How to build big arm muscles. How to pump up big arm muscles

The desire to pump up the muscles of the arms as quickly as possible is the goal of most beginners in gym. Many of them buy dumbbells for home workouts in an attempt to give their biceps an extra boost. However, everything is not so simple - it is impossible to pump up only the arms without paying attention to the integrated development of the entire muscular system of the body.

The total musculature of both arms is no more than 10-15% of the mass of all muscles in the body - and the arm muscles themselves are not divided into biceps and triceps at all, but into 20-25 different muscle groups. That is why a full-fledged arm workout should include not just endless dumbbell lifts for biceps, but.

How often should you train your arms?

Even professional athletes are advised to train the biceps and triceps muscles no more than twice a week, giving them at least 3 days to rest. At the same time, the total duration of such a workout should not exceed 10-15 minutes - otherwise, overtraining will occur, which negatively affects muscle recovery and growth.

We also note that, given the comparative small size biceps and triceps, these muscles do not require countless repetitions or serious working weights. Much more important is the study correct technique exercises for development, which allows you not only to pull the weight, but to feel the work of a particular muscle.

Hand training for beginners

For beginners and intermediate athletes, one arm workout with isolation exercises per week is enough. On the rest of the training days, these muscles are involved in the work indirectly - the triceps are involved in the bench press and other chest exercises, and the biceps are involved in exercises such as.

"Hand Day" is recommended to be combined with, since these muscle groups practically do not affect each other's work. In total, it is better for beginners to perform no more than 2 different isolating exercises for the arms (that is, one for biceps and one for triceps), for an intermediate level athlete - no more than 4. Once again, we note that the technique of performing exercises in this case is most important.

Best Hand Exercises

It must be remembered that the best exercise for biceps or triceps is the one in which you really feel the work of these muscles. In order for the muscles of the arms to grow successfully, it is not enough to perform a block pull on the triceps, arching with the whole body, or to lift the barbell to the biceps, throwing it up due to the force of inertia.

At the same time, it is important to note that most beginners are not able to correctly perform even such a simple arm exercise as alternate standing dumbbell lifts - any muscles are involved in the work, but not the biceps at all. The effect of training manifests itself exclusively in the form. And the greater the weight of the dumbbells, the greater the harm.

How to properly train triceps?

The main muscle group in the muscles of the arms is not the biceps at all, but the triceps. Its physical size is at least 30-40% over size biceps. At the same time, a strong and developed triceps is important both for the overall size of the hands and for increasing performance in basic exercises. The advantage of training this muscle is that it is easier to feel its work by its characteristic burning sensation.

Anatomically, the work of the triceps is related to the work pectoral muscles, repulsive movements and push-ups - both from the floor and from the bench. Beginners are advised to first learn how to feel the triceps in any of them, then include it in their training program and perform it twice a week with an average weight, 12-15 repetitions and 3-4 sets.

Training rules for: why exercise technique is more important than working weight?

How to properly train biceps?

The easiest way to learn to feel the biceps is to do concentration dumbbell curls on a bench - first fix the incline bench at 60 ° , then lean on it with your shoulder so that the outstretched arm with the dumbbells lies on the bench, palm up. Slowly and with the strength of the biceps, lift the weight of the dumbbell, then slowly lower it.

Another good exercise for biceps for beginners is lifting the lower block - an analogue that allows you to concentrate on technique and the feeling of muscle work. Believe me, the biceps will grow much faster with the correct execution of these “simple” exercises, and not at all when trying to “somehow” lift heavy dumbbells.

How to pump up your arms at home?

Once again, the worst strategy for home arm training is to perform endless dumbbell raises or other biceps isolation exercises. Even if you only want to pump up your arms, your workout should include both, and, and squats with dumbbells. Only in this case you will succeed.

The main secret to effective biceps and triceps training at home is using variations of basic multi-joint exercises to develop the muscles of the whole body, and not focusing on any muscle group in particular. As we have already mentioned, it is purely physically impossible to pump big hands, without having the proper level of development of the muscles of the back, chest and shoulders.


An attempt to make a training program exclusively for pumping arms - typical mistake beginners who do not understand that pumped arms cannot be imagined without the presence of general muscle mass. It is also important that beginners (especially) often do not know how to feel their biceps and triceps at work and perform exercises largely due to inertia.

Many women dream of losing weight: pump up the press and reduce the waist. But women's hands are no less sexually attractive than the rest of the body, because everyone wants to put on an open sundress in the summer and look younger than their years, and if the muscles of the hands are flabby, then this opportunity will have to be abandoned. There are many easy exercises. In more detail how to pump up your hands, we will tell you further.

How to pump up arm muscles at home?

In order for your hands to be embossed, you need to learn a few basic programs that are easy to perform at home without buying expensive simulators. Biceps, triceps will not become pumped, but will look toned. It is easy to pump up biceps, because even in Everyday life it works, but it takes time to pump up the triceps.

An elementary and simple exercise for the biceps are ordinary dumbbell raises. In order to tighten the biceps, remove sagging triceps and not pump muscles, you will need dumbbells weighing no more than 2 kg. Exercise for biceps:

  • The knees are slightly bent, the socks are turned to the sides. Alternately bend the right and then the left elbow. They unbend to the level of the waist, and bend - to the level of the shoulder, so that the tension is in the biceps.

Triceps exercise:

  • The right hand with a dumbbell is raised above the head, the palm is turned forward. Slowly bend it to the head and unbend it back. The dumbbell should be lowered until you feel tension in the triceps. After full cycle hand should be changed.

How to quickly pump up your arms?

There are several secrets on how to quickly pump up muscles in the hands of a girl. For example, when doing exercises, you should not help the body. If it’s hard for you, do fewer repetitions, but with high quality. There are a few tips to remember:

  • By bending our arms, we give a load to the biceps.
  • If a complex is done to hold the weight with the hands (push-ups), then the load falls mainly on the forearms.

Dumbbell exercises

For biceps and triceps, there are several programs, consider the most effective:

  1. To quickly pump up the front bundle of the deltoid muscle, stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, elbows slightly bent, and hands lowered with dumbbells along the hips. Exhale and raise your arms parallel to the floor, hold for about 1 minute, return to the starting position.
  2. In order to pump up the middle bundle of the deltoid muscle, stand straight, bring your shoulder blades together, and your arms should be lowered along the body. Slowly spread them apart with your palms down and stop parallel to the floor, and then return to the starting position.
  3. To pump up the posterior bundle of the deltoid muscle, there is a butterfly exercise, in which you need to lean forward with your arms down, spread them apart and take them back a little. Hold this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. All of the above complex is performed 15 times.

Push ups

Push-ups, which we have known since childhood, will allow you to effectively pump up your hands. This exercise involves the muscles of the buttocks, back, chest, abdomen. We know the bench press from the school bench, so now we’ll just refresh our memory: lying on our stomach with straight arms we rest on the floor. The fingers are directed forward, the body is tense and slowly lowers down, with the help of bent elbows. The lower back should remain straight, like a string, lower until the chest touches the floor and return to the starting position.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

With proper pull-ups on the horizontal bar, all the muscles of the upper body, including the wrists, work, so pull-ups are popular with children, adults, and the elderly. it simple technique which any woman can do. Even a beginner can pull up about 20 times. You only need to grab the crossbar with your thumbs with your elbows extended, and then bend them, pulling up the entire body weight. After touching the crossbar with the chin, we return to the starting position.

On the crossbar

If you have mastered pull-ups on the horizontal bar, then doing exercises on the crossbar will not be difficult. In terms of effectiveness, pull-ups are equated to exercises with a barbell, and they are performed at a slow pace, with different arrangements of the palms. Let's consider some:

  • You should grab the bar so that your palms are turned to your face, and your hands should be shoulder-width apart. We slowly pull ourselves up, pressing our elbows to the body. Reaching the chin to the crossbar, slowly return back.
  • You need to grab the crossbar so that the palms are in a different position: one is turned towards you, the other is away from you. The shoulder blades are brought together, and the back should be bent as much as possible. Slowly pull up and come back.
  • The hands should be turned away from the face, and the legs crossed, after which we slowly pull ourselves up, and then slowly return to the starting position.

Hand exercises for girls

For girls, it is important not to pump muscles and that the hands do not look boxing. In order to slightly correct the relief, you need to practice without additional reinforcement or with an expander. To do this, there is a set of effective and simple exercises:

  • Sit in a Turkish position, straighten your shoulders, and raise your elbows until the angle is right. The palms should be closed, and the hands should be pointing up. Next, you need to squeeze with the force of the palm of your hand and fix the position for 30 seconds, then relax and squeeze again. It is required to do 5-6 repetitions daily, and after 2 weeks you will have not only toned arms, but also a chest.
  • Standing straight, arms should be extended to the sides to shoulder level. Begin to draw circles at the same time with both hands in different sides. Perform at least 1 minute.
  • Standing position near the wall. Place your hands on the wall at chest level and do 20 push-ups. It will take 5-6 approaches daily for a positive effect.

Arm exercises are an integral part of training for men. Working out the biceps and triceps increases the volume of the arms as a whole, such training can take place at home, most importantly, the presence of a collapsible sports equipment, barbells and dumbbells. With only one projectile, each exercise can be adapted to both the barbell and dumbbells. The main thing is to observe the grip method and execution technique.

A set of exercises for the muscles of the hands at home

To train their hands, men need collapsible equipment - dumbbells or pancakes with a neck. This is necessary for constant progress, as well as for training on the basis of the pyramid. Gradually increasing the working weight, while reducing the number of repetitions, will stimulate nerve impulses, contracting the right muscles in the low weight stage, allowing you to maintain the correct contraction with a lot of weight. Such training gives a powerful anabolic boost.

1. Reverse push-ups

This exercise requires two supports. the same height, one - under the arms, and the other - under the feet. For weighting, you need to use free weights, for example, spread pancakes on your hips. This is necessary for the growth of muscle mass, when the number of repetitions cannot exceed 12 times, while the muscles on the last repetition work to failure. Perform the first set of the exercise 15 times with your own weight without weights - this will be a warm-up set that will warm the target muscles and ligaments, and prepare for a direct pyramid (increase in weights).

  1. Sit on the edge of the bench and put weight on your hips, rest your palms, forming a straight line of arms.
  2. Place your feet on the second support, holding the pelvis to the canopy.
  3. While inhaling, bend your elbows, lower your pelvis until the angle at your elbows reaches a right angle.
  4. With the force of the triceps on the exhale, push the body and fully extend the elbows.
  5. At the end of the approach, place your feet on the floor, sit on the edge and remove the weight.

Perform the first power approach with less working weight, but do not exceed 12 reps. Not counting the warm-up, do 4 sets, adding working weight in each. Thus, push-ups are performed: 4 x 12, 10, 8, 8-6.

2. French press with a barbell or dumbbells

The bar in this exercise can be replaced with dumbbells, also keeping the distance between the dumbbells equal to the width of the shoulders. In this exercise, strictly follow the safety precautions when lifting the projectile. Each approach increase the working weight by adding small pancakes.

  1. Sit on the edge of the bench with the barbell resting on your hips, grasp with a shoulder-width overhand grip.
  2. Raise the bar off your hips by pushing the bar up with your knees. Slowly lower yourself onto your back, keeping the barbell in straight arms.
  3. At the top point of the brush are located above the shoulder joints.
  4. While inhaling, leaving your elbows in place, lower the bar with your forearms towards your forehead.
  5. As you exhale, use your triceps to fully extend your elbows and return your hands over your shoulders.
  6. At the end of the exercise, raise your knees to the bar, pressing the barbell on your hips, roll your back on the bench to a sitting position.

Add working weight, do 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 8 reps.

3. Extension of the arms with a neck or dumbbells from behind the head

This exercise can also be replaced by lifting one or two dumbbells from behind the head. The technique affects the triceps in isolation, helping yourself to push out a large working weight with your hands, in this case, will not work. Therefore, stick to technique and don't lift huge weights.

  1. Sit on a bench with a straight back, grab the bar on your hips with a narrow overhand grip. Raise your arms above your head, keeping them straight.
  2. As you inhale, begin to lower your forearms with the bar behind your head, without moving your elbows. Stretch your triceps as much as possible at the bottom.
  3. With an exhalation, lift the neck, at the top point, fully straighten your elbows.
  4. AT reverse order lower the bar to your chest and return it to the floor.

Do 4 sets of 12, 10, 10-8, 8 reps.

4. Lifting a barbell or dumbbell with a narrow grip

After working out the triceps, move on to exercises for the biceps. Replace exercise you can on, also placing your elbows on your stomach.

For painful sensations in the shoulders due to morphological features with a narrow or wide grip, replace the technique with a medium or neutral grip.

  1. Raise the bar off the floor with a straight back, first grasping with a reverse narrow grip.
  2. For a more concentrated lift, lean your back against a wall so you don't sway. Keep your elbows on your stomach.
  3. With an exhalation, bend your elbows and lift the bar to your shoulders.
  4. As you inhale, extend your arms, keeping a slight angle at the elbows.
  5. At the end of the set, lower the bar to the floor without rounding your back.

Increase the weight of the bar each set, doing 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 8-6.

5. Alternate dumbbell raise with supination

You can replace the exercise by gradually increasing the weight. Alternate lifting helps to take a large working weight of dumbbells, since when bending one arm, the second has time to recover. The exercise can be done standing or sitting.

  1. Take dumbbells, keep your arms along the body at the sides, hands parallel to each other.
  2. Exhale bend right hand, without lifting the elbow from the body, turning the brush in the middle of the amplitude.
  3. Lower the dumbbell while inhaling.
  4. Repeat the movement on the left hand.

Perform the same number of repetitions for each arm. Total, 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 8-6 reps.

6. Lifting dumbbells with a grip "hammer"

The exercise works not only the biceps, but also targets the muscles of the forearms. That's why you can replace this exercise with lifting the barbell with a reverse grip.

  1. Hold dumbbells along the body, brushes with dumbbells are parallel to each other.
  2. With an exhalation, raise both dumbbells to your shoulders without turning.
  3. Lower the dumbbells as you inhale.

Do 4 x 12, 10, 8, 8-6.

Every man wants to have strong arms. And you don't have to go to the gym to do it. If desired, even at home, you can pump up the muscles of the hands without spending money on subscriptions. True, you still have to spend money on the purchase of shells. If you already have dumbbells and a barbell at home, it's even easier. With their help, you can pump up muscles the fastest.

So, there are quite a few muscles on a person’s hands, but some of them are most often trained:

  • biceps (responsible for bending the arms);
  • triceps (the main task is to extend the upper limbs);
  • forearms (needed to move the forearms and hold objects with fingers).

Their location can be seen in the following image:

What do you need for homework?

AT ideal- a sports bench, bars and a crossbar, several dumbbells and a barbell. True, not much is able to buy this (in our article on how to make dumbbells at home). These shells can be replaced with improvised means, for example, plastic bottles with sand or water.

It is not so convenient to work with such inventory, so if there is a great desire, it is still better to buy some hardware for yourself at home. Until that time, you will mostly have to do exercises with your own weight.

You can train your hands twice a week. One of them - we swing the biceps and triceps, the second - we load the deltas (shoulders) and forearms. So let's start with the most effective exercises on the indicated muscle groups that can be done at home.

Making shoulders wider

We know that deltas consist of three bundles - anterior, lateral and posterior. The strongest of them is the front one, it is involved in many hand movements. For example, with the popular bench press, the front bundle of deltas is quite heavily involved in the work. It is activated in those moments when we need to lift something up above our heads.

Lateral and rear deltas are less developed. Moreover, training the former can visually make the shoulders wider, while not giving them real strength or power. They swing mainly due to traction or swing movements.

It is best to train shoulders with dropsets with small weights, as doing exercises with maximum weights- this is very dangerous, given the structure of the shoulder joint, and it is easy to injure it. Therefore, when training deltas, you do not need to chase the weights, but you should try to feel the working muscles as best as possible.

Army press

AT classic version performed with a barbell and works well on the front and side deltas (to a lesser extent). To perform, you need to take the neck with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders, bend your back and put it on the pectoral muscles. Then, as you exhale, squeeze the bar up, and lower it as you inhale. The back should be arched, for insurance, you can wear an athletic belt.

If there are no barbells or dumbbells, then you can replace them with plastic bottles of water or sand, for example, with a volume of 5 liters. Their handles must be strong so that the bottles do not fall on the floor. Other handy tools can be used as a substitute, depending on what you have at home.

This is a basic shoulder exercise, incorrect back positioning can lead to problems with the spine and lower back, so always follow the execution technique. It is enough to do slowly 4-5 trips of 10-15 repetitions.

Mahi hands to the sides

Depending on the technique, the lateral and rear deltas are involved in the work to varying degrees. Mahi (or dilutions) are made with little weight. For starters, 5-8 kg for each hand is enough. Beginners can start with two liter bottles with water (if they can be clasped normally).

The technique is quite complicated and few people without the help of an instructor will be able to perform the exercise correctly the first time. You need to stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bending them at the knees. In both hands we hold dumbbells (or their substitutes). As you exhale, we spread our arms to the sides (as if a bird is flapping its wings). The elbows should always rise above the hands, which should be brought to the level of the chin or slightly higher.

We propose to perform this exercise with the following drop set (without rest):

  • 10-12 times with dumbbells weighing 8 kg;
  • 10-12 times with dumbbells 5 kg;
  • maximum amount times with dumbbells 2 kg.

Try doing 3-4 sets like this - your shoulders will burn unbearably, but it will be of great benefit, and you will be one step closer to your goal of developing beautiful and sculpted arms.

If you want to pump the back muscle bundles with this exercise, then it will need to be performed in a forward tilt.

Working on the biceps

Biceps workouts should be varied. In addition, in order to use the two bundles (heads) of this muscle group, one must not forget to load the brachialis, which is located under the biceps. It is during the training of this muscle that the height of the biceps will increase.

There are several basic exercises for biceps. We note right away that although reverse grip pull-ups are such, they are difficult to fully use in pumping hands. This is due to the fact that in addition to the biceps, the back is also very tense, and this takes a lot of strength. Often it is this fact that prevents you from fully concentrating and putting all your energy only into training your hands.

Standing barbell curls (bicep curls)

This exercise, perhaps, was seen by everyone who at least once looked into the gym - such is its popularity. Some, due to physiological characteristics, use two dumbbells instead of a barbell. This option also has the right to life and is no worse. If there is no sports equipment, then you can come up with various weights. For example, a sandbag cast iron pipe etc.

To perform, stand up straight, bend your knees slightly, take the bar with a reverse grip. Grip width can be different, choose the option that best suits you. At the lower and upper points of execution, do not relax your hands, keep them in tension. Four sets of 8-12 reps is enough.

Choose the weight of the projectile according to your strength. As muscle mass and muscle endurance increase, increase it.


So, good exercise on building biceps mass we found, what's next? We must not forget about the development of brachialis, as this will help visually make our "guns" even higher.

One of the most common and recognized methods is the implementation of a hammer (or hammers). The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. In both hands we take dumbbells or bottles of sand. The palms should face each other. Without turning your wrists, lift the weight to shoulder height with one hand, then the other.

The elbows should remain in one place - pressed to the sides. The part of the hand that is above it should also not move. We bend our arms slowly, without swinging the body. Approach 3 or 4 10-15 times will be enough to load the brachialis and get positive feedback from him on rest days. .

When performing the above exercises, watch the body - it should not sway. Otherwise, you will remove the load from the biceps and transfer it to the whole body. At the same time, the efficiency of hand development is reduced several times.

We grow triceps

Contrary to popular belief, it is the triceps, not the biceps, that will help to make the arms wider the fastest. They consist of three beams, the development of which will significantly increase your hands.

Push-ups on the uneven bars

This is one of the best exercises, which is considered basic for working out the extensor muscles of the arms. In this case, it is better to take a narrow grip (shoulder width or slightly narrower). Even when working only with their own weight, the hands receive a solid load, which not everyone can do.

In order for the load to be concentrated almost exclusively on the triceps, you need to perform the exercise with a flat back, moving your legs back. In this way, you minimize the involvement of the pectoral muscles.

If you are able to do more than 4 sets of 20 times with a minute rest, then you can safely start adding weights, for example, doing push-ups, tying something heavy to yourself (a five-liter eggplant with water, a sandbag, etc.).

There are also cases when there are no bars in the yard and at home, what to do in this case? The emphasis can be taken on two chairs, which should be placed at the width of your shoulders. Just be sure to keep a balance so as not to fall to the floor along with such a design.

You can try more safe way. Place two chairs side by side - one behind you (put your hands on it, fingers should look forward), the other in front, on which you put your feet. Bend your elbows, try to pull the latter back, and not to the sides. If it is too easy to perform the exercise, then you can put a few books or other weighting on top of yourself. Perform 4-5 such approaches 10-15 times in training.

Classic push ups

The simplest thing you can think of is doing regular push-ups from the floor. There is no doubt about their effectiveness, but it is realistic to increase muscle mass you can't with them. Nevertheless, putting your hands in order, adding sports uniforms to them in the form of a relief is quite realistic.

You can complicate your tasks a little and do push-ups in a handstand. If you have problems with balance, then you can rest your feet on the wall. In this embodiment, doing push-ups is quite difficult. The main thing to remember is not to put your hands too wide, otherwise the load will be transferred to the pectoral muscles. You need to put your hands a little narrower than shoulder width.

Bent over arm extension

In fact, many underestimate this exercise. Despite the fact that the approaches are performed with fairly small weights, the triceps are very well tensed. Instead of dumbbells, you can, again, use bottles of sand or water.

You need to find a focus. It can be a table, chair back, etc. Bend your back, place your hands on the side along the body. Tightly press your elbow to yourself and constantly control that it remains in place. Begin to bend and unbend the arm at the elbow without swinging the body. All repetitions of the approach should be performed first with one hand, then with the other.

In the upper position, you can fix the arm for 1-3 seconds in order to maximize all the muscle fibers of the triceps. Three or four sets of 10-15 times should be enough for you to bleed the muscles and give them an impetus to development.

Should I pay attention to the forearms?

In fact, not many people work on them separately. There are enough exercises for the main muscle groups in the form of pulls that strain and strengthen these muscles.

To increase the strength of the grip, you can use hanging on the horizontal bar and other similar exercises. To strengthen the ligaments, you will need dumbbells or other weights that you can wrap around. It is enough to take the weight in your hand and start slowly rotating clockwise, then in the opposite direction. You can do this by time, or by the number of laps.

Much in this matter is determined by genetics and body type. If you are thin by nature, then you should focus on the main muscles, and the forearms will reach for them.

Features of women's training

The listed exercises can be used by the weaker sex. At the same time, you should not take the heaviest dumbbells or ten-liter eggplants with water.

In order to put your hands in order and make them fit, it is quite enough to limit yourself to weights weighing 3-5 kg.

It is better to increase the number of repetitions to 20-25, and take the pace quite fast. At the same time, you should take no more than 1 minute to rest.

Keep a close eye on your heart rate if you haven't been exercising before, as the high exercise stress can negatively affect your well-being.


You can replace dumbbells and barbells at home with improvised means: plastic bottles with sand or water, cast iron products, cargo bags, etc. With the help of this equipment, you can put your hands in order, adding strength and volume to them.

Use the exercises listed in the article, as they are basic and work 100% in almost all cases. Do not forget about the regularity of training, since one or two sessions, if everything ends there, will not be able to make your arms massive and strong.

Results don't come quickly. It will take at least three months of intensive training. But you can accelerate muscle growth by taking protein shakes, proper nutrition (less carbohydrates, more protein) and, if desired, other sports nutrition.

In other cases, regular exercise and the right training program are enough to gain muscle mass.

Exercises that train biceps and triceps are included in many training programs. Women, before pumping up their hands at home or in the gym, are wondering if these loads are really necessary? The reason for fear is the unwillingness to shake hands to the state of masculine. Is it possible, what exercises should girls focus on, do they need to work out their forearms and shoulders, and what kind of nutrition should they follow?

The muscles of the arms are represented by two main ones: biceps and triceps. The first allows you to bend your arm, the second - to unbend it.

arm muscles

In women, biceps work during the day with household loads and activities with children, and triceps are not properly loaded. When dialing excess weight, and also as they grow older, this zone becomes flabby and sags. Hands no longer look as beautiful as in youth, clothes with open sleeves are put aside. To solve this problem, triceps need to be loaded with special exercises.

What do you need for homework?

To maintain muscle tone or get a beautiful relief on your arms, you can train both at home and in the gym. For homework, you need to purchase additional equipment.

Dumbbells up to 1 kg are ideal for beginners

The simplest inexpensive sports equipment that will help you make quality home workouts are dumbbells and barbells. To maintain shape and lose weight, women can purchase a small amount of inventory. If the goal is a pronounced muscular relief, the mass of weights will have to be increased gradually, buy dumbbells and a barbell with pancakes in advance.

You can also work with your own weight. For women and men who want to keep the body in good shape, basic exercises for the main muscle groups of the upper body are enough. If the goal is to change the relief and build muscle mass, you can work out on the horizontal bar and uneven bars.

Wondered how to pump up your arms at home without dumbbells and a horizontal bar? Prepare a simple and no less effective inventory:

  • chairs for performing various bench press variations;
  • expander;
  • small plastic bottles filled with water or sand.

Making shoulders wider

The question of training that allows you to visually increase your shoulders and build muscle mass in this area is most often asked by men and sometimes girls, in the case of an asthenic body type. Contribute to this load of the deltoid muscle. A definite plus of exercise is the transformation of posture.

Before you pump up your arms at home, a man or woman needs to warm up and give a load to the main muscle groups. After that, you can move on to exercises on the shoulders.

Exercises on the horizontal bar are one of the most effective for visually changing the width of the shoulders. The main exercise in this cycle of training is the usual pull-up, but with a wide grip, the maximum possible for your preparation. During one workout, up to 8 pull-ups are performed.

Pull-ups with the widest grip allow you to effectively work your shoulders

Dumbbell exercises

  • Take one dumbbell in each hand, place your feet shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms along the body. Spread them apart, raising the brushes to shoulder level, lower them.

Breeding arms to the sides with dumbbells

  • Bend your legs slightly, lean forward slightly. Take one dumbbell in each hand, lower them down. At the same time, spread your arms to the sides and return to the starting position.

During the exercise, you should feel the muscles

  • Take one dumbbell with both hands, pull them forward in front of you. Holding your hands, raise them up and down.

Exercise with weights on outstretched arms

These three simple exercises allow you to work out all three heads of the delta.

Working on the biceps

There are no effective ways to pump up your arms at home in a week, but exercises performed on biceps will give a visible result in just a month.

  • Stand up, close your legs together, bend them slightly at the knees, keep your back straight. Take one dumbbell in each hand. Squeeze the muscles while lifting the dumbbells up, lock your elbows during the exercise in one position. Then lower the dumbbells down. While exercising, you should feel muscle tension.

Flexion / extension of arms with dumbbells

  • Sit on a chair, tilt your body forward, spread your legs apart. Take a dumbbell in one hand, rest your elbow on your thigh, lower your hand down. As you exhale, raise your arm with the dumbbell up, leaving your elbow in place. The second hand at this time acts as a support, put its brush on the second thigh. After completing the desired number of repetitions, change hands. Do exercises smoothly.

Seated biceps exercise

We grow triceps

Before you pump up your arms at home with dumbbells, check your training program and keep in mind that all exercises aimed at developing the pectoral muscles involve triceps. If you have a lot of them in your arsenal, one isolated triceps exercise will be enough.

  • Take dumbbells in your hands. Lift them up and, leading them over your head, bend. The elbows should be tightly pressed to the head, and the shoulder and forearm should form a right angle. As you exhale, straighten your arms. If everything is done correctly, they will line up with the body in a single straight line. This exercise can be done standing or sitting.

The exercise must be performed smoothly.

  • Find support. It can be a sofa chair or another surface that is stable on the floor. Turn your back to the support and rest with your hands, straighten your legs so that the body forms an arrow. Beginners can bend them at the knees. As you inhale, begin to bend your elbows, lowering your body down, butt should not touch the floor. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

The support in this exercise can be an ordinary chair.

  • To load the chest, back muscles and triceps, women can perform a bench press. In the light version, the emphasis is on the hands and knees. During push-ups, the elbows should be pointing back.

A variation of the exercise for a prepared organism

All exercises are performed in three sets with repetitions of 15-20 times.

Should you train your forearms?

Before pumping up your arms at home without dumbbells, include one or two exercises on the forearms, part of the arm from the hand to the elbow, into the training program. Training these muscles is important for the harmonious development of the whole body, and strengthening them reduces the risk of injury during weight training.

Expander is the simplest and effective method forearm muscle training

The muscles of the forearm are often used in everyday life, so it will be very difficult to achieve progress in the form of their active growth. For men, this is important and achieves a similar result with painstaking work for a long time, and for women it is enough just to keep the muscles in good shape. Without proper diligence and nutrition, there will be no mass growth in this area, they will remain graceful, feminine and at the same time strong.

Expanders are most often used to train the forearm. Before classes, you need to pick up a good hard projectile and work with a brush, observing the standard number of approaches and repetitions.

You can also work your forearms with dumbbells. To do this, take one dumbbell in one hand and perform flexion / extension of the wrists. The rest of the arm must be fixed, only the hand works. You can perform the exercise sitting or standing.

Features of women's training

Arm workouts for women are different from muscle development exercises for men. Standard requests from the representatives of the weaker sex, so that the hands in life and in the photo look neat, smart, feminine. Some girls want a relief, but not a pronounced one. Many are afraid to get a mountain of muscles and completely avoid putting a load on their hands.

Working out the hands allows women to make them fit

In women's training, it is quite difficult to achieve such an effect. The hormonal background and the constitution are different from men's. Reduced testosterone production and an increased percentage of body fat do not allow biceps and triceps to grow intensively. The legs and buttocks in this regard in women are much more responsive.

In order for the hands to look well-groomed, toned and beautiful, it is enough for ladies to include one separate workout with exercises for the hands per week. One or two exercises will be enough for each muscle group.

If the program includes exercises for the pectoral and spinal muscles, the arms will also be worked out in them.

Before you pump up your hands at home, women over the age of 40, 50 and older, as well as girls whose bodies are not prepared, need to tone the main muscle groups. To do this, it is enough to perform basic exercises without weights.

As they strengthen, they can be loaded. At first, half a liter bottles filled with water, or dumbbells weighing 0.5 kg, will be enough. You can take more weight when you manage to hone the technique of performing exercises. In the gym, a coach will help in this matter, and at home, a video.

Do not forget that doctors do not recommend engaging in women during menstruation. In individual cases, in agreement with the doctor, these days you can train the top, including the arms.


When working to improve the quality of your own body, you need to remember the importance of nutrition. Before pumping up your hands at home, decide what result you want to get.

In addition to nutrition, it is important to consume at least 1.5 - 2 liters of water.

If you are interested in losing weight, it is important to recalculate the number of calories consumed, taking into account the energy costs of training. In this case, the standard daily allowance will need to be reduced by several hundred calories, simple carbohydrates should be replaced with complex ones.

If you want to build muscle, you must be in a calorie surplus and training with a steady increase in weight.

Many women want to work out and emphasize the relief of their hands. This is where a low carb diet can help. It is not worth resorting to it the way professional athletes do. Violation of your usual balance of carbohydrates is fraught with food allergies and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It will be enough to focus on complex carbohydrates, fiber and increase the percentage of protein dishes in the diet. Don't cut out carbs and fats completely.

Both beginners and professionals in the training program should include loads on the main muscle groups and, on certain days of the week, pay attention to specific parts of the body. When compiling a program, do not forget about the breaks between workouts so that you can see progress in your studies, and you like the reflection of your own body more and more.