How to cover old doors with texture paper. DIY decor of old doors

During operation, even the most expensive and quality door loses its attractiveness after a while appearance. Scuffs, cracks and scratches appear on its surface, and the coating peels off completely or partially. Kitchen and front doors can develop stubborn stains that are nearly impossible to get rid of. All these problems can be easily solved by purchasing a new door. But if you don’t have the funds to purchase it or don’t want to bother with installing the door frame, you can quickly and easily restore the door yourself by making it a new one original design with your own hands. Thanks to this creative approach, it will stand out against the background standard doors relatives, friends and neighbors.

The simplest and most affordable method of updating old doors is to paint them in one or more colors. It does not require large financial investments or special skills, but it also does not claim originality. Interior doors can be painted after removing them from their hinges, or when they are in doorway. The main thing is to ensure that the paint applies evenly. Painting will take a maximum of 60 minutes. Other methods are more labor-intensive, but the result will exceed all expectations.

Original ideas for decorating doors:

  • Lamination self-adhesive film;
  • Artistic painting;
  • Wallpapering;
  • Finishing with textured plaster or liquid wallpaper;
  • Covering with fabric or leather;
  • Stencil painting;
  • Decoupage;
  • Finishing with mosaics and stained glass paints.

Before proceeding with any of the above types decorative finishing, you need to do some preparatory work.

Preparation stages:

  1. Clean the door covered with old paint with a metal spatula. Doors made of veneer or with laminated coating no need to clean. If lamination is to be done with self-adhesive film, the paint cannot be completely removed.
  2. The surface is sanded with fine abrasive sandpaper.
  3. Scratches, gouges and cracks are covered with putty intended for wood.
  4. The door is sanded again, cleaned of dirt and degreased.

Useful tips: how to update an interior door with your own hands

After painting the doors, you can begin updating them. Stencil or artistic painting will help turn even old Soviet wooden doors into a stylish and modern interior detail.

For artistic painting manually requires minimal skill with brushes and paints. The ability to subtly convey colors and shades and draw is welcome small parts and create shadows and penumbras. People with artistic talent usually produce real masterpieces. If you find a beautiful picture on the Internet or in a magazine and carefully redraw it, you will also succeed worthy decoration interior

For stencil painting, just find a template and carefully apply paint with it. Beautiful ornaments look amazing on interior and entrance doors. You can also make a stencil yourself by following simple tips.

Step-by-step instructions for making a template:

  • Draw a pattern on cardboard or film with a thin marker;
  • Carefully cut out all the details of the ornament;
  • We fix the template on the surface with glue or adhesive tape;
  • Apply paint with a brush or roller.

You can purchase ready-made stencils in large construction stores or order their production according to a personal project.

Glass inserts: how to update doors without changing them

Remaking doors with glass inserts– this is a very exciting and creative process. Installing new glass is quite expensive, so if it is not cracked, it is advisable to breathe into it new life, decorating with stained glass, mosaics or covering with colored film.

If the glass has become cloudy, it is recommended to decorate it with colored mosaics made of glass, wood or plastic. The parts are attached with transparent quick-drying glue. It is advisable to think through the drawing in advance and select color scheme future composition.

You can only work with glass or plastic mosaics while wearing thick gloves.

Stained glass windows look very beautiful and unusual, which you can easily recreate with your own hands using special mastic and stained glass paints.

Master class on creating stained glass windows:

  • If the design is planned to be complex, then its future contours are drawn on the glass with a marker;
  • The mastic from the tube is squeezed onto the glass along the contours, and after hardening it is painted with paints with a metallic sheen (gold, bronze, silver);
  • Stained glass paints are applied in an even layer.

Pasting the doors with any decorative materials It will not only hide noticeable defects, but will give them uniqueness and originality. Even the most shabby door can be completely remade and turned into a real work of art.

How you can paste over the doors in a house or apartment:

  • Regular, vinyl, non-woven or textured wallpaper;
  • Photo wallpaper (simple or with 3D effects);
  • Fabrics;
  • Self-adhesive film;
  • Genuine leather or substitute;
  • Vinyl stickers;
  • Multi-layer napkins using the decoupage technique.

Any paper is short-lived, so after pasting with napkins or wallpaper, it is recommended to varnish the surface.

Wallpaper usually remains after renovation, so you can paste it over the doors of a house or country house using wallpaper glue or PVA.

Photo wallpaper with the right pattern will help to visually enlarge the space and completely change the room.

Fabrics in the interior look very stylish, but you need to be careful when working with them. The glue should not bleed through the layer of fabric, and all threads and uncut edges should be tucked inside.

Self-adhesive film should not be glued all at once, but in small areas, gradually removing the protective layer and leveling with a spatula or soft cloth to prevent bubbles and folds from forming.

Can be covered with leather or leatherette front door. You can also use popular vinyl leather instead. It is recommended to secure the material with special nails with a wide head or a construction stapler.

Bright vinyl stickers Most often they are attached to the doors of the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, to make it more convenient for guests to find the right room.

Doors decorated with napkins using the decoupage technique look rich and sophisticated, but with modern styles when decorating interiors, they will not look harmonious. Classic, modern, country, Provence, and baroque are best suited to them.

How to update old doors with your own hands (video)

There are many opportunities to restore old doors so that they look like new. And a small alteration will cost much less than installing a new one door frame. In addition, there is no need to replace the slopes; they can also be decorated with stones and rhinestones; paint with paints; cover with wallpaper or mosaic.

Doors play a role in the design of premises important role. There are many in stores different models, but high-quality ones cost a lot of money, and you usually don’t even want to look at cheap ones. There is a good option - to update old doors with your own hands. There are many techniques, and not the most complex ones, that can correct the situation for little money.


Whatever method you choose to update an old interior door, you will need to carry out a series of preparatory work. Usually old painted specimens are going to be decorated. Painting is usually amateurish, so there are more than enough unevenness, sagging and other minor defects. They all need to be leveled.

Filming door leaf from the hinges, lay on a flat surface. You can - on a trestle or a table. We take wood putty (even if they are made from or) and cover all the holes, chips and depressions with it. After drying, move on to next stage- grinding.

Let's take it sandpaper with large grains and small ones. We process to achieve a smooth surface. If you work manually, it takes a lot of time and effort. With a hand sander, work moves faster. If painting is planned next, we try to achieve as smooth a surface as possible. If you plan to decorate with wallpaper, fabric, self-adhesive film, you don’t have to bring it to perfection, but it should still be exactly right.

Next, remove the dust and wash off the residue with water and diluted dishwashing detergent. Dry it. Further actions depend on the selected update method. If you are going to glue fabric or wallpaper of any kind, you can prime the surface (with thinly diluted glue or a special primer). After the primer has dried, you can glue the selected type of decor or apply paint. By the way, if you are going to paint the doors, you need to select the same type of paint that was there before, otherwise you will have to remove everything to a clean base, and this is very difficult.

Renew old doors with wallpaper

The simplest and affordable way Make old doors attractive by using wallpaper. They do not necessarily have to be the same color as the walls, although this option is not excluded. First, prepare the canvas as described above, and then you can start finishing.

The procedure for wallpapering doors is as follows:

Photo wallpaper

Modern photo printing allows you to transfer three-dimensional images onto paper. It will turn out very beautiful. Moreover, you can print any image of your choice. In general, any. Photo printing is usually done by advertising agencies, sometimes by printing houses. Contact them, explaining what you need (have a flash drive with the selected design and the exact dimensions of the canvas on which you want to print the image). Having received the required image, we glue it on the door according to the method. described above.

Wallpaper with moldings

If on plain wallpaper stick on foam or polyurethane moldings, sockets, the style will completely change. This type of door will suit classic interiors or rooms, using a colorful background and a different form of moldings (with curves) can be decorated in Provence style.

The work is no different from the sequence described above. We take the prepared doors with a leveled surface, spread them with glue, and glue the wallpaper.

By leveling the panels with a rubber roller it is not difficult to achieve good results, but a certain number of small air bubbles remain. To remove them, take a special plastic spatula (any hardware store has them), and use it to finally remove the air from the center to the edges. Also, use this spatula to smooth the wallpaper joint, if there is one. It is quite possible to achieve that the joint will not be visible.

Trim the edges of the wallpaper with a wallpaper knife. This must be done before the wallpaper is softened by the glue, otherwise later it may “stretch” behind the blade and tear. Leave to dry. After 12 hours or a day - depending on the temperature and humidity in the room - you can continue decorating the old door.

Carefully apply the markings with a simple pencil. When everything is drawn, use a tape measure to measure the required length of the pieces of molding. We cut it off and file the edges at an angle of 45°. We take a suitable glue (PVA is possible) and carefully smear the back surface of the cut elements, glue them according to the markings, and leave them to dry.

Using the same principle, you can update old doors so that the style will be different. Several examples in the photo gallery.

Beautiful wallpaper with a matching pattern is the secret to the attractiveness of this door decor
Moldings were glued to the painted doors, which were then painted with “gold” paint

Designer decoration of old doors

If you are interested in designer items, you can try turning it into an art object. Good news the fact is that you don’t need to prepare it: the unevenness and sagging will be hidden under the design.

The decorating process begins with the making of papier-mâché. Take egg trays, sprinkle them with water, knead them with your fist, trying to level the surface. They will tear during the process, this is normal and even good - we need small pieces. These almost flat fragments, on liquid nails or using glue gun, glue to the surface in any order.

The items used are lids, rings, a small perfume bottle, a small non-working computer mouse, the remains of a mosaic, everything that comes to hand. You will need a lot of trash, you can collect it ahead of time.

When most of the surface is “decorated”, take acrylic silver paint in cans (you need 2 pieces) and paint the decor well. When choosing paint, it is better to take an expensive one, in particular German, so that it does not crumble later.

Decorating doors using decoupage technique

Romantic or “cheerful” door designs can be made using decoupage. To work you will need:

  • napkins with a suitable pattern;
  • PVA glue (about 200 ml);
  • natural bristle brush;
  • acrylic lacquer.

We prepare the canvas as described earlier. We prime and paint in suitable color. After the paint has dried, we begin decorating. Take a pack of napkins you like and separate the top layer, which has a pattern.

We tear napkins with a pattern lengthwise into three strips. We tear it, not cut it. We want a slightly uneven edge. Two strips on one side have a smooth edge; we put them to one side. We tear the middle part into squares. The best option, if they are 3-4 cm on a side.

Take glue, a brush, and a small container. In it we mix PVA with water in equal proportions.

Next, we start decorating the door with our own hands. We take a strip with a smooth edge and apply it to the area to be decorated (in this case, it is the center of the door leaf). Dip the brush into glue and use it to start different directions smooth out the fragment. Wrinkles will form, but this is just a good thing - the finish will be more textured, so there is no particular need to even them out. When wet, napkins are very delicate and elastic, remember this when working and act carefully.

Gradually we make a frame with one smooth edge. The second one comes out carelessly torn.

Filling the middle of the “frame”

When the entire surface is filled, leave it for a day - wait until the PVA dries. Next, take acrylic varnish and cover our decor with a soft brush. To prevent it from smelling, we use varnish on water based. It's a little more expensive, but it doesn't give you a headache.

The beauty of decoupage is that we get beautiful things at minimal cost.

Decorating a door with self-adhesive film

Perhaps the easiest way is to update old doors using self-adhesive. All you need:

  • the film itself,
  • a spray bottle containing soap and water;
  • plastic spatula or soft cloth;
  • sharp knife (can be wallpaper).

This film is available in different options— there is a plain matte or glossy one, there is a plain one with holographic patterns, a wood look, there are even special ones for covering doors with photo printing applied.

Regardless of the type of film, it is glued in the same way. In this case, we decided to update the old doors using a photo printing option. One point: before gluing, remove handles, latches and other door fittings.

For the decor to be of high quality, the surface of the door must be clean, even and smooth. If you processed it with a sander before, try gluing a small piece of film. If it sticks well, everything is great. If it “doesn’t stick,” you’ll have to prime the doors and then paint or varnish them to create a smooth surface.

Take a spray bottle and evenly wet the surface of the door.

We shave the film, remove the protective layer from one of the corners, and also spray it. So, by wetting, we separate the protective paper from the top along the entire width of the film.

You should get a strip 15-20 cm wide. Do not remove any more so that the film does not stick to the canvas. We apply the peeled part to the upper edge of the door leaf (or the area to be decorated), it quickly sticks. Try to apply it evenly right away, but the position can be corrected - that’s why we wet the surface so that the film could be moved. If you pull it, it moves little by little.

After making sure that the canvas lies flat, take a plastic spatula (for wallpaper) and smooth the surface with it, moving from the center to the edges. The goal is to remove all the air. Since the surface is wet, this is not difficult - the water displaces the air.

Everything else is simple. We pull down the protective paper, peel off the strip, glue it and so on - to the very bottom of the door. If you glued for a long time top part, the bottom one may dry out, so periodically check whether the doors are dry and spray again if necessary.

After all the film has been glued, use a sharp knife to cut off the excess along the edges. All that remains after this is to install the fittings.

Door decor with stencils

Old doors can be updated using printed drawings. It’s just a pity that not everyone has artistic talent. But in this case, the problem is solved with the help of stencils. You can draw them yourself, or you can find an image you like, print it on thick paper, cut out the design with a sharp knife, leaving jumpers in places. Now the stencil is ready.

The disadvantage of a paper stencil is that it doesn’t last long. If you need a “long-lasting” one, you need to transfer it to a transparent thick film. The technology for cutting out stencils for door decoration is shown in more detail in the video.

The drawing can be anything. Both geometric and floral, stylized images of animals, birds, and cartoon characters are popular.

Replacing old doors with new ones is quite expensive, since interior doors to the toilet and bathroom are mostly made in the same style, that is, if they are replaced, then all at once.

Therefore, we offer 4 master classes on how to update wooden doors with your own hands with photos and detailed instructions. And not just paint, but implement interesting design solutions!

The simplest and easiest method of updating is to make beautiful geometric door stickers. To do this, you will need a self-adhesive film, preferably contrasting with the color of the door.

  1. Make a preliminary marking of the pattern on the surface with a pencil.
  2. Apply the film and press and rub the air under the film with a rag.
  3. This method does not require removing the door leaf from its hinges; it can also be done in a vertical position.

ATTENTION: Just please do not completely cover the doors with wood-grain film! It looks terrible and old fashioned! It’s better to take a plain film and geometry.

You can cover the doors with a one-color film for chalk drawing; it is not cheap, but it looks impressive. And change the inscriptions every day!

Painting wooden doors

Also, this method is not labor-intensive and requires minimal costs! You can paint your interior doors in absolutely any color! Here we will discuss in detail how to do this. But Painting requires removal of the doors with hinges.

What kind of paint do we use:

  • Any for interior and interior woodwork, water and acrylic based— it is absolutely odorless! Alkyd paint there is no need for you!
  • Take matte, not glossy. Glyantseva will highlight all the irregularities on your surface.
  • Paint in a can is dangerous because if you are painting for the first time, you are unlikely to paint it evenly!! Also, if you are planning to paint directly in the apartment, keep in mind that it “flies” in all directions. Therefore, it is better for beginners to start with regular paint and a roller.

What we paint and the technique for painting a door:

  • Solid and smooth doors - only wide roller! We paint in 2-3 layers with a very thin coating.
  • If the doors have panels, then first we paint all the recesses with a thin brush, and then we do full coverage roller

Door with overlay strips

A door with embossed overlays looks much more original and interesting than a regular flat one. Making such changes is quite simple and does not take much time. In terms of money, the cost will be only a little more than just painting, and much cheaper than buying a new door.

Necessary materials:

  • Door
    Overlay wooden planks
    Long ruler and construction angle
  • Miter box
    Liquid nails or other wood glue
  • Paint (white here)
    Building level(not necessary, but very helpful for checking how evenly you are installing the trim strips)

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Paint the door. First you need to repaint the old one wooden door in the chosen color, in this case white. Leave to dry.

On top of the dried paint you need to mark the fastening of the overhead wooden planks. To do this, draw lines with a pencil (without pressing it too hard) and a ruler, to get perpendicular lines, use a construction corner.

In this case, the drawing consists of two rectangles located one above the other.

  • In the photo below you can see all the calculations that show how much to retreat: 5" (about 13 cm) everywhere except the bottom of the door, where the distance from the edge to the line is 6" (about 15 cm).
  • You can make other indentations, depending on the size of the door (for example, if you decide to update the cabinet doors in the same way, you need to indent clearly less).

Step 3: Cut out the strips

Now you need to cut the strips of the appropriate size (measure the length of the outlined lines). If you don't have a home necessary tools, this can be done directly at the hardware store for a small surcharge. If you do it yourself, you will need not only a saw, but also a miter box to cut out the ends of the planks are at an angle of 45 degrees.

Step 4: Attach the planks

Place all the planks on the marked lines. Make sure they are all the right length and meet evenly at the corners.

  1. Now lift each plank one by one, apply glue to it and put it back in place. If excess glue suddenly leaks out from under the plank, you can remove it with a damp paper towel.
  2. The glue must dry for about 24 hours. To ensure that the planks stick evenly and reliably, attach them with tape while drying, fixing the position and pressing down.
  3. A larger amount of tape ensures secure fastening.

Note: you can glue already painted planks, or glue and then paint; You can also not paint the door at first (skip step 1), but do it together with the glued strips.

Step 5: Install the door

After the glue has dried, you need to carefully peel the tape off the door, it is better to use masking tape, which leaves no traces behind.

Now all that remains is to put the remodeled door in place and attach the handle. And everything is ready!

Door with overlay panels

This master class differs from the previous one in that here we will not only attach the planks, but also fill the inside of the doors has overlay panels.

Necessary materials:

  • Plastic panels (we make these here, but wooden panels can also be used)
  • Roulette
  • Pencil
  • Building level
  • Construction adhesive
  • Latex paint
  • Screwdriver
  • Masking tape
  • Hand saw
  • Screws
  • Safety glasses and earmuffs
  • Putty for plastic
  • Putty knife
  • Sander (or sandpaper)

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Correct the door defects. If the door is very old and has some defects that cannot be hidden by painting (for example, the top coating has chipped off in places, or there are deep scratches), then initially you need to remove them and make the surface smooth.

  • To do this, apply wood putty and let it dry,
  • then level it surface grinding machine go sandpaper.

Step 2: Outlining the location of the planks

The marking here will be the same as in the previous case, that is, we will retreat 5" (about 13 cm) everywhere except the bottom of the door, where we leave 6" (about 15 cm).

ADVICE: If there is no long ruler, lines can be drawn using a building level.

Step 3: Attach the panel

Apply construction adhesive to the back of the plastic panels.

Place the panels on the door and check that they are positioned correctly using a level. The sides of the panels should be clearly parallel to the edges of the door.

Press down on the panel until it presses firmly against the door and sticks securely. Secure this entire structure around the perimeter with small screws using a screwdriver.

Step 4: Attach the planks

Again, you can either cut the planks to size at a shop, or do it yourself using a saw and miter box. The strips should surround the panels around the perimeter, fitting tightly to them.

Note: the planks can be glued initially construction glue, and then secure with screws.

This is what should happen at this stage:

Step 5: Paint the door. Now all that remains is to paint the door and leave it until completely dry.

Now compare the door before and after repair:

The applied relief makes the door more stylish and affects the appearance of the entire room as a whole:

Don't be afraid to change up old items and give them a different look. Give them the opportunity to serve you again, but in a new guise!

Do not rush to dismantle the boring old interior doors and replace them with new ones. Consider updating them, there are many ways to decorate and restore them. old furniture, applicable to door leaves.

Decorating doors made of fiberboard

Process step by step:

  1. If the door is completely askew, you must first remove it from its hinges and remove the old fittings. New handles, locks, latches in the same style on all interior doors will be the first step towards updating them.
  2. So the door was removed. Now you need to delete old paint. Use construction hair dryer and a spatula.
  3. After this, the cracks and scratches are sealed using special putties and putty.
  4. Wait until the surface dries and sand it.
  5. Cover the canvas with drying oil, which will prevent it from deforming under the influence of moisture.

See the video for a visual demonstration:

The door is ready for actual decoration. The easiest way is to cover the door leaf with colored paint or varnish it. Next, there is room for imagination:

  • make a drawing using a stencil;
  • paint the moldings a different color;
  • stick on moldings if they were not there or imitate them with paint.

A variety of applications - fabric, paper, vinyl, leather, photo wallpaper - will allow you to turn an old door into a new one - original, stylish and unusual.

Decorating an old bathroom door

Before you start decorating the bathroom door, you need to consider important point. Since there is always high humidity in the room, the coating that you apply to the door, or more precisely, to inner side, must be resistant to this factor.

How to prepare the door leaf is described in the previous section of the article. In short: you need to remove the old layer of paint from the door, sand, putty and prime the surface. If strips are missing, you can buy them and attach them to the door. After painting everything in one color, you get a complete picture.

An excellent option for a bathroom door is to install a full-length mirror in a frame made of slats. If it is flexible and plastic, the installation process will be quite simple, but the effect will exceed expectations: it is beautiful, practical, and useful.

The mirror can be replaced with a mosaic, a special vinyl sticker, and even a piece of wallpaper (only washable and moisture-resistant). By experimenting with materials and colors, you can make an old bathroom door look stylish and special.

How to decorate old doors with glass

The first option that comes to mind when thinking about decorating options for an old door with glass is stained glass. What you will need for this:

  • water-based stained glass paints;
  • black paint - for the outline;
  • thumbnail image.

Transfer the drawing to the glass, outline the contours with a thin black line, and after drying, begin decorating the elements with different colors.

You can make your work even easier by simply purchasing a special film that imitates a stained glass picture.

One of the options for decorating a door with glass in the video:

Stained glass windows allow you to make even an old door unusual and stylish

If the old glass in the door was transparent, it can be made frosted. To do this you will need to purchase liquid glass(1 liter will be enough, its price does not exceed the cost of a chocolate bar or a cup of cappuccino), which will need to be mixed with crushed chalk (or tooth powder). The resulting paste is applied to a grease-free, flat surface in 2 layers.

More easy way– sticker of a special film or purchase of ready-made matting paste.

Choose your option for decorating old doors, and you will see how easy it is to update the decor in your apartment with your own hands and without extra costs.