What is the house arrest bracelet called? Experts: FPS electronic bracelets can be removed with scissors

This year, law enforcement officers purchased electronic bracelets that are used to track the movements of suspects under house arrest. Rivne police showed how the bracelets work and talked about their experience of using them.
This is what an electronic bracelet looks like.

It is placed on the suspect’s arm or leg. True, the police say that after the scandalous rector Melnik fled, now he is on his feet.
“The bracelet is adjusted depending on the size, and then a special clasp is installed,” says the acting director. Head of the Communications Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Rivne region Nikolay Minko. - It’s impossible to put it on your hand (let’s try it on: the bracelet is too big - author). See, it will subside. You will be able to free your hand.
We try it on our feet - the size fits, it won’t fall off...

This bracelet can withstand temperatures up to 90 degrees, that is, you can easily take a bath with it, etc. ...

The bracelet must be accompanied by a mobile device, which the prisoner must always have with him.

“It is also used as a mobile phone,” says Nikolai Minko. - Programmed here mobile numbers inspector in charge of the suspect and the monitoring panel. If the suspect has an unpredictable circumstance: health problems, fire, flood, etc., and he needs to go out somewhere, he dials the number of the remote control that is monitoring him. Tells about the situation and warns that there will be a violation. Only those who know the number can call him on this device. The number is in our database, but even the suspect himself does not know it. The device gives the prisoner a signal if he violates something. For example: you went outside the permitted zone, the battery runs out, the GPS signal disappears... the device immediately “beeps” and reports on the screen the reason for the violation.

This is the monitoring console. There are two of them in the region - in Rivne and Kuznetsovsk.
Green indicates the permitted path for the prisoner to move. If he goes beyond these limits, an alarm is triggered on the remote control, and his further movement is displayed in red. The alarm also goes off if the bracelet or mobile device is damaged, or if the prisoner removes the bracelet.
The control panel is always monitored by an inspector on duty. When an alarm goes off, the first thing the duty officer should do is call the suspect and ask about the reasons for the violation. If the offender does not respond, the police are immediately sent to him.
This is the whole kit.
Its cost is 14 thousand hryvnia. There are 17 of them in total in the region. Today, 5 are free. 10 are under arrest, and 2 more were damaged by violators and sent for repairs.
“An electronic means of control is not handcuffs that chain a person,” says Nikolai Minko. — This bracelet provides for monitoring a person at their place of stay. The preventive measure for the suspect is determined by the court. If the judge decides to apply house arrest, then the possibility and advisability of using a bracelet is taken into account. That is, the device is not worn by everyone who is under house arrest. Since July this year, it has been worn by 21 people. Today there are ten such people.
Police say that the preventive measure “house arrest” is chosen mainly for non-serious crimes, for example, petty theft. True, there was a case when the court chose such a measure for a suspect in an accident.

The bracelet is customized individually for each person. The judge indicates in the ruling for what period of time the prisoner can leave the house or prohibits leaving the house at all.
“Since we started using these bracelets, we have had three violators,” says Nikolai Minko. — One suspect cut the bracelet with scissors and damaged the mobile device. The alarm went off, he was immediately detained and a motion was made to change the preventive measure. Another man deliberately removed the bracelet. And another prisoner could leave the house for a limited time - he went to work. One day he got drunk and didn't come back on time. And I lost my mobile device (district inspectors found the device after three whole days - author).
The court changed the measure of restraint for all three violators and they were placed in a pre-trial detention center.

Fragment of the movie poster “Escape plan”

Computer security enthusiast William Turner, known in special circles as Amm0nRa, managed to “fool” an electronic bracelet used in the United States to track prisoners under house arrest. He was able to successfully bypass all security levels of the ankle bracelet, including spoofing GPS coordinates and GSM alerts. Turner shared his discoveries with colleagues at the DEF CON hacker conference.

According to Turner, who dealt with one specific device, made in Taiwan, for other similar devices similar bypass methods will also work. In this report, he spoke about the device produced by GWG International. It uses GPS and cell tower orientation to determine a person's location, and sends those coordinates via cellular communication to the appropriate institution.

William Turner demonstrates the device after his talk at DEF CON

The theoretical attacker, who would be technically savvy, would need a homemade Faraday cage, a Software-defined radio (SDR), and a smartphone.

Turner describes the hacking process as follows. By placing the bracelet in the cage, you can disassemble it and remove the SIM card. The alarm message about removing the bracelet will need to be intercepted by creating a false cell tower using SDR - then the bracelet will think that the message was successfully delivered. After this, you can insert the SIM card into the phone, determine the phone number to which it is registered, and, replacing the sender, send false SMS from this number with incorrect coordinates to the supervisory authorities.

Turner spoke at the conference about his concerns about the relative ease of hacking the bracelet. Even if we accept the fact that few of the convicts have the necessary technical knowledge, there is always the possibility that someone will create a device to automatically perform all these operations and sell it on the black market.

At the same time, the hacker said that in this case he did not even try to contact the manufacturer to report the vulnerabilities. He has been researching the safety of similar devices for some time, but all his previous attempts to communicate with their manufacturers have ended in nothing. Manufacturers did not react in any way to his messages, and, apparently, were not interested in improving their products.

The electronic bracelet was invented by scientists at Harvard University in the 1950s and was first tested on a criminal in 1983. By 2007, more than 130,000 cases of its use were known in the United States, and it also gained relative popularity in the UK, but is not particularly common in other countries. European countries. In Russia, the decision to use such bracelets was made in 2010. Currently, the Russian version of SEMPL bracelets is used in 80 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Vitaly Moseev / 08/19/2016

In Russia, in 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev ordered changes to the penal system to humanize the punishment system. This allowed the FSIN not to deprive convicts of their freedom, but to offer an alternative type of punishment: restriction of movement. For this purpose, complexes consisting of an electronic bracelet and a tracking device are used. Data from them is transferred to the FSIN servers. Decriminalization of some criminal articles, overcrowding of prisons and pre-trial detention centers will lead to the fact that the number of people who can be corrected without imprisonment will increase significantly in the near future.

Correction without conclusion

Despite the reduction in the crime rate in the country since 2005, by 2010 the number of people sentenced to imprisonment increased by more than 115 thousand people, or by 18.6%. As of January 1, 2010, 864 thousand people were kept in institutions of the penal system. In some regions, there was a shortage of places in pre-trial detention centers and correctional institutions. The pace of construction and reconstruction of such institutions and detention centers did not correspond to the growth rate of the number of convicted persons. The established limits on the number of prisoners in some institutions were exceeded by up to 40%. Overcrowding of institutions leads to a general deterioration in the conditions of detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes, to an increase in cases of illness, and to additional burden on the staff of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

To reduce the burden on institutions, the Federal Penitentiary Service conducted an experiment on the use of electronic bracelets under the European Union program. In 2010, the department celebrated the successful completion of the experiment. At the same time, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev ordered changes to be made to the penal system to humanize the punishment system. Experts note that offenders who are held in custody emerge morally and physically crippled. Due to the fact that they have problems with rehabilitation in society, many take the path of relapse. Also, one of the most important tasks outlined in the concept of development of the criminal correctional system of Russia until 2020 was the expansion of the use of punishments and measures that are not related to imprisonment. In other words, the task of the state is to ensure that people whose correction is possible without imprisonment do not end up behind bars.

In November 2011, 10.7 thousand people were sentenced to restriction of freedom, of which 442 used electronic bracelets that track movement. By January 2012, 1.4 thousand convicts were equipped with tracking devices.

Some manufacturers of bracelets for the Federal Penitentiary Service

When applying alternative types of punishment, the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia interacts with domestic developers and manufacturers of special equipment. Thus, the Main Center for Engineering and Technical Support of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia published technical specifications, according to which the development of electronic monitoring equipment was carried out.

The Intelligent Systems and Technologies company has developed a lightweight silicone bracelet that is completely sealed (protection level IP67). Inside the bracelet there is: a conductive sensor for breaking and opening the belt, printed circuit board with radio module and battery power. The bracelet comes with a belt latch to start tracking the bracelet. The range of the bracelet is outdoors- up to 80 meters.

The base station monitors prisoners wearing electronic bracelets within a given perimeter. One base station allows you to monitor 128 bracelets using GPRS technology.

The company “Corporation – IT”, commissioned by the Federal Penitentiary Service, produces equipment for electronic monitoring of individual objects using the GLONASS/GPS system. Thus, the AT-Perimeter AT-Braslet equipment complex is designed to control the presence of a person in a given area of ​​​​space. Controlled radius – from 5 to 100 meters.

How does the system work?

In 2011, an electronic monitoring system for controlled persons (SAMPL) was created to track persons who were restricted in their freedom of movement and who used electronic bracelets. SAMPLE is a complex of electronic devices, which includes an electronic bracelet and control devices. The complex allows you to track all movements of the convicted person within the city of residence. The control devices were developed by Russian designers, and the experience of Great Britain was taken as the basis for the functioning of the system.

Information about all movements is transmitted to the server and computers of the Federal Penitentiary Service using tracking devices. Tracking devices are divided into two types: stationary and mobile. A stationary device is installed at the place of residence of the convicted person and requires periodic recharging. The transmitter battery life is 3 years. This device records the time of entry and exit from the premises. The range reaches 50 meters.

The continuous tracking device consists of a wristband transmitter, a portable GPS tracking device and a signal amplifier for indoor use. The bracelet is fixed on the convict's leg after measuring the ankle. The strap is adjusted so that there is room for the sock. Special tool squeezes the clasp of the lock equipped with special contacts. Each bracelet has a unique number, which is assigned to a specific convict.

The inspector will receive a notification if the convicted person goes beyond the permitted territory. A repeated violation serves as a reason to transfer the materials to the court, which may consider replacing the restriction of liberty with imprisonment. Mobile device The tracking device must be within a radius of five meters from the bracelet, otherwise the signal will disappear. If the signal disappears, a response service will be sent to the scene.

It is possible to remove the sensor yourself without physically damaging the equipment, but in the event of a breakdown, the violator faces a fine of 100 thousand rubles. The bracelet is designed to operate at temperatures from 0 to 100 degrees Celsius. The device is sealed when immersed in fresh and salt water up to five meters deep for 15 minutes.

The range of this device is practically unlimited. The court itself orders restrictions on movement. For some convicted persons, the court orders restriction of movement within a specific municipality for the entire term of their sentence, for others - during specified hours, mainly at night, for others, they are prohibited from approaching objects from the list (for example, schools, kindergartens, place of residence specific people etc.). SAMPLE operators, taking into account the court decision, independently establish boundaries that the convicted person has no right to cross. In addition, in a special program, FSIN employees can set prohibited and permitted visiting areas.

In February 2015, the Federal Penitentiary Service began replacing old bracelets with new ones. The upgraded transmitters can last seven years on a single battery, rather than the previous three. Replacement with new transmitters will be made as the old batteries fail. The design of the belt fastening and bracelet lock has undergone changes, which eliminated the possibility of false triggering of the device integrity sensor.

SAMPLE uses detailed maps of cities and regions, supports map services of famous search engines, GLONASS system. All information is sent to the monitoring server - a hardware and software complex designed to ensure the operation of the remote identification system, receiving, processing, storing and transmitting information. Information is processed and displayed using a stationary monitoring console.

SAMPL provides supervision over convicts by collecting, accumulating, processing, storing and providing criminal correctional inspections with information on compliance by persons under control with restrictive measures and data on their location.

The use of SAMPL allows reducing the burden on employees of criminal correctional inspections. Previously, in order to control persons whose freedom of movement was limited by law, FSIN employees had to use vehicles to visit convicts. However, fuel costs and the inability to monitor the prisoner's location at any time were significant disadvantages. Their elimination made it possible to increase the efficiency of the FSIN.

Overcrowding in prisons and pre-trial detention centers and the humanization of the penal system will lead to the fact that the number of people who, instead of real imprisonment, received such a preventive measure as restriction of movement in Russia will only grow. This is due not only to the planned decriminalization of the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Battery” and “Failure to pay alimony” (the violator can commit this crime once and will be subject to administrative punishment), but also the mitigation of punishment for persons who have committed petty thefts (amounts up to 5 thousand rubles). It is planned not to deprive the latter of their freedom, but to limit it with the help of the latest technologies.

The Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) of Russia will develop a new bracelet for monitoring defendants and convicts by 2018. Leading Russian manufacturers will be involved in the development of the device, the department’s press service told RNS.

“As part of measures to modernize electronic control devices“SAMPLE plans to develop completely new high-tech control devices in 2018 that meet the most modern requirements and are not inferior in their characteristics to foreign analogues,” the press service reported.

In March 2017, it became known that electronic monitoring systems were used on 29 thousand prisoners and persons under investigation. They allow you to monitor a person’s movements around the clock, and his location is determined using GLONASS and GPS signals.
The electronic tracking system allows you to monitor a person’s movements 24 hours a day, which made it possible to use it to establish complete electronic control over the life of a convicted person during his stay under house arrest.

The system of remote monitoring of convicts in many countries has become a common punishment for petty robbers, hooligans, and car thieves. The use of electronic tracking devices is possible because the person himself is interested in using them, since he does not want to go to prison.

Several types of devices are used. The simplest and cheapest is usually used for juvenile offenders for whom the court has deemed it unnecessary to stay in prison. It's small technical device, which the teenager should carry with him. When leaving a certain area, a young person is required to call a certain phone number and report his location. The call is recorded by the computer. If 5 minutes pass and he does not call, the equipment will give a signal to the supervising inspector, who can go to court with a requirement to take action against the violator.

The remaining devices have a more complex configuration; they can be divided into three main types. The first is a control device via telephone line. This model consists of base station and a light electronic bracelet, thanks to which a person can move freely within a small radius from the station.
The receiving device is installed at the place of residence of the convicted person and requires periodic recharging. The purpose of the device is to record the time a person enters and leaves the premises and registers offenses committed by him related to non-compliance with the schedule or attempts to damage the device.

The principle of operation of an electronic device for monitoring a prisoner is simple. While within the range of the "base" field, the prisoner cannot leave these limits. As soon as he crosses the border, the device immediately sends a signal to the phone and computer of the supervising inspector.

The second is a similar control device via cellular communication. This system is good for the city, but it is not suitable for villages that are not covered by cellular communications.

The third type is a constant tracking device. It consists of a transmitter (bracelet), a portable GPS tracking device and a stationary transmitting device (it is installed at the place of serving the sentence, for example, in an apartment).

An electronic bracelet is no different in shape from a regular electronic watch and consists of a strap made of lightweight plastic or rubber with holes for adjusting its length, and a small box in which the electronics and a heat sensor are installed. The bracelet is put on the leg or arm, secured with a special device and activated with an electronic key. The thermal sensor obliges the person under control to wear the bracelet exclusively on the body, and not in the pocket of his trousers or shirt, and the radio transmitter detects any attempt to remove it.

The bracelet cannot be removed or reprogrammed; the device reacts to a rupture or to the cessation of heat from the body. When you try to remove the bracelet, a violation signal appears on the screen of the tracking monitor.

The device is designed for operation at temperatures up to 100 degrees Celsius; its tightness allows it to be immersed in fresh and salt water up to 5 meters for up to 15 minutes. This gives the convict the opportunity to visit the bathhouse and sauna.

The device operates in three modes - radio communication, satellite tracking and a combination of these two. If the convicted person is at home, a stationary radio transmitter operates, similar to a telephone without buttons. An operator can contact the convicted person at any time through it. As soon as you leave the house, the radio signal disappears and the one on your belt turns on - GPS. There are also modifications of the bracelet with a built-in satellite tracking system.

The bracelet is coded to a certain distance from the prisoner’s home - he is prohibited from going further than this border. In addition, time restrictions are established: the person under control must leave home for work and return exactly on schedule. If he gets sick, he will be given a special time slot to visit the doctor.

A portable GPS tracking device (it looks like a mobile phone) is hung on the shoulder or worn on the belt. The receiver, through the GPS system, records the coordinates of the supervised person’s location and transmits them to the dispatcher’s server using the usual mobile communications GSM standard. In normal mode, it does this automatically every four hours. If an emergency occurs, it works instantly.
A specially trained operator controls the signal at his computer console.

The offender receives a message to the receiver: “You have exceeded the permissible distance. Come back immediately!” The supervised person is immediately obliged to confirm receipt of the information by pressing a button and eliminate the violation. If this does not happen, an alarm is sounded, a squad goes out to pick up the person, and the criminal executive inspector decides what sanctions to apply - up to replacing the suspended sentence with a real one.

Bracelets also have disadvantages: it is problematic to wash with a bracelet, since it shields cast iron bath; It is impossible to play football with him. The technique regards any blow as an attempt to escape.

IN last years this type of punishment is becoming increasingly popular. In the US, electronic monitoring is used in 49 out of 50 states.

In Europe, the first countries to use electronic “house arrest” were the Nordic countries. In Sweden, those citizens who are sentenced to up to 3 months can choose bracelets and total control at home instead of prison. This mainly applies to petty thieves and drivers who have committed accidents. In Germany, the decision to transfer prisoners under electronic “house arrest” is made by the prosecutor’s office, again mainly at the request of the convicts themselves. Moreover, not only those sentenced to short terms, but also anyone who can count on parole can choose bracelets. In Israel, a decision on electronic restraint, again at the request of lawyers, can be made by the court even in relation to suspects under investigation.

IN Lately As an experiment, this type of punishment began to be used in France, Switzerland, South Korea. In Austria, since 2008, they decided to wear electronic ankle bracelets on those on parole who were sentenced to terms of up to 3 years.

In Estonia, since 2006, prisoners can be released from prison early by wearing electronic bracelets. They passed a law allowing the use of an electronic monitoring system for prisoners released on parole.

What is house arrest? Is it possible to leave the house, invite friends, travel within the city or go to work? Also, not everyone knows whether it is possible to communicate with other people, how the suspect’s movements are tracked or by the authorities. We will try to cover all these questions in detail in this article.

What is meant by house arrest?

This is a preventive measure applied by the court to someone accused or suspected of a crime. She is appointed on the basis of Article 107 of the Criminal Code Russian Federation. They resort to it if there are reasons why a more lenient preventive measure cannot be applied. For example, if the suspect is prohibited from moving around the city and meeting people without notifying law enforcement. House arrest as a preventive measure is not intended to violate or infringe upon human rights. Restrictions established by the court must be motivated. The rights of the suspect to family and personal life are necessarily preserved.

What is the essence of house arrest?

This preventive measure is identical to detention. Only during house arrest the citizen is at his place of residence, and not in a cell. He is free to do whatever he wants on the territory of his home, but he has no right to leave it. House arrest means complete or partial isolation from society. But the suspect can communicate with family and relatives. At the same time, he must be in the premises where he lives as an owner, tenant, or on other legal grounds.

Prohibitions and restrictions are imposed on a citizen, which are determined by the court depending on the severity of his guilt. Despite the fact that he is at home, complete control is exercised over him and his actions.

Upon appointment house arrest the health status of the citizen is taken into account. If necessary, he is kept in the hospital. In this case, it becomes the place of a preventive measure.

House arrest often does not mean complete isolation from society. It happens that restrictions relate mainly to communication and meetings with the following persons:

  • participants in legal proceedings (suspects, experts, witnesses, etc.);
  • relatives of the participants in the process;
  • colleagues, friends and subordinates.

When is this preventive measure imposed?

It applies only if a citizen is suspected or accused of committing a crime for which the court can impose a prison sentence of more than three years. For less serious crimes, they usually require a written undertaking not to leave the place, a surety, or a bail. And house arrest is applied in this case only if the suspect violated a previous preventive measure or fled from investigation (or tried to do so).

How does imprisonment work?

If such a preventive measure is going to be chosen against a citizen, then the investigator can act only with the consent of the management, and the interrogator - by the decision of the prosecutor. After receiving a positive decision, a petition is sent to the court. A decision is made and sent to the person who requested this measure of restraint. A second copy of the document is sent to the prosecutor in charge of monitoring the house arrest of the accused or suspect. The court decision is subject to immediate execution.


In a court decision when house arrest is chosen as a preventive measure, all conditions must be clearly stated:

  • the place where the citizen will be;
  • time, how long the suspect or accused can move outside the home;
  • term;
  • restrictions;
  • prohibitions;
  • places allowed to visit;
  • restrictions on some contacts and meetings.

It may also be prohibited to send and receive mail, use Cell phones, smartphones and other means of communication, including the Internet. All these restrictions are legal only if the court includes them in its ruling. House arrest can be imposed on a suspect or accused either with a full list of the above, or with some individual points.

Rights of citizens under house arrest

Sometimes conditions may change. The suspect is allowed to apply for a mitigation of the preventive measure if there are compelling reasons, for example, he needs to visit a clinic or hospital for health reasons. He can independently or through a lawyer, inquiry officer or investigator file such a petition with the court. In this case, house arrest is canceled, changes are made to restrictions and prohibitions, or all conditions remain the same.

A suspect or accused has the right to use a telephone to call special services (ambulance, firefighters, police, emergency services employees) or communicate with regulatory authorities, as well as the investigator and interrogator who are involved in his case.

Terms of house arrest

The duration of the preventive measure is determined by the court. According to the law, house arrest can be established for a period of no more than two months. It applies to suspects or accused persons. If the preliminary investigation cannot be completed within two months, and there are no grounds for canceling or changing the preventive measure, then house arrest may be extended for the same period. But again, only by court decision.

The maximum term of house arrest, according to the law, is 1.5 years. A longer preventive measure is illegal; the court does not have the right to establish it. In other words, the two-month period of house arrest can be extended again and again until the total time is 1.5 years.

This preventive measure is equivalent to detention in a pre-trial detention center. For this reason, if a citizen is sentenced to imprisonment by a court decision, then the time of house arrest must be deducted from total term assigned to the convicted person. For example, a person was under investigation with such a preventive measure for a year, he was sentenced to 5 years, accordingly, he will be imprisoned for 4 years.

Supervisory authorities

These are criminal-executive inspections operating on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. According to the law, they are obliged to monitor the presence of the suspect or accused in the place specified by the court. And also for compliance by this citizen with all restrictions and prohibitions that were included in house arrest.

Who is included in the regulatory authorities

Supervision of the proper court order is carried out by police officers assigned to certain areas of the city. Otherwise they are called district inspectors. In addition to them, control is also carried out by officials who are in charge of a criminal case opened against a given citizen. They not only provide proper supervision, but also explain the conditions of house arrest and the consequences of violating it. Besides, officials They also conduct preventive conversations with the suspect.

What do regulatory authorities have the right to?

A special bracelet is now used to monitor the defendant. House arrest also involves the use of audiovisual, electronic and other technical devices.

Controlling authorities (inspections) have the right to summon citizens to their offices to carry out the following actions:

  • preventive conversations;
  • explanations of the conditions for the execution of the preventive measure;
  • conducting an interrogation on the case and clarifying all newly discovered circumstances;
  • finding out the reasons for violating restrictions and prohibitions.

Inspections also have the right to visit the suspect at the place where he should be (home). Including work, if he is allowed to work. Supervisory authorities have the right to contact the prosecutor's office, local government and courts to resolve issues that arise related to the implementation of the conditions of house arrest.

Responsibilities of regulatory authorities

Inspectorate staff must explain to suspects or accused the conditions of house arrest. And also inform them that they have the right to cancel or change the preventive measure. If citizens under house arrest express a desire to take advantage of this and file a petition, then the regulatory authorities are obliged to submit it to the court for consideration.

If the suspect or accused was hospitalized, then until the court makes a decision to cancel the current preventive measure or change it, all prohibitions and restrictions continue to apply. Only the medical institution where the citizen was placed now becomes the place of the preventive measure. The inspectorate is obliged to monitor the implementation of the current court order.

The conditions of house arrest sometimes require the transfer of a suspect or convicted person to the preliminary investigation authorities or a court hearing. In this case, the regulatory authorities are obliged to deliver it using their own transport.

If a citizen, by order of the court, must be completely isolated from society, then all meetings with a lawyer take place only at his place of residence. If the suspect or accused has violated the rules of house arrest specified in the order, then the regulatory authorities may file a petition with the court to change the measure of restraint.

Electronic bracelet as a means of surveillance

Not so long ago, an electronic device appeared, which, based on a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, is required to be worn by people in respect of whom a similar preventive measure has been chosen (house arrest). Thanks to the bracelet, there was no need for direct observation of a person and a police patrol on duty near the house of a suspect.

The electronic bracelet is invisible to others. It is an electronic device that is placed on the defendant, for whom the preventive measure is restriction of freedom. Thanks to the bracelet, the location of the citizen is tracked. It is designed for long-term wear and has a built-in system that detects unauthorized removal or tampering of the device.

The electronic bracelet is worn on the ankle. The device case is sealed, with electronic components and locks. It is also waterproof, so the suspect can use the shower or take a bath.

Electronic bracelet functions

Some time ago it was difficult to control such a preventive measure as house arrest. In criminal proceedings, for this reason, preference was previously given to placing a person in custody. Since it was quite difficult to monitor compliance with the rules of house arrest by suspects. Thanks to the bracelet, keeping track of him has become much more convenient. At intervals set by the authorities, the bracelet sends signals about the citizen’s movements. If the permissible movement zone is violated, a signal is immediately sent to the control panel. The same thing happens when you try to remove the bracelet. Thus, regulatory authorities record all instigations and can promptly suppress them.

When approaching places prohibited for the defendant, the bracelet also sends signals to the operators' console. These could be areas for drinking alcoholic beverages, public events, certain areas of the city, etc. It is worth paying attention to the fact that usually one violation of the rules of house arrest is enough to change the preventive measure to a more stringent one. The person is warned about this in advance. The exception is when the suspect violated the rules by mistake.