How to cook semolina porridge correctly proportions. How to cook semolina porridge with milk, proportions and other tips

The recipe comes from our childhood. This, of course, is about semolina porridge! Prepare delicious semolina porridge very simple.

The main thing is to know a few useful “secrets” of its preparation. Then for your children, and later grandchildren, this dish will become a healthy favorite delicacy.

Nuances of preparing semolina porridge

  • To ensure that the porridge is not too thin and not too thick, you need to know how much semolina to take per liter of milk and follow the proportions
  • This dish is best cooked with milk. To avoid overloading your dish with calories, dilute the milk halfway with water.
  • The milk will not escape if you add a little water to the container before cooking.
  • The problem of lumps can be resolved in several ways. Pour the cereal into the boiling liquid in a very thin stream, stirring continuously. Also use a strainer to ensure even filling.
  • Some housewives mix semolina and sugar before adding the mixture to milk to avoid lumps.
  • Do not boil the porridge for a long time. After 3 minutes of boiling, stir and remove from heat, covering with a lid.


Milk - 1 liter
Semolina - 4 tbsp. spoons
Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
Salt - a pinch
Butter - 1 tbsp. spoon

Cooking method

  • Pour milk into an aluminum container.
  • Add salt, sugar.
  • Over medium heat, bring the milk almost to a boil.
  • Pour semolina into the liquid in a very thin stream, stirring continuously. This will help avoid lumps.

  • Reduce the heat to low and let the porridge boil. The porridge should boil for no more than three minutes.
  • At the end of cooking, add butter.

  • Cover the container with a lid and leave for 5 minutes.
  • Classic semolina porridge is ready. For those who like vitamin-rich goodies, add some raisins, pieces of fruit, berries or nuts to the porridge.

Delicious semolina porridge is ready.

Bon appetit!

by the materials

2015-10-01T19:07:42+00:00 admin main courses cereal dishes, main courses, useful tips,photo recipe

The recipe comes from our childhood. This, of course, is about semolina porridge! It is very simple to prepare delicious semolina porridge. The main thing is to know a few useful “secrets” of its preparation. Then for your children, and later grandchildren, this dish will become a healthy favorite delicacy. The nuances of preparing semolina porridge So that the porridge is not too liquid and not too thick,...

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The favorite semolina porridge, on which millions of Soviet children grew up, is now a little forgotten. Pediatricians and manufacturers of infant formula never cease to remind us of its harm to a fragile body, and even mothers no longer know how to cook liquid semolina for a child. But grandmothers stubbornly continue to remind us that semolina porridge is an indispensable product in baby food.

Nutritional value of semolina

Semolina, which is made from wheat, has a rich vitamin composition and some fiber. It boils quickly and is easily absorbed by the body. Especially if you know how to cook liquid semolina.

Composition and calorie content of semolina

Semolina is one of the most high-calorie varieties compared to other varieties. That is why it was previously used as the first complementary food for low birth weight babies. Its calorie content per 100 grams is 328 kcal. But no one eats semolina in dry form. But the calorie content of thin porridge with milk is much less and amounts to 109 kcal. Recipes for how to cook liquid semolina are offered below.

Semolina contains a lot of carbohydrates: 73 grams per 100 grams of cereal. The amount of protein in the same amount of semolina is 10 grams, fat - 1 gram. The composition of the finished porridge is completely different. Liquid semolina with milk contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates 4:5:13, respectively.

Liquid semolina with milk

And it’s very easy to prepare. For a 200 ml bottle you will need:

  • 100 ml milk;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 2 teaspoons semolina;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar.

Pour cold milk and water into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add the cereal and set aside for a few minutes. When the semolina swells, you can put the dishes on the stove. Cook only for low heat, stirring constantly with a whisk. Liquid semolina porridge is cooked for about 3 minutes after boiling.

How to cook liquid semolina in water

Cow's milk protein is one of the main food allergens. Its intolerance is observed in 7 percent of children under one year of age. Some of them have this type of food allergy for life. Sometimes cow's milk is replaced with goat's milk. But most often, if you have to cook porridge, you cook it in water.

Delicious semolina can be prepared not only with milk, but also with water. It is inferior in nutritional value but is absolutely hypoallergenic.

How to cook liquid semolina in water? To do this you will need the following products:

Boil water in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Allow to cool slightly to a temperature of 80-90 degrees. In this case, the likelihood of lumps forming in the porridge will be less. Constantly stirring with a whisk, pour the cereal into the water, at the rate of 1 tablespoon of semolina per 250 ml of liquid. Cook the porridge for 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and 10 grams of butter. Liquid semolina in water is ready. Bon appetit!

According to this recipe, semolina porridge is thin. By taste qualities it may be inferior to semolina with milk, but it is less caloric and hypoallergenic. This semolina porridge is suitable for both infants and complementary feeding for children over six months of age.

Recipe for the perfect semolina for first feeding

As a rule, until 5-6 months of age, parents feed the baby semolina from a bottle. After six months, you can abandon this device and start feeding your baby with a spoon. Therefore, the porridge should be prepared with a thicker consistency than for a bottle.

And yet, how to cook semolina for a baby: liquid or not, depends on how developed the child’s swallowing reflex is, whether he can swallow it easily or starts spitting it out. To begin with, it is recommended to cook it lightly, and over time increase the amount of cereal.

According to this recipe, semolina is, without exaggeration, “ideal”. It cooks almost instantly, and the result is a delicate-tasting and healthy dish.

To cook one portion of liquid semolina, you need to pour 150 ml of milk and 50 ml of very cold water. Sprinkle 4 teaspoons of cereal on top and leave for 10 minutes for the semolina to swell. After the specified time, place the pan on low heat and, stirring constantly with a whisk, bring its contents to a boil. Cook for a couple of minutes until the porridge begins to thicken. If desired, you can add butter to the finished dish. Bon appetit!

The benefits and harms of semolina porridge

The beneficial properties of semolina and porridge prepared from it are as follows:

  • Semolina has a rich vitamin composition, contains vegetable protein and starch. Prepared in liquid form, porridge is easily absorbed by the body, so it is recommended not only for children, but also for people with intestinal diseases.
  • Semolina cooks quickly, so it retains the maximum of nutrients found in the cereal.
  • Semolina porridge creates the illusion of fullness in the stomach for a long time. This is rather a benefit for parents who, having fed their baby semolina at night, will be able to sleep for more than three hours, compared to if the child consumes an adapted milk formula.

The harm of semolina to a child’s body is as follows:

  • Semolina contains large amounts of gluten protein - gluten. How is it dangerous for a child? Some children are intolerant to gluten, and if you start feeding them semolina before the age of 10 months, you can end up with serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism in the body.
  • The semolina contains one more dangerous substance- phytin, which prevents the absorption of calcium into the blood and its participation in the construction of the skeletal system. Pediatricians recommend not giving semolina porridge to a child until he is one year old, so as not to provoke the development of rickets in him.

It has been proven that feeding a baby liquid semolina porridge after 10 months is absolutely safe and will not cause him health problems. Numerous statements about the harmfulness of semolina porridges are dictated solely by commercial interests.

Good day, friends! If you are wondering what to cook for breakfast, try making semolina porridge. When prepared correctly, it is not only very tasty and hearty dish, but also valuable for the body.

This porridge has a cleansing effect on digestive system. And to make the dish as tender as in childhood and without lumps, I will tell you what the proportions of milk and semolina should be for semolina porridge.

So, let's find out how much milk and cereal you need to add so that your child eats the prepared dish with pleasure.

The standard proportion is 6 tablespoons of semolina for 1 liter of milk.

Homemade milk can be diluted with water - in a ratio of 3 to 1. There is no need to dilute the store-bought product. 1 spoon holds 30 grams of cereal. In this case, the total amount for porridge is 180 g.

Let's find out what the harm and benefit of cereals are. The porridge does not contain a large amount of fiber or vitamins, but does contain easily digestible protein and carbohydrates.

It can provide the body with food for the whole day useful energy. The dish is recommended for people with stomach problems and a weakened digestive system.
In addition, porridge is a source of calcium. It is recommended for strengthening teeth and bones, as well as for chronic fatigue.

It is worth considering that porridge has a high calorie content. In this case, you can make porridge without milk.

Here are some useful tips for preparing semolina:

  1. Do not increase the heat, as this will cause the formation of extra lumps and the dish will burn.
  2. Sugar, salt and berries are added a couple of minutes before the cooking process is completed.
  3. Before boiling milk, rinse the pan with cold water.
  4. When using a multicooker, the porridge will be more uniform, fluffy and soft.
  5. For children, you can make a thicker porridge, which you cut into pieces and pour with jam, condensed milk and cream.

Traditional recipe

Let's try to make a simple recipe. By the way, if you want a quick and easy cooking method, then take a look. Especially tasty dish happens when using milk. At the same time, the concentration of useful components increases.

To create the dish you will need:

  • 0.6 liters of milk;
  • cereal approximately 110 g;
  • 30 g sugar;
  • 50 ml water;
  • 30 grams of butter.

You can prepare the porridge in 20 minutes. This will give you an ideal and liquid consistency. 1 serving of dish contains 142 kcal.
You need to prepare it like this:

  1. First heat the water over low heat and then add the milk.
  2. Bring the liquid to a boil.
  3. Then stir the milk with one hand and add the cereal and sugar with the other.
  4. Stir the contents of the pan for five minutes.
  5. Cover the porridge with a lid and leave to finish. Oil is added to each individual serving.

Porridge in a slow cooker

Let's try to make delicious porridge for children in a slow cooker. In this case, not only cereals are used, but also a variety of berries.
You will need the following products:

  • 0.8 liters of milk;
  • 120 g semolina;
  • 100 grams each of raspberries, currants and blueberries;
  • 40 grams of sugar;
  • 30 grams of butter.

The porridge will be cooked in 30 minutes, and 100 grams of the product contains approximately 120 kcal. The advantage of cooking in a slow cooker is that the porridge does not burn and lumps do not form in it.

Cooking process:

  1. Grease the bowl with butter, then add flour, milk and sugar.
  2. On the multicooker, set the “porridge” or “multi-cook” mode.
  3. Cooking time is 10 minutes.
  4. It is not recommended to cover the device with a lid. And the porridge needs to be stirred.
  5. Rinse the berries and add them to the cereal a minute before the end of cooking.
  6. After this, turn on the “heating” mode and in 15 minutes bring the composition to complete cooking.

The dish can be served warm and garnished with raisins and candied fruits or add seasonings. What spice to add depends on personal preference. It could be vanilla, cinnamon or cardamom.

Porridge with pumpkin

Now let’s figure out how to cook semolina porridge with pumpkin for a baby.

Here's what you'll need for a glass of milk:

  • 100 g pumpkin;
  • a tablespoon of semolina;
  • salt and sugar.

Prepare like this:

  1. Place the pumpkin cut into pieces in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it so that the water covers it.
  2. Simmer the pumpkin for 15 minutes, then remove and puree.
  3. Pour milk, salt and sugar.
  4. Place on the fire and stir until it boils.
  5. Then add semolina and cook for 7 minutes.

Semolina with carrots

To prepare you will need the following ingredients:

  • a tablespoon of cereal;
  • carrot;
  • a glass of milk;
  • a teaspoon of butter;
  • salt and sugar.

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Wash, peel and grate the carrots, and then simmer them over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Then add half the butter, salt, sugar and a little water.
  3. Pour milk, bring to a boil and add cereal.
  4. Cook for 7 minutes until tender, then add butter.

Semolina casserole

Now let's find out whether semolina porridge can be used to prepare other dishes. For example, for casseroles.

Here are the products you will need:

  • a glass of semolina;
  • 3 glasses of milk and 2 water;
  • 3 spoons of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons butter;
  • raisins, zest and dried fruits;
  • jam and condensed milk.

Look at the main stages of preparation:

  1. First make semolina porridge.
  2. Beat the eggs with a whisk and add them to the porridge.
  3. Add orange zest and raisins.
  4. Place in the oven for 40 minutes.
  5. Cut the finished baked goods into portions.

You can serve currant sauce, jam or condensed milk with the casserole. Try a variety of recipes and enjoy your meal!

See you again, dear friends!

Semolina porridge is a porridge from childhood, which many of us stopped eating in adult life. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, but those who consider semolina porridge tasteless are deeply mistaken, simply because they do not know how to cook it correctly. After all, semolina porridge requires a special approach, and if the housewife masters a couple of simple secrets, she will be able to prepare a real dessert from healthy and satisfying semolina.

Semolina - general principles and cooking methods

A few words about semolina: semolina is a “by-product” obtained by grinding durum wheat into flour. Despite the fact that it is not saved in semolina large quantity vitamins, fiber and microelements, it contains about 70% easily digestible carbohydrates and a lot of protein - this makes the product more filling and energy-providing.

In addition, semolina porridge cooks very quickly, due to which the beneficial substances it contains are practically not destroyed. And increase it even more nutritional value Milk and a combination with fresh berries and fruits will help. It is not recommended for those who are watching their figure to often consume semolina porridge, but for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, it can become a real savior, since, having a mild enveloping effect, porridge helps to soothe gastritis, eliminate pain from peptic ulcers and intestinal colic.

The main secret that will make semolina porridge adored is that under no circumstances should it be cooked in water alone. This way it will turn out bland and almost tasteless. If you want to reduce its calorie content, dilute milk with water (for example, 70 x 30 or 50 x 50). Here you should take into account the fat content of the milk, so select the proportions according to your own taste.

An equally important point is the amount of semolina poured per liter of liquid. As a rule, many people make mistakes in proportional accuracy, and as a result, the semolina porridge is spoiled. To prevent such an incident from happening, add only six tablespoons of semolina per liter of boiling liquid. Initially, the porridge may seem somewhat liquid, but believe me, it will quickly acquire the optimal consistency.

The third rule that should always be followed when cooking semolina porridge: the cereal must be poured only into the boiling liquid and only in a very thin stream, constantly stirring the porridge. To improve the taste, salt, sugar and butter are added to it. The first two ingredients are added before the liquid boils, and the last one is added at the very end, after the semolina porridge boils. By the way, don’t let it sit on the stove for too long, add some oil, close the lid and let it simmer with the stove off for 3-5 minutes, and voila, the delicious porridge is ready!

Semolina porridge - food preparation

In order to prepare delicious porridge, you should be careful when purchasing the main ingredient - semolina. First of all, pay attention to the uniformity of the color of the cereal. Color in this case is the main indicator of its quality: all grains must be identical and monochromatic - cream or yellowish, and also without foreign inclusions.

We choose only fresh milk for semolina porridge! Even the slightest souring is unacceptable! The same applies to butter: it should be fresh, uniform in color and not rancid.

Semolina porridge - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Classic semolina porridge with milk and dried fruits

Cooked according to classic recipe semolina porridge turns out very tender and sweet. And the dried fruits included in its composition will add piquancy to the dish. This porridge will certainly please all family members.

Ingredients: (per 500 ml liquid)

- 300 gr. milk
- 200 gr. water
- one third teaspoon of salt
- tea l. Sahara
- a handful of raisins (or any dried fruits)
— 50-100 gr. butter

Cooking method:

1. Mix milk with water and put the mixture on the stove. We make sure that it doesn’t run away (the milk boils quite quickly). After boiling, add salt and sugar and stir.

2. We begin to pour in the semolina in a thin, thin stream, constantly stirring the porridge so that no lumps form. Then wait until the dish boils, remembering to continue stirring.

3. As soon as the semolina porridge begins to boil, add oil and washed dried fruits to it, turn off the stove, close the lid and steam for about ten to fifteen minutes. We serve this delicious treat only hot!

Recipe 2: Guryevskaya semolina porridge

The famous Guryev porridge is a real masterpiece. Even those who don’t like semolina will not be able to refuse it. We definitely recommend making it in the near future, you won’t regret it!


— 1.25 liters of milk (fat content from 3.2 to 4%)
- half a glass of semolina
— 500 gr. mixtures of nuts (walnuts, cedar, hazelnuts)
- 10 pieces. bitter almonds
— almond essence - four drops
- half a glass of sugar
- half a glass of any red jam
— 70 gr. butter
- cardamom pod
- two tsp. cinnamon
- star anise to taste

Cooking method:

1. Pour boiling water over the shelled nuts for three minutes and peel them. Next, dry them in the microwave (oven) and grind them in a mortar. Pour crushed nuts with water in the proportion of 1 teaspoon of water per 1 table. lie nuts Mix.

2. Prepare milk foam. To do this, pour the milk into a cast-iron (or enamel) bowl, put it in a preheated oven and begin skimming off the foam as it forms. In total we need 15 foams.

3. Using the remaining milk, boil the semolina, following the rules described above, add sugar, nuts, crushed spices, and add butter. Mix everything.

4. Pour a little hot porridge into a fireproof frying pan with high walls in a layer of up to 1.5 cm and cover it with foam, pour in a little porridge again and cover it with foam again. In the penultimate layer we put a little red jam, as well as star anise.

5. Close the frying pan with a lid and place the dish in a heated oven (up to 150 C) for five to seven minutes. Having taken it out, pour the remaining jam over it and sprinkle with a layer of crushed nuts. Guryev semolina porridge is ready! Serve to the table in the container in which it was prepared.

Recipe 3: Semolina porridge with banana and chocolate

This dish can be easily compared to a dessert and can be prepared not only every day, but also for a holiday. Your child will be delighted with such sweet porridge and will ask you to cook it every day. Of course, you shouldn’t get carried away with such frequency, but you can pamper the kids with it from time to time.


— 500 gr. not too fatty milk
- three tables. spoons of semolina
- one banana
— 70 gr. chocolate
- a tablespoon of sugar
- 60 gr. butter
- a pinch of salt (optional)

Cooking method:

1. Boil milk, add a pinch of salt and sugar into it. Mix. Add semolina in a stream (as described in the first recipe) and cook in the traditional way.

2. Cut the banana into small cubes, and grate the chocolate on a medium grater. After the semolina porridge boils, put the butter in it and keep it on the stove until it dissolves. Then add chocolate, bananas and mix well. Turn off the stove, steam the dish for a few minutes (about 10) and serve. Bon appetit everyone!

Semolina porridge - useful tips from experienced chefs

- Instead of regular milk, you can add melted butter to semolina porridge, diluting it with water as desired. This will make it even tastier. The same goes for butter;

— Semolina porridge must be consumed hot or warm. Cold porridge loses its taste. It is also not recommended to heat it, but you can improvise with it. For example, make an excellent semolina casserole by adding a couple of eggs, fruits, cottage cheese, butter and bake in the oven.

Among people who understand diets, “advanced” mothers and even pediatricians, you can often hear the opinion that semolina porridge is useless, that it is nothing but fast carbohydrates with a complete lack of beneficial nutrients. However, it is not.

Firstly, its calorie content is greatly exaggerated (unless, of course, you abuse fat and sugar). Secondly, it contains a good proportion of protein - as much as 11.3 g per 100 g of product! This is more than in pearl barley, barley, corn and rice.

In addition, due to the fact that it cooks quite quickly, the vitamins it contains do not have time to be destroyed: B vitamins, PP vitamins.

Its main drawback is its gluten content, which many children and some adults have difficulty digesting. But gluten is found in many grains (wheat, rye, barley, oats) and even more so in semi-finished products (ketchups, dressings, soy sauces etc.), and if a person is aware of his own characteristics, or a young mother knows that her child does not yet digest gluten, the list of allowed products is known to them in advance.

Proportions and recipe for simple semolina on water

How to cook semolina porridge in water? The correct consistency is important. If you cook by eye, it may turn out to be too liquid or, conversely, too thick. It is unlikely that the eater will like jelly in a plate or “porridge” that stands like a piece of jellied meat.

Proportions: the ratio should be approximately 1:5, that is, half a glass of cereal will require 2.5 glasses of water. But in this case the volume will be too large. When you need to prepare only one serving, it is more convenient to measure the ingredients in this ratio: 2 standard tablespoons per glass of water.

Everything will take from seven to ten minutes, depending on which cooking method is chosen. Yes, it turns out that it can be cooked in different ways!

Nutritional value will be 80 kcal per 100 g.

How to avoid lumps

Now let's find out how to cook semolina porridge in water without lumps. In most recipes that you come across on the Internet (regardless of whether it is suggested to cook in milk, water or broth), the authors advise pouring the cereal into a boiling liquid. However, it is precisely with this technology, no matter how classical or proven it may seem, that there is a great risk of the formation of those very notorious lumps.

Therefore, the most competent approach to cooking is this: the cereal must be poured into cold liquid! Whether it's milk or water.

This technology will not allow you to create nasty clots even if you deliberately want it.

Why is it so simple and effective method still not widely used? Why do even many experienced grandmothers, who have raised more than one individual of the human race, consider this a real discovery? The answer is obvious. Simply because it is more labor intensive.

Three cooking methods

The multicooker will cook semolina for the baby

To prepare this dish in a slow cooker, you need to take the ingredients in the same proportions that are needed for classic version. You can add a little more liquid, because... The technique takes longer to cook than a person, and the excess will boil away. For one serving you will need:

  • the cereal itself (semolina) - 2 tbsp. spoons (approximately 20 g);
  • water - 1 glass (200 ml);
  • granulated sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter - as much as needed to process the bowl.

Cooking time - up to 20 minutes. We get a product of 80 kcal per 100 g.

How to cook semolina porridge in water in a slow cooker for a baby? So, pre-lubricate the bowl butter, pour everything in, pour in. If you want to use fruit syrup or dried fruits, you should also load them right away. Close the lid.

By pressing the “Select program” button, find the “Milk porridge” program. Use the “Cooking time” button to program 15 minutes and press “Start”. When the process is completed, a sound signal will notify you of this.

A slow cooker, as you know, is good because you can give it a task in the evening. Especially if you cook in water, you can pour in the ingredients the day before, set the start to the morning hour and not worry that the milk will turn sour overnight.

Recipe for dietary semolina porridge on water with bananas

The taste can be improved by adding any fruit. Bananas work very well. But first you need to prepare the porridge itself. Below is a list of foods per serving for one person. To calculate another volume, you need to adhere to the same ratio.

  • semolina - 2 tbsp. l. (about 20 g);
  • water - 1 glass (200 ml);
  • granulated sugar - 2 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter - to taste.

Cook using any of three methods; the cooking time will take from 7 to 10 minutes. As for bananas, half of one will be enough for a standard serving.

If the dish is being prepared for an adult or a large child, you can simply cut them into circles and place them on a plate - along the edges or in the middle. It will be beautiful and pleasant. Half a banana is 50-60 g, the calorie content in this case will increase by 45-50 kcal (the dish itself, remember, contains approximately 80 kcal per 100 g).

If all this is done for small child, it is better to chop the fruit. Place half a banana, cream (a couple of spoons) or milk into a blender. Press the button and grind the contents until a homogeneous mass is formed. If you don’t have a food processor or blender, you can grate it on a fine grater. Add the liquid banana mixture to the porridge, or right in the bowl, and stir.

How else can you improve semolina?

Semolina can be decorated and improved big amount additives Suitable products include raisins, dried apricots, honey, fructose syrup, maple syrup, jam, jam, nuts and much more.

Large nuts (walnuts, brazil, cashews, hazelnuts and others) should be added by sprinkling them on top. But to do this, it is advisable to grind them using a coffee grinder, mortar, or simply crush them with a tablespoon. Pine nuts do not need to be chopped.

It is better to add dried apricots, raisins, dried cherries and other dried fruits to the liquid at the very beginning; during the cooking process, the dried fruits will soften and give up some of their juice to the porridge, so finished form it will be more fragrant, its color may even change slightly.

A few secrets to note

  1. If lumps appear, the product should be quickly rubbed through a large metal sieve directly into a plate. If you don’t have a large sieve at hand, you can use an insert from a teapot;
  2. If there is excess volume, it can be used as a base for pudding or an additive for cottage cheese casserole;
  3. Semolina porridge can be cooked not only in water, but also in vegetable or chicken broth

Conclusions: semolina porridge with water gives the impression of something primitive, and if it is also without milk, it does not promise anything interesting at all.

In fact, despite its simplicity, this dish is appetizing and open to experimentation.

The following video clearly shows how to properly cook semolina porridge.