How to start the refrigerator after defrosting. Fast and safe refrigerator defrosting

Defrosting the refrigerator is one of the most disliked types of home cleaning among housewives. This procedure is quite tedious, the ice melts continuously. Yes, and you need to keep an eye on the refrigerator from time to time so that melt water does not seep onto the floor. Although manufacturers are trying to simplify this work by inventing new defrosting systems, the owners of the units do not stop wondering how to quickly defrost the refrigerator without harming its operation.

What is defrosting for?

Refrigerators even with self automated system defrosting should be periodically set to thaw manually. Otherwise, the unit can be handed over for repair in just a few years.

It is important to remember that during the operation of the refrigerator, condensate forms not only on the walls, but also inside individual parts. The more condensate accumulates, the more the unit will consume electricity.

Defrost systems

Current refrigerators have three types of defrosting systems:



Combined (drip and air).

The air system is also called No Frost, which means defrosting and evaporation of frost due to special fans when the refrigerator is connected to the mains.

The drip system contributes to defrosting only during the shutdown of the unit.

How often to defrost the refrigerator?

The rate at which condensation builds up will greatly affect how often your refrigerator will need to be forced to defrost. In addition, the frequency of this procedure is also affected by the existing defrosting system. With drip and air-drop systems, the refrigerator is subjected to this manipulation at least once every 3-4 months, with air it will be enough once every 6 months. If the unit needs to be washed, it will again have to be thawed.

How to properly defrost a refrigerator

The main purpose of defrosting is to free the walls of the refrigerator from the ice crust, since if it is used carelessly, it is very dangerous for the internal parts of the device. Crust defrosting with any system will begin immediately after the unit is disconnected from the mains.

Before you quickly defrost the refrigerator and speed up its defrosting by any improvised means, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following defrosting rules:

  1. Don't wait for a lot of ice inner surface refrigerator.
  2. After the appliance is unplugged, remove all food from it and put it in a cool place.
  3. Remove all shelves and place a wide container at the very bottom of the refrigerator, where melt water will drain. The same must be done with the freezer.
  4. It is forbidden to knock ice off the walls - with a sharp mechanical impact, the refrigerator may deteriorate.
  5. To speed up the process, on one of the shelves you can place an open container on a stand with hot water. The steam will help speed up the defrosting.
  6. After all the ice has melted, the refrigerator should be washed, wiped dry and plugged in. Now you can put the shelves and lay out the products.

How much to defrost the refrigerator depends on the thickness of the layer of accumulated ice. The larger it is, and also the lower the temperature in the room, the longer the unit will thaw.

Defrosting the freezer

The freezer is a particularly delicate part of the refrigerator. Here all the time supported subzero temperature, due to which the snow "fur coat" and ice are growing quite quickly.

The more often the freezer door is opened, the more warm air, under the influence of which condensation begins to form. It gradually accumulates and forms an ice crust. As soon as it begins to interfere with the opening and closing of the door, measures should be taken immediately using suitable way how to quickly defrost the refrigerator.

It is worth remembering that foods placed in a freezer with a thick layer of frost freeze much more slowly, and after a while they may even grow into it. Any attempt to pull them out could damage the refrigerator. Therefore, in the process of defrosting, wait for them to thaw along with the ice coat.

Do not leave the freezer to thaw in extreme heat. After defrosting, the instrument will take longer than usual to reach the required temperature. Then how to defrost the refrigerator "Indesit", "Samsung" or any domestic one, if the door to the chamber is no longer closed? Experts advise to do this by first cooling the room with an air conditioner, or late in the evening.

Upon completion of defrosting freezer Wipe it dry and do not place food that has already melted on the bare surface. Better put them on a plate.

Regardless of how quickly you decide to defrost the refrigerator, it is not recommended to use heating and heating appliances to remove frost, and also pour warm water on the inner surface of the compartments. All these actions will lead to the fact that the unit is unlikely to be able to continue its work effectively in the future. Sudden temperature changes, as well as mechanical impact, can hopelessly disrupt the proper functioning of cooling and freezing systems.

The device of modern refrigerators have practically no differences. The heart of every refrigerator is the compressor, which accelerates the refrigerant substance through the refrigerator tubes. The compressor has an assistant - a condenser, which turns the gaseous refrigerant into a liquid state, removing excess heat to the outside. Refrigerators with the “No Frost” system practically do not need defrosting, however, it is recommended to wash the inside of such a refrigerator once every six months. Excessive attention will allow you to keep the device always in pure form and prevent the collection of unwanted odors. Unfortunately, for many young housewives, when a question arises, they use the methods of parents and grandmothers, forgetting about the difference in technical specifications modern refrigerators. Only right advice help you avoid breakdowns and malfunctions.

1. Proper preparation. Before starting the defrosting process, it is necessary to set the temperature controller pointer of the refrigerator to 0, then pull out the wire from the mains. Open freezer doors and cold storage and completely free from products. If your refrigerator model does not have a tray for collecting melt water, you must put a deep plate or bowl on the very bottom.

Tip: Try not to take food out when the refrigerator is powered on.

2. Proper defrosting. Allow time for the refrigerator to defrost on its own. Many inexperienced users try to speed up the thawing process by placing bowls of boiling water on the shelves. Do not make such mistakes, as a sudden change in temperature can cause the freezers to overheat and further break down. The best option- this is to leave the refrigerator doors open, allowing the unit to thaw itself at room temperature.

Tip: Never scrape the ice from the chamber walls with a knife or other sharp object.

3. Proper cleaning in fridge. After complete defrosting, you can general cleaning in fridge. To do this, dilute a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent in warm water and arm yourself with a soft sponge. Remove all dirty shelves and trays and rinse thoroughly, then pat dry with a cotton towel. Then you can start washing the inside of the refrigerator itself. Be sure to give the refrigerator time to stand for a while. open door so that excess moisture evaporates, otherwise mold may appear.

4. Proper washing outer surface. Often, tired of washing the inside, you forget about the outside of the refrigerator. warm water with detergent it is necessary to wash the rubberized part of the doors well, where small debris gets most of all and wipe the doors from the outside, wiping them dry with a towel. Don't forget to clean and wash upper part, where usually the housewives often spread a large mountain of unnecessary things and unread newspapers. Often the head of the refrigerator looks like microwave oven or TV. Remember, this area also needs cleaning. Also, do not forget that it is necessary, at least once a year, to move the refrigerator away and carefully wipe the rear lattice part, removing cobwebs and dust.

Tip: Do not cling too many magnets to the surface of the refrigerator, when you remove it, you leave scratches every time.

5. Properly turn on the refrigerator. First you need to turn on the refrigerator in the mains without food. In order not to overload the compressor, let the refrigerator work for a while. required amount cold and then fold back.

Tip: Do not defrost when the room temperature is high and the difference between the temperature inside the refrigerator and the room temperature reaches 20-25 degrees.

When all the above tips are followed, the question how to defrost a refrigerator will be removed for you and your refrigerator will shine not only clean, but also work longer.

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Happy owners of refrigerators with the No Frost system rarely think about defrosting them, but not everyone is so lucky. If the model does not provide the option of protection against the formation of frost, then a thick layer of ice will grow in the refrigerator and freezer very quickly.

Devices with defrosting systems also need special care, but less often. Let's figure out how to defrost the refrigerator with minimal time.

All refrigerators have to be defrosted - both with and without auto-defrost systems. The difference lies only in the frequency, complexity and duration of the procedure itself. In any case, you can't do without it.

The biggest mistake that a refrigerator owner can make is ignoring the ice problem. This only leads to negative results.

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Ice in the freezer is ugly, inconvenient and, most unpleasantly, expensive. Growths interfere with the normal operation of the camera. Its volume is significantly reduced, so the products have to be placed further from the walls.

If there is a product in the freezer in cling film or a thin plastic bag, the bundle may freeze to the ice layer.

It will have to be torn off with effort, tearing the shell and sprinkling pieces of ice on the floor next to the refrigerator. A little later, puddles form, and cleaning will be required.

If the refrigerator is not properly cared for, the capacity of the freezer decreases sharply, and it becomes more and more difficult to put food in and out every day. Bags, bags and paper packaging freeze and tear, leaving scraps on the walls of the chamber

The unpleasant appearance and inconvenience of using a frostbitten camera are not the main problems.

Due to the thick layer of ice, it is more difficult to maintain the set temperature. The refrigerator turns on more often, runs longer, worse and consumes additional electricity. Fact: housewives who take care of the freezer in a timely manner pay less for electricity.

The compressor of a refrigerator with a large amount of ice wears out faster, and the service life is reduced. Its replacement is an expensive type of repair, which costs almost half the cost of the device itself.

Timely defrosting of the refrigerator prevents a lot of trouble: from overpayments on electricity bills to the cost of replacing a compressor

The reasons and rate of frost formation are different, so sometimes you have to clean the freezer more often than household appliance manufacturers advise.

Causes of frost formation in the refrigerator

When the door is opened, moisture enters the freezer, and it also evaporates from the stored food. Steam condenses on the walls of the device, and the resulting water drops freeze. So the freezer and refrigerator are covered with frost.

Gradually, its layer grows, becomes thicker and turns into a powerful frost, which begins to interfere with the normal operation of the compressor.

In summer, the process of frost formation in the refrigerator is accelerated, because. hot air enters the chamber. The compressor is already working in enhanced mode, and the ice creates an additional load.

To prevent damage, it is better to shorten the intervals between defrosting the appliance. But in winter, you can relax and take care of the refrigerator a little less often.

Winter is a time when refrigerator maintenance is easier. Firstly, it does not have to be defrosted often. And secondly, the maintenance time of the freezer is not important, because. products can be taken out to the balcony. If the temperature outside is below zero, nothing threatens them.

It happens that ice appears too quickly, and this is an alarm signal. The rate of frost formation increases sharply if:

  1. In the heat, the refrigerator is turned on to the maximum. The desire to keep food fresh in hot weather is understandable, but still, you should not start the cooling mode “to the fullest”. The lower the temperature in the chamber, the more moisture settles when hot air rushes in when the door is opened. The degree of food cooling still depends only on the settings of the device, and not on the environment.
  2. Super freeze option works. The super-freeze function is turned on manually when you need to urgently freeze a large amount of food (for example, if you are making preparations for the winter). There are models where the option works in automatic mode, but in most cases it is controlled by the user himself. If you forget to turn off the superfreeze, the refrigerator will work intensively and freeze heavily.

If you have to constantly defrost the refrigerator, you should make sure that the cooling mode settings are set correctly, and adjust if necessary.

If the back wall of the refrigerator or freezer gets frosted up too quickly, this may be due to breakdowns. Most often, the cause is a sealing gum or a malfunction of the thermostat.

Not always intense freezing of the freezer is associated with the "human factor". Often this is a sign of a breakdown, especially if the cooling function of the appliance is impaired after defrosting.

Freon leakage leads to the formation of uneven local ice, but this is not the most unpleasant moment. Lack of refrigerant causes the engine to overheat, which can cause much more problems. If a leak is suspected, contact a service center

If a malfunction is suspected, first check the sealing tape on the refrigerator door. If it is damaged or loose, it will take time to repair.

If everything is in order with the seal and the cause of freezing is not in the features of operation, then there is a high probability of more serious breakdowns.

If the back wall of the refrigerator freezes over, and the temperature in the chamber is higher than expected, this is a classic sign of a worn seal. It should be replaced, and it is better to entrust such work to the master of the service center

Symptoms of malfunctions and their possible causes:

  1. Ice appears on the back wall of the refrigerator compartment, and the temperature in the compartment itself is too low. This is what happens when the thermostat breaks. The device ceases to maintain the desired temperature, often turns on and works for a long time. The wall of the refrigerating chamber does not have time to thaw, a layer of ice accumulates on it.
  2. The refrigerator works intensively and rarely turns off, and ice appears in the corner. These are signs of a freon leak. One of the most unpleasant breakdowns, because. unlikely to be able to cope on their own. It is necessary to call the wizard to fix the leak and refuel the system with freon.
  3. The refrigerator does not turn off, but the temperature in the chamber is still too high, and ice forms on the back wall. Such signs appear if the normal circulation of the refrigerant through the capillary pipeline is disturbed. Sometimes it becomes clogged due to thickened engine oil, which forms a lump and closes the gap in the tube.
  4. Local icing of the rear wall of the refrigerator compartment. There is a possibility that this is a violation of the thermal insulation layer of the device. This section should be replaced.
  5. The refrigerator compartment temperature is too low, the freezer compartment temperature is too high, and the wall of the appliance is covered with ice. This happens if the solenoid valve that controls the cooling is broken and “frozen” in one position. Normally, it should cool both chambers alternately.

The refrigerator, even if it is equipped with the best automatic defrosting system, needs to be defrosted in time, monitor its operation and control the degree of icing.

Careful attention to household appliances will help prevent many problems.

Step-by-step instructions for proper defrosting

For a serviceable refrigerator with a modern defrosting system, defrosting is an on-duty procedure that takes a minimum of time.

It must be carried out twice a year, and more "for show", because. a small amount of frost accumulates only in the freezer. Water drops may appear in the refrigerator compartment, but there is no ice.

Although experts recommend defrosting refrigerators every six months, many housewives carry out the procedure even less frequently - once a year. There is nothing to worry about if the model is equipped with the No frost or Frost free option (for two-compressor it is Full No Frost)

Step #1 - Power off

The temperature regulator is transferred to the number 0, and then simply remove the plug from the outlet. Defrosting must be carried out with the appliance completely disconnected from the mains.

The door is flung open. If one chamber of a two-compressor model is being defrosted, then the second door must be tightly closed

Step # 2 - release of the chambers of the unit

It is necessary to get all the products from the freezer and refrigerator compartments. If the defrosting is planned, it is better to take care in advance that there is nothing perishable left, and the freezer is empty.

In winter, products are transferred to the balcony, and in summer they put them in a basin and put it in a bath of cold water. This helps keep them fresh for hours to come.

If you have to defrost the refrigerator on a hot day, it makes sense to buy an isothermal bag in a hardware store specifically for this occasion. Ice packs will help bring down the temperature and prevent food from spoiling.

An alternative option is to pack frozen foods in polyethylene foil or heat-insulating material with a reflective layer.

If you have to defrost a two-compressor refrigerator, the task of preserving food is extremely simplified. Cameras are turned off individually, shifting perishable food to working compartments

When the refrigerator is free, it remains to remove the shelves, grates, trays, egg containers and other removable items.

Do not remove them together with stored products. Under the influence of the weight of the contents and the temperature difference, the plastic may burst.

Step #3 - collecting melt water

In some models trays for thawed water are provided. If they are, the fluid collection problem is solved. It is enough to put hygroscopic towels under the container and leave for the defrosting time.

If there are no containers, then you can put a tray, wide bowl or pan in the refrigerator. Large towels are placed in the freezer

Step #4 - Defrost Procedure

Defrost does not require additional effort. Just leave the refrigerator door open and take care of collecting water. After a few hours, the ice will melt. The ideal option is to leave the refrigerator to defrost overnight..

Hot water is great for speeding up the ice melting process. The only caveat: the bowl can not be placed on plastic. The liquid should be very hot, and a plate should be placed under the container.

If the ice layer is thick, and the refrigerator needs to be turned on as quickly as possible, the process is accelerated.

There are several simple and safe methods:

  1. Warmer. If the house has a rubber medical heating pad, it is filled with water and placed on the bottom of the freezer on top of the towel.
  2. Hot water tank. The heated steam will provoke accelerated melting. If there is too much ice and the water cools quickly, the procedure can be repeated. Within an hour, pieces of ice will begin to break off.
  3. spraying. You can simply spray the walls of the freezer with a special spray or hot water from a spray bottle. An alternative option is to wipe the ice with a cloth soaked in hot water. The main thing is not to get burned.
  4. Fan. If the kitchen is warm, you can install a fan by directing it into the freezer. You can also use a heater or hair dryer, but be very careful that the hot air does not dry out the seal, and the electrical cable does not come into contact with water.

The most controversial method of defrosting is with a hair dryer, heater or fan heater. On the one hand, it works.

But on the other hand, the risks are too high: if warm air gets on the sealing rubber, it will lose its elasticity and cease to perform its functions.

It is better not to use fan heaters and hair dryers. If the seal loses its tightness, frost will appear many times faster than before. Replacing tires is not cheap, so it's better not to experiment.

It is strictly forbidden to chip off pieces of ice with a knife. It can break through plastic and the thin piping that circulates the refrigerant. This will lead to freon leakage and costly repairs.

A large amount of water will remain in the container or pan, which glassed during defrosting. It must be collected and wiped well on wet surfaces.

Step #5 - Washing and Cleaning the Refrigerator

If any shelves or racks have not been removed before, they must be removed. All elements are thoroughly washed with store-bought or homemade detergents. You can use the dishwasher.

After cleaning, the parts are left to dry and the packaging of products that show signs of contamination are wiped. It will be possible to put them back in the refrigerator only clean, otherwise an unpleasant smell will soon appear in the chamber.

You can independently prepare a detergent composition based on soda. To do this, dissolve 2 tablespoons in 5 liters of water. soda. If you need to get rid of the smell, then water with vinegar is more suitable (2 tablespoons of vinegar are poured into a liter of water)

The refrigerator is washed from top to bottom. The same solution can be used for interior and exterior surfaces.

The drain hole, located on the rear wall of the compartment, is not only washed out, but also thoroughly disinfected, because. This is where it smells bad. Pour detergent into hard-to-reach recesses with a syringe.

After defrosting, it is advisable to clean the refrigerator condenser. A vacuum cleaner is suitable as a tool for removing dust lumps. If the location of the device does not allow you to reach the vacuum cleaner tube, you will have to do with a narrow brush

Crumbs and liquid residues accumulate in the sealing tape, so its folds should also be cleaned.

A great tool is a toothbrush. And it is better to choose a product based on soda, because. The vinegar can dry out the rubber. It is important that no water remains in the seal. After cleaning and washing, wipe it dry.

Step #6 - Total Drying and Filling

All surfaces are thoroughly wiped and left to dry completely. You can blow an open refrigerator from a fan. This will speed up the process.

Shelves and containers are replaced when the refrigerator is completely dry. The device is connected to the network and left to work for half an hour.

If you do not “start” the refrigerator and monitor its technical condition, the entire procedure for defrosting and cleaning it will take no more than a couple of hours.

To keep the chambers free of ice, store food in airtight packages and special containers. Then the products will remain fresh for a long time, and there will be no difficulties when defrosting the appliance.

Defrosting the refrigerator is troublesome when it comes to an old device. Modern household appliances give housewives a minimum of trouble, but require some effort. How to defrost the refrigerator according to all the rules and not shorten its life? If you do not like this process, you can use the tips for quick defrosting of the appliance.

How often should you defrost your refrigerator

The answer to this question depends on how modern your device is. Refrigerators of recent years are equipped with a “no-frost” system, which is responsible for auto-defrosting. Peculiarities:

  1. The fan installed inside ensures the circulation of cold air and the rapid removal of excess moisture to the outside.
  2. It stops from time to time, after which the heater is activated, the frost melts. Thanks to this, ice does not form on the walls of the chamber.
  3. Water enters a special pan and evaporates naturally.
  4. The no-frost device must be defrosted every six months.

Defrosting a refrigerator with a drip system is carried out a little more often due to the fact that only the refrigerator compartment “takes care of itself”, you will have to manually remove ice from the freezer as it forms. Consider how long an old Soviet-era household appliance is defrosted - up to 8-10 hours. Its main problem is the abundant formation of ice in the freezer. It is necessary to turn off such a refrigerator often in summer - once every two months, and in winter - once every four months.

Defrost steps and rules

Different defrosting systems require a different approach. The instructions differ in some details, but they must still be followed. The right approach to business will ensure long-term operation of the device. The steps of the task are very simple:

  1. turned off the household device;
  2. got the products;
  3. waited for the ice to melt;
  4. washed the refrigerator;
  5. dried;
  6. turned on;
  7. given to work;
  8. uploaded products.


Defrost a modern refrigerator is necessary for cleaning and disinfection, while older appliances need more de-icing. Housewives begin this process by setting the thermostat knob to zero. Then be sure to unplug the power cord from the outlet: this way you will protect yourself. If you are the owner of an appliance with no-frost or drip defrost, leave the refrigerator for a while with the door open. Pots or bowls should be placed under old devices, because otherwise water will drain onto the shelves.

In winter, there is no question of food spoilage, especially if there is a balcony. In summer, without refrigeration, food can spoil even in 3 hours, so measures must be taken to “rescue” it. The best option is to wrap food that quickly loses its freshness in paper and put it with frozen foods. Cover the dishes with them with a thick cloth or foil and place in the coolest place.

the washing up

The following tips will help streamline the process:

  • Drain any water that has accumulated in pans or saucepans.
  • An auto-defrost refrigerator, for example, a Samsung or a two-chamber Indesit, only requires cleaning the internal space: wipe the walls and shelves with a soft sponge dipped in a solution of baking soda. This will get rid of odors. All removable drawers and panels can be washed under running water.
  • Drip defrosting sometimes forces housewives to get shelves and drawers out of the refrigerator, as they freeze through. These parts must first be thawed before they can be washed.
  • Old refrigerators should be cleaned after they have completely thawed. Do not use a knife to pick off the ice - you may damage the elements of the device.
  • Do not use abrasive products for cleaning. Use a cotton cloth or soft sponge. To clean the camera, prepare a weak solution of water and dish detergent, you can make a solution of soda or vinegar. Then wipe the camera with a clean cloth.
  • Don't forget to wash the outside of the refrigerator, clean the outer back wall from time to time. It accumulates dirt, which leads to a deterioration in the performance of the device. Refrigerators of impressive size especially require thorough cleaning from all sides.


After you have washed the appliance, wipe the interior with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture. However, after that, you should not immediately turn on the refrigerator. He must stand for a couple of hours with the door open so that all the water from the walls, drawers and shelves evaporates. This will also get rid of unpleasant odors from the chamber. Only after complete drying, plug the cord into the network and set the thermostat knob to the desired mark. The refrigerator should work empty, then you can put food into it.

How to speed up the process

Instant coffee, semi-finished products, instant food ... We all run, we are in a hurry somewhere, we strive to simplify life to the utmost. However, the question of how to defrost a refrigerator remains relevant even in the 21st century!

How often does the refrigerator need to be defrosted?

In many kitchens, a refrigerator without auto-defrost modestly huddles. Although it is old, it is reliable! The quality of the old man's work directly depends on your care. In the cold period, it will have to be serviced in this way once every 4 months. But in the spring and summer - every 2 months.

And the rules are universal for all generations. The only difference is how often you have to defrost the refrigerator. The answer is tritely simple: the more modern the unit, the less often it needs to be disturbed. Why, then, excessive attention, if there is a “No Frost” system? To keep the device clean and disinfect at least once every six months!

Step by step action plan

Set the thermostat pointer to zero. Various buttons and levers for switching off are useful and, perhaps, good. But protect yourself from various surprises and just pull the plug from the outlet before work.

Where to put food

In winter, it is much easier to do without a refrigerator, because all the contents can be taken out to the balcony and not worry too much about perishable products. And in the summer, defrosting the refrigerator is faster, but it is more difficult to store food. Arrange them in pieces of frozen meat, wrap in newspaper and place everything in a large saucepan. Cover the top with a thick cloth to secure.

How to properly defrost and not harm the equipment

The most important thing is not to pick off pieces of ice with a knife, no matter how much you want to do it. Defrosting should take place naturally, without the use of force, otherwise the evaporators can be damaged! If there is no pan for melt water, put wide saucepans on the upper shelves. On the bottom shelf, spread rags on the floor. It is better to take a cotton fabric that absorbs moisture well. Pour out the water from the container periodically, unscrew the rags and change them to dry ones. To quickly defrost a thick layer of ice, keep the door of the freezer and refrigerator constantly open.

When the last piece of ice has melted, do a general cleaning. Pull out shelves, trays, removable lintels. Wash them in baking soda or soapy water and dry them. Dissolve a few drops of washing gel in warm water and wipe the inside of the unit with a sponge. Do not use abrasive powders or pastes. You can dissolve some baking soda and rinse the walls with the solution. Soda neutralizes the smell, removes difficult pollution.

Washed? Leave the door open for a while so that the moisture evaporates completely. Do not forget to wash the outer surface of the unit. After all, it is necessary not only to carry out the removal of ice, but also to qualitatively wash the equipment inside and out. Once a year, wipe the rear lattice wall, where a lot of cobwebs and dust accumulate.

How to speed up the process: is it always fast = good?

Many housewives complain: this is a very troublesome business! Sometimes it takes almost half a day. And, of course, they are looking for ways to quickly get rid of this family duty.
Some experts advise against speeding up this process. The ice should melt naturally. They argue that a sharp temperature drop very often causes overheating, and then breakage of freezers. Remember, for example, what happens to a glass jar if you suddenly pour boiling water into it. But it's up to you, dear hostesses!

  • You can quickly defrost a block of ice under the freezer using a bowl of hot water. It may not be boiling water, but hot steam should come from the container. Place a folded towel in the bottom of the freezer. Put a bowl of water on it, close the freezer door. And wait. If necessary, change the cooled water to hot.
  • Impatient housewives also use a fan or hairdryer. Direct a jet of air at the ice wall. Change the air direction from time to time to evenly clean the entire interior surface. After two hours of fan operation, the icing will completely disappear. And whoever decides to donate a hair dryer for a good cause will speed up the process at times!
  • How to avoid sudden changes in temperature? Place a saucer of table salt in the center of the icy freezer, which will conscientiously “corrode” the snow cap. If a lot of ice has accumulated at the bottom of the freezer, sprinkle salt again! Only after that you need to rinse the surface very carefully and wipe it dry.
  • Also try the vinegar option. Like salt, place it in a saucer in the center of the chamber. Or spray on an icy surface. After thawing, wash the residue thoroughly so that the acid does not corrode the walls.

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