How to cut tiles with a grinder without chipping: a detailed guide for beginners. How to cut tiles without a tile cutter: a selection of simple methods Cutting ceramics with a grinder

A manual tile cutter is a simple tool.

But to use it correctly, you need to be aware of some features.

About them we'll talk in this article, the topic of which is a manual tile cutter: video and description of the technology for using the tool.

When choosing a manual tile cutter, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Carriage running mechanism. There are two types: roller and bearing. The roller carriage of a quality tile cutter moves easily at first, but soon loses its smoothness. Bearing tile cutters are more expensive, but have a number of advantages: they last longer, cut more accurately and provide a smooth ride for the carriage.
  2. The bed must have sufficient rigidity, which is provided by the ribs under the bed. The low-strength frame bends under load and the tile breaks crookedly, not along the groove.
  3. Guide thickness. The higher this parameter, the lower the likelihood of carriage play.
  4. Cutting roller diameter. The thicker the tile, the larger it should be.
  5. Bed size. It is advisable to purchase a tile cutter with a bed that is large enough to allow you to cut large floor tiles and make diagonal cuts.
  6. Manufacturer. Guarantee of the quality and durability of the tool - well-established, time-tested brands: Sigma, First, Matrix, Rubi, S.A., Germans Boada.
  7. Additional features. These are a ruler (allows you to estimate the width of the cut and remaining parts) and a rotary bed (with its help, cutting is carried out at different angles).

Usage manual tile cutter

Before use, check the serviceability of the tile cutter according to the following criteria:

  1. The diamond roller is sharply sharpened, there are no chips or gouges on the cutting edge. Otherwise, the tiles break crookedly, resulting in a lot of waste. The defective video is replaced.
  2. There is no carriage play. If there is play, it is eliminated with adjusting screws. If it doesn’t help, the tile cutter is repaired or replaced.
  3. The carriage moves smoothly. If it sticks, lubricate the guides. It is also useful to lubricate the roller so that it rotates more easily.
  4. Clean bed. The ceramic crumbs on it are brushed off.
  5. The condition of the rubber mats that prevent the tiles from slipping. They should fit snugly to the base.
  6. The angle between the stop and the axis of movement of the carriage is 90 degrees. Checked with a square.

For left-handed people, it is advisable to purchase a tile cutter with a mirrored double ruler.

Advantages of a manual tile cutter

Compared to an electric tile cutter, a manual one has the following benefits:

  1. Low cost. It should also be noted that the cutting element is cheap: a diamond disc is much more expensive than a roller.
  2. Compact and light weight - easy to transport.
  3. Simplicity of design.
  4. Independence from electricity.
  5. No noise or dust.
  6. No operating costs: When using the electric version, you have to pay for electricity.
  7. Ability to work at any humidity and temperature.

Marking before cutting

Here's what it loses:

  1. Performance. For significant amounts of work, it is better to use an electric tile cutter.
  2. Cut quality. After using a manual tile cutter, the edge, if it is not hidden by the baseboard, has to be sanded.
  3. Difficulty performing the operation. A beginner will have to spend some, albeit short, time learning to move the roller with the same force and uniform speed.
  4. Possibility to cut tiles only in a straight line. A regular electric tile cutter also has this limitation, but there are special models for curved (shaped) cutting. The cutting element is a ring rotated by a motor.
  5. It is not possible to cut a groove in the tile.
  6. The width of the cut part cannot be less than 1 cm.

In addition, a manual tile cutter has difficulty cutting hard tiles.

How to cut tiles with a manual tile cutter

The operating principle of a manual tile cutter is the same as that of a glass cutter: a pressed diamond roller, when rolled, destroys the surface layer and leaves a groove, after which part of the tile is broken off. The difference is that the strong fastening of the roller and the presence of a lever allow you to press on it with great force.

It sounds simple, but for correct execution The operation requires knowledge of some nuances. Let us consider in detail all stages of cutting.

Tile cutting technology


The markings are applied based on the results of measurements of the area for which the tiles are being cut. It is better to draw the cutting line with a marker - the pencil is hard to see on the tile.

If you have no experience working with a tile cutter, it is advisable to leave an allowance of 3-5 mm when marking tiles for leveling and sanding, especially if the cut edge will not be hidden by the plinth.

Tile cutting technology

The operation is carried out as follows:

  1. The tiles are laid face up on the bed, so that the line drawn with a marker is exactly above the edge to be broken. Above it is a diamond roller.
  2. One side of the tile is rested against the stop on the frame - this prevents it from moving.
  3. If it is necessary to cut off a narrow strip, the main part of the tile hangs from the frame. For stability, plasterboard or bars of the same thickness as the frame are placed under it.
  4. By grasping the lever, the tile cutter carriage is moved to the working position: the support legs are bent and the diamond roller is placed on the tile.
  5. Pressing the lever, roll the roller along the drawn line. The key to a quality cut is uniform force and speed of movement.

It is advisable for a novice master to practice on broken or defective tiles.

A furrow of sufficient depth must be cut in one pass. If you try again, it is impossible to install the roller in exactly the same position; you will end up with two grooves and the tile will break crookedly.

Should tiles be wetted?

Soaking the tiles in warm water before cutting is a useful procedure: the material softens and therefore crumbles less, and the cut is smoother.

Soaking time is 40-50 minutes. No longer needed - the tiles will deteriorate.

Porcelain tiles are not soaked - only tiles.

If the tile is large and there is no large container at hand, wrap it in wet rags.

Cutting: towards yourself or away from you

Correctly move the tool carriage away from you. This will make it easier to control it and provide the required force. But excessive force should also be avoided - the material can be damaged.


Having brought the roller to the end of the line, the carriage is lifted by the lever, as a result of which the support legs rest on the tile. Press the lever so that the paws break the tile on the rib protruding from the frame.

How to cut tiles without a tile cutter

Other tools are also used for cutting tiles.

Tile cutter

Special pliers with a plate on the upper jaw. There is a cutting roller installed at the bottom.

You need to run the roller over the material, then grab it with the jaws so that the groove is in the center of the plate, and squeeze the tool.

Nippers can also be useful if you have a tile cutter.

With their help, they bite off small fragments (when cutting with a tile cutter, the width of the cut part should be more than 1 cm) and form curved cuts, which a manual tile cutter is not capable of.


If a tile cutter is a highly specialized tool, it is used to solve a wider range of problems and is therefore available in almost every household.

Consequently, when performing one-time work, tile cutting is often carried out with this tool.

Cutting is carried out with a disk. Steel discs are preferred: they are thinner than stone ones and last longer.

Steel wheels are divided into two types:

  1. Segmented. They are divided into parts by slots, which improves heat dissipation and ensures free expansion of the metal when heated. Thanks to this, the disk is capable of within 1 min. cut the tile without cooling, after which it is turned for 20 - 30 seconds. in idle mode to cool down. Due to their ability to cut material dry, such discs are called dry cutters. Their disadvantage is the low quality of the cut.
  2. Solid. Another name is a wet cutting disc. There are no slots for thermal relief, so you can only work dry without a break for 10-15 seconds. For long work filing required cold water into the cutting zone. Compared to a segmented one, a solid disk cuts smoother and better.
  3. Combined. Can be used for both dry and wet cutting.

According to their characteristics, combined disks are located between solid and segmented:

  • cutting quality: better than segmented, but worse than solid;
  • time continuous operation: more than solid, but less than segmented.

For one-time, small-volume work, a combined disk is considered the most preferable.

If it is enough to install the segmented and solid disks for cleaning from crumbs on the other side, then this option does not work with the combined one. This cutting element can only be installed on one side. Cleaning is done by cutting sand-lime bricks or concrete tiles.

Hard types of tiles, such as porcelain stoneware, are cut with diamond-coated discs. According to the method of fixing diamond chips, discs for household use are divided into two types:

  1. with soldering on silver solder;
  2. with geometric closure: the crumb is fused into the heated edge of the disk.

The latter are more expensive, but last longer and withstand overheating better.

To cut tiles correctly with a grinder, you should follow the rules:

  • The cut starts with front side: Most chips occur when the disc comes out of the material.
  • The tiles are cut in one pass. With each new time the number of chips increases.
  • If the requirements for edge quality are low, the tile is not completely cut: a groove is applied, then the module is broken. This produces much less dust.

Since it is difficult to make an even cut with a grinder without experience, it is recommended to leave an allowance of 3-5 mm for finishing with a grinding attachment.

Glass cutter

This tool can handle thin tiles with a thickness ranging from 4 to 6 mm. It is better to choose a variety with a diamond roller. Having cut a groove, the module is placed on the edge of the table and broken.

Drill with pobedite tip

Diameter 6 – 8 mm. It is ground with a diamond wheel to the shape of a pencil, but so as not to wear off the pobedite soldering. The point is made round. If there are edges, the corners between them act as stress concentrators, which reduces the strength.

Use a sharpened drill to cut a groove in the same way as a glass cutter. Then part of the tile is broken off.

Waterjet unit

Such equipment is available in large workshops. The machine delivers a high-pressure stream of water with a diameter of 0.2 mm with the addition of abrasive chips. Cuts tiles evenly, quickly and along the trajectory of any curvature.

If you don’t have the tools, you can order tile cutting in a similar workshop.

After a little training, even a novice master can cut cleanly and evenly with a manual tile cutter. You should only, based on the advice outlined above, choose a high-quality and serviceable tool.

If you don’t have one, you can use an alternative: a grinder, special tongs, or a homemade tile cutter made from a drill.

When planning to lay tiles, you need to decide what to cut ceramic tiles. Facing material is available in several versions, and for each type of tile there is a priority method for cutting it. You will learn further about how to cut various tiles and what devices exist for this.

Varieties of facing material and features of its various types

The basis of most types of tiles currently produced is fired clay - ceramics. On the front side, the tile is covered with a thin, but more durable waterproof coating, which simultaneously carries an aesthetic load. Facing material is divided into two types:

  • wall (for finishing vertical surfaces);
  • for covering the floor surface.

Floor tiles can be used indoors or outdoors (for laying on thresholds, verandas, terraces). Floor tiles intended for indoor use are usually made with a smooth front surface; external tiles often have special anti-slip ridges or a rough surface, which is taken into account when choosing a cutting device.

Not everything is simple with wall covering material either. In addition to the most common tiles, which have a smooth decorative surface, there are tiles with a relief finishing layer (including a frieze - the dividing elements between the panel part of the wall and its “top”). Not all methods that allow you to cut smooth tiles are suitable for corrugated surfaces.

When choosing ways to cut tiles, take into account their thickness, strength, area of ​​the intended cladding and the complexity of the pattern geometry. Wall tiles are thinner than floor tiles and their strength is lower, so a regular glass cutter or glass cutter is suitable for cutting them. Floor covering material requires more serious tools, especially if its surface is rough or has anti-slip protrusions. If a lot of complex patterns are expected (holes for sockets, bypassing pipe communications), care should be taken to have devices for shaped tile patterns.

When deciding which device to use to cut tiles at home, you should take into account the amount of intended finishing. For small areas and simple patterns, a simple tool is suitable. If there is a lot of work, it makes sense to use more advanced devices so that cutting the tiles does not take longer than laying them.

Nowadays, ceramic tiles are cut using several devices that differ in design complexity and functionality.

Glass cutter - an inexpensive option for small volumes

If you have to cut ceramic tiles at home, and the cladding area is small (for example, a kitchen panel), a regular glass cutter will do the job. These simple tools can be equipped with a cutting roller or a diamond tip. Choose a glass cutter that you have used to work with or whichever you find more convenient - you can cut the tiles with any type of tool.

How to cut tiles with a glass cutter correctly? The essence of the process is identical to working with glass: you need to scratch a groove on the front surface, which will become a fault line. To do this, first take the dimensions of the fragment required for laying, make the appropriate marks on the decorative side of the whole tile, and with a marker draw a straight line corresponding to the intended cut. The tiles are laid on a flat surface located at a convenient height for working (table, workbench). Using the working part of the glass cutter with medium, even pressure, a movement is made from the far end of the tile towards you.

In this case, a clear shallow furrow should be formed without any interruption areas. To make the cut as smooth as possible, you can use a guide bar. But it is better to make the cut under visual control, aligning the cutter with the drawn line. It is not advisable to run a glass cutter twice along the same line - it is very difficult to hit the same groove a second time. As a result, the cut will not be of very high quality. You should try to make a furrow in one movement.

Then we do the following. If the cut part is more than 3-4 cm, lay the tile on a table (face up) or other hard surface so that the cut line coincides with the edge of the stand. We place the wider part on the table, the narrow section hangs down. Firmly holding the part of the tile that lies on the table, you need to sharply press on the hanging fragment, as a result of which it breaks off exactly along the drawn groove. When the width of the cut fragment is small, another tactic is used - the excess part of the tile is gradually broken off with special nippers. If you don't have them on hand, you can use regular pliers for these purposes.

Cutting tiles with a glass cutter requires skill and steadiness of hand. These qualities are acquired quickly, so don’t be upset if you don’t get the desired result the first time. To quickly acquire the skill, you can sacrifice one tile and make many different strips and rectangles out of it, making cuts with a glass cutter, and then move on to cutting out the tile fragments necessary for laying.

The glass cutter is suitable for working with smooth wall tiles. The corrugated surface of the tile cannot be cut with this tool. It is very inconvenient and time-consuming to make circular patterns using a glass cutter. To do this, you will have to soak the tile for at least an hour (to soak the ceramic base), make a circular cut, and then look for a suitable stand that best matches the geometry of the intended hole. The tile is laid on a stand and gradual gentle pressure forces the cut section to separate from the main fragment of the tile. It is problematic to deal with thick and durable floor tiles with a glass cutter, so if it is necessary to cut this type of tile, it is advisable to use more advanced devices.

Manual tile cutter - the best choice for household purposes

A manual tile cutter is essentially an improved glass cutter, and its cutting element is the same roller, only more massive and durable, designed to withstand greater force. The pressing force in the device under consideration is increased by a lever that forms a single mechanism with the cutting wheel and is mounted on a carriage moving along two parallel runners. The guides are fixed to a frame equipped with a stand at the bottom, on which the tiles to be cut are laid. On the stand, according to the stroke of the cutting element, there is a built-in metal protrusion, which serves as a stop when breaking the tiles. A special device (press) is movably attached to the movable carriage next to the cutting roller, with the help of which pressure from the lever is transmitted to both halves of the tile being cut.

There are many models of manual tile cutters, varying the following characteristics, which affect the performance of the device:

  • maximum size of tiles that can be cut;
  • mechanism for sliding the carriage along the guide rails (dry running, lubrication, bearings);
  • backlash of the cutting element;
  • material for manufacturing the main parts of the device;
  • equipped with an additional device for cutting circular holes.

With better quality tile cutters, their cost increases accordingly, therefore, when choosing a cutting device, you should understand for what purpose it is needed. If you plan to do one-time work on laying tiles in relatively small volumes, it is not advisable to buy a model at a price above average - an inexpensive product will do. When you plan to lay large areas of tiles, it makes sense to purchase a more expensive model. High-quality manual tile cutters are widely used in their work even by professional tilers.

To properly cut tiles with a tile cutter, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. 1. Mark the cut line on the front side, having previously taken the necessary measurements.
  2. 2. Lay the tiles on the frame so that the drawn line coincides with the longitudinal protrusion on the base.
  3. 3. Using the lever, carefully position the cutting wheel on the far edge of the tile (the cutter should coincide with the beginning of the reference line).
  4. 4. Lightly pressing the lever, pull it towards you in a continuous motion until the wheel comes off the tile.
  5. 5. Raise the lever and install a kind of double-sided press on the tile approximately in the middle of the cut line.
  6. 6. We press the lever (not very hard and quite smoothly), as a result of which the tile breaks into two parts.

To acquire initial skills in using the device, it is advisable to make several trial attempts.

If the tile is large (the cut is longer than 30 cm), it is advisable to press the cut tile several times, moving the press to different places. This way the fault will be smooth and you won’t have to modify it.

A manual tile cutter is convenient to work with, but there are some limitations. This device, like a glass cutter, does not work on textured tile surfaces and some types floor tiles, especially external, the tool is also too tough. In addition, a tile cutter will not be able to cut strips smaller than 15-20 mm.

Water saw - fast, precise and dust-free

A water saw is sometimes called an electric tile cutter, which is similar in design to a circular saw and is classified as a professional tool with corresponding capabilities and cost. The device is equipped with a work table, in the longitudinal hole of which a diamond-coated cutting disk rotates. The peculiarity of an electric tile cutter is that the tile is cut in the presence of water, which abundantly wets the disc. It is supplied to the site of the cut through a special pipe (in more expensive models) or the disc is wetted, being partially immersed in a pan of water.

Wet cutting at high blade speeds allows you to form an ideal cutting edge that does not differ from the factory one (a chamfer is formed at an angle of 45%). Thanks to constant wetting, dust does not form during cutting, as well as chips on the cut tile edge. Not only is it possible to be linear, but also figure cutting, formation of holes of various configurations and sizes. The quality and type of tile only affects the cutting speed, and even then only slightly. A water saw will cut a strip of any width from any tile - wall, floor, and even porcelain stoneware. An electric tile cutter is the best option for cutting interior and exterior tiles, as well as tiles with a textured surface. In this case, there is no need to use facing materials covering the cut edge when laying - it is enough to fill the corner seam with tile grout.

If you don’t have such equipment at hand (which is not surprising), you still need to cut different types of tiles, cutting out holes various shapes and sizes, you can use a universal power tool, one of the models of which will probably be in the arsenal of any home craftsman.

Grinder – a universal tool for cutting all types of tiles

Angle grinders (angle grinders) or grinders are universal power tools with a wide range of applications in everyday life and in small industries. Grinders are also used for cutting tiles. various types, equipping with special “tile” disks or ordinary circles on concrete ( big difference there was no noticeable difference between the results of these attachments when cutting ceramic tiles).

If you don’t have a tile cutter or other specialized tool, you can cut the tiles with a grinder. A grinder can be used to cut any tile – wall, floor, porcelain tile. In this case, the surface topography, strength and thickness of the tile do not play a role. The cutting edge is not as smooth and problem-free as when using an electric tile cutter, but taking into account the application tile grout or plastic corners When laying tiles, small flaws are acceptable.

To efficiently cut tiles without a tile cutter using a grinder, it is advisable to use small angle grinders designed for a disc diameter of up to 125 mm. They are more convenient to work with, especially when cutting shapes and forming holes in tiles. But you need to take into account that grinders with small disc diameters usually have high speeds (3600 rpm and above), at which the tile at the cutting site overheats, can crack and numerous chips, so it is advisable to use an angle grinder with an adjustable number of revolutions when working with tiles .

It is convenient to cut tiles with a grinder, but there are several disadvantages of this process:

  • a lot of dust is formed - in a closed small room it is impossible to work;
  • when cutting, many small pieces of ceramic fly off, so the process requires compliance with safety regulations and the use of personal protective equipment (glasses are a must, a respirator is advisable);
  • there is a possibility of electric shock, and in general, an angle grinder is a dangerous tool.

To cut a piece of tile in a straight line using an angle grinder, the necessary measurements are taken and the desired area is marked with an approximate line, after which the tile is laid on a flat surface, but not very hard (a piece of board, plywood, OSB board). It is necessary to cut through the entire thickness of the tile only in cases of cutting off narrow strips; in other situations, only the decorative layer is cut, after which the tile is broken, as described above. Cutting holes with a grinder (circular or rectangular) is done from the back side - this will result in fewer chips and other damage to the front side of the tile.

When using angle grinders to cut tiles, use only new, undamaged discs. Old worn-out working wheels will make a cutting edge with big amount defects, and there is a danger of their destruction during operation, which can lead to serious injuries.

The described tools for cutting tiles are rarely used in isolation - it is much more advisable to combine the use of various methods. For example, when laying wall tiles, to cut straight fragments, it is good to use an inexpensive manual tile cutter or even a glass cutter (quickly, you don’t have to leave the room); for curly patterns and cutting thin strips, you can sometimes work in an open space.

The tool can be manual or electric.

Hand tools include tile cutters, or their ancestors – glass cutters.

A power tool can be universal, designed for various operations (angular Grinder, jigsaw, electric drill) or special. Special tools include tile cutting machines.

What to consider when choosing a tool

Factors that need to be taken into account when choosing a tool can be both technical and purely everyday.

TO technical nuances can be attributed:

  • the need for shaped cutouts for ceramic tiles;
  • the need to trim the end of the tile at an angle;
  • the need for internal cutouts or curved lines;
  • unevenness of the front side of the tile and others.
  • the amount of work required.

Household factors include the following:

  • the need to maintain silence;
  • the need to cut tiles without dust ;
  • availability of free space;
  • availability of available funds and others.

Which tool to use

Let's review from cheap tool options to more expensive ones.

In skillful hands, you can cut a circular hole with a grinder;)

If there is no need for complex trimming, and the tile has a smooth front surface, it is quite possible to get by with hand tools. For those who do not have any special tools in their arsenal, the cheapest option may be a glass cutter. The cutting speed will be minimal, and the same can be said about the quality. But if the amount of work is not large and you are determined to keep costs to a minimum, you can start with it and see the results. If the quality suits you, you can stop there. If you do not have basic knowledge and basic skills in using a glass cutter, then the question remains, how to cut ceramic tiles?

It is worth considering purchasing a tool that can facilitate and speed up the process of cutting tiles. Here it is important to take into account the possibility and necessity of using this tool in the future. For example, the use of a manual tile cutter is limited to this operation only. You won't be able to use it in other areas. And if you do not plan to do this business regularly in the future, purchasing this tool is unlikely to be justified.

However, for household needs, an angle grinder (grinder) can be quite useful. Depending on the cutting wheel, it can cut metal, wood, brick, concrete, and ceramic tiles. The purchase of this power tool will be completely justified.

Alternatively it can be used. It is also used for cutting various materials. Its advantage is the ability to cut along curved lines. This need arises when you need to tile around plumbing connections, sockets and other protruding elements. You will need to purchase a diamond crown.

A grinder can also cut curved lines, but with relatively large bending radii. In this case, decide , The best way to cut tiles can be through experimentation or having someone capable of doing the necessary trimming.

The disadvantage of using an angle grinder (grinder) is the increased noise and presence of dust. The jigsaw will also create some noise, but there will be much less dust.

For a person planning to engage in this sport professionally labor activity, it will be relevant to purchase both a manual tile cutter and various power tools. It is worth considering the option of a machine for cutting tiles, the price of which can range from several thousand to several tens of thousands of rubles.

Methods for cutting tiles

Exist various ways cutting ceramic tiles. First, we suggest watching a video on how to cut ceramic tiles and listen to the opinions of experts.

Tile cutter The fastest and easiest option for cutting tiles in a straight line. First, mark the cutting line on the tile (with a pencil or thin marker). The tile is inserted into the tile cutter and the edge perpendicular to the cut is pressed against the stop bar (on the side farthest from you). In this case, you will get an even cut at 90⁰. The lever with the diamond cutting roller is pressed against the nearest edge of the tile and is drawn evenly to the opposite side. Then you need to press the lever (not too much). The tile should break along the cut line. If it does not break, you need to once again walk the roller away from you until it stops and press down again.

If necessary, irregularities are removed from the edge resulting from cutting. This can be done with a spatula or other metal object of sufficient hardness.

Now let's discuss how to cut tiles without a tile cutter

Glass cutter. After you have passed the glass cutter along the cutting line, the tiles must be laid on a flat surface. Under one edge of the cutting line you need to place a small diameter nail parallel to the cutting line. On one side we hold the tile with our hand, on the other we press it with a level or rule. This method allows good craftsmen to cut strips with a width of 15 millimeters.

Bulgarian. This method has a number of advantages over hand tools. Using a grinder you can cut relief tiles . After marking the cutting line, the tile must be placed so that there is no support under the cutting line, since the cutting wheel will fall below the tile. It is also advisable that the tiles should not lie on a hard surface, but on rubber or hard foam. These materials will dampen possible vibration.

Which circle to cut tiles? For cutting with a grinder, there are special circles for cutting ceramic tiles. Their cutting edge does not have cuts or waves that are found on wheels for brick, concrete and other materials. Also, diamond coating consists of smaller particles. These two factors contribute to cutting with much less chipping. It is important not to exceed the diameter of the circle provided for your angle grinder and to use a protective cover.

When working with ceramic tiles, you cannot do without adjusting the products. Sometimes they need to be adjusted to size, in other cases a circle or recess needs to be cut for the pipe. Ceramic tile cutting can be done in several ways. Each of them is good in its own case.

Ceramic cutting options

Each of the methods is good in something different and suitable in one case or another. How to cut ceramic tiles? There are three main ways to cut ceramic tiles evenly:

  1. Using a grinder with an appropriate circle.
  2. Use an electric, manual tile cutter or special nippers.
  3. Handy tools for cutting ceramic tiles, such as a glass cutter, a well-sharpened nail or a drill.

In order to understand all the intricacies of the work, you need to consider each option in detail.

Cutting ceramic tiles with a grinder

Cutting ceramic tiles at home is done using a grinder. If you don’t have a specialized tool for ceramics at hand, then an angle grinder is always handy. In addition, there are cases in which it is necessary to make subtle adjustments by cutting off only a thin strip of 0.5–2 cm. The tile cutter will not help in this case due to its widely spaced support legs.

How to cut ceramic tiles at home using a grinder? All you have to do is take a pencil or marker, make a line on the ceramic tile, and then cut. You should monitor the heating during the process. You shouldn't cut it in one go. Otherwise, the product may crack. For the desired result, the movements of the grinder are made smooth, without pressing.

Advice! You need to walk the grinder along the drawn line not in the very center, but along the line, from the side of the trimmed part. By cutting the ceramic along a strictly marked line, the fragment will become smaller by a couple of millimeters.

How to properly cut ceramic tiles with a grinder? There are some tips for this:

  1. It is better to carry out the process in weight, in which case the vibration from the tool will be compensated by hands.
  2. After trimming, the edges may be sloppy. Therefore, a careful repeat pass is made at the site of the first cut.
  3. Sandpaper will help smooth out uneven surfaces.
  4. The grinder is a very dangerous tool. To protect yourself, you should wear gloves, wide safety glasses or a shield before cutting. You need thick clothing and leather shoes.

Choosing a cutting disc

It is important to know which disc to cut ceramic tiles with. Only diamond-coated metal discs are suitable for this purpose. However, there are 3 types of similar products on sale:

  1. Discs for concrete.
  2. Discs for stone, natural or artificial.
  3. Brick discs.

A disk for cutting ceramic tiles can be recognized by the missing holes on the solder. It is uniform and smooth. As for discs for concrete, they are made with slots. Using such discs will generate strong vibration when cutting. This is fraught with destruction of the facing material and the appearance of chips on it.

Important! The fragments formed during cutting scatter in all directions. The likelihood of injury increases.

Using a manual tile cutter

This is the tool that is most often used when working with facing materials, because that’s what it was created for. The machine for cutting ceramic tiles is used by both craftsmen and amateurs. It is enough to buy it at the nearest hardware store. Price depends on size. Minimum cost – 350 rubles. For an additional price, an improved option is available that allows you to cut ceramics at an angle of 45° for joining.

Pay attention! Don't buy the cheapest tile cutters. They can break finishing material, due to improper balance of elements.

How to cut ceramic tiles at home with a tile cutter? Instructions:

  1. The ceramics are installed in the tile cutter. There is a special mark on the instrument. The line on the tile made as a cutting guide should line up with the mark.
  2. The handle of the tile cutter is lowered, after which in a smooth movement, with one speed and pressure, the handle is moved along the tile away from you. It is necessary that the roller cuts through the coating (glaze) to a uniform depth. One wiring is enough. It is not recommended to make multiple passes. They will not improve the cut, but will only worsen the situation. Microscopic discrepancies are created and the final fracture will be of poor quality.
  3. The tile cutter has special feet with which you need to break the cut product. The movement is sharp and strong.

There is a metal bump on the tile cutter platform. It is protected by soft linings that help the tiles not to be damaged after a break.

Tile cutter in the form of tongs

This is a cheap type of ceramic tile cutter. Its price ranges from 190 to 350 rubles. The purchase is rational only for cutting at home, with a small volume. The facing material must be thin. The cutting technology is as follows:

  1. Markings are applied to the ceramics, taking into account seams and gaps.
  2. You need to apply a metal ruler to the tile along the line, and then run the cutter once along the ceramic. You need to apply medium-moderate pressure on the tile cutter so that a visible strip is formed. The tool should be passed from the edge towards you.
  3. Gently pressing the handle will help crack the ceramic.

Using an electric tile cutter

If the object is large and you have to cut a lot of products, then it is rational to purchase an electric tile cutter. With him, the work will be done quickly and efficiently. The tool has a cutting wheel and a water supply system. The circle is not simple, but diamond-coated. And water is needed to remove dust and cool the surface of the ceramic. The cost of the unit is 3500–4100 rubles.

How to cut ceramic tiles with this tile cutter? The process is reminiscent of working with a grinder.

Cutting with improvised means

It is not always necessary to do a large amount of work. Why waste money if you need to cut several tiles. In this case, you can use the following tools:

  • ordinary glass cutter;
  • sharpened nail or drill;
  • assembly or stationery knife.

How to cut ceramic tiles with a glass cutter? The algorithm of actions is as follows:

The required piece will break off. It is clear that it will not be possible to make a perfect cut. But you can save money. Yes, and after that it’s enough to wipe the cut sandpaper. In addition, if you put the tiles in clean water, then the cutting process will become better.

Note! Some people ask whether it is possible to cut ceramic tiles with a jigsaw. Yes, but the cut will not be as high quality as we would like. Application electric jigsaw rational when adjusting tiles laid in an inconspicuous place. But, there are special diamond-coated saws for manual or electric jigsaws. This option is allowed.

Complex shaped cutting of ceramic tiles

In addition to standard cutting of products, in which an even cut is made, there is shaped cutting of ceramic tiles. Tile cutters in this case become useless, since they can only make straight cut lines.

One of the common cases is a socket. How to cut a hole for a socket in ceramic tiles? It all depends on the circumstances. Sometimes it is enough to make a U-shaped cut to fit the size of the outlet. Another option is to split the two tiles into two rectangular pieces and cut them off. In this case, the long side is cut with a tile cutter, and the short side with a grinder. External corners are carried out according to the same scheme.

Advice! When applying markings, 1.4 to 1.8 mm is subtracted for the distance from the wall, and 2.5 mm for the grout joint.

There is another way to perform a U-shaped cutting. Any acceptable method is used for this. For example, the same ruler and glass cutter for creating cuts in the glaze. After which the excess parts are chipped off, and the edges are rubbed with sandpaper.

But how to cut a hole in ceramic tiles for a pipe? It’s more difficult here, since there are no right angles. The hole should be round and even. Professionals use special diamond-coated crowns that allow you to quickly make a hole of the required diameter for a sewer or water pipe.

But what if there are no such crowns? The first option is to use a tile drill or a pobedit drill bit. This is not the easiest way, but it is quite feasible:

  1. Before cutting a circle in a ceramic tile, you need to install the tile on a flat and clean surface.
  2. Markings are applied to the surface of the tile.
  3. Using a drill bit, straight holes are made in the intended circle. They need to be made dense, the closer the better.
  4. Using the same drill, you need to remove the remaining gaps, doing the work at an angle of 45 degrees.
  5. The hole will be rough and sloppy. Therefore, this can be corrected with sandpaper and large wire cutters.

If this hole is made for a faucet or for sub-racks, then you don’t need to bother with aligning the edges, they will disappear.

When to make a hole larger diameter, for example, for forced ventilation, a mini grinder with a ceramic disc is used. Again, markings are made on it, and with the help of a grinder, two cuts are made crosswise. Then four even cuts are made between them to form a square. The remaining edges are cut off with nippers. Don't bite off large pieces right away. At the end everything is cleaned with sandpaper. Another cutting option is directly along the contour of the intended circle to half the thickness. After which an incision is made crosswise across the entire thickness. There are 4 elements left to break off.

You can make a hole using a jigsaw and a special string for it. The tile is marked, a hole is made in it, into which a string for a hand jigsaw or a tile saw for a jigsaw is inserted. A hole is made along the contour. It will turn out smooth and neat.

One of the most popular methods is to use a drill called a “ballerina”. The ballerina will allow you to make round holes of the correct shape of various sizes as accurately as possible.


There are many options for cutting ceramic tiles. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, they help to cope with the task effectively. For this, a grinder, special tile cutters and available materials are used.

In the production of various construction work You often need to cut ceramic tiles yourself at home. To do this, it is not at all necessary to have a professional tool - a tile cutter. Let’s make a reservation right away: We are not talking about permanent work and large volumes, but about small batches or even one-piece products. In such cases, it makes no sense to buy an expensive tool; you can easily get by with improvised means.

  1. Cut in a straight line. In this case, you need to distinguish where the cut is taking place. If less than 2 cm remains from the cutting line to the edge, then such a cut can be classified as figured;
  2. Round holes in tiles of various diameters;
  3. Curly cutouts;
  4. Mosaic elements. If there are requirements for precise geometric shapes, then this type also applies to curly cuttings. Otherwise, this is actually crushing the tile into pieces. The products are placed in a bag and, using a heavy tool (hammer, sledgehammer), are crushed to required proportions. The exception may not be ceramic tiles.

Methods for cutting tiles

The methods given are mainly suitable for cutting tiles at home. But also applicable or limitedly applicable to other types of tiles. You can cut tiles without a tile cutter in the following ways:

Angle grinder (grinder)

Generally speaking, this universal tool. Just as craftsmen used to be able to cut down a house with one ax, now they can cut down anything with the help of one grinder. The author witnessed how they cut out an even round hole diameter 5 cm.

Note! The method is suitable for straight, curly types and if you have minimal skills in handling a tool for curved lines of any configuration.

For cutting you will need:

  • Bulgarian. Any power and any type;
  • Cutting wheel (stone or diamond);
  • Safety helmet or goggles (required);
  • Full protective suit and gloves (recommended);
  • Respirator (recommended);
  • Clamp Additionally in some cases (clamp or vice).

Pre-mark the tiles, preferably by scratching the line with any sharp tool. As a last resort, drawing a line with a construction marker is allowed. During operation, a lot of dust is generated and the marked lines can be erased when it is removed.

Straight small cuts along the edges of the tiles can be made by laying the tiles on a flat surface on a table or floor. First cut the surface a few millimeters. With this operation, the tile’s own gravity and frictional force are enough to hold the product in place. For deeper passes, you can additionally step on the edge or hold it with an assistant. At curly cuts It is better to attach the product to the tabletop with a clamp or secure it in a vice, after placing pieces of cardboard or thick fabric under the jaws.

Advice! Place a piece of plywood under the product to avoid damage to the surface of the table or floor.

The cut is carried out in several ways:

It is recommended to use for complex cuts: on edges or curved ones. The fact is that with this method there is a lot of dust, consumption of cutting blades, time and labor costs. A regular straight line can be cut in much simpler ways.


If there is neither a tile cutter nor a grinder, then a jigsaw may be available. An underrated instrument by many!

Note! You can use a hand jigsaw with a stone saw in the same way. But the cutting speed will be an order of magnitude lower.


Sawing in the usual way. Cutting too rounded slots is problematic, as the file gets stuck. Not thick (wall) tiles can be sawed well. It is very difficult to saw through porcelain floor tiles in this way. For a little relief, it is suggested to pre-soak the material.

Glass cutter or any sharp tool

This method can only be used to cut tiles. And only in a straight line. Another limitation is that the parts should not be less than 2 cm wide.


To ensure a clear cut without chipping or going sideways, the scratch must be applied carefully. It is enough to scratch the top, glossy layer.

Advice! When applying marks, pay attention to the beginning and end of the scratch. Often, at the very beginning and at the very end, the scratch is not deep enough. This is due to insufficient pressure and psychology. At the very beginning we are just trying it on and the pressure is relaxed. At the very end there is an acceleration and the risk is “lubricated”. This may cause the fault to move to the side in these places.

When applying marks with a knife, make several passes to get a deep scratch.

The application of a scratch depends on the hardness and sharpness of the tool used. If the tool is hard enough and sharpened (a glass cutter with a sharp roller, a spear-shaped sharpened pobedit drill, etc.), then one pass with good force is enough. If the tool is dull or out of soft material(a utility knife), then several passes will be required. Eventually the furrow should deepen below the glossy layer.

Several splitting methods:

Round holes

Depending on the diameter of the holes, tools and attachments are selected. Any tools with a rotating tip (drills, screwdrivers, hammer drills, hand rotators, etc.) are most suitable for making holes in tiles.

Note! The power of the tool does not matter, the rotation speed is more important. It is desirable that you can set a low rotation speed. Above 500 rpm is only detrimental to the cutting tool. Although the hole is made faster, the cutter gets very hot and fails faster. In addition, high rotation speed increases the likelihood of chipping along the edges of the hole.

Various attachments for drilling holes in tiles.

Nozzles for small diameters (up to 15 – 30 mm):

  • Special drills with one-sided acute-angled sharpening. The best option, but quite expensive. Lasts a long time, drills into almost any hard tiled surface;
  • Spear-shaped drill bits for tiles. Cheap drills are the best option for one-time work. When used idle tiles they are enough for several dozen holes;
  • Drills with carbide tips (for concrete, stone, for hammer drills, etc.). Not the best option, but if necessary, you can make a couple of holes with them.

Large diameter nozzles:

  • Crowns with various materials(diamond, corundum, tungsten carbide). Refer to professional tools and are expensive;
  • "Ballerina" In the center is a spear-shaped drill; the location of the second cutter is adjusted by moving a rod secured to the central leg with a bolt. Cheap option, which will allow you to cut several holes of different diameters.

Starting from a diameter of 50 mm, holes can be cut with a grinder. It is recommended to carry out all work wearing a protective mask or goggles.

Figured breaking out

Sometimes you need to make curved lines. The lines can be not only straight, but also semicircular. Such breaks are more problematic when they do not start from the edge. In such cases, you will have to first make a hole and then break it out.

Figured breaking out of tiles.

For breaking out there is special tool– tongs with a wheel. But for one-time work it is not advisable to purchase a special tool. Therefore, you can get by with ordinary pliers.

The breaking technology is very simple. The pliers (or tongs) are strongly compressed, causing the material to crumble, or they are compressed and sharply turned (only far from the fault line, at least 5 mm). Small pieces break off. If you try to break off a large piece at once, you can ruin the whole job. A part may break off behind the line of marks.

Long, straight, narrow pieces across the entire tile are broken off by sharply turning the pliers to the side. Pre-clamp them along the line of the marks (a scratch, of course, must be applied). In this case, the entire length of the tile may not break off and the procedure will have to be repeated on the remaining part. Then the remaining sharp protrusions are also carefully broken off.

The simplest way is to apply a mark and hit it on a sharp corner. In this way, you can easily and quickly prepare most of the elements.

Sawing is used if you need to cut a piece not through its entire length. In this case, several sides are cut, and one is broken off along a solid rod or through clamps.

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