How to get a temporary root. A selection of programs for obtaining ROOT rights

Android OS is one of the most open operating systems, but despite this, it also has its own prohibitions and restrictions that do not allow the average user to perform any actions with their device. That is, Android developers the possibility of unceremonious user intervention in the work is not provided system programs. For example, many smartphones and tablet computers initially have installed applications, which cannot be removed, and they are absolutely useless.

However, all these prohibitions and restrictions provided by Android developers can be bypassed; to do this, it is enough to know how to get root rights. If you want to take full control of your device, you need to get ROOT rights A. Many argue that this procedure is only for advanced users and it involves many dangers, but we do not agree with this, as you will see after reading this article. If you stick to detailed instructions, then you can get root rights quickly and safely.

The times when to obtain superuser rights you had to spend a lot of time studying the relevant instructions are long gone. Today, most of the work is performed by special programs, which makes this procedure accessible even to beginners. True, before you get root rights, you should find out what it is and what advantages and disadvantages are typical for this procedure.

Root (Rooting) is the process of obtaining superuser rights on devices running Android OS. The main purpose of obtaining root rights is to remove manufacturer restrictions. After successfully obtaining root rights, the user receives full access to the operating system, that is, the operating system comes under the complete control of the device holder.

There are 3 types of Root rights on Android:

  1. Full Root is permanent root rights that are not deleted immediately after rebooting the device. Also this type root rights provide the ability to write and rewrite to the system partition;
  2. Shell Root – have characteristics similar to the previous type of superuser rights, but unlike Full Root, they do not allow writing and overwriting to the system partition;
  3. Temporary Root – temporary Root rights that disappear immediately after the first reboot of the device.

What does getting root rights do?

Root is Account chief administrator, which opens up great opportunities for the user of a device running Android OS. After obtaining root rights, the user can perform the following actions with his tablet or smartphone:

  1. Once you receive ROOT, you will be able to remove standard applications pre-installed by the manufacturer of your device;
  2. Root rights on Android allow you to freeze and restore if the need arises;
  3. Nowadays, almost every application contains advertising, which is sometimes very annoying. Root rights are allowed from any application;
  4. Superuser rights provide the ability to change appearance Android is unrecognizable due to editing apk and system applications;
  5. Another undoubted advantage of obtaining root rights is that the life of the device on a single battery charge is almost doubled. Such a change cannot but rejoice, since for most devices running on the OS Android is fast Battery drain is a common problem;
  6. Once rooted, you can take steps to improve the performance and responsiveness of Android. It will also be possible to overclock or lower the processor speed. We wrote in more detail about such procedures in the article ““;
  7. If you have the appropriate knowledge, you can create firmware yourself or make changes to the official versions.

In addition to all of the above, root rights require a lot of others useful functions and opportunities that could take a long time to list.

Disadvantages of obtaining Root rights

Before you get root rights, you should familiarize yourself with the disadvantages of this procedure, which are also present here. Of course, there are much fewer disadvantages than advantages, nevertheless they exist and you need to know them. We will not talk about the dangers of this procedure, as was said earlier, by following detailed instructions you can get root rights safely. First of all, it should be said that obtaining superuser rights deprives you of the ability to receive official updates firmware from manufacturers. That is, it won’t work automatically and if you want to install official firmware, you will have to do it manually.

It is also worth mentioning that the manufacturer’s proprietary features will be disabled. Many people consider the main disadvantage of obtaining Root rights to be the loss of warranty service. Indeed, having received root rights, you will not be able to return the device for repair under warranty if the need arises. However, this point should not be considered a serious drawback. The fact is that Root rights can be removed at any time and service center won't notice anything.

Instructions: how to get root rights

Before you begin the procedure for obtaining superuser rights, you need to make sure that your device does not have the NAND lock function, which does not allow you to make any changes to the /system partition. For such devices, full Root cannot be obtained without first unlocking. You can only heal with Shell Root or Temporary Root. Some smartphone and tablet manufacturers block Bootloader Android and in order to get root rights, you must first unlock Bootloader. The unlocking procedure will differ depending on specific model devices and we will not pay special attention to this in this article.

So, enough theory, let's finally figure out how to get root rights. There are now many ways to obtain Root access on Android. Each tablet and smartphone has its own methods for obtaining Root rights, which can be found on specialized Internet resources dedicated specifically to your device. In this article, we will present several universal methods for obtaining Root rights, which are suitable for most devices running on the Android platform.

Note: programs designed to obtain Root rights are identified by antiviruses as Trojans or viruses, because they are essentially virus exploits that penetrate the system kernel. Therefore, before you start working with such applications, you need to disable your antivirus.

How to root using Framaroot

Perhaps the most in a simple way To obtain superuser rights is to use the Framaroot application. This program It is distributed free of charge and can be downloaded from the official website of the developer

  1. Download and install the program from the downloaded apk file on your device.

2. Launch the application. If your smartphone or tablet is supported by the utility, a drop-down list will appear on the screen possible actions, among which there are options for obtaining and removing root. Here you will see one or more names of exploits that are available for use.

3. Select one of the available exploits, after which a tooltip will appear describing the results of its operation. If one method doesn't work, try another. At the end, a notification will appear informing you that root rights have been successfully obtained. Just restart your gadget and the changes will take effect.

Note: Sometimes it happens that when gaining superuser rights, Framaroot crashes. In this case, simply restart the program and try again.

How to root using Kingo Android ROOT

Another universal way to obtain Root rights is to use the Kingo application Android ROOT. First you need to download the program. You can do this for free on the official website of the developer Installation is simple and will not cause any difficulties.

After installing the application, you need to take several steps, so carefully read the instructions below and follow all the steps:

1. To start the procedure, you need to connect the device to the computer using a USB cable, but before doing this, be sure to check whether “USB Debugging” is enabled. To do this, go to “Settings” - “For Developers” and check the “USB Debugging” option, and then confirm to enable debugging. If there is no such item on your smartphone or tablet, then go to the “About device” section in the settings, then click on the “Build number” field several times until a message appears stating that you have become a developer.

2. When the computer detects your device, it will then be taken over by the Kingo Android ROOT application, which will automatically install all the necessary drivers.

When the driver installation is complete, all you have to do is click on the “Root” button and wait for the process to complete to obtain administrator rights. If windows with various requests appear, always answer “Yes”.

Next, a notification will appear asking you to restart the device. Click on the “Root Again” button, after which you will become the owner of superuser rights. If you want to remove root rights, you need to click on the “Remove Root” button.

Perhaps detailed instructions for obtaining root rights using the example of two popular programs will be sufficient. Other common applications of this type include the following: Universal Androot, z4root, Unlock Root, Root Master and VRoot.
We also recommend that you read the video instructions, which show 3 ways to obtain root rights:

How to check root rights?

After you have completed the procedure for obtaining root rights, you need to check whether everything was successful and whether you now have superuser rights. The easiest way to check root rights is to install the Root Checker application, which can be downloaded for free in the Google Play virtual store. To check if you have root rights on Android, follow these steps:

1. Download Root Checker for Android from Google Play and install it on your device.

2. Launch the application by clicking on the appropriate icon. After launching the utility, a window will appear in which you need to click on Agree.

After this, the program will produce the result. If you have root rights, the message “Congratulations! This device has root access!” If you do not have superuser rights, you will see a message: “Sorry! This device does not have proper root access.”

I guess we'll end here this article. Now you know how to get root rights. We hope our instructions will be useful to you and you will easily achieve the desired result.

We have systematized the most common ways to obtain superuser rights in current Android versions; figured out the differences between SuperSU, phh SuperUser, Magisk, KingRoot and Kingo Root; tested various ways hide root; studied the system Android security 7 and found out what the consequences of getting root on new versions of Android can be. Well, then we locked ourselves in a windowless room and produced this text.

A little history

Owners of early versions of Android usually obtained root rights by exploiting some kind of security vulnerability in Android or one of the system applications installed by the manufacturer. Exploitation of the vulnerabilities allowed the application to “break out” of the sandbox and gain the rights of the system process through privilege escalation.

In order not to repeat the process every time and to provide the opportunity for other applications to use superuser rights, the su file (usually in the /system/xbin/ directory) and an application for processing requests for root rights (in /system/app/) were placed in the system partition. . To gain root rights, the application launched su, at which point the request processing manager was triggered and asked the user for confirmation.

This scheme worked perfectly in all versions of Android up to the fifth, and the root access obtained with its help most often did not interfere with receiving firmware updates and was even sometimes preserved after such updates. Numerous applications that exploited one or more vulnerabilities (for example, Towelroot) were popular. Over time, the Chinese applications KingRoot and Kingo Root, which included large collections of exploits that were downloaded directly at the time of launch from Chinese servers, gained a large audience. In case of successful escalation of privileges, these applications wrote a lot of interesting things to the system partition; they could be removed either together with root access, or using a special “cleaner” made by the developer SuperSU Chainfire.

In Android 5.0 it was introduced new system updates. Now changes in the OTA file were written not at the file level, but at the block level; To avoid damaging the file system, the update installer calculated the checksum of the system partition. Naturally, the su file written to the /system partition changed the partition checksum, and the update was not installed (and in those cases when it was installed, there was a high chance of getting a “brick” at the output).

The sixth version of Android also brought an updated security system, which (temporarily) made it impossible to obtain superuser rights by simply writing an application to the system partition. As a result, a workaround appeared - the so-called systemless root, which injects su into the ramdisk instead of modifying the system partition. Some devices with “systemless” root access were even able to install OTA updates; however, there is no guarantee here.

How the HTC Dream G1 was rooted

For the first time, root was obtained on the world's first Android device, HTC Dream G1, released back in 2008. The device was running the Telnet service with root rights and without authentication. To obtain temporary root access, it was enough to connect to the smartphone via Telnet, for permanent access - upload it to the system partition binary file su.

Root in Android 7

Devices released with Android 7 on board stand out (however, what we will write about now also applies to many devices that receive Android 7 as an update).

As you probably know, the Verified Boot mechanism was implemented in Android a long time ago, back in version 4.4 KitKat. Its purpose is to protect the user from attacks aimed at modifying the system and injecting code into it even before the system boots. To do this, it uses a key hidden in the TEE module to verify the digital signature of the bootloader, then the bootloader verifies the digital signature of the boot partition, and it, in turn, verifies the integrity of the system partition using the dm-verity (Device Mapper verity) mechanism.

This chain of checks (called root of trust) allows you to verify the integrity and absence of modifications in any boot component, from the bootloader to the OS itself. But if most devices running Android 4.4–6.0 (with rare exceptions like BlackBerry and Samsung smartphones with Knox activated) simply displayed a warning in case of unsuccessful verification but continued loading, then in Android 7.0 the situation changed and the new-old system integrity check function became mandatory.

What does this mean? The fact that old method gaining root via privilege escalation in Android 7 simply doesn't work. Even if applications like KingRoot, Kingo Root and the like are able to root the device (and at the moment they cannot), the device simply will not boot after that.

How to get around this? Unlock the bootloader using standard tools and install SuperSU or Magisk. In this case, the bootloader will simply disable the Verified Boot mechanism. However, you should not even try to hack the bootloader on devices that do not offer this feature. Even if this can be done, the hacked bootloader will not pass the digital signature verification - and the smartphone will turn into a brick.

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Some smartphone owners want to get the most out of their device. In this case, it is impossible to do without obtaining root rights. After all, only they will allow you to use all sorts of tweaks, activate additional functions, and even block advertising displayed in free applications.

The Android operating system is famous for its openness. But in fact, some of its components are still blocked for the average user. You can download an ad banner blocker to your smartphone, but it will not work. The fact is that the advertising part of the OS is closed to other applications - it is impossible to change the corresponding files. However, if you get root rights on Android, then everything changes. After this, all hidden sections become available. But you need to be careful - these sections also contain those files, the deletion or modification of which will destroy the operating system, and therefore the device itself.

In general, root access provides the user with the following benefits:

  • Ability to install unofficial firmware and mods;
  • Ability to change system files;
  • Easy removal of system (pre-installed) applications;
  • Gaining access to additional functions operating system;
  • Installing tweaks and other programs to increase productivity;
  • Installation of special applications for which root rights are required.

But, as mentioned above, root rights also bring with them several unpleasant moments:

  • They will often void your warranty;
  • The procedure for obtaining root rights may result in the failure of the gadget;
  • In the future, you will no longer receive OS updates over the air.

Obtaining superuser rights without a computer

If you don't have the latest smartphone or tablet, that is Great chance that you can open root access on it using the Framaroot application. To do this, you don’t even need to connect the device to the computer, and therefore the process proceeds quickly and without any difficulties. You will be required to do the following:

Step 1. Download the latest version of Framaroot.

Step 2. Install this APK file on your gadget. If necessary, check the box next to “ Allow installation of applications from unknown sources«.

Step 3. Launch the program. If your smartphone or tablet is supported by it, you will see a menu that contains options for further actions.

Step 4. Choose one of the methods for obtaining root rights. Soon a hint will appear telling you about the results of the program. If the method does not work, then try the second and third.

Step 5. If the application crashes, restart it.

Step 6. If you are informed that you managed to get a root on Android, then reboot your device and start using its advanced features.

Unfortunately, the list of supported devices for this application is strictly limited. If the program did not cope with its task, but you still want to use user rights, then you can try installing the following applications:

  • 360 Root;
  • PingPong Root;
  • KingRoot;
  • Root Master.

The latest program will provide root rights even to the owner of a very old device running Android 1.5. Other applications, on the contrary, try to hack the latest devices, including those made in South Korea (they support KNOX technology, which significantly complicates the task).

Obtaining root rights through a computer

It is quite possible that you are still thinking about how to get root rights to Android using a computer. You may think that this is very easy to do. But practice shows that a PC is almost no help in this matter. The fact is that almost every smartphone requires special algorithms, the execution of which grants superuser rights. In this regard, there is no universal method obtaining such rights. But you can try using the following programs:

  • ROOT Wizard;
  • VRoot;
  • Root Zhushou;
  • Unlockroot.

However, remember that no one guarantees the successful completion of the process - it all depends on the specific device and the version of the operating system installed on it.

Types of root rights

In the menu of some programs you may find that they are able to provide different root rights.

  • Shell Root- full root, but the user is not given access to the hidden System section.
  • Full Root- full root, the owner of the device is provided with all the hidden functionality of the operating system.
  • Temporary Root- this root will disappear after the first reboot of the gadget.

You can get root rights to Android in just a few minutes, especially since, as you know, today a lot of mobile devices based on the operating system are supplied to the market Android systems from such famous manufacturers like Lenovo, Asus, Acer, LG and so on. The peculiarity of this OS is that it is open source, and therefore the user has the ability to edit system files, folders and install any applications downloaded from the Internet in .apk format. However, in order to unlock this feature, you need to obtain Root rights or, as they are also called, SuperUser.

What is root rights on Android

What are root rights for Android? This term dates back to the days of the first UNIX operating systems, and its main purpose is to obtain all additional rights to ensure complete control over the device on Android based. You can spend quite a bit simple analogy with Windows OS, where only the user who is logged in as an administrator can get into the system directory and change its data. Android works the same way, that is, after purchasing a smartphone, you only have guest rights, and Root significantly expands them.

Why do you need ROOT rights for Andorid - pros and cons

Superuser rights can be extremely useful on absolutely every device, regardless of the version of the Android operating system. The key advantages of Root include:

  1. Possibility of customizing the external shell of the OS;
  2. Freeing up device memory by removing software from Google and the manufacturer;
  3. Installation of hacked paid applications without advertising and with advanced functionality;
  4. Changing files in system directories;
  5. More efficient system optimization for applications that require Superuser rights;
  6. Using tweaks to improve smartphone performance.

Although the minor disadvantages of the root are compensated by the above advantages, they still exist, namely:

  1. Loss of manufacturer's warranty;
  2. Failures in the firmware due to incorrect work with system files and directories;
  3. Inability to update your smartphone via the Internet.

How to get root rights for Android 6.0, 5.1, 4.4

Today, many people are wondering how to install root rights on Android, but you need to understand that everything depends on the OS version, because the system files are different in each of them. Now there are quite a few possibilities for obtaining a Superuser, but for example, on Android 4.4 and 6.0 they may differ. In general, it is common to use only a few methods to install root:

It should be noted that previously on Android 6.0 it was necessary to install modified Recovery, but with the release of updates for this is not necessary. But still the simplest and in a fast way To obtain SuperUser rights on devices running Android 5.1+ is to install TWRP (mod recovery), which independently roots your smartphone if necessary. For almost every device you can find Recovery on the Internet and installation instructions.

Getting root rights for Android from a computer

It is quite possible to obtain Root rights for your mobile phone today using a personal computer or laptop. In addition, this method is the fastest and easiest to learn, so even a beginner can cope with the task. All you need:

  1. USB cable;
  2. Smartphone with Android 4.4-6.0;
  3. Computer or laptop on Windows;
  4. Program .

If all of the above is available, then obtaining a Superuser does not take more than a couple of minutes. First, you need to enable USB debugging mode in the “Developer Options” menu, however this section is often hidden and must be activated as follows:

  1. Enter settings and select the “About phone” menu;
  2. Click on the “Build number” item several times and wait for the message “You have become a developer”;
  3. Go to this section, find “USB Debugging” and check the box.

All further steps are quite simple and you need:

  1. Connect the turned on smartphone to the computer via a USB cable;
  2. Launch the KingRoot program on the PC;
  3. Find the big blue button in the dialog box, press it and wait for the process to complete;
  4. Reboot your device and enjoy Superuser rights.

— Programs for obtaining root from a PC.

The most promising and convenient program for obtaining Root using a PC is KingRoot. Despite the fact that it is provided exclusively in Chinese, you will still be able to root your device. Another good alternative is, which is distributed free of charge and is updated very often by developers.
is a high-quality application for the computer that makes it possible to obtain Superuser rights in a few mouse clicks and works with the most latest versions Android. If you focus not on functionality, but on quality, then you can’t help but mention the one for Windows OS. This software has been in development for a long time, so it has a slightly outdated interface, but better compatibility with a variety of smartphones. For Samsung devices with Android 5.1-6.0 there is a completely new application called, which is 100% guaranteed to install root using a computer.

How to get root rights on Android without a computer (PC)

If you do not have the opportunity to install root using a PC, then do not despair, because modern tools and software do this inside the OS Android any versions. For 4.4-6.0 the best option again it will become an application, but in this case you need to download the version for mobile devices with the .apk extension. In order for this program to be successfully installed on your device, you need to enable the ability to install software from unknown sources, this is done like this:

  1. Go to settings;
  2. We are looking for the “Security” menu;
  3. Check the box next to “Unknown sources” and reboot your smartphone.

Further steps to obtain Superuser rights are as follows:

  1. Install on the device and launch the application;
  2. We connect the Internet with any in an accessible way(WI-FI, mobile network);
  3. Click the “Try” button in the KingRoot dialog box;
  4. We wait for the procedure to complete to 100% and reboot the smartphone.

It should be noted that it is not always possible to install the root the first time, so sometimes it is worth doing the above procedure several times.

- Android applications for obtaining Root rights.

In addition to the mobile version of the KingRoot program, you can use other software that is no less effective at installing root inside the Android OS shell without using third-party gadgets. Despite the fact that the application is also available on PC, the developers still pay more attention to the .apk version of their brainchild, so you can use it on your own smartphone without a computer. is an alternative to Vroot from the same developers, it helps to unlock rights on those devices where other programs cannot cope. - quite effective and modern instrument, you should resort to its help if the previous options turned out to be not relevant for your device. Software from Chinese developers Baidu Root does a good job of getting root on smartphones running Android 4.4, so you can try using it too.

When using Android devices, users often note the inability to stop the operation of some programs that overload the memory, or the problem with the inability to install an application not from the Play Market. Because of this, there is a need to expand the range of acceptable actions. You can do this by rooting your device.

To access advanced features, the user will need to install on mobile device or PC special software. This procedure can be dangerous for the phone and lead to loss of saved data, so first save all important information on a separate medium. The installation should be carried out in accordance with the instructions, otherwise the phone may simply turn into a “brick”. To avoid such problems, it would be useful to read the following article.

Let's move on to how to get root rights to Android through a computer or without its participation.

Step 1: Checking for Root Rights

Before proceeding with the methods described below for obtaining superuser rights, you should check their availability on the device. In some cases, the user may not be aware that root already exists, so you should read the following article:

If the test is negative, check out the following ways to get the features you need.

Step 2: Prepare your device

Before you start rooting your device, you may need to install drivers for the firmware if you are not using “pure” Android. This is required so that the PC can interact with a mobile device (relevant when using programs for firmware from a computer). The process itself should not cause problems, since all the necessary files are often available on the website of the smartphone manufacturer. The user just has to download them and install them. Detailed description The procedure is given in the following article:

Step 3: Select a program

The user can use the software directly for a mobile device or PC. Due to the characteristics of some devices, using phone applications may not be effective (many manufacturers simply block the ability to install such programs), which is why you have to use PC software.

Android Applications

First of all, you should consider applications that are installed directly on the mobile device. There are not many of them, but this option may be somewhat easier for those who do not have free access to PC.


One simple application that provides access to superuser functionality is Framaroot. However, this program is not available in the official Android app store - Play Market, and you will have to download it from a third-party site. Many devices with the latest versions of the OS do not allow the installation of third-party .apk files, which may cause difficulties when working with the program, but this rule can be circumvented. How to work with this program and install it correctly is described in detail in the following article:

Baidu Root

Another application for obtaining Superuser rights, downloaded from third-party resources is Baidu Root. It may seem unusual due to poor localization - some phrases are written in Chinese, but the main buttons and symbols are translated into Russian. The program is fast - in just a couple of minutes you can get all the necessary functions, and you only need to press a couple of buttons. However, the procedure itself is not so harmless, and if used incorrectly, you can encounter serious problems. A detailed description of working with the program is already available on our website:

PC programs

In addition to installing the software directly on a mobile device, you can also use a PC. This method may turn out to be somewhat more convenient due to its ease of operation and the ability to carry out the procedure with any connected device.


A user-friendly interface and a clear installation process are some of the main advantages of KingROOT. The program is first downloaded and installed on the PC, after which the phone should be connected to it. To get started, you will need to open the settings and allow "USB Debugging". Further actions are performed on the computer.

The program will analyze the connected device and, if rooting is possible, notify you about it. The user will only have to click on the appropriate button and wait for the procedure to complete. During this time, the phone may reboot several times, which is an integral part of the installation. After the program completes, the device will be ready for use.

Root Genius

Kingo Root

The name of the program may seem similar to the first item on this list, but this software is different from the previous one. The main advantage of Kingo Root is a wide range of supported devices, which is important if previous programs turned out to be useless. The process of obtaining root rights is also quite simple. After downloading and installing the program, the user just needs to connect the device via a USB cable to the PC and wait for the program scan results, then press just one button to get the desired result.

The above information will help you root your smartphone without any problems. However, it is worth remembering that you should use the resulting functions with caution to avoid problems.