How to maintain weight after losing weight? Diets for maintaining weight Proper nutrition menu for maintaining weight.

Diets provide only a temporary effect. To always be slim, you need to adhere to proper nutrition. How to start and what women, men, teenagers and people over 40 need to eat.

Poor nutrition is the main cause of extra pounds. Why does the problem of excess weight remain relevant to this day? There are several reasons. Firstly, the pace of life, which often deprives a person of the opportunity to eat a balanced diet. Secondly, the quality of the food. Despite the fact that natural products (cereals, fish, meat, vegetables and fruits) have not been canceled and the younger generation is learning from the mistakes of their predecessors, making choices in favor of healthy foods. The popularity of semi-finished products, various snacks and confectionery products is still quite high. Thirdly, catering. Lack of diet leads not only to excess weight, but also provokes many other health problems: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal imbalances, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia).

Any diet is designed for a short period of time, after which it is recommended to switch to a balanced healthy diet to maintain the achieved results. Proper nutrition does not at all imply a categorical refusal of food that you love, but does not benefit the body - for example, shortbread cookies or boiled condensed milk. However, restrictions and strict control of the consumption of such products are provided. Proper nutrition is something you should stick to throughout your life if you want to be slim and stay young for a long time. So, if you are not just interested in how to lose weight with proper nutrition, but are determined, first create a menu.

How to create a menu for the week

An individual healthy eating menu will help you get used to eating at a certain time. After all, regular nutrition is the key to food discipline. When creating a menu, focus on your usual daily routine. If you are a “morning person” (you wake up at 6:00 and go to bed at 21:00), follow this nutritional principle:

  • breakfast: 7:00;
  • second breakfast:10:00;
  • lunch: 13:00;
  • afternoon tea: 16:00;
  • dinner: 19:00.

If you are a night owl (you wake up at 9:00 and go to sleep at 00:00), learn to eat at this time:

  • breakfast: 10:00;
  • lunch: 13:00;
  • lunch: 15:00;
  • afternoon tea: 17:00;
  • dinner: 20:00.

Distribute the time of meals depending on the regime. But do not forget that you need to have breakfast an hour after waking up (after you get up, drink 250 ml of still water at room temperature), 2-3 hours should pass between meals, and dinner should be no later than two hours before sleep.

Remember: to lose weight, it is important to keep track of the calories you eat. Write down everything you eat without leaving anything out, even if it's a sip of fruit juice or a sugar-free mint. This develops the habit of being careful about what and how much you eat and being able to stop in time.

When planning your weekly menu for weight loss, follow these recommendations:

  1. Make a separate list of the products you want to add and distribute them by day. For example, it is better to choose different days for chicken and fish.
  2. Remember that, firstly, you should not skip breakfast, and secondly, it should be nourishing and balanced: 50% of the total daily diet should be carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 20% fats.
  3. For dinner, eat proteins: cottage cheese (5-9% fat), baked, boiled chicken or fish (hake, pollock, salmon).
  4. Don't forget about snacks between main meals. Eat fresh fruits (if bananas - then no more than one per snack, if grapes - no more than 200 g), vegetables, dried fruits and nuts (walnuts or unsalted peanuts - no more than 50 g per snack). Also record snacks.
  5. Consider your level of physical activity. So, if you have difficult mental (an important report, exam) or physical work (for example, a lot of moving around the city) - you should not prepare a meager diet for that day. Include a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the menu, and have a hearty breakfast.
  6. Drink clean, still water and green tea. Water speeds up metabolism and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, and teas contain antioxidants necessary for the body and, moreover, are good for reducing appetite.
  7. If you drink high-calorie coffee drinks (latte, mocha, cappuccino, etc.), try to drink them in the first half of the day (before 14:00).
  8. The daily calorie intake of drinks (coffee with additives, sweet tea, juices) should be no more than 500 kcal.

In order to achieve the desired effect, when creating a menu, avoid the following mistakes:

  • Sweets and flour: if you do not want to completely exclude confectionery and flour products, allow them a minimum in your diet: such products are not beneficial and can interfere with weight loss. Moreover, it is very easy to get carried away and violate the acceptable norm.
  • Cooking: Try to eat as little fried food as possible. Do not eat a lot of boiled foods, consume more greens, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Dinner: it should be light and the portion should be small. If you are preparing fish or meat for dinner, it is better to bake, boil or stew. For example, prepare 200 g of baked chicken breast or boiled shrimp + 1 cucumber.
  • Alcohol: Be extremely careful with it. Firstly, it is high in calories, and secondly, it stimulates the appetite.
  • Water during meals: Do not drink water or any other liquid during meals, or less than 20 minutes before meals and less than 30 minutes after. The liquid dilutes the gastric juice, as a result of which the digestion process may be disrupted.
  • Salt, seasonings and sauces: add them, but very sparingly, as salt retains fluid in the body, and seasonings (especially those containing the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate) stimulate the appetite. It is better to prepare sauces yourself, using low-calorie ingredients.
  • Try not to skip meals. If you can’t eat a full meal, carry a bag of nuts (50 g), water with honey and lemon in your purse (1 teaspoon of honey per 0.5 liter of water + lemon - not your choice). This will not allow your appetite to run wild, which can cause overeating.

The ideals of beauty inspired by humanity force people to change themselves, work on themselves, and improve their figure and appearance. Someone struggles with excess weight for months or years, denying themselves the pleasure of eating sweets or starchy foods. Other people, on the contrary, strive to gain muscle mass, and one of the reasons for this decision is. In general, many people put a lot of effort into achieving their goal. But there are also those who are satisfied with their weight, who feel great in their parameters, and do not consider it necessary to follow fashion in appearance. However, it is worth considering that if a person is prone to weight gain or loss, then maintaining his data is also a difficult task, the solution of which should be approached correctly.

In order to maintain stable weight, the number of calories that enter the body with food must be equal to the number of calories that are spent during the day when playing sports or at work. If you eat more than you can use, fat deposition and weight gain are inevitable. In the opposite case, when the diet is not high in calories and physical activity is intense, a person loses weight. Today we will talk about what the ratio should be BZHU for weight maintenance, and how to ensure that you get the required amount of BJU into your body.

How to eat to maintain weight?

As we have already said, the amount of energy in must equal the energy expended during physical activity. To do this, it is important to take care to choose the right caloric intake and calculate the optimal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This will allow you to receive the necessary elements and substances that affect your well-being, beauty and figure. BZHU for weight maintenance can be calculated individually, starting from:

  • weight;
  • age;
  • growth;
  • lifestyle;
  • physical activity.

For this, there are various formulas developed by nutritionists and professors of medicine. But, to be honest, not everyone can understand those formulas, calculations and coefficients. And not every person will be able to find time at home to count nutritional ingredients, calories, and weight of portions. And, besides, you first need to spend time going to the store and preparing food, creating a varied menu for the week, and so on. You can get rid of the need to do all this easily and quickly with the help of GrowFood. She will calculate the KBZHU for you, create a diet, prepare food and deliver it to your office or home. Agree, this is very convenient. Balanced, healthy, proper food, selected taking into account your individual characteristics and needs, will provide you with long-term and reliable weight maintenance.

Nutrition from GrowFood for weight maintenance

According to experts, in order for a person to remain active and energetic throughout the day without harm to health, his daily protein intake should be 1 g per 1 kg of body weight, for fats the figure is also 1.1 g per 1 kg of weight, and carbohydrates should be consumed at the rate of 4 g per kilogram of weight. Of course, this is an ideal option, which cannot work equally for everyone. After all, everyone has different weight and height, men and women also have different metabolisms, and people’s needs are also different. Therefore, the company has prepared several food lines for its customers, which differ:

  • by calorie content;
  • by the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • by the number of meals during the day.
  • DAILY.
  • DAILY plus.
  • Other.

Depending on your lifestyle, activity and physical activity, you can choose the optimal nutrition for you, which will be delivered to your home, bringing benefits to the body and pleasure. There are no harmful components among the nutrients in the GrowFood company's dishes; the main emphasis is on vegetables and fruits, as well as replacing “harmful” meat and flour dishes with healthy ingredients.

With GrowFood nutrition you can always maintain weight, at any age, and with pleasure.

Maintaining an optimal weight combines maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, as well as eating a varied and healthy diet.

Approximate daily routine for maintaining weight at a constant level:

— Morning toilet and subsequent weighing (it is recommended to keep a weight loss chart).

- Drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach.

— Do morning exercises (a simple set of stretching exercises and kneading of all ligaments). For those who are used to jogging in the morning, you can go outside. Instead of jogging, there can be regular walking at a moderate pace or just a walk. It is advisable to run in parks and other specially designated places, and not along streets and highways. Many nutritionists suggest drinking medications after training (as well as before it). L-carnitine.

— Wash and clean yourself up (take an invigorating shower).

— Breakfast should preferably consist of bran and squirrel. The protein may be of plant or animal origin or be an isolate. Moreover, it is important not to confuse the isolate with the protein itself. The amount of isolate required is calculated for each person individually.

- Dinner. Lunch time is also individual for each individual and depends on his need for food, and not on the time of day. It is also recommended to eat proteins for lunch; you can add vegetables. If it is not possible to consume protein in its pure form in the morning, then at lunch you need to increase the portion of protein food. It could be meat, cottage cheese or fish.

In the following days, lunch cottage cheese can be alternated with fish (preferably salmon, trout or salmon) in the amount of 180 grams per finished dish. Fish should be cooked without using vegetable or any animal oil. Raw vegetables are ideal as a side dish for fish; it is recommended to eat seaweed several times a week (fish can be eaten up to three times a week).

After the fish days, you can proceed to the meat days (the amount of pure meat without skin can be up to 250 grams): white chicken meat (it can be replaced from time to time with lean beef or rabbit meat).

To control the amount of saturated fat entering the body along with protein foods, you should limit the presence of oils in the evening meal.

It is recommended to cook any meat products without using oil. This can be baking, boiling or stewing. You can use any spices of plant origin, as well as any fresh or processed vegetables. Two meat days are allowed per week.

It is very important to drink enough fluids per day (usually one and a half to two liters of regular drinking water is recommended). Tea and coffee are also available.

— For dinner, you can eat a salad based on fresh vegetables or porridge rich in complex carbohydrates. You can add cottage cheese (two tablespoons) to the salad. After eating the salad you need to take a capsule coenzyme Q10 and a multivitamin tablet.

— Two hours before bedtime, you can eat low-calorie fruits (apples, peaches, pears) or drink fermented milk products.

If at the initial stage the weight continues to decrease, it means that everything is going correctly and the body begins to slowly rebuild. When you stop losing weight or gain weight, you need to adjust your diet. Most likely, some foods should be abandoned, and some, on the contrary, should be added to the daily diet.

Save so as not to lose?

Minimum 8 glasses of water per day. Water is water. Tea, coffee, compote are liquids! Not enough water means poor metabolism, excess fat and cellulite. Do you need it?
1-2 glasses of water go into the body on an empty stomach, that is, first. This is how we awaken the body and improve metabolism.

In the event that you broke down, then... continued as if nothing had happened. But I worked off the crap I had eaten by doing sports.
To improve metabolism, we drink: water with lemon, metabolic tea (steam a couple of circles of ginger, a pinch of cinnamon, a circle of lemon and cayenne pepper on the tip of a knife. Only for healthy stomachs. To improve metabolism we eat: dishes with the addition of cinnamon, ginger, pepper; We eat grapefruits and lemons.
We eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and also have a snack. We never go hungry.
We drink a lot of tea without sugar.
We eat after six. We don't eat 2-3 hours before bedtime.
We sleep 7-8 hours a day, otherwise the body feels stressed and accumulates fat. It also becomes overgrown with cellulite.
We do self-massages, body wraps, and take baths with sea salt (colorless.
We minimize the amount of industrially produced products (sausages, sausages, canned food, etc..
We try to exclude polyunsaturated fats.
We play sports.
We love ourselves! Very!

Number 1: When you need a powerful breakfast.

Morning: oatmeal with bran (I take Nordic) plus 1/4 teaspoon of honey, plus cinnamon to taste, plus 0.5 banana. Tea or coffee with half an orange.
Snack: apple (cut into slices and sprinkled with cinnamon) and half an orange.
Lunch: greens, cheese, pieces of meat, vegetables wrapped in pita bread. Grease with two drops of low-fat sour cream or President 0% cottage cheese. For dessert: apple.
Snack: kiwi, half an apple and half an orange, chopped.

Number 2: When you need a power dinner.

Morning: 1% milk, half a banana, other fruits, mix in a blender.
Snack: half an apple plus a couple of dried fruits and nuts.
Lunch: low-fat broth with bran bread, a piece of meat.
Snack: carrot, half an apple.
Dinner: a small portion of durum pasta, seasoned with tomato juice, spices, chopped broccoli and green beans. Green salad.
During breaks we drink any tea without sugar, coffee, water with lemon.

Number 3: When you need a good lunch.

Morning: two small sandwiches (halved) with avocado, sprinkled with salt, a couple of slices of cheese, a couple of pieces of pepper. Tea or coffee with half an orange.
Snack: apple (cut into slices and sprinkled with cinnamon) and half an orange. You can have other fruits and berries (but not bananas or grapes.
Lunch: baked Selyanski potato slices in the oven (salt quarters with skins, place on a baking sheet greased with olive oil, add spices, bake for 40 minutes), salad, mushrooms. For dessert: fruit.
Snack: fruit or a glass of 1% kefir.
Dinner: green salad plus chicken or fish baked in a sleeve with spices.
During breaks we drink any tea without sugar, coffee, water with lemon.

Number 4.
Morning: fried egg with tomato, 1 bran bread, a couple of slices of carrots and pepper. Tea or coffee.
Snack: kefir, apple with cinnamon.
Lunch: salad, a few slices of meat, a couple of pieces of cheese, carrots, fruit.
Snack: a couple of dried fruits or nuts.
Dinner: boiled chickpeas or beans, fish, slices of vegetables.
During breaks we drink any tea without sugar, coffee, water with lemon.

Number 5.
Morning: 1% cottage cheese with fruit and honey, a couple of whole grain crackers.
Snack: kefir.
Lunch: an omelet in which stewed vegetables are wrapped, a couple of pieces of cheese, fruit. Snack: fruit. Dinner: brown rice with vegetables, a small piece of chicken.

Proper nutrition to maintain normal weight. The essence of a weight maintenance diet

There is a special balanced and nutritious diet that helps you not gain back lost pounds. The essence of this diet is to consume no more than 1600 kcal per day. At the same time, you need to devote time to sports (any activity will do).

It is important that there is an optimal balance between calorie intake and energy expenditure. If the diet is too poor, the body begins to work incorrectly (it stores fats) and physical activity cannot always help. If there is more nutrition than required, then weight is added due to calories, and in this case you will have to exercise more often. Therefore balance is important.

During this diet you need to eat 5-6 times a day. Portions should be small. It is advisable to eat at the same time. Products should be varied; you cannot refuse meat, fish or eggs. Food must be prepared by boiling, stewing and baking.

In the morning on an empty stomach, you should drink a glass of clean water, maybe with the addition of a slice of lemon. This will help speed up your metabolism. And during the day it is advisable to drink more water, especially before meals, this will reduce your appetite. In the evening, you should not eat heavy food: a light dinner four hours before bedtime will satisfy your hunger and prevent you from gaining extra pounds.

During a diet to maintain weight, you need to choose the right snacks. It should not be hamburgers, sweets and buns, but nuts, dark chocolate, yogurt, fruits, smoothies, cottage cheese, a sandwich made from whole grain bread, cheese and herbs. These snacks will help you avoid overeating during your main meal, so you shouldn’t ignore them.

Every day you should do light exercise or go for a run. This will help burn extra calories.

And one more secret of the diet. Once a week you can eat something tasty and not very healthy. For example, a cake or French fries. This will help avoid breakdowns.

Weight maintenance diet

Many people who are losing weight have gone through this difficult stage for themselves - weight loss. but the most difficult thing is to maintain the achieved results.

To lose weight you need to eat no more than 1000-1200 kcal per day, and to maintain weight you need to eat 1500-1600 kcal per day. Here is a weekly menu for weight maintenance.

By preparing these products at the specified weight, you can easily maintain your weight for as long as you like.

Pour 1/2 cup of cereal (wheat, oatmeal) with 1 glass of low-fat milk. Add 1/2 medium-sized apple cut into pieces, raisins (8-10 pcs), 1 coffee spoon of honey, cinnamon.


1 hard pear and 2 walnuts

100 g cooked turkey or chicken breast; 1/2 plate of hard buckwheat (about 150 g); 1 cup lettuce leaves (fresh spinach); 2 heaping tablespoons of cooked green beans; 1 teaspoon olive oil + 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar.

1 low-fat yogurt; 1 green apple.

Crispy tuna salad: 1 can of tuna meat in its own juice (drain); 1 cup finely chopped cabbage or lettuce; 1/2 sweet pepper, cut into slices; 2 small tomatoes.

1 teaspoon vegetable oil; 1 tablespoon of grated cranberries (or lingonberries) or 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard; lemon juice - to taste; parsley, dill or other herbs;

2 whole grain bran breads;

after 30 minutes: green tea.

Total for the day: 1640 kcal; 126 g protein, 190 g carbohydrates; 44 g fat, 27 g fiber


Place 1 slice of rye bran bread + 30 g of low-fat cheese in the microwave for half a minute to melt the cheese; 1/2 grapefruit; 1 glass of low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk.


150 g low-fat cottage cheese + 1/2 medium carrots, grated; mix with garlic and low-fat yogurt.

A bowl of vegetable soup (about 200 g); 120 g chopped chicken breast; 50 g brown rice; 1/2 cup chopped cabbage or lettuce + 1/2 tomato + 1/2 stalk chopped celery or bell pepper.

1 glass of tomato juice; a handful of dried fruits.

1/2 cup brown rice; cabbage salad with herbs with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil; 2 bran breads; 1 grapefruit.

Total for the day: 1620 kcal; 100 g protein, 235 g carbohydrates; 31 g fat, 25 g fiber

Scrambled eggs (made from 1 egg and 2 egg whites in a Teflon pan) - no oil!; 1 whole grain bread; 1 small tomato; 1 glass of low-fat kefir.


2 whole grain breads with 30 g low-fat cheese; 1 orange.

Shape 90 g of lean minced beef into a patty and steam; 70 g buckwheat porridge; 3 sweet onion rings + fresh basil + 1/2 zucchini, sliced ​​+ 100 g diced tomatoes with basil and garlic; 50 g stewed mushrooms; 1 teaspoon olive oil.

1 apple; a slice of dark chocolate.

Chicken salad: 90 g skinless chicken breast, cut into slices + 1/2 medium sized apple; lettuce leaves (3-5 pieces) + several green onions + 1 teaspoon chopped dill + 4-5 olives + 1 tablespoon lemon juice + 1 teaspoon sweet mustard + 1 teaspoon vegetable oil; 1 bran bread; 1 glass of low-fat kefir.

Total for the day: 1615 kcal; 111 g protein, 180 g carbohydrates; 52 g fat, 26 g fiber

250 g oatmeal with raisins and bran; 1 piece (30 g) low-fat cheese; natural coffee (50 ml) with milk (100 ml).


1 baked apple; 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice; 2 whole grain buckwheat breads.

120 g lean boiled beef; 2 slices of black bread with cumin; cabbage salad with 2 chopped tomatoes, season with natural yogurt dressing with herbs, garlic;

after 30 minutes - green tea with lemon, 1 teaspoon of honey.

Cottage cheese up to 4% - 100 g; 1 orange.

In a Teflon frying pan, mix: 100 g peeled shrimp + 1/2 sweet pepper, sliced ​​+ 1 small red onion, sliced ​​+ 200 g diced tomatoes + 1 sprig of parsley + 1 clove of garlic + 1 teaspoon olive oil. Add a little water and simmer. Serve with 1/2 cup (about 100 g) unpolished (brown) rice.

Total for the day: 1575 kcal; 105 g protein, 210 g carbohydrates, 35 g fat, 29 g fiber

Millet porridge with milk and pumpkin 200 g (without oil); 1 small apple; black tea with lemon, prunes (3 pcs.).


1 glass of fermented baked milk or kefir up to 2.5%; 2 rye breads with bran.

Vegetable puree soup: white cabbage (or cauliflower, broccoli), 1 carrot, 1 stalk of celery, 1 medium potato, 1 onion, leek, 6 zucchini rings, green peas - boil the vegetables without salt until half cooked, then chop directly with a mixer in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, let stand for a couple of minutes.

Add chopped herbs, 1 spoon of low-fat sour cream or sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of grated hard cheese to a serving of soup (about 250 ml). 2 rye breads with bran.

Tomato salad with parsley (100 g), 1 teaspoon olive oil.

After 30 minutes - green tea with lemon.

A handful of walnuts and dried apricots, 1/2 grapefruit.

Baked salmon 150 g with boiled green beans: bake the fish in a sleeve with the addition of lemon, herbs, or steam it.

After 30-60 minutes - 1/2 grapefruit.

Total per day: 1600 kcal; 90 g protein, 220 g carbohydrates, 40 g fat, 30 g fiber

Pour 3 tablespoons of wheat or corn flakes into a glass of skim milk; add 2 teaspoons of dried fruits, 1 teaspoon of walnuts; 1 baked apple with 1 teaspoon of honey.


Wrap several thin slices of poultry breast in a thin sheet of lavash measuring 15x15, add greens, thinly sliced ​​cucumber, or lettuce; 1 hard pear.

Beetroot borscht with cabbage (without meat broth) - 200 g, 1 tablespoon of low-fat sour cream, 1 piece of rye bran bread; boiled fish 100 g with green peas 50 g.

After 30 minutes - green tea with lemon.

200 g low-fat cottage cheese; 1 glass of kefir.

Stewed vegetables 300 g: eggplant, zucchini, cabbage, carrots, onions, peppers. Simmer with the addition of water, spices, and herbs. Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil directly to the plate. Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of grated low-fat cheese and herbs. 2 rye bread with bran.

Total for the day: 1640 calories; 110 g protein, 210 g carbohydrates, 40 g fat, 35 g fiber

Beat 100 ml of milk 1.5% and 150 g of frozen berries with a mixer; Dry 2 rye bread toasts; natural coffee 50 ml without milk; 1 piece of cheese up to 30%.


1 cocoa with milk; 1 loaf of bread with 1 teaspoon of honey; 1 orange.

180 g skinless chicken stewed with chopped peppers, zucchini, carrots, onions and brown rice (2 tablespoons dry). Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil at the end of cooking. 1 glass of tomato juice.

1 piece of dark chocolate; 1 hard pear.

Salad from 150 g of fish (baked or canned); 1 small baked potato; several inflorescences of boiled broccoli + the same amount of cauliflower, lettuce leaves, 1/2 sweet pepper, olives, 1 boiled egg, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of grated lingonberries, spices, herbs. Crumble 1 rye bread in the salad.

After 1-1.5 hours - 1 glass of kefir 1%.

more details >>

Place in: 1 () Date: 2014-03-12 Views: 22,281 Rating: 5.0

And now the goal has been achieved! Phew, lost weight! Hooray! What's next? Many people mistakenly believe that the most important thing is to “lose” excess weight, and then we’ll figure it out somehow. However, in reality it turns out that it is much more difficult to maintain and maintain this same weight than to get rid of the hated fat.

The most important thing is to initially treat getting rid of “excess” not as a temporary measure, but as acquiring new eating habits and mastering a new way of life. Remember that the word “diet” is translated from Greek as a way of life? So this should be your motto now.

Let's turn to practice. At this stage, your body gets used to the new weight. This addiction lasts about 2-3 years. Therefore, in order to save all your efforts, it is enough to adhere to at least minor, if not intense, but systematic physical activity.

So, here are some rules that will help you maintain weight:

1. Try not to use refined products in your daily diet (sausages, sausages, margarine, canned food, semi-finished products), but rely on natural ones - meat, fish, eggs, milk, dairy products, fruits, vegetables. Be sure to trim off all visible fat from the meat.

2. Love porridge - oatmeal, buckwheat, barley - these are the healthiest porridges, which are very valuable complex carbohydrates that saturate our body with the necessary energy.

3. Do not fry anything in oil or anything else, or use a minimal amount so that you get no more than 1-2 teaspoons of vegetable oil and no more than 5 grams on your plate. other fat.

4. For sweets, give preference to fat-free treats: marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows. Try to consume them from 16 to 18 hours - it is at this time that a physiological decrease in blood glucose occurs in our body. Well, keep it in moderation, of course. Let’s say, one marshmallow or 2-3 marmalades “will not make a difference” and will not harm your figure.

5. For side dishes, choose vegetables (except potatoes), that is, combine: meat + vegetables, fish + vegetables, cottage cheese + vegetables (or fruits).

6. Give preference to vegetarian soups or prepare soup with lean meat (skinless poultry, beef, fish).

7. Use to determine servings.

8. Remember to drink water evenly throughout the day until 19:00. This will speed up metabolism due to increased lymphatic drainage.

9. Do not take breaks between meals for more than 4 hours, as this slows down the metabolism in the body. To do this, give yourself small snacks of vegetables, fruits, low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk or kefir.

10. After a hearty feast, be sure to make the next day a fasting day (no more than 30-35 grams of fat per day and 1200-1300 kcal for women and 1500-1600 kcal for men) and do unscheduled physical activity..

11. Be sure to get a good night's sleep. When we get enough sleep, our body produces the satiety hormone leptin, and we feel less hungry during the day, and when we don’t get enough sleep, we produce ghrelin. At the same time, appetite increases.

12. Exercise regularly 2-3 times a week, this is enough to maintain weight and stimulate metabolism. The main thing here is systematicity.

As you can see for yourself, there is nothing “scary” or overwhelming here. Just treat your “changes” with more responsibility, and then your beauty and health will delight you for a long time. I wish you good luck!

You can also order yourself an individual nutrition program from the author of this article - Margarita Kuts - the official nutritionist of the Your Trainer website..

The goal of proper nutrition is to:

  • supply the human body with enough nutrients so that all life systems work normally, the person remains cheerful and active;

Attention! Any strict restrictions (including fasting) lead to stress. You can have a fasting day once a week, but under no circumstances exhaust yourself with hunger.

  • the daily menu brought gastronomic joy and a feeling of fullness;
  • energy balance was maintained (the correct ratio of calories consumed and consumed is necessary - depending on whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, or leave the weight parameter unchanged);
  • slow down the aging process at the cellular level (healthy nutrition differs from “usual” in that good-quality and natural products become a priority - with a complete rejection of various synthetic substitutes);
  • correct some diseases (for example, eliminating sugar against diabetes, avoiding marinades and smoked foods against gastritis, a diet rich in calcium to strengthen bones, etc.).

Nutritionists distinguish two ways to switch to proper nutrition: a gradual change in diet and a quick abandonment of bad habits and a switch to proper food. It is difficult to say which of these methods is more effective and less stressful for the body, since each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages.

Of course, you can try one method first, if nothing works, then resort to the second. But first you need to decide on your desires and needs and ask yourself whether you need it and whether you can give up junk food. If you yourself don’t want to eat right, then no matter what method you choose, it will be difficult to achieve the desired result.

In any case, every person should have proper nutrition. Where to start? Avoid one harmful product. For example, if you drink several cups of coffee or several liters of soda a day, then you should give up such a drink. Besides, you have to want to do it, you don’t have to test your psyche. As practice shows, a person himself can give up coffee on the second day, and his psychological subconscious will want to drink the drink for several more years.

The key to good health is proper nutrition. Where to start? First you need to give up something lighter, something that you rarely eat. For example, you only drink coffee in the morning or only eat flour on holidays - you should start giving up junk food with these foods. And gradually the thought will come to your subconscious that it’s time to give up all harmful foods.

It is worth noting that you need to reduce your sugar intake or completely remove it from your diet, as it is harmful to humans.

Save so you don't lose.

Minimum 8 glasses of water per day. Water is water. Tea, coffee, compote are liquids! Not enough water means poor metabolism, excess fat and cellulite. Do you need it?
1-2 glasses of water go into the body on an empty stomach, that is, first. This is how we awaken the body and improve metabolism.

Only if you broke down, then... continued as if nothing had happened. But I worked off the crap I had eaten by doing sports.

To improve metabolism, we drink: water with lemon, metabolic tea (steam a couple of circles of ginger, a pinch of cinnamon, a circle of lemon and cayenne pepper on the tip of a knife. Only for healthy stomachs. To improve metabolism we eat: dishes with the addition of cinnamon, ginger, pepper; We eat grapefruits and lemons.
We eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and also have a snack. We never go hungry.
We drink a lot of tea without sugar.
We eat after six. We don't eat 2-3 hours before bedtime.
We sleep 7-8 hours a day, otherwise the body feels stressed and accumulates fat. It also becomes overgrown with cellulite.
We do self-massages, body wraps, and take baths with sea salt (colorless.
We minimize the amount of industrially produced products (sausages, sausages, canned food, etc..
We try to exclude polyunsaturated fats.
We play sports.
We love ourselves! Very!


Number 1: When you need a powerful breakfast.

Morning: oatmeal with bran (I take Nordic) plus 1/4 teaspoon of honey, plus cinnamon to taste, plus 0.5 banana. Tea or coffee with half an orange.
Snack: apple (cut into slices and sprinkled with cinnamon) and half an orange.
Lunch: greens, cheese, pieces of meat, vegetables wrapped in pita bread. Grease with two drops of low-fat sour cream or President 0% cottage cheese. For dessert: apple.
Snack: kiwi, half an apple and half an orange, chopped.

Number 2: When you need a power dinner.

Morning: 1% milk, half a banana, other fruits, mix in a blender.
Snack: half an apple plus a couple of dried fruits and nuts.
Lunch: low-fat broth with bran bread, a piece of meat.
Snack: carrot, half an apple.
Dinner: a small portion of durum pasta, seasoned with tomato juice, spices, chopped broccoli and green beans. Green salad.
During breaks we drink any tea without sugar, coffee, water with lemon.

Number 3: When you need a good lunch.

Morning: two small sandwiches (halved) with avocado, sprinkled with salt, a couple of slices of cheese, a couple of pieces of pepper. Tea or coffee with half an orange.
Snack: apple (cut into slices and sprinkled with cinnamon) and half an orange. You can have other fruits and berries (but not bananas or grapes.
Lunch: baked Selyanski potato slices in the oven (salt quarters with skins, place on a baking sheet greased with olive oil, add spices, bake for 40 minutes), salad, mushrooms. For dessert: fruit.
Snack: fruit or a glass of 1% kefir.
Dinner: green salad plus chicken or fish baked in a sleeve with spices.
During breaks we drink any tea without sugar, coffee, water with lemon.

Number 4.
Morning: fried egg with tomato, 1 bran bread, a couple of slices of carrots and pepper. Tea or coffee.
Snack: kefir, apple with cinnamon.
Lunch: salad, a few slices of meat, a couple of pieces of cheese, carrots, fruit.
Snack: a couple of dried fruits or nuts.
Dinner: boiled chickpeas or beans, fish, slices of vegetables.
During breaks we drink any tea without sugar, coffee, water with lemon.

Number 5.
Morning: 1% cottage cheese with fruit and honey, a couple of whole grain crackers.
Snack: kefir.
Lunch: an omelet in which stewed vegetables are wrapped, a couple of pieces of cheese, fruit. Snack: fruit. Dinner: brown rice with vegetables, a small piece of chicken.

Exercises to maintain weight

1 Always be on the move. Now that you're in the shape you want, find a way to make getting in shape part of your lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle will lead to excess weight.

  • Get off the couch! Grab a friend and go for a walk in the park, dancing or going to the pool. If possible, take the stairs. Get outside and develop a couple of habits that will help you maintain a healthy weight. 2 Continue training. Exercise is a must to maintain a normal weight. The American Heart Association, Dietetic Association and Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend doing a 30-minute exercise routine that will keep you in shape without losing weight. Remember that any exercise is beneficial, even if you can't do 30 minutes a day.
  • Exercises can be very different. You can walk the dog every evening, do yoga or swim. Anything that gets you moving counts as exercise. Plus, you don’t have to exercise for 30 minutes a day! If it's more convenient for you, break the 30 minutes into three smaller workouts. 3 Alternate. If you get stuck in a workout routine, both you and your body will get bored. It will be more difficult for you to exercise, and therefore maintain your weight.
  • Do cardio, lift weights, do interval training, do yoga. Even your routine can be different every day. You can also combine several types of workouts into one day. Lift weights every other day to allow your muscles to recover.

Most girls at least once in their lives think about ways to maintain normal weight. To do this, there are 6 simple tips: never spend a day without physical activity; visit the sauna at least once every 10 days; do not consume food after 19:00; create a balanced menu; exclude refined sweets and fatty desserts; Once a week, arrange fasting days.

To prevent excess weight and maintain good shape, experts recommend walking at least 1 km daily. This can be done, for example, on the way to or from work, if you get off 2 stops earlier than necessary. On weekends, go for a walk outside the city. Be sure to visit the pool or gym 2-3 times a week. Without exercise, your figure will not be able to remain as beautiful and fit as it is now.

A good preventive effect in the fight against excess weight comes from visiting a sauna. Especially if you combine high temperature with therapeutic wraps. In particular, honey wraps are recommended to preserve the figure. Honey is heated to 50 degrees, applied to problem areas of the body, covered with foil or thick film. The duration of the procedures is about 15 minutes. The effect will not be long in coming and will become noticeable literally immediately.

Review your diet. Unfortunately, the reality is that many of us ignore breakfast, visit food establishments during a business lunch, and in the evening at home consume almost the entire daily diet. Nothing good can be expected from such a regime. Therefore, take fractional meals as a rule. A hot breakfast consisting of cereals prepared in one way or another should start each day. At about 11 o'clock you can have a snack with an apple, a pear, a handful of dried fruits or nuts. It is better to take lunch with you from home. This could be a vegetable salad and steamed meat or fish. Around 4 p.m., it makes sense to drink tea with whole grain bread. And at home, preferably before 7 p.m., prepare yourself a vegetable or cottage cheese casserole.

Last but not least in the difficult task of maintaining normal weight is a balanced menu. Try to ensure that all essential vitamins and microelements are present in the products. It often happens that refusal of any of them entails a serious imbalance affecting metabolism. As a result, extra pounds are not caused by eating too much, but quite the opposite.

Eliminate refined sweets and fatty desserts from your diet. If you have a sweet tooth, consume desserts made from fruits or nuts. In addition to sugar, they contain amino acids that are beneficial for our bodies. And once a week, arrange fasting days, reducing the amount of food by half and giving up quickly digestible carbohydrates: potatoes, wheat flour products, sweets.

Balanced diet to maintain weight

From the above it is clear that the nutritional system is compiled based on the calorie needs, lifestyle and nature of the sports activities of a particular person. The right diet will help you not gain extra pounds, and at the same time not lose weight, maintaining your shape.

It is recommended to include healthy foods in the menu to maintain weight and a beautiful body; we will talk about them later. Most often, 5-6 meals a day in moderate portions are recommended. Some sources insist on 3 meals a day. The optimal pause between meals is 2-4 hours. Usually it is 3 hours. Ideally, it is advisable to develop your own schedule and eat at approximately the same time.

Proper breakfast

A good breakfast for a beautiful figure can be made from the following dishes and products of your choice. All of them are optimal for use in the morning:

  • yogurt with fruit salad or cornflakes;
  • dairy and dairy-free porridges - oatmeal, rice;
  • eggs prepared by regular boiling or hard-boiled, classic scrambled eggs or omelet without oil, egg whites separately;
  • pancakes with sweets (honey, syrup, jam, jam);
  • low-fat cottage cheese with fruit - bananas, persimmons or any seasonal fruits;
  • unsweetened 5% cottage cheese with fruit and sour cream;
  • mousse of berries and cottage cheese;
  • pancakes with sweets (honey, syrup, jam, jam);
  • cottage cheese with berries without sugar or with a sweetener Fit Parade;
  • medium or high fat meat - baked turkey or chicken dishes;
  • salad (radish, tomatoes, greens, white and red cabbage, cucumbers, olive oil);
  • fruit juices;
  • vegetable juices;
  • fruits - orange, grapefruit;
  • pancakes with sweets (honey, syrup, jam, jam);
  • dried fruits;
  • cottage cheese casserole or cheesecakes.

Drinks for breakfast can be consumed according to your taste, the main thing is to avoid sweet soda. This can be unsweetened green or black tea, black coffee without sugar and cream, unsweetened rosehip infusion.

Healthy snack options

Between main meals, for example, for lunch, you can eat the following dishes and products:

  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • low-fat yogurt;
  • bread with bran, whole and puffed grains, buckwheat;
  • chocolate with peanuts;
  • regular and drinking yoghurts;
  • kefir with berries;
  • fruits and berries - orange, cherry plum, tangerine, banana, pineapple, grapefruit;
  • fruit and berry salad;
  • fruit juices;
  • juice with crackers;
  • dried fruits;
  • bun with cheese and tomatoes.

Healthy hearty lunch

You need to have a hearty lunch, but so that there is no feeling of heaviness. Here are ideas for lunch:

  • beef borsch;
  • turkey goulash;
  • salmon with pepper;
  • chicken with onions and carrots;
  • fish and mashed potatoes;
  • vegetarian vegetable soup;
  • soup soup;
  • lean pork;
  • vegetable stew with beans (white, red, green beans are useful);
  • boiled or baked potatoes;
  • rabbit meat with tomato;
  • stewed beef with vegetables;
  • salad (sweet peppers, greens, onions);
  • boiled rice;
  • salad (fresh cabbage, cucumbers);
  • stewed potatoes with meat;
  • durum wheat pasta with fried meat;
  • cabbage soup;
  • stewed fish with vegetables;
  • vegetable salads (tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants);
  • vinaigrette;
  • slicing vegetables;
  • light salad (cucumbers, herbs, tomatoes, lemon juice);
  • salad with sauerkraut;
  • chicken soup with rice or noodles;
  • boiled buckwheat with beef gravy;
  • steamed or boiled skinless chicken;
  • boiled turkey;
  • cauliflower.

For lunch you can drink compote or tea. It is also a good idea to drink sweet milk tea, coffee with sugar and milk, sweet fruit tea with milk, sweet chicory with milk, unsweetened green tea or coffee.

Afternoon snack

A proper second snack in the form of an afternoon snack after lunch can be represented by these products and dishes:

  • fruit salad with cottage cheese and yogurt;
  • baked apples and pears with cottage cheese and berries cream;
  • fruit and berry salad with ricotta and yogurt;
  • cottage cheese with berries;
  • cottage cheese and fruit mousse;
  • dark chocolate with natural coffee;
  • tea with oatmeal cookies;
  • banana milkshake (prepared in a blender);
  • dried fruits with unsweetened tea;
  • low-fat curd cheese and cocoa;
  • citrus juice and biscuit;
  • tomato juice with cornbread;
  • yogurt and apple.

Light and nutritious dinner options

The following dishes and products are suitable for a healthy dinner; you can safely eat them in the evening and not gain weight (the main thing for a feeling of lightness and proper digestion is to wait 3-4 hours before going to bed, during this time it is better not to eat or drink anything):

  • okroshka with kefir and chicken;
  • okroshka with beef;
  • okroshka with turkey;
  • bran bread;
  • oatmeal, rye-wheat or wheat bread;
  • steamed fish cutlets;
  • low-fat cottage cheese with orange or grapefruit;
  • boiled chicken, stewed cauliflower with cheese or soy sauce;
  • durum wheat pasta with fish stew;
  • fruit juice and veal stew;
  • stewed beans (green, red, white), boiled potatoes, broccoli;
  • stewed beans, broccoli and pasta;
  • chicken or beef shish kebab, juice, baked vegetables;
  • vegetable salad, pilaf, green tea;
  • boiled meat, bread, unsweetened tea, stewed cabbage;
  • salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, green peas, radishes, olive oil), low-fat fish (cod, pike, hake) with rice.

The basics of a beautiful figure

Be sure to listen to these tips, they will help you maintain a normal weight and set you up for a healthy lifestyle.

Don't eat heavy food in the evening. Before going to bed, you need to fast for 3-4 hours. You should not weigh yourself too often. To avoid breakdowns from the pp diet, regularly have a Cheat meal - eat delicious desserts and your favorite foods with pleasure, without guilt or anxiety.

Eat healthy not alone, but together with your family members or friends - the team spirit will be your bonus and will not allow you to switch to unhealthy eating. We advise you to pay a lot of attention to the right snacks and drink enough clean water, these are the little things that protect you from overeating.

Instead of regular bread products, buy whole grain products, bread, and bran bread. It is better to eat slowly, without being distracted by anything. Focus on natural, safe products. If you need to change the calorie content of your diet - reduce or increase it, then all changes to your menu should be introduced gradually. The best option for a proper diet is simple, minimally processed food, dishes made from a small number of ingredients.

Get enough sleep and rest for comfortable well-being and high performance at work and training. To lead a healthy lifestyle, you need to protect yourself from stress in every possible way. Even if you don't need to lose weight, try to move more for your health and good mood - at least 40 minutes of intense movement every day will definitely be beneficial.

A sedentary lifestyle is definitely harmful for everyone. If you're used to not moving much during the day, do at least some light morning stretching or quick cardio exercises. Also, everyone should take long walks in the fresh air in good company or with a dog. It is very useful to swim, play tennis, skiing, skating and rollerblading, jogging (jogging) or Nordic walking.

Perform marital duties regularly and never drink alcohol or smoke. All this taken together will help you create an ideal body, always look young and attractive.

Let's look at how to maintain weight after a diet through proper nutrition. Let's start with these recommendations:

1. Since after seven in the evening the metabolic rate stops significantly, after this time it is advisable to limit the intake of heavy food to the maximum. After this hour, food is digested much worse, being deposited in the form of extra pounds.

2. One serving of food should not exceed 250 ml (one medium cup) - the size is not large, but it is quite enough, especially considering the fact that in general you should eat at least six meals throughout the day. Fractional nutrition helps speed up metabolic processes, guaranteeing the loss of excess weight (if any) or its stabilization.

3. It is necessary to plan the menu in advance for each subsequent day or week.

Let's draw up an approximate balanced nutrition program for a week, figuring out how to maintain weight after fasting (therapeutic) or dieting.

Weight gain after losing weight... A pressing problem for many women, for example, the online magazine Forty Years wrote about a reader who lost 27 kg using the minus 60 system. An impressive result, but more than two years have passed, and we decided to ask her: “Has it been possible to maintain the achieved results, does she adhere to this system?”

Here's what she wrote:

1. I stopped following the minus 60 weight loss system gradually. First - a late dinner, failure to comply with the list of permitted foods, pizza after 12 noon, coffee with sugar and cream. The result is a slow return of the kilograms lost with such difficulty, weight 75 kg.

2. Numerous attempts to return to Mirimanova’s weight loss system failed.

3. Started regularly going to the pool and gym for fitness. But increased physical activity without food restrictions did not produce results.

Yes, minus 60 is a lifestyle, and if you stop adhering to the principles of this system, the weight slowly but surely returns to its previous level.

Quite often, our readers are interested in whether Ekaterina Mirimanova herself managed to maintain her weight of 60 kg, or whether she has gained weight. This is what Ekaterina herself answered this question at her recent seminar.

Current weight is 65 kg. After hormonal treatment, it increased to 75 kg, but now it stays around 65; she no longer wants to lose weight on the recommendation of doctors, since they consider this weight to be optimal for her.

What to do if the weight returns and you are not happy with it?

1. Find motivation for losing weight and again adhere to the minus 60 system. We will write how to do this in the next article.

2. A more complex and slower path is the transition to proper nutrition, rational physical activity and regular skin care procedures.

Let's take a closer look at this path. Balanced nutrition for weight loss

Firstly, this is eating in small portions at least 5-6 times a day. It is also necessary to exclude sweets, too salty, smoked, salty, baked goods, and fast food from your diet. Try to include proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in your daily menu. The serving size for one meal can be calculated as follows: protein foods - the size of your palm, vegetables - the size of your fist, carbohydrates - a handful, fats - your thumb.

We have already written about rational nutrition for weight loss for forty-year-old women.

You need to switch to proper nutrition gradually, without violence to the body.

Exercises for weight loss

Secondly, this is optimal physical activity. Each of us follows certain morning self-care routines without much stress. So why not add daily morning exercises to them? Just keep in mind that regular exercise will not replace regular, full-fledged training. What is it? It doesn’t have to be too long; its quality is much more important. The workout should include both strength training and an aerobic part, the first will load your muscles, the second will speed up your metabolism. A warm-up at the beginning of the workout is mandatory; this can include rotating your arms, legs, or various bends. Each time you can work out different muscle groups.

If you prefer to practice on your own, then you can download a suitable complex on the Internet and do it at a time convenient for you, the main thing is regularity.

We also wrote about the most effective exercises for losing weight in women over 40 years old.

Skin care while losing weight

Third, don't forget about the different procedures. We have already written about the use of coffee scrub and mummy. If possible, you can take a professional massage course. A massage with a regular brush while taking a shower will also be useful.

Once a week, do wraps, you can use seaweed, clay, oils, honey, chocolate... As a result, blood circulation is activated, metabolic processes are stimulated, pores are cleaned, stretch marks and scars are reduced.