How to calculate compatibility according to the Pythagorean psychomatrix? Numerology by date of birth Combination by the square of Pythagoras.

This is the oldest and most accurate method of numerological calculation. With it, you can get a complete description of the personality and answers to many important questions. Let's talk about how to make your calculation and decipher it.

Calculation of the Pythagorean table online

Your date of birth:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 22 22 22 26 26 28 28 29 30 31 January March April June July August September November 1950 1951 1953 1955 1956 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

The calculation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Write down your date of birth and add up all its numbers. For example, if you were born on October 16, 1991, the calculation would be: 1+6+1+0+1+9+9+1 = 28. This is the first working number.
  2. Keep adding: 2+8 = 10. This is your second working number.
  3. Multiply the first digit of your birthday by two: 1 * 2 = 2 and subtract the resulting value from the first working number. 28-2 = 26. You have received the third working number.
  4. We add up the numbers of the previous calculation and get the fourth, final working number. 2+6 = 8.
  5. Write the resulting numbers in a row and enter them in the table: 161019912810268.

Here's what the table looks like in the end:

The most accurate decoding

Deciphering the square:

  • Units - indicate the character and willpower.
  • Twos are an indicator of energy and charisma.
  • Threes - craving for knowledge of oneself, the world, the Universe and creativity.
  • Fours - health and beauty.
  • Fives - logic and intuition.
  • Sixes - diligence and skill.
  • Seven - good luck and luck.
  • Eights - a sense of duty and responsibility.
  • Nines - memory and mind.

The more numbers in the corresponding square of the table, the stronger each of your qualities is manifested.

It is possible and necessary to analyze the calculation not only by numbers. Also note the columns, rows and diagonals:

  • Column (123) - an indicator of your self-esteem.
  • Column (456) describes the material world and your ability to earn money.
  • Column (789) - talents and creativity.
  • Line (147) - purposefulness and perseverance in achieving goals.
  • Line (369) - stability and stability in life.
  • Diagonal (459) - your spiritual potential.
  • And the diagonal (357) shows how temperamental, sexy and attractive you are to the opposite sex.

The numerology of the Pythagorean square is not just a bare calculation. If you see that some qualities are missing, this does not mean that you need to put up with and focus only on your weaknesses.

This theory says: you should strive for harmony. Weak qualities can be corrected. Therefore, in life, focus on strengths, continuing to gradually work with the missing indicators from the table.

Compatibility in love and family according to the square of Pythagoras

Using the numerological calculation method, you can also determine your love compatibility with a partner. To do this, you need to create a table for each, and then analyze it.

Here are some important aspects:

  1. If a man's indicator of purposefulness prevails, this is a favorable union. A traditional family in which the husband is the leader and makes decisions, is responsible and protects relatives. A woman is weaker, needs protection and guardianship, keeps a home, takes care of children.
  2. If a woman's quality of "familyness" prevails over that of men, she may sometimes suffer from the callousness of her husband. Treason and "spree" of the strong half are not excluded. But there is always a chance that the wife will be able to develop family qualities in her husband, and then everything will turn out well in the union.
  3. In order for the relationship to be harmonious, it is important that the quality of stability be on the same level among the partners. If the indicators differ greatly, you will have to constantly look for compromises: one wants a quiet and peaceful life, and the other is drawn to adventure.
  4. The self-esteem indicator should also be approximately equal. Otherwise, there is a high risk that the relationship will be dependent, sick (one loves, and the second allows himself to be loved).
  5. Prosperity will be provided by one of the partners who has a higher indicator - the ability to make money. The main thing is that there are no quarrels on this basis. If the values ​​are approximately equal, these are partnerships in which both are invested equally.
  6. Temperament should also be approximately equal, otherwise problems in sexual life are possible.
  7. Whoever has higher talent will be responsible for everything creative in a relationship: come up with options for spending time together, make surprises, think over repairs, and so on.
  8. The most important thing is that spiritual values ​​converge. If the indicator differs too much, parting is almost inevitable, the maximum that can be in such an alliance is friendship.

Watch a video about calculating the square of Pythagoras:

Friendly Compatibility

You can easily find out whether it is worth starting a friendship with this or that person if you make his numerological table.

It is especially worth paying attention to indicators such as:

  • financial independence (low may indicate that you will constantly be borrowed);
  • ambition (is a person able to "go over their heads" to achieve their goals);
  • spirituality (does he accept moral values, does he follow social laws);
  • energy (how interesting it is to be friends with such a person).

You can discover a lot of new things and literally take off the mask from any person, knowing only his date of birth. The calculation by the Pythagorean method shows the personality as it really is, without embellishment and hypocrisy.

To make working with numerological calculations as productive as possible for you, listen to these tips:

  • Read the description, but don't take his word for it. Listen to yourself - how true is the numerological forecast? It is almost always accurate, but, for example, some of your weaknesses may already be corrected.
  • Do not forget that the forecast of Pythagoras is not a sentence. You must work on those qualities that are weak in you, and control those that are in excess. Only in this way can you come to harmony and live in harmony with yourself.
  • Do not try to change others if some of their character traits are far from ideal. You must accept people for who they are. And it's better to leave the changes to yourself.

In the article: how to determine the character of a person by the square of Pythagoras, the presence of "karmic tails", compatibility in love or friendship, etc.

  1. Make the necessary miscalculations and fill in the Pythagorean square. If you are compiling a psychomatrix for the first time, go.
  2. Make a psychomatrix of a person by analyzing and square. An example of decoding a psychomatrix can be viewed.

Important: for people born after 1999, the compilation of a psychomatrix is ​​associated with some features. Read about them by going.

  1. After compiling a basic psychological portrait, use additional information.

To do this, sum up all the numbers that make up the date of birth of the person whose character you want to determine.

Calculation: 3+1+1+2+1+9+7+1=25.

Simplify the number: 2+5=7 and read the description.

Characteristics of a person - "units"

Characteristics of a person - "deuce"

Characteristics of a person - "troika"

Characteristics of a person - "four"

Characteristics of a person - "five"

Characteristics of a person - "six"

Characteristics of a person - "sevens"

Characteristics of a person - "eight"

Characteristics of a person - "nine"

Fate, karma according to Pythagoras by date of birth

  • Consider carefully: the cells of the psychomatrix, first of all, indicate the degree of mastery of one or another quality. If the cell is empty, the person has not mastered this quality in his previous incarnations.
  • Pay attention to the date of birth of a person: if the record contains the numbers 13, 14, 16, 19, then there is a karmic debt. In addition, the numbers 8 and 10 are significant (see the table below).

For example: date of birth of person N. - 13 January 1984 - there is a karmic debt.

  • If, when calculating the I-th special number, you received 13, 14, 16 or 19, then karmic debt has a very strong influence on a person’s life.

For example, the calculation of the 1st special number for the person N.: 1+3+0+1+1+9+8+4=27 - the previous incarnation does not affect the present one.

Important: in addition to the digital code by date of birth, to determine the karmic "tails", it is imperative to analyze the digital code compiled for the last name, first name, patronymic of a person.

Fate, karma according to Pythagoras: karmic numbers

Experienced numerologists determine the compatibility of people after each of the partners is analyzed.

For example, partner I's date of birth is 5/05/1971 and partner II's is 7/07/1976.

Their psychomatrices look like this (see photo below).

Compatibility in love, friendship according to the Pythagorean matrix

Analysis of psychomatrices:

  • The line "1-4-7" - purposefulness.

Both partners have a strong ability to focus on their goals. This can lead to rivalry if the goals do not match. However, a woman's "1 1" indicates that she may be inferior to her rather selfish "1 1 1 1" partner, but this does not mean that he is allowed to be the dominant male in the pack.

  • The line "2-5-8" - attitude towards the family.

In this tandem, the man wants to have a family, and the woman allows him to do this, since the family line is stronger with the man. A man needs to be prepared for the fact that for a long time for a woman, her parents will be the family, and not him.

  • The line "3-6-9" is the power of habits and attachments.

The string is stronger in a woman. Accordingly, it is she who will become the lever that will restrain the partner. Whether this is good or bad depends on the potential of the man. On the one hand, a woman can protect her partner from participating in failed projects, on the other hand, she can prevent a man from successfully realizing himself.

  • The line "1-2-3" is self-assessment.

Equally strong for him and for her. Both need constant praise and recognition for their talents and achievements. The main thing is that the interests of the spouses are on different planes, since competition in this union is contraindicated.

  • The line "4-5-6" - the desire for financial independence.

Weakly expressed in both. And yet, if enough efforts are made to achieve any goal, everything will work out for the best.

  • The string "7-8-9" is a talent.

The line is strong both for him and for her. However, in this case, the woman has a stronger intuition, which makes her opinion in choosing the point of application of these talents a priority.

  • The line "1-5-9" is spirituality.

A man's thirst for the spiritual is stronger than a woman's. Given the influence of the line "3-6-9", it can be assumed that a woman will not allow her partner to turn into a fanatic. At the same time, a woman constantly needs to improve herself in order not to lose touch with her other half.

  • The line "3-5-7" is sexuality.

In this case, the sexuality of the partner is an order of magnitude higher than that of the partner. On the one hand, a man will not allow a woman to go into all serious trouble, on the other hand, he will have to try very hard to bind such a woman to himself.

  • Separate cells that have a strong influence on marriage: "1", "2", "4", "5".

For example: if cell “5” is not filled in the matrix, the chances of having a family are sharply reduced. If there is a family, unfortunately, there are risks of losing it. At the same time, the number of fives "5 5 +" indicates an early marriage or several marriages.

  1. The digital code for drawing up a life schedule is calculated according to the following formula: D (D) xM (M) xYYYY, where D (D) is the number, M (M) is the month, YYYY is the year of birth of the person.

Calculation: 7х7х1976= 96824

  1. Building a graph.

The vertical axis is a number series from 0 to 9.

Horizontal axis - time scale (cycle 12 years).

The lifeline is highlighted in green (see figure).

Each digit of the digital code corresponds to a certain time period: 9 - 1976 (year of birth), 6 - 1988 (1976 + 12), 8 - 2000 (1988 + 12), etc.

Pythagorean square life chart
  1. Graph analysis.

Each number from 0 to 9 has its own meaning and indicates the state of a person in a given period.

Life graph on the square of Pythagoras: decoding

Pay attention to the position of the lines on the chart:

  • the line goes up - a good period;
  • the line goes down - be extremely careful when making important decisions.

How to determine a profession by the square of Pythagoras?

Finding the answer to this question will help, which is calculated when filling in the cells of the Pythagorean square.

Important: if I is a two-digit special number, it must be simplified to a single-digit number (see the beginning of the article).

The table shows the interpretation of the digital values.

How to determine a profession by the square of Pythagoras: deciphering digital values.

How to find out temperament, personality type by the square of Pythagoras

Analyze the cells of the Pythagorean square. More detailed information .

How to find out biorhythms by the square of Pythagoras

The calculation and scheduling of biorhythms is quite complicated, so it is better to use a special online counter that will provide all the information you are interested in.

Video: How to calculate the two most MAIN graphs in numerology yourself?

The resulting table contains complete information about the person. Why and how? To understand this, one should literally for a minute recall the basic provisions of astrology.

The classical European horoscope determines the personality type of a person by the month of his birth. East - by year of birth in a 12-year cycle. Well, numerology adds to this the analysis of the birth number and summarizes all the data, bringing them into a single system. That allows you to get a comprehensive and much more accurate picture of a person in all his manifestations.

Thus, the square of Pythagoras is an individual "distribution scheme" of human biorhythms according to its energy centers - chakras. And the decoding of this scheme gives a complete analysis of the personality.

The lines of the psychomatrix determine such qualities of nature as talent, adherence to habits, dedication, diligence, a sense of duty, family, spirituality and sexual temperament. That is, precisely those features of a person on which his relationship with a partner, spouse can be built.

Therefore, it is obvious that psychomatrix compatibility should be a decisive factor in assessing the appropriateness of a particular relationship in terms of future prospects.

How to calculate compatibility using the Pythagorean Square.

In order to calculate the compatibility of Pythagorean squares by date of birth, quite recently it was necessary to perform a number of mathematical actions, not so much complex as requiring care: just one mistake could completely distort the overall picture.

Now this is not necessary. There are many services that allow you to make a detailed calculation of the compatibility of psychomatrices online, and for free. However, interpretations of the results are rarely correct, but quite often they are difficult to understand.

Therefore, we suggest that you independently compare the indicators of psychomatrix lines, which are of decisive importance for marriage. At the same time, it should be taken for granted that the difference in indicators 0 or 1 is good compatibility (hereinafter “+” to make it clear). But if there is more “-”, then problems in the relationship are very likely. But - completely solvable.

Brief interpretations of the main indicators.

Self-assessment (column 1-2-3).

«+». Compliance with self-esteem levels is the absence of an “unrecognized genius” in a couple who blames the partner for their own failure. Partners are not delusional about their real capabilities and do not make impossible promises to each other.

«–». There is a risk that the owner of a higher self-esteem will constantly reproach the partner for the inability to use their capabilities. As a result, the latter may lose self-confidence, and it will become easy to succumb to any outside influence.

Health (column 4-5-6).

«+». Matching performance levels can bring people of completely different emotional backgrounds closer together. Because it is a reasonable mutual respect. If, moreover, both indicators are close to normal, then the absence of material problems in the family is practically guaranteed.

«–». The discrepancy between performance levels will sooner or later lead the more industrious partner to the conclusion that he is "ridden". And then he will become petty and picky, poisoning the life of himself and his chosen one. The latter is categorically not recommended to question the dominant position of the "hard worker" in the family.

Talent (column 7-8-9).

«+». Two equally talented people will be the best support for each other in any circumstances. The ability to adequately assess the abilities of a partner is the cornerstone of the relationship between artistic natures.

«–». The discrepancy between the levels of giftedness can become a serious problem only when the activities of both partners are concentrated in one or close areas. If not, then nothing will prevent a genius from loving and appreciating someone who does not have expressed talents.

Purposefulness (line 1-4-7).

«+». Here everything is somewhat more complicated. Two equally low aspirations very often become the main cause of everyday instability. Whereas two high rates can lead to a situation where one of the partners will have to sacrifice their dreams for the sake of the other's self-realization. And not the fact that the victim will be able to appreciate.

«–». The discrepancy between the levels of purposefulness automatically makes the owner of a lower indicator "slave". It's okay if the goal is realistically achievable and focused on the good of the family. Is that the "second number" will be unreasonably ambitious. Then it's trouble.

Family (line 2-5-8).

«+». Two low family propensity scores can lead to many years of happy life together outside of marriage. Partners, among other things, will be afraid of losing each other. Two equally high rates will create an alliance in which family values ​​will become the basis of existence. And all issues will be resolved from this position.

«–». The discrepancy between these indicators often becomes the cause of the tragedy. And it is not known what is worse: when a woman has been waiting for an offer for years, or when a man hears “no” for the twentieth time. This is a key question and needs to be clarified as quickly as possible.

Habits (line 3-6-9).

«+». The importance of this indicator for life together should not be underestimated. When both partners believe that marriage is just a way to solve pressing problems that cannot affect their usual way of life, their union can be said to be doomed. At the same time, two equally low propensities for a stable existence are flexibility, which is an indispensable quality for a successful marriage.

«–». Mismatched levels of stability can ensure a long-term relationship without any problems. Especially in adulthood. A “man of habit” will not experience any inconvenience, since it would not even occur to a partner to “break” him.

Temperament (diagonal 3-5-7).

«+». The notorious compatibility in love according to the square of Pythagoras. At least the important part of it. Everything is simple here: either very good sex, for the time being, obscuring all other aspects of marriage, or - an even relationship without much emotion. Both of those are acceptable.

«–». A discrepancy in temperament indicators can be compensated for by strong attachment on a spiritual level. If this is not the case, then in 9 out of 10 cases adultery takes place. Usually both.

Spirituality (diagonal 1-5-9).

«+». Another mandatory component of relationships on a purely personal level, without which the Pythagorean square compatibility test would not make sense. Often the union of two highly spiritual natures turns out to be more vulnerable than a marriage between people "without special requests."

«–». The discrepancy between the levels of spirituality is usually given much more importance than is actually justified. Meanwhile, the spirituality of a person is determined not by the number of lyrical poems read, but by the ability to feel a partner, and at the right time to say the right word. And practically every loving person is capable of this.

Numerology is an ancient science about the inseparable connection of human lives with the power of the surrounding numbers. One of her most famous and widespread methods is the Pythagorean technique, which allows you to learn a lot about yourself and your loved ones using a special table (square) and calculations. Such knowledge can help you improve for the better, avoid mistakes in the future, or learn about what to expect from a partner.

Numerologists believe that the world of numbers is very closely connected with ordinary physical phenomena and objects. Back in the VI century BC. the basic technique of numerology was developed, which is used to this day. Its creator is Pythagoras. The result of his development was a technique called "Pythagorean Square", which consists in calculating a person's birth chart.

The calculation is made using a special table and a special sequence of calculations. The square of Pythagoras allows you to see and more fully reveal the character of a person without the help of magic and spirits (which means that this method is not sinful and does not appeal to higher powers). All this is more like ordinary calculations in mathematics, that is, science.

Calculation using the square of Pythagoras

The calculation by the square of Pythagoras is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to take the date of birth and add up all the numbers. (For example, a person was born on August 14, 1980. Then the calculation is performed as follows: 1 + 4 + 0 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 \u003d 31. In this case, 31 is the first working number).
  2. Add together the numbers of the first working number. In this example it is 3+1=4. Now 4 is the second working number.
  3. Multiply the first digit of the birthday by 2 and subtract the result from the first working number. In this calculation, the birth number starts from one, so it is necessary to multiply it by 2 (1x2 \u003d 2). The next step is to subtract the resulting result from 31 (the first working number). 31-2=29. This is how the third working number is obtained.
  4. Add up the digits of the third working number (2 + 9 = 11) and get the fourth.

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Who needs a calculation for the compatibility of partners?

Nowadays, it is quite common to meet married or loving couples who, having lived together for some time, are faced with the problem of communication difficulties. Endless disputes, disagreements, quarrels accompany their family life. As a rule, all this happens due to the fact that one of the spouses is not able to understand and accept the point of view of the other, he refuses to follow his rules, defending his life principles in every possible way. As a result of the absence partner compatibility Families often fall apart, spouses themselves suffer, but what is most offensive is that children often suffer. The main reason for all these disagreements is the discrepancy between people in terms of mindset and character.

If you are familiar with such a situation or if you want to protect yourself in advance by choosing a partner in terms of energy, life priorities and goals, then the calculation partner compatibility created especially for you.

Why do we need to calculate the compatibility of partners?

It is very important for every person to find his true love - someone who could share the joys of life with him, who could support him in difficult times, who could listen and understand, whose interests would not contradict his personal affections. We invite you to take the test partner compatibility according to the psychomatrix and numerological map of fate. Its results can help you in your search for a life partner. After analyzing them, you will understand what connects you with any particular person, whether you are suitable for each other in terms of mindset and character, whether it is worth connecting your life with him based on the existing compatibility. The initial compatibility of partners is a very important component of a harmonious relationship. However, do not forget that people who are extremely incompatible in character can always find a compromise, which is so necessary and possible in their relationship.

How to use the partner compatibility calculation?

First of all, you should pay attention to compatibility in terms of the Number of Destiny, the Number of the Name, the Number of Individuality, the Number of the Soul. Data on the main numbers are presented in order of decreasing importance and provide an opportunity to draw conclusions and highlight the main features. Compatibility for the main numbers of numerology is a priority.

Psychomatrix compatibility is calculated based on a comparison of the data of two partners, and is expressed in two values ​​- “ psychomatrix compatibility" and " compatibility along the lines of the psychomatrix". Both indexes provide a basic idea and are of an introductory and recommendatory nature, since, in essence, the psychomatrix cannot reflect genuinely accurate information throughout life, due to the fact that a person develops and improves his original qualities and skills that he was endowed with from birth.

But what if you do not believe in the compatibility of partners?

The purpose of our site is not to convince you that numerology is the ultimate truth, and compatibility is a necessary criterion for harmonious relationships. You can believe in it or not, it's not how not to be reflected in the fact that it works. Therefore, all we wanted was to give you high-quality information on the compatibility of partners, the right to choose and analyze it, to improve your life. Relying on the compatibility of partners will give you a new vision, and the right to use this information for your own benefit always remains only with you.