materials. As an example, you can use the dimensions presented in the previous options for making screens.

Manufacturing and assembly instructions.

  1. Cut the bars to the specified sizes and assemble them into a frame. Connect the elements with self-tapping screws and corner brackets. To do this, it is easier to use a screwdriver or a drill with a screwdriver attachment.
  2. If you decide to paint the frame in White color, do this immediately after assembly. You can do without this, leaving the wood its natural color, but then it is advisable to open the surface with varnish.
  3. Now you need to secure the mosquito net. Cut it into pieces according to the size of the frame, leaving small allowances. Lay the mesh on the back surface of the future screen and attach it with a construction stapler.
  4. Cut off the excess mesh with scissors.
  5. Using a brush, spread the water-based coating onto the mesh. This will help the paint adhere better when you apply the design. Wait for the mesh to dry.
  6. The time has come for creative work: applying a pattern. You can choose any floral and fantasy motifs. Apply acrylic paint in light strokes, using the same brush as for the protective coating. To create shadows, you can add a little gray or black paint.
  7. To give your photo screen some festive brightness, coat some areas on the surface with PVA glue and sprinkle with glitter. Let the product dry thoroughly.
  8. All that remains is to connect all three frames with door hinges - and the screen for ceremonial photo sessions is ready!

Screen for creating photos with fabric drapery

A simple master class from the famous Moscow decorator Elena Teplitskaya will help you make a cute, funny and original screen, which will certainly be useful for photo shoots.

Materials and tools you will need:

  • frame made of metal rods;
  • pieces of well-draped fabric, such as organza;
  • threads and needles;
  • decorative cord;
  • markers for textiles.

To decorate the screen, you can use thread balls, decorative braid, ribbon or bows - whatever your imagination suggests.

  1. In addition, the fabric can be either one color or different colors on each screen frame. Cut the fabric to the size of the screen. The width should be the same, and the length of the cut should be 20 cm to make a hem later. Organza or other light translucent fabric can be pre-treated with a solution containing starch - this will make it rigid and pliable. Form pleats by squeezing the cuts vertically until the fabric resembles crepe paper.
  2. Place the fabric on top of the frame, securing it with pins. Do not pull it horizontally: it should lie in folds. Now use neat stitches to sew around the pinned areas.
  3. Using a special marker for working on fabric, apply some simple design to the drapery. This stage is a great way to realize your artistic talent.
  4. The applied drawing must be dried with a hairdryer. If you are working with a special embossing hair dryer, follow safety precautions and do not bring the tool too close to the fabric: it may catch fire. Turn on a regular hair dryer at maximum speed two.
  5. Paint the visible metal parts of the frame with a marker to match the color of the fabric and the pattern on it. Decorate the top of the screen: string thread balls, bows or other elements of your choice onto a decorative cord, and staple or sew them onto the fabric.

DIY room partition - video

When creating diverse interiors, especially retro, art deco and other styles with folklore motifs, designers inevitably succumb to nostalgic moods. And so our apartments are transformed into stylish apartments, into which any design whim organically fits: stucco molding, bent furniture or a screen. With your own hands you can easily recreate both this vintage detail and the entire surroundings of the apartment that correspond to it.

DIY screen

Until recently, the screen was perceived as simply a very outdated piece of furniture. But many of our compatriots are still nostalgic for it. Moreover, the screen in Lately popularized to a much greater extent than the notorious ottomans and chaise longues.

Modern designers give this piece of furniture new life for a reason: the screen allows you to divide the space into separate sections, while creating a small nook. To get such a practical, cute thing, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on luxurious antique samples.

Don’t rush to throw away your old doors - they will make an excellent decorative element for your home

You can make a screen from smooth boards...

...or from ready-made door leaves, which are sold in hardware stores

Making a decorative screen is quite simple and you can do it yourself. For example, even if you do not have perfect carpentry skills, you can make frames that will serve as the basis for the manufacture of individual sashes without resorting to sophisticated technologies. Of course, they must clearly match in size, be perfectly even, and not warp, which only true professional carpenters can do. But current capabilities make it possible to avoid such difficulties. It’s just that instead of the basis of the future frame of the screen, you can take ready frames from any art and creative store. These durable stretchers are made quite professionally and with high quality, and therefore they are well suited for making screens. And since they are produced in a variety of sizes, they can easily be selected to make the most optimal screens for our conditions.

You don’t even have to modify the doors if they are in good condition

The screen will divide the house into zones if necessary

So, for example, to obtain a three-leaf screen with a height of 210 centimeters, you will need 9 standard stretchers 50x70 centimeters. They need to be grouped into three frames for each sash. From 6 frames measuring 60x90 centimeters, you can fold a screen of 180 centimeters with doors of two elements, and so on.

We make a screen from 4 doors. You will need 4 smooth boards

You will also need wallpaper to suit your taste.

The boards need to be painted on all sides. But, if you don’t have enough paint, you can paint only the ends

Then wallpaper is glued onto the boards (after the paint has completely dried)

It turned out like this beautiful screen with your own hands

When choosing a subframe, you need to proceed not only from required proportions and the planned screen sizes, but also from the assortment offered by the stores. By choosing from the available frames, you can significantly save time and simplify the task you have set yourself. The same principle is used to do the same. The only difference is that it is much easier to do, because the size itself is at least a third smaller. In addition, the cost of funds is also significantly reduced. But such a screen cannot do without decent decor. After all, if its “adult” analogue can be performed without any decorations at all, then children's interior predisposes to fairy-tale toy parts.

How to make: necessary tools and materials

To prepare for work, you need to stock up on the necessary supplies.

  1. After thinking through the design, you need to purchase required amount wooden frames of the same size, which is selected according to the number of sashes and the height of the planned screen.
  2. You will also need dense material to cover the stretchers, the calculation of which is made taking into account allowances, that is, at least 3 centimeters are added to each side. It is advisable to select fabric with a pleasant pattern and color. It is important that the screen is also beautiful in light.
  3. You will also need thick decorative braid of such a width that will allow you to close the ends on the stretchers. Its length must be calculated so that it is sufficient to cover all the sashes around the perimeter.
  4. It is convenient to fasten the tape and fabric with a construction stapler, which can be purchased at a hardware store or at the market.
  5. The sashes can be connected using piano or card hinges, for mounting which you will need a screwdriver with a set of screws.
  6. Fastening the subframes in each section is done with bolts, nuts and an electric drill, which you will also have to acquire in advance.
  7. You will also need glue to attach the braid, and to paint the underside of the stretchers you need to prepare acrylic or oil paint.

To make such screens, you only need door halves, fasteners and paint

After preparatory work you need to check the project on how to make a screen with your own hands again, and you can get to work.

  • The adjacent sides of the stretchers must be drilled, bolts must be inserted into the holes and the stretchers must be firmly tightened with them, which form a single sash for the screen. The long sides of the sections need to be reinforced with longitudinal strips.
  • It would not be superfluous to cover each of the sashes with fabric. front side. This part of the stretcher is easily identified: its slats are slightly beveled inward, forming a three-dimensional shape. It is important to adhere to a strict order in your work in order to obtain uniform tension in the fabric and prevent it from sagging. The first paperclip is driven into the middle part of each of the longer sides. After this, a paper clip is driven into the edge of each side. The same actions are performed on the opposite side. It is important not to forget to constantly tighten the fabric. Then the short sides are attached alternately. After finishing the rough stretching of the fabric, 3 staples are placed on each side, which are driven in all the way. Gradually, the remaining staples are fastened to the end while simultaneously stretching and smoothing the fabric as much as possible. As a result, the gap between each two paper clips should not exceed five centimeters. To make each corner of the sash look aesthetically pleasing, you need to place a neat fold of fabric on it. Excess fabric protruding beyond the edge of the stretcher should be trimmed with scissors.
  • Next, a braid is stretched around the perimeter of all the doors, which is fixed with glue. The tape hides the uneven edge of the fabric and hides the paper clips, which protects the floor from scratching when unfolding the screen.
  • All visible wooden parts need to be painted. The paint is matched to the tone of the covering fabric to give the screen beautiful view on each side: front, back and end.
  • All that remains is to fasten all the prepared sashes with hinges, after which the screen will be ready for use.

These door leaves can be purchased at a hardware store.

And the fastenings are right there

All that remains is to connect the sashes and paint them in the desired color

An interesting DIY screen, a master class for which is offered on many websites, is made using electricity. Based on the previous idea, you can design a backlight for a screen. Then it will turn out to be not just a piece of decor and furniture, but a full-fledged portable lighting device. The essence of the craft is that the backlight should be closed from the inside of the subframe. The backlight should correspond to the size of the screen and be covered with material that matches the color of the entire product. The winding can be, for example, hardboard sheets. And in the resulting voids, a light bulb or, better yet, a safer LED is mounted from inside the screen. In the evenings, a screen will help create an atmosphere of comfort and successfully transform the space.

According to many versions, the screen, which today serves as a simply charming element of the interior, was borrowed from Japan. Since ancient times, the Japanese visually divided their homes with screens and used them to create a place of solitude. Today, the screen again serves not only as an original decorative element, but also as a practical means of zoning rooms. You can make a beautiful, elegant screen yourself in a fashionable vintage style.

If desired, a homemade screen can be decorated, for example, using the decoupage technique

To work, you will need 6 wooden blocks of 1.8 meters in length, 6 blocks of shorter length, which depends on the expected width of the screen, which in turn depends on the size of the room. To determine the appropriate size, measure the width of the room and divide the resulting number by three. You also need to stock up on a piece of opaque material in your favorite color, a paint brush, 4-door hinges, a furniture stapler, old letters, notes and pages from books. You will also have to work with strong tea leaves, an iron, PVA glue, self-tapping screws, nails, a hammer, braid or decorative strip.

DIY screen partitions are made on the basis of a frame made of wooden blocks. After assembling three wooden frames from blocks fastened with screws, the finished frames are secured with door hinges and varnished. A piece of fabric is cut into three rectangles of appropriate sizes. All that remains is to start creative work. Photocopies are made from the title pages of favorite books, old letters or love notes, essays, poems and other memorial sheets. They are artificially aged by strong tea brewing, after which the paper is absorbed and ironed. This creates the effect of antique sheets. The next step is gluing aged sheets to fabric. After the glue has completely dried, the fabric is carefully stretched over one of the frames and nailed with a furniture stapler. After this, the fabric is stretched tightly and nailed to the other side of the frame. You need to ensure that the folds are smoothed out and the fabric is glued as evenly as possible. The cut edges of the fabric and the paper clips on it are sealed with tape or covered with a decorative strip. The loose frame bars are sanded to give them a vintage look. After this, the screen is ready for use!


A screen-partition for a room is a somewhat forgotten element of the interior, equally worthy of being called both decor and furniture. The versatility of its functionality and sophistication in execution have become an amazing find in modern design premises. Thanks to the fluidity of its lightweight, portable design, designing with it will never be boring. With a little imagination, you can make a screen for the room with your own hands.

Screen partition for a room: practicality and variety of models

Having bought a screen for a room, it may seem to you at first glance to be a rather frivolous and non-functional item. But it is in the frivolity, inconstancy and ability to instantly modulate the space of a room that the main advantages of this piece of furniture are manifested. And if necessary, the screen can be easily removed, thereby not taking up much space.

Classic models of screens consist of three separate sections, connected to each other by hinges and folding like an accordion. The frame of the doors is usually made of lightweight material such as wood or plastic. Textiles, leather, thick paper, twine, polycarbonate and other materials are used for filling. Such screensavers work great as delimiters of living space in small rooms.

Lightweight option wooden partitions are screens skillfully created from rattan or willow weaving. Pleasant and calm colors of products from amber to olive will emphasize the naturalness of the interior. Decorating exquisite and weightless bamboo screens with curly indoor plants, they can be used as decor, stylized as a garden gazebo.

Forged metal screens are visually light and transparent, but their designs are quite massive. Such products serve more of a decorative component, since in order to unfold or collapse them, a certain amount of force must be applied. In addition, if their legs are not equipped with thrust bearings, they can damage flooring. Openwork and graceful, they will add a touch of romantic mood to the interior. Suitable for spacious rooms in private cottages or large apartments.

Universal screen partitions with shelves or pockets can simultaneously separate one part of the room from another and serve as racks and shelves. Taking into account your preferences, you can place books, figurines, vases and other decorative items in the pockets and on the shelves of such screensavers. If you use such a screen to cover the desktop area, the pockets are used as pencil cases for office supplies.

The design of the screen-screen is representative of stationary placement models. Such screensavers do not fold and are permanently mounted to the floor. The screen frame can be made of wood or metal rod. The screen material can be plastic, textiles, or even braided metal cable. There are screen models of inexpensive room screens, the legs of which are equipped with wheels for free movement. They can be folded out, they are compact and suitable for modest apartments.

Screen partitions for residential rooms

To bring an element of originality into the interior it is not necessary to purchase designer models at a high price, you can buy an inexpensive screen for a room from a collection of photo partitions with an image that matches the style and mood. The product catalogs have an incredible number of options with any themes, suitable for various style trends. Such an acquisition will be very useful for small room, and for a spacious room.

Screens in the interior: photos of impeccable models

The functions of such a delicate item as a screen are quite diverse. It easily copes with dividing space, hides the creative clutter of a study or an unassembled bed from prying eyes, protects from annoying sunlight, or simply acts as a decorative element. Some models are made of moisture-resistant materials and can be used in bathrooms.

Screens made of wood look unsurpassed oriental style, decorated with paintings. The motifs of the images can be very diverse: trees, flowers, birds, animals, human figures. Partitions whose filling is completely carved or inlaid with gems look especially luxurious. Such products will become an impeccable decor for adherents of the colonial style.

A skillfully selected screen made of wooden frames covered with silk fabric can not only serve as a room divider, but also highlight the excellent taste of the owners of the house. With the help of an almost weightless screen-partition, you can visually balance the massiveness of the main furniture and refresh an already familiar interior. The model with sections of different sizes looks especially interesting.

Small models of folding forged structures are used as a mantelpiece for a fireplace, which looks more harmonious in such a frame. A folding screen-partition with mirror doors will block part of the space from view, optically enlarging the other half of the room. This design option will not only decorate a small room, but will relieve the feeling of cramped square meters.

Openwork screen wooden lattice, painted white, creates a festive feeling in the room and gives it an elegant and fresh look. At first glance, seemingly fragile, this model is associated with a green garden, relaxation and the sea. If the location of the screen is determined to be stationary, it can be decorated with decorative live or artificial plants.

Options for using a screen for a children's room

Proof of the incredible versatility of a room screen is its use in children's rooms. There are a lot of options and they are all functionally justified. The main purpose of a screen in a nursery is to divide the room into a study area and a sleeping or play area. It is better to buy a partition for a child’s room made from natural, safe and lightweight material.

Will do lightweight design with frames made of wooden beam and fabric secured with ties. Such partitions are easier to care for: as they become dirty, the textiles can be easily and quickly removed for cleaning or washing. It is very convenient to use in a children's model with built-in shelves, pockets, as well as frames for photographs and drawings.

While the baby is sleeping, you can use a screen to separate the crib from the window, protecting it from sunlight or light. table lamp, which is used by the older child when doing homework. If the nursery is intended for both a boy and a girl, you can use a partition to organize a comfortable changing area.

For a young family with a small child, which currently only has a small studio apartment, can buy decorative screen with a double-sided pattern. She will become in a fast way create for baby cozy corner. Choose models that have a child’s drawing on one side and an ornament that matches the style of the entire room on the other.

Often in children's rooms, screensavers with PVC screens are installed, on which bright images of favorite fairy-tale and cartoon characters are applied. Such a colorful thing will certainly only contribute to your child’s good mood. One of the creative options for using a screen for a children's room is a puppet theater performance.

Bathroom screen

A folding screen-partition is very convenient for installation in a spacious bathroom with a window: it can be used as a curtain to block the window opening or, by moving it, to create space for a small dressing room. You can install a screen with pockets for storing small bath accessories, and by equipping the partition with hooks, it is convenient to place some household clothes on it.

Recently, bathroom screens have become popular. Such designs look more presentable than traditional curtains, and thanks to the transparent filling, they do not overload the room. The bathroom screen allows you to use the sanitary ware both for taking baths and as a shower stall. Such a barrier effectively protects the room from water droplets entering when taking a shower.

There are several options for bathroom screen designs. This may be a model with a frame of several sections. Typically, the two outer sections are installed stationary, while the other two move along aluminum profile through rollers. The number of sashes in the model is determined by the layout of the bathroom and the position of the bathtub itself.

Frameless screens are made of 8 mm glass without a frame. For careful acceptance water procedures you can use a single-leaf fixed partition, fixed with the vertical side to the wall and the horizontal side to the side of the bathroom. There are screens with one panel attached to the wall with hinges, allowing it to open.

Where to buy a screen partition for a room

You can purchase an exclusive screen model by ordering the product at furniture factory or by contacting a forging company. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the work individual order and size will cost you a pretty penny. It is much more profitable to buy an inexpensive screen-partition for a room in an online store or on a website for selling items decorative furniture for interior.

Online catalogs offer a huge selection of decorative partitions of various designs at reasonable prices. The range of models using photo printing amounts to hundreds of options. A convenient search system will help you find the product you like by photo or price. The company’s specialists can provide advice on choosing a product and calculating its cost (if ordered by custom sizes). Discounts and promotions are possible, all products are guaranteed.

Using online stores, you can choose a screen partition that meets your preferences regarding design, functions, sizes, materials for manufacturing and cost. On the websites you can find inexpensive, simple products that even students can buy, as well as select elegant models using rattan weaving or decorated with carvings. The main thing is that the model is in tune with the style of your room.

Many people use photos of screen options as an example to try to make a unique room partition with their own hands. This will help not only with photos of products, but also with DIY screen master classes posted on the Internet. By creating such an element yourself, it is possible to embody your personal creative idea in it.

How to make a screen for a room with your own hands

The fact that a home-made screen-partition for a room will cost much less is beyond doubt, but, in addition, such a thing will have every chance of becoming a real decoration of the room. Making a simple screen is not difficult, but exciting process making it will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Tools and materials for manufacturing

A small antique screen will look appropriate in almost any room. Vintage decorative elements have long become an indispensable attribute modern interiors: They create a nostalgic, warm atmosphere in the room. In addition, having separated yourself with a screen, it will be pleasant to sit in a chair reading a fascinating book.

Before you make a screen with your own hands, make sure that you have all the necessary materials. necessary tool and material. To make a small wooden screen-partition, consisting of three sections, you will need:

  • wooden beam with a cross section of 40 x 40 mm - to make the frame you will need 6 bars about 2 m long and the same number of slightly shorter elements;
  • a piece of fabric, preferably dense and light-proof - to fill the sections of the screen;

  • pages with text or poetry, cut out from books, newspapers, personal notebooks, diaries - for decorating the screen canvas. If you need any clippings in the future, you can simply make copies for work;

  • tea leaves solution - will be needed to give the sheets of paper an aged look. It is advisable to prepare a strong solution;
  • scissors, paint brush, PVA glue, wood varnish;
  • hammer, square, tape measure, screwdriver;
  • nails, screws;
  • construction stapler - for fixing fabric to frames;
  • door canopies - you will need 4 small neat hinges to connect the screen sections;
  • braid for decoration.

Sequence of work

Work begins with the assembly of the frame frames. The bars must be adjusted to the dimensions of the sash and connected into frames. When fastening the bars, you should use a square to maintain a right angle and prevent the sashes from skewing. The frame elements are connected to each other using self-tapping screws or nails. Ready-made designs coat with varnish and leave until the coating is completely dry.

The next step will be connecting the sections to each other. First, using a tape measure, mark the places where the hinges are attached on each sash. It is necessary that the distance from the top and bottom jumpers to the hinge for each of the three sections is at the same level. The hinges are carefully fixed using self-tapping screws.

Next, start cutting the fabric. 3 parts of the appropriate size are cut out of it. Before the fabric is attached to the frames, it is decorated. The tea solution is applied to the prepared paper pages with a brush. Before application, the tea leaves should be carefully strained through a fine strainer. To ensure that the paper does not wrinkle after drying, each processed sheet should be ironed. When all the sheets are dried, they are glued to the fabric.

Preparing sheets of paper to look like “antique”

Each sheet is covered with a thin layer of PVA glue and glued to the canvas. When performing this procedure, you need to make sure that the glue does not leak onto the fabric. After this, allow the glue to dry completely. The sections of the screen are filled with the prepared fabric. Using a stapler, the fabric is attached to one side of the frame, and then, by stretching the fabric, it is fixed to the remaining elements of the frame. The recommended distance between staples is 4-5 cm.

The final stage of work is to give the screen an aesthetic appearance. To do this, the lines for attaching the fabric to the frame are covered with braid. This can be done with glue. Make sure that the braid lies evenly relative to the direction of the frame elements. Your unique room divider screen is ready to use!

Zoning the space with the help of room screens allows you to change the configuration of the room on demand, giving the entire interior mystery and enigma. And when not needed, the almost weightless portable design folds up quickly and easily, without cluttering up the room.

The partition screen is a great invention. In the living room or bedroom it can bring a lot of benefits, and when made to match the surrounding environment, it can also become stylish element decor. Behind the screen you can quickly change clothes (even with guests in the house), and retire for reading and relaxation. It is used to divide the room into separate zones, to fence off a child’s crib, and to use it as a backdrop for home photo shoots.

Of course, there are many screens for sale in finished form. On the other hand, making such an accessory with your own hands is not at all difficult. We offer you a small master class “Do-it-yourself screen”. At the same time, you will enjoy the creative process and, importantly, the item will be exactly to your taste. When creating it, drawings are practically not required - this design not so complicated.

Master class "Do-it-yourself screen". The simplest option

For work, we will stock up on ready-made shelving side racks, acrylic enamel of the color you like (black will look especially stylish) and a brush, a pair of long ones (about 17 cm each) or door hinges in more(about 6 pieces) and felt or metal chair supports, as well as fabric.

For tools, make sure you have a hammer, scissors, a screwdriver with screws, an iron and a staple gun.

First, the vertical supports are covered with enamel. Then panels are cut out of the fabric in the intended quantity (let’s say there will be three). We leave about 10 cm as allowances along the top and bottom edges, and about two on the sides. They are all tucked and ironed.

The fabric is laid out on a flat surface face down and stretched tightly. A crossbar-rack is placed on top, wrapped with the edge of the fabric, which should then be turned inside out and secured well with staples. The stretched fabric is then attached and secured at the bottom. The operation is repeated for the remaining parts of the screen in the same sequence.

The uprights are connected with piano or door hinges, then thrust bearings are attached to the legs. That's all - a simple screen is ready!

Master class No. 2. A more complex option

Now another master class. In this case, a do-it-yourself screen is done in more complex technology, requiring from home handyman some skills. The design of our partition consists of several frames connected on hinges. The frames can be filled with anything. In this case, we suggest stretching hand-painted fabric onto the frames. But first, let's take care of the supporting base.

Having decided on the dimensions (height and width), we prepare the required number of wooden slats. You can choose their cross-section, say, 6 x 2 cm. If you have difficulty with the width, then we will tell you: optimal size- about 65 cm. Each frame must be assembled using glue, for which special grooves are cut at the ends. They are marked on slats according to their width.

Using a hacksaw, we cut along the markings to half the depth, and use a chisel to select the wood. We assemble the frames, placing them on wood glue, and fixing the connections with clamps. We attach door hinges to the upper and lower parts of the frames.

Let's move on to the decor

Now let’s take care of the fabric that will be used to fill the gaps of the screen. Using a stencil, we apply a design (for example, flowers) to a plain material. If you couldn’t come up with your own ornament, the template can always be found in various sources. The stencil is cut out with a wallpaper knife or scalpel.

If you are making a children's screen, you can decorate it with your own hands with little animals or any “cartoon” motifs.

Dip a small roller into textile paint purchased in advance and roll the fabric over the stencil. It doesn't matter if the edges of the flowers come out slightly blurry. Each time we lay the sheet with the stencil on the fabric in an arbitrary direction, this will make the drawing more picturesque. In addition, the fabric can be additionally decorated with elements sewn on top (soft fabric flowers to match, for example, gauze).

The fabric is stretched over the frame and secured with a stapler. You can decorate the screen from the inside with platbands made of thin strips of fiberboard. By the way, it is not at all necessary to fill the screen panels with fabric. Instead, you can insert into the frames sheets of fiberboard or thin plywood (or even very thick cardboard), pre-pasted with wallpaper to match the walls or, on the contrary, with contrasting wallpaper. Just be careful not to get too colorful.