How to draw a fairytale bird. Drawing on the theme “Birds” in the preparatory group of kindergarten Lesson on drawing a magic bird

"Fairytale Bird"

artistic and aesthetic lesson in artbrashactivities in high schoolgroup using elements of unconventional drawing.

Goal: development of artistic and creative abilities of children.


Teach children to draw fairy-tale birds using a “stencil” - their hand; practice color selection to convey the desired effect; enrich children's vocabulary with verbs and adjectives.

To develop children's powers of observation, imagination, and creative imagination; the ability to see the characteristic aesthetic features of surrounding objects; develop artistic taste by selecting colors and shapes; develop descriptive, emotional speech of children; long, smooth exhalation, development of fine and gross motor skills;

To cultivate accuracy, creativity, independence, cooperation skills, self-esteem, mutual understanding, and responsibility.

Material for the lesson:“Magic Flower” - for the game; gel ball, envelope with letter; white sheets of paper measuring 20 X 20 cm; necessary art materials for children's creativity (felt-tip pens, colored pencils, pencil, eraser); paper for the teacher to show step by step the work being done; musical fragments;

Preliminary work: reading fiction: Russian folk tales “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “Rejuvenating Apples”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by P. Ershov; looking at illustrations depicting fairy-tale birds; drawing fish, ducks, and the sun using a “hand stencil”; learning finger gymnastics “Magic Flower”;

Progress of the lesson:

Children are included in the group. The teacher greets the children and pays attention to the guests.

Guys, pay attention to how many guests came to us today. Let's say hello! Many of them, my colleagues, work in our kindergarten. What is the name of their profession?

Look how kind, smiling, and beautiful they are. How do you understand the word “beauty”? (when I like everything, when it’s nice and joyful to watch, kind people are always beautiful, etc.)

I invite you to play the game “What is beauty?” (Children stand in a circle, name what they saw beautiful at home, at a party, on the way to the kindergarten, on a walk).

Guys, there is so much beauty around us: beautiful people, beautiful things, beautiful actions. The “Fairy of Beauty” reigns over this entire extraordinarily beautiful world. (A helium balloon is available, with an attached envelope).

Oh, what is this? (Ball)

What is attached to this ball? Yes, this is a letter! Let's read who it's from. (from the Beauty Fairy)

Now I will read to you what the Fairy writes to us. (is reading)

“In my kingdom there are many beautiful gardens and lakes. In the forests live beautiful, fabulous birds that illuminate the whole earth with their light. But trouble happened! The Evil Dragon turned all my birds into white sheets of paper. The kingdom became dark, sad, and ugly. I know that you are kind and sympathetic. Please help disenchant them! I really hope for your help. Fairy of Beauty!

- “Beauty Fairy” is in trouble! How can we help her? What can we do? (after the children’s answers, the musical fragment “Birds” is turned on).

I suggest you bring these sheets to life by drawing beautiful, fabulous birds. And to make it better, let's turn into birds. What can birds do? (the teacher and the children imitate the habits of birds). I suggest you go to your workstations. Before we start drawing, let's warm up our hands by doing the “Magic Flower” gymnastics. (children perform gymnastics to the music, standing in front of the tables).

The flower has become a magical dream (the fists of both hands are tightly clenched),

Was closed, but then

A petal appears (straighten your thumb)

And behind him is his friend (index finger)

So the third one didn’t sleep (middle finger)

And the fourth did not lag behind (ring finger)

Here is the fifth petal (little finger)

And our flower opened! (hands depict the shape of a tulip).

The children sit down, the teacher shows them the order of completing the task.

Guys, our pens will help us draw birds. Look at your palm. What or who does she look like? (children's answers).

The thumb is the bird's neck, the index, middle, ring and little fingers are the tail, and the palm is the body. Let's trace our palm - the bird - with a pencil. Add a round head to the neck or thumb.

What do you think is missing on the head? What should you draw? (eye, beak).

The bird turned out to be white, sad, and not fabulous. What needs to be done to revive her? (color).

And you can color the feathers as you want, using all the colors (the teacher hangs up samples of work). But choose them so that they convey your mood.

During the work, the teacher, communicating with the children, asks what colors should be used to convey joy and happiness? And which ones are necessary for sadness, sadness, melancholy? You can combine warm and cold shades. He says that only diligence and accuracy will help you draw beautiful birds.

Having finished the work, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the drawings.

Only beautiful birds will be able to fly to fairyland! Are all birds so beautiful, neatly drawn, that they can overcome such a difficult path? Did you try your best and draw beautiful birds? How do you think? (if several drawings, in the opinion of the children themselves, turned out to be not entirely successful, the teacher, supporting, says: “Why do you think so? Don’t be upset! After all, we are friendly, we always come to help each other, and your birds are also friendly, and they will not leave the bird in trouble).

Now, let's launch our birds into the sky! (the works are attached with clothespins to a pre-prepared place).

Now let’s blow on them and let them fly to the fairy kingdom! (breathing exercises are performed).

Let's say goodbye to them and wish them a safe journey (when saying goodbye, the children wave their hands and wish them a successful flight).

What good deed have you and I done today? (children's answers).

And you know, birds have long been considered by people as harbingers of warmth and kindness. People believed that birds could bring happiness. If there are a lot of birds perched on a tree near your house, then you need to make a wish, and it will definitely come true. I wish that your wishes and dreams always come true!

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution – combined kindergarten No. 15 “Sun”

Lesson notes

"Magic Bird"


for older children


Volgina Svetlana Anatolevna

Art. Starominskaya


Program content:

1. Learn to select beautiful color combinations, develop imagination and creativity.

2. Strengthen the ability to make crafts in the origami style using operation cards. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

3. Cultivate interest and love for Russian folklore.

Methods and techniques:

Game, display, explanation, folding


Book "Firebird", sheets of colored paper, multi-colored film. Felt pens, gel pens, operation cards, scissors, glue, fabulous music.

Vocabulary work:

Magic bird, fabulous, unusual, colorful plumage, firebird, made friends.

Preliminary work:

Reading Russian folk tales, which describe fairy-tale birds.

Examination of Yu. Vasnetsov’s illustrations for Russian folk tales, pay attention to what fairy-tale birds look like, what kind of plumage they have on their head, tail, wings, emphasize their unusualness and colorfulness.

Prepare the panel "Magic Tree".

Learning poems, guessing riddles.

Didactic games: “What did the artist mess up”, “Guess who is the odd one out”.

Progress of the lesson

1. Introductory part.

Educator.- Guys, today I had an unusual dream, I saw an amazing, magical, fairy-tale bird that can make your deepest wish come true.


Not at sea - on land,

Somewhere in a fairyland,

There is a feathered queen

Nicknamed the Firebird.

The wings glow with gold,

They sparkle with emeralds,

Light streams from the pen -

There is no more beautiful bird in the world.

G. Dolzhenko.

2. Main part.

Educator. - There are many fairy tales in the world, sad and funny.

And we can’t live in the world without them

The baby is just knocking on the children's book

Knock, knock, knock, and lo and behold, the pages come to life.

I show the children the book “Firebird” (we look at the illustrations, talk with the children who illustrates the books, what are the names of the artists who draw pictures in the books, introduce them to the illustrator Yu. Vasnetsov).

Educator.- Guys, do you have a cherished wish?

Children.- Yes.

Educator. - Would you like to have such a fabulous bird?

Children.- Yes.

Educator.- How do you imagine her?

Children. - She is bright, beautiful, unprecedented beauty...

Educator. - But what a fairy-tale bird I imagined...

Showing a bird made using the origami method.

Educator. - Do you want to learn how to fold such beautiful and amazing birds?

Children. - Yes.

Educator.- Okay, but first let's warm up our fingers.

Finger gymnastics .

Visiting the big toe

They came straight to the house

Index and middle

Nameless and last -

The smallest baby.

Together fingers are friends,

They cannot live without each other.

Our fingers are masters

It's time for them to get to work.

Showing a step-by-step map, we analyze the step-by-step folding of the bird, the children choose sheets of multi-colored paper, and get to work.

I explain the sequence of step-by-step folding.

Educator. - Let's start folding the Firebird.

We perform the basic “kite” form. Fold a square piece of paper diagonally and turn the square into a triangle.

Expand. Fold the sides on the left and right to the marked line. Fold the workpiece in half. Cut the workpiece along the marked line. Bend the “wings” up. Bend the “beak” inward and draw the eyes of the Firebird. The bird figurines are ready.

Let's rest. Let's do some physical education.

Physical education lesson "Firebird".

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 children got up to play.

The Firebird flew to us and told us to have more fun.

The Firebird flew past the garden - the children were waving their hands.

She pecked all the seedlings - bends forward, hands close fingers, pretending to be a beak.

And she shouted: “Cuckoo-mack,” open one fist,

And she shouted: “Kuku-mak”, open your second fist - show your palms.

You are the Firebird, don’t scream, just be quiet a little, (children sit on chairs)

Educator. - Guys, what is the difference between a fairytale bird and an ordinary bird?

Children. - She is magical and can work miracles.

Educator. - What needs to be done to make our birds become magical?

Children.- Decorate it with fabulous patterns.

Educator.- What patterns can you decorate the bird with, what colors will you use?

Children. - Yellow, red, bright...

Educator.- Guys, remember the decorative patterns. Artists paint the Firebird with “hot colors” - such as fire, red, orange, yellow.

Children begin to decorate the birds, paint the tail and wings, decorate the crest, and paint on the eyes.

Educator. - And now that our birds have become so beautiful and fabulous, let’s plant them on our tree.

Educator. - Guys, fairy-tale birds live in magical gardens where apple trees with golden apples grow. What can fairy birds do in the garden?

Children invent and tell short tales, examine and admire the works.

3. Summary of the lesson.

Educator. - Guys, how did our birds turn out?

Children.- Beautiful, fabulous, magical, unusual.

Educator. - Thank you for being friendly, how many birds we made,

They will not live in cages, but sit on branches in the garden,

They will sing songs and decorate our group.

Educator.- Now, close your eyes and make your deepest wish, and it will definitely come true.

Lesson notes on fine art activities


Topic: “Firebird - a magical bird.”

Program content. Learn to convey the fabulous image of the firebird in a drawing through the selection of paint colors and the structure of the bird (small body with a long neck, large wings, bushy tail); consolidate children's knowledge of how an artist transforms real images into fairy-tale ones; develop children's creative abilities when viewing images.

Material. Several images of real birds, including a peacock and a parrot, and several fabulous ones, including the firebird.

For children. Landscape sheets, gouache paints, soft brushes (sponges), napkins.

Methodological techniques. 1 Conversation about birds, peacock.

3 Poem “Firebird”.

4 Finger gymnastics

5 Independent work of children.

6 Playing off finished works.

Preliminary work. 1 Reading the fairy tale “The Firebird”. 2 Examination of illustrations for a fairy tale with the image of the firebird. 3 D/I “Seven-flowered flower”. (for definition - cold and warm colors).


Attach birds—magpie, parrot, bullfinch, sparrow, pigeon, crow, peacock—to the magnetic board.

Guys, today we have some unusual guests joining our group. Look who they are? (Birds).

Did you recognize them? Tell me who they are? (Rooster, peacock, parrot.....etc.).

Where do we meet these birds? (Everywhere on the street). But do we see a peacock on the street? (No). Why? (listen to the answers).

Yes, the peacock is an unusual bird and we won’t see it on the street, only in the zoo. She is so beautiful, with an ocellated “tail” and extravagant plumage - this is the peacock. The peacock's trail, called its tail, is known throughout the world. It is formed by the feathers of the upper tail, not the tail. Tail feathers help the bird raise its “train” and spread it out. It’s as if she came to us from a fairy tale. What is the main decoration of a peacock? (tail).

Guys, remember what bird the Peacock looks like? (Firebird). That's right, remember we read a fairy tale about her? 1

Let's remember an excerpt from a fairy tale:

Sweet apple aroma
I lured that bird into the garden.
Feathers glow with fire
And it’s light all around, like during the day. Attach a firebird picture to the board.

Who will tell us a poem about the Firebird? It’s not for nothing that the Firebird is called the Firebird,

Ivan learned a secret from the Horse.

To avoid burning his hands, he put on mittens

And instantly, while hunting, he caught the Firebird.

(Well done).

Tell me, does the Firebird really exist? (No). How did she appear in the fairy tale? (It was invented by the artist).

That's right, well done. It was invented by the artist and that is why it is called “Firebird, magical, fairy-tale bird.” How is this bird unusual, how does it differ from other birds that we see on the street, in the park?

Yes, they are colorful, decorated with patterns, they have an unusually shaped tail, wings, and crests.

Then place pictures of real birds separately, and fabulous ones separately.

Guys, find among ordinary real birds those from which artist-storytellers could borrow both a bright multi-colored color and an unusual fluffy tail with patterns for their imaginary birds. (Children can point to a parrot, peacock, dove...).

Tell me, where else can you find images of fairy-tale birds besides books with fairy tales? (In different patterns: embroidery, carpets, on boxes of candy, on dishes). (Showing children 2-3 such objects is a decorative image).

Remove pictures with images of real birds and ask about the fabulous firebird.

Look at these birds and tell me, is the Firebird different from other birds? What is the difference? (after the children’s answers, confirm that the artist paints this bird with “hot” colors, the same as fire). These are red, orange, yellow. (Remove all the birds and leave only the image of the Firebird).

Today I invite you to become artists. And we will draw a magical image. Want to? And what are we going to draw? You probably guessed it? Of course, the fabulous bird - the Firebird.

But before we start drawing it, let's take a good look at it. What do we need to learn about it when examining it: let's look at the shape, structure of the parts, their size, color. (If the children’s answers are incomplete, 2 then through questions the teacher clarifies the features that the children will have to convey in their drawings.

Today we will draw the Firebird in an unconventional way - with the palm of our hand. To do this, take a brush (sponge), put red (orange) paint on it and paint your left hand. When the whole hand is painted, we place our hand on the album sheet so that a handprint remains on the sheet. Fingers spread out. Then wipe your hands with a napkin and finish drawing the Firebird’s head, beak, and level the body with a brush.

(Advise children to layer paint on paint as it dries to use all the “hot colors”). It is recommended to paint the eyes on the bird’s tail with cool colors to make the bird even hotter and brighter.

Guys, now let's get ready to draw. But first, let's play with our fingers. Fizminutka:

The cuckoos were flying
Three huts later.
They fussed so much
We were in such a hurry
They turned their heads,
They flapped their wings -
Where did they fly?
They didn’t say so!

And now artists - let's draw.

At the end of the lesson, invite the children to show their drawings one by one and tell about their bird (rhyme, riddle, etc.). Praise all children. Organize an exhibition of children's works.

Instead of the result: Analysis of works: “The hottest bird.” Show the hottest bird why you think so.

Ainura Akmatova


The firebird only happens in a fairy tale,

And where does she live, who knows?

Everyone dreams of catching her -

Fulfill your wishes!

Liliya Zenkova

Program content. Learn to convey the fabulous image of the firebird in a drawing through the selection of paint colors and body structure; consolidate children's knowledge of how an artist transforms real images into fairy-tale ones; develop children's creative abilities when viewing images. Formation of information culture, interest in works of fiction and fine art. Cultivate accuracy and the ability to express oneself.

Material: Illustrations of fairy-tale birds, A-4 sheets, gouache, brushes, wet wipes. Audio recording; a sample of the finished drawing to explain the purpose of the work; paper for the teacher to show step by step the work being done.

Preliminary work.

1 Reading fairy tales - “The Firebird”, P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”; watching the cartoon “Ivan Tsarevich and the Firebird”, watching excerpts from the ballet “The Firebird”.

2 Examination of illustrations for fairy tales depicting the firebird.

3 D/I “Seven-flowered flower”. (for definition - cold and warm colors).

Publications on the topic:

Goal: - to learn to convey in a drawing the beauty of a flowering meadow, the shape of flowers - to freely arrange flowers throughout the sheet - to practice drawing techniques.

Competition program “Music and Birds”. Middle senior, preparatory group Competition program “Music and Birds”. Secondary senior, preparatory group of MDOU "FAIRY TALE" Musical director: Tikhanovich, G. V. 06/23/2015.

Abstract of the educational activity for physical education “Wintering birds” (preparatory group) GCD topic: “Wintering birds” Direction of development: physical development Educational activity: “Physical development”, “Cognitive.

The goal is the development of cognitive processes, speech, fine motor skills of the fingers and the development of communication skills in older children.

Summary of organized educational activities “Wintering Birds” (preparatory group) Summary of organized educational activities “Wintering Birds”. Preparatory group “A”. Goals: 1. Give children an idea of ​​the species.

GCD for artistic creativity and drawing “Feather of the Firebird”. Preparatory group Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity. Sukhomlinsky V. A. Integrated organized.

Marina Baranova
Summary of a drawing lesson for the senior group “Fairytale Bird”

Drawing lesson notes



Strengthen the understanding of folk crafts.

Learn to create an image fairy bird, achieving expressiveness using color and elements of decorative painting.

Develop fantasy and imagination.


Chest with objects of folk decorative and applied art - image birds in Gzhel, Khokhloma, Dymkovo, Filimonovskaya, Tver toys; puppet theater character - Ivan Tsarevich; P. Tchaikovsky "Children's Album" "Lark"; tinted paper A 3.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Now we will listen to the wonderful music of the composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Close your eyes and try to imagine yourself in a fairy garden, where they sing a miracle of extraordinary beauty - birds.





Look, children, who came to us! Ivan Tsarevich! He heard fairytale music, singing miracle - birds and came to us from a fairy tale!

What, Ivan Tsarevich, is he not happy that he hung his head?

Why are you so sad, sad? The king sent you to look for a miracle around the world - bird.

Do you know where to find it?

What is she like? fabulous? Don't you know either? All sorts of saw the birds: rooks, starlings, magpies, and I haven't seen any fabulous ones.

Children will help you! We already have a magic chest! Let's say the cherished, magic words, maybe we'll find them in the chest fairy bird.

Chest, chest!

Open up your barrel for us!

Oh, what beauty! What a miracle - bird in multi-colored stripes! What is it called, tell me - for Ivan Tsarevich? (Shows Filimonov’s toy.)

Take it, prince, take it to the king! Why are you sad? This is not the one bird?

But this one, white with blue patterns and roses? (Gzhel)

U birds with this, every feather glows, shimmers with a multi-colored rainbow. (Tverskaya)

But the turkey is smart,

He's all so nice.

At the big turkey

All sides are painted.

I surprised everyone with my outfit,

He spread his wings importantly.

Look at the bushy tail

It’s not at all simple for him -

Just like a sunny flower.

And the tall comb

Burning red paint,

Like a king's crown!

Turkey fabulously beautiful,

He is pompous and proud.


Here bird with berries, painted with curls and flowers, glowing gold, shimmering, with a bushy tail. (Khokhloma.) Not the same again? Do not be sad! No problem!

Children, have you seen a miracle - bird? Where? IN fairy tales?

Tell Ivan Tsarevich what fairy tales talk about fabulous miracle birds. ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf", "The Little Humpbacked Horse", "Heat - bird and Vasilisa - Princess".)

Tell Ivan Tsarevich what fairy birds different from the real ones.

What kind of tails do they have?

What's on their head?

Offer to children draw a heat-bird for Ivanushka, help him.

Don’t be sad, don’t worry, don’t worry, Ivan Tsarevich, our children are such inventors, they will come up with extraordinary beautiful birds! Magnificent! The most colorful, the most fabulous and you will take it to the king.

And so as not to fly apart birds in different directions and so as not to burn your hands on the feather - birds, Ivanushka will give you golden cells. (Ivan Tsarevich distributes to children "golden" cells are sheets with different backgrounds, on which a thin paper grid is subsequently applied.)

Children draw to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky, and Ivan Tsarevich watches them draw.

Quiet, let's sit next to you -

Music comes into our home

In an amazing outfit

Multi-colored, painted.

At the end classes The teacher invites the children to show their birds to Ivan Tsarevich. Children take the ring "a cage with heat - bird» , stand in a semicircle, lift the cages and show.

Educator. Admire, Ivanushka, what extraordinary beauty! How the heat burns the plumage, even blinds the eyes! Which one do you choose? This red one, with a lush emerald tail. Or this green one, like grass in summer, with yellow feathers, as if golden, as in fairy tale.

Can't choose? Children will help you choose bird amazing beauty.

Ivan Tsarevich chooses birds: for myself, for the gray wolf, for Vasilisa the Beautiful, for the king….

Says goodbye to the children, thanks, and leaves. The rest children give birds to guests.

Tips for the teacher. Reading fairy tales, where they are described fairy birds. Examination of illustrations, acquaintance with folk applied art.