How a suspended ceiling is attached. Quick installation of suspended ceilings without noise and dust

In the middle of the 20th century, quite a unusual look ceiling covering, called today a stretch ceiling. In our country, such ceilings are considered French, apparently because France is their largest producer.

It is impossible not to note the splendor, beauty, aesthetics, as well as the variety of shades and textures of this coverage. Stretch ceilings have the ability to visually influence the geometry and dimensions of a room. Many owners who are starting renovations dream of decorating the shelves of their apartment in this way, and it is quite possible to do it yourself. The main thing is to understand how to attach suspended ceiling, and what this material is.

Stretch ceiling is a polyvinyl chloride fabric fixed in a profile or a knitted fabric made from polyester.

In addition to aesthetic appeal, stretch ceilings have significant advantages. We propose to evaluate these advantages using the example of comparison with suspended ceilings:

  • When installing suspended ceilings, it is carried out whole line work to eliminate various defects:
  1. scrupulous installation of slabs according to level;
  2. sealing cracks and seams;
  3. puttying of fastening places.

Despite such a difficult preliminary preparation of the base, it will be extremely difficult to ultimately obtain a perfectly even surface. ceiling surface. But stretch ceilings really provide an excellent opportunity to get a flat surface.

  • Attaching a ceiling sheet is less troublesome than a suspended ceiling. Let us remind you that when installing a suspended ceiling you have to:
  1. clear the room of furniture;
  2. spend a lot of time cutting, bending drywall, as well as subsequent putty and painting;
  3. wash the room, remove the abundance of dust and accumulated debris;

To attach a stretch ceiling, it will be enough to warm up the room, gently stretch it and then secure the canvas. Another advantage of suspended ceilings is their guaranteed long service life (about 10 years).

  • Moisture resistance is another advantage. Stretch ceilings are absolutely not afraid of moisture. If suddenly there is flooding by neighbors living above, the suspended ceiling will only bend under the weight of water, but will not break. After you pump out the water, your suspended ceiling will return to its original position.
  • Durability is another plus in the collection of suspended ceilings (100 kg per 1 m²).
  • Fire safety.
  • Excellent for rooms with low ceilings (they take up to five centimeters of room height).


  1. Any sharp object can cause damage quite easily.
  2. Expensive (price per 1 m² - from 200 rubles).
  3. The installation process is actually not as simple as it seems.
  4. Special equipment is required.
  5. You cannot install lamps of more than 50 W, as they will heat the canvas, and because of this it will lose its elasticity.

Let's consider the option of installing the ceiling of a room that does not have projections or ceiling communications. The film will be attached using a special profile-baguette.

  • At the first stage, armed with a hydraulic level, you need to determine the lower corner of the room, then make a two-centimeter indent from it and make a mark (these centimeters will be needed to attach the profile). This is exactly how you should measure and apply zero level along all walls of the room (along the perimeter).
  • Next, you need to measure the corners of the room, which is important for clear joining of the profile parts in the corners. For this purpose, a special folding protractor is used.
  • At the third stage it is necessary to prepare the profile rail. If the slats are longer than the width of the room, the edges of the slats must be filed at an angle, equal to half corner of the room (you can measure it with a folding protractor). If the rail turns out to be shorter than the width of the room, then one corner should be cut at an angle of 45°, and the other at an angle of 90°, in order to achieve a clear connection between the parts of the profile. Then the missing section of the profile is taken and filed in the same way, but the bevel is now made for the opposite corner. The sawn sections of the profile are glued with glue.

  • The prepared profile must be fixed to the wall using dowels according to the level you have previously marked (you can also use self-tapping screws).
  • To do this, turn on heat gun(fan heater) and the room being repaired is heated to a temperature of 40°.

  • Next, you need to unwind the film, heat it to approximately 60°, trying not to bring it close to the heat gun.
  • Having prepared the film, you can begin the process of stretching it.
  • You need to start attaching the canvas from the base angle (the mark is marked on the film). After securing the base corner, the canvas is fastened in the opposite corner (diagonally).

  • After securing all the corners, you need to secure the sides of the canvas (from the corners to the center).

We looked at the process of attaching film-based stretch ceilings. Installation of fabric ceilings should be done starting from the sides, followed by fastening the fabric in the corners of the room.


We bring to your attention a video about fixing a stretch ceiling.

Installing suspended ceilings is not a very complicated process if you have instructions on how to install suspended ceilings. Stretch ceiling - modern design ceiling surface, characterized by a variety of options. They represent a specific design, including sheets of fabric or polyvinyl chloride. Possessing big amount advantages, such ceiling coverings are increasingly used in interior design.

In order to save money, many people want to independently master the technology of installing suspended ceilings. At first glance, the process seems labor-intensive, with a lot of nuances. In fact, if you know all the main points, it will not be difficult to install suspended ceilings in an apartment with your own hands.

Stretch ceilings as a ceiling surface finish are very popular due to the following advantages:

  • Wide selection of color shades and textures. Using the method of photo printing on canvas allows you to solve the most complex design ideas.

  • They are much easier to install than suspended structures. At the same time, no dust or dirt remains after work.

  • Polyvinyl chloride film is capable of holding large volumes of water, which will help out when the neighbors above lose their vigilance and forget to close the taps.

  • Such coatings are not afraid of moisture, so they are suitable for installation in any type of premises.

  • Long service life (about 20 years).

How to install suspended ceilings: mounting options

The time to install a stretch ceiling depends on the type of coating and the chosen method of fastening:

  • Harpoon - used for installing ceilings made of PVC film. Hooks are welded along the edges of the canvases, similar in appearance to harpoons. During installation of the canvas, these hooks are inserted into a baguette attached to the wall, which holds the main load while the canvas is tensioned.

  • The clip type provides for fastening fabric ceilings. Clips are installed along the edges of the canvases, which secure the fabric to the baguette.

  • Beading - an alternative harpoon method. However, the products included in the design are of lower quality. Due to this, over time, the fastenings weaken and the ceiling begins to sag.

How to install a suspended ceiling: features of tensioning the canvases

The stretch ceiling structure is presented as a kit, which includes fastening elements and the main fabric. The structure must be placed around the perimeter of the room, then material is attached to it, which is subsequently stretched, creating a perfectly flat and smooth surface.

Stretch ceilings are divided into two types:

But the fabric can be painted in any shade and a pattern can be applied. Also, such materials breathe well and are environmentally friendly.

Important! The production of suspended ceilings is carried out based on the client’s order after taking measurements of a specific room.

Installation of canvases on the frame is carried out in one of two ways:

  • Hot method. Designed for PVC film and involves the use of a heat gun, which heats the coating to the required temperature. The film stretches as it cools.
  • Fabric coverings are installed using the cold method. They are attached to baguettes and stretched, after which the seams are decorated with ceiling plinths.

How to install suspended ceilings: measurements

Before installing ceilings, it is necessary to take measurements of the room and order canvases and materials.

The room must be measured in the following ways:

  1. For a square or rectangular room, measure the lengths of the sides and one diagonal (from corner to corner).
  2. Polygonal room complex design requires measuring all walls and diagonals from one corner to other corners, both internal and external.

Accurate calculations will not only save financial resources to pay for the ceiling covering, but will also be the key to the durability of future ceilings.

How to install a suspended ceiling correctly: features of the technological process

The installation of a suspended ceiling begins with the installation of a baguette (profile) that holds the entire structure. This stage is considered to be the most important, since it is this stage that ensures the reliability and durability of the future ceiling.

Installation of the profile when installing suspended ceilings includes the following sequence of steps:

  • Using a hydraulic level, mark points along the perimeter at a distance of at least 3 cm from the ceiling surface. To do this, you need to determine the lowest corner of the room and take it as a basis. If it is intended to install large-sized lighting fixtures, the distance between the rough ceiling and the canvas is increased to the required level.
  • Using upholstery cord, horizontal lines are drawn along the marked points along the entire perimeter of the room.
  • The mounted baguette must first be fixed in the most “unruly” and inconvenient corner of the room. In this case, joining profile elements in the corners is prohibited, since the sharp corners of the material will easily tear the stretched film or fabric. To avoid this, in the corners of the room, the baguette is sawed down along the back wall, leaving the front intact. Next, the profile is bent along the cut area. The profiles are attached to the wall with self-tapping screws at intervals of 20 cm. In loose walls, the self-tapping screws are screwed at a distance of at least 8 cm from each other.
  • After installing the first plank, move on to the second. It is fixed to the wall close to the previous one, and the joint must be aligned on a horizontal plane. This is done until the entire perimeter of the ceiling is surrounded by baguette.
  • To soften the sharp edges of the profile, they must be covered with masking tape.

2. Installation of canvases on the frame

Before attaching the canvas, you need to make sure that there is no peeling of the plaster on the rough surface. Otherwise, the falling parts old decoration can damage the canvas or create additional load on it, causing the stretch ceiling to sag.

Also on at this stage it is necessary to install electrical wiring under and check the operation of the electrical system.

  • PVC sheets are attached to installed baguettes using a heat gun. The room is first heated to 40 degrees, which gives the film elasticity and pliability in operation. Then the film is unrolled, hooks (harpoons) or clips are welded to the sides of the canvas, and fixed to baguettes in the corners of the room, heating the canvas to a temperature of 60 degrees.

Installation of the canvas begins from the base angle. Typically, manufacturers put a corresponding mark on the film, which is the first attachment point.

Installing suspended ceilings using the harpoon method, it is necessary to drive the harpoons with the corresponding grooves into the profile holes using a spatula until they click. You need to move from the corner to the middle of the room, constantly heating the film to maintain a temperature of 60 degrees.

With another fastening method, the canvas must exceed the size of the ceiling surface, but the sequence of its tension does not change. The main difference is in the fastening elements (harpoon, clip or glazing bead).

After installation, it is necessary to trim off the excess parts of the canvas. As the film cools, it shrinks, stretching and becoming perfectly flat and smooth.

  • Installation of fabric stretch ceilings does not require preheating. According to the method of fastening, the installation of such a ceiling is somewhat different from. First, it is necessary to fix the canvas in the middle of the supporting profile, while parts of it 5-7 cm long remain as a reserve at the edges. Therefore, fabric fabric must be purchased for ceiling installation. bigger size than the surface.

Important! Fabric coverings are inserted into the corners at the very end of the process, unlike PVC sheets.

The folds are straightened with a hair dryer. To do this, the jammed areas need to be warmed with rotating circular movements. The temperature should not exceed 200 degrees, and the distance between the coating and the hair dryer should be 20 cm.

Upon completion installation work excess edges are trimmed and plugs are fixed.

After the installation of suspended ceilings is completed, they proceed to the installation of lighting fixtures.

Installers mainly use two fastening methods - harpoon and clip. They provide the possibility of subsequent, in contrast to the glazing bead method.

Installation of stretch ceiling. Detailed video instructions

Ceiling design with a smooth panel spread over the head is widely in demand. Such projects are implemented quickly and their results are reliable. Provided that the fastening of the stretch ceiling to the ceiling or walls is done technologically correctly, without flaws. Not only comfort and aesthetics, but also the service life of the final product depend on the quality of installation.

Features of suspended ceilings

It is very important to ensure a strong fixation of the load-bearing baguettes in preparation for the canvas tensioning phase

The chain of actions during fastening varies. It is built in accordance with the suspended ceiling fastening system and the wishes of the apartment owners. To hold film or textiles with waterproof impregnation you will need building profiles or baguettes - elements of a suspended structure made of aluminum or polymer (polyvinyl chloride).

Metal strips are more durable and look more solid - they stop there experienced craftsmen.

The standard length of the product is 2.5 m. Fragments can be cut, connected and even bent to create rather intricate outlines and transitions. When choosing the most suitable method of attaching suspended ceilings in rooms where renovation is planned, take into account the material of the finishing fabric and the initial characteristics of the load-bearing floors/partitions.

For structures made of wood, it is unlikely that any of the variations will be suitable: wood can deform when tightened and does not independently retain the rigid skeleton frame in its original state. In buildings constructed using concrete and brick, such problems will not arise. However, the question of how to attach a suspended ceiling is controversial.

Construction and installation techniques

The procedure for preparing for fixing ceiling panels is formed in a number of steps

There are several approaches; they are sold in both pure and mixed forms. The following types of fastening of suspended ceilings in the house are distinguished:

  • glazing bead
  • harpoon
  • wedge

IN last years The 4th concept, the clothespin concept, is gaining more and more popularity. True, it is extremely expensive and is used exclusively for working with imported fabric rolls. The birthplace of the method is Switzerland; there he is known as classic nameСlipso (“clipso”).

The procedure for fixing with a bead

edge fabric ceiling should be secured with extreme care

The most accessible methods are the glazing bead system for attaching a stretch ceiling to the walls. Its technique is based on the ability of the wedge-bead to clamp and thus hold the canvas snapped into the slot of the profile strip. The canvas is stretched onto metal strips screwed to vertical planes - close to the ceiling. The resulting narrow gap is covered with a plinth.

The accuracy of measurements in this case is “lame”, so the stock of base at the edges is left impressive: at least 15 cm. The excess is hidden at the “decorating” stage - when attaching the baguette for suspended ceilings along the outer contour. The set of described manipulations is simple and inexpensive. But it is accompanied by the fundamental inability of the described “dome” to be subjected to current repairs.

Harpoon method

The bead fastening method involves manual fixation of a suspended ceiling structure

The complexity of the work chain and the decent cost are quite justified here: after all, the result will be a smooth and aesthetically impeccable coating that can be easily repaired if necessary, more than once. Ideal tension, convenient fastening of the stretch ceiling to the ceiling without the need to screw its edges to the wall plane, and high installation speed - these are the advantages of the method under consideration.

The sequence of operations looks like this.

  • Preliminary calculation of the parameters of the decorative part (film-fabric), carried out according to computer program. Serious deviations and adjustments in the situation with production refueling are not provided for.
  • The edging of the film around the perimeter, on top of the sheathing, is carried out by a harpoon hook, which inserts the edges of the huge ceiling flap into the slot-like bed of the profile. The cutting is precise, the film tension is perfect, there are no flaws.

Pros and cons of wedge fastening

For harpoon mount stretched canvases, a special baguette is used

According to the limiting required area a line with an indentation of approximately 3 cm from the base ceiling is screwed onto the mounting strip-plinth. The question of what and how to attach a baguette for suspended ceilings is decided according to the situation. Wedges-cones become a means of clamping the ends of the canvas. The stretching is done when the film cools. The excess is cut off or hidden under a decorative edging.

The wedge ceiling fastening scheme is simple, but requires careful consideration of all steps

Value wedge system fastening suspended ceilings is beyond doubt. There are several positive positions:

  • the elementary nature of the geometric knowledge necessary for installation as a counterbalance to complicating matters preliminary calculations, not tolerant the slightest mistakes;
  • the possibility of situational adjustment to the changing circumstances of the construction and repair epic, which is important for working with coatings of particularly bizarre shapes;
  • the relative cheapness of solving the problem of how suspended ceilings are attached in areas of living space that are unequal in purpose and operating conditions.

Let's consider the negative:

  • imperfection of manual stretching techniques, which causes sagging of the PVC film after a few years;
  • inability to dismantle a flooded or mechanically damaged layer to organize drainage or repair.

Thematic video

No matter how convincing the statements of amateur craftsmen may sound about exactly how and to what a suspended ceiling is attached in someone’s cottage or apartment, remember: it is recommended to discuss the details of the beginning renovation with specialists - designers and finishers. From the tool, the texture of the panels and a group of accompanying devices to the subtleties of building decor.

After all, not only in aesthetic impression and home comfort case. Complete safety and desired comfort are formed by knowledge of the theory and truly professional completion of each phase of the arrangement. Good luck finding the optimal combination in a series of “ceiling maneuvers.”

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How to attach a stretch ceiling to a plasterboard wall - 3 effective and affordable options

This article is addressed to those who want to combine plasterboard structures with tensioned fabrics on the ceiling. This combination is possible if the installation technology is followed. To explain to the reader how to do this correctly, I will tell you about three options for attaching a stretch ceiling to plasterboard walls.

Features of fastening suspended ceilings to plasterboard

I want to say right away that these two types of finishing materials have completely different properties, so the installation of gypsum boards and the installation of suspended ceilings have completely different technological features.

  • Plasterboard sheet is a composite material consisting of two outer layers of cardboard, between which there is a mineral core (gypsum);
  • During the installation process, it is installed on the wall supporting frame made of galvanized metal profile , and then sheets of drywall are attached to it.

This technology has become widespread in individual construction, for several reasons:

  • Firstly, it makes it possible to easily hide significant visible construction defects from prying eyes, and allows even very crooked walls to be leveled without much difficulty;
  • Secondly, finishing walls and ceilings with plasterboard opens up wide scope for creativity, as it makes it possible to create original design solutions in interior design;
  • And thirdly, such work is quite simple to perform, so anyone can easily cope with it. House master, even without the appropriate practical skills.

From my experience, I can say that in practice, a suspended ceiling on plasterboard is most often installed in one of two cases:

  1. A classic example of the combined use of these materials is a residential apartment or room in a new house from a developer, which is usually put into operation without any interior rough finishing, with uneven, clumsy walls and crooked ceilings.

In this case:

    • first, all surfaces are covered with plasterboard sheets;
    • then the premises are finished;
    • after this, suspended ceilings are mounted on plasterboard;
  1. Some interior design projects involve the manufacture of a multi-level ceiling with decorative lighting. In this case, a supporting frame made of a metal profile is installed around the perimeter of the room, which is then covered with plasterboard sheets. The topmost basic level is made in the form of a tension panel, which is attached to a clamping profile installed around the entire perimeter of the decorative plasterboard.

There are situations when three walls in a room are made of reinforced concrete or brickwork, and the fourth wall or interior partition made of plasterboard. In this case, to concrete and brick walls, the supporting profile for a suspended ceiling should be mounted using conventional dowels, and it should be attached to a plasterboard wall using one of the methods described below.

Design and principle of installation of suspended ceilings

The main advantage of fabric and vinyl stretch ceilings is that they allow you to obtain an almost unlimited area, perfectly flat, homogeneous surface. After installing the tension fabric, there are no visible cracks, gaps or joints left on it; moreover, it itself has an aesthetic appearance and does not require additional decorative finishing.

Despite the fact that the price of suspended ceilings still remains quite high, today they are considered very popular in the niche finishing apartments

To install the tension panel, a metal or plastic supporting profile is used, which is attached to the walls along the entire perimeter of the room, in close proximity to the concrete ceiling. According to the method of fastening the canvas and the internal structure of the locking mechanism, all existing options for supporting profiles can be divided into four types:

  • harpoon,
  • cam,
  • wedge,
  • glazing bead.

In this case, the design of a specific fastening system is not of fundamental importance, so I general outline I’ll tell you about the main features of installing all suspended ceilings in general.

  1. First of all, you need to apply horizontal markings to all walls, along which the supporting profile will be attached. The most convenient way to do this is with laser level , however, if you don’t have one, you can use a regular hydraulic level;

  1. The supporting profile must be fastened along the marking lines strictly horizontally, not allowing smooth arc bends on straight sections, or sharp breaks at the junctions of the rods;
  2. For fastening the profile to capital load-bearing walls, expandable plastic dowels and screws 4.5x60 mm should be used. The distance between two adjacent fastening points should be no more than 150-200 mm;
  3. The stretch ceiling panel must be carefully unfolded and hung at the corners to the supporting profile using temporary hooks. If it sags too low to the floor, it can be secured in several places with temporary clamps, such as powerful large clothespins;

  1. Vinyl film has heat-shrink properties, so it needs to be pulled in a hot state. To do this, it must be heated evenly over the entire area to a temperature of 50°-60°C, using an electric or gas heat gun;
  2. The fabric does not require preheating, so you can start tensioning it immediately after installing the supporting profiles;
  3. After heating the vinyl sheet to the desired temperature, Attaching suspended ceilings to the supporting profile should begin from the middle of the short side of the room;

  1. Having secured two opposite corners on a short wall, you need to gradually tuck it into the profile along the long side of the room;
  2. After the panel is attached to the profile along the entire perimeter, small folds may remain on the ceiling. There is nothing wrong with this, because after the vinyl sheet has cooled, it will straighten itself over time and stretch due to the heat-shrinkable properties of the material;
  3. To top it all off, plastic linings in the form will need to be installed in the grooves of the supporting profile along the entire length decorative plinth. They will help hide the technological gaps between the wall and the ceiling along the entire perimeter of the room, hide the locking mechanism of the tension fabric, and give the room a finished appearance.

The fabric fabric does not have heat-shrinkable properties, therefore, when installing fabric stretch ceilings, a glazing bead type supporting profile is most often used. This clamping mechanism allows the panel to be evenly tensioned during the process of fastening it. It should be borne in mind that for installing a fabric stretch ceiling, the instructions prescribe a significantly greater tension force than for attaching a ceiling covering made of vinyl film.

Preparation of tools and materials

From a technological point of view, installing a suspended ceiling on plasterboard walls represents two completely different types finishing works. First you need to install the supporting frame and secure it to it plasterboard sheets, and then you need to mount the supporting profile and attach the stretch ceiling covering to it.

When choosing tools and purchasing materials, this point should be taken into account, so you need to prepare the appropriate tools, both for plasterboard works, and for working with suspended ceilings.

  1. For drilling holes in concrete walls and ceiling, you will need an electric hammer drill with a set of drills with a diameter of 6 to 12 mm;

  1. If all the walls in your house are built from brickwork, you can get by with powerful impact drill with a set of pobedit drills of the same diameters;
  2. During the installation process, you will need to tighten a lot of screws, so for these purposes it is best to use a cordless screwdriver with a special attachment;
  3. To heat the vinyl sheet, you will need an electric or gas heat gun.. When choosing a heat gun, you should note that electric models have high power consumption, and for operation gas guns a cylinder with liquefied natural gas is required;

  1. It is more convenient to cover walls with plasterboard and install suspended ceilings using a regular household stepladder. If you don’t have a stepladder, you can use a high, sturdy table instead;
  2. Kit hand tools includes a medium hammer, one shaped screwdriver, two wide flathead screwdrivers, wide and narrow metal spatulas, a sharp utility knife, large and small pliers or pliers, a small plane for working the edges of sheets, and a hacksaw or tin snips;
  3. In addition to this set, you will need a metal ruler 1 m long, a tape measure at least 5 m long, a hydraulic or laser level, a bubble level, as well as a large square or protractor;

  1. From the materials for covering the walls, you need to purchase sheets of plasterboard, a set of metal profiles for the manufacture of a load-bearing frame, connecting crabs, as well as a set of necessary fasteners;
  2. The kit for installing suspended ceilings, in addition to the panel itself, should include metal or plastic supporting profiles with plastic decorative plugs, protectors for the passage of electrical cables and heating pipes, as well as mounting screws or self-tapping screws.

To choose correctly desired type bearing profile and locking mechanism, I recommend contacting specialists in the organization where you will buy all the components for installing suspended ceilings. They will need to indicate the dimensions of the room and explain how you plan to install the suspended ceiling. Based on this data, they will help you choose the right profile model and type of clamping fastening for each specific case.

Option 1: manufacturing a combined two-level ceiling

As you know, plasterboard sheets are used in construction not only for leveling curved walls. They are often used to create original design solutions the most unusual configuration, including for the manufacture of multi-level suspended ceilings with built-in lamps or counter-openwork lighting.

I will not now describe in detail all the features of installation and finishing of interior plasterboard structures, because this is a topic for a separate article. Here I want to talk about how to attach a suspended ceiling to plasterboard, using the simplest example two-level ceiling with a rectangular box around the perimeter of the room.

  1. First of all, you need to decide on the depth decorative ceiling . This value will determine the distance from the capital ceiling, to the lowest point of the plasterboard box;

  1. The resulting size must be laid out on the wall, from the lowest point of the major ceiling. Then, at the same height, using a hydraulic or laser level, apply horizontal marking lines on all walls;
  2. Using the drawn marking lines, fasten the lower horizontal profiles to the wall for installing drywall. For fasteners you need to use plastic dowels and galvanized screws 4.5x60 mm;
  3. Next, you need to determine the width of the decorative box, and using this size, draw four marking lines on the ceiling, which should run at the same distance, parallel to each wall;

  1. By inside each line will need to be secured in the same way to the horizontal guide profile. The distance between two adjacent fastening points should be 400-500 mm;
  2. After this, you need to cut two groups of identical vertical and horizontal lintels from the wall profile with your own hands. The number of jumpers in each group is determined by the formula: room perimeter length * 0.6;
  3. The length of all vertical jumpers must be equal to the depth of the decorative ceiling, and the length of the horizontal jumpers must be equal to the width of the plasterboard ceiling box;
  4. Horizontal transverse jumpers must be cantilevered to the wall guide profile, perpendicular to each wall, at a distance of about 600 mm from one another;

  1. Four longitudinal horizontal profiles must be secured to the free ends of the transverse jumpers. They must connect with each other internal corners future box, and form a free-hanging rectangle;
  2. This rectangle needs to be connected vertically crossbars with a ceiling guide profile in such a way that the result is a closed spatial frame for the ceiling box.
  3. Now you need to decide at what distance from the main ceiling the stretch ceiling panel will be located. At this level, a continuous horizontal profile along the inner perimeter of the decorative box must be attached to the vertical jumpers;

  1. After this, the supporting frame can be covered with plasterboard, finishing done, and the installation of the supporting profile for the stretch ceiling can begin;
  2. It must be fastened in such a way that all the screws along the entire length must fit into the metal profile, and in no case should they be wrapped only in drywall. Compliance with this condition is very important, since over time, under the influence of the tension of the canvas, the screws can come out of the plasterboard;
  3. Once the entire supporting profile has been secured, you can begin installing the vinyl or fabric panel. I briefly wrote about how to install suspended ceilings in the second section of this article.

If you plan to make a multi-level ceiling with built-in lamps, with counter-openwork lighting, or with fiber-optic decorative lighting, then all supply communications and electrical cables must be laid before the decorative box is covered with plasterboard.

Option 2: installation of embedded structures

Now let's consider a situation where suspended ceilings need to be mounted on one level and secured directly to straight and smooth walls from plasterboard. At first glance, this option may seem simpler, but we must not forget that drywall has much less rigidity and lower bearing capacity than reinforced concrete or brick main walls.

When tensioning the canvas, significant effort must be applied, so homeowners often have doubts about whether it is possible to attach a suspended ceiling to plasterboard, and how reliable such an attachment will be?

I would like to answer right away that this option is not only possible, but is also widely used when decorating residential and office premises. The reliability of this method of fastening will largely depend on how competently you carry out this work, so next I will talk about how to correctly install mortgages under a suspended ceiling in a load-bearing frame for plasterboard.

  1. On initial stage work, assembly and installation of the load-bearing frame should be carried out in accordance with generally accepted building codes (normative document SP 55-101-2000 “Enclosing structures using plasterboard sheets”);
  2. After the entire frame is mounted and secured to the wall, in its upper part you need to install embedded structures that will serve to fasten the load-bearing profile of the stretch ceiling;
  3. For installation of suspended ceilings in a small living room, embeds can be made from a galvanized metal profile for plasterboard. In rooms with large area, for these purposes it is better to use wooden blocks with a cross section of at least 60x60 mm;
  4. The height of the fastening of the mortgage must be calculated in such a way that its lower edge is located at the same level with the front plane of the future tension fabric;

  1. If you use horizontal jumpers made of a metal profile as a mortgage structure, then each such jumper must be secured in two places to each vertical rack profile;
  2. When installing a mortgage wooden beam, I advise you to additionally fasten each lintel to the main wall in at least two places, using nylon expansion dowels and plumbing bolts with wide washers;
  3. When the mortgages for the suspended ceiling are installed along the entire perimeter of the walls, it will be possible to begin covering the frame with plasterboard and finishing the room;
  4. After finishing the finishing work, at a given level it will be necessary to mount load-bearing profiles (baguettes) and attach the stretch ceiling panel to them. To fasten the profile, it is best to choose wood or metal screws measuring 6x60 mm.

In order to evenly distribute the tearing load along the entire length of the embedded beam, self-tapping screws for fastening the supporting profile must be installed in increments of no more than 100-150 mm. In all corners of the room and at the joints of the supporting profile, self-tapping screws should be located no further than 20 mm from the end edge of the whip.

Option 3: installation of fabric and vinyl ceilings on sewn walls

This situation often happens when homeowners decide to install a stretch ceiling after completing overhaul in the apartment. For this reason, our readers periodically ask questions in their comments: is it possible to stretch a fabric or vinyl sheet onto the ceiling after all the walls in the room have been covered with plasterboard.

From my personal experience I can answer that this method of fastening is, in principle, possible, but the following rules must be observed:

  1. First of all, you need to check how reliably and efficiently the plasterboard is installed on the main wall, especially in its upper part, along the entire perimeter of the room;

  1. In this case, you need to pay attention not only to the fastening of plasterboard sheets, but also to the quality of assembly of the supporting frame. When examining the surface, no deflections, rattling, backlash, cracking or delamination of the plasterboard wall should be detected;
  2. Considering that ordinary self-tapping screws in drywall do not withstand prolonged exposure to dynamic pull-out loads, only expandable metal or plastic anchors should be used to secure the supporting profile;
  3. As an example, I can offer metal expansion anchors MOLA 5x13 with profile fastening with M5 screws, or plastic expansion anchors OLA 8x13 with profile fastening using 3.5x60 mm self-tapping screws. Such fasteners are intended for single-layer plasterboard sheets with a thickness of 12.5 mm;

  1. When installing a load-bearing profile, I advise installing expansion anchors in plasterboard as often as possible, at a distance of at least 100 mm from one another;
  2. To increase the reliability of fastening, you need to try to make sure that the anchors catch on each vertical rack profile of the supporting frame;
  3. To determine the exact location vertical racks behind plasterboard panels, you can use a portable metal detector or special application in a smartphone, and if you have neither one nor the other, then a powerful permanent magnet will help you with this;

  1. As an alternative option for installing suspended ceilings in rooms with plasterboard walls, I can offer, instead of wall profiles, use a ceiling type of supporting profile. They have the same design of the clamping mechanism, but differ in that they are mounted not to the walls around the perimeter of the room, but directly to the main ceiling;
  2. If the main ceilings in your room are very crooked, or for some reason, the suspended ceiling needs to be lowered significantly below the main ceiling, then such a profile can be fixed through spacers made of a thick narrow board or wooden beam of a suitable section.

Once again, I would like to remind you that installing fabric requires a significantly greater tension force, so all the methods described in this section are recommended to be used exclusively for installing vinyl stretch ceilings. I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that for normal fastening of the load-bearing profile, the thickness of the plasterboard sheets on all walls must be at least 12.5 mm.

If any of the readers found all the described methods too complicated, then I can offer an even simpler option:

  • The fact is that the minimum permissible distance between the concrete floor and the suspended ceiling is 35 mm;
  • In a normal situation, if the main floor in your room is not very crooked, then when installing the load-bearing profile on a plasterboard wall, you just get all the fastening screws into the metal ceiling horizontal guide;

Stretch ceilings are becoming more and more popular over time, gradually overtaking plasterboard structures in popularity.

The thing is that the suspended ceiling looks much more beautiful due to the wide variety of PVC color palettes and installing it is not difficult, everything is done very quickly, without clogging the room.

People often wonder: is it possible to combine tension and suspended ceilings? After all, a multi-level combined ceiling looks richer and causes more amazement; PVC and plasterboard sheets combine perfectly with each other in the final result.

Is it possible to make a combination of suspended and suspended ceilings?

The answer to this question is unequivocal - yes. For professionals this is not difficult. Of course, installing such a ceiling will take more time, but the result will be a spectacular look.

But there are still some nuances in fastening combined ceilings:

1. Stretch ceilings require additional reinforcement to ensure the safety of the plasterboard when the canvas is stretched.

It could be:

  • Double plasterboard sheet.
  • Plywood with plasterboard.
  • A wooden mortgage, which is used when lowering the height of a stretch ceiling.

2. The impossibility of stretching PVC onto a surface with sharp corners or sharp bends.

How should the process work?

The whole process of creating a stretch ceiling is quite simple. Attached along the entire perimeter mounting profiles, in several places a film is attached to them, previously prepared to the size of the ceiling. It is heated using a heat gun and carefully inserted under the profile with a spatula. Thus, the film stretches along the entire perimeter, acquiring the desired shape.

After the gun is turned off, a natural cooling process occurs; it is very important to prevent drafts at this moment, otherwise you will get poor-quality work.

But the task becomes more difficult if stretch fabric must be attached to the plasterboard sheet. Here you need to take into account that it may not withstand the load.

How to proceed in this case?

Attaching a stretch ceiling to plasterboard

It will not be possible to attach mounting profiles to drywall with a self-tapping screw or dowel, as they will simply tear out. The only correct option would be embedded profiles to which the mounting strip will be attached. The mortgages will be responsible for the safety of the drywall and are able to withstand the load that the suspended ceiling will carry.

What are embedded profiles?

These are ordinary profiles that are made from the same material as the profiles for plasterboard systems. To strengthen the ceiling installation site, you can also use a wooden block for mortgages.

You can stretch the canvas after completing all finishing work in the room. To install a multi-level ceiling, you need to secure all the mortgages before hemming the lower level of drywall.

Types of PVC fastening:

1. French mount. The most difficult type of fastening, since the size of the canvas must exactly match the size of the ceiling. An aluminum strip is installed around the entire perimeter into which the film is fixed.

When installing the strip on drywall, it is attached to the profile holding the sheet.

2. Dutch mount implies the ability to trim off excess ends of the film, so the canvas is made 10 cm smaller than the ceiling itself. The PVC is fixed using two strips, like in an embroidery hoop.

3. Cam fastener suitable for multi-level ceilings. The film is inserted into the fastening jaws with a spatula and, after heating, is clamped into them.