How to move to a new apartment correctly: folk signs and advice. Important, interesting folk signs and rituals when moving to a new place of residence What you need when moving into a new apartment

Moving to new apartment It is always difficult and associated with troubles. And at the same time, it’s so exciting: what changes await you in your new place? Therefore, there are many folk signs associated with moving.

Farewell to the old apartment.

First you need to properly say goodbye to your old apartment. Our ancestors baked a pie - if life was difficult, with numerous problems, then the treat was made salty, and vice versa - the pie was sweet, if living in an old apartment brought mainly positive emotions. The pie was divided among all household members and eaten to the last crumb.

In some villages there is still a tradition when the housewife collects the ash from the stove in a pot and pours it into the stove in the new house. Bad sign when moving, leave holy water, church candles and blessed herbs in the old apartment.

Signs in a new apartment.

Everywhere, before entering new house, let a cat or dog lead (since ancient times, people have believed that the animal takes on all the negative energy). In addition, cats have a strong sense of smell, and the place that the cat has chosen, according to signs, is ideal for a bedroom or nursery.

It is believed that best time to move to a new apartment– morning, until about 11 o’clock. Good omen if it is snowing or raining at this time. When entering a house, throw a few coins over your shoulder. This will bring financial well-being to the new residents. In addition, signs recommend leaving a handful of coins in an old apartment. It is believed that in order to receive something, you must first give something.

Brownie in a new apartment.

If you were friends with a brownie in your old apartment, you should definitely take him with you. To do this, in the evening, on the eve of the move, an empty open bag is left in the corner, and in the morning it is transported along with the rest of the things. Upon arrival at the new apartment, the bag is untied and left overnight in the kitchen.

You can also make friends with the “local” brownie - the spirit of the house, the keeper of the hearth. To do this, they arrange a feast with kalach on the table. They leave some kind of gift for the brownie after the meal. This could be milk, porridge, a piece of bread or sugar. By the way, you can read the mystical stories of our readers about the brownie.

After the move. Housewarming.

I wonder what folk signs It is advised to celebrate housewarming twice. The first time they invite relatives and friends, and then neighbors and friends. The table should be very rich and bursting with treats.

If you are invited to a housewarming party, under no circumstances give money or things for personal use! A housewarming gift should be practical, one that will certainly be useful around the house. Dishes, kitchen utensils, amulets, etc. are suitable for this.

Also, after moving to a new apartment, it will not be a bad idea to audit all your belongings. New housing should not contain broken dishes, glass, or mirrors. You should also not take worn out clothes.

An interesting tradition has remained from ancient times - "Vlazins". However, today it is observed, for the most part, only in villages, because it is not suitable for residents of high-rise buildings... The owners, along with all the guests invited to the housewarming party, go out into the street and at exactly midnight climb into the new house through the window. This is done so that evil spirits evil spirits, illnesses and misfortunes did not haunt the new settlers in the new housing.

Protecting your new apartment from the evil eye.

It is recommended to take signs from old apartment broom. In the new one, they place it in a corner with the handle down. It is believed that this saves from the evil eye. Before doing this, be sure to sweep the floors in the old apartment and throw out the trash, as it evil people can cause damage.

You can hang a horseshoe above the door of your new apartment, with its horns facing up. According to legend, this will bring peace and prosperity to the house. You can also use the door above the threshold in in an inconspicuous place stick a needle with a small piece of thread - this will protect you from the evil eye.

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Other folk signs and superstitions.

It's a sign to hit your elbow.

Elbow strikes, according to signs, mark different events. To understand this, you need to pay attention to the side of the bruise; your age and gender matter too...

To scatter the salt. Sign.

Spill salt - there will be a quarrel; to avoid it, you need to laugh, let yourself be hit on the forehead, or throw a pinch over your left shoulder. This folk sign comes from a legend...

An important sign when moving, especially if you are moving into an apartment after the old owners, is to get rid of the accumulated negative energy. To do this, it is very important to do a general cleaning immediately after moving, thoroughly washing the floors and wiping off dust in all places.

We also know from our grandmothers that in a new house you can hang a horseshoe above the front door; this should be done with the horns facing down. This sign is associated with happiness and prosperity reigning in the new apartment or house.

But from evil forces and evil spirits in the old days, bunches of St. John's wort were hung in houses - this is the so-called amulet.

The sign that when moving you should let the cat into the house first will help your new home become hospitable. That's why they say that the cat should come in on its own, you just need to put it at the door. In general, there are a lot of signs and even superstitions associated with a cat. Some take a closer look at her behavior in a new place, remember the places she has chosen. For example, in the place where the cat fell asleep for the first time, a bed is placed. But this is not always correct, because the bed is located according to the principles of Feng Shui for the bedroom and according to other signs. Well, what should you do if your cat falls asleep in the kitchen or bathroom? Of course you won't sleep there!

1. Try to drive during a full moon. If this succeeds, then let the cat (if you have one) into the house first and say three times: “As the month is full, so life in the house would be full.”

2. If everything was fine in your old apartment, then say three times in the old place and three times in the new: “Grandfather-neighbor, come with us to the apartment. Look after, settle, put to bed, water, feed, drive home.”

3. If you have already moved in, but have not taken the old brownie into the new house: on any three days (in a row) of the new moon, when the new moon is visible, you need to open the window and shout (it is very advisable to shout): “Grandfather Brownie, come home. Go live with us, we will love you."

4. The first slice of bread, cut off at the first dinner in a new house (not suitable for apartment residents), must be buried in the ground, in the right corner under the house, saying: “Breadwinner, breadwinner, come to the new house to eat bread here and listen to the young owners. "

5. If you have a basin, basket, etc. where you put your laundry before washing and it serves you for this purpose for at least 3 months, then when you bring it into the house you can say three times: “As (a basin, a basket or...) collects a lot of laundry, so let my house collect wealth.” "

How to take your brownie from your old to your new apartment

It’s unlikely that many today pay attention to this point, but in the old days, without a brownie, they didn’t squeeze him into a new home at all - they had to lure him with them by any means.

In general, a brownie is your friend and buddy who not only protects the house from troubles, but also takes care of the household. And when you are friends with him, you probably noticed that you are living well. Therefore, when moving, it is important to take your friend, the brownie, to your new apartment. The easiest way to do this is, after collecting things, put front door box in which soft items will be folded, and then leave it for at least 10-15 minutes. Your brownie will definitely climb into this box and go with you. And some beliefs convince us that to move with your brownie, it’s enough to grab a broom from your old apartment.

One way or another, after arrival you need to let the brownie in. Place the same box at the entrance and open it. Then pour milk into a saucer and place it on the floor. The brownie will certainly go to eat from your caring hands, especially since he could get hungry on the road.

There are, of course, entire rituals that can be performed, but they are best used in more serious cases. For example, if you had an unhappy life in your old place, or you moved into a bad place, etc. Or you have problems regarding family ties, etc. There are different situations, everything is determined according to the specific case.
And don’t forget when selling any of your real estate, be it a house, apartment, retail outlet, store, etc. take the brownie with you if things were going well for you there. And also treat your little ones. Leave milk, gingerbread, sweets. It is best to allocate a place near the stove; if this is not possible, then place it higher, but in the kitchen. If the animal starts to eat the treat, do not interfere, let it eat.

Organize yourself. A move cannot be planned over a weekend. Always plan ahead and don't leave packing until the last day as you will have a lot of things you forgot to think about. Make sure all boxes are labeled correctly - this will save you a lot of time and stress during unpacking.

Get rid of old and unnecessary things. As you pack, you'll realize that you have a lot of things that you don't need or don't have room for. Don't throw them away, give them to those in need. This way, you will not only get rid of unnecessary things, but also help someone. You can always sell something, too.

Rent a van or truck. A pretty girl is waiting for you empty apartment, but there is a problem - you need to somehow transport all your things there. If you or your friends don't have a van, you'll have to rent one. The demand for such services is quite high, so take care of this in advance. If you wait until the last minute, there is a chance that you simply won’t find a free car.

Get help. You should recruit an army of friends and family to help you move in exchange for pizza. But what to do if everyone is busy or away on business? If you don't like the idea of ​​manually moving a bunch of boxes for an entire weekend, hire movers from a moving company. Transport companies offer the services of qualified and trained movers who will move your belongings quickly and without unnecessary fuss. Review the company's insurance policy. Different companies have different insurance coverage. You may want to consider taking advantage of insurance services, especially if you have a lot of valuable and breakable items that could be damaged during transportation.

Reserve the elevator. Regardless of the floor you live on, moving things, especially furniture, won't be easy. Luckily, some homes have large service elevators that can be used for just this. However, sometimes these elevators are occupied by others. Therefore, you should reserve the elevator in advance. If you don't do this, you may have to wait a very long time for the elevator to become free. Also, sometimes service elevators only operate at certain times of the day. This also needs to be clarified in advance. Gather all the information you can in advance and plan your move accordingly.

Forward your email. It is possible that you forgot to tell someone that you changed your address. There are services for forwarding mail from an old address to a new one. This will give you the opportunity to make sure that you have not lost any contacts and that any important message won't reach you.

For the umpteenth time, I wanted to leave a comment on someone else’s post, but I got so carried away that I wrote so much text that I had to put it in my post.

How many times have I moved? I had to pack containers to move thousands of kilometers from Chukotka to Central Asia, from Asia to the Urals. There were also a lot of moves over short distances and within the same city.
Every time everything was carefully packed (even for a 10 km journey), since I always felt very, very sorry for the furniture, dishes and all my things. Each scratch upset me greatly, since it was unknown when the item would be replaced with a new one.

So, I will describe my experience.

1. To pack the “move” I needed: cardboard boxes different sizes, bags of different sizes and huge ones for things (can also be found in the construction market for pennies), thick oilcloth (bought by the meter at the construction market), tape, rope, old newspapers/wrapping paper/cardboard (for interlayer), marker (chalk, pencil - for marks on furniture).

Why a marker? Because it is most convenient for them to leave marks on cardboard, tape, bags, oilcloth - on all packaging surfaces.
I wrote numbers on each box with a marker and wrote down in detail what was in each box in a notebook. You don’t have to write it down, but I can tell you from experience that you won’t unpack all the boxes at once, sometimes things continue to live in boxes on the mezzanine or in the garage, and even in the first days of moving, finding an item, breaking all the boxes, is a lot of time and nerves. So I advise you not to be lazy. It is also sometimes useful to use a marker to indicate on the box where the top is.

For example, I labeled boxes with kitchen utensils “Kitchen 1, kitchen 2,” etc. You can also abbreviate them as “K1.” When unloaded, these boxes immediately rushed into the kitchen.

I also started preparing for the move a couple of months before. I started by looking for boxes, both large and small. I myself went to nearby shops and stalls, they often display boxes there, and did not hesitate to ask (organized removal of cardboard is not provided everywhere). She gave my husband and son tasks to do: on the way home, it was mandatory to grab a couple of boxes, because we needed them - the sea.
Of course, you can buy boxes, now many large markets provide this, but!!! I needed so many boxes that I was not ready to part with a certain amount of money for purchased boxes.

3. It’s convenient to pack things (winter and others, bedding, etc.) in large bags, we’ll also draw numbers on them, I somehow ignored this moment, and I had to suffer, since our things were unpacked for a month or more, and I I often had to rummage through several bags until I found what I needed
Another tip: if you unpack things right away, then when packing, put everything in bags, and if not, then you need to separately put winter things that are required now, etc.

4. Furniture. This is where everyone decides for themselves how much to disassemble it for transportation. It's good if the furniture is made from pure wood. We had cabinet furniture. On the one hand, if such furniture is assembled once, then each disassembly and reassembly subsequently affects its stability and strength. On the other hand, if you do not disassemble it, then there is a risk of damage, tearing out entire pieces of chipboard from the furniture at the joints and fastenings, and loosening the furniture.
Here you need to think about how it will be more convenient to transport such furniture, hold it and carry it, lift it.
It is better to pack the fittings from all the disassembled furniture separately (signed) in bags or small boxes, then putting everything in one box. We were the last to take this box out of the apartment, because after all the furniture is loaded, the apartment remains empty and then it becomes clear that some kind of hook or something needs to be unscrewed. All these little things are put into a box with accessories.
If you don’t have furniture assembly diagrams, you can use chalk or pencil to label inside the furniture parts what it belongs to and where it goes.

How we did it: we removed glass and mirror doors, shelves. The shelves were lined with newspapers to protect them from chipping. sometimes with towels, packed separately, several shelves in one package. Also came from glass doors. If the simple doors were not removed, then they were secured with tape to prevent them from swinging open. From the outside, I dressed the furniture in bags made of thick double oilcloth (I simply didn’t cut the oilcloth lengthwise, but separated the layers and got a bag without a bottom), pulled the bag over the top of the furniture body and secured it with tape. This saved my furniture from chips and scratches. Drawers we took it out to make it easier to move the furniture.

If you are transporting kitchen set, for example, you simply take out everything from the inside along with the shelves (well, you can put light things - clothes, bedding) and seal the doors.
The general rule is to secure doors to furniture and appliances.

5. Upholstered furniture completely wrapped in oilcloth and secured with tape.

6. When sending things and furniture by containers (sea route, railway route, etc.), there are specific features of packing and placing things.

The general principle of packaging is the same.
Features: we do not disassemble furniture (except for mirrors and glass), but on the contrary, we compact things tightly inside the furniture bodies, fill all voids to prevent vibration and ultimately the furniture falling apart). Things in the container are placed as tightly as possible, to the fullest extent. Before closing and sealing the container doors, it is advisable to fasten the crossbars and boards crosswise so that if the doors are accidentally opened (or the container is tilted), your things do not fall out, put pressure on the door, and do not provoke the opening of the doors themselves. No one will collect them; the container may simply be stolen.

It is advisable to line the inside of the container with cardboard or cover it with film, since moisture and sand can penetrate into the cracks. This is what happened to us, after our container traveled from Asia to the Urals, all the things were covered in fine yellow dust, everything had to be washed several times, knocked out, shaken out, and for a long time this sand fell from everywhere
All my preserves arrived very well in boxes in the form of well-lined jars.

7. Flowers are shipped in boxes - this is the safest way for flowers and convenient way. Flower branches in bags break and leaves become wrinkled.

8. Food from the refrigerator.
You can freeze plastic bottles of water in advance. I put the food from the freezer in a large basin or box (or left it directly in the baskets), lined the sides with frozen bottles and covered it with a thick blanket, oilcloth, and wrapped it up. Something also fit in the cooler bag.

After removing furniture from the apartment, it is also often discovered that you forgot to unscrew the curtains or remove the drapes
Keep some more garbage bags + trash bags ready (in the process of packing and taking things out, you will definitely want to throw something away).

It is advisable to schedule the move in the morning so that there is time to lay out the essentials and unpack sleeping place etc. (well, if you are in the same city and need to spend the night in a new apartment).

Here are some tips when moving for those who believe in omens, brownies... or are interested in Feng Shui.

When moving to a new (different) apartment, it is customary to let the cat in first. Moreover, the cat must be its own (domestic), and not a street or neighbor’s one.
After moving to a new apartment, a cat will, according to a sign, choose one of the “bad” places for itself and sit or lie there for a long time - do not place a bed there, otherwise the sleep will be anxious and restless. It is believed that this place should be left free, because it should belong to the main “owner” of the house - the brownie.
The brownie monitors cleanliness, protects things, protects the home from fire, and helps the owners. And when moving to a new apartment, signs recommend inviting your brownie with you and managing another home with you.
How to do it? Inform the brownie of your intention to change apartment and invite him to come with you. After that, put an empty bag for him, and take it with you on the day of moving. Take a broom from your old apartment - perhaps your brownie will ride on this vehicle. Or leave an old slipper (or felt boot, boot) by the stove (fireplace, stove) with the following words: “Brownie, here’s your sleigh, come with us,” and then take this improvised transport for the brownie with you.

Before moving in, Feng Shui experts advise making repairs (the same, however, is required by a long-standing Russian tradition). If you start right away major renovation If it doesn't work, at least do some general cleaning. Wipe all surfaces in the house with lightly salted water - it has magical properties and perfectly cleans the space. After moving to a new apartment, Feng Shui strongly recommends repairing all broken things: plumbing and electrical wiring, doors and floors. Once you've moved your belongings to your new home, spend the night there. If for some reason this is not possible, leave instead the clothes you wear at night - pajamas or a nightgown.

Agree, spring-cleaning and plumbing repairs - this makes common sense, even for non-Feng Shui enthusiasts.

Happy moving everyone!

How to say goodbye to your old home?

The wisdom of past generations often comes to contemporaries encrypted - in the form of superstitions. Many signs are logically justified, some seem completely absurd. For example, according to popular beliefs, houses are inhabited by house spirits, and losing them when moving is considered a big bad luck.

Brownies, despite their name, are not attached to housing, but to human owners, so spirits can be taken to a new home. The most common way is to loudly “invite” the brownie into a box of soft things, placed at the doorstep half an hour before departure.

Rumor has it that brownies love a variety of panicles and even live in them; If there is a broom in the house, be sure to take it to the housewarming party so as not to deprive the house-elf of his home. It is believed that the owners take away the spirits and troubles, and therefore before leaving it is worth cleaning and repairing the remaining household utensils. Leaking faucets and cracked glass in the windows will appear in the new house if you don’t get rid of them in the old one.

Road signs

There are many “travel” superstitions; most are universal and go well with such an unusual trip as moving.

  • If it rains on the road, everything will turn out well. But precautions should not be neglected: you can easily slip on a puddle, injuring yourself and breaking the load you are carrying, no matter how good the day is.
  • Immediately before departure, you need to sit at the door for a minute, preferably on your suitcases. The ritual is useful even without a metaphysical background - they usually squat “on the path” in silence, and this makes it easier to remember an important call, an unturned tap or a forgotten hiding place.
  • If the first person you meet on the road is a beggar, a pregnant woman or a dog, the owners will receive pleasant news soon after moving in. But the encounter with the monk, funeral procession or a young girl - already a warning from higher powers about “bad stars” on the day of moving.
  • The ideal time to leave is considered to be early morning - right at dawn. The sooner the residents leave, the better and richer, according to popular belief, their life will be in the new place. In the evening, leaving and taking something out of the house is considered a bad omen.

There are other travel taboos - for example, on the day of departure you cannot sew, wash or wash your hair.

“Rituals” of new residents

There are other signs: it’s not enough to know how to move into an apartment - you will need some “rituals”. So, the cat should be the first to be let into a new home. You cannot borrow an animal for moving - you need your own pet. It is also forbidden to push him - the cat must enter of his own free will; Superstition, however, does not prohibit throwing tasty bait.

The dog, on the contrary, should be allowed into the apartment only after people - otherwise the brownies will perceive the person who enters as a stranger and will play dirty tricks on him for a long time. Well, according to the “canon”, on the night before transporting things, a live rooster should be allowed into the house to disperse the evil spirits.

In addition to “animal” rituals, a set of actions after moving is also important.

  • Immediately after moving in, spend time in the apartment wet cleaning- this way you will cleanse it of foreign energy and prepare it for a new owner.
  • In the following days, if the previous residents left behind broken furniture, plumbing fixtures, etc., start making repairs. As they say, “the tap flows, the money flows out of the wallet.”
  • The same applies to chipped dishes, broken windows and other cracks in glass and ceramics - if possible, you need to get rid of broken things immediately, and all trash found during the moving process must be ruthlessly eliminated.
  • The brownie should be fed after arrival, leaving flour, milk, buckwheat, bread and butter and red wine on the table overnight.

If you do everything correctly, you will make a significant contribution to the well-being of your home. The “bonus” of these rituals is prophetic dream on the first night in a new place.

"Golden" customs

Most signs are, in one way or another, related to financial well-being. People have many recommendations on how to move to a new apartment correctly so that you can make money. In the context of moving, the following “recipe” is used: on the first day of the housewarming, you need to throw a handful of coins on the floor from behind the threshold. After this, you cannot sweep the house for several days. The coins collected subsequently must be hidden in all the secluded places of the home - in ancient times they were inserted into the cracks between the floorboards or embedded in pliable clay walls, but in modern houses You can even use the space behind the baseboard.

To attract wealth, they also use jugs filled with money, in which scatterings of metal coins are stored separately. different color. Banknote under the tablecloth dining table will also bring wealth to the owners - but removing it from the table is strictly prohibited. Some money will need to be left in the old house; The “boomerang rule” works here - when you give, you receive.

Magic talismans for all occasions

How to move to another apartment while maintaining complete harmony with the laws of the Universe? Our ancestors placed amulets throughout the house, and when moving, they decorated the house with them as early as possible. One of the main protective talismans is traditionally considered to be a horseshoe over the door - always nailed or glued with its “horns” up.

Folk customs, including those that have developed in modern times, provide for many “magical” objects:

  • wreaths made of straw with seeds and beads woven into them, bunches of St. John's wort, willow, juniper, wormwood and thistle in the corners will scare away evil spirits;
  • clay pots with salt and cereals, ears of corn and bunches of peppers and garlic will ensure that the residents of the house will never go hungry;
  • figurines of spirits, homemade ten-handed dolls and a small broom suspended in the corner under the ceiling will appease the brownie;
  • bast shoes and miniature hats hanging in the hallway protect residents from misfortune and guide those who get lost (for example, in a blizzard) home;
  • a knife is placed under the threshold after entering - it is believed that they will not be able to cross it unkind people and evil spirits.

In general, you can use any amulets. Feng Shui symbols, incense, Egyptian figurines and Jewish anchovy will bring good luck to those who believe in their power.