How to make tiles from clay. Production of ceramic tiles

It's amazing how life changes. Much of what we now habitually purchase in stores in finished form, 100 years ago, people made flour with their own hands, baked bread, spun, weaved, etc. They also built houses on their own, including preparing building materials: sawing timber, making boards and bricks, burning lime.

But even in periods closer to our time, people were forced to return to economic “self-service”, remembering ancient methods and technologies. They were forced to do this either by the post-war devastation and the accompanying hunger for goods, or by being abandoned to the mercy of fate by the authorities. From those times, not only objects made by the hands of our grandfathers or the houses they built remained, but also a lot of literature devoted to the handicraft production of a wide variety of goods.

Holding in your hands such books and brochures, published, as a rule, in the 20s or 40s of the 20th century, is very interesting. Moreover, this interest is not only historical. The fact is that the traditional technologies to which these manuals are devoted are interesting today due to the fact that they were based on the use of predominantly local natural materials- environmentally friendly and cost-effective. And this is already a reason for people who are tired of dirt to become interested in them modern production and constantly rising prices in construction markets.

Books of this kind also include the brochure by engineer A. Skachkov “Fireproof roof made of clay tiles”, published in 1925 in the series “Peasant’s Insurance Library”. It describes in detail how to make clay tiles with your own hands. We provide a short description of this technology.

Video: production and installation of ceramic tiles

Clay selection and preparation

The quality of clay for tiles has always been great importance. The best clay is the one from which pots are made, not greasy or sandy, but medium. It must be clean, soft and viscous. Tiles made from very oily clay warp and crack when dried, and from thin clay it turns out to be very weak, strongly absorbs water and is frost-resistant.

But very fatty or very thin clay can be adapted for tiles. To reduce the fat content, you should add fine clay to the clay. clean sand or finely crushed bricks, pots, tiles. If the clay is too thin, then you can grind sand out of it.

There are many simple ways find out the suitability of clay for tiles.

Here are some of them.

  • A crumpled lump of clay, thrown with force onto the floor, should be flattened like dough, without cracks, into a flat cake, and not crumble into separate pieces.
  • When rubbing the clay between your fingers, you should not feel sand.
  • Well-kneaded clay should easily take and retain all the shapes that are given to it (must be plastic).

But the most reliable way To find out the suitability of clay is to make several test tiles from it. With good clay, the finished tile has an even red color, there are no cracks or distortions on it, when you hit it, it makes a clear metallic ringing sound, and when lowered into water it does not increase its weight much. In addition, when placed on two bars, it should easily support a person standing on it, have a light glassy coating on the surface, and be of the same color and without bubbles at the break. It would be good if, upon drying and firing, the size of the tiles would decrease by no more than 5%.

After selecting and preparing the clay, it must be prepared for subsequent processing. Clay for tiles is prepared at any time of the year, but it must be overwintered. Clay taken out of the ground is piled on the surface of the earth in the form of long ridges 1.5-2 m wide and 0.7 m high at any length. These ridges are called stacks. In them, the clay becomes thoroughly wet from the autumn rains, freezes during severe frosts, and thaws again in the spring. As a result of these processes, clay acquires qualities that facilitate its processing.

In order for the clay to freeze better, the stacks are stirred from time to time and filled with water. The longer the clay is frozen, the better it becomes. You can freeze it for several winters. The frozen clay is soaked before processing and after 2-3 days they begin to knead. This is best done in a clay grinder, although you can also crush the clay with your feet.

A clay grinder can be made from a large wooden barrel or from thick boards in the form of a box. Inside this box, an iron or wooden (oak) axis is inserted, on which iron knives are mounted in a helical manner. When the axis rotates, the clay thrown from above is cut by knives and directed downward, towards the hole, just as it happens with meat in a meat grinder.

In order to mix the clay better, sometimes additional fixed knives are placed on the sides of the clay grinder itself. A carrier is attached to the top of the axle, into which oxen or horses are harnessed and driven in a circle. It is better to mix the clay twice. The wooden clay grinder is approximately 1.5 m high, 1.06 m wide at the top, and 0.89 m wide at the bottom. The iron axis is 2.8 m high, and the blade length is 0.35-0.45 m with a blade width of 10 cm and a thickness of 3 cm. The carrier is made 8.5 m long. With one horse, two or three workers can knead about 15 m3 of clay in 8 hours.

Tile molding

The easiest way to form flat tiles. To make it, you must have a wooden or iron molding frame with a handle. Inner dimensions The frames are 33x21 cm with a thickness of slightly more than 2.5 cm.

The frame is accompanied by a board (movable bottom), which must pass exactly through the frame and be 1.25 cm thick, and have a cutout at the top for a tenon.

Making flat tiles is simple. A frame is placed on the work table, and a board with a cutout is placed in it, and the whole thing is lightly sprinkled with dry sand or ash. You need to place a large lump of crumpled clay on the table nearby and give it the shape of a cube. Then, with a bow and a bowstring made of thin steel wire, several layers 2 cm thick are cut. This is easy to do in “formwork” made of wooden blocks 2 cm thick. After molding the cube, the top bars on each side need to be removed and the layer cut, guiding the beam along the bars. After this, you need to remove the next row of bars and repeat everything.

After this, they take one layer of clay and put it in a frame, press hard in the place where the thorn should be, and then add a lump of clay here. After this, take a rolling pin, wash it in a tub of water so that the clay does not stick to it, and clean off the excess clay from the frame, after which the frame is carefully removed. A drying frame is placed on top of the tiles, they are turned over and, after removing the board, the tiles are taken to the drying shelves.

When molding tiles, it is necessary to cut layers of such size that they fill the entire frame, since the addition of clay is harmful and after firing it lags behind the tiles. The molding of Tatar (Roman) or Dutch (grooved) tiles is also described in the book by A. Skachkov. This process is somewhat more complicated, but, as experience shows, any person can master this technology in a day or two. One worker can mold from 500 blanks per day.

For roof ridges, special tiles are prepared, which are called ridge tiles.

Drying tiles

Proper drying shingles is of great importance. If drying quickly and unevenly, the tiles may warp and crack, so drying should occur slowly and evenly over the entire surface of the tiles.

The damper the clay was during molding, the easier it is for water to come out of it when drying, and vice versa - the more tightly the clay was mixed, the slower the tile dries. This may cause more cracks to appear.

The sun and wind have a very harmful effect on the drying of tiles. Therefore, it is better to dry tiles indoors or under a canopy. In small-scale production, tiles are placed on temporary shelves made of boards and bricks instead of stands. Such shelves are easy to disassemble and put together, and they do not require any racks or nails during construction. In case of rain or strong sun, the tiles are covered with matting or straw mats. Drying time in summer averages 10 days,

Firing tiles

Firing - the most crucial moment tile production. Proper firing depends on the fuel, the design of the kiln, the skills of the worker (the roaster) and many other reasons.

The tiles are fired in special kilns, the simplest of which are batch kilns.

The kiln is divided into four main compartments: the firebox, the ash pan, the burning chamber and the chimney. The internal dimensions of such a stove are impressive: 2 m wide and 4 m long. The firebox is 1 m long. Behind it there is a wall with holes that separates the firebox from the firing chamber. After the kiln is loaded with tiles, a temporary wall with holes is placed in the back of the chamber. Some furnaces do not do this. The height of the pipe in such a furnace is not very large - about 4.5 m. The dimensions of the pipe at the bottom are 70x80 cm, and at the very top - 40x53 cm. A valve is installed in the pipe to increase or decrease the draft. Cover the oven with a roof.

There is a large opening at the back of the stove for loading and unloading tiles. During firing, this hole is filled with bricks in clay mortar and covered with sand to reduce heat loss.

Sometimes a small door is left here to monitor the progress of firing and take samples.

It is best to place tiles in the oven in separate tiers, starting from the wall closest to the firebox and extending them across the entire width of the oven to the very top. Once one tier is loaded, another is placed, and so on, until the entire oven is loaded.

After this, firing begins. It should be carried out to such an extent that the tiles come out slightly vitrified over the entire surface. Vitrification begins to appear when the tiles are slightly burned and the clay on the surface is baked. In any case, it is better to overburn the tiles a little rather than underburn them. Finishing tiles. The tiles do not always turn out to be an even color. To remove variegation, give the tiles a more attractive appearance and improve their quality, the tiles are subjected to various treatments. One of them is glazing. Glaze is a special glassy layer that covers the surface of the tile during firing. Icing comes in a variety of colors, but the cheapest and most common colors are brown and tan. The glaze gives the tiles beautiful view and makes it stronger than unglazed. However, glazing doubles the cost of tiles, which limits the use of this finish.

A more acceptable finish is engobing, that is, applying glaze to the tiles. Poliva is made from special red, completely pure, fatty clay, which is first dried and ground, then diluted with water like thick milk and filtered through a fine sieve. Before firing, the dried tiles are dipped into this clay solution and re-placed on the drying racks. When the tiles are dry again, they are loaded into the kiln and fired. After firing, the surface of the tiles comes out all smooth red. Watering improves the quality of the tiles and increases their service life.

When the tiles are fired and cooled, they begin to be unloaded from the kiln and sorted. Roof tiles for houses must be straight, evenly colored, ringing, without cracks or broken corners. The remaining tiles can be used to cover awnings and temporary roofs. It is better to store finished tiles under a canopy, protecting them from rain and snow. The bottom rows must be placed not on the ground, but on boards. Covering the roof with tiles. Tile roofs are fire-resistant, durable, require no painting or repair, and are very beautiful.

The steeper the roof slope, the better it is, since snow will not linger on it, and rain will drain quickly. But this rule is only true for certain climatic conditions(sloping low roofs, for example, are acceptable in hot southern areas) and the tiles used.

With flat tiles, the roof must have a rise of at least half the width of the building. The sheathing under it is nailed according to the size of the tile, so that it is hooked with a spike at the top, lies on the lower bar and descends behind it at the bottom by no more than 6 cm. Flat tiles are covered either in one layer or in two.

The first method is simple, but the roof is loose and to prevent rain from getting into the cracks between the tiles, strips of tin are placed under these cracks. The width of the strips should be from 9 to 11 cm, and the length should be 4 cm shorter than the tiles. The ridges are covered with ridge tiles on moss mixed with clay or lime mortar.

A more durable and dense roof is obtained in two layers. But such a roof is heavier - for 1 m2 there are approximately 200 tiles, which weigh about 100 kg (with single-layer installation - half as much).

In the early 90s of the last century, an innovative material appeared on the European construction market - polymer sand tiles. Composite roofing, compared to conventional ceramics, is characterized by increased strength and resistance to impacts, low specific gravity, and a wide palette of colors. An additional advantage is the affordable price due to the availability of raw materials. It is necessary to arrange the supply of secondary waste, find premises, purchase machines and arrange them in accordance with the technological scheme.

Production technology and necessary equipment

The raw materials for molding are quartz sand, pre-processed plastic waste and dyes, which also act as a binder in the mixture.

1. Polymer component. It is a combination of an agglomerate obtained by melting ordinary polyethylene and a solid part (polystyrene, polypropylene, ABS plastic). Thanks to soft polyethylenes, the future roof will not be afraid of frost and will acquire gloss, while the “hard” product will provide heat resistance when exposed to sunlight.

There is no need to carefully sort, wash and dry waste. It is enough to simply release 40-50% soft and 60-50% hard plastics - approximately in this ratio they go to landfills. It is advisable to immediately separate refractory polycarbonates, fluoroplastics, rubber, small scrap metal, and foil. Paper and fusible inclusions burn during the melting of raw materials.

2. Sand (filler) must be coarse-grained (3 mm), dry, without clay and dust particles. There are no special requirements for the origin and color of the bulk material.

3. A variety of pigments make it possible to obtain polymer tiles of any desired shade. To prevent the roof from fading prematurely, you should look for a reliable brand of paint.

It is important that production is carried out in compliance with the correct proportions of all components: polymer material - 24%, sand - 75%, dye - 1%.

The production of tiles occurs in stages:

  • Drying sand. It is poured into the loading hopper, then it enters the feeder, which delivers it in doses to the conveyor, and then into the chamber where gases or air heated with a burner are supplied. The finished sand enters the unloading chamber.
  • Shredding of plastic waste. In order for the different-sized polymer component to become homogeneous, it is passed through a crushing machine.
  • Mixing. For this operation, extrusion equipment is used, into which a crushed solid polymer product is loaded, as well as polyethylene and polypropylene film. A high temperature is created inside the extruder machine, at which the components are mixed and fused to form a viscous dough-like mass. Balls up to 10 cm in diameter are formed from it and immersed in water to cool. Next, they are removed from the liquid and kept in air for complete cooling and setting.
  • Re-grinding. The cooled balls are passed through the crusher again.
  • Preparation of polymer-sand mixture. This production is harmful and should be isolated from the procurement area. In the room where the machine will operate, powerful ventilation is installed to remove harmful gaseous waste.

The crushed polymer semi-finished product, dry sand and pigments are loaded into a thermal mixer. The finished mass, heated to 180 o C, is squeezed out of the chamber when the valve is opened. The operator cuts off a portion weighing approximately 2 kg with a knife - this is exactly how much is used to make one polymer tile.

After weighing, the cake is placed into a mold using a scoop and sent under the press. Final stage has its own nuances.

  • To obtain glossy products, pressing equipment is adjusted to unevenly cool the mold. Its upper half has a temperature of 80 o, and the lower half is only 45 o. The bottom should cool as quickly as possible so that the shingles form in 30-50 seconds. Under such conditions, the polymer composition rises up and fills the pores between the grains of sand on the surface.
  • To prevent unevenly cooled products from “stealing,” they are placed on the table and pressed down with a weight. If this condition is not met, the roof will be uneven.
  • Production of the matte variety requires uniform rapid cooling of the top and bottom molds.

Review of popular machine models

The production of polymer sand tiles is within the capabilities of small entrepreneurs. In this case, it makes sense to buy affordable compact units (used) and place them in a suitable room. Equipment is selected according to the following criteria:

  • Dryer. For this purpose, drum sets of different capacities are mainly used. When the chamber rotates, the sand is poured out and dried faster (the process is accelerated if there are blades on the inside of the drum for mixing the bulk product).
  • Shredder of polymer waste. It is advisable to buy a crusher that can grind any plastic raw material: cans, canisters, film, basins.
  • Extruder. It is selected depending on the projected product output. Maximum productivity reaches 1000 kg/hour.
  • Press for molding. The machine must have a force of approximately 100 tons. If you plan to produce not only polymer sand tiles, but also paving slabs, borders, it is advisable to choose a table with adjustable dimensions.

Sometimes, in order to reduce costs, used equipment is purchased, but it is better not to save on it. Only high-quality molds made from alloy steels with subsequent heat treatment are capable of working out 5 million molding cycles and ensuring the production of standard products.

As an example, we give several models of machines for operations included in the technological cycle.

1. Drying unit drum type SBP.

It is used for any bulk materials; it runs on natural gas or diesel fuel. An electric drive is rigidly fixed to the frame, transmitting rotation to the drum tires. At the time of unloading, the sand is heated to +80 o, so you can additionally purchase a cooler.

The SBP series equipment is characterized by a wide range of performance characteristics:

  • dimensions – from 3000x950 to 13500x2200 mm;
  • drum capacity – from 2.12 to 51.3 m3;
  • burner power – from 100 to 16000 kW;
  • productivity – from 1.25 to 50 t/h;
  • electric drive power – 5-15 kW.

2. Impact crusher IPR (polymer grinder).

The machine is assembled from the following components: frame, rotor, housing, loading hopper, electric drive. A housing and an electric motor with a belt drive are mounted on the frame. In the housing part, a cutting device (rotor) with knives attached to the side disks rotates on bearing supports. Waste is placed into the loading neck manually or automatically. The size of the finished fraction depends on the dimensions of the mesh cells fixed at the bottom of the grinder.

The crusher features a rigid structure, no dust, minimal noise and high efficiency. The machine has the following technical data:

  • rotor diameter – 250-500 mm;
  • rotor speed – 450-1100 rpm;
  • engine power – 7.5-45 kW;
  • weight – 500-2700 kg.

3. Extruder EG-300.

Serves for melting different fractions of soft and hard plastic. The machine consists of a metal body with a loading hopper, an electric drive (motor and gearbox), electric belt heaters, a temperature controller, and an unloading window.


  • productivity – not less than 300 kg/hour;
  • power source – 3-phase AC mains voltage 380 V;
  • electric motor power – 2.2 kW;
  • total power consumption – 11.2 kW;
  • dimensions – 3600x1200x400 mm.

4. Thermal auger machine APN.

The melting and heating unit operates on the principle of continuous operation. Serves for mixing crushed polymers with sand filler and dye, as well as preparing a hot mass for feeding into the press. The amount of working mixture in it is maintained at the same level, adding further portions as it is unloaded. In order for polymer sand tiles to turn out to be of high quality, the grains of sand must be completely covered with a polymer shell.

The APN consists of a frame, a pipe body, a hopper, a damper, an auger, a drive (motor, chain coupling and gearbox), heaters, a damper, a fence, and two temperature control sensors. The body is insulated with heat-insulating material, dimensions – 520x3200x1230 mm.

5. Hydraulic molding press PAS-1.

The machine for pressing polymer sand tiles creates a force of up to 100 tons. The equipment is equipped with an NSh-10 gear hydraulic pump, three-phase electric motor power 5.5 kW, dimensions - 1000x500x2000 mm.

Full cycle lines

If production is planned large volumes products, it is better to purchase a set of installations that fully support the entire process. It is produced in Russia, and the cost is very reasonable.

1. Polimerstroy 18 (Izhevsk).

The company supplies high-quality machines from China, and also practices manufacturing its own designs. The latter include extruders, melting and heating equipment (up to 600 kg/hour), presses with a force of 100-400 tons. It is proposed to grind polymer scrap (hard, soft, film) using crushers of domestic and Chinese production. Their power is no more than 300 W, the resulting fraction is 5-8 mm.

2. Monolith (Zlatoust).

The complex includes:

  • radial crusher of used polymers (plastic thickness up to 8 mm) – 100 kg/hour;
  • extruder of our own design “Mastek” – 500-600 kg/hour;
  • semi-automatic press – force 100 t.

Additionally, you can purchase a sifter dryer for sand, an agglomerator for producing polyethylene granules, and a forced mixer.


The cost of equipment for the production of tiles from polymer waste.

Since ancient times, all building materials were made only by hand. Over time, in the process of improving this industry, it appeared industrial production. Despite the rapid development of science and technology, it is still actively used manual labor, in the process of building houses and creating materials. In particular, do-it-yourself tiles are not a rare occurrence for domestic construction.

Material selection

The basis for making tiles is clay. Strength and appearance The future product depends on the quality of the material that will be used. Practice shows that the optimal material for tiles is clay, suitable for forming dishes. It is moderately oily and does not contain too much sand.

Using components with a large proportion of sand will cause the tiles to crack. The clay should be visually clean and viscous and soft to the touch. There are several methods for checking compliance:

  • When rubbing the material, grains of sand should not be felt in your hands;
  • a clay lump thrown onto the ground should form a cake. If the material cracks or falls apart, the clay is of poor quality;
  • When modeling, the clay should be easy to mold.

Before producing a large batch of tiles, it is recommended to make one trial product and check whether it meets the following criteria:

  • product color – uniform, red;
  • absence of cracks and irregularities on the surface;
  • high-quality tiles should not allow much water to pass through; this can be checked by lowering them into a container of water and seeing how much weight they gain;
  • when hitting the product there should be a ringing, metal-like sound;
  • the product must be able to withstand the weight of an adult;
  • during firing, the element may decrease in volume by no more than 5%;
  • The cross-section of the tile at the break should be of uniform color and free of bubbles.

Preparing clay for tiles

The preparatory stage involves soaking the clay in water for about 2-3 days. After this procedure, the clay must be thoroughly mixed, for which a clay mixer (clay grinder) is used. This device is commercially available, but you can also build it yourself from boards and metal knives.

The design of such a system is similar to a meat grinder and the operating principle is similar. In such a device, you should mix the clay at least twice.

Forming flat tiles

The procedure for making tiles can occur in several ways, depending on the expected result.

  • For example, flat tiles require a molding frame made of metal or wood measuring 33x21 cm with a thickness of just over 2.5 cm. The bottom of the frame is formed in the form of a movable board that fits freely inside the frame itself. The thickness of the bottom should be within 1.25 cm.
  • The finished frame is placed on a flat surface (on the table), and a bottom board is placed in it. The mold is sprinkled with dry pitch or ash.
  • Then a cube is formed from a sufficiently large lump of clay.
  • Next, this cube is cut into layers 2 cm thick. It is convenient to cut using a stretched steel wire.

One of the layers is placed in the molding frame in such a way as to fill the entire space of the frame. In the place where the tile should have a spike, press on the layer.

Then the frame is removed and the product is covered with a board. After this procedure, the product is turned over and the bottom board is removed. Forming is completed and the product can be placed on the drying rack.

Drying clay tiles

After giving the products the desired shape, you should responsibly approach the next stage - dry the tiles evenly. The product must dry completely to prevent cracks from forming. The speed of drying depends on the amount of moisture contained in the clay.

Optimally, drying of products should be done indoors, but if this is not possible, then a canopy should be provided. For 10 days, the tiles are on the shelves and dried.

Firing of products

The process of firing products is the most critical stage in the entire production. For this purpose, a special oven is used, the like of which you can build yourself.

  • The design of the furnace implies the presence of four sections: a firebox, a firing chamber, a blower and pipes. A separating wall with holes is installed between the firing chamber and the firebox. It closes when the chamber is completely loaded with tiles. The stove is also equipped with a valve for regulating draft and is covered with a vault.

The tiles are laid on a larger or smaller edge, depending on the shape of the product. General rule– Each tile must stand vertically. To prevent it from falling, you can support the products with broken fragments of already fired material.

The procedure is carried out for so long until the tiles become slightly glazed on the surface. This is a sign that the product is ready. The longer the material is inside the oven, the better this affects its strength and durability. However, there is no need to let it get too hot.

Sorting and its features

The tiles are considered finished after being removed from the oven and completely cooled. When the products are ready, they should be inspected and sorted.

For roofing, tiles with a uniform color are suitable, have a loud sound when struck and do not have any irregularities. Products that do not pass this selection may be suitable for forming a canopy or for other purposes.

Products should be stored indoors or under a canopy. It is imperative to provide a pallet and not lay the elements on bare ground.

The roof, covered with tiles of our own production, has a beautiful appearance and is very durable. Installation does not require special skills and is quite simple to implement. The steep slope of the roof promotes rapid precipitation, which has a beneficial effect on the roof. Good luck!

Denis Gudkov, especially for the site,,

The roof tile is one of the most ancient roofing materials, which are still in use today. Roofs made of tiles are distinguished by strength, reliability, durability, beauty and sophistication. Modern roof tiles can be made from various materials, which determines its technical characteristics, the possibility of use for certain purposes and cost.

Distinguished by:

  • metal tiles(galvanized steel, coated polymer material),
  • soft tiles (bitumen tiles, fiberglass impregnated with modified bitumen),
  • ceramic tiles(natural, made from clay),
  • cement-sand tiles(made from cement and washed sand with the addition of metal oxides),
  • composite tiles(steel coated with aluzinc and externally coated with acrylic primer with natural stone granules),
  • polymer-sand roof tiles(sand, polymer materials).

According to statistics, today in Europe and America, natural tiles in new construction and renovation occupy a leading position - 86%, of which 67% are cement-sand, and 19% are ceramic, 3% are metal tiles, and 11% are other roofing materials. On Russian market consumption of natural roofing materials (ceramic and cement-sand tiles) has increased every year by 30% since 1998.

Tiled roofs have high soundproofing properties (absorb the noise of rain, hail), they do not burn, do not accumulate static electricity, and do not emit harmful or strong-smelling fumes. In addition, they are distinguished by exceptional durability (up to 100 years). Cement-sand tiles are currently the most popular roofing material, since their production is less expensive, and technical specifications it is not inferior, and even superior to ceramic.

Modern production of cement-sand tiles based on the following technology: preparation of a mixture of cement and filler (sand), molding of the resulting mixture into tiles using the rolling method or the method using brick-making presses on special pallets under given parameters, subsequent hardening finished products in steaming chambers at constant temperature and humidity.

Equipment for the production of cement-sand tiles is offered by various manufacturers both in Russia and abroad. For example, LLC "Zavod Stroytekhnika"(Zlatoust, Russia) produces a full set of equipment ( Rifey line), designed for producing tiles using brick making machines. The kit includes:

  • molding machine for the production of groove tiles,
  • machine for molding ridge tiles,
  • mixer type mixer with a volume of 100 liters,
  • pumping unit to drive the molding machine,
  • lodgment,
  • pallets for molding and curing tiles.

The declared productivity of this line is 500 pieces (50 m2) of ordinary tiles per shift and 50 pieces (19 m) of ridge tiles with an installed power of 17.4 kW and a pressure of hydraulic system 50 kg/cm2. The size of the resulting products is 420x330 mm, weight - 4.5 kg. The size of the production site required for the operation of the equipment is 8x8.5 m.

Other manufacturer rental equipment for the production of cement-sand tiles is LLC "South Ural Industrial Company"(Orsk, Russia). The line includes:

  • installation of TsCH-P, intended for the formation of groove tiles,
  • TsCH-K for forming ridge tiles,
  • mixer,
  • steam chambers.

The declared productivity of this line is 800 pcs (53 m2) of grooved tiles with an installed power of no more than 5 kW. Service staff - 3-4 people. The resulting products comply with TU-21-0284757-6-91 and have a size of 400x240x12 mm. To make 1 m2 of tiles, you need to spend 11.5 kg of cement, 23 kg of sand, 4.5 liters of water, 200-400 g of coloring pigment.

It should be noted that the use rolling forming method products can significantly improve equipment performance. So, the lines being developed JSC "VNIISTROM" named after. P.P. Budnikova(Kraskovo village, Moscow region), operating on the basis of rolling technology, have a productivity of 3600 - 4000 pieces (240 - 300 m2) per shift with a staff of 6 - 8 people and an installed power of 20 kW. The resulting products have dimensions of 400x240x12 mm and can withstand breaking loads of up to 80 kg. Frost resistance of products is up to 50 cycles.

Foreign companies, mainly German manufacturers of roofing materials ERLUS AG, CREATON AG, Wienerberger, Dachkeramik Meyer-Holsen, Nelskamp, ​​Braas(ceramic or cement-sand tiles), as a rule, use their own equipment and technological solutions. Without exaggeration, the world leader in tile production can be called Braas company(Germany), which owns more than 224 tile production factories in the world. In Moscow, since 1996, the joint Russian-German enterprise BRAAS DSK-1 LLC has been operating for the production of Frankfurt cement-sand tiles. Products are manufactured in accordance with TU 5756-001-4154053-98 conveyor rolling method. The resulting products have a size of 420x330x24-31 mm, weight 4.5 kg.

Currently, polymer-sand tiles are gaining popularity, for the production of which secondary polymer raw materials can be used in the proportion of 40-50% polyethylene and 50-60% polypropylene, polystyrene, etc. Approximately in this ratio, waste is found in landfills. The consumption of materials for the production of 1 m2 of such products is as follows: 5.2 kg of plastic, 15.8 kg of sand, 100 - 150 g of dye. According to the stated technical characteristics this material even surpasses traditional ones:

  • water absorption ~0.3% (for cement-sand ~6%),
  • application temperature range - from -65 to +1000С,
  • flammability - group G2,
  • mechanical loads up to 350 kg/cm2 (axial compression) and up to 135 kg/cm2 (bending).

The weight of such a product is 2 times less than its cement-sand analogues, and its service life can reach 50 years. Equipment for producing polymer-sand tiles is produced Detal-proekt company(Tver), LLC "Polymer-Technology"(Orsk). Package Included:

  • polymer crusher PT 2003.00.000(plastic shredding, productivity 900 kg/h),
  • extrusion machine PT 2004.00.000(polymer regeneration, productivity 85 kg/h),
  • APT-PT 2002.00.000(preparation of mass for molding, productivity 250 kg/h), molding unit PT 2001.00.000(forming products from a polymer-sand mixture).

The polymer-sand mixture ready for molding has a temperature of 150 - 1800C; the responsibilities of the operator of this line include separating the required amount for further molding into ready product. The productivity of the entire line reaches 35 m2 per shift, the operating staff is 2 - 5 people.

However, despite the many advantages of polymer-sand materials over traditional ones, it is obvious that their quality and individual characteristics will directly depend on the composition of the secondary polymer raw materials used for production. In this regard, the use of such materials requires more stringent quality control.

Minimum productivity for tiles 3000 pcs/day

This information is presented for the purpose of a more detailed study of the basic features of the manufacturing technology of various building materials from clay followed by firing.

I. General composition of the line and main key elements
1. Preparatory unit. Knot - 1 (1 set)

(1) Air drying of raw materials until humidity reaches 13% (for loader) →
(2) Belt feeder with hoppers, model TL-WLJ-PD6 (for transport) →
(3) Conveyor, type TL-SSJ-PD11 (for transporting raw materials) + 2 magnetic catchers, type TL-RCBD-6.5 (to protect equipment from metal objects) →
(4) High-speed mixer-crusher, type TL-XSJ-DG800 (for preliminary crushing and mixing of raw materials, obtaining a fraction of no more than 5 mm) →
(5) Conveyor, type TL-SSJ-PDPD12 (for transporting processed raw materials) →
water supply system (for mixing raw materials and achieving humidity 18%-22%) →
(7) Conveyor type TL-SSJ-PD13 (for transporting recycled wet material) →
(8) High-speed mixer-crusher, type TL-XSJ-DG800 (for preliminary crushing and mixing of raw materials, obtaining a fraction of no more than 1.5-2 mm) →
(9) Conveyor, type TL-SSJ-PD14 (for transporting prepared material) →
(10) Mixer-granulator, type TL-ZLJ-YPA (for subsequent processing of raw materials by granulating them, which significantly improves the quality indicators of the final product before subsequent aging of the clay for 3-6 days. This is especially true for raw materials containing a high amount of sand .) →
(11) Conveyor, type TL-SSJ-PD15 (for transporting semi-finished products) →
(12) Clay storage (aging) warehouse (clay aging for 3-6 days after granulation, to ensure the final product is more High Quality) → Node-2
(13) Automatic system control (for preparation before further use material)

2. Automatic extrusion & semi-dry molding. Knot - 2 (1 set)

Description of the basic principles technological process:
(all subsequent processes up to point 20 are carried out automatically)
14) Conveyor, type TL-SSJ-PD21 (for transporting prepared semi-finished products to...) →
15) Belt feeder with hoppers, model TL-WLJ-LB6 (for feeding and dosing material) →
16) Conveyor, type TL-SSJ-PD22 (for transporting prepared quality material to the extruder) →
17) Vacuum extruder, type TL-CXJ-B40-30 + nozzle for forming tiles, type TL-JCM-RT-ST, or another nozzle (for primary molding of tiles) →
18) Automatic press for final molding of tiles, type TL-AUTOYWJ-1W + mold for making tiles, type TL-SYM-RT-ST or other mold (to form a clear shape and correct geometric dimensions tiles) →
19) Conveyor-type manipulator for picking up and transferring products, type TL-JXSSSJ-JZ (for moving freshly molded products from the molding area to the place of subsequent processing) →
20) Loading transport pallets into drying installations (carried out by workers) *** 0 → Unit-3
21) Automatic control system (for preparation before further use of products)

Description of the basic principles of the technological process:
(not for tiles)
20) Transport pallets (for loading by workers or automatic system***2 to) →
22) Multi-Tracks Dryer (for drying products & after treatment with hot air from ovens, the presence of humidity should be less than 3-5%. Upon completion of drying, products are transported to the unloading area and unloaded by workers or in automatic mode ***3 )→
23) Transport system (for transporting products to the oven) →
24) Tunnel firing kilns (for firing products at a temperature of about 1150℃ until the final product is ready) → Sorting and packaging finished product(performed by auxiliary workers or in automatic mode***4) +
25) Automatic control system (for drying and firing)

***0, 1, 2, 3, 4---We need to know what type of fuel you prefer to use, its calorific value and characteristics in order to make you the best offer on stoves. This is very important to maintain the desired temperature during firing. And we also need to know your investment budget in order to give you the best offer, and also in order to know for which mode to prepare an offer for “Node - 3” - automatic control or not.

II. Description of the main equipment included in the line.

1. Twin-shaft mixer, type TL -JBJ -300 II

Basic technical specifications high speed double mill, type TL -XSJ -DG 800
Dimensions LxWxH(mm) Productivity (tons/hr) Inlet/outlet particle size (mm) Motor power (k w) Weight (kg)
3,150 x 1,580 x 1,550 15~25 ≤100 / ≤2 ~ 5 67 ≈ 6000

Features of this type

1.Specially designed to carry out the process of fine grinding and sifting.
2.Some modifications may have their own characteristics; type CG double gear-rollers, type DG double hammers, type CX - impact-screen grinding method, and type GS4 - rotary screen, to perform all possible options grinding

4. Belt feeder with hoppers, type TL -WLJ -PD 6

5. Vacuum extruder, type TL -CXJ -B 40-30

Main technical parameters of vacuum extruder, type TL -CXJ -B 40-30
Dimensions LxWxH (mm) Capacity (VFD adjustable) (tons/hr) Maximum shaft diameter (mm) Nominal diameter of screws (mm)
4,600 x 1,800 x 1,300 5 ~ 8 ¢162 ¢400 / ¢300
Vacuum pressure (mpa) Mixing / Motor power (kw) Extrusion pressure (mpa) Weight (kg)
≤ - 0.095 45 3.0 ≈ 6000
Designed specifically for production ceramic tiles, bricks, and other high quality cubic elements. An all-metal housing, special carbide screws and a reliable gearbox ensure stable operation of the equipment and quality of products.

6. Modular tunnel ovens.

1. One set consists of 148 meters of tunnel ovens
The proposed tunnel furnaces are a prefabricated structure of individual modules that can be assembled in a short time on virtually any work site. The preliminary proposal contains recommendations for use as a fuel natural gas. Each set of tunnel ovens consists of 41 modules (each 3600 mm long).
All modules are made of special steel reinforced with hot-rolled steel profiles and coated with fire-resistant paint. The joints between the modules have special locking slopes, ensuring a smooth transition between them with reliable hermetically sealed connection.
Tunnel kiln length: 1,480,000mm, Internal/external tunnel width: 2650mm / 3600 mm
Size of mobile racks: 3600 x 2600 mm, Height of transport pallets: 620 mm

2. One set of dual hot air ducts - 73 meters
Hot air ducts are equipped with exhaust fans and temperature detectors with which the humidity and temperature inside are regulated.
Each channel can accommodate up to 19 mobile pallets, for a total of 38. The dryer ceiling is made of reinforced concrete slab. The dryer itself is equipped with easy-to-install sliding gates. The dryer and air treatment system are also designed to be placed in it standard brick.
Dryer length: 73,000mm, Internal/external dryer width: 5250mm / 5750mm Dimensions mobile shelving: 3600 x 2600 x 620 mm

7. Brief final terms.

1 Corresponding agreements for cases of sending enterprise specialists abroad (to Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia...): if necessary, the equipment supplier can send technical specialists to the buyer to carry out work on equipment installation, configuration and commissioning. In this case, the buyer pays the costs associated with travel, accommodation and food for specialists, as well as pays for their work at the rate of USD30 for each working day per person.

2 Power consumption system: three-phase, voltage 380V/50Hz (or other system, depending on customer requirements).

3 Delivery and installation times for equipment:
Manufacturing and delivery of equipment is carried out within 90 days after signing the contract and receiving advance payment; equipment installation is carried out within 60 days.

4 Ensuring the quality of equipment and services provided:
a) The warranty period for the equipment is one year, subject to its operation in accordance with its functional purpose;
b) Direction qualified personnel for setting up and adjusting the supplied equipment; c) During the warranty period, the buyer is fully serviced on all issues related to the management of equipment through telephone (fax), postal and other forms of communication;
d) To ensure normal operation of the equipment, the company ensures that problems are eliminated and necessary repairs are made, provided that such problems arise when warranty case;
e) Installation and test run: During the installation and testing of the equipment by the manufacturer's technical specialists, in compliance with the norms and standards established by the Chinese quality system, it is advisable that the buyer's technical personnel carry out working together in order to improve their qualifications and training. This The best way familiarization with equipment and its possible malfunctions.

5 Conditions of the offer fulfilled by the customer:
a) The Buyer independently ensures the supply to the location of the equipment: gas, water, electricity;
b) The Buyer independently ensures the organization of production areas and premises necessary for the placement of equipment;
c) The Buyer independently ensures the availability of the line at the location necessary tools, fuels and lubricants, special equipment, etc.;
d) The Buyer is solely responsible for other necessary items not mentioned in this offer.

6 Packing of equipment is carried out on transport pallets, taking into account all the requirements necessary for sea transportation..

7 Terms of payment: Payment is made in US dollars on T/T terms:
a) Thirty percent (30%) of the base price, in the form of an advance payment, is paid within 7 days after signing the contract;
b) Sixty-five percent (65%) of the total contract price shall be paid upon notification to the purchaser that the equipment is ready;
c) Five percent (5%) is paid within 7 days after receiving the equipment and checking its quality and completeness.
