How to open the Windows 10 touchpad settings. How to configure the touchpad on a laptop

Most laptops have a built-in touchpad, which in Windows 10 can be customized to your liking. It is also possible to use a third-party device for gesture control.

Enabling the touchpad

The touchpad is activated via the keyboard. But if this method does not work, then you will have to check the system settings.

Via keyboard

First of all, look at the icons on the F1, F2, F3, etc. keys. One of these buttons should be responsible for turning the touchpad on and off. If possible, review the instructions that came with the laptop; they usually describe the functions of the main shortcut keys.

Click on the hotkey to enable or disable the touchpad

On some models, key combinations are used: the Fn button + any button from the F list, which is responsible for turning the touchpad on and off. For example, Fn+F7, Fn+F9, Fn+F5, etc.

Press and hold the desired combination to enable or disable the touchpad

Some laptop models have a separate button located near the touchpad.

To enable or disable the touchpad, click on the dedicated button

To turn off the touchpad, press the button that turns it on again.

Through system settings

Video: how to enable/disable the touchpad on a laptop

Setting up gestures and sensitivity

The touchpad is configured through the built-in system parameters:

Popular gestures

The following gestures will allow you to completely replace all mouse functions with touchpad capabilities:

  • page scrolling - swipe up or down with two fingers;

    Use two fingers to scroll up or down

  • moving the page to the right and left - swipe with two fingers in the desired direction;

    Use two fingers to move left or right

  • Calling the context menu (analogous to the right mouse button) - press with two fingers at the same time;

    Press with two fingers on the touchpad

  • calling a menu with all running programs (analogous to Alt+Tab) - swipe up with three fingers;

    Swipe up with three fingers to open the application list

  • closing the list of running programs - swipe down with three fingers;
  • minimizing all windows - swipe down with three fingers when windows are maximized;
  • calling the system search bar or voice assistant, if it is available and enabled - press with three fingers at the same time;

    Three-finger tap to search

  • Changing the scale - swipe two fingers in opposite or identical directions.

    Zoom via touchpad

Solving touchpad problems

The touchpad may not work for the following reasons:

  • the virus blocks the operation of the touchpad;
  • touchpad is disabled in BIOS settings;
  • device drivers are damaged, outdated or missing;
  • The physical part of the touchpad is damaged.

The first three points above can be corrected yourself.

It is better to entrust the elimination of physical damage to the specialists of the technical center. Please note that if you decide to open the laptop yourself to repair the touchpad, the warranty will no longer be valid. In any case, it is recommended to immediately contact specialized centers.

Removing viruses

Launch the antivirus installed on your computer and enable a full scan. Remove any viruses found, reboot your device and check if the touchpad works. If not, then there are two options: the touchpad does not work for other reasons, or the virus has managed to harm the files responsible for the operation of the touchpad. In the second case, you need to reinstall the drivers, and if this does not help, then reinstall the system.

Reinstalling and updating drivers

Video: what to do if the touchpad does not work

What to do if nothing helps

If none of the methods described above helped to fix the problem with the touchpad, then there are two options left: the system files or the physical component of the touchpad are damaged. In the first case, you need to reinstall the system, in the second, you need to take the laptop to a workshop.

The touchpad is a convenient alternative to the mouse, especially when you have learned all the possible quick control gestures. The touchpad can be enabled or disabled through the keyboard and system settings. If the touchpad stops working, remove viruses, check the BIOS and drivers, reinstall the system, or have the laptop repaired.

Scrolling on the touchpad does not work in Windows 10 - this is one of the most common problems that owners of laptops with the OS installed may encounter. Today we will talk about what could be the reasons for this malfunction, as well as ways to eliminate it.

So, your touchpad on your Windows 10 laptop has stopped working.


The main reason that the touchpad on Windows 10 does not work (scrolling, inverted scrolling on the touchpad) is usually a problem with the drivers. Since this operating system is quite young, not all manufacturers have managed to release properly working software for their devices. Of course, it may happen that there is some kind of technical malfunction and you will have to take your device to a service center, but in this article we will talk about eliminating software problems.

Ways to solve the problem:

What steps should you take if the touchpad does not work after installing or updating Windows 10:

Settings using special keys

After reinstalling the system, the Touchpad may simply not be turned on, and for it to work you need to press a certain key combination. On almost all laptops this is a combination of Fn and the key that has a special icon (look for F1-F12). For example, if the touchpad on your Asus laptop with Windows 10 does not work, you need to press Fn+F9. After the first start, the touchpad will turn on, after the second, it will turn off. It is also worth noting that the manufacturer can display the required button on the body of your device.

Checking Windows settings

  • Open “Start”, then “Settings”, then “Devices”, “Mouse and Touchpad” and finally “Advanced mouse options”
  • In the window that opens, we find the ELAN tab and see the “Activate device” button. It should be gray, this will mean that the device is functioning. If it's not, turn it on.

  • Uncheck the box “Disconnect when connecting a USB mouse”

Updating drivers

One of the main conditions for correct actions with the touchpad is the correct drivers. You can install them automatically or manually. What we do:


  • There is an automatic search for updated drivers


We look for the necessary drivers on the website of the manufacturer of your laptop computer and install them ourselves. Don't forget to indicate the exact model and name of your OS.

Configuring via BIOS

For some laptop models, it is typical to enable the touchpad in the BIOS.

Where to look:

  • Find this section “Internal Pointing Device”
  • Change the parameter we need to Enable

Also read on our website:

  • How to enable the touchpad on a Windows 10 laptop
  • Windows 10 hotkey combinations
  • How to disable login password in Windows 10

Modern computing systems have definitely shifted from working with a mouse to touch devices such as touch screens and touchpads. Windows 8.1 welcomes something called Precision Touchpad, which is nothing more than a fancy name for a touchpad. The touchpad accuracy is better in all activities. It's more precise and supports many more gestures than your average everyday touchpad. If you recently purchased a laptop, it most likely needs to have the precision of a touchpad. Windows 10 offers a lot of customization options, and it comes with new gestures that support touchpad precision.
This post aims to discuss the capabilities these touchpads offer and how to set up appropriate gestures. To get started, you first need to check whether your device has a Precision Touchpad or not. Go to settings and then to devices, now select touchpad from the menu on the left.

Now just below the main 'touchpad' heading, you will find a line saying: 'Your PC has touchpad precision.'

If you cannot find this line, then perhaps your computer did not come with an accurate touchpad or the appropriate drivers are not installed. Check the manufacturer's website for the latest drivers. You can also try replacing the default drivers with some other drivers that support these features, but you will have to do so at your own risk and with caution.

If you don't have a precision touchpad, you may not be able to use some of the features mentioned in this post.

For the Precision Touchpads feature, there are the following gestures, which are discussed in detail as follows:

Light blow

This section allows you to perform gestures such as two-finger tap, right-click, double-click and drag to select multiple files, and click on the bottom right corner of the touchpad to right-click. You can control the touch sensitivity of the touchpad and enable/disable all these gestures in this section.

Scrolling and zooming

This section is the most useful and important as some users find it difficult to scroll using the touchpad. In this section, you can enable ‘two-finger drag to scroll’, which is a much-needed feature. Additionally, you can invert the scroll direction using the above gestures. Finally, you can enable Zoom to increase the size in this section. ‘Zoom’ allows you to use a familiar touch gesture on the touchpad.

Three fingers and four fingers

This is perhaps the best gesture you can use. These gestures include clicking and light tapping. Both clicks and light strikes have a predefined domain from which you can select the desired action. Or you can use them for multitasking or to control the audio and volume of your device. I prefer to use three-finger gestures for multitasking and four-finger gestures for media control. These gestures can also be disabled completely.

Touchpad precision options in Windows 10

Likewise, for light hits, you can assign an action from the list of available actions. You can 'search with cortana', simulate 'mouse' buttons, 'play content/pause', open 'Action Center' or just install it to do nothing. I use three fingers to imitate the middle mouse button and a four finger gesture to play/pause videos and other content.

Gesture options in Windows 10 with Touchpad precision, we expect more customization in the future and more actions available. Of course, these gestures will help improve the overall user experience and make it easier to perform certain actions. But remember that Touchpad Accuracy was introduced recently, so it may be that your device does not have a Touchpad setting.

Today we’ll look at how you can enable the touchpad on a laptop in Windows 10. Many users don’t know what to do if the touchpad doesn’t respond to touches and finger presses, but it’s simple:

  • there are problems with the device diver, which is not uncommon after updating Windows 10 or the driver in automatic mode;
  • The touchpad is simply disabled in the system settings.

One of the function keys F1-F12 in most cases is also responsible for turning the touchpad on/off. Which button does this can be understood based on the designation of the function buttons (in the screenshot it is F7). To use this function, you must simultaneously hold down the Fn key, located to the left of Space.

Usually, after this, an icon or inscription appears on the screen informing that the touchpad is working (activated). When pressed again, the device will be turned off again.

In most cases, if scrolling on the Windows 10 touchpad does not work or it does not respond to touches, this will be enough to get everything back to normal. In rare cases, the touchpad will need to be adjusted, especially when scrolling issues occur. To do this, call up the touch panel settings window.

1. Open the Control Panel through the search.

2. In the “View” form, select the icon visualization type as “Small icons”.

3. Call the “Mouse” applet.

4. In the mouse properties, go to the “ClicPad” tab, usually located last.

Usually the reason why the touchpad does not work, although it was enabled via keyboard hotkeys, is here.

5. Turn on the device if it is deactivated in the control panel.

6. Uncheck the option responsible for disabling the touchpad when connecting an external USB device for control (usually a mouse).

7. Return the default settings (this may solve the problem when scrolling does not function).

8. Go to additional “Options”.

This will open advanced settings for the touchpad, although everything there is configured in an optimal way for most users. In the window, you can configure gestures for the touchpad in Windows 10, change the speed and other scrolling settings, configure the sensor’s response to clicks, etc.

First, you should reset the settings to standard, and then you can change them to your own. We will not consider how to configure this or that parameter: there are no difficulties in this, and the process for each touchpad manufacturer is slightly different.

Updating device drivers

The second reason why the touchpad may not function or work incorrectly is outdated/incorrect touchpad drivers.

The fact is that during automatic updating, Windows 10 selects the most suitable (in its opinion) drivers, downloading them from the Microsoft website, while ignoring official resources.

Automatic update

Let's start with a simpler option - installing the driver through the Task Manager.

In this case, it will be downloaded from the Microsoft website, although the developer recommends reinstalling the drivers manually by downloading their official versions from the support site.

1. Call the window through the Start context menu, called Win→X.

2. Expand the item “Mice and other pointing devices”.

3. Select the item to update the drivers of the selected equipment.

4. Specify the automatic search type for newer software versions.

5. We wait until the end of the search for the most suitable file.

6. Install it or close the window if the file version is the latest.

Installing the driver from the developer's website

If the previous option did not solve the problem or the new driver was not found, you should download it from the laptop support resource.

1. Go to the appropriate site.

2. Find your device.

3. Select a driver for the appropriate bit level installed on the Windows 10 PC.

4. Upload the file.

5. Launch the installer and follow the instructions.

Note: sometimes after updating the driver this way, Windows 10 can replace it with its own, downloaded from Microsoft servers, and cause problems that you just got rid of. In such a case, you should download the Show or Hide Updates utility and use it to disable the automatic search and download of drivers for the touchpad.

additional information

If the function key, which together with Fn should activate the touchpad, does not work, you should check the availability of specialized software from the laptop/netbook developer.

The touchpad may be disabled in the BIOS/UEFI. Study the instructions for your portable device, find the option with the word Touchpad, located in the peripherals section.

Users who have just installed Windows 10 on a laptop are experiencing various problems. One of the most common is that scrolling on the Windows 10 touchpad does not work. How to fix the problem is written in this article.

Causes of malfunctions

The main reason why this malfunction occurs is the “young” age of Windows 10. Not all manufacturers have managed to release high-quality working drivers. It is also possible that the touchpad may break, but in this case you need to take the laptop to a service center. Therefore, let's focus on software problems.


If you notice that after installing or updating to a new version of the OS, the touchpad has stopped working, do not rush to reinstall the system or take the gadget to a service center. Try to turn it on correctly.

Using the keyboard

On almost all laptops, the touchpad is activated by pressing Fn and a key with the corresponding icon (F1-F12). On an Aser laptop this is the combination Fn+F7, Asus - Fn+F9. After the first press, the touchpad turns on, after the second press it turns off (it will also be useful for you to read). The manufacturer can separately place the input device power button on the laptop body.

In the laptop settings

If the touchpad still doesn't work after using the special keys on your keyboard, check your Windows settings.

Driver Update

Another point that will restore the functionality of the touchpad is installing the correct drivers.


RMB on the Start menu → Device Manager → Mice and other pointing devices → select the input device (name of the touchpad manufacturer) → RMB → Update drivers → Automatically search for updated drivers.


Download the drivers from the laptop manufacturer's website yourself and install them. When choosing, indicate the correct laptop model, as well as the OS that is installed on it.


If all else fails, check your BIOS settings. How to enable it, read the article. In some laptop models, the touchpad is activated there. Go to the BIOS, find the section responsible for the input device (in most cases it is called “Internal Pointing Device”), move the parameter to the “Enable” position.


The video contains visual information on how to enable the touchpad on a laptop.


After upgrading to Windows 10, the touchpad on your laptop may stop working. To restore its functionality, check whether it is enabled in the system and BIOS settings, install the latest version of drivers. If all else fails, take the laptop to a service center.