How to get three vegetable harvests per season. Which strawberries bear fruit all year round? Remontant strawberries of long daylight hours and their characteristics

Third time this season.

From Tom’s regular letters to the President of the Russian Federation, we know how much football is loved in the city and region. How important it is not to let an original team die. Only statistics for some reason contradict these theses: in terms of attendance (4,971 people on average per match), the long-suffering Trud ranks last among 18 – including reserve – RFPL arenas. And the point here, probably, is not the team’s deplorable tournament position (since the Tomsk team fell to the bottom of the table, they have not yet been seen in the city), but something else. As an option - in the level of comfort in an antediluvian sports facility. Or as a way to work with a fan.

Last time guys Valeria Petrakova appeared before the native public on November 5. After a minimal defeat from Spartak, they began an endless tour that continues to this day. “Tom” finished the first part of the season with a forced march along the route

Grozny - Samara - Moscow, wintered in Turkey, and opened a new competitive year in Rostov. Next up is another voyage to the capital, presumably to Perm and definitely to Tula. The next meeting with his audience is scheduled for April 8 - unless, of course, something bad happens again with the difficult lawn.

God be with her, with the unfortunate “Tommy”. It’s unlikely that anything will help her this season. Somehow he hobbles to the finish line, he won’t stop running – and thank you for that. But more prosperous and demanding teams have the right to be indignant: what about the sports principle and equality of participants? Both are naturally disrupted.

When a direct competitor, instead of the required 15 matches, plays 16 at home and at the same time gets rid of two a priori tiring flights, it is time to state a selective approach to the tournament participants. “Rostov” scored nine goals at home against “Tom” in two runs. Lokomotiv did not get along with the outsider on the first try, but on the second they amused their fans with a big victory. Now Amkar has an additional match on its territory looming on the horizon. Is it sudden?

You can, of course, blame everything on the Tomsk agronomists, who did not prepare the field in proper form for the end of the first stage of the season and the start of the second. Severely reprimand and record it in your personal file, so that in future they will be more vigilant about the entrusted household. Well, we are great at finding switchmen, and not only in football.

If I may, I have a question for the agronomist boss: didn’t you, gentlemen, know that in your area it can be frosty in December and March? Did you know? And if so, why did they modestly remain silent when they received the draft calendar in their hands at the beginning of July? Why didn’t they insist on moving these games to the south, but approved everything as it was?

If this was a hope for chance (what if Mother Nature will have mercy and send an early spring to Siberia?), then it is very narrow-minded and naive. I was not too lazy to look up the archives: a year ago in Tomsk the air temperature was plus or minus the same. Only by the end of March did the thermometer surpass the zero mark and slowly creep up.

Why then were there no emergency transfers? It’s simple: FNL took into account climatic conditions Siberia at the stage of preparation of the schedule. As a result of this, “Tom” had to go through a grueling away streak (four matches in the fall + two in the spring) - but the sports principle was fully respected, in relation to both the Siberians themselves and their competitors. The balance between home and travel has not been disrupted.

What prevented RFPL officials from taking advantage of the experience of their colleagues from the FNL is a rhetorical question. " Russian government must keep its people in a state of constant amazement,” Saltykov-Shchedrin once wrote. Our football authorities are doing a great job of this.

P.S. CEO"Tomie" Ruslan Kiselev expressed hope that the RFPL commission will still meet the club halfway and.

Perennials- these are the favorites of any gardener. Having planted them once, you can enjoy flowering shoots for several years. Unfortunately, many flowers begin to fade by August, and you really want to extend their flowering period in order to see the riot of colors again. In fact, it is quite possible to cause a wave of second flowering; it is only important to follow some rules.

Tricky tricks for re-blooming

The main rule is to monitor the inflorescences and promptly remove those that begin to die. If this is not done, then the wilting will be long, and in some plants it can last up to a month and a half, and during this time the flower does not look as attractive as we would like.

The plant will also respond gratefully to the addition of nutrients, especially immediately after removing the wilted inflorescences. Thus, the gardener not only nourishes the plant, but also postpones its natural wilting cycle by more late date. To do this, it is best to use potassium fertilizers, which provoke the formation of new buds. It is very important that fertilizers are never applied during the first flowering, otherwise the wilting process may be delayed.

Some plants need to be pruned after the inflorescences wither almost to the stem. For example, the peduncle of a delphinium is cut off, and then fed, watered thoroughly and the same procedures are carried out as in the spring. Around the end of August or beginning of September, new inflorescences can be observed. Of course, the second flowering will not be as lush, but on the threshold of autumn it is incredibly pleasant to see such a joyful picture.

Extending flowering

In this case we're talking about about the gardener’s desire to enhance that single flowering that almost any plant should show. Of course, a lot depends on the specific type of plant, but there are still general rules, which work great for everyone.

The main rule is the timely removal of wilted buds. Even if only one wilted inflorescence appears, it must be eliminated, otherwise very soon the entire flower garden will be subject to this process.

If the plant produces seeds, it is believed that its flowering period will be extremely short. In this case, it is necessary to prevent the fertilization of the flower, for which you can use everything possible ways. For example, with lilies, as soon as the buds begin to bloom, you can cut off top part pestle. This will prevent pollination and fertilization, and therefore the flowering buds will last much longer. It is worth noting that this must be done with all neighboring plants, otherwise the bees will have a much greater chance of fertilizing the plants.

Immediately after the plant has buds, it is necessary to fertilize the root part of the stem. The plant becomes more powerful, it gains strength, which it will direct to the process of budding and strengthening its inflorescences.

There is another technique that may seem a little cruel to some people. It combines the possibilities of both repeated flowering and increasing the duration of an existing one. For example, when the beginnings of buds appear on phloxes, it is necessary to mercilessly remove a third of the stems with pruners. The cut stems will form new buds in a few weeks, when all the others are ready to fade. Visually, it will seem that the bush is actually blooming longer than usual.

Finally, you can always plant plants in one flower bed that have different terms flowering, and then there will be bright colorful flowers on it at any time.

Last year, completely unexpectedly for myself, I became the winner of the “Dacha Season” competition and received a greenhouse from the “Life at the Dacha” company. We must pay tribute to the organizers of the competition - they kept the intrigue until the last moment, and therefore, when almost all the participants were awarded, and they were very experienced and respectable gardeners, and only the main prize remained, I decided that they had simply forgotten about me - I never even dreamed that I will become its owner.

To be honest, when deciding to participate in the competition, I didn’t think about the main prize at all - if only because we already had two greenhouses on the site, and, it seemed, there was no need for a third one. But, answering questions and preparing for the new season, I realized what I was missing for happiness in garden life - nursery!

The fact is that I prepare seedlings of vegetable and flower crops myself, and with the vegetable conveyor that we set up in our beds, they are required until the end of July. In addition, I grow a lot of flowers, including perennials, which can often be planted in open ground only in the fall, but where should I keep them before that? I’m not talking about the various cuttings, divisions, shoots that appear on the farm throughout the summer and also require space for growing.

When I went to class at Botanical Garden, our wonderful lecturer Yuri Borisovich Markovsky, speaking about the rooting of some plants, often suggested: “Yes, stick them in a cucumber greenhouse - they will take root there wonderfully,” but towards the end of the series of lectures he noted: “However, if you plant all this there, then where will you grow cucumbers? So - the only way saving cucumber and other greenhouse plantings from the abundance of tenants is.

Of course, many will consider the creation of such a structure to be self-indulgence - not everyone will be as lucky as me, which means I need to make a frame, and need to buy film, in short, is the game worth the candle? How can you answer such a question? Naturally, if a gardener is only engaged in growing vegetables, which are planted in the spring or early summer and sit in the beds until the end of the season, and among flower crops he prefers annuals, then a nursery is not so necessary for him, but for everyone else?

First of all, the nursery is very convenient for everyone who is interested in seed propagation of perennials. It's no secret that planting material quite expensive, and if you suddenly wanted to make a border along the path from heuchera or you need a wall of delphiniums along the fence, then imagine how many plants you will have to buy and how much money to spend? Of course, only growing from seeds can help in this case. In addition, it is much easier to obtain seeds of many plants than cuttings, and shipping them is cheaper. Unfortunately, many perennials develop rather slowly, the seedlings of some species are very small, and, of course, plant them immediately permanent place If it doesn't work, you have to let them grow up first. Even a seedling bed will not help here - it is good for growing rooted cuttings or for fast-growing plants with large seedlings.

Now about the benefits of a seedling greenhouse for vegetable growers. Our plots are small, and many people cannot adequately cultivate large vegetable gardens, so it turns out that it is more convenient to take several harvests from a small area. But summer in our region is short, and in order for the plants to have time to please us with their products several times a season, it is necessary grow seedlings, reducing as much as possible the time the crop stays in the garden. After all, the area required for the development of seedlings is small; there is enough space for it in a box or other container, and already grown plants will be planted in the garden, which will produce a harvest in the shortest possible time.

Thus, even we you can get up to three harvests from one area. But for such a conveyor to work properly, by the time one crop is harvested, it is necessary to have already grown seedlings of another. Of course, vegetables such as root celery, peppers, tomatoes, early varieties of cabbage, leeks and nigella onions have to be grown in the apartment, but then, as soon as the weather permits, they all move to the nursery. Last year, cold-resistant onions, cabbages, and lettuces took up residence in the nursery in late March, although we have means of heating in case of frost. And the last seedlings of daikon, Chinese and Chinese cabbage went to the beds in the second half of July.

With such compaction of crop rotation We get the following sequences of vegetables. For example, as soon as the soil is ripe, we plant spinach, followed by seedlings of ground standard tomatoes, after which radishes will still have time to grow at the end of summer. Or first we sow early carrots for summer use, and then, in the second half of June, we plant beet seedlings for winter storage. Or - radishes, followed by seedlings of early potatoes, after harvesting which we plant seedlings of daikon or Asian (Beijing, Chinese) cabbages. In general, if you think and experiment, you can find many options. Here everything becomes important - the soil conditions of the site, the specific tastes of family members, the ability to care for plants, and the availability of conditions for storing the resulting vegetables.

First of all, we organized the territory of our vegetable garden - we laid out the beds and outlined them with a slab. The soils on our site are clayey, previously there was a spruce forest here, the fertile layer is small, and any digging turns out toxic podzol, so the beds had to be raised, or rather, created from compost, grass, manure and any organic matter that could be found. A separate plot (about 0.25 acres) was prepared for potatoes; in addition, the garden includes two greenhouses 6 meters long, each with two beds. After we decided on the size of the garden, the question arose of what to plant in it. Of course, each owner has his own preferences, but I want to talk about our thoughts on this matter.

First of all, we gave up growing cabbage for pickling, because our agricultural enterprises now grow it well, it is very cheap in season, and we have stopped taking up space for it in the garden. But we are busy with the early ones, which we collect in June, despite the difficulties with growing seedlings, because in the summer the whole family lives in the country, and early vegetables are more than relevant for us. The same thing with potatoes - we grow very early (which we dig already in June) seedlings, in addition, we plant a few early varieties, but already in the usual way, we buy the rest in the fall, when potatoes are cheap. Among other crops, we first plant everything that gives early production - radishes, spinach, watercress, perennial onions, leaf salad, kohlrabi, early ripening varieties of turnips, we sow early carrots in the greenhouse “under the barrel” with the tomatoes.

Like any gardener, I have my favorites - these are Bell pepper, carrots and pumpkins - I always grow them, even if it is not profitable, simply because I like these plants, however, it is their harvest that I usually cannot complain about.

In addition to the listed vegetables, parsley, celery, peas, dill (in company with cucumbers), beets (regular and chard), parsnips, sweet corn (a favorite children's treat), onions, rutabaga, beans, Chinese, Japanese and Chinese cabbage, spices(cilantro, catnip, hyssop, caraway seeds, etc.). We plant a little zucchini - they quickly become boring, and when stored, pumpkins are much tastier. We plant quite a lot of radishes, turnips and daikon - they practically never leave our table. all year round. Well, in the greenhouses, in addition to the already mentioned peppers, tomatoes of all kinds of colors and sizes and cucumbers reign, to which more exotic neighbors often move in - eggplants, melons and others. As I already mentioned, we always try to grow something early, so we plant some of the cucumbers with seedlings, and some with seeds (their fruits will be pickled), in addition, we grow several bushes of over-aged (10-12 week old) tomato seedlings - with Their red fruits can be obtained as early as June.

And finally, a few more words about the nursery, which has now firmly taken its place in the gardening industry. In our small greenhouse, we installed tables with lattice tops, on which there are boxes and other containers with seedlings and crops. Moreover, on the one hand, the tables are stationary, and on the other, at the beginning of June they are removed, because at this time most of the seedlings go to a permanent place and space is freed up for another bed under the roof. In early spring The ends of the nursery were covered with two layers - non-woven covering material and ordinary film. After the threat of frost had passed, we removed the film, which significantly improved the thermal conditions of the greenhouse.

And in conclusion, I would like to once again thank all the companies that provided prizes for the participants of the “Dacha Season” competition, since all their gifts worked great on our sites last season, and I hope they will work again.

N. Alexandrova, gardener, winner of the “Dachnaya Season” competition, 2003

Remontant varieties of strawberries grow well not only in areas with a warm climate. They can be grown in the Moscow region, in the Urals and even in Siberia. They do not stop bearing fruit even after frosts.

"Elizabeth II"

"Elizabeth II" is a large-fruited and well-transportable variety that produces three harvests per year. The first ripens in June, the second in July, the third by the end of August. Under favorable weather conditions, you can get another harvest, which is harvested until October. Attractive berries appearance, with dense flesh of a rich red color. Fruits that ripen in autumn are not as tasty and aromatic as summer ones. In this variety, the fruits begin to ripen at the end of May due to the formation of buds in early spring. Thus, the growing season of the plant is at least eight months.


Another year-round variety is Gigantella. Its cultivation has its own characteristics - this variety does not tolerate a lack of moisture and produces high yields only with regular watering. “Gigantella” is well grown in greenhouses, where it is easier to maintain the necessary microclimate and high humidity. The bushes are large, powerful, growing to a height of more than 35 centimeters. The berries are very large, simply gigantic, regular in shape, with protruding seeds, and sweet. The first berries can weigh 80-100 g and 9 centimeters in diameter. In terms of fruiting time, this is also May-October.


The Albion strawberry variety is ideal for protected soil. The growing season is 9 months. At the end of May the fruits begin to ripen. Harvests until the end of October. The berries are conical, shiny, dark red in color. The taste and aroma are very rich. This variety is considered the best because it has twice as many flavor compounds as other varieties. In addition, it is particularly resistant to pests and diseases.


The year-round strawberry variety “Selva” is considered the most profitable. It is the most prolific, surpassing all other varieties in the number of harvests and number of berries. Drought resistant. Suitable for both open ground. It has bright red berries weighing up to 45 g. This variety can be left unattended for a long time, since the abundance of foliage suppresses weeds, and drought resistance helps to avoid frequent watering. But in their own way taste qualities"Selva" is slightly inferior to other year-round varieties.