How to completely remove Avast from your computer? - Three simple ways. Utility for removing Avast antivirus from your computer

If you decide to switch to another antivirus, you will most likely encounter a problem. It lies in the fact that the new antivirus is not installed until the old one + all its files are deleted from the system registry. How can you completely remove all this from your computer if, for example, you used Avast antivirus. In our article and we'll talk about this procedure.

The most common method and antiviruses:

  1. Opening the menu " Start».
  2. Go to the tab " Control Panel».
  3. Opening " Programs and components».
  4. Search for Avast antivirus installed on your computer and remove it using the “ button Delete».

Using this method, you can remove almost any antivirus. However, when installing a new antivirus, a message appears that it cannot be installed due to the presence of a seemingly deleted Avast in the system. The question arises, what to do next?

The problem is standard: Avast deletes all its files, but the registry, where its parameters are registered, remains untouched. In order to completely remove Avast from your computer, it is recommended to use one of the three methods described below.

First way

After this, you can proceed with standard antivirus removal.

Second way

  1. Go to the menu " Start", and press the command " Execute».
  2. A window will open in which you need to enter “ regedit"(registry) and click " OK».
  3. In the window that opens, select " Edit", and then " Find", or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F. A window with search settings will appear.
  4. You need to enter the word “ Avast" and leave a tick next to " Section names", then press " Find next».
  5. After the Avast section or parameter is found, press the “ Delete» and continue searching.
  6. If it is impossible to delete this data, then you need to log into safe mode and repeat the operations performed.
  7. To load Safe Mode, when turning on the computer, press the " F8" and select " Safe mode».

If you don't find any more options, restart your computer. After which you can safely install a new antivirus.

Third way

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the third method of removing Avast antivirus involves using a utility called Aswclear. It can be downloaded from the link from the official website of the antivirus developer.

That's all! Avast antivirus will be successfully removed from your computer. Now you can install without any problems new system protection against viruses.

Now we will look at how to remove Avast so that after uninstalling the antivirus, there will be no traces left on the computer after uninstalling the program. Many users face problems when trying to remove antivirus from their desktop or laptop.

An antivirus installed on a computer is designed to protect the computer from malicious software. Antivirus software constantly monitors the state of your computer in order to prevent infection by viruses or protect against other threats.

Due to the specific nature of their work, antivirus programs are deeply integrated into the Windows operating system. Antiviruses have a self-defense function to prevent program removal or disable protection from malicious software. Therefore, the process of removing an antivirus does not always go smoothly; sometimes problems arise after uninstallation on the PC.

Quite often, after uninstalling an antivirus, there are remnants left in the operating system remote application, for example, some module remained undeleted, protective screen, driver, etc. In this case, the remnants of the previous antivirus prevent the installation of another antivirus program on the computer and cause conflicts in the system. Therefore, the user needs to completely remove Avast antivirus from the computer.

Avast Antivirus is the world's most popular antivirus program. Avast gained its popularity thanks to the free version of the antivirus, which has quite broad functionality. In the line of antiviruses from AVAST Software there are other versions of products for home use: Avast Pro Antivirus, Avast Internet Security, Avast Premier, Avast Ultimate.

Let's see how to completely remove Avast from a computer in the operating system Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7. The methods for removing an antivirus, depending on the version of the operating system, are practically the same.

In this article we will look at instructions on how to remove Avast from your computer using 2 methods:

  • removing Avast antivirus using the standard Windows operating system tool in the standard way;
  • uninstalling Avast antivirus using the special avastclear utility.

In the first case, the antivirus is uninstalled using the built-in Windows uninstaller. At this method, in some cases, traces of the antivirus remain in the operating system, so this is not the most best option to uninstall the application.

The second method uses a special utility, Avast Clear, to completely remove the application from your computer. Using the avastclear tool, you can not only uninstall Avast, but also remove the remnants of the antivirus remaining after its uninstallation (remove uninstalled Avast).

To remove antiviruses, it is better not to use specialized programs - uninstallers (about best apps for removing unnecessary programs read), because when using them, errors may appear in the system after removing the antivirus.

Disabling Avast Self-Defense Module

Enter Avast antivirus settings, open the “Troubleshooting” section, uncheck the box next to “Enable Avast Self-Defense Module”, click on the “OK” button.

How to remove Avast from your computer using Windows (1 method)

Depending on the version of Windows operating system installed on your computer, go to Control Panel (Settings) to access a list of programs and applications.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select Avast antivirus from the list of installed programs, right-click on it, and select “Uninstall” from the context menu.
  2. In the warning window that opens, agree to remove the program.
  3. Then the Avast Installation Wizard window will open, in which you need to click on the “Uninstall” button.

  1. IN next window A message will appear indicating that you are trying to uninstall Avast. Confirm that you agree to delete the application, click on the “Yes” button.

  1. After completing the antivirus removal process, in the installation wizard window, click on the “Restart computer” button.

Avast Antivirus! removed from the computer. If there are uninstalled antivirus components left on the system, search for any remaining traces yourself. Read about it below.

Finding and removing traces of Avast antivirus left after uninstalling the program

After completing the uninstallation of Avast antivirus, there may be uninstalled program components on the computer that have entries in the Windows registry. Before making changes to the registry, just in case, make a backup.

To search and remove traces of Avast in the registry, do the following:

  1. Press the "Win" + "R" keys.
  2. In the Run window, enter the command “regedit” (without quotes), and then click on the OK button.
  3. In the “Registry Editor” window that opens, go to the “Edit” menu and select “Find...” from the context menu.
  4. In the “Search” window, in the “Find” field, enter the expression: “avast” (without quotes), and then click on the “Find Next” button.

You can uncheck the boxes next to “parameter names” and “parameter values” to search only by the value “section names”.

  1. A registry key will open in the Registry Editor window, the name of which contains the expression “avast” (it will be highlighted). Right-click on the section and select “Delete”.

  1. Press the "F3" key to search for a new partition. In the same way, sequentially delete all found registry keys related to Avast antivirus.
  2. After completing the operation, restart your computer.

A similar search and removal of remaining sections and parameters in the registry can be carried out in the program.

How to completely remove Avast using the avastclear utility (method 2)

The special tool Avast Clear (Avast Antivirus Clear) is designed to completely remove Avast antivirus from Windows. Download the utility from the official Avast website.

download avastclear

Run the "avastclear.exe" file on your computer.

Avast Antivirus Clear app suggests running the tool in . Agree, click on the “Yes” button.

In the next window, click on the “Yes” button. Before rebooting, close all running programs and open documents.

After booting the system in safe mode, the Avast Uninstaller window will open, in which you need to select the directories for installation and installed version antivirus.

If you did not change anything when installing the antivirus on your computer, leave the program installation directory and the data installation directory unchanged.

Select the version of Avast antivirus installed on this computer.

Click on the "Delete" button.

After Avast uninstallation is complete, the utility will prompt you to restart your computer in order to remove the remaining program files from the disk. Click on the "Restart computer" button.

After loading Windows, Avast antivirus is completely removed from the computer. The user can install another antivirus on his PC or use the Microsoft antivirus built into the Windows 10, Windows 8.1, or Windows 8 operating system.

Conclusions of the article

In the article, we looked at two ways to completely remove Avast: using the standard method using the Windows operating system and using the avastclear utility. If the antivirus is not completely removed from the computer, the remnants of the removed antivirus can be found and removed manually in the Registry Editor.

To protect the operating system, users install antivirus programs, but over time it may become necessary to uninstall it. As a rule, such tools have a built-in self-defense module, which complicates the process. Below is an example of how to remove Avast and what utilities to use for this.

Which utility should I download to uninstall programs?

The problem with how to completely remove Avast antivirus from a computer arises due to the mandatory enhanced protection of such products. Majority malware they try to immediately disable security measures in order to freely gain control of the main processes of your Windows. For the same reason, ordinary users have difficulties with the uninstall procedure.

To remove Avast, the standard functions of the operating system are not enough. To do this, you need to use special utilities. Almost every company has its own uninstaller, which is distributed free of charge, but you can also find third party programs, which do the job perfectly. To safely remove all Avast files from your computer, you can download programs with the following names:

  • Revo Uninstaller;
  • Avastclear.

There is a method that allows you to remove a program using the built-in tools of the OS itself. To do this, you will need to use the standard method of uninstalling programs through the control panel, but this will leave program “tails” that will interfere with the operation of subsequent antiviruses. There will be a need to clean the registry, and this already requires an advanced level of PC use from a person. The use of special utilities greatly simplifies the work.

Removing Avast antivirus

Those who do not know how to remove Avast antivirus correctly encounter the following problems in most cases:

  • Due to incorrect uninstallation, some of the antivirus kernel files remain on the system partition, which is essentially junk.
  • Nothing works at all, because an attempt to manually send Avast to the trash is regarded by the program as malicious interference, and the action is simply blocked.

Manufacturers always leave ways around such difficulties if the product really needs to be removed. To perform all subsequent actions, the user must have administrator rights or a message will appear indicating that you cannot perform this operation. Whatever utility you choose, you must first disable the Avast self-defense module. As a rule, he becomes main problem during uninstallation. For this:

  1. Click in the tray (on the panel with the start button in the right corner) on the Avast icon.
  2. Launch it, in the main menu find the “Settings” item (gear icon).
  3. In the window that opens, click on the “Troubleshooting” section.
  4. Opposite the item “Enable self-defense module”, uncheck the box.

Uninstaller program

This universal tool on how to remove Avast will be convenient for both novice and experienced users. The main thing is that the utility is located on the hard drive of your laptop or PC. There is no need to install it separately, just launch the application and that’s it. To remove it you need:

  1. Go to the Revo Uninstaller application, find and select Avast in the list.
  2. Hover over the name, right-click, select “Delete”.
  3. After this, the “native” uninstaller should open, click “continue”.
  4. When the process is finished, click “Reboot later”.
  5. Return to the initial window of the utility, set the scanning type to “Advanced”, click “Scan”.
  6. All files and folders that the search finds must be selected and click “Delete”, then “Finish”.
  7. Repeat this step with all found registry entries.
  8. Empty the trash, restart your computer.

Avastclear utility

You can use a tool created by the developer himself. The Avast removal utility is available for download on the website. It is advisable to use it because it is ideal for this antivirus, does not require any specialized knowledge on the part of the user, and the utility does not pose a danger to your computer. You can download it from the official Avast website. How to remove Avast:

  1. Run the utility in administrator mode.
  2. You will be prompted to restart your PC in safe mode - click the “Yes” button.
  3. After that, select the product name (version) in the uninstaller menu and click “Delete”.
  4. The editor will display the progress of the procedure, a message will appear with a positive result of the deletion, and then request another reboot.

Unlike the previous option, this tool is only suitable for working with Avast antivirus, but does not require extra work with parameters, disabling the self-defense option. If possible, it is recommended to use an uninstallation method that guarantees 100% correct removal of the antivirus without junk files in the registry or Windows system folder.

Video: removing Avast

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Today I will tell you several ways to remove Avast from your computer.

Many users who want to switch to another antivirus constantly ask themselves this question. Typically, uninstalling Avast is done using the standard tools “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Add or Remove” (in Windows XP), if you are using Windows 7, then at the end of “Programs and Features”. Then find AVAST in the list and click “Delete”.

Logically, after the removal process, no more problems should arise. However, when installing a new antivirus, a message appears that it cannot be installed because AVAST is present in the system. This is such a non-standard situation.

In fact, the problem is that Avast deletes all its files, but the registry, where its parameters are written, remains untouched (a small part).

How to remove Avast, method No. 1

Before starting the uninstallation process, check if your antivirus self-defense is disabled. To do this, right-click on the Avast icon, and in the menu that appears, select “Program Settings” - “Troubleshooting” or “Troubleshooting”.

Now on the right you can see a list of various options that can be deactivated. Select “Disable Avast protection module!” or “Enable Avast protection module!” (depending on Avast version). Now you can start removing the antivirus. If these actions did not bring results, then read the article further.

How to remove Avast, method No. 2

Go to the “Start” menu - “Run”. In the window that opens, enter “regedit” (registry) and click “OK”.

Please be vigilant! Do not delete or change registry settings whose meaning you are not aware of!

This is what the Registry Editor window looks like.

In the window that opens, select “Edit” - “Find”, or press the keyboard shortcuts “CTRL” + “F”, a window with search settings will appear.

In it, enter the word “AVAST” and be sure to leave a checkmark next to “partition names”, click “Find next”.

When the AVAST section or parameter is found, press the “DELETE” button on the keyboard and continue the search.

If the system does not allow you to delete this data, then you need to log in to safe mode and repeat the manipulations.

If no more parameters are found, then reboot the computer. Now you can install a new antivirus.

If the method described above did not help you, there are several more methods on how you can remove Avast from your computer.

How to remove Avast, method No. 3

For it you will need a utility called Aswclear, download the program from.

Congratulations! Avast has been successfully removed from your computer! Now you can install a new antivirus.

If none of the methods worked, then try using the Revo Uninstaller program. Read how to use it in the article “”.

See you soon!