How to make a strong impression on the employer at the interview? How to impress in an interview.

Most people before applying for a job ask themselves the question: how to please the employer at the interview? After all, the result will depend on a successful impression. There are cases when professionals in their field cannot get the desired position even with high skills and qualifications. Every specialist wants to make the right impression so that after the phrase “we will call you back”, a job offer really arrives.

What should be remembered first of all?

Undoubtedly, an interview is a very important event, but do not forget that this is primarily a conversation between you and the employer. In this case, the interested person is not only you as a specialist in search of work, but also the employer, since it is also beneficial for him to find a competent employee.

If you prepare in advance for the interview, there should be no reason for excitement. It is also recommended to find in advance a way that calms you and relieves stress. There are many simple techniques that can be done at any moment, study them and choose the most suitable one for you so that you can use it, for example, sitting at the manager's office and waiting for your turn for an interview.

How to make a first impression?

It's no secret that the first impression greatly affects how a person will treat you later. Of course, attitudes and impressions can change during the work process, but how the employer perceives you for the first 15 seconds will affect the rest of the conversation.

For example, if you are producing good impression, then in a further conversation, the employer will seek confirmation of this and emphasize for himself good qualities. A bad impression works similarly, the employer immediately puts an end to the candidacy and it will be very difficult to convince him in the future.

  • In no case do not be late for a meeting, it will be better if you arrive early. Calculate the time required for the journey, and if you do not know exactly where the company building is located, take into account the time to search for it. Better you wait for the employer, what does he tell you.
  • It is necessary to arrive early in order to collect your thoughts and calm down. It is unlikely that a person who is out of breath, whose hands are falling out of his hands, will make a good impression.
  • Check in advance that all papers are in proper condition. They should not be wrinkled or soiled from what was stored in a briefcase or for a long time were in hand.
  • Even if there are any unforeseen circumstances, they must be informed in advance by phone. An interview is such a thing in which there can be no force majeure circumstances, and you must arrive on time, since even the most compelling reasons for a delay spoil the impression, but in any case, you must warn in advance.

How to contact an employer?

It has long been proven that any person is pleased when he is called by name. In addition, if used often enough but moderately in a conversation, the name helps to focus the listener's attention on the conversation. Even if you know the name of the employer, you must ask how you can contact him. It is necessary to put the question in this way, because not every employer prefers to be called by his first name and patronymic.

Also, many people have a question about whether it is worth giving compliments? Of course, the employer may consider them flattery, but that's how a person works. Even if he understands that in the current situation, compliments are flattery, he still will not perceive it negatively. The only rule is not to overdo it, and to give the compliment most sincerely. To do this, you need to identify what you like a little and exaggerate it. It is best to choose abstract aspects, for example, not appearance or characteristics in the appearance of the employer, but a review of his company or office. It may also be noted Good work and his assistant. In any case, the head of the company is interested in it and praise from the outside will be pleasant for him.

How to behave during an interview?

There are several qualities that must be demonstrated during the interview.

  • Positive. Undoubtedly, the interview is a serious event and conversation, but at the same time, it is necessary to be positive. Even if the employer asks unpleasant questions, you should not start a confrontation. It is important to catch the line here so as not to seem easy and carefree, and so that the manager does not think that you are too negligent in this position and would not want to occupy it.
  • Confidence. Another required quality. If you are not confident in yourself, it is immediately visible. Put yourself in the place of the employer: could you entrust a responsible task to a person who is not self-confident?
  • Compromise. Working in a team or even paired with a person is constant situations where a compromise must be found. If the employer sees that you are an adaptable person, it will definitely make a good impression. It is unlikely that anyone will like a stubborn employee. Even if you are confident that you are right, you must be able to present information in such a way as to persuade a person to make a decision in your favor and at the same time look neutral.

At any interview, of course, it is important to take into account many parameters, but you must remember that first of all you need to be yourself. Excessive pretense becomes noticeable and inappropriate, it is unlikely that the employer will be interested in a person who plays someone else's role.

It depends on what impressions the recruiter has during the interview with the candidate whether he will be invited to the second stage or not. Creating an impression about yourself begins even before the first meeting.

The first point of contact with the employer is your resume and application for a vacancy. How to get an employer interested resume and cover letter, read here.

The second time you interact is when you make an appointment over the phone.

If you were invited, then the previous 2 times you have already made the right impression, now this impression must be consolidated.

Let's first understand what "like" means. Which candidate will be hired first?

So, the first thing you need to learn is that the recruiter is not looking for the best candidate, but the most suitable one. A person must meet the requirements of the company as much as possible in terms of:

  • my experience
  • company values ​​and principles
  • appearance (although everyone denies it)
  • expectations for compensation and social package

Experience should be as realistic as possible. If you indicated in your resume that you have optimized, updated, integrated something, be prepared to talk about it in detail.

In a word, every line in the resume for the last 5 years will be subjected to verification, discussion and detailed analysis, and you must be ready to answer all questions.

If everything is clear with experience, then this is how suitable the candidate is from the point of view view of principles and values companies are harder to understand.

In order to get to know you from this side, you may be asked a number of general questions.

  • talk about what matters to you
  • How would you react in a situation...
  • What comes first for you...

To correctly answer these questions, you need to prepare in advance for the interview. What information you need to study in detail, read.

An important coincidence is Candidate's expectations for compensation and social package and what the company has to offer.

  • If your resume does not include a salary, you will be asked to provide it. It's considered "normal" to want 30 percent more than you currently have.
  • If you came through an agency, then most likely the agent has already discussed this item with the employer, you can make several clarifications, for example, is it gross or net
  • It is quite possible that you will be asked what the social package and salary were at your last job. This is done if the manager has a suspicion that you are going for a lower salary level, which in itself is already suspicious, or you want much more than you are worth.

Most foreign and large Russian companies use methods to minimize the risk of subjective assessment during the interview. They conduct tests, group interviews, assessment centers. However, making a good first impression is essential.

How to make a good impression in an interview

  • do not be late, it is better to arrive 15 minutes early and wait than 5 minutes late
  • yours should match the situation, so for women it is a minimum of cosmetics, daytime makeup, a neat “business” manicure, business-style clothes (you should find out in advance if the company has a dress code), even if there is none, and the dress code remains on your discretion, exclude short skirts, necklines, shorts, stilettos. How the employer sees you for the first time is very important, because that is how he will present you in his office with other employees; for men, a suit, a neat haircut, and a clean-shaven face are required.
  • find a place, office, floor on your own (see point 1 - come early), sometimes getting into the building where the company is located is something akin to a quest; in this case, ask the guards passing by people, just do not call the recruiter with the questions “Here I am already in the territory, should I go further to the left or to the right?” or “Did I forget the third floor or the fifth?” All these questions show you as someone who can't handle the simplest task, and this, you see, is not The best way to create a good impression
  • Bring your resume and all required documents with you.

How to recruit an HR manager

If you are thinking how to interest a person, how to win him over, use several simple rules to create an image of "your own".

  • your look, facial expressions, handshake - should exude confidence, look into your eyes, smile, show a good mood
  • often a recruiter starts a conversation with the so-called small talk, this is a short dialogue, the task of which is to establish contact, ice-breaking, support him in a positive way, you can use humor, for example:

How did you get there?

Great, they sent me detailed description path and map. (Even if the description was not very good, you arrived in an hour and wandered around the territory in search of 21/15 B, checkpoint 8, you should not throw out these details, the main thing here is positive)

How long did it take you to visit us?

What is “long” by the standards of Moscow J (Even if you drove for 2.5 hours, because suddenly it snowed and the whole city turned out to be, as usual, “not ready”.

Today the weather is fabulous, like New Year's Eve.

You (after spending an hour clearing the car of snow): -Yes, it feels like a holiday when it snows.

Usually, in the first few minutes of the meeting, emotions are read and perceptions are formed, which can later be confirmed or refuted.

How to establish yourself as "their":

  • create only a positive impression (smile, direct look, open face)
  • there are 2 types of people “agreers and non-agreers”, at first you need to be a “agreer”, that is, try to avoid contradictory statements, the use of the words “no”, “but”, this will allow the recruiter to “relax” and subconsciously he will perceive you as a friend .

Interview is the first meeting with the employer or his representatives.

The purpose of this meeting is to obtain maximum information about the applicant and his suitability for the vacant position..

During the meeting, the task of a potential employee is to convince the opposite side of the presence of all the necessary qualities and make a positive impression.

That is why very often, as an applicant, the question arises: how to behave in an interview so that they get a job?

It is equally important to understand how to behave in an interview with an employer. Let's start with preparing for this event.

Preparing for an interview

Before we talk in detail about how to behave in a job interview, let's look at the stages of preparation. Let's talk about how to prepare for an interview and what mistakes to avoid in order not to fail a job interview.

First stage - phone conversation . Already during it, communication with a representative of the company begins. Be polite.

Even if a person who will not be present at the meeting is talking to you, he will give the impression of your behavior during telephone conversations to the manager or manager. Write down the name and title of the person you are meeting with and the person on the phone with you. Sometimes a full-fledged one can be carried out by phone.

If you address by name and patronymic to the person conducting the interview with you immediately upon arrival, this will make a positive impression.

Specify the time and address of the conversation, and be sure to ask to leave you a phone number for communication.

The second stage is the psychological mood for the meeting. Put your fears aside and don't panic. The fear of "failing" can play a cruel joke on you.

Therefore, no matter how scary, and understand that “failure” is not the end of life and career. Psychologists advise holding a proposed meeting in front of a mirror, talking with your reflection, imagining the interlocutor in front of you.

How to impress an employer in a job interview? Gaining confidence and showing it during a conversation is your main task.

The third stage - thinking through the appearance. Immediately put aside frilly, extravagant things, even if you look very good in them.

, better in a suit of neutral colors.

Do not use catchy jewelry in the outfit - they will distract the interlocutor.

Pay attention to the well-groomed hands, it is advisable to visit a nail salon on the eve of the meeting.

Do not use rich aromas of perfume, the smell from you should come as light as possible, rather even barely perceptible. Special attention give your hair.

The hairstyle should be neat, but just like the clothes, not extravagant. Put all the things you need for the interview in a solid folder.

The fourth stage is the collection of information about the company. A clear understanding of the organization in which you will work, important point not only for you. The fact that you were interested in the company in advance will please the employer, convince him that you want to work for him.

Visit the organization's website. Find out what products it sells or what services it offers. This information, in addition to preparing for the meeting, will help you understand whether this particular job is really necessary for you.

The fifth stage is thinking through your answers to the questions of the employer. Consider how you will describe yourself. You can prepare several stories from which the interlocutor learns about your qualities and behavior in various situations.

Depending on the specialization of the company, guess and think over so as not to get confused later.

Review your resume again and think about what positions the employer wants to clarify or what to learn more about.

You should also be prepared for the fact that at the interview you may be offered or, as well as all kinds of and.

Behavior at the interview

So, now more information on how to behave in a job interview. You must be on time for the meeting, and preferably a little earlier.

Being late is not acceptable, so plan your route in advance and calculate the time needed for the journey.

It is better to visit the interview site the day before to get an idea of ​​how long the journey will take. What to do if you are still late, read.

The first impression at the meeting is an important moment Especially if this is your first job interview.

If you were asked to choose a seat, sit not strictly opposite the interlocutor, but at an angle of 45 degrees and half a turn. Do not sit close to the interlocutor. The distance between you should be 80-90 cm.

Pose exemplary student who folded his hands on the table - not the best option. Sit relaxed, but not imposing. Don't cross one foot over the other and don't slouch in a chair.

How to have a conversation?

How to behave in an interview with an employer? At the meeting, behave confidently, answer clearly. Do not use phrases: “I don’t know”, “maybe”, “as if”, “I’m not sure”, “probably” - all these expressions demonstrate insecurity in their abilities. This will help you make a good impression in the interview.

Actively use the verbs "I can", "I can", "I own". If you do not know the answer to some question, you do not need to say “I am an inexperienced worker”, “I am a new person”, “I do not know this”.

Instead, answer evasively: “I have not met this information yet”, “I have not had to get into such situations”, “I will try to find out the information in the near future” - by this you will show that you are ready to develop and master new knowledge.

Do not panic if you hear unexpected questions, perhaps the employee specifically wants to piss you off. Sometimes this is done intentionally to find out your style of behavior in a stressful situation.

If it seems to you that the interlocutor has begun to put too much pressure on you or openly provoke you, politely tell him about it, trying to remain calm and not raising your voice. It is especially important for an applicant to behave confidently in such a situation.

Gestures and facial expressions during a conversation are of considerable importance.:

  • do not cross your arms on your chest, do not fiddle with various objects during a conversation;
  • do not keep your hands under the table, but do not swing them too actively;
  • reinforce your words with restrained gestures;
  • smile more often, but don't giggle or smirk. At the same time, a constant and too wide smile is also not acceptable;
  • if you do not know what gestures to make, try to repeat those that the interlocutor makes.

This technique will allow you to demonstrate a common interest and get a little closer to the interlocutor. But you should not exactly copy all the gestures, otherwise you will look like a monkey.

How to answer questions?

Your task is to convince the interlocutor that this work suits you as much as possible, and that you have all the qualities necessary for its implementation.

Calmness, confidence, goodwill - these are the three rules for answering questions. Do not treat the interview as an interrogation, behave like you would in a normal conversation with people you know.

Listen to the question carefully and answer it exactly. Don't get distracted from the specific question and don't get sidetracked by starting to talk about something that you are not currently being asked about.

The main rule of the answers is not to be rude, no matter what you are asked. If the question is uncomfortable or too personal, politely refuse to answer it. But this applies only to those issues that are not related to professional activities.

Consider some popular topics and rules for answering questions:

You will be asked about the previous place of work and the reasons for dismissal.

Answer neutrally: “the salary did not suit you”, “far from home”, “it was not possible career development" etc.

Never start scolding your superiors, saying that they found fault with you.

Do not say that you did not work well with the team. These are the most common job interview mistakes.

When asked why you want to work in this particular company, you need to think over the answer in advance.. Find out everything positive sides organizations and name them to the employer as positions that are attractive to you.

A popular question is why you should be hired. Answers must meet the requirements specified in the announcement. If you notice that the employer is not happy with some answer, say that you are a fast learner and will be able to master the necessary skills as quickly as possible.

A very important question about wages . To say that the size of the remuneration does not matter to you, and you are ready to work “for the idea” is a direct deception. In case of a question about what you want, study the labor market and find out how much you can expect. Focus not on the maximum numbers, but those closest to the "ceiling".

When asked where you see yourself after a few years in the company, you should not say that you would like to become a leader. Try to calculate in advance the opportunities for career growth in the organization and voice realistic plans. Read about how to answer tricky questions correctly.

Frequent questions about your professional failures. A career without them is impossible, so it’s not worth lying that everything always worked out for you. Talk about the mistakes you made and what you learned from them. Don't make excuses and don't talk. That colleagues or the boss are to blame for everything. The ability to learn from mistakes is wonderful professional quality, and the interlocutor will definitely appreciate it.

The main question of all candidates going for an interview is how to behave in an interview and what to say? In an interview, it is important not only to answer questions, but to ask them yourself.. Questions should relate to your professional duties, company rules and traditions.

Read about the most frequently asked interview questions.

What not to do in an interview? Do not arrange an interrogation, falling asleep interlocutor big amount questions. Your task is not so much to hear answers to questions as to show your interest. Avoid stupid, irrelevant, and irrelevant questions.

Also, at a job interview, you can’t ask, for example, about the number unmarried girls in the organization, or how corporate parties are held. This will immediately form a negative impression about yourself as a potential employee.

At the end of the interview, ask when and how you will be informed of the results. Ask when you can call the company yourself for information.

Rules for the employer

Competent selection of personnel is the key to the success of any organization.

An interview is a way to find out everything about the professional and personal qualities of the applicant.

At the same time, your task is not to scare away a potential employee with your questions and behavior, but to arrange for a frank conversation. Only in this case you will find out the information you are interested in as much as possible and select the right employee.

That is why you should adhere to the following rules:

Make a list of candidates and clearly state to them the requirements that you place on the employee. After the appearance of a potential employee, invite him to sit down.

It is advisable to invite him to choose a seat, and not to sit on a specific chair in front of you. Already by the way the future employee sits down, you will be able to form a certain opinion about him.

Start the meeting not with specific work questions, but with abstract topics. Your task at the beginning of the conversation is to win over the interlocutor, relax him and relieve tension. If the candidate shakes at your commanding tone or harsh questions, you will not achieve any result.

Ask concise, clear questions. Do not allow hints or half-hints, questions of a too personal nature.

After asking a question, listen to the answer to the end. Do not allow the applicant's monologue to be interrupted, unless, of course, it is too long.

Do not show your own superiority over the candidate. Demonstrating your social status is a bad form. For an employee, you should be a colleague, not an evil boss with snob manners. At the same time, keep your distance, because you cannot do without subordination in the company.

Be polite and as tactful as possible. Do not be rude to the applicant, do not declare that there are many like him, and you are “digging through them like a rubbish”. This typical mistakes during interviews, which are often allowed by employers.

At the end of the conversation, logically end the conversation, thank the applicant. Even if you like the candidate, you should not immediately admire him and say that he perfect option. Make it clear that your company is serious and certain strict requirements are imposed on employees.

If you immediately realized that the candidate does not suit you, be polite and do not abruptly interrupt the conversation.

Out of courtesy, you should ask a few more questions, maintaining a friendly tone, and only after that say goodbye. The candidate deserves you to listen to him, because he was preparing for the meeting, wasting time on the road. An interview with you, even if unsuccessful, is a kind of experience for him, even if for some reason he did not suit you.

The purpose of the interview for both parties is to achieve the desired results. Only mutual attentiveness, courtesy and competent behavior will make it possible to come to a solution to the issue: the candidate will find a job, and the employer will find an employee who most satisfies him with his qualities. Well, now you know for sure how to behave at an interview with an employer when applying for a job.

Watch the video: how to behave in a job interview.

So you've been invited for an interview. Before you open the door to your future, remember: to make the first - the most lasting - impression - you need no more than 30 seconds. Studies have shown that the first impression that a job seeker makes on a potential employer is indeed very persistent and can develop into a subconscious prejudice or, conversely, inexplicable sympathy.

In one study, participants were shown 20-30-second video clips of interviews that captured the moment job seekers met an employer. Participants in the experiment assessed such qualities of applicants as self-confidence and the ability to win over. As it turned out, their ratings - based on first impressions - largely coincided with the estimates of employers who communicated with applicants for 20 minutes.

Fortunately, the first impression can be won - it is enough just to master a few simple tricks.


Few things make a potential employer worse than an applicant being late for an interview or any other important meeting. Therefore, allow enough time to prepare for the interview and get to the interview site (in case you can’t find an office right away).

But this does not mean that you need to come to the meeting earlier than the specified time. If you are on site 15 minutes before the start of the interview and are an eyesore in the waiting room, this can irritate the employer, and you will come across as someone who is desperate for a job. If you arrived at the meeting point earlier than the scheduled time, sit in a nearby cafe or check your appearance in the toilet.

Ideally, you should arrive for an interview five to ten minutes before the start, and be sure to be polite and considerate to everyone you meet in the company - you never know how much a secretary can influence your decision to hire you.


Like it or not, most people make up their minds about a new acquaintance based on what they wear, so it's important to look professional. However, a too business suit often looks unnatural, while casual wear speaks of the frivolity of your intentions and a frivolous attitude to work.

Never come to an interview in sloppy, dirty, tight, or overly revealing clothing. Business suit tailored custom order, or a suit of a famous brand - this is the universal dress code for an interview for both men and women. And do not forget about accessories: they should be clean and in harmony with the rest of the ensemble. If discrepancies are still acceptable in matters of clothing, then the hairstyle should definitely be neat, the hair should be clean, and the nails should be trimmed. Remember that your smell should not get ahead of you, so be sure to take a shower before the meeting, use a good toilet soap and deodorant. But it is better to refrain from using perfume or cologne with a bright smell.

So, the hairstyle should be neat - no catchy accents or radical shades - and makeup should be kept to a minimum. Tattoos should be hidden or disguised, and earrings should be no more than one in the ear (for women, of course).


Subject matter experts business communication we firmly believe that the handshake says more about us than we wanted to. A weak and indecisive shake - and the interlocutor will suspect you of weakness of character or cowardice. Too strong and firm handshake - and the interlocutor will attribute to you a desire to dominate or excessive enthusiasm. But a confident and moderately strong handshake speaks of leadership qualities and disposes the interlocutor to you.

So, reach out and shake the other person's hand when your palms touch. Shake your shaking hands several times, but without undue zeal.

Language of the body

Do not underestimate the importance of posture and the most insignificant movements, including facial expressions. A study conducted by Albert Mehrabian showed that 55% of the information in the process of communication we draw from body movements.

If you want the other person to notice your self-confidence, sit up straight with your shoulders back. Do not cross your legs and do not fall apart in a chair, as if sitting at home - even if your interlocutor is sitting in this position.

Try not to show your excitement. Don't fuss. Avoid unnecessary movements. Do not touch your accessories, jewelry, do not touch your face, hair, do not cross your arms over your chest. Try not to lose eye contact with the interviewer. If you can't maintain eye contact all the time, look at the bridge of your interlocutor's nose - this trick creates the illusion that you are looking directly into the interviewer's eyes, and at the same time reduces distractions.

5 situations to avoid

... But you thought that you prepared for this interview in the best possible way. But sometimes even the most well-thought-out plans are disrupted by unpredictable circumstances. Therefore, you need to be prepared for unpleasant situations in order to prevent them or meet them fully armed. Rest assured, a potential employer will appreciate your ability to find a way out of a critical situation.

  • being late

Whether you overslept, got stuck in traffic, or have a more exotic excuse, being late is unlikely to endear you to an employer.

Solution: If you are late and do not have time for the appointed time, be sure to call back and notify the company where you are going for an interview. So you save the employer from the humiliating wait and give him the opportunity to reschedule the meeting to another, later, time or to another day.

    No CV

You grabbed a case, but forgot your portfolio at home with a set of printed fine paper resume, all letters of recommendation representing you with the best side, and best examples his work.

Solution: this situation can be easily avoided if everything is planned in advance. Do not rely on printouts and paper options necessary documents. Stock up on an electronic version of your resume - it's best to publish it on a personal web page, website, or store it in e-mail. This allows you to get immediate access to your resume from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access, including from the employer's office.

    Suit issues

Somewhere along the way to the office, your perfectly ironed suit is wrinkled, torn, or unsightly stains of dirt appear on it due to a passing car.

Solution: it is best to immediately briefly explain what happened. Everyone has been in this situation, so your dirt-stained trousers are more likely to arouse sympathy in the interviewer, not irritation.


During the interview, you are nervous, so forgetfulness and absent-mindedness are quite natural.

Solution: if you didn't write down the name of the person you're interviewing, don't see the sign with his name on the table, or can't read it on the numerous certificates and letters that adorn the walls of the office, you don't need to pretend that you remember him. At the first opportunity, ask the interviewer for his business card and continue with the interview.

    Interviewer disinterest

You arrive at an interview full of hope and expectation, and are met with the complete indifference of the interviewer, who barely dignifies you with a casual nod instead of a hello.

Solution: if the interviewer does not listen to you, does this indicate that he is indifferent? Perhaps he is simply busy with other, more serious matters and is solving a difficult problem? Try to get his attention, and if this does not help, offer to reschedule the interview to another, more convenient time for the interviewer.

Job seekers often get nervous if an interview doesn't go as planned, but the solution method is difficult or unpleasant situation will tell about you more than all resumes and references.

Good day to you, dear friend!

In the question of how to impress an employer at an interview, other candidates tend, how to say, to the wrong steppe. Clothing, accessories and other external paraphernalia, of course, have a value.

And you might even impress. But whether this impression will be the basis for offering you a job is a big question.

Perhaps, for some other proposal, the grounds will be sufficient ...)

However, the choice of strategy is an individual matter and your business.

Rather, tell about one of the ways. Very simple and just as effective.

Its essence is to answer the question yourself, to which the employer would like to know the answer, but never directly asks. This question is critical for the employer.

Namely: Will you solve problems that inevitably arise in the course of work? And can you solve them??

Will you do it yourself? Or you will look for reasons why the problem cannot be solved, or you will shift it to others, including the leader himself.

If your interlocutor doubts that the answer to the question “Will you solve problems” is positive, your entire track record, experience, qualifications, education will instantly turn into a pumpkin, I apologize for the slang.

The trick is that the interviewer, and often the recruiter, if he is inexperienced, does not always know how to get an answer to this question.

No one will directly ask this question, since the answer will be obvious.

Sometimes experienced recruiters ask relevant questions or case studies to determine your ability to solve problems.


  1. The ability to solve problems and the willingness to solve them are two very different things. It is not difficult for an experienced recruiter to determine your ability or skill. But readiness ... will you be in real work doing this is much more difficult.
  2. According to my observations, the test for the ability, and even more so the willingness to solve problems, is not carried out so often. I don't know what it is, but it is.

Preemptive maneuver

As an applicant, it is critically important for us to tell how we can solve problems.

When a person talks about it himself, and does not answer a question or a case, this means that:

  1. He attaches great importance to this issue.
  2. He not only can solve problems, but is also ready to do it.

Let's ask ourselves: if the interlocutor does not know how to get an answer to his question, why not help him. And you can’t tell by examples how you solved problems, overcame difficulties in your work. Kind preemptive maneuver

You will surely have such an opportunity, because almost always at the interview you will be asked to tell about yourself and your successes...

You have a great opportunity to tell what your interlocutor sleeps and sees to know.

Template for compiling an example

This is done very simply. Prepare 2-3 examples according to the following scheme:

Situation, problem, your actions, result.

I will not comment in detail so as not to take up much time. I think the scheme is clear, it is very simple.

Rules for compiling examples

Follow the following rules:

  • Examples should be chosen from your professional experience. You don't need a personal life.
  • It is desirable that the examples are, as they say, in the topic of the vacancy for which you are applying. For example, you lead or participate in some project, at some stage problems and difficulties arise. Tell us in detail how you coped with this, maybe not the first time.
  • Focus on what you did.
  • Show that problems do not scare you, you perceive them as challenges.
  • Try to find examples where you are really proud of yourself. Then your story will be colored with emotions, it will ignite you. These emotions will inevitably be transferred to your interlocutor. and your further conversation will go in a positive way, this is very important.

Important note: Don't go overboard with your role. Don't try to be Superman with shiny armor and a stone chin. You are a team player and have achieved success with the team. Your work is a contribution to the common cause of the team.

Prepare 2-3 examples where you encountered problems and how you solved them.

Give one or two prepared examples in your self-presentation. Leave one in reserve and voice it at a convenient moment when you answer questions. This will be your trump card up your sleeve.

I’ll tell you a secret: experienced recruiters conduct interviews on competencies according to a scheme very similar to the one in the figure. So here, too, your examples prepared according to this template will be in place.

Please take this seriously. Remember that with these examples you are answering a question that is of great interest to the employer.

So: Answer the question you will never be asked:

Will you solve problems that arise in the course of work and will you be able to solve them?

This simple technique will make you stand out from the crowd of other candidates and can greatly affect the outcome of the interview.

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