How to fix a tile seam on a loggia. If the balcony is flowing from above - what to do and who to contact

A balcony or loggia is an essential part of any modern home. If you have been living in an apartment for more than a year, then over time you can find gaps in the balcony in wooden floor, on the walls or ceiling of the loggia. The balcony loses its tightness, which is created with the help of glazing or all kinds of insulating materials. If you are faced with a similar problem, but do not know how to close the gaps on the balcony, then this article will help you sort out this issue.

Among all modern materials, which close up the joints and holes on the loggia, the following can be distinguished:

Whatever material you would use on the walls and ceiling, you need to carefully prepare the surface before the installation operation. The joints and cracks of the walls are cleaned of dirt, dust and completely moistened with water. The choice of each specific material depends on what basis you will apply it to. It is recommended to close cracks in the surface of wood with putty, sealant or simple window putty.

After preparatory work before repairs are completed, it is best to dry the cracks with building hair dryer in order to eliminate the remaining moisture!

Mounting foam is deservedly considered a universal remedy, and a fire hatch and its joints in cement base covered with cement mortar. It is advisable to cover a seam or hole in a concrete slab with waterproofing, otherwise moisture that has entered the pores will quickly destroy the entire structure of the material.

Standard scheme arrangement of a good, strong balcony balcony without frames

Sealing cracks on the balcony with plastic trim

Often modern loggias sheathe plastic materials(lining, sheets). They also make a ventilation or fire hatch from it. If you need to close holes or gaps in the balcony with plastic cladding walls, it is recommended to stock up on a silicone-based sealant, a specialized gun, organic solvent and a hard rubber spatula.

The work algorithm is as follows.

Closing cracks on the concrete surface of the balcony

It is recommended to seal the concrete loggia or close the spaces between the slabs using the following materials and improvised means: primer mortar, cement mixture, solvent, mounting foam and trowel. Be sure to wear gloves while working. The fire hatch on top, which you will periodically open, is not allowed to be sealed.

The preparation of the walls consists in cleaning the cracks from dust, dirt and treating them with a high-quality solvent. Priming - next stage, after which mounting foam is blown into the volume of the gap. After 10 minutes, the product will increase significantly in volume, so it is recommended to fill only half with foam inner space holes or cracks.

Then you have to wait until the foam layer is completely dry and hardened. The final stage is the coating of the walls in places of defects with cement mortar.

Before leveling the concrete floor, it is imperative to determine its level

Features of working with cracks on a wooden surface

Wear on wooden walls or a crack in a wooden floor on a loggia is so slight that there is no need to eliminate it with mounting foam. Builders recommend filling small gaps between the parts of the frames with putty. It can be bought at ready-made in the store or make it yourself from PVA glue and crushed sawdust.

The seam must be carefully cleaned, and then walk along the edges of the crack with a spatula to remove old paint and varnish. Use a spatula to work with window putty or putty. After the procedure, walk through wooden surface sandpaper, and then open it with fresh paint (varnish). A wooden hatch is sealed in the same way.

Diagram of a wooden floor on a balcony

Filling very large cracks

The larger the crack on the balcony, the more difficult it is to fix it.

Deep holes and crevices often form on the walls of the loggia. Seal them mounting foam considered ineffective, as it will fall into holes larger than 5 cm.

In case of large defects, the joints and wall gaps between the plates are closed metal corners or galvanized iron, which is attached to the concrete elements of the balcony with screws, forming bends of the required slope.

Work should be carried out in the following order.

  1. Measure the parameters of the gap (its width and height), cut out a fragment from a single sheet with a margin of approximately 20 cm in width to create an overlap;
  2. Bend the "patch" in half and attach it with self-tapping screws to the surface and the fence. Self-tapping screws are inserted into holes that are important to drill in advance. Slots in the floor are closed in a similar way;
  3. Foam is placed in small holes, the uneven protrusions of which are cut off with a knife.

Repair of ceiling cracks

Cracks and holes in the balcony ceiling can cause much more damage than flaws in the walls. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately repair work. They begin with the processing of the seam with a metal brush. It is important not to damage the top hatch.

The filling of the gap space itself is carried out using mounting foam or waterproofing type mastic. After the material has completely solidified, the treated hole is cemented in the usual way. To protect against moisture, the restored place is primed.

After sealing the cracks, it is recommended to finish the ceiling with special tiles


You can watch a video on how the sealing of balcony seams is carried out.

Sealing seams, joints of double-glazed windows, windows and loggias (balconies) with house panels, this necessary work for high-quality insulation of an apartment in a panel house.
High-quality sealing of a loggia or balcony requires exact definition causes of leaks and blowouts.
The main causes of leaks and cold bridges on balconies or loggias can be:
- Broken seal between panel seams or joints and junctions of the loggia.
- Absence or bad condition soft roof on the loggia.
- Lack of galvanized ebbs of a balcony or loggia.
- Absence of sealing of joints of ebbs.

Sealing of interpanel seams of a loggia.

The device and repair of a soft roof of a loggia. Replacing the roof on the loggia.

On the ceiling slabs of the loggia, a soft roof is required. In winter, on the ceiling slabs of the loggias accumulates a large number of snow that melts from the heat coming from the apartment. Melt water seeps in through the seam or seeps through the slab. When the temperature drops, water freezes inside the concrete and breaks it. Microcracks in the slab expand and after a while, the ceiling slab of the loggia can begin to not only leak, but also crumble.
Our company uses only quality materials, mainly from the company "TechnoNIKOL". When installing or repairing a soft roof of a loggia, it is necessary to make a large overlap of the roofing fabric on the wall in order to completely exclude moisture from entering under soft roof. The junctions of the roofing fabric and the concrete slab are well smeared with sealing mastic.

The complexity of sealing the loggia and insulating the seams and joints of balconies and loggias lies in the non-standard nature of each situation. For example, everything is clear with walls: it is necessary to fill the space between the panels and seal the joint between the panels. With a balcony or loggia, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the ingress of moisture or cold inside. Often it is necessary to redo the design of a balcony or loggia. Dismantle and re-mount ebbs or make roof structures, and then already seal the seams and joints. You can evaluate the work on waterproofing and insulation of balconies and loggias only after inspection.

Many people expand the space of the apartment due to the loggia. In this case loggia insulation, sealing seams and sealing the joints of the loggia, must be made very high quality, since the space of the loggia is already part of the room. On some loggias combined with apartments, condensation appears in cold weather, while there are no seams in these places. In this case, the cause of condensation may be thin wall loggia compared to panel walls at home, and the temperature difference on the walls of the apartment and the walls of the loggia is the cause of condensation.

Sealing joints in apartments and balconies on the upper floors.

On the top floors of newly built panel houses- apartments with the worst waterproofing. Balconies and loggias with leaky roofs or poor-quality waterproofing. The seams between the panels are empty. In addition, there is a technical floor. Sealing and insulation of seams on the technical floor is just as necessary as sealing and insulation of seams opposite the apartment. Through the seams of the technical floor, water seeps into the balcony and into the apartment. Unlike the lower floors, where water seeps only through the seams, on the upper floors, water accumulates in the seams of the technical floor, as in a tank and flows along horizontal seams, and then seeps absolutely anywhere in the apartment. And in the corners of the apartment on the top floor, water pours in a stream after every rain. In order to eliminate these problems, it is necessary, firstly, to make a complete waterproofing of the roof of the balcony. Repair the soft roof on the loggia, completely open the entire old roof and make a new waterproofing of the soft roof, using a burner and roofing waterproofing materials. Secondly, it is necessary to make a complete sealing of the seams of the technical floor and the apartment. Completely clean the space between the panels and fill it tightly with vilatherm and foam, then high-quality sealing of the panel joints is carried out. Then you can forget about water, fungus and mold in the apartment.
It should be noted once again that before sealing the panel joints on the upper floors, it is necessary to eliminate all causes of leaks, replace the soft roof on the loggia, and repair the roof over the apartment. If the roof of a house is leaking, any of the tightest seams will still eventually let water through. Insulation of the seams and subsequent sealing of the joints will make the apartment warm and save from moisture from the side of the facade plates. If the flow of water during rain or as a result of melting snow enters the seam, the water will still find its way.

Sealing the seams of panel houses:

Professional sealing of interpanel seams and insulation of the interpanel space are necessary works to permanently rid your home of leaks, freezing and mold.

Overhaul of interpanel seams is carried out only according to the Tight Seam technology developed by engineers of the StroyAlp group of companies. According to which the SNiP was subsequently adopted on sealing the seams of large-panel buildings.

Insulation and sealing of seams of windows and ebbs:

In order to get rid of mold around the windows, window sealing is carried out - sealing the joints and junctions of double-glazed windows and panels, insulation of junctions of ebbs and panels.

The selected technology for sealing interpanel seams, which is used to seal the external seams of large-panel buildings, is the determining factor in the result of the work performed.

Sealing of interpanel seams in panel houses of different series is carried out according to different technologies, since the designs of houses and panels are different.

Insulation and sealing of the seams of apartments includes sealing of interpanel seams, sealing of loggias and balconies, sealing of windows and ebbs, and, if necessary, insulation of seams from the inside - from the side of the apartment.

Materials for sealing the joints should be selected based on the technology used for sealing the joints and the series of the house. Sometimes in one series of houses, developers use different facing materials therefore, an individual selection of sealant is often necessary for better adhesion to the surface.

Typical cases of interpanel joint problems:

Despite the variety of series of panel houses, there are typical cases of problems with interpanel joints.

Questions and answers on sealing and insulation of joints in prefabricated houses:

For 20 years in the industry of sealing the seams of panel houses, our company has accumulated a lot of experience. In this chapter, you can find answers to typical questions about sealing and insulation of joints in prefabricated houses.

Errors and violations of seam sealing technology:

Not only leads to unsatisfactory results wrong selection materials, but also errors and violations of seam sealing technology.

If you are not a climber, do-it-yourself sealing of inter-panel seams can only be done on the first floor. However, knowing the basics of joint sealing technology will help you control the work of the contractor.

Sealing of interpanel seams on the first and last floor:

Sealing of interpanel joints on different floors may differ according to the technologies used. On the first floor, the problems of seams are in "blowing", and on the last floor - in "leaking".

The need for waterproofing arises when rainwater and snow freely penetrates the open balcony or loggia or flows from above from the neighbors. The lack of waterproofing can lead to destruction, blurring of the base of the floor or ceiling, strong leaks lead to the formation of cracks in the ceilings, not to mention the fact that the property located on the balcony or loggia suffers. If you are faced with similar problems, this article will help you understand why the balcony is leaking, tell you what to do if there is a leak and teach you how to waterproof the balcony yourself.

Waterproofing, where to start?

First of all, it is necessary to choose a waterproofing option and prepare the surface accordingly.

Waterproofing Options

Depending on the material used, there are two main options for waterproofing a balcony with your own hands - painting (mastic) and roll (pasting).

Paint waterproofing It involves protecting the surface from water by applying special water-repellent mastics to it. It stands out for its simplicity.

For waterproofing loggias from the inside, penetrating and coating mastics are used. Penetrating compounds are usually produced in the form of a powder, which consists of quartz sand, cement and chemically active additives. The mixture is diluted with water and applied with a painting tool or spray. Such mastics are used for loggias and balconies with concrete bases.

Coating waterproofing is used when working with brick, polyurethane or stone surfaces. The composition of coating mastics can be bitumen-rubber, bitumen-cement or polymer-cement.

Application of bitumen-rubber mastic

Speaking of roll waterproofing , it is worth noting that technologically it is more complex and difficult to implement without certain skills and tools. This option for waterproofing the balcony from the inside involves the use of roll materials that are laid on the surface and glued to it by fusing or applying adhesives to the surface.

Surfacing of rolled waterproofing

They also produce roll materials that already have an adhesive base. Such, for example, as penofol. It will provide not only waterproofing, but also excellent vapor barrier of the balcony due to the double-sided metallized coating. Among the welded materials applicable as waterproofing on loggias and balconies, one can single out hydroisol, hydrostekloizol, armobitel and filizol.

Preparatory work

In order for the waterproofing of the loggia with your own hands to become as effective as possible, it is necessary to thoroughly clean its surfaces. And as for the floor of the loggia itself, it is desirable to perform a leveling cement screed. This work should be done after cleaning the base, but before waterproofing.

When cleaning the floor of the loggia, the sheathing is initially dismantled. Then the base is inspected for the presence of bare reinforcement, cracks and rotten, worn-out areas. Detected metal parts are carefully cleaned of rust and processed protective compounds. Cracks and weak areas of the base are embroidered for subsequent filling with a screed. On last step a stiff brush sweeps dust and debris from the surface of the floor and from all its recesses. Next, a leveling cement screed is performed.

Such an operation will make both roll and paint waterproofing of the floor on a balcony or loggia more effective. Rolled materials will adhere more closely to the surface, and the mastic will provide excellent adhesion to the base.

Ceiling waterproofing

The public service will take up the restoration of its integrity only if it recognizes the structural element as emergency, and the neighbors are unlikely to be imbued with the seriousness of the problem and take up waterproofing the floor of their balcony or loggia. Therefore, the best way out of the situation would be to waterproof the balcony ceiling from the inside. This procedure is also relevant when insulating a loggia or balcony and it is carried out before covering the ceiling with insulating material.

Ceiling in need of waterproofing

The following instructions describe the sequence of actions for waterproofing the ceiling of a balcony or loggia from the inside using penetrating mastic:

  1. Removing the ceiling lining and cleaning the slab from residues finishing materials, paint, glue, cement.
  2. Thorough moistening of the balcony or loggia ceiling with water. The easiest way to do this is with a spray gun and a paint roller.
  3. Application of the first layer of mastic. To do this, use a brush with synthetic bristles or a sprayer. If a brush is used, then its movements are directed along the balcony slab.
  4. Applying the second layer of mastic with brush movements directed across the balcony slab. Usually, when waterproofing with penetrating compounds, the second layer is applied after 2-3 hours after the first layer has been applied. It is enough that the mastic grabs a little. Before applying the second layer of waterproofing, the ceiling of the loggia or balcony must also be moistened abundantly.
  5. Maintaining the ceiling in a wet state for 1-3 days, after waterproofing works.

This theoretical knowledge will help you independently waterproof the ceiling of a balcony or loggia, but watching a video showing an example of using penetrating waterproofing will not hurt in this matter.

A little about sealing balconies and loggias

As a rule, the need to seal balconies or loggias appears due to the occurrence of various kinds of leaks. The reasons why a balcony flows can be very different. Here are the most common:

  • the leak was formed due to cracks in the glazing;
  • water flows through the gap between the balcony slab and the wall;
  • the leak is the result of a poor adjoining of the loggia glazing to the wall;
  • water flows from neighbors at the end of the floor slab through the gap between the visor and the ceiling of the balcony.

For the first case, when leakage occurs due to poor quality or aged plastic glazing, there is a proven way to fix a leak. It is necessary to use seals, popularly called flashings. They are mounted on the frame from the windward side, are widespread and are available in various modifications.

Flap for plastic glazing

How to cover up the cracks on the balcony or loggia in other cases? For sealing wide recesses, it is best to use mounting foam. And to eliminate small gaps, silicone sealant is suitable.

The gap between the glazing and the wall, requiring sealing

Sealing a balcony or loggia using a sealant is carried out as follows:

  1. First of all, the surface is cleaned of glue, old paint and other contaminants. Then she wipes damp cloth. It is important, however, not to use detergents, since the sealant does not adhere to them.
  2. Next, you need to make sure that the recess to be sealed is dry, which will ensure good fixing of the sealant.
  3. The next step is to make a sealing seam. After applying the sealant, the seam is smoothed with a wooden or plastic spatula dipped in soapy water. To prevent excess sealant from sticking to the surface, the walls along the seam can be sprayed with the same soapy water and removed after drying.

So simple affordable way sealing will allow you to eliminate small leaks easily and without the help of specialists.

In cloudy weather, you can see how the balcony flows, the water floods the floor. It seems that all our work has been done in vain. Do not despair, because everything can be fixed.

To do this, it is necessary to waterproof the balcony from the inside in parallel with its sealing. If you have a question - how to waterproof a balcony, loggia and seal them, in this article we will try to give you the most complete answer. In addition, you will find here not only answers to all your questions, but also detailed diagrams as well as illustrations. First, let's understand what waterproofing is and why it is needed.

What is waterproofing

Waterproofing serves as protection building materials from water flowing through the defects of the seams reinforced concrete structures. It is carried out by applying materials various types on the surface of the floor, ceiling, vertical partitions balconies, loggias. With illiterate waterproofing, water gets into the room on the loggia, the ceiling covering, after which active leaks begin.

Traces of water impact on concrete structures clearly visible on the open balconies (especially the upper floors). The edges of the balcony slab are destroyed, the place where the carrier slab adjoins the house is crumbled in places. Therefore, we immediately conclude - waterproofing open balcony necessary.

Sealing and waterproofing a balcony with your own hands can be done with little building experience. Consider the sequence in which the waterproofing of balconies and loggias is carried out. Immediately, we note that waterproofing is carried out in parallel with sealing, which we will discuss below.

Balcony ceiling waterproofing from the inside

The top plate, which is the ceiling, is cleaned of old plaster, we carry out sealing of seams, cracks. We coat the entire ceiling with an antifungal antiseptic, for example, Belinka. We breed a two-component polyurethane mastic (for example, Hyperdesmo), which forms a durable elastic seamless coating that does not require prior leveling of the base.

After applying the first layer, we reinforce it with a mesh with a cell of 5x5 mm. The second layer is applied perpendicular to the dried first. Let dry completely waterproofing coating and then we start work on . We stick foam sheets on the ceiling and fasten them over them vapor barrier film(for example, Izospan). . But these works are carried out when the waterproofing and sealing of balconies (loggias) is fully completed.

Applying waterproofing to the ceiling of the loggia

Waterproofing of walls, vertical partitions of balconies and loggias

We glue foil polystyrene foam to the cleaned, smeared with antiseptic walls - the most optimal material for vertical surfaces, which also acts as a vapor barrier for the balcony. We seal the joints between the sheets. We apply two layers of polyurethane mastic for waterproofing. We turn to the processing of the floor.

Loggia waterproofing from the inside with a vapor barrier coating

Floor waterproofing

Summarize. From our article, you learned how important sealing and waterproofing of balconies and loggias is. It is not very difficult to carry out these works. The main thing is accuracy and care.

Is correct execution waterproofing works. Sealing balconies is another mandatory procedure in this case. In this article, we will talk in detail about what methods of waterproofing exist at the moment and what materials are most suitable for this purpose.

Waterproofing is carried out by applying various kinds of protective materials to the surface in the event that a balcony flows or when performing various kinds of finishing work, for example, after glazing. When arranging it on a balcony, a certain sequence must be observed.

Work sequence

Performing such a procedure as waterproofing a balcony with your own hands is a process that includes several main steps:

  • Sealing gaps;
  • Moisture protection of the parapet and walls;
  • Floor protection;
  • Performance of work on the protection of the ceiling;
Important: Waterproofing of loggias and balconies, in the event that a leak occurs in any other, is carried out simultaneously with their sealing. This means that all existing gaps must first be sealed.

Sealing balconies and loggias

So, what to do if the balcony flows? Can be used to seal gaps different materials. It all depends on what finish was used for or loggias, as well as on their design features.

Sealing small gaps

Very often, apartment owners who are faced with such a problem as a leak are interested in how to cover up small holes. In this case, everything is very simple. For sealing, use foam. Previously, all areas to be embedded are cleaned of dirt. Slots are foamed by about two-thirds of their volume.

Advice: Synthetic surfaces should be pretreated with acetone. The fact is that foam is a sealant that sticks well only to concrete or metal.

Sealing small gaps on the loggia is a mandatory procedure

Small gaps can also be closed using special self-adhesive butyl tape.

Sealing large holes

Sealing large gaps on the loggia can be done using tin. This material effectively protects the structure from leaks. Sealing is carried out in several steps:

  • The hole is measured;
  • The resulting dimensions are transferred to the sheet;
  • The sheet is cut and one side is bent at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • The resulting part is attached to the parapet with self-tapping screws.

Eliminating gaps is a mandatory procedure when performing such work as sealing and waterproofing a balcony from the inside or outside.

Preparing for waterproofing work

Sealing the balcony in the event that it flows is half the battle. We found out how to eliminate the main leaks. However, to prevent water from getting inside this room, it is also necessary to perform waterproofing of all structural elements. This may be necessary both for an open balcony and during, for example, insulation work.

Waterproofing materials

You can insulate the balcony and eliminate leaks using:

  • Roll materials. These bituminous coatings are distinguished by good operational characteristics. Very often used for insulation when insulating loggias and balconies;
  • polymer coatings. These are various kinds of mastics, which are also quite suitable for do-it-yourself loggia waterproofing. Suitable for both open and glazed structures.
On a note: Bituminous mastics can be used not only for surface treatment, but also along with mounting foam for sealing holes.

Bituminous mastics - perfect solution for waterproofing loggias

Surface cleaning

Before starting the waterproofing, all surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt. It is also necessary to remove the old plaster.

On a note: It is particularly important to thoroughly clean and level all surfaces, both vertical and horizontal, when used to seal leaks and seal roll materials.

How to waterproof a balcony

It is possible to carry out the necessary measures to eliminate leaks with your own hands both using mastics and roll materials.

Ceiling waterproofing

Especially often leaks are formed on the ceiling. Finding a leak is easy. Most often, water begins to penetrate into the room at the joints. Moist spots form at the point of entry. Waterproofing the balcony ceiling from the inside to eliminate leaks is most often performed using penetrating mastics. This procedure includes the following steps:

  • The surface of the ceiling is abundantly moistened;
  • Next, the first layer of mastic is applied with a brush. It needs to move in the same direction. In this case, the sealing will be more complete.
  • In order for the leaks from above to be completely eliminated, a second layer of mastic must be applied. Do this after the first layer dries slightly (but does not dry out completely). The mastic this time is applied in a perpendicular direction;
  • To ensure high-quality sealing and eliminate leaks, it is also necessary to smear the walls adjacent to the ceiling with mastic (to a height of about 15 - 20 cm).
Important: In order to obtain high-quality waterproofing, it is necessary to maintain the resulting waterproofing layer wet.

Balcony ceiling waterproofing using bituminous mastic

If mastic is used to waterproof the ceiling deep penetration surface moistening will be sufficient. In all other cases, it will also need to be pre-primed. This will provide additional protection against leaks.

Parapet waterproofing

Leaks on the loggias are also possible from the side of the parapet. Therefore, in addition to sealing the joints, it is also necessary to coat the vertical surfaces with mastic. This procedure is performed in the same way as when processing ceilings.

Floor waterproofing

In this case, the waterproofing layer is applied over the finished concrete screed, with the device of which it is necessary to provide for a slight reverse slope.

Waterproofing of the parapet and floor with penetrating bituminous mastic

Vapor barrier of loggias and balconies

Protecting a balcony from moisture is not only about eliminating leaks, making a reliable seal and arranging effective ventilation. It is also necessary to perform high-quality vapor barrier.

Balcony vapor barrier over insulation with foil polystyrene foam

The vapor barrier of the balcony protects the insulation layer from moisture accumulating inside the room. It is carried out using materials that have the ability to eliminate steam (parchment, foil polystyrene foam, etc.).

As you can see, waterproofing the loggia from the inside, just like the balcony, is not a very complicated procedure and, if desired, can be done independently. The most important thing in this business is to do everything carefully. Then all leaks will be eliminated. For clarity, we present to your attention a video about waterproofing a balcony.