How to cook with a welding inverter. How to cook with inverter welding: tips for beginners How to learn how to cook with an inverter welding

Increasingly, in order to connect metal parts, a welding inverter is used. The advantage of this device over transformer models is that it has small overall dimensions and low weight, therefore it is mobile and convenient. simple, so even a beginner who has never done it before can master it welding work.

A little about inverter welding machines

The advantage of this equipment is not only that it has small size and weight, but also in the fact that with the help of such an apparatus it is possible to perform work that previously required complex and expensive equipment.

The inverter is very popular among beginner welders and professionals.

The principle of operation of such a welding machine differs from the traditional transformer device in that there is no large consumption of electricity during operation. When using a transformer welding machine, it often happens that due to power surges, a power outage occurs in the network. The inverter has storage capacitors, due to which energy is accumulated, so there are no power surges in the network and the arc is gently ignited.

The larger the diameter of the electrode you use, the more current the welding machine needs. This rule applies to both conventional units and the inverter. For a certain diameter of the electrode, there corresponds the maximum current strength at which it can be used to perform work. If the current strength is large, and the diameter of the electrode is less than recommended, then the electrodes will start to burn out, and it will be inconvenient to work.

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Basic rules of work

As mentioned earlier, inverters are popular among novice craftsmen. In order for them to learn how to use such a device correctly and effectively, there is a certain instruction that they need to familiarize themselves with.

To get started, you need to have the following equipment and protective elements:

  • inverter;
  • electrodes;
  • connection cable;
  • gloves;
  • mask;
  • coarse jacket and boots.

Before starting welding, it is necessary to set up the machine. To do this, you need to determine the thickness of the parts that you will cook. Basically, electrodes with a diameter of 2-5 mm are used to perform work. Depending on the selected electrode diameter, we set the current strength on the device. Usually there is a correspondence table on it, according to which it is necessary to act.

After installing the electrode, it is necessary to connect the mass to one of the parts to be welded, this terminal is red. Now you need to turn on the device. It is impossible to sharply bring the electrode to the part, as this can lead to its sticking. The electrode is tilted at a slight angle and the part is touched several times with sharp movements, this is done to activate the electrode.

When you see that the device is working, you need to bring the electrode to the part at a short distance. It should approximately correspond to its diameter. Begin to guide the electrode correctly along the future seam. After receiving the seam, scale forms on it, it must be removed with a small hammer, after which it will be possible to control the quality of the seam.

In order for the seam to turn out right, you need to learn how to maintain a constant gap between the part and the electrode during operation. If it is too small, then the seam will come out convex, unmelted metal will appear on the sides, since it will not have time to warm up to the required temperature.

With a large gap, the metal will fit crookedly, and the arc will be unstable. Only a normal gap guarantees a reliable and beautiful seam.

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Possible seam defects

If you carry out rapid movements with the electrode, the seam will turn out to be defective. If there is an intense penetration of the arc into the part, then it will push the molten metal out of the bath, and the seam will turn out to be wrong. During operation, it is necessary to ensure that the seam is on the same level with the metal to be welded.

In order for the seam to turn out perfect, experts recommend performing circular and zigzag movements. When performing such movements, you can evenly distribute the seam.

In the case when there is not enough metal of the electrode, an undercut is formed, therefore, it is necessary to ensure that a lateral groove does not form, and if this happens, then fill it with new metal. During the tilting of the electrode, the metal from the bath is pushed, not pulled. The more evenly you hold it, the less convex the seam will be. This is due to the fact that all the heat is obtained under the electrode, due to which the metal is heated and the bath is pressed down.

When the electrode is tilted, the heat is directed back and it turns out, as it were, washing away the seam, due to which it turns out to be convex. If the slope is very large, then the heat is not directed inward, but along the seam, which does not allow the metal to be heated normally and to obtain a high-quality seam. For a beautiful flat seam, the electrode must be held at an angle of 45-90 degrees and adjusted during operation, constantly observing the bath.

Inverter welding for beginners has its own characteristics and requirements, because those who pick up such a unit for the first time should know what it is for and how it works. This device is used to connect metal sheets due to electrical discharge. Unlike older models, inverters are much easier to operate, and itself is nothing complicated.

The popularity of this technique is due to the fact that, despite its compact dimensions, the versatility of the device allows you to perform quite complex work that old transformers could not do. All the electricity consumed is used in the creation of the arc and the welding process, so the efficiency will be higher and the energy consumption will be lower.

What is important and important to know?

Inverter-type welding machines are convenient to use for those who will deal with welding for the first time. Firstly, they are economical, and secondly, the welding technique is quite simple, so even a beginner can handle it.

The inverter is powered by the electrical network, respectively, in the working process, the entire load goes to it. But, unlike the old prototypes, when such equipment is connected to the network, there will be no sudden surges in electricity, moreover, the device implies the presence of a special storage capacitor.

  1. You should know that electric welding is carried out by such a working element as an electrode. Its size will affect the amount of electricity consumed, that is, the larger it is, the more current is needed. If you do not pay attention to this point in time, then when you turn on the device in the network, there is a chance to burn not only your own equipment, but also your neighbor's.
  2. To weld metal correctly, you should know what are the minimum requirements for the electrode to electricity. The fact is that if the indicator is lowered below the minimum, then the seam simply cannot be created. At a strong current, the electrode burns out quickly, and although the joint is obtained, its quality leaves much to be desired.
  3. It is important to know the angle of inclination of the electrode, since this moment directly affects the thickness of the resulting joint.

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How to learn how to work with an inverter?

Wire welding has its basic steps. If a beginner carefully reads them, then everything will work out for him. But it should be said right away that it is best to start training on unnecessary details, i.e. until you fill your hand. This is necessary in order to feel the equipment, as well as to understand how to properly hold the electrode so that the seam is thin, but of high quality and neat.

So, the guide to action is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to take care of your safety. Since the work will take place with hot metal, there is a risk of splashing. Therefore, it is imperative to prepare a set of work clothes, which will include protective gloves (but by no means rubber), a special protective helmet that has a shield with glass for visibility, and coarse outerwear (overalls and a jacket or just a jacket). And be sure to wear closed shoes.
  2. The next step is to set up the tool. To do this, the current is set to the required values, which must correspond to the working electrodes. Optimal size in this case it will be 2-5 mm. The current is regulated with the calculation of the thickness of the metal and the size of the part. It is also convenient for beginners to use the inverter because modern models have symbols on their body that will tell you the power of energy used at a particular thickness. To avoid sticking of the electrode, the tool should be brought to the future joint gradually. You also need to connect the ground terminal to the work surface.
  3. Wire welding begins with the ignition of the arc. The electrode itself must have an inclined position (45°) in relation to the working surface. In order for the element to activate, they need to touch the metal several times. Optimal distance between the parts is equal to the size of the electrode.
  4. Such actions will help create a weld. But it is worth knowing that scale is formed during the welding process. This is molten metal that can be removed with a hammer or other similar heavy object.

There is nothing complicated in welding with an inverter, so everyone can learn this process.

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Arc control: features

Of course, the work itself is quite simple: then bring the electrode to the surface, then take it away. But the fact is that the quality of the seam largely depends on the ability of the operator to control the gap between the electrode and the surface. Depending on this indicator, there may be some problems:

  • if the gap is small, then the welding spot will become prominent, especially the layering will be visible on the sides;
  • when the gap has a greater distance, the metal will not weld properly, and the arc itself will constantly disappear.

Both the first and second cases significantly affect the quality of the welded part, in addition, appearance such a joint would leave much to be desired.

If the correct spacing is observed, a vertical seam or a horizontal seam will have uniform adhesion. In addition, beginners should be aware that in welding there is such a thing as a weld pool.

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Wire welding: seams and their defects

As in any other business, a beginner can early stages problems with creating a neat joint. And this is normal, because the first time rarely everything turns out perfectly.

50% of the quality of the seam depends on how much the operator has learned to strike the arc and how evenly and correctly the gap is maintained. It is these moments that can be affected by the speed at which the electrode moves, along which trajectory (zigzag, back and forth, etc.), what is the strength of the current used and at what angle the working element is located.

The type of metal largely affects the welding technique. At this point, as noted above, the size of the electrode will also affect. The wire insertion speed can be different. If you do this too quickly, then most likely they will form defects on the joint surface.

The optimal welding method is considered to be a circular or zigzag motion.

But in the first case, it is necessary to constantly monitor at what level the seam is located so that the weld pool is evenly distributed throughout the area. As for zigzag movements, then here important point is the control of the joint from all sides.

The beginner should be aware that the weld pool will always move to where the heat point is. This point is important when the electrode is displaced.

An undercut can be formed at the moment when, during the transverse movement of the wire, there is a shortage of metal in the bath. To avoid this, it is important to keep under constant supervision not only the weld pool, but also the edges of the seam.

A novice operator should be aware that the bulge of the joint will directly depend on the verticality of the electrode, that is, the higher it is, the smaller the volume. This is due to the fact that maximum heat is concentrated under the wire, which means that the bath itself goes down. With a slight slope, the energy will go back, and the joint itself will rise, and if you tilt the electrode too much, then all the force will go along the seam, which will create a problem in controlling the bath.

Therefore, by adjusting the angle of inclination of the working element, you can control the movements of the weld pool yourself. To make it convenient to carry out the whole process, it is best to perform it within 45-90 °, so that the bath always remains under control.

In fact, wire welding is not difficult, it just requires experience and a well-trained hand. Therefore, of course, it is better for a beginner to start training on unnecessary metal elements, so that when the time comes for serious work, he can perform a seam with high quality and accuracy the first time.

Possession of electric welding is a skill that will always come in handy in construction and everyday life. At the moment, there is no other way to connect metal elements like welding. You can learn this craft on your own, having mastered the initial skills of a welder and performing simple welding work. Consider where to start learning electric welding for beginners and what you need for this.

Electric welding training is a practical process that requires some training. First of all, you need to take care of security. The work of a welder is quite dangerous:

  • Possibility of burns from splashes of molten metal;
  • Poisoning with toxic secretions at high temperatures;
  • Possibility of electric shock;
  • Eye injury if safety goggles are not worn.

The right choice of equipment and equipment for electric welding is the key to a safe process. For welding work you will need:

  1. Suit made of dense fabric, completely covering the body, arms and legs;
  2. Special glasses can be used to protect the eyes, but we recommend paying attention to masks. They will also protect the face and are safer in the welding process;
  3. Quality equipment for welding;
  4. electrodes;
  5. A bucket of water to eliminate possible fires;
  6. The right place for welding. It is preferable to stay on outdoors and remove all nearby flammable objects.

The modern market is wide selection electric welding machines, the variety of which comes down to three main types:

  • A transformer that converts alternating current for welding. This type welding machines often do not give a stable electric arc, but eat up a lot of voltage;
  • The rectifier converts to direct current from the consumer network. These devices allow to obtain an electric arc of high stability;
  • The inverter allows you to convert the current from the household network to direct current for welding. These units are characterized by ease of arc ignition and high performance.

Welding for beginners: video tutorials - watch and learn the nuances.

Beginners are advised to choose electrodes such as solid rods that are coated with a consumable composition. It will be easier for a novice welder to make an even seam with such electrodes. The size of the rods for a beginner is 3 mm.

Electric welding training

Connecting the electrode and starting the arc

The process of electric welding for beginners and experienced welders begins with the connection of the electrode and ignition of the arc. It is more convenient to start welding lessons on universal electrodes with a diameter of 3.2 mm. Such electrodes have a higher price, but they greatly facilitate the work of the welder.

The first stage of training: rollers

You need to start your training in the basics of electric welding with rollers - welds on thick pieces of metal, where skills are developed electric arc and seam welding.

The sequence for creating rollers is as follows:

  • For testing, a thick sheet of metal is taken, cleaned of rust and dirt;
  • All manipulations with the welding machine and the arc are carried out in a suit and with eye glasses!
  • After ignition, the arc is brought to the metal at a distance in the range of 3-5 mm. It is important to ensure that the distance between the workpiece and the arc is the same, this is the key to a smooth and uniform seam. The electrode is held at an angle;
  • It is important to understand whether the current supplied by the welding machine is sufficient. If the arc goes out, then the voltage must be added. If the voltage is too high, the arc will not melt, but cut the metal;
  • Consider the structure of the metal in contact with the arc. It is important to understand where the weld pool forms during welding and monitor it. This area of ​​molten metal will have a whitish color with the characteristic ripples of liquid metal on the surface;
  • When a weld pool has appeared under the ignited arc, you can begin to make a seam by moving the electrode. The bath will follow the arc, while the pressure of the arc will cause the bath to also move in the opposite direction, resulting in a bead;
  • When creating rollers, it is necessary to adhere to certain patterns of electrode movements - these can be translational movements with a small and always equal amplitude to create an even and beautiful seam.

After the metal has cooled, it is necessary to use a hammer to chip off the slag from the surface of the bath and make a detailed inspection of the work done. If there are unwelded elements, then it is necessary to add current. If the current is excessively high, then this will be seen by a large burn through of the metal.

Welded joints

Do-it-yourself electric welding involves the creation welded joints. You can move on to their practice after mastering the rollers. It requires a practical skill in owning a welding machine, which is why it is so important to work out your movements on workpieces before moving on to welding elements.

It is recommended to start the welding connection of metal elements on small workpieces. The sequence of work is as follows:

  • Before welding, the parts are fastened in the required position using auxiliary tools;
  • First of all, tacks are performed - spot seams with a step of 8-10 cm, which fasten metal elements in certain places. This is necessary in order to give the workpiece a certain strength and the metal does not warp when making a long seam. The implementation of such tacks also greatly facilitates the creation of the main long seam. As a rule, clamping is carried out on both sides of the part;
  • After making the tacks, a common seam is created, which welds the edges of the two metal elements. Here it is important to move the electric arc with sufficient amplitude, raking the molten metal into the weld pool from both welded planes.

After cooling, the seam is beaten off with a hammer from the slag and checked for quality. If there are flaws or unfinished places, then they must be brewed again.

Summing up

Electric welding is a useful skill in everyday life and construction. You can master it on your own. Such training will be based on:

  • understanding of the theory of the welding process, necessary for the correct setting of the welding machine and work on metal welding;
  • compliance with safety rules when welding, which is reduced to the use of a protective suit, goggles or mask, welding away from flammable objects;
  • practical experience, which begins with the ability to strike an arc and weld beads.

Do not despair if the first electric welding experiments do not please you with beautiful seams. Believe me, every experienced welder has such welding skeletons. The ability to create not only high-quality, but also outwardly attractive seams will come along with experience and frequent welding practice.

One of the most simple methods metal connections - inverter welding. For beginner welders, it provides an opportunity to quickly master simple skills and learn how to work with metal. When carrying out welding work, not very much equipment is required, and it is affordable. Actions with hot metal require compliance with safety regulations. Therefore, it is necessary to start with the study of equipment, means of protection and methods correct execution operations.

Necessary equipment and equipment

First of all, you need to select equipment, protective equipment and learn how to use the inverter correctly. Required equipment:

  • Canvas leggings;
  • Robe or thick cotton clothing;
  • Welding helmet with light filters;
  • Respirator;
  • Shoes with rubber soles.

Main protective agent This is a welding mask. It protects against splashes of hot metal, from bright glow and from strong ultraviolet radiation.

From the equipment you will need:

  • welding inverter;
  • a hammer;
  • brush;
  • electrodes.

The main characteristic of the inverter is the adjustment range of the welding current. An inverter with a maximum current of up to 160 A can be used for both welding and metal cutting, but will experience significant overloads.

Another characteristic is the permanent inclusion factor. This is the ratio of running time to inverter cooling time. With a decrease in the current strength, the constant switching coefficient increases, the device overheats less.

Taking into account both characteristics the best choice for a novice welder there will be a device with a maximum current of 180-200 A.

Welding basics

According to safety regulations, before starting, remove from working area all flammable, wooden, paper, plastic items. The mask must be put on before starting the arc.

Electrode - metal rod , which is covered with a special flux coating. The consumable electrode during welding fills the weld with metal. The coating also melts and covers the surface of the molten metal (weld pool), protecting the liquid metal from oxidation. The strength of the current determines the depth of penetration of the metal. The stronger the current, the greater the distance over which the fusion spreads during welding. The current strength is directly proportional to the diameter of the electrode. It is indicated in tabular form on the package with electrodes.

Types of seams

The bottom seam is the easiest to perform. The parts lie horizontally, the weld pool is stable. With a horizontal seam, it is much more difficult to keep the metal in the bath.

The vertical seam is made from the bottom up to prevent the metal from flowing out of the weld pool. Otherwise, the quality of the seam will be poor. It will turn out uneven, with sagging and undercooked.

The most difficult seam is the ceiling seam, because the seam and the weld pool are at the top above the electrode. Ceiling seams require a highly skilled welder. Pipe welding is very difficult. There, the lower seam gradually turns into a vertical one and into a ceiling one. You have to be good at all of these.

Operating procedure

To learn how to cook with a welding inverter, you need to start from the bottom seam. A metal object is selected, for example, a thick corner or a channel, so that a long seam can be made. For training, it is better to use MP-3 electrodes. They easily ignite the welding arc and form a weld, which is important in the learning process for a beginner. To learn how to cook correctly with inverter welding, you can choose electrodes with a diameter of 3 mm. They are common and inexpensive.

Before starting, you need to check and assemble the equipment. This requires:

Now you need to start welding. First, the arc is ignited. This requires:

  • Remove the coating from the end of the electrode by tapping it against the metal.
  • Ignite by striking. It's like the strike of a match. It is necessary to quickly conduct the electrode over the surface of the metal, preventing it from sticking. The question may arise why the electrode sticks when welding with an inverter even with the anti-stick function. This is due to incorrect device settings or when using wet electrodes. The electrode can also stick due to uncleaned metal.
  • The electrode heats up and can ignite the arc as it approaches the workpiece. A section of molten metal is formed under the inflamed arc.

You can start an arc by tapping on a metal surface. Lead the electrode at a constant distance from the workpiece. The recommended distance is 3 mm. By tilting the electrode, you need to adjust the behavior of the bath:

  • Welding at a right angle is carried out in hard-to-reach places. The bath is formed symmetrical, but it is inconvenient to work.
  • Welding at an angle forward creates a deeper pool at the start of the weld.
  • Welding with a back angle is used only in the bottom seam and in temporary seams - tacks.

The main defects in the seam occur due to uneven movement of the electrode, poor-quality coating, or too fast tool guidance.

Forward and reverse polarity

Direct and reverse polarity refers to the order of connection to the DC poles. When connecting the electrode to the minus, and the metal blank to the plus, they speak of direct polarity. The melting zone is deep and narrow. With reverse polarity, a metal part is connected to the minus. When choosing polarity, you need to know which element should heat up more. It should be connected to positive.

Direct polarity is applicable when cutting metal structures, thick-walled workpieces and in cases where it is necessary to create a high process temperature. With reverse polarity, increased heating occurs at the electrode, and the metal is heated less. It is used for electric welding of thin sheets of metal to obtain an ideal seam or when it is necessary to exclude damage to the workpiece during operation.

For production repair work at home, in the garage, in the country, it is very important to learn how to weld metal. Tips for beginners can be found on numerous welding websites. There are video tutorials and tutorials with a detailed story on how to cook metal with an inverter, and showing all stages of the workflow.

Welding equipment today is represented by many varieties. But inverter devices have received the greatest popularity among home masters due to their compactness and versatility. A welding inverter is equipment that allows the master to perform various kinds of welding work. But in order to conduct them efficiently, it is not enough to have an expensive unit, you also need to learn how to use a welding machine.

In order to use the inverter efficiently and safely, first of all, it is necessary to properly prepare it for operation. This process is carried out in several stages. The first task is to install and connect the unit. Installing the inverter must be carried out according to certain rules:

  • the unit must be placed so that it is at least 2 m away from walls or any objects;
  • the device must be grounded;
  • the place of welding must be chosen so that it is away from flammable objects;
  • it is recommended to cook either on a free site or on a metal table.

You can connect the inverter both to a household network (220 V) and to a network with a voltage of 380 V, which is usually used in production. If the unit is to be used away from electrical networks, then it can be connected to a generator, diesel or gasoline.

Electrical connection

Connecting a welding machine to a household electrical outlet often causes problems. Their cause may be old wiring or insufficient diameter of its wires. Typically, wiring is rated for current up to 16 A. And since all the included appliances in the house can exceed this value, for safety reasons, circuit breakers(automatic). Therefore, when connecting, it is necessary to know the power of the welding machine so that it does not trigger the machine.

Connecting the inverter to a household network

You should also pay attention to network drawdown. If, when you turn on the inverter, you notice a decrease in voltage in the mains, then this indicates an insufficient cross-section of the wires. In this case, it is necessary to measure to what values ​​​​the voltage drops. If it drops to values ​​below the minimum with which the inverter can work (indicated in the instructions), then the device cannot be connected to such a network.

Using an extension cord

The mains cable connected to the inverter meets all power requirements and does not cause connection problems. But if its length is not enough, then an extension cord with a wire cross section of at least 2.5 mm 2 and a length of not more than 20 meters should be selected. Such extension cord parameters will be enough for the inverter to operate with current up to 150 A.

It should be remembered that when connecting the device to the network through carrying, the rest of it should not be wound up, because when the unit is turned on, it will turn into an inductor. As a result, the conductors will overheat and the extension cord will fail.

Connecting to a generator

In cases where it is not possible to connect the machine to the mains, you can connect it to a generator that runs on either gasoline or diesel fuel. The most widespread gasoline power plants. But not all of them are suitable for connecting welding machines. In order for the inverter to work efficiently, the generator must have a power of at least 5 kilowatts and produce a stable output voltage. Power fluctuations can damage the welder.

It should also be taken into account how electrode diameter you will work. For example, if the electrode has a diameter of 3 mm, then a working current of about 120 A with an arc voltage of 40 V will be required. If we calculate the power of the welding inverter (120 x 40 \u003d 4800), we get a value of 4.8 kW. Since this will be the power input, a power plant capable of delivering only 5 kW will operate at its limit, which will significantly reduce its service life. Therefore, the generator must be chosen with some power reserve, about 20-30% higher than that consumed by the inverter.

Connecting welding cables

There are 2 terminals on the front panel of the inverter, next to which there is a marking in the form of signs “+” and “-”. Welding cables are connected to these terminals, one of which has a metal clip (clothespin) at the end, and the second has an electrode holder. Either cable can be connected to both terminals, depending on the welding method, which will be discussed later. After connecting the cables to the device, one of them, having a clothespin, is connected to the welding table or workpiece.

In some cases, standard cable lengths may not be enough, for example when working at height. In such situations, the question arises: can the welding cable be extended? Professionals do not advise doing this, especially when it comes to an inverter device. This fact can be explained by the fact that each cable has certain resistance characteristics. Therefore, "leakage" of voltage and current along its entire length is inevitable. Therefore, the longer the cable, the stronger tension sags.

If you try to compensate for the loss of voltage and current by adding values ​​​​on the unit's panel, then this measure will most likely disable the inverter electronics. It turns out that it is easier to bring the machine closer to the welder's workplace than to spend a considerable amount on repairing the unit after lengthening the cables.

Machine setup

The quality of welding work depends on whether the setting of the welding inverter is correct, this is especially true right choice electrodes. You should also consider:

  • depth of the weld;
  • the location of the seam in space (vertical or horizontal);
  • brand or type of welded metal;
  • metal thickness, etc.

You should know that corresponding electrodes are produced for each type of metal. Electrodes up to 5 mm in diameter can be used with inverters. But for each thickness of the tooling, it is necessary to select the appropriate welding current strength. To properly set up welding machine you can use the table below.

For example, if you have to weld mild steel 5 mm thick with an inverter, then you should select an electrode of 3 mm, and set the current strength to 100 A on the device. After test welding, the current strength can be corrected, that is, reduced or increased.

Work Safety Measures

The established safety rules, one might say, were written with the “blood” of the victims, and therefore it is strictly forbidden to neglect them. The health and life of not only the operator of welding equipment, but also the people around him depend on their observance. So, the security rules include the following.

If the safety rules have already been studied, then you can begin to familiarize yourself with how to work with electric welding correctly.

Polarity selection

It is no secret that the process of metal melting occurs due to the high temperature of the electric arc that occurs between the material being welded and the electrode. In this case, the cable with the holder for the electrode and the mass cable (with a clip) are connected to different terminals of the device. To correctly connect the cables, you need to understand in which cases they are interchanged.

When welding with an inverter or any other welding machine, direct and reverse polarity is used to connect cables to the machine. Straight polarity it is customary to call the connection when the cable with the electrode is connected to the minus, and the metal being welded to the plus.

This connection method allows the metal to warm up well, which makes the seam deep and of high quality. The direct polarity method is used when cooking thick metal products.

It implies the connection of the electrode cable to the plus, and the mass cable to the minus.

With this connection, the metal warms up less, and the seam becomes wider. It is customary to use reverse polarity when welding thin metal products in order to exclude through-burning of the part.

Welding current selection

The welding current is selected taking into account the thickness of the metal to be welded and the diameter of the filler. For ease of calculation, you can use the table that was given above, in the section that talked about setting up the unit. Also, when choosing the optimal current strength, one should remember the rule: the higher the current strength, the deeper the seam is obtained, and the faster the electrode can be moved. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve an ideal ratio of the speed of movement of the additive and the strength of the current, so that the seam has the required convexity and depth sufficient for good welding of the edges of the parts.

Methods of working with different metals

Since the welding process is impossible without arc ignition, you should know that there are 2 methods to do this:

  • you need to hit the metal with the electrode several times until the arc ignites.
  • you need an electrode, like a match, to strike several times on the metal.

Each master selects the most convenient and suitable way arc ignition. But you need to strike not anywhere, but along the line of the weld, so that no traces remain on the workpiece.

The place where metal melts under the influence of an electric arc is called welding pool. To move it along the seam line, use one of the methods shown in the following figure.

For the normal movement of the bath, the electrode is tilted at an angle of 45-50°. By tilting the additive at different angles, you can control the width of the tub. Each master chooses optimal angle tilt to obtain a seam of acceptable quality.

Advice! The movement of the bath is facilitated if the device has an arc force function that does not allow it to go out.

The electrode can take a position angle back or angle forward. To get a wide seam, the tool is tilted at an angle forward, since this method produces less heat. Thin metals are welded with this method. Thick metal is usually welded at an angle backwards.

For welding non-ferrous metals, connect argon burner to the welding inverter and use an already non-consumable electrode (tungsten). The additive in this case is metal rods, which are placed on the seam line and melted with an electric arc. During the welding process, the bath is blown with an inert gas.

Rules for servicing the inverter apparatus

Maintenance of the inverter type welding machine includes the following items.

  1. Visual inspection. It must be carried out every time before and after work to detect possible damage to the insulation of the welding cables and the power cord. Also, during an external examination, the absence of damage to the body and controls is checked (you need to check the current regulator).
  2. Carrying out internal cleaning of the unit. It is carried out after removing the casing from the apparatus to remove dust and accumulated contaminants from all its nodes. Cleaning is done with a directed flow compressed air on dusty parts.
  3. Checking and cleaning the terminals of the device. Periodically check the places to which they are connected. power cables. If oxidation is found on the terminals, it should be removed with fine sandpaper.

You should also avoid getting drops of water, water vapor and other liquids on the inverter welding machine that can penetrate inside the unit and cause a short circuit. electrical circuits. If any liquid nevertheless penetrated into the device, then the casing should be removed from it and all moisture should be removed. Dry the electronic board of the inverter with special care using a conventional hair dryer.