How are assignments assessed? How do experts rate it? How are the Unified State Exam results assessed?

Mathematics is one of the main subjects of the school curriculum. Graduates of the 9th and 11th grades must have basic theoretical knowledge, as well as be able to solve problems in the field of algebra and geometry. The tickets offered to schoolchildren at the final tests are designed to test these competencies.

Are you planning to join college in 2018 or become a student at one of the prestigious universities countries - we invite you to find out how the Unified State Examination and Unified State Examination in mathematics are passed and exam papers are assessed.

The Main State Exam (OGE) is a form of final certification of 9th grade graduates.

Over the years, tasks for this exam have been developed by teachers themselves, taking into account the level of training of graduates and the profile of the school (gymnasium). But already in 2018, a set of tasks will be developed that will be the same for all 9th ​​grade graduates educational institutions. Uniform assessment criteria will also be developed, which will put all ninth-graders on an equal footing.

Judging by the statements made by the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva and her colleagues, no fundamental changes are expected in the assessment of examination papers in mathematics in 2018.

During the inspection for each correct solution the OGE participant will be awarded initial points, which will then be transferred to a five-point system according to the following correspondence table:

Important! In 2018, the tickets will not include the “Real Mathematics” block, and to overcome the minimum threshold, graduates will need to score at least 4 points in the “Algebra” block and 4 points in the “Geometry” block.

Evaluation of work on the Unified State Exam 2018 in mathematics

When applying for the Unified State Exam in mathematics, 11th grade graduates can choose the level:

  • basic (will be sufficient for applicants planning to enroll in philological majors or taking the Unified State Exam to obtain a document on completion of 11 grades);
  • profile ( required condition when entering technical and engineering specialties).

Evaluation of Unified State Exam papers in basic level mathematics

The basic level ticket consists of one block, which includes 20 tasks from the algebra and geometry course, the answers to which must be entered in a special form.

Important! When filling out the form, you must follow the basic rules. Automatic system checks will not count the answer if it is entered incorrectly into the answer table!

The minimum passing barrier for the basic Unified State Exam in mathematics, corresponding to a grade of “3”, is 12 points, the maximum is 20 points. Thus, to receive a certificate, graduates need to solve any 12 of the proposed 20 tasks.

Evaluation of Unified State Exam papers in mathematics at the profile level

The profile level is not mandatory. This exam is chosen by graduates who want to enter a university for technical and engineering specialties. Naturally, the requirements for those taking the Unified State Exam increased complexity higher.

The main differences between the profile level:

  • the ticket consists of two blocks: basic and profile;
  • there are profile-level tasks that require a detailed answer (recording the entire progress of the solution);
  • problems with extended answers are checked by experts;
  • The minimum threshold for passing is 27 points.

Solutions to profile level tasks are checked by 2 experts. The following options are possible:

  • the opinions of the inspectors (scores assigned) coincide – ideal;
  • the scores differ, but not significantly – the arithmetic mean between the scores from different experts is taken into account;
  • The opinions of the examiners and the scores given differ significantly. In this case, a third expert is involved.

In 2018, assessment will influence the certificate and the results of the Unified State Exam in mathematics will be interpreted according to the table:

%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B0%20%D0%9E%D0%93%D0%AD %20%D0%B8%20%D0%95%D0%93%D0%AD%20%D0%B2%202018%20%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%83

Since assessment of knowledge in mathematics is mandatory for graduates of the 9th and 11th grades, low scores on the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam will not allow you to receive a certificate and continue your studies at a college or university in 2018.

The reasons for a poor result can vary from poor physical or psychological state to the point of banal absence necessary knowledge. If a student fails to achieve the required passing score on the first attempt, he will be given a second chance. Retaking the OGE and USE in mathematics will be carried out on reserve days according to the established schedule for final tests for the 2017-2018 academic year.

See also the interview in which Olga Vasilyeva told Izvestia about the 2018 Unified State Exam:

Starting in 2015, the exam has changed significantly compared to previous years. The Unified State Exam in Mathematics 2019 is divided into two separate exams: basic level and profile level. Each graduate has the right to choose the desired option. Or both at once. Just in case.)

Let's get acquainted with the innovations of the Unified State Exam?

Basic level of the Unified State Examination in mathematics 2019.

Appointment of the exam.

This is a relatively new exam. Designed for those who will not need mathematics in their further education. Either training is not offered at all, or it is offered in universities where the subject “Mathematics” is not included in the list of entrance examinations.

For any university with the subject "Mathematics" a document confirming passing the basic level of the Unified State Exam in mathematics is not suitable. Even if you passed it with an A.

Requirements for results.

The results of the basic Unified State Exam in mathematics are given in marks on a five-point scale and are not converted to a hundred-point scale. Therefore, the right to a certificate is given by the usual three.

Task 4. To complete this task, you must be able to express a variable from a formula. It's a simple matter, but not everyone succeeds.)

Task 5. This assignment may contain very basic trigonometry examples. Or, equally simple examples with logarithms.

In tasks 6, 9, 11, 12, 14 you need to be able to obtain information from tables and graphs, solve basic everyday problems to choose from best option, and so on. These competency-based tasks are not simpler (but not more difficult) at the basic level than at the specialized level.

Task 7. This task tests your ability to solve simple equations from a variety of topics. The equations can be linear, they can be quadratic, they can be exponential or logarithmic, they can be all sorts of things. They are united by one remarkable property - simplicity!) The very basics, without unnecessary complications. By the way, the very basics are explained using the links provided.

Task 8, 13, 15, 16- This is elementary geometry. From very primitive to simple.)

Task 10. Probability theory problem. About the same difficulty as in the profile exam.

Task 17. This is a number axis assignment. Such tasks were not encountered at the profile level. But we met at the State Academic Inspectorate.) I must say that this task is not the simplest at the basic level.

Task 18. The ability to think and make logical conclusions is tested.

Task 19. Problem working with numbers.

Task 20. A text problem with a trick.

It should be noted that tasks 17 - 20 in the basic level more difficult short answer tasks at the profile level. Yes Yes! But the rest of the tasks will be easier.

Well, there is one more indisputable advantage of the basic Unified State Exam in mathematics 2018: there are no tasks with detailed solutions. There is no need to describe the progress of the solution and, therefore, all problems with the design disappear by themselves.)

The basics for solving tasks of the profile Unified State Examination in mathematics 2018 are posted in the relevant sections of this site. In the meantime, take note and remember these tips.

Practical tips:

1.Check your calculations carefully. Especially the short answer part. Especially if you haven’t had time to wean yourself off the calculator. The computer will not forgive the wrong answer, despite the ideal solution...

You need to check it correctly. Namely: solved the task, checked it, decide the next thing. And so a few examples. Maybe that's all. Then go back to the first one and check everything again! Checking one task several times in a row is ineffective. You will miss the mistake again and again. You need to refresh your view by checking other examples.

2. Do tasks with detailed solutions! They are so afraid that they don’t even read them. Don't be afraid! It definitely won't get any worse! These tasks can be done partially. If in tasks with a short answer points are given only for the correct answer, then in tasks with a detailed answer you can get points for an incomplete solution! You can get points even if you answer incorrectly!

3. If you are in doubt about how to formalize a decision, follow a simple rule: the course of the decision must be clear to the inspectors.

4. Do 3 simple advice on work on the Unified State Exam. This will save you from annoying punctures.

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You can practice solving examples and find out your level. Testing with instant verification. Let's learn - with interest!)

You can get acquainted with functions and derivatives.

Significant changes have been made to the Unified State Examination in mathematics since 2015. The exam is divided into two separate ones: a basic level and a profile level.

At the basic level, the five-point grading system is retained. For successful completion exam and obtaining a certificate, a grade of no lower than the usual three is required. How many tasks do you need to solve for a C in 2017? This minimum is usually set closer to the exams. And even after.) Therefore, we will focus on last year’s Unified State Examination. In 2016, a C was given for 7 to 11 correctly solved tasks. 12 - 16 tasks were rated at 4, 17 - 20, respectively, at 5.

At the profile level, the Unified State Exam grading system of previous years has been preserved. This system is quite complex. But you can roughly assess your capabilities and expected results. To evaluate the results of the Unified State Exam, two scales are used. Scale primary points and scale test scores . First you collect initial points, and then the converting primary scores into test scores .

Scale primary points of the Unified State Exam 2017 known from the KIM specification for conducting the Unified State Examination in mathematics (profile level). She looks like this:

Any short answer item (formerly Part B) carries one primary point. There will be 12 such tasks. Therefore, in ideal, on these tasks you can score twelve primary points.

Tasks with detailed solutions 13, 14 and 15 weigh two primary points each. Tasks 16 and 17 - three points each. Tasks 18 and 19 - as many as four points each. Maximum amount primary points for completing all work - 32.

Please note that an assignment completed partially or with errors with a detailed solution is also graded! You can get not 4, but at least 3, 2 or 1 point. Or you may not get anything. Let me remind you that this primary points.

Converting primary scores to test scores is already underway after exam. Test scores , from 0 to 100 - these are exactly the points that go into the certificate and are taken into account by the admissions committees of various educational institutions. The methodology for converting primary scores into test scores is quite complex. The calculation takes into account real results passing the Unified State Exam countrywide. It takes 6-8 days to process the Unified State Exam results.

For these reasons, say exactly how much you will receive test scores impossible in advance. However, it is quite possible to focus on the grading scheme from previous years. Practical results converting primary scores into test scores didn't change that much.

The conversion of primary points (for completed tasks) into the usual grades and a test scale of 100 points looks like approximately So:

0 - 5 primary points – mark “2”; 0-26 test points;

6 - 12 – mark “3”; 27-50 points;

12 - 20 – mark “4”; 50-75 points;

20 - 32 – mark “5”; 75-100 points.

The minimum threshold in 2017 is 6 primary points or 27 test points.

So, the work has been submitted and you are anxiously awaiting the results. Visit websites and finally get results! If all is well, congratulations! And if not?

Is it possible to challenge the Unified State Examination score? Yes. You have two days to do this after the official announcement of the results. You need to contact your teachers, they will tell you where to find the secretary of the conflict commission. And he will tell you what and how to do. It will be appeal based on results(not to be confused with an appeal according to the procedure!).

You have the right to be present at the appeal. The conflict commission will review your work, check whether the computer correctly recognized your answers, check the progress of the decision and make a conclusion: reject the appeal, increase the number of points, reduce the number of points. Yes Yes! Maybe reduce it! It's a double-edged sword. From here:

Practical tips:

1. It makes sense to appeal the results if necessary. This is a case where the evaluation of your work does not meet expectations. Or you have nothing to lose.

For a successful appeal, it is very desirable to be confident in the correctness of the tasks completed and remember your decisions. Otherwise, even after seeing your work, you will not be able to convincingly prove that you are right. It’s not C-grade students sitting on the committee! You can practice solving examples and find out your level. Testing with instant verification. Let's learn - with interest!)

You can get acquainted with functions and derivatives.

The dynamics of the Unified State Examination results in history in 2018 in relation to the results of 2017 and 2016 are shown in the table below.

The table shows that the results of the 2018 exam are comparable to the results of the 2017 Unified State Examination. Apparently, this is due to the stabilization of the Unified State Examination exam model in history after 2016.

More detailed analytical and teaching materials The 2018 Unified State Exam is available here.

Our website presents about 3,500 tasks for preparing for the Unified State Exam in history in 2018. The general outline of the examination work is presented below.


Designation of the level of difficulty of the task: B - basic, P - advanced, V - high.

Content elements and activities tested

Task difficulty level

Maximum score for completing the task

Estimated task completion time (min.)

Exercise 1. From ancient times to the beginning of the 21st century. (history of Russia, history foreign countries). Systematization of historical information (ability to determine the sequence of events)
Task 2. VIII – beginning of XXI century. Knowledge of dates (matching task)
Task 3. One of the periods studied in the course of Russian history (VIII - early XXI century) Definition of terms (multiple choice)
Task 4. One of the periods studied in the course of Russian history (VIII - early XXI century). Definition of the term according to several criteria
Task 5. VIII – beginning of XXI century. Knowledge of basic facts, processes, phenomena (task to establish correspondence)
Task 6. VIII – 1914 Work with a textual historical source (task to establish correspondence)
Task 7. One of the periods studied in the course of Russian history (VIII - early XXI century) Systematization of historical information (multiple choice)
Task 8. 1941–1945 Knowledge of basic facts, processes, phenomena (task to fill in the gaps in sentences)
Task 9. VIII – beginning of XXI century. Knowledge of historical figures (matching task)
Task 10. 1914–2012 Working with a textual historical source (short answer in the form of a word, phrase)
Task 11. From ancient times to the beginning of the 21st century. (history of Russia, history of foreign countries). Systematization of historical information presented in various sign systems (table)
Task 12. One of the periods studied in the course of Russian history (VIII - early XXI century). Working with text historical sources
Task 13.
Task 14. One of the periods studied in the course of Russian history (VIII - early XXI century). Working with a historical map (scheme)
Task 15.
Task 16. One of the periods studied in the course of Russian history (VIII - early XXI century) Working with a historical map (diagram)
Task 17. VIII – beginning of XXI century. Knowledge of basic facts, processes, phenomena of the history of Russian culture (task to establish correspondence)
Task 18.
Task 19. VIII – beginning of XXI century. Analysis of illustrative material
Task 20. VIII – beginning of XXI century. Characteristics of authorship, time, circumstances and purposes of creating the source
Task 21. VIII – beginning of XXI century. Ability to search for historical information in various types of sources
Task 22. VIII – beginning of XXI century. Ability to use the principles of structural-functional, temporal and spatial analysis when working with a source
Task 23. VIII – beginning of XXI century. Ability to use the principles of structural-functional, temporal and spatial analysis when considering facts, phenomena, processes (task-task)
Task 24. VIII – beginning of XXI century. Ability to use historical information to provide argumentation during a discussion
Task 25. VIII – beginning of XXI century. (three periods of the examinee’s choice) Historical essay

Correspondence between minimum raw scores and 2018 minimum test scores. Order on amendments to Appendix No. 2 to the order Federal service on supervision in the field of education and science. .


The order of Rosobrnadzor established a minimum number of points confirming that exam participants have mastered the basic general education programs of secondary (full) education. general education in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education. HISTORY THRESHOLD: 9 primary points (32 test points).

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