How to change your life: a guide to use from Leo Babauta. How to change your life for the better? Step-by-step action plan

We believe that every day your life gets better. If there is no joy in your life and you are still wondering: “How to change your life in better side? then you have come to the right address. This question worries almost everyone modern man. And so we decided to answer this question today.

A new life does not start on Monday. It starts with the decision to change something for the better. After all, in fact, changing your life is a feasible task for absolutely everyone, no matter what gender or age you are!

A bit of reasoning

How do you want to change your life? What don't you like? Can you answer these questions for yourself? Perhaps you want to change your profession? You are afraid that time has already passed and you need to be who you have become today. Yes, come on... After all, acquiring a certain skill, for example, playing musical instrument, or learn foreign language, taking up any sport (oriental martial arts) is easier than you might think.

Although, you’re probably waiting for a new Monday to start, right? You don’t need to constantly convince yourself that you will start changing your life next Monday, because today is Tuesday and you won’t be able to do anything this week))). What can I say? Time is fleeting and there are not so many of these Mondays in our lives.

I like to read various motivational articles, books, watch motivational videos and films (the latest was a comedy film about achieving your dreams in sports - “Eddie the Eagle” with Hugh Jackman). They give some impetus in life, force them to do something, to act the way successful, motivated and purposeful people act. Which I actually advise you to do, if not daily, then at least once a week. I like, so to speak, “food for the brain”; I always like to feed my brain with really high-quality information.

There are actually few tips, only 16 points, but they are important and the most useful, in our opinion. So, copy, write down, print and always keep these tips with you so that you can follow them clearly in the future.

Tip #1: Find out what you really like.

It's actually not hard to do, right? Golden Rule says - do what gives you true pleasure, and then you will become much happier. This applies to work and other areas of your life. But you must be prepared for the fact that finding your way is not the easiest marathon, which can last for many years.

Do you want to be a healthy, smart, fit, strong, cheerful person? Remove from your life the garbage that you drink, eat and smoke every day. There are no secrets or tricky diets. You don't need to be a super certified nutritionist with a medical degree. Everything is very simple. Introduce natural foods, vegetables, fruits, clean water(still), just like you introduced gadgets and supposedly useful applications.

Read more books, including on the topic proper nutrition, if you don't trust us. There is a lot of scientific literature that describes studies that prove that nutrition greatly affects us and our lifestyle in general. One such book is The China Study. You can order it, or you can study the short and free version of this book by simply downloading this link .

There are many books on different topics, from nutrition to investing. There would be a desire. If you don’t have time to read because you spend a lot of time driving on the road, listen to audiobooks. The main thing is to read/listen to at least one book a week. That's 50 books a year that will change your life.

Advice #4: Learn foreign languages.

This will incredibly expand the depth of perception of the world and open up unprecedented prospects for learning, development and career growth. There are 60 million Russian-speaking Internet users. There are a billion English speakers. The center of progress is now on the other side of the border, including the language border.

Knowledge of English is no longer a whim of intellectuals, but a vital necessity. Now my main activity does not go a day without communicating with foreigners, and not just on a conversational level, but practically on an academic level. I fill out a lot of different documentation every day on English language, these are both contracts and registration forms.

Advice #5: Make the most of every weekend.

I admit, honestly, I myself do not yet use this point 100%. But the recommendation is as follows. Go to a museum, an exhibition, go to the countryside, play sports (we do this, we even tried to combine a vacation in the mountains with a new sport for ourselves, about that).

Go skydiving, go to a good movie (sometimes when a movie is of interest to us, we go to the cinema). Expand your zone of contact with the world. When you’ve already walked around and traveled around everything, take your friends with you and tell them what you know. The main thing is don’t sit still. The more impressions you let through yourself, the more interesting life will be, and the better you will understand things and phenomena.

Record them on paper or in text document. Yes, in general, wherever is convenient for you. The main thing is that they are clear, understandable and measurable. If you set a goal, you will definitely be motivated to achieve it. If you don’t set it, then there are no options for achieving any goals at all. How do we set goals?

Everything is simpler for us, in order to have even greater motivation, we write down our goals in an online diary, which we keep on the Internet and you can watch it right now. We have 2 active goals: and . Every day, there are more and more goals. And it’s cool if you have something to strive for and achieve something.

Advice #7: Learn to manage time.

Learn to manage your affairs so that they work almost without your participation. To get started, I recommend you read Allen's book (Getting Things Done). A very good book that will answer many questions. Try to make decisions quickly, act in any situation immediately, do not put it off until later.

Either do all the things or delegate them to someone else who can do them for you, of course, for payment. Write down on a piece of paper all the “long-term” things that have not yet been done and are interfering with your life. Rethink whether you need them. Do what's left for a few days and you'll feel incredibly light. Once you start managing your time, you will be more able to introduce and implement new plans in your life. You will have time for sports and other areas of life.

Throw away any items you haven't worn or used in a while. last year. And best of all, do a good deed and give them to a charity fund for the poor. These usually work at churches or at special reception points. As soon as you do this, you will feel light and realize that, in addition to everything else, you have also done a good deed - helped others.

Leave in the closet only what you really like and need. When buying a new item, get rid of the old similar one so that the balance is maintained. No matter how hard I try to implement this rule into my life, something always gets in the way. But I’m trying and I promise you that tomorrow I’ll take care of my closet again)). Less stuff means less dust and headaches. I have already collected 2 large bags of things.

Advice #9: Stop reading and watching the news.

I call this daily innovation “Population Manipulation Tool.” By the way, the computer genius spoke about this in the Hollywood film “Die Hard 4 starring Bruce Willis.” By the way, it's a cool movie. Sometimes you can watch a movie like this to relax. Stop watching news and various political programs or programs where someone quarrels with someone or gets married. As for the news, everyone around you will still be talking about key events, even at your work. For example, about the US presidential elections. Additional noise information does not improve the quality of decision making.

Advice No. 10: Give up computer games and aimless sitting on social networks.

Minimize communication on social networks (even to the point of optimization - leave only one account). Now I only use Facebook. And then, as soon as you log in, posts begin to drag you in and waste your precious time. Stop doing this, it won't do any good. Congratulate someone on their birthday, like new photos of your close friends (not all 5000 friends), and only your loved ones and that will be enough. It will be a big plus in your karma.

Advice #11: Learn to wake up early.

The paradox is that in the early hours you always get more done than in the evening. 7 hours of sleep is enough for a person, subject to quality physical activity and normal nutrition. Find your biological clock. Go to bed before 23:00, get up at 06:00 in the morning. If you accidentally wake up at 5 am or earlier, do not try to immediately go back to sleep. Better get up and do some exercise. You will be surprised how much you will get done on this day. By the way, I wrote a special article about this.

Advice #12: Try to surround yourself with decent, honest, open, smart and successful people.

We are our environment from which we learn everything we know. Spend more time with people you respect and can learn something from. Attend trainings or read books by successful people who have achieved certain results, try to write to them by email, ask questions that interest you. On the other hand, try to minimize communication with people who are negative, sad, pessimistic and angry, who are already trying or have only the intention to dissuade you from anything.

To grow taller, you must strive upward, and having people around you to whom you want to grow will in itself be a great incentive. Use every moment of time and every person to learn something new. If life brings you together with a professional in any field, try to understand what the essence of his work is, what his motivations and goals are. Learn to ask the right questions - even a taxi driver can become an invaluable source of information.

Advice No. 13: Buy a camera (or a simple one) and try to capture the beauty of the world.

When you succeed, you will remember your travels not only by vague impressions, but also by the beautiful photographs that you brought with you. I went to the mountains - take pictures of landscapes, pebbles, rivers, flowers, clouds, ladybugs– that’s what my wife does. You can, of course, use a smartphone, fortunately now we have modern models, cameras are getting better and better (in terms of pixels). If you don't like photography, as an alternative, try drawing, singing, dancing, sculpting, designing. That is, do something that will make you look at the world with different eyes.

You don’t have to go to a fitness club where jocks, pick-up artists, Balzac ladies and selfie teenagers hang out. Yoga, cycling, rock climbing, parallel bars, horizontal bar, football, running, swimming, functional training – best friends a person who wants to restore body tone and get a surge of endorphins.

You can just do it too good sport, for those who cannot run, jump or do any heavy exercises. And, most importantly, forget about what an elevator is - if you live in a high-rise building and you can take the stairs, even 20 floors, do it. In just 3 months of methodical work on yourself, you can change your body almost beyond recognition.

Advice #15: Give more than you take.

Share your experience, knowledge and ideas. A person who not only takes, but also shares, is incredibly attractive. Surely you can do something that others really want to learn. Accept the world as it is. Give up value judgments, accept all phenomena as initially neutral. And even better – as unequivocally positive. A clear example on our part is this blog itself, where you are now. We share with you our experience in specific issues of life: sports, motivation, self-education, nutrition and much more. Enjoy it for your health!

Advice #16: Forget about what happened in the past.

The past has nothing to do with your future. Take with you from there only experience, knowledge, a good relationship and positive impressions. Don't be afraid to change something. There are no insurmountable obstacles, and all doubts live only in your head. You don’t have to be a warrior, you just need to see the goal, avoid obstacles and know that you will achieve it without a single chance of failure.


We use all these rules in our lives. We can confidently guarantee that using only 16 rules, you will become a new person. Not only your own life, but also the lives of your loved ones will change dramatically.

We want to wish you good luck in your endeavors. Don't be afraid of anything! Just move forward! We are glad that you are with us, so if you have not yet subscribed to our updates, you can do so right now.

Share our articles with your friends on in social networks and write comments. We'll be just happy.

That's all for today. See you in new articles.

If you have already decided that it’s time to add something to your life, but don’t yet know where to start, you can choose a few ideas from those proposed by my LJ friend, these are wonderful 25 ways to change your life for the better and become happy.

We often see people whose lives are riddled with suffering and full of pessimism. They complain about fate, family, work, society and the state. They don't see the light at the end of the tunnel and believe that someone else is to blame for their plight. Even I, a person who is far from having the most cheerful disposition, next to them seems to be an example of an energetic joker. So sometimes when they ask me what they need to do to change things, I think for a moment and give them some advice.

Without claiming great achievements in the field of personal growth, in today’s post I collected all such things that I have ever heard, applied or advised. All of them have been tested from my own experience, and I will be glad if this is useful to someone.

1. Find out what you really like. This is both the most important and the most difficult. There will be a separate big conversation about this, but the golden rule is: do what gives you true pleasure, and then you will become much happier. With the development of the Internet, everything has become even simpler - the results of your efforts are very easy to convey to the public, and they will definitely appreciate them. Moreover, having a job that really lights you up is a key factor in attracting the opposite sex. But you must be prepared for the fact that finding your way is a marathon that can last many (tens?) years. (more details)

2. Stop the junk you eat, drink and smoke every day. No secrets or tricky diets - just natural food, fruits, vegetables, water. You don’t have to become a vegetarian and give up drinking completely—all you need to do is limit sugar, flour, coffee, alcohol and all plastic food as much as possible.

3.Learn foreign languages. This will incredibly expand the depth of perception of the world and open up unprecedented prospects for learning, development and career growth. There are 60 million Russian-speaking Internet users. There are a billion English speakers. The center of progress is now on the other side of the border, including the language border. Knowledge of English is no longer just a whim of intellectuals, but a vital necessity.

4. Read books. An approximate circle is your professional field, history, natural science, personal growth, sociology, psychology, biographies, high-quality fiction. If you don’t have time to read because you’re driving, listen to audiobooks. The golden rule is to read/listen to at least one book a week. That's 50 books a year that will change your life.

5. Make the most of every weekend. Go to a museum, an exhibition, play sports, go out of town, skydive, visit relatives, go to a good movie. Expand your zone of contact with the world. When you've already traveled around everything, take your friends with you and tell them what you know. The main thing is don’t sit still. The more impressions you let through yourself, the more interesting life will be, and the better you will understand things and phenomena.

6. Start keeping a blog or a regular diary. It doesn't matter what it's about. It doesn’t matter that you don’t have eloquence and you will have no more than 10 readers. The main thing is that on its pages you can think and reason. And if you just write regularly about what you love, readers will definitely come.

7. Set goals. Record them on paper, in Word or blog. The main thing is that they are clear, understandable and measurable. If you set a goal, you can either achieve it or not. If you don’t put it in, then there are no options for achieving it at all.

8. Learn to touch-type on the keyboard - not being able to do this in the 21st century is the same as not being able to write with a pen in the 20th. Time is one of the few treasures you have, and you should be able to type almost as quickly as you can think. And you should think not about where the desired letter is, but about what you are writing.

9. Ride the clock. Learn to manage your affairs so that they work almost without your participation. For starters, read Allen (Getting Things Done) or Gleb Arkhangelsky. Make decisions quickly, act immediately, don’t put it off “for later.” Either do everything or delegate it to someone else. Try to never let the ball stay on your side. Write down on a piece of paper all the “long-term” things that have not yet been done and are interfering with your life. Rethink whether you need them (keeping in mind point 1). Do what's left for a few days and you'll feel incredibly light.

10. Give up computer games, aimless sitting on social networks and stupid surfing on the Internet. Minimize communication on social networks (even to the point of optimization - leave only one account). Destroy the television antenna in the apartment. So as not to feel the urge to constantly check email, install an agent that will notify you about incoming messages (including mobile messages).

12. Learn to get up early. The paradox is that in the early hours you always get more done than in the evening. If on a summer weekend you leave Moscow at 7 am, then by 10 you will already be in Yaroslavl. If you leave at 10, you will be there by lunchtime at best. The same goes for weekend shopping. 7 hours of sleep is enough for a person, subject to high-quality physical activity and normal nutrition.

13. Try to surround yourself with decent, honest, open, smart and successful people. We are our environment from which we learn everything we know. Spend more time with people you respect and can learn from (especially your bosses). Accordingly, try to minimize communication with people who are negative, sad, pessimistic and angry. To grow taller, you must strive upward, and having people around you to whom you want to grow will in itself be a great incentive.

14. Use every moment of time and every person to learn something new. If life brings you together with a professional in any field, try to understand what the essence of his work is, what his motivations and goals are. Learn to ask the right questions - even a taxi driver can become an invaluable source of information.

15. Start traveling. It doesn’t matter that there is no money for Argentina and New Zealand— the quality of vacation has nothing to do with the money spent, and my best trips were to regions that are not at all distinguished by pathos and high cost. When you see how diverse the world is, you will stop focusing on small space around you, and you will become more tolerant, calmer and wiser.

16. Buy a camera (maybe a simple one) and try to capture the beauty of the world. When you succeed, you will remember your travels not only by vague impressions, but also by the beautiful photographs that you brought with you. As an alternative, try drawing, singing, dancing, sculpting, designing. That is, do something that will make you look at the world with different eyes.

17. Do some sports. You don’t have to go to a fitness club where jocks, pick-up artists, Balzac ladies and freaks hang out. Yoga, rock climbing, cycling, horizontal bar, parallel bars, football, running, plyometrics, swimming, functional training are the best friends of a person who wants to tone the body and get a surge of endorphins. And forget about the elevator - if you have to walk less than 10 floors, use your legs. In just 3 months of methodical work on yourself, you can change your body almost beyond recognition.

18. Do unusual things. Go somewhere you've never been, go to work a different way, figure out a problem you know nothing about. Get out of your “comfort zone”, expand your knowledge and horizons. Rearrange the furniture at home (and do this about once a year), change your appearance, hairstyle, image.

19. Invest. Ideally, you should invest part of your income every month, because a rich person is not the one who earns a lot, but the one who invests a lot. Try to invest in assets, minimize liabilities and control expenses. If you set yourself financial goal and put your personal money in order, you will be surprised at how easily you will move towards achieving it (more details)

20. Get rid of junk. Throw away any items you haven't worn or used in the past year.(next year you won’t get to them either). Keep only what you really like and need. It's a shame to throw it away - give it away. When buying a new item, get rid of the old similar one so that the balance is maintained. Less stuff means less dust and headaches.

21. Give more than you take. Share knowledge, experience and ideas. A person who not only takes, but also shares, is incredibly attractive. Surely you can do something that others really want to learn. At one time, coaching became a discovery for me - I began to give trainings and lectures on a voluntary and free basis, which ultimately grew into a very big story that brings me great satisfaction.

22. Accept the world as it is. Give up value judgments, accept all phenomena as initially neutral. And even better - as unequivocally positive.

23. Forget about what happened in the past. It has nothing to do with your future. Take with you from there only experience, knowledge, good relationships and positive impressions.

24. Don't be afraid. There are no insurmountable obstacles, and all doubts live only in your head. You don't have to be a warrior, you just need to see the goal, avoid obstacles and know that you will achieve it without a single chance of failure.

25. The last one is the first one. Do what you like. Learn. Teach. Develop yourself. Change yourself from within.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. But even if you systematically do at least some of this, then in a year, when you look at yourself in the mirror, you won’t recognize yourself. And the world will simply have no choice but to follow your example and change in response.

It doesn't take much to change your life. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to make drastic changes to improve your quality of life. At the same time, you don't have to wait for a long time to get tangible results. All you need to do to change your life is take a few small steps, and do them consistently for 90 days.

Below you will find 60 small ways to improve every area of ​​your life within 90 days.


1.Create your “Calendar for clearing your house of unnecessary things in 90 days” by writing down each group of things by day.

  • Day 1: Get rid of magazines
  • Day 2: Get rid of DVDs
  • Day 3: Get rid of books
  • Day 4: Get rid of kitchen utensils

2. Live by the mantra: there is a place for everything and put everything in its place. Try these three rules over the next 90 days to keep your home in order:

  • If you took something, put it back.
  • If you open something, close it.
  • If you throw something, pick it up.

3.Walk around your house and find 90 things that need to be fixed or fixed. Here are some examples:

  • Change a burnt out light bulb.
  • Mend a hole in your favorite T-shirt.
  • Fix the fact that every time you open the top kitchen cabinet, all its contents fall out.


article: Change your life in 90 days

  1. Follow the advice offered by psychologists: write down 5 out of 10 things for which you are grateful.
  2. Make a list of 20 small things you enjoy doing and make sure you do at least one of those things within 90 days.
  3. Keep a diary and track your internal dialogue with yourself for 10 days. Be as specific as possible:
  • How many times a day have you blamed yourself for something?
  • Are you experiencing feelings of inadequacy?
  • Do you often criticize people?
  • How many thoughts do you have during the day, and what is their nature?
  • Also notice the emotions that accompany these thoughts. Then, within 80 days, begin to change your emotions for the better by changing your self-talk.
  1. In the next 90 days, try to have a good laugh at least once a day: buy yourself a calendar with jokes for every day, watch a comedy, find yourself a website with jokes or funny photos.

Training/Personal growth

article: Change your life in 90 days

  1. Find a book that requires effort and concentration and read a little every day so that you can finish it in 90 days.
  2. Set a goal to learn and remember something new every day: the name of a flower that grows in the garden, the capital of a distant country. If it's time to go to bed and you can't remember what new you learned today, grab a dictionary and learn a new word.
  3. Stop whining, complaining and complaining for the next 90 days. Negative talk creates negative thoughts, negative thoughts create negative results. In the next 90 days, if you find yourself complaining about anything, stop yourself to change your life for the better.
  4. Set your alarm 1 minute earlier every day for the next 90 days. Then make sure you get up exactly when your alarm goes off. Open the windows to let in sunlight, and do light exercises. In 90 days, you will wake up an hour and thirty minutes earlier than you do now.
  5. For the next 100 days, write Morning Pages, a simple stream of consciousness in the morning that you write in your personal journal. This should be the first thing you do after waking up.
  6. Fill your mind with thoughts, words, pictures that most accurately reflect who you want to become, what you want to achieve, how you want to change your life.


article: How to change yourself and your life in 90 days

  1. Create a plan for your budget, plan all your purchases for the next 90 days and stick to the plan without spending anything extra.
  2. Look for good financial advice on the Internet and choose 10 of them. Try to follow them for the next 100 days. For example, going to the store with a limited amount of cash and without a credit card, doing several things in one trip to save on gas, etc.

Keep track of how much money you save this way.

  1. Pay in stores only with paper money and put the remaining change after shopping in your piggy bank. After 100 days, calculate how much you can save.
  2. For 100 days, don't buy anything you don't really need. Use this money to pay off a loan (if you have one) or put it in a deposit account for six months.
  3. For 100 days, dedicate at least 1 hour a day to finding or creating a source of additional income.

Time management (Time management)

article: How to change your life in 90 days

  1. For the next 90 days, carry a notebook with you to relieve your brain of various information. Write down your thoughts, plans, meetings, or what you want to put off until later, what you want to think about later.
  2. Monitor how you use your time for 5 days. Use the information you've learned to create a time budget: allocate a certain amount of time to one regular activity or another. Make sure you stick to your temporary budget for the next 85 days
  3. Determine which tasks are the lowest priority for you that you can refuse. And replace them with more important things.
  4. Find five ways your time is wasted and cut that time to a minimum in the next 100 days. For example:
  • Watch TV no more than half an hour a day
  • Spend no more than half an hour on social networking sites
  • Spend no more than 20 minutes a day playing video games
  • What have you achieved this week?
  • What was wrong?
  • What was right?
  1. Over the next 90 days, stop multitasking. Do one thing at a time, without distractions.
  2. Plan your entire next day in the evening.
  3. For the next 90 days, do the most important thing on your list first. And then the rest.
  4. Do a written review for each week for the next 14 weeks.
  1. For the next 90 days, take a few minutes at the end of each day to organize your desk, office, and papers. The next day you will have a clean workspace at your disposal.
  2. Make a list of your commitments and promises that you have made for the next 90 days. Then take a red pen and cross out the things that won't really bring you joy or help you achieve your life goals.
  3. For the next 100 days, every time you want to switch to something new, ask yourself: “This is the most best use for my temporary resources?


life change in 90 days

  1. To lose 1 kilogram of weight, you need to burn 7,000 calories. If you reduce your intake by 175 calories per day for the next 90 days, you will lose 5 pounds.
  2. For the next 90 days, eat vegetables at least 3 times a day.
  3. Eat fruit 3 times a day.

You can radically change your life in seven days. Armed simple laws prosperity, you will adjust the world to your personal desires and requirements.

Simple practices will help you receive whatever you want from the Universe. First of all, you must believe in a positive outcome. Positive thoughts can take out the fear of difficulties, which is a weighty anchor on the path to happy life. Remember that your destiny is in your hands, and only you can change it.

Monday is the day of change

Our whole life is built on successive mechanisms. In the beginning there was a word (in our case, a thought), then there were desires and dreams, which are the impetus for action. To change your life, you first need to change your thoughts.

On the first day of the week, you should practice replacing negative ideas about your destiny with positive ones. Stop judging yourself, be loyal to your defeats. Thank chance for the experience that opens doors to a new and better life. Be positive about everything. Every situation is two sides of the same coin. Highlight only the best for yourself, leaving out the negative.

Remove phrases from your speech that destroy your enthusiasm and inner confidence. Use stable expressions with positive charge— affirmations and positive attitudes. Over time you will notice that this habit successful person was a great addition for you.

Tuesday is gratitude day

Learn to appreciate what you already have. Thank the Higher Powers for everything you have at this stage life. You can’t even imagine how many people there are around who with all their hearts want for themselves what is already available to you.

You should end Tuesday with words of gratitude and make it a rule to end every day like this. Use prayers for the coming sleep or meditations, a mandatory component of which will be words of gratitude. Thank the Universe for the opportunities provided, for the right to choose, for the people you met, and, of course, for the difficulties. Any defeat is just a lesson that brings you closer to your own destiny.

Wednesday is the day of certainty

If you are serious about changing your destiny, you need to immediately decide what you actually want from it. There is a place for everything in your life, just identify what you really need to be happy. Write all your dreams on paper. Write down the accompanying desires - possible and impossible, for the long term and for today. Don't overthink or control yourself: let your dreams come spontaneously. The main thing is to write down all your thoughts as they come. This practice is the right path to achieving your aspirations and improving your life in general.

Thursday is the best day

One of the laws of prosperity says: never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. On Thursday you will experience the practice of refusing any transfers. When you wake up in the morning and recharge yourself with positivity, give yourself the mindset that everything planned for that day will certainly come true. Every new day is a time for great achievements and success. Life will smile at you and help you realize everything you planned. And in the evening, consolidate the previously learned practices: thank the Creator and the Universe for the help provided and life lessons.

Friday is liberation day

People are capable of ruining their own lives with imposed opinions, doubts and fears. The possibilities of each person are limitless, which means that if one person can do it, so can the rest. It’s just that some people quickly find their hidden talents and develop them, while others bury their capabilities under other people’s opinions and internal complexes.

Don't be afraid of new things, discover fresh ideas every day. In case you're still in doubt, here's a great quote: "If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its entire life thinking it's stupid." Believe in yourself, because there is a genius hidden in every person. Try new things and don't worry about what people might think of you.

Saturday is the day of searching for purpose

By the sixth day of the week, you should already have accumulated a list of your desires and aspirations, which may contain even the most unrealistic and seemingly unattainable dreams. Look carefully at everything you wrote down and try to choose the dream that best reflects your essence. To make your choice easier, here are some questions you should ask yourself:

  • What do I like to do?
  • What talents do I have, what do I do best?
  • How can I make money?
  • If I had great wealth at my disposal, what would be the first thing I would do?
  • If the world currency was happiness, what would I do/make a living?

These questions will help you find your true purpose and your own calling if you are honest with yourself. The most important thing in life is to do what you love. And if your activity brings happiness to you and the people around you, then joy and financial stability won't keep you waiting long.

Sunday is results day

You have almost changed your own life, only a small matter remains. The last thing to understand is that positive change doesn’t happen overnight. They smoothly approach you, sometimes so slowly that you may not notice it at first. Remain patient and calm. After all, if you look at a flower in a pot every minute, it is unlikely that it will grow from your heavy gaze. Learn to wait and believe in the best. Remember to apply the above practices daily so that good opportunities do not keep you waiting.

Seven days, seven elementary rules, seven laws of prosperity will help you change your life for the better. This is only as possible as you believe in the best. When these practices become your healthy habits, you will find true happiness and... Be happy today, good luck on the path to your dream, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Changing your life for the better is very simple! How? Read here!

In this article, you will learn about how your words affect you, your environment, your aspirations, and your success in life.

Every moment we create our reality with our thoughts, words and actions.

Find out everything about your interlocutor!

The word is a huge power. With its help you can create the event you need. By observing the speech of your interlocutor, you can easily determine what problems he has in life; to do this, you just need to listen carefully to the words he says!

The words that people say unconsciously reflect reality very accurately. For example, the words “horror”, “nightmare”, “tragedy” reflect an emotional state. Our consciousness doesn’t even notice them, and the subconscious simply puts all this negativity into practice.

How to change events for the better?

You should always monitor your speech and control your thoughts so as not to harm yourself. The words “problem”, “depression”, “illness” cannot in any way evoke joyful uplift and self-confidence.

And the words “love”, “thank you”, “thank you” evoke positive emotions. It makes no difference to the subconscious whether you say these words jokingly or seriously, it simply translates these words into reality. Your life depends on your words and thoughts, you should always remember this! Think before you say: “Horror” or: “Nightmare” so as not to get it in reality.

What words do you pronounce?

Absolutely any words we use program our lives. The more often you use “positive words”, the more likely that they will soon become your reality.

If you say: “I’m sick,” “I’m not in the mood,” then so it will be. Better say: “I am absolutely healthy,” and your subconscious will make you healthy.

An effective way to change your life for the better!

Words are thoughts expressed. Every thought and every word has a certain vibration¹ that emanates from you to the Universe. Start monitoring your words and thoughts and consciously replacing them with positive ones. Say out loud the words: “Happiness”, “Wealth”, “Love”, “Abundance”... as often and daily as possible, and soon you will be surprised to notice how your life begins to change!

If you are used to speaking negatively?

If you want to say something bad and negative, try saying another word instead - positive, look for a replacement. At the same time, you don’t have to see the positive, just look for a word that won’t harm you.

For example, instead of the word “Problem” say “Opportunity”, instead of “Depression” - “ Great mood" You will quickly see a change in your inner state, your mood will truly become excellent. Try saying “thank you” instead of saying “thank you.” You will quickly notice changes for the better, because the good will begin to return to you.

It is very important to say words of gratitude more often, even to yourself and to yourself. Say this word every hour, and your life will change for the better. This has been tested by many people - all of them had only positive results.

Do you know about “magic words”?

There are people who practice two magic words “I allow” and “I cancel”. They use them to change their reality. In any good situation or when positive thoughts arise, they say: “I allow!”

If the situation is not going well, or bad thoughts come to mind, they say: “I cancel!”

These words can also be used to make desires come true - after thinking about what you need, add at the end: “I allow myself to do this!” - and if you don’t like the events, say: “I cancel all obstacles!”

All real magicians carefully monitor their speech and use “magic words” to create the desired reality and attract success into life.

It may seem too simple, but practice requires constant effort. At first, your brain will return to its usual thoughts, but soon you will notice that it will become easier and easier for you to work in this direction. This is true success⁴!

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Vibration - mechanical vibrations(Wikipedia). Find out how vibration frequency can change your

² You will be interested in taking this unusual test about the magic of words. Pass the