How to glue meter vinyl wallpaper on non-woven base. How to paste over the walls and ceiling with non-woven wallpaper? How to choose glue for vinyl or non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is a modern finishing material that has proven itself well. With its help, you can realize the most incredible design solutions. In addition, they can be pasted over the walls of all rooms of the apartment, including those with high humidity. However, non-standard sizes of wallpaper for Russia ( wide size sheet, 2 times larger) and another, different from paper wallpaper, gluing technology, require careful study of how to glue non-woven wallpaper yourself.

Non-woven wallpaper is a multilayer non-woven material made of modified cellulose fibers (70%) and binders (30%), which also contain polyester fiber additives.

Unlike plain paper, this type of material has high fire resistance, tear strength and abrasion resistance. In appearance, it resembles paper of a white or yellowish color, in structure - fiberglass, to the touch - elastic fabric.

In the production of tapestries, interlining can be used in combination with other types of wallpaper material: vinyl and paper. In everyday life, it is also customary to consider them as non-woven wallpaper. But this independent species wallpaper fabric:

  • vinyl wallpapers based on interlining;
  • wallpaper for painting, where the bottom layer is non-woven, the top one is paper.

Classics are considered light, smooth wallpaper from only non-woven fabric. about them and will be discussed below.

Advantages and disadvantages

Non-woven wallpaper has many advantages:

  • have a huge number of design solutions;
  • durable, thanks to which they long term operation;
  • have high moisture resistance, which allows you to do wet cleaning not only of the floor, but also of the walls (can be washed using special tools);
  • do not absorb odors;
  • dense, easily hide minor flaws on the wall surface (microcracks, roughness);
  • vapor-permeable, which makes it possible to paste them over any premises (entrance hall, children's room, bathroom, etc.);
  • environmentally friendly;
  • do not support open flame combustion (have high level fire safety);
  • elastic - stretch when the glued surface is deformed (shrinkage, microcracks, etc.), which is important for newly built houses;
  • do not fade under the influence of ultraviolet rays;
  • easily removed for replacement
  • technological:
  1. applying glue to the wall greatly simplifies the pasting process (wallpaper sheets do not get wet from the adhesive mass, which makes it easy to join them and customize the pattern);
  2. can be glued on any substrate (concrete, cement and gypsum plaster or putty, wood, drywall);
  3. having a width of 1.06 m (standard for Russia), they reduce the number of seams, which reduces the time for gluing tapestries on the wall;

There are also disadvantages:

  • high price (the cost of 1 roll is about 1.0 thousand rubles, which makes them inaccessible when repairing the entire apartment for people with low incomes);
  • transparency - even the inscription on the GKL shines through them, not to mention the color spots on the wall;
  • retain traces of glue that has fallen on the front side.

Surface preparation

Quality and durability of wall finishes modern views wallpaper is largely determined by the level of surface preparation. First of all, this applies to non-woven trellises, although there is another point of view among non-professionals that they can be glued to old wallpaper.

From a technological point of view, such an approach is possible - the non-woven fabric is light and the glue will always keep it on the tapestries that have served their time. But from the aesthetic side, this finishing option is impossible - it will be very clearly visible through the newly glued sheets. old drawing, unless of course the previous wallpaper is plain, with a light color scheme.

The whole process of preparing walls for wallpapering is discussed in detail in the work “How to prepare walls for wallpapering”. Let us briefly recall what was discussed there.

Before finishing the apartment with wallpaper, you must perform the following work in sequence:

  1. clear the walls old finish and, if necessary, from plaster;
  2. repair the formed microcracks, delaminations, shells, etc.;
  3. prime the surface;
  4. level uneven walls with cement-sand or dry (drywall, plywood, etc.) plaster;
  5. putty the surface of the plaster;
  6. treat the surface on which the tapestries are glued with a primer.

Tools and materials

Sticking non-woven wallpaper requires the presence in the workplace:

  • rolls of non-woven tapestries;
  • specialized wallpaper glue for interlining;
  • plumb or laser level;
  • roulettes for 3 m;
  • rules;
  • wide metal spatula;
  • a knife with a removable blade;
  • a simple pencil;
  • hand towels;
  • cuvettes for glue or a special mesh for removing excess glue from the roller if it is dipped into a container with glue;
  • a pile roller (foam rubber unevenly applies glue to the wall);
  • a rubber roller for rolling wallpaper (you can use a special plastic spatula for tapestries);
  • cone-shaped roller for processing joints;
  • foam rubber sponges;
  • plastic bucket for clean water.

Wallpaper preparation

After the type of wallpaper is selected for each room, the color and pattern that fit into the overall design solution for the interior of the apartment, finishing material is purchased. Here it is very important to take all the tubes of the same article and one change of release, so as not to get the problem of different shades in different wallpaper rolls.

Quantity calculation

When calculating the number of rolls needed for repairs, you cannot use special tables, where, based on the perimeter of the room and the height of the ceiling, required amount tubes - non-woven wallpaper has a different width.

The calculation begins with determining the area of ​​​​the walls (the length of the wall is multiplied by the height and all the results are summed up). From the result obtained, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe door and window openings. The resulting number is divided by the area of ​​1 roll.

With dimensions of 10x1.06 m, the area of ​​​​one tube is 10.6 m 2. However, experts do not take into account the decimal value of the indicator and divide by 10. To the result obtained, 1 roll per room is added for pasting corners, door and window openings and 1 tube for every 6 rolls, if necessary, adjusting the pattern.

Glue preparation

The durability and quality of wall decoration with non-woven wallpaper directly depends on the type of adhesive chosen. He must:

  • have good adhesion to trellises;
  • diluted to a thick consistency, which allows it to be applied in a thin layer without smudges;
  • do not leave marks when dry - do not turn yellow.

Only specialized glue satisfies such requirements - universal even light non-woven trellises hold poorly. We note here that there are two types of special glue: for light and heavy wallpaper.

Attention: heavy tapestries are represented by vinyl with a non-woven backing (vinyl tapestries). So here we are talking only about glue for light (purely non-woven) types of wallpaper.

Which glue to choose

On the shelves of hardware stores you can see huge variety trademarks wallpaper glue for interlining. However, due to the lack of reliable information about quality characteristics unfamiliar brands, it is better to buy well-known brands.

The cheapest glue from recognizable brands, which is due to Russian origin (250 g package from 200 rubles, 500 g from 399 rubles). Suitable for all types of non-woven trellis, including heavy vinyl wallpaper.

Provides good sliding of a sheet of wallpaper on the wall during docking. Contains additives against mold and fungus. Can be stored undiluted for up to a week. At the same time, it also has disadvantages:

  • poorly bred - it is difficult to obtain a homogeneous mass;
  • not suitable for tapestries with a three-dimensional pattern - it requires tight rolling, which cannot be done with a rubber roller on embossed wallpaper (a wallpaper spatula cannot provide such an effort).

A product of the famous German company Henkel. It is made from methylcellulose and natural resins, which provide reliable adhesion of all types of non-woven wallpaper with various types walls (drywall, concrete, cork, brick, etc.). Easily bred.

Does not leave stains when it gets on the front side. It has important feature: must be diluted to a more liquid consistency than indicated on the package, as it dries quickly. It is in the middle price category - a pack of 250 g from 290 rubles. up to 350 rubles, a package weighing 500 g from 535 rubles.

"Quelyd Special interlining". Produced in France. It has the highest price among all brands of glue for non-woven wallpaper (a package of 450 g costs from 360 rubles). However, the price is fully consistent with the quality - professional finishers consider it an ideal tool for gluing tapestries:

  • excellent lung retention and heavy wallpaper, with a smooth and voluminous pattern;
  • easy to breed;
  • does not smell;
  • does not flow down the wall during spreading;
  • does not leave marks when it gets on the front side, etc.

The PUFAS range of adhesives for wallpaper with non-woven base (5 types on sale) provides better adhesion between the tapestries and the wall surface. It has a color indication, which helps with spreading - no gaps are allowed. When buying glue of this brand, you can choose a product for specific wallpapers: smooth, corrugated, light, heavy.

How to calculate the number of packs of glue

An important feature of the adhesive for non-woven trellises is that the packaging indicates its consumption not for the number of wallpaper rolls, but for the wall area in m 2. Therefore, the calculation is made a little differently.

First, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls to be pasted is determined. Then the result is divided by the consumption in m 2 indicated on the package. The result is rounded up.

How to breed

To dilute the glue you will need:

  • capacity for 10-12 liters (plastic bucket, basin or bowl);
  • warm (40-45 ° C) water (it will not dissolve in cold water, it will curl up in insoluble lumps in hot water);
  • an object with which you can stir the glue (stick, whisk, mixer, electric drill, etc.);
  • a tablespoon or measuring cup (an error of only 50 g of powdered mass leads to a complete marriage - the mixture is poured into the toilet).

The instruction is simple:

  1. warm water is poured into the basin (bucket) in the volume specified in the instructions - no more, no less;
  2. the required amount of the powdered mixture is measured;
  3. water is stirred until a funnel is formed with a stick or hand (power tools cannot form a funnel);
  4. glue slowly pours into the center of swirling water;
  5. in this way, the glue is stirred for another minute after the entire dry mixture has been in the water;
  6. further stirring is desirable to carry out with a mixer or a drill with a nozzle - they will break all the small lumps, which is difficult to do manually;
  7. after the end of stirring, the glue is allowed to brew and swell (14-16 minutes is enough), during which time it will take on a working consistency - it will look like jelly or thick sour cream.

Professional finishers recommend adding another 200 ml of water and mixing thoroughly (thick glue dries quickly). Water must be added within half an hour after the start of stirring. If you violate this requirement, you get water with floating jelly-like clots. Everything, on this the resulting glue is ready for use.

Pasting instructions

How to glue non-woven wallpaper with your own hands? step by step algorithm works:

  • In the room where the work will be carried out, one day before they begin, airing is done, after which the windows and doors are tightly closed;
  • The height of the wall for pasting is measured;
  • Wallpaper sheets are cut to size or with a tolerance of 8-10 cm;
  • getting ready wallpaper glue;
  • The place to start work is determined - this type of wallpaper allows you to start work from anywhere, but it is better from a corner, stepping back 4-5 mm;
  • A vertical line is applied to the wall for gluing the first sheet a few mm from the corner;
  • The surface of the wall is smeared with a roller or brush with a thick layer of glue slightly wider than the size of the tapestries;
  • The first sheet is glued with an edge strictly along the applied line;
  • With a roller or wallpaper spatula, the canvas is rolled against the wall. Movements go from top to bottom, from the center of the sheet to its edges. When glue appears on front side trellis, it is removed with a foam sponge;
  • The next sheet is glued end-to-end (beginners can overlap wallpaper without a pattern - the seam is then cut with a knife and an inconspicuous connection of two sheets is formed). If the wallpaper did not lay down the first time strictly vertically or the pattern did not match, the tapestries can be torn off the wall and glued again - the material will not tear or stretch;
  • Excess glue and air are removed from under the wallpaper with a rubber roller. Since the interlining stretches a little, it is necessary to ensure that during rolling the edge of the web does not go over the previous sheet. The joint is rolled with a special narrow roller. If the edge of the wallpaper still lags behind - the glue has dried, then the wallpaper is removed from the wall, and it is re-smeared with glue.

Problems arise in the corners, due to the large width of the trellis. How to glue non-woven wallpaper when passing corners? Here the techniques are the same as when working with narrow trellises:

However, there is one caveat here. cut off part wide wallpapers is not thrown away, but serves as the next sheet when pasting the corner, even if the width of the cut off part of the trellis is only 15-20 cm.

The issue of passing corners is considered in detail in the work "".

How long does non-woven trellis dry

Many apartment owners tend to ventilate the pasted premises immediately after the completion of work. However, this cannot be done - drafts will lead to peeling off the wallpaper at the joints and in the corners, the most problematic places.

How long can you not ventilate the room after graduation finishing works? To answer, you need to figure out how long non-woven wallpaper dries after gluing. Manufacturers of non-woven tapestries write that their complete drying occurs within 12 hours. Practice refutes this statement - the wallpaper dries for 24-28 hours.

Attention: do not confuse with the drying time of non-woven wallpaper. It can be up to 3 days.


As can be seen from the above material, there is no difference in how to glue meter-long non-woven wallpaper with your own hands and narrow trellises. There are deviations only because of the material from which the wallpaper is made.

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Everyone who makes repairs with my own hands, wonders how to glue non-woven wallpaper, and not in vain. The procedure has a number characteristic features, and if they are not taken into account, the quality of work will suffer. The recommendations below will help you avoid any marriage. The wallpaper will not fall off, will not swell, will be glued evenly and will keep attractive appearance long years.

Rules for self-gluing non-woven wallpaper

The pasting technique involves the application of generally accepted norms and rules. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of non-woven finishing materials. They are wider than paper, and have a greater mass. All you need to know so that the interlining does not swell and the pattern is preserved is:

  • Before pasting the walls you need to putty (if the panels are uneven) and primed.
  • The direction of the pattern is indicated on the packaging using special symbols.
  • Adjusting the pattern along the edges is carried out in accordance with the instructions (direct - all strips are glued in one direction; reverse - in the opposite direction).
  • Non-woven fragments are pressed against the wall from top to bottom, smoothed with a dry cloth, the joints are rolled with a special rubber roller.
  • Glue needs to be smeared on the wall. Non-woven fabric allows you not to apply it on the reverse side of the canvas base.
  • The technology involves gluing strips without seams (butt-to-butt, without overlap).

The temperature in the building during drying must be constant. The large weight of non-woven finishing materials requires that the adhesive has the appropriate density and viscosity. The wallpaper does not wrinkle if, after gluing, the surface is smoothed with rollers or clean rags.

Which wallpaper glue is better to choose for non-woven wallpaper?

Paper is used as the basis of the wallpaper in the manufacture, which allows the use of starch-containing compositions. You can glue with PVA glue or specialized mixtures. If they contain polymer components, then such wallpapers can be glued to drywall or cork without puttying. Mixtures are now being sold that include antibacterial additives that prevent mold and mildew from appearing.

This problem is solved with a primer. Before gluing, you need to take into account the thickness, dimensions and weight of the strips. If we are talking about massive non-woven wallpaper, then a thick (viscous) solution is used for gluing. Lungs can be glued to liquid. If the wall surface does not have puttied shells, an adhesive with increased density is used. The recipe for preparation is indicated in the instructions for use.

What tools will be needed?

You should prepare in advance. You will need supplies and tools. Before you start working with non-woven materials, you need to think about what glue to glue on, and what you need for this. The process cannot be completed successfully without:

  • wide brushes or rollers for applying adhesive composition;
  • wallpaper knives and a wide spatula for cutting the ends of the strips;
  • special equipment (electronic levels, construction plumb lines or levels);
  • containers for preparing glue;
  • clean dry rags to smooth the surface of the wallpaper;
  • stationery scissors;
  • narrow rubber rollers for rolling seams (joints);
  • pencils or ballpoint pens for marking.

All of the above must be available. The list does not include the tools required for preparatory work.

Proper preparation for bonding

General requirements state that before gluing non-woven wallpaper, you must:

  1. Wash the floor, and even better lay cellophane on it. This will save time on cleaning.
  2. All wiring outlets are isolated.
  3. Removing the covers of sockets and switches, the room is de-energized.
  4. If natural light there is not enough in the room, “glasses” with sockets and switches are sealed masking tape, which is then removed.

Whole necessary inventory must be serviceable, clean, and preferably new.

How to properly dilute the glue?

Cooking is best done immediately before gluing non-woven wallpaper. Strips of the required length are cut in advance. Dry granular mixture is poured into a dry container. Then it is filled with the required amount of water. In this case, it is necessary to continuously stir the resulting mass until the granules are completely dissolved, monitoring the consistency.

IMPORTANT! The recipe indicated on the packaging of wallpaper glue is designed for the entire pack, and it is not advisable to dilute the glue in advance. Over time, it thickens. The optimal amount is 4-5 lanes.

Surface preparation

Non-woven wallpaper can be glued on:

  • concrete panels;
  • plastered brick walls;
  • plywood or OSB;
  • drywall or other prepared surface.

Laminated chipboard surfaces are not suitable, since such a surface does not absorb glue, and there will not be sufficient adhesion to non-woven elements. It is important to remove the remnants of the previous coating:

  • paints;
  • decorative plaster;
  • dry plaster;
  • lime whitewash;
  • old wallpaper.

The surface is cleaned of dirt, oily stains and dust, leveled (plastered) and primed. Only after that you can start gluing non-woven wallpaper.

Algorithm for sticking on the walls with your own hands

First, the wall is smeared with glue. The width of the processed surface is greater than the width of the roll. You need to lubricate with a special soft roller or a wide thick brush. When preparing the strips, take into account the need to customize the pattern. To glue non-woven wallpaper you need to butt-to-butt.

Stage 1: scheme and wall markings

The width of the roll is measured from the window, and a vertical strip is drawn along the level or plumb. This is a guideline so that the fragments and joints are even. By marking the wall along its entire length, you can determine the required number of solid strips that should be cut in advance.

Stage 2: wallpaper preparation

If non-woven wallpaper is glued without matching the pattern, the fragments are cut off with a small margin in length (by 5-7 cm more height ceiling). When it is required to adjust the pattern, the stock is increased by the amount indicated on the packaging of non-woven wallpaper opposite the corresponding symbol.

Stage 3: gluing

The gluing process starts from the window. When applying fragments, it is necessary to ensure that they are vertical. To do this, markup is applied to the wall.

When sticking non-woven wallpaper, only the wall is covered with glue. If the canvases are heavy (with vinyl coated) it may be necessary to apply glue to both the wall and the wallpaper.

Rolling with a roller or smoothing with a rag, they press the middle of the strip along the entire length, having previously unfolded the wallpaper.

Residual air and excess glue are expelled from the axis to the edges, which are rolled with a narrow special roller for tight adhesion. There should be no overlaps.

Stage 4: final

All protruding parts of the fragment are cut off with a wallpaper knife. To make the cut even, a wide metal spatula is applied to the cut line. Below, you can leave the wallpaper as it is, since after gluing a plinth is installed that hides defects.

How to glue in problem areas?

These places include:

  • internal and external corners;
  • bay windows, arches;
  • areas above door and window openings;
  • piers for batteries, etc.

To glue non-woven wallpaper in these places, you need to prepare elements that are suitable in shape and size in advance.

The photo shows a scheme for gluing wallpaper around sockets and switches:

In the photo, the scheme of wallpapering behind the radiator:

Features of gluing meter wallpaper

There are several factors that are characteristic of non-woven wallpaper one meter wide:

  • Glue is applied only to the wall.
  • If mistakes are made, you can remove a fresh canvas and glue it again.
  • It's hard to do the job alone.
  • Interlining allows you to adjust the joints by smoothing.

Step-by-step guide to pasting the ceiling

The process has a number of features. The strips are laid across the width of the room from the window to the door. Difficulty can cause the place of attachment of the chandelier, but it can also be solved.

Video instruction

For clarity, before gluing non-woven wallpaper, it is recommended to watch the video. Where everyone is told technological nuances process.

How long does non-woven wallpaper dry?

It all depends on the temperature in the room. The higher it is, the longer it will take to dry completely. Usually it is 6-10 hours. At this time, there should be no drafts in the room.

The gluing procedure is simple, and can be carried out independently, without the involvement of a professional construction team. Non-woven wallpaper is ready for painting, which is a definite plus. The only thing needed for quality repair– accuracy and the above instructions.

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Take the first wallet number from the list below, send 10 rubles to it. through a cell phone terminal It is important! So that everything works exactly and in the future you can cash out your money. You ask lawful service for which pay. Further, starting from the second, by analogy, send 10 rubles each. for the next 6 wallets. And also enter the number of wallets carefully, do not make mistakes. 1) 410012222288871 2) 41001262057983 3) 41001230761288 4) 41001213074292 5) 41001797660746 6) 41001881331167 7) 410012398338078. I repeat, TO RECEIVE INCOME, YOU NEED TO SEND 10 RUBLES TO EACH OF THESE 7 WALLETS, OTHERWISE NETWORK MODERATORS (ADMINISTRATORS) OF YANDEX WALLETS YOU SIMPLY WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT AND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CASH OUT. Now WARNING!!! After you have completed step 1, STEP 2: write your own similar letter, you can copy mine. In the copied article, delete the FIRST (TOP) wallet from the list of wallets and move the 2nd wallet to the place of the 1st that you erased, the 3rd to the place of the 2nd, the fourth to the place of the 3rd, the 5th to the place 4 -th‚ 6th to the place of the 5th‚ 7th to the place of the 6th‚ and in the 7th number, which turned out to be empty, enter the number of YOUR wallet!!!3. Place this article on at least 200-300 forums and news feeds (News Groups). Remember, the more you place, the higher your income will be, and this income will directly depend on you. When you post an article, then do not write “Easy to earn a million”, “Big money in a month”, etc., it is better to write “Manager required‚ s/n $ 1000”. Placing this article on 200 forums‚ even on the least visited‚ guarantees you an income of 180,000 rubles. - IT'S MINIMUM!!! In just 2 months!!! More placements - more income (and exponentially). REMEMBER!!! 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The most interesting thing is that these 3,125 people will make another 200 placements, but if only 5 people answer them, then I already get 156,250 rubles (I'm in 2nd position). Now ATTENTION: these 15,625 people will make another 200 placements‚ they are answered by 5 people - this is 781,250 rubles and so on!!! Aren't they impressive numbers? And all this for an initial contribution of 70 rubles!!! You can imagine that thousands of people from all over the world join the Internet and read these articles every day, just like you are reading this article now!!! So? Will you spend 70 rubles‚ to find out if it works??? And the last, in my opinion, the most important thing: HOW TO WITHDRAW MONEY FROM THE INTERNET WALLET? You press "withdraw money"‚ then choose the appropriate bank in your city‚ better choose a bank where you don't need to open an account‚ then type in the data of the owner of the INTERNET WALLET program‚ and type in the data who will withdraw money from the bank (passport data is required there, write the truth Otherwise they won't give money).

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

The variety of textures and sizes, reliability and practicality, convenience and simplicity of the pasting process have made non-woven wallpaper a leader in wall finishing materials. Particularly popular are canvases, conditionally called meter-long ones, whose width is 90-140 cm, in contrast to the standard 53 cm. Master finishers admit that gluing non-woven meter-long wallpapers is a pleasure. Thanks to the structure nonwoven fabric made of cellulose fibers bonded with a polymer, they do not stretch, do not tear and easily glide over the work surface.

Advantages of wide non-woven fabrics

Meter non-woven wallpaper has a number of important advantages over others finishing materials thanks to the combination of composition and increased width.

  • Such coatings are sometimes referred to as "seamless", since the number of strips glued to the wall is less than in the standard version. Consequently, the number of joints is reduced. The relief surface of the material additionally helps to make the seams almost invisible.
  • Installation of meter-long sheets saves time, since fewer strips have to be marked, cut, applied, adjusted and joined.
  • The price of one wide roll is not equal to the cost of two standard ones, which means that the cost of material and repairs is generally reduced.

Some disadvantages and inconveniences

Along with the advantages, it is worth identifying several disadvantages of this type of wall covering, which turn into inconvenience during installation.

  • The main inconvenient moment: despite the fact that non-woven wallpaper can mask minor defects and flaws in the working surface, for finishing with meter-long canvases, you will have to properly and efficiently prepare. If there are differences on the surface, there will be problems with joining the sheets.
  • Working with wide canvases alone is difficult and tiring, especially when pasting the ceiling.
  • It is more difficult to calculate and fit meter-long wallpapers, taking into account complex areas, than standard ones. The lack of a couple of centimeters in width will entail the purchase of an additional roll.
  • Before gluing wide canvases, you will have to align the corners and transitions between the wall and the ceiling. With curved connections of surfaces, it is not an easy task to dock non-woven meter-long coatings.

Tools and materials

The bonding of non-woven fabrics must occur quickly in order to prevent the glue from drying out. So oh necessary materials and tools should be taken care of in advance. An example list looks like this:

  • special wallpaper glue for non-woven fabric, diluted and aged according to the instructions;
  • paint brushes or roller for application adhesive solution;
  • rubber roller for leveling cloths and removing air;
  • sponge or dry rag for excess glue;
  • sharp knife (wallpaper or clerical);
  • pencil and tape measure;
  • table (ladder).

Surface preparation

The stages of rough finishing for pasting with meter-long non-woven wallpaper are standard, but they are carried out with particular care. The surface should be smooth, dry, clean and uniform.

  • The working space is freed from sockets, switches, electrical appliances, the previous finish is completely removed. How to delete different types old coatings, read.
  • Detected foci of fungus or mold are treated with an antibacterial composition.
  • Irregularities are puttied, after drying they are rubbed with sandpaper.

Note! If the glued wallpaper is not planned to be painted, the surface color will have to be leveled, otherwise you can get a surprise in the form of spots translucent through the translucent interlining.

  • The final step to improve adhesion is applied one or two coats of primer.

Advice! If the area of ​​​​the room and the height of the ceiling allow, it is better to quickly level the surfaces, joints and corners with drywall.

The preparation of GKL for wallpapering is described in detail in.

Marking and cutting canvases

Non-woven meter-long wallpapers are glued only end-to-end. To simplify the work, it is better to pre-mark the surface and cut the required number of strips.

  • Experts recommend starting pasting from the corner. From the chosen starting point, a distance of two to three centimeters less than the width of the roll is measured. A straight vertical line is drawn. For example, with a panel width of 106 cm, the distance from the corner to the marking line will be 104 cm.
  • Then, with vertical lines along the width of the wallpaper, the surface is marked up to the next corner.
  • Since whole meter-long strips are not glued into the corners, from the resulting extreme line the roulette is wound around the corner by 2 cm, markings are applied, then (to the next corner) the width of the panel is measured from this line.
  • Whole strips of the desired length are cut with a margin of up to 10 cm each. They will be neatly trimmed after the wallpaper dries. If a ceiling plinth is used in the design, it is necessary to leave an allowance only at the bottom - 2-3 cm is enough.
  • In the same way, stripes are cut out for the corners of the required width, obtained during marking.

Gluing process

When the surface is prepared, dried and marked, the panels are cut, the inventory is selected, we proceed to pasting.

pay attention to temperature regime premises. Drafts and dry air should be avoided while working with wallpaper and for about a day after they are finished.

  • With a paint brush or roller, glue is applied to the wall with a slight overhang of the marking line.
  • A dry non-woven fabric is applied, aligned along the wall-ceiling junction and at the same time aligned with the vertical line.

Important! When working with non-woven coatings, there is the possibility of adjustment and adjustment: a 10-minute margin of time until the adhesive solution has completely set. Therefore, for independent work It is not recommended to use a quick-drying compound.

  • The strip is pressed tightly in the center, then leveled with a special roller. The movements are reminiscent of drawing a Christmas tree: from the center to the sides and at the same time from top to bottom. Excess glue that has come out can be removed with a sponge or cloth.
  • Each subsequent non-woven fabric is tightly fitted and joined with the glued one.
  • The resulting overlap in the corners is cut in the middle, the extra strips of wallpaper are removed, resulting in an even, imperceptible seam.

Pasting difficult areas

The technology for pasting straight sections with non-woven wallpaper is simple. Difficulties are usually caused by such "uncomfortable" places as the surface of the wall behind the radiator, openings and external corners.

Non-woven wallpaper is beautiful material for finishing. Their use allows you to hide minor surface defects in rooms of various purposes. Created decorative coating has many advantages, and wallpapering for painting allows you to repeatedly update the appearance of the interior. The material can be chosen for any design project. In order for the decor to last for a long time, you need not only to know how to glue non-woven wallpaper correctly, but also to pre-select high-quality products. An example of the harmonious design of a room with the help is presented in the photo below.

Non-woven wallpaper: pros and cons

Paper, non-woven - these are the most common types. The latter are divided into 3 following groups: completely from non-woven fabric or based on it, canvases for painting. Painted products have lowest price compared to the first two types.

Non-woven photo wallpapers on the wall look great.

Products are produced in a wide range and have excellent performance characteristics. The windows of building stores are full of an abundance of colors, patterns and drawings. One of the stands is shown in the photo below.

Produce wallpaper 100 and 60 cm wide. When using the former, fewer joints are formed, which is preferable for general appearance. The instructions on the packages often describe the technology for pasting non-woven wallpaper in this series.

Pasting non-woven wallpaper allows you to create a coating that has a number of advantages. Minor flaws do not affect the prevalence of the material. Its pros and cons are discussed in the table below.

1 fabrics do not fade over time, do not burn, durable, wear-resistanthigher cost than paper and vinyl counterparts
2 Adhesive strips are easy to remove for subsequent repairsaccumulate dust over time, get dirty
3 a wide variety of patterns, patterns, colors, shades, textures allows you to implement a variety of design solutions in practicesome varieties are not breathable
4 canvases allow you to hide the defects of the walls pasted over with them, they can be washed during cleaning

The rules for pasting non-woven wallpaper do not contain any hard-to-implement recommendations.

The advantages of the material are undeniable. In order to achieve the maximum possible service life of the decorative coating, excellent interior design, it is necessary not only to know how to properly glue non-woven wallpaper, but also to select them for specific rooms. Instructions for pasting on the label contains everything necessary information for the selected material.

Applied pasting tools

Pasting non-woven wallpaper is carried out using a certain set of tools and devices. No special devices are required to be used. For pasting walls with non-woven wallpaper, you should prepare:

  • scissors, knife;
  • pencil, tape measure, ruler;
  • a plastic spatula for smoothing wallpaper on the wall and a metal one to cover up surface imperfections ;
  • roller with rubber nozzle, extension handle;
  • brush;
  • containers for glue and water;
  • building or laser level(you can plumb);
  • rags, soft sponge.

The photo above shows the tools needed to glue the canvas.

You will also need a ladder or other device for working under the ceiling. To prepare the walls for non-woven wallpaper, a perforator and a hammer may be required to dismantle the outer layers of plaster with defects.

It is better to assemble the tool in advance so as not to be distracted while working on trifles. To cut fragments from the roll and apply glue to strips 100 or 60 cm wide, you can use a special table .

Preparation of wall and wallpaper surfaces

Before gluing non-woven meter-long wallpaper, or 60 cm strips, the surface of the walls and the canvases themselves should be prepared. The duration of work at this stage depends on the condition of the base and the type of old finish. The preparation of the walls for gluing is carried out in the following order:

  • remove old decorative layers completely (wallpaper, paint) or only exfoliated areas (for plaster);
  • with significant irregularities, the entire work area is plastered;
  • if there are small cracks, cavities, potholes, then only they are sealed with putty;
  • protruding fragments are knocked down with a hammer or a perforator, and metal ones are cut off with a grinder;
  • after drying, the coating is polished to the required state;
  • cover the working base with a primer deep penetration which improves the adhesion of the contact surfaces.

Old wallpaper is removed with a metal spatula, soaking with water if necessary. It is also recommended to clean the base from paint.

Before the non-woven wallpaper is glued, the primer composition is expected to dry completely.

  • measure the perimeter of the room and the height of the walls;
  • multiplying these 2 parameters, get the area (S) of the surfaces;
  • dividing it into S rolls of 100 or 60 cm of wallpaper, they get the required amount of material;
  • the number of stripes can be calculated by dividing the perimeter of the room by their width;
  • by dividing the length of 1 roll by the height of the room, the number of fragments into which it can be cut is obtained;
  • dividing total number the strips required for the room, to those obtained from one - calculate the amount of working material.

The standard length of a roll is 10 m, so the area of ​​meter-long ones is 10 sq.m., and products with a width of 60 cm - 6 sq.m.

It should be borne in mind that material should be purchased with a margin, because when wallpaper is glued in the corners or with a pattern (pattern), their consumption increases. Also, before gluing, fragments are cut off from the rolls (based on the height of the ceiling) with a margin of 10 cm. It is required to purchase material approximately 20% more than was calculated.

Before properly gluing non-woven wallpaper, it is recommended to cut them into pieces of the desired length. This is done like this:

  • measure the height of the ceiling at several points;
  • if there is no pattern on the material, then cut off the strips with a margin of about 10 cm;
  • if there is a drawing: they cover the floor, adjust the fragments and number them sequentially.

After the considered manipulations, the walls and wallpaper are prepared, you can start pasting the rooms. The base must be processed before gluing meter-long wallpaper. This is one of the keys to getting a quality result.

The adhesive composition must be prepared in advance before gluing. This is done in the following way:

  • poured into a container clean water in the amount indicated in the instructions on the packaging of the adhesive;
  • then, slowly, pour out the adhesive powder, intensively mixing the solution;
  • 10 minutes, let the composition brew and re-stir, kneading the remaining lumps.

It is necessary to use specially designed for non-woven fabrics. Some types of adhesives are shown in the photo below.

The packages contain breeding instructions. For different compositions, they may contain some nuances of its preparation for work, therefore, when purchasing previously unused glue, you should study the instructions for it.

It may also contain recommendations for applying the composition: only on the strips or the wall, or simultaneously on both surfaces. Often applied only to the base. At the same time, especially carefully on external and internal corners so as not to accidentally miss even small sections.

Use of special adhesive compositions High Quality allows you to securely stick a regular canvas and photo wallpaper on the wall. As a result, they will last for many years. The adhesive itself has good adhesion, allowing it to be used on many types of surfaces. The composition does not leave stains and in a diluted state in a closed container can be stored for up to 10 days.

Sticking technology

Directly to start after pre-training tools, wall surfaces and cutting strips to the desired length. You can do all the work yourself. But it is better when there is an assistant, because it is more convenient both to glue wide strips and to work on a stepladder. The process itself moves faster in this case.

When sticking non-woven wallpaper in the corners and throughout the room, windows should be tightly closed to avoid drafts. It is better to work during daylight hours to be able to turn off the electricity.

The technology for gluing non-woven wallpaper consists of the following sequence of actions:

  • retreating slightly from the corner, draw a vertical line with a pencil along the level, which will be a guide for the first strip;
  • lubricate the section of the wall under the fragment with prepared glue;
  • lean the strip and adjust its location along the marked line;
  • moving from top to bottom, smooth the fragment with a roller or plastic spatula to level it and squeeze out air bubbles;
  • wipe the extruded glue with a damp cloth;
  • extra centimeters are cut off from below and from above;
  • butt joint glue the second strip so that the seam is not visible, at the same time there is no overlap;
  • similarly paste over the entire room.

Along ceiling plinth cut off the excess from the glued strip as shown in the photo below. The main thing is that the knife is sharp and does not pull the canvas.

Features of gluing are that the created decorative coating must dry at a constant temperature.

Glue wallpaper in internal and outside corners, smoothing them especially well and leveling with a plastic spatula to squeeze out all the air and avoid wrinkles and voids.

The above technology shows meter-long wallpapers and fragments of a different width. There is nothing difficult. Sticking wallpaper with your own hands is not difficult. The main thing is to consistently and correctly perform all actions. WITH meter wallpaper it is inconvenient to work alone. Better to have a partner. In the considered way, you can both glue walls and ceilings.

Taping corners and awkward areas

They require special attention at work. hard-to-reach places and corners. The first includes areas behind radiators and heating pipes, areas with switches and sockets. The work will require a power outage for your own safety.

Before gluing wallpaper on sockets and switches, remove covers from them. After smearing the walls and applying strips. Holes are carefully cut out at the locations of the boxes. After fixing the cover, mount the covers back.

The corners are pasted over with non-woven wallpaper so that up to 3 cm of the strip goes onto the adjacent wall. This makes it possible to hide irregularities.

Glue wallpaper in the corners in 2 ways:

  • monophonic types of products are combined with a slight overlap, after which they are cut along the corner with a sharp knife, removing excess;
  • pasting the corners with wallpaper containing drawings is performed with an overlap of several centimeters (2-3), which hides the unevenness.

The technology of pasting ceilings is similar to the design of walls with wallpaper. It is recommended to glue the strips so that the lighting from the window falls along them. This will hide the seams between the fragments.

To make it less difficult, before gluing the corners, it is better to level them with putty. Selection right combination wallpaper, together with their high-quality gluing, lead to an excellent result.

The photo below shows an example of a beautiful, stylish design premises.

A wide variety of non-woven fabrics allows you to perfectly decorate the interior. The material is highly practical. Working with him is not particularly difficult. A small problem can only arise with how to glue non-woven wallpaper in the corners. This is a consequence of the fact that they are almost always not even enough.

The technology of gluing walls and corners is shown in the next video.

A big plus is that all the work can be done by hand, without involving specialists. The presence of an assistant is desirable, and when pasting ceilings, it is simply necessary. Compliance with technology and proper preparation walls allow you to get a quality result.