How and with what to cut drywall at home with minimal losses. How to cut plasterboard at home How to cut a plasterboard wall

Those owners who have completed more than one repair under their belt claim that there is nothing easier than carefully cutting drywall. But even such a seemingly simple task can lead a novice builder into a dead end. And below you will learn how to properly cut drywall so as not to damage it.

Drywall Cutting Tools

Specialized publications recommend the use of expensive tools, which are primarily useful to professional machinists working to order. We will consider available means that every man will definitely have at home.

Ruler, tape measure, pencil

Please note that it is best to make marks on drywall using a simple pencil. Traces that will be left ballpoint pen or a marker, as a result even careful putty will not be able to hide it.

Construction knife

If you can replace it with a simple paper knife. Although, it is much more convenient to cut with a construction knife with a replaceable two-level blade dense materials. This tool is easy to work with. It will quickly cut the paper layer of drywall and easily cope with the main one. But you will have to tinker to cut a perfectly straight sheet. Therefore, first you need to draw lines with an ordinary pencil, make cuts, and then, when the perimeter of the part is ready, start cutting the drywall. The edge of the cut part will have minor jagged edges - they will easily disappear if you “walk” over them with sandpaper.


We will need a tool for working with metal. It differs from a wood hacksaw in that it has a thinner blade that will carefully and practically dust-free cut the sheet without damaging the edges. If you choose a hacksaw, then keep in mind that you cannot use it in weight, otherwise the material will deteriorate. Place the sheet of drywall on a stable base, then saw slowly along the pre-drawn line so as not to get lost.

Electric jigsaw

If you buy high-quality files for the tool, you will definitely not have any problems; it is advisable to use a metal file for the work. They are characterized by a smaller chisel, as a result of which many chips will remain at the end of the sheet. Thanks to this tool, you can easily cut rounded elements from drywall.

Bevel plane and roughing plane

Such tools will be required at the final stage of working with drywall, when it is necessary to give a neat appearance its edges.

Attention! You cannot use a circular saw to cut drywall. The tool produces a huge amount of dust, clogging workroom, as well as your respiratory organs.

How to properly cut drywall at home

  1. Letter G.

Usually this form of material is given if it is necessary to sheathe a doorway. We measure and outline the contours of the parts. Next, the short part is sawed through with a hacksaw, and the long part is cut with a knife.

  1. In a straight line.

Using this type of cutting, it is important to give a regular sheet of drywall required size. Put the source on horizontal surface. Once the desired size of the part is marked on both sides of the gypsum board, use a drywall cutting knife and use a metal ruler to cut the sheet layer. For convenience, adjust the knife blade so that it protrudes from the handle to a length that does not exceed too much the thickness of the plasterboard.

You should not cut the material according to the drawn mark without a ruler - this way you are unlikely to get an even cut. Run the knife along the cutting line several times to deepen the cut. In this case, the drywall will be broken in the right place.

Next, place the sheet edge-on on the support and lightly tap it on the opposite side of the cut. You shouldn’t put too much pressure on the sheet - usually the core breaks after just a few blows. All that remains is to tear apart the cardboard connecting the two halves of the sheet.

Working with drywall fixed to the wall

Despite the fact that it is easiest to cut loose drywall, sometimes there is a need to cut and cut off the excess, while the sheet ended up on the frame. This design option is justified by the fact that when covering a corner of a wall or a window slope with plasterboard, its edge must exactly overlap the edges of the surface where it is fixed (for aesthetic reasons). Therefore, it is necessary to fix a slightly larger gypsum board on the wall and only then remove the extra centimeters.

Check that the frame securely holds the gypsum board. In such a situation, you will not have any difficulty with which side to cut the drywall, because the answer suggests itself - cut the side that is adjacent to the surface to be sheathed. Strictly follow the intended line with the tool several times, while slightly “squeezing” unnecessary part. Then cut the sheet from the back side.

Attention! To give the drywall on the frame an L shape, cut a line horizontally using a hacksaw, and then use a knife to saw a vertical line.

Figured cutting of drywall and non-standard cutting

Often you have to cut drywall not in a straight line, but as required by the built-in sockets lighting or your own imagination (for example, a curved ceiling). Working with indirect parts requires some skill.

  • To create a round hole in the plasterboard, you need to use an electric drill equipped with a special attachment. There are different types of attachments and different diameters, which are also called circular saws. Give preference to one that is designed to work with plywood, wood and drywall.
  • If you don't have a circular saw, don't despair. You can completely use a jigsaw: draw a circle of the required size on the drywall, inside which make a hole. Next, insert the tool blade and, following the marking outline, make a round hole. But keep in mind that you need to use a narrow file with small teeth and take your time when cutting the sheet. The result of unhurried work is a smooth edge of the part. Operate the jigsaw slowly, but it should also work at maximum speed.
  • If you do not have any of the above tools, as a last resort, you can make a hole in a sheet of drywall using a hammer and special knife for gypsum board. For this:
  1. mark the worksheet;
  2. pressing well, cut the marked lines (in such a situation, the main thing is to cut sufficient depth in the sheet of drywall);
  3. place plasterboard sheet on a surface with a recess so that it is located under the future hole;
  4. hit the intended hole with a hammer so that the core of the sheet breaks, but do not overdo it, otherwise a crack may occur;
  5. Next, break off unnecessary pieces of drywall by cutting off the cardboard from the back of the sheet.
  • Easiest to do figure cutting drywall using a jigsaw. However, if you don’t have one, then you can get by with a convenient and worthy replacement, namely a hacksaw for gypsum boards. You can also cope without it.
  1. take measurements and put future dimensions on the sheet;
  2. the cut contour must be divided into straight segments, then cut through them with a knife, cutting the cardboard and scratching the plaster;
  3. break off the resulting sections in the same way that we talked about in the previous version of cutting drywall.
This technology is especially effective when cutting out large shapes. To prepare elements with a small radius, it is better to use a hacksaw.

Processing plasterboard sheets after cutting

The edge of the plasterboard, along which the working tool “walked”, does not look aesthetically pleasing. To make it smooth and even, ready for the filling process, use a plane and chamfer. For this purpose, you can use a regular knife. The chamfer is removed to 2/3 of the gypsum board thickness, maintaining an angle of 45°.

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • metal scissors;
  • jigsaw with metal saw;
  • manual or table-top cutting machine;
  • Bulgarian

Some useful tips

  • Drywall should only be cut on a stable and level surface, otherwise the material will bend and will be much more difficult to work with.
  • Make sure that the drywall is dry (it is afraid of moisture and can be damaged).
  • Cut large sheets in several steps.
  • The frame for gypsum boards can be created from small parts metal profile, the main thing is that these pieces are securely fastened to the wall.
  • When working with a profile, you don’t have to worry about the fact that the cuts are not quite even and neat - the profile will still “hide” under the drywall.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in working with drywall. To secure the material, we recommend watching a video on how to cut drywall with your own hands:

When performing repairs, it is often necessary to level and adjust building materials a certain shape with his own hand. Since cutting drywall at home is very simple, you don’t have to turn to professionals for help or use special tools.

Available means

A sheet of drywall under an arch can be easily cut using a simple stationery knife. Of course, this is quite painstaking work, since it is much more difficult to work with a thin blade than, say, a massive hacksaw, but everything can be done accurately and quickly enough. Step-by-step instruction:

But it is much easier to cut the sheets into a semicircle or any other shape using a special construction knife. It is almost an exact copy of the stationery one, with the exception of a thicker blade and a more comfortable handle. The seam after it is smooth and neat, and there are significantly fewer rough spots. The principle of operation is the same - first mark the desired shape, then make a test cut, and then cut out a certain shape.

Photo - cutting with a construction knife

It often happens that a plasterboard sheet needs to be cut after installation on the wall. For example, cut a recess for a lamp, switch, socket or niche. For this purpose, professional craftsmen use only knives and hacksaws. They provide excellent results without damaging the wall material. How to cut cardboard on a wall:

  1. Depending on the type of hole, work will likely need to be done special tool. Builders recommend using hacksaws for small jobs. They have thin ends that can easily make even the smallest hole in a plaster partition;
  2. Before making a hole, you need to make sure that the profile will not be touched during the work. Otherwise, the entire supporting system will be damaged. To do this, you need to use the sheet installation plan, on which the locations of the racks and guides are marked;
  3. Mark the location of the future hole on the wall and carefully trim it with a knife to form a small recess. It will be needed so that the sharp hacksaw does not jump to the side during processing;
  4. Carefully insert the hacksaw into the cardboard and guide it along the specified contour. Strictly ensure that its nose does not go to the side. If it turns out uneven, you will have to increase the diameter of the hole.

You can do the same thing if you need to cut a wall into waves or create decorative patterns on the surface of the material. After the hacksaw, you need to sand the seams and prime them. The primer will eliminate nicks and small irregularities. Next, the seam is puttied and can be subject to further processing.

Photo - hacksaw for drywall

Video: how to cut drywall

Working with special tools

Any video indicates that if you need to properly cut moisture-resistant drywall, it is better to use power tools. The simplest and affordable option- This is an electric jigsaw. It allows you to cut the sheet curvilinearly, with clear edges or to fit a pattern. The main thing is to observe safety precautions when working, and before using the device, check the location of the wiring under the covering (if the cardboard is already on the wall). Step-by-step instructions on how to use a jigsaw:

To avoid breaking the jigsaw and cardboard sheet, do not press on the surface to be processed. Also, you should not stay in one place for a long time; unlike a hacksaw, this can make too deep a cut and ruin the pattern.

Photo - circular saw

If you need to cut several sheets of drywall for the ceiling or walls, use a circular saw. It allows you to process from two to five materials at a time. The disadvantage is the high cost of the equipment (unless, of course, such a device was purchased earlier) and the dustiness of the work.

  1. You need to install drywall on the table, you can only cut it on special surface so as not to damage the material and working tools;
  2. Put it on protective equipment: mask, suit and gloves. When cutting, sawdust and plaster particles will fly, which can cause harm if they come into contact with the skin or eyes;
  3. Now you need to draw out the cardboard. Make an oval, round or any other shaped hole with a knife (depth no more than 4 mm);
  4. Additionally, draw a marker over the designated area (only from the inside);
  5. Turn on the saw and carefully start cutting the cardboard onto the tool along the marked lines. You need to be careful not to press on the sheets so as not to break them. This is the most quick option of all those presented, you can use it to cut any big hole in drywall - under a hatch, a chandelier, a radiator under a window.

Takes ~2 minutes to read

Drywall is one of the most common materials in construction, which is nevertheless very fragile. With its help they not only sheathe ceilings and walls, but also create a wide variety of decorative elements home interior. However, its inaccurate cutting leads to excessive consumption of material, and the inability to do it leads to unnecessary costs to the help of a specialist. But don’t be upset, because cutting drywall correctly with your own hands is not at all difficult if you follow the given instructions exactly.


Principle and rules for cutting drywall


The principle and rules of cutting are based on an understanding of what you are dealing with, so you should first study the structure of the material. But in this case, the name speaks for itself - the two outer layers are formed of cardboard, which serves as the basis for relative strength, and between them is plaster with fillers. Used for various purposes different types drywall: standard, waterproof, fireproof. The first is used in all cases, excluding wall and ceiling cladding (moisture-resistant drywall is used here) and structures located in close proximity to a fireplace or other heat source (in this case, fire-resistant material is used).

Preparation and application of markings

Lay the gypsum board sheet on a flat horizontal surface and make marks using a simple pencil, tape measure or ruler. A marker and a fountain pen are suitable for this procedure, but their traces are visible under the putty.


Immediately before or during work, select the tool that will be used for cutting. There are many ways to accomplish your plans, depending on the means available to you. In fact, you can cut drywall with any sharp object, but this will require certain skills. Let's consider the main tools that can be used.

How to cut: choosing a tool

If you plan to cut drywall on a regular basis, or at least frequently enough, it is recommended that you purchase one professional tool and not suffer with improvised means in the future. In any other case, you should have a stationery - construction, reinforced - or assembly knives. The types of stationery are barely distinguishable from each other, but construction is stronger. However, in any case, the cut from this knife is such that afterward it is necessary to eliminate the resulting nicks.

A hacksaw for metal is quite suitable for this operation - its blade is thinner than that of a hacksaw for wood, so it benefits in the accuracy of the subsequent result.

Other useful device- jigsaw. Its advantage is that there is no need to think about how to cut drywall, because you just need to follow the drawn line. To process the edges, additional tools are used, such as a roughing plane, the effect of which can be reproduced with sandpaper.

When we have figured out how to cut drywall, we can move directly to the methods of cutting it, the number of which is also large and varied. Let's look at some of them.

How to cut with a mounting knife


A saw blade is suitable for cutting drywall into large lengthwise pieces. First, take the necessary measurements using a tape measure and a pencil, attach a metal ruler to the drawn line and start cutting the material with the tip along the edge of this very ruler.


Be careful and take your time so that the cut comes out smooth and precise and matches the line from the pencil lead.

The core is broken by lightly tapping, then the slab is turned over and the drywall is again cut along the broken area. At the end, the material should be processed with a plane so that the edge becomes even.

How to cut with a hacksaw


It is worth noting that most often a hacksaw is used to cut rectangular openings. In this case, you need to mark the drywall from the back side. In one of the corners of the drawing, use a drill to make a hole with a diameter large enough so that the hacksaw blade can easily fit into it. You can also make holes on all sides. After the operation is completed, the edge, as in the previous case, is processed with a plane or file, depending on the size of the hole made. Important: it is advisable for the tool blade to be perpendicular to the plane of the drywall sheet. In this case, the edges come out smoother.


Cutting with a jigsaw


A jigsaw is a tool that will help save work time and your energy. Using it, you can saw and cut not only straight lines, but also smooth, curved lines and various shapes. If you use it, place a sheet of plasterboard on two stools so that the previously drawn line for the shape of the desired cutout runs in the distance between the surfaces of the stools. Act smoothly and leisurely, cut strictly along the intended line. A jigsaw has another significant advantage: with it, the processing of the resulting edges is reduced to a minimum, because it is held perpendicular to the surface of the sheet, which is the key to such a result. This is facilitated by the special sole installed in it. The disadvantages include the fact that you still have to spend money on it, but this tool is worth it. Also, when working with it, a lot of dust rises, you should take care of eye and respiratory protection in advance.

Shaped cutting, as well as square and round cuts

It is worth paying attention to the figure cutting mentioned above. The best way to cut is, of course, a jigsaw. But if the figure is, for example, an ordinary circle, then it is acceptable to use ordinary stationery or mounting knives. Initially, it is important to determine the center of the circle, and then use a pencil and compass to draw it. Using the tip of a knife, cut the outline of the intended opening as much as possible. Then place this area over the empty space - a two-stool design will work here again. Lightly hit the cutout with a hammer - the material will break through the center of the hole.

Edge processing

The cut is processed with a roughing plane, since the edges never come out smooth and neat enough - this is already a property of any tool; the experience and skills of the performer play a lesser role here. You can also remove a chamfer using a regular knife, but it will take more time and require professional skills.


In conclusion, it should be noted that cutting drywall is one of the most common operations in the list of those that can easily be done independently at home, without the help of a specialist. It is enough just to approach any work with intelligence and patience and carefully familiarize yourself with the sequence of completing the task, based on its features. Then the result will be appropriate.

Good luck to you and successful repairs.

Video: how to properly saw (cut) drywall with your own hands at home

Each of us has done renovations at some point in our lives. And many people do it every couple of years. To insulate your home or create beautiful figures on the ceiling, in the bathroom or any other rooms we often use a material such as drywall. And many of those who prefer to do the repairs themselves have wondered whether it is possible to cut drywall themselves at home, and how difficult it is.

Most often, owners resort to the help of strangers (specialists), spending a lot of money. This article will help you cope with this process yourself, without wasting time looking for specialists, and will help you get exactly the result you want.


Drywall is a relatively new material used in construction work. It gained wide popularity due to its harmlessness, versatility, and good sound insulation. The gypsum board itself, as the name suggests, consists of two sheets of thick cardboard and plaster placed between them. Standard width one sheet is one hundred twenty centimeters. Since drywall has big sizes, during construction work it is necessary to resort to cutting it.

To cut drywall, we will need a tape measure to obtain the required dimensions (a ruler can also be used), a pencil, a pen (or any other similar tool), with which we will apply the shapes we need on the sheet, a tool for the cut itself (hacksaw, grinder, jigsaw, cutter), roughing plane (for processing edges after cutting), saw (can be circular or circular), or a drill with a crown. Although cutting drywall does not present any difficulties, cutting it incorrectly leads to a large waste of material, and, accordingly, to unnecessary waste Money.

Cutting a GKLV is not a labor-intensive job; any beginner, with the proper desire, can make the cut himself, without the help of professionals.

Brief process cutting drywall looks like this. First, the drywall is cut, then broken. Also, the simple composition of drywall is easy to drill, which is necessary for making various holes.

This type material is divided into different kinds depending on the assigned functions:

  • moisture resistant;
  • standard;
  • fire resistant;
  • acoustic;
  • increased strength.

Moisture-resistant drywall needed when used in rooms with an increased amount of vapor in the air. Fire-resistant drywall is used where there are fireplaces and near places with sources of open fire.

Initially, drywall was used only to level surfaces.

There are three standard type sheet:

  • 3000x1200 millimeters;
  • 2500x1200 millimeters;
  • 2000x1200 millimeters.

Depending on the type of drywall, their thickness also varies, which affects the complexity of cutting.

Ceiling plasterboard has a thickness of 9.5 millimeters, wall plasterboard - 12.5 millimeters, arched - 6.5 millimeters.

Let's consider several features when cutting drywall:

  • It is necessary to place the sheet of drywall on a flat and stable surface, as it is very flexible.
  • If the sheet of drywall is large, then cutting must be done gradually.
  • Before placing the sheet on the work surface, make sure it is dry. A wet sheet will be unsuitable for work.
  • It is recommended to cut from the side that will be located near the wall. This will allow you to subsequently hide possible defects formed during cutting.
  • It is necessary to protect eyes and respiratory organs with personal protective equipment.

When cutting drywall, do not use circular saw because of her ability to create a large number of harmful dust.

What's the best way to cut?

Drywall cutting is done by various types of tools, some of them are:

  • mounting knife;
  • hacksaw;
  • electric jigsaw is hand power tools, with the help of which various types of materials are cut using a reciprocating motion of the saw blade.

Let's consider each of them separately.

Assembly knife

In this method we will need a drill and, in fact, a mounting knife.

To cut drywall with a mounting knife, you must measure the required size of drywall in length or width. We also need a metal ruler. We apply it to the cut line. After which an incision is made of this material. The process itself is quite simple and will not take much time. The sloppy edge left by the cut can be corrected using a plane. It is recommended that when breaking drywall on a table, the edge protrudes by one or two centimeters, and when cutting on the floor, place any object resembling a block under it.

When cutting drywall, one person is enough in a convenient way The part is cut on one side, after which the drywall is carefully turned over to the other side and continues to be cut on the other side. This method allows, if necessary, to cut thin strips of drywall with minimal damage.


This tool will allow us to cut out only small shapes, such as a circle, square, rectangle, rhombus and others. For achievement best result It is recommended to use a hacksaw with a thin blade.

We draw the shapes we need of the appropriate size, and then use a drill to make a hole corresponding to the size of the blade of our hacksaw. Then we cut out the shapes we need. Just as in the previous method, to achieve neat edges you can use a plane or a file if the size of your parts is too small. It is recommended to use a hacksaw for metal, but if you don’t have one, you can also use a hacksaw for wood.

This process can be described in more detail as follows. The sheet of drywall is laid on a flat surface (you can use a stack of sheets of drywall). Next, the necessary measurements are taken, and the dimensions are applied with a pencil (or any other object) to the sheet. Marks are applied on both sides of the sheet, starting from the edge of the sheet. Then they are connected to each other, forming the desired line or figure. In some cases, a marking thread is used. Lines are marked on both sides of the drywall.

The next step is to directly cut the drywall. The length of the blade of our tool should not exceed the thickness of the sheet. The sheet is cut with a knife (preferably several times to achieve best effect), turn the sheet over to the other side. Next, knock several times along the cut line and cut the remaining part of the drywall with the same knife.


cutting electric jigsaw is the fastest of all, but at the same time quite expensive. Its price varies from 1,500 to 10,000 rubles. The price depends on the quality of the product. But the costs are absolutely worth it. Our capabilities when using it expand significantly. It becomes possible to cut lines and shapes various forms, including curved ones, The amount of waste is also significantly reduced. When working with a jigsaw, you must follow safety precautions. Before starting work, check the integrity of the wires and the serviceability of the tool.

To achieve the desired effect, we apply the correct shapes or designs onto a sheet of drywall. Next, we place it on two stools (or any other supports) placed on both sides of the sheet. Then, using a jigsaw, we cut out the shapes we have drawn.

When cutting round holes It is recommended to draw them with a compass, and when cutting, drill a hole inside the circle. After cutting the drywall, the edges require minimal processing, which also saves us time and effort, which is a significant plus.

When making a cut, it is not recommended to stay in one place for a long time, and also to press on the sheet using great force to avoid breaking the jigsaw and the sheet. It is necessary to carefully process the edges of the gypsum board before hanging, for example, spotlight or socket.

Subtleties of the process

When cutting drywall, it is customary to follow some rules, such as:

  • placing the sheet on a flat and stable surface;
  • the surface should be dry and free of excess debris;
  • Use personal protective equipment for eyes and respiratory organs, as cutting leaves a large amount of small debris and dust.

When cutting a profile, various types of tools are used:

  • Hacksaw. This type of tool, regardless of whether it is narrow or wide, has high flexibility of the cutting blade, which allows it to deviate from a given direction. This reduces the quality of work and also increases the time spent cutting.
  • Bulgarian. The tool is one of the best for carrying out construction work, including when cutting drywall.

  • Metal scissors
  • Jigsaw.

Also in our life, there are times when it is necessary to make a cut on an already installed sheet of drywall for a lamp, paintings or any other things. There is also a way for this case.

First, we need to make sure that the drywall is securely fastened, after which the small holes we need are carefully cut out with a jigsaw, a drill with an attachment, or an electric drill. It is recommended to cut large holes with a knife according to the markings. If you get uneven edges, they can be removed with sandpaper or a hacksaw.

There are a number of nuances when cutting out circles. Most in a simple way cutting out a circle in drywall involves applying the desired size to the sheet, then carefully cutting it in a circle with a blade, and knocking out the core with a hammer (with little effort with any similar object). There is also the simplest way, which saves time and effort - using a drill with a special cylindrical attachment. This type of attachment is usually used when cutting a locking mechanism with a latch into a door.

There is also a so-called double-sided cut, which is carried out when various obstacles arise in the path of the sheet, be it doors, openings, beams or any others. If such a situation arises, you have to make a cut (or slice) with the right side and the desired shape. This manipulation is quite simple, but requires concentration, accuracy and attentiveness. One side of the sheet must be cut with a hacksaw, and the other side must be carefully trimmed with a knife. Then complete the work by making a break and finishing the edge with a plane.

When cutting drywall, it folds. It is advisable to do this carefully without damaging the sheet. There are three possible ways bending drywall. The easiest way is to attach the desired workpiece to the profile and fix it in the desired position with self-tapping screws. This method is used for small sheets measuring 20-30 centimeters and a small arc size.