Why do fish dream when you eat it. Did you see individual parts of the fish in your dream? Eating fish in a dream - interpretation according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Our life consists of various phenomena, ordinary and mystical. To the latter, many include dreams. Science is trying to prove that this is the work of our subconscious, but anyway, when we see something bright in a dream, we try to unravel the event and be sure to connect it all with the future. Seeing a fish is one of the most memorable dreams for a woman. For everyone, it has its own meaning, but since ancient times this symbol has meant childbearing, fertility, wealth. Try to figure out why a woman dreams of a fish, what interpretations there are.

If a woman dreamed of a live and fresh fish

Many dream books are very contradictory, but in almost all dream books, seeing a living fish in a dream is considered an auspicious dream for a woman. Almost all interpreters attribute this symbol to positive life changes. It means that luck, happiness, passionate love relationships await a woman, which can end in a wedding. If the girl is pregnant, then everything will go well, the birth will be easy, the baby will be born healthy. Feed aquatic animals in a dream - too good sign who promises reconciliation with enemies.

If you dreamed of a dead fish

A dead fish in a dream for a woman speaks of unpleasant events in life. It all depends on the size: the larger it is, the worse the situation, health problems may arise. Events will not be fatal, but capable of long time unsettle the dreamer. Dreams mean trouble, conflict situations. A more positive meaning if, when touched, the fish broke into pieces. This predicts an unexpected increase in salary, a bonus, a win. For a young girl, a plot with dead living creatures promises disappointment in her beloved, rumors will spoil the relationship.

Another bad dream with dead fish- to see multi-colored scales on it. Enemies, competitors are preparing a serious plan that can damage well-being, but with caution everything can be avoided. Dream Interpretations are advised to try to remain silent, to give in, not to quarrel. With golden scales - a good business proposal that will change your whole life. The plot suggests that the solution to the problem may lie on the surface. The sooner you start taking action, the faster everything will normalize, and with the proper approach, it will turn life in the best direction.

Pregnant women should be wary of such a dream. The plot with the rotten fish on early dates may indicate a miscarriage, in the later - premature birth, in which the fetus may not be saved. For pregnant women to see that they have given birth to a fish, a warning that future child will be in poor health, unlikely to live long. A lot of dead fish is the disease of the woman herself. Tip: no need to panic, you need to be careful. Positive interpretation: eat a ready-made dish of marine life. It is interpreted as a way out of a depressive state, good mood.

Catching fish in a dream for a woman

Not the most common occurrence in a dream is catching fish. When you dream of clean water in a pond, your health will be excellent, well-being will be stable. Options:

  • Fish from the lake portends happiness and joy.
  • A woman caught her with a net, we should expect financial profit, fulfillment of desires in short time. If the net is full of holes, then she will not be able to properly dispose of the money received.
  • A gnawed fish skeleton promises misfortune and disappointment, the collapse of plans, a bony catch - obstacles in business.
  • Dreaming of fishermen - invisible "underwater" life processes, false friends.

Other interpretations:

  1. to see how the fishing rod float calmly sways on the water - the desire will not come true soon;
  2. to catch a fish on a hook - everything will come true very quickly;
  3. the fishing rod slips out of your hands - you need to look for another way out, do not rush into business;
  4. get and prepare a fishing rod for fishing - find another way to solve problems;
  5. someone else caught waterfowl - pregnancy.

Big prey caught is a profitable marriage, a successful business. The larger the catch, the more money, the smaller the trouble. The motley colors of the fish - danger or deceit, quarrels, insults, for patients - danger, the likelihood of death. Red - experiences, disclosure of secrets. Slipping out of hands - to deal with a cunning person, failure, for unmarried girl- loss of a loved one, breakup of a relationship. Fish in your bed - to the disease, for those who are going to cruise symbolizes a shipwreck or other misfortune.

Fishing hooks always indicate danger - the enemies have prepared a cunning trap, you should be wary of risky activities. Success portends successful fishing with nets. Other interpretations:

  1. People who have lost someone or something will surely find everything.
  2. Nothing to catch - empty hopes.
  3. Seeing the nets spread out, in scales - to the appearance of a slanderer, who himself will become entangled in his gossip.
  4. To prepare networks is a slander, slander, a cunning plan.

The meaning of a large or small fish

Great value has the size of a dreaming fish. For example, a medium-sized water inhabitant denotes tears and chores. Small living creatures dream:

  • to momentary sensual desires;
  • the dreamer is an impatient person, so fate tests her with expectation;
  • a lot of fish in a dream for a woman - serious life changes, a significant event;
  • meeting unpleasant people.

If a woman dreamed of a large fish, then the meaning of this dream is completely different, in most cases it is positive. The only case when such a dream portends negative events, unrealizable hopes is to see a large but dead fish. The remaining plots with large specimens promise the dreamer:

  • success and fame;
  • worldly wisdom;
  • expensive gift;
  • pleasant acquaintance, stormy romance, adventure;
  • joyful events;
  • for an unmarried woman - a husband, family happiness;
  • successful completion of any business, job change, opening your own business.

Woman eating fish in her dream

Eating fish in a dream for a woman has many interpretations, mostly a good omen, the only exception is for raw fish. The values ​​are:

  1. In most cases, a dream means pregnancy.
  2. I really liked the taste of the fried fish dish - a woman can easily overcome all problems.
  3. Raw - losses, obstacles, many bones - disappointment, failure, serious difficulties.

Type of dreaming fish

Seeing a fish in a dream for a woman has many interpretations. For example, if a waterfowl flies over water, then this promises a quick resolution of problems. By the appearance of a river or sea inhabitant, you can find out the gender of the child: all options female- salmon, pike, trout, etc. - they promise a daughter; bream, perch, catfish - son. Other types of waterfowl denote:

  • carp - increased self-esteem;
  • herring - profit;
  • eel - promotion career ladder;
  • perch - receiving little money;
  • ruff is a pleasant surprise.


A dream with a catfish has several meanings. Often it denotes a self-serving colleague. The values ​​are:

  1. Catfish in muddy water- someone from the environment planned evil.
  2. I fell for the bait - an interesting meeting with a young man.
  3. Catfish with a long mustache - a quick marriage.
  4. While swimming in clean water catfish attacks - true and mutual feelings will come through difficulties.
  5. Caviar - tears, the larger it is - the more grief, on a plate - troubles will be one after another.


The real water predator is the pike. The interpretation of dreams is akin to her character:

  1. Swims in clear water - they are trying to harm the girl, contrary to her impeccable reputation.
  2. Bitten to the blood - one of the relatives will conflict with the dreamer.
  3. Dried pike on the table - difficulties at work.
  4. Smoked with a pleasant aroma - an unusual turn in life, spoiled, with bad smell- scandal.
  5. Boiled or ear - a good deal will not help you cope with difficulties.
  6. Caviar - fertility, to see in the hands - a lot of children.
  7. Cut a pike and see caviar - pregnancy.

Cooking or carving fish in a dream for a woman

Cooking fish in a dream has the most different interpretations. For example, boiled:

  • an excess of tenderness and unspent love, a girl's dream of a wedding;
  • get rich quick family budget, especially when the fish is baked;
  • illness, ailments, temporary setbacks;
  • eat, buy boiled - insipid family life, coldness and passivity of the husband.

Smoked fish has more interpretations. This is not always auspicious signs, in most cases indicate health problems:

  • flounder - skin diseases;
  • crucian carp - illness and loss;
  • salmon - digestive problems;
  • large, without a head - doubts, anxieties;
  • carp - money troubles;
  • smoked red salmon - an unexpected, pleasant surprise;
  • capelin - chores;
  • sardine - trouble;
  • pike perch - material benefit;
  • sturgeon - a fleeting romance;
  • mackerel - unplanned pregnancy;

Salted, fried, dried, frozen fish often indicates character traits, the need for change, and a revision of lifestyle. For example, eating salty means a lack of bright emotions. Fried fish always portends the road, good - if you liked the dish, troublesome - on the contrary. To fry for a long time is a symbol of long fees on the way. Raw symbolizes expectation, dried - difficulties in relationships, fell into the water and came to life - renewed feelings. Drying on clothesline near the house - a dressed-up situation with households, dried caviar - it will not work to win a special status.

If you dream of the process of cooking, processing, then each action has its own meaning:

  • wash and clean indicates selfish, aggressive behavior sleeping;
  • gutting, cutting, carving - something bad is happening to the body, dissatisfaction with one's own appearance,
  • burned - passionate bed scenes;
  • gutting and seeing caviar - to conception;
  • freeze - a rival will appear, betrayal of a spouse.

A woman buys fish in a dream

Buying in a store means good wealth, stability, being able to achieve a goal. You have to choose aquatic animals in the market - this is false, deceitful. Cleaning a live fish symbolizes an unattainable goal. If at the same time she is also frozen, then she will have to hide her emotions, work hard, work hard to get what she wants, to complete the tasks.

fish in the aquarium

The interpretation of such a dream depends on where and how the living creatures swim. If it is at the top, all difficulties will pass by, they will not affect the sleeper. In any case, seeing an aquarium is a complex process, a serious project that needs to be done in a team, but the initiative should be in the hands of the dreamer. Seeing, feeding aquarium fish - having rendered a service to someone, it will be rewarded according to merit.


Perhaps you rarely meet a person who will say that he has never dreamed. Most people visit dreams. Sometimes they are so vivid and memorable that there is a great desire to find out what this or that image symbolizes. In this article we will tell you why you dream of eating fish.

Seeing a fish in a dream is considered a sign of prosperity. But in order not to make a mistake in deciphering what you see, when you wake up, you need to remember all the smallest details of the dream. When interpreting, a lot matters: the type of fish, its size, whether it is alive or cooked in the form of a dish, the sex of the dreamer and other subtleties.

To find out more precisely what the fish is dreaming of, let's turn to dream books. Let us give examples of the interpretation of the image in different sources.

Miller's dream book

In a popular book famous psychologist Gustav Miller, a fish seen in a dream is seen as a positive sign.

It means:

  1. There is a fish - the imminent birth of a baby in the family.
  2. Small aquarium fish - small troubles or accusations awaiting a person who has a dream. But do not worry: the attacks will be insignificant and groundless. Everything will be resolved safely for the dreamer.
  3. Catch a fish and cook from it gourmet dish- good luck and success in the near future.

Most of those who want to decipher what they saw in a dream trust this particular collection of interpretations of dreams, since the author relied on psychology and his practice when compiling it. He conducted a deep analysis of the night visions of tens of thousands of people.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The dream book of the great soothsayer gives the following interpretations of dreams.

Dreaming of a fish:

  1. In clean water: prosperous life changes (joy in the family, good luck, success at work).
  2. In a dirty reservoir: difficulties in finding a reliable partner.
  3. Large fish caught during fishing: success in business relationships. And ill-wishers will become a victim of their own deceit.
  4. Without scales: the likelihood of diseases. Such a dream is a reason to see a doctor.
  5. Headless: a warning not to trust first impressions.

In general, the fish seen in a dream does not pose a great threat.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Nostradamus dreams about fish for the most part gives unpleasant interpretations:

  1. If you dreamed of eating a fish dish, it promises difficulties, instability, problems and obstacles.
  2. Eating live or raw fish portends terrible troubles.
  3. Fish rain represents an ecological disaster.
  4. A rotten fish dreams of gossip and rumors, leading to a deterioration in relations with an important person.

But not all interpretations of dreams about fish are given in the tome in a negative way. For example, three fish eaten in a row speak of imminent good luck.

To solve a dream, you should not dwell on the interpretation of the image in one source. For an objective assessment, it is best to contact several at once. In addition to those listed, the dream books of Zhou-Gong, Stepanova, Juno, Tsvetkov, Freud are widely known.

Eating fried fish in a dream

In most dream books, eating fried fish in a dream is a good omen.

It means:

  1. Fast favorable trip (on Vanga).
  2. Success and luck in undertakings, the speedy resolution of existing problems (according to Miller).
  3. Superiority in strength and success in front of superiors (according to Freud).
  4. Good news and a safe way out of their confusing situation (according to the dictionary-dream book of the wanderer Smirnov).
  5. Birth in the family of a baby (according to Simeon Prozorov).

The interpretation also depends on who prepared the fish, how it was received (bought or donated), what type and size. But in any case, fried fish portends profit, good luck and good health.

Why dream big, small

Depending on the size of the fish seen in a dream, there are different interpretations.

Catching big fish means:

  • possible successful marriage;
  • a large and profitable enterprise;
  • joy;
  • significant profit (if you dream of a lot of fish caught in a net).

A small fish caught portends:

  • big useless chores;
  • sadness;
  • devastation;
  • Lack of money.

Thus, the larger the dreaming fish, the more likely that the dream signifies good luck and success.

Interpretation depending on the dreamer's gender

Dreams about fish are interpreted differently, depending on the gender of the person who dreamed about it.

For a man, such dreams portend:

  1. An unexpected and long-term improvement in the material condition, high income from the work begun, promotion, recognition and honor, if you dream of a fish splashing in a transparent reservoir.
  2. Great success in your undertakings, if in a dream you had to stand in the water and hold a fish in your hands.
  3. High income if you dreamed of a large flock of small fish.
  4. Financial unjustified losses when a dead fish appears in a dream.

In almost all dream interpreters, fish for a woman is a harbinger of an early pregnancy and easy childbirth.

But there are other clues as well:

  1. There is an appetizing fresh fish - for marriage.
  2. Eating an unpleasant-tasting fish is a sign of difficulties in your personal life, which can only be resolved with the help of loved ones.
  3. To clean a live fish is to cool the interest of young people.
  4. Catch a dead or sick fish - to illness, bereavement, loss and great failure in all endeavors.

Often dream books contradict each other, therefore, when interpreting a dream, you need to listen to your morning well-being and what your intuition suggests.

Dreaming of smoked, salted fish

Often in a dream it is not live, but smoked or salted fish. What is hidden in such dreams?

The following interpretations are found in dream books:

  1. Is in a dream salted fish- a harbinger of the fact that a reminder of old love awaits in the near future.
  2. Seeing smoked red fish of the salmon family is a pleasant surprise.
  3. Eating salted smoked fish - to imminent resentment and disappointment.
  4. Mackerel, cooked by smoking, a woman dreams of an unexpected pregnancy, and a man dreams of an intimate relationship with an insidious partner.

Even when interpreting sleep great importance has not only its content, but also human sensations. Even if the meaning of night visions is unpleasant, this does not mean that problems will necessarily happen in reality if the dreamer woke up in a rainbow mood.

It has long been considered that for girls, fish is the only symbol - an imminent pregnancy. In fact, the meaning of the dream under discussion may be different. Tips from experienced interpreters will help to figure out why a woman dreams of a fish.

Almost every dream book has a section devoted to dreams in which fish appear. For example, Miller's interpretation depends on water. The pure liquid in which a brilliant fish swims portends generous gifts of fate in real life. The main thing is not to try to catch her, otherwise serious difficulties will appear on the path to success. It is enough just to admire the beauty.

The female dream book suggests: if a fish was seen in a dream, then you need to do household chores and try not to make any serious decisions on your own in the near future. It is better to entrust them to the second half.

Vanga notes that the interpretation depends on the type of underwater inhabitants. So, a pike floating away from a sleeping pike is a harbinger of financial troubles at work. For example, it can be drastically reduced wage or a large fine for the error.

According to Muslim dream book, fish is a symbol of small troubles. They will be associated with fees for a long journey.

A woman dreamed of a living, dead fish - meaning

The plot of a dream with a living swimming fish is especially important for the fair sex, which in recent times see their lives exclusively in dark colors. He suggests that an unpleasant state will soon leave the sleeping woman. She will be able to rejoice and feel the taste of life again.

If a dead fish appears in the net in night dreams, then the girl will face serious life tests. But do not be afraid of the problems that appear along the way. It is necessary to successfully overcome them, and then a huge number of new opportunities will open up before the dreamer, which she could not even dream of.

A dreaming of a dead fish is a very bad sign for a pregnant woman. It may be a harbinger of a miscarriage, so after such a dream you need to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

To dream of frozen, smoked, fried fish

If the underwater inhabitant in night dreams was inanimate, you must definitely remember what state she was in:

  • frozen fish in female dream- a clear sign that it is time for the girl to take care of her appearance. If an adult lady saw him, then it's time to think about anti-aging procedures so as not to miss important point. Any such activities will not only improve appearance women, but also cheer her up.
  • Smoked fish is a bad harbinger. If you had to eat it in a dream, this means that someone is trying to limit the freedom of the sleeping woman. It can be a domineering spouse, despotic parents or ill-wishers. But cooking smoked fish warns a woman about the possibility of making a serious painful mistake. To prevent this from happening, in the near future it is worth abandoning any important decisions.
  • Tsvetkov's dream book will help you figure out what fried fish is dreaming of. If a woman just looks at her, there are probably enemies in the sleeping life. But they will soon disappear by themselves. Frying fish in a dream - to achieve the goal through risk. You have to be brave enough to take it on. Risky projects will be the most profitable.

Dreamed of cleaning fish? Most likely, the girl will face numerous domestic problems. But they will have to be solved exclusively on their own - without the help of a spouse.

Catch fish with a rod

It is catching fish with a fishing rod in a dream that is a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy. A woman will be able to see two stripes on the test, even if, for some reason, motherhood had previously seemed completely impossible for her.

If the girl does not have a partner or has already managed to become a mother the desired number of times, then fishing with a fishing rod in a dream for her is a symbol of good luck in various areas of life. She will catch fortune by the tail and will be able to achieve everything that she dreamed of.

Big or small fish

Often the correct interpretation of a dream even depends on the size of its main guest. So, buying a huge fish in the market or in the store portends the girl a successful completion of any undertakings. If she has long planned to change jobs or open her own business, it is time perfect time for such changes.

But a very large, but dead underwater inhabitant in a dream symbolizes vain hopes. The best solution will forget about previous plans and focus on new goals.

Tiny fish from a dream can be harbingers of a variety of events. For example, to warn the sleeping woman that she will soon have to communicate with unpleasant people. If there were a lot of small fish in the vision, it should be considered an omen of serious changes in life. A significant event is approaching that will turn everything upside down.

Dreams in which the fish performs actions

Important are not only the actions of the dreamer herself in relation to the guest of her dream, but also the behavior of the fish. If the underwater inhabitant turned out to be aggressive and bit the girl, in reality you can expect minor dirty tricks from ill-wishers.

A fish that splashes water on a woman suggests that it is time for her to become more independent - to learn how to earn money and solve problems without turning to her family for help.

The guest of sleep, which swims very quickly around the girl's body, is a harbinger of problems in family life. To prevent or solve them, you need to give more warmth and affection to your soul mate, and also start talking openly about problems, and not hush them up.

A woman in a dream eats fish - meaning

It often happens that in the plot of night dreams, the sleeping woman eats fish. If at first the woman managed to catch and then eat the underwater inhabitant, such a vision promises her an early pregnancy. Interestingly, even the sex of the unborn baby can be determined by the type of fish. So, trout, pike, salmon and other feminine variants promise a girl. Perch, catfish, bream - son.

If the fish that I had to try was fried and very tasty, then the fair sex will be able to easily overcome all the problems that arise on their own.

Eating a very salty fish dish symbolizes the lack of positive bright emotions in a girl's life. The dream suggests that the time has come to change something and stop denying yourself pleasure.

Washing, cooking fish

I had to wash big fish in a dream? This means that others are unhappy with the behavior of the sleeping person. Probably, the girl began to behave too selfishly or even aggressively. To avoid serious conflicts with relatives and strangers, you need to learn to listen to other people and compromise.

Cooking in a dream most often has a positive interpretation. If a woman cooks fish, this symbolizes an excess of unspent love and tenderness in her soul. Most likely, the girl dreams of a relationship and a wedding.

Bake fish for married woman- to a sudden replenishment of the family budget. There will be an opportunity to get rich very quickly.

To find out exactly what the fish is dreaming of, you need to take into account a lot of different details. Depending on the details, the interpretation of dreams with a fish can be very different. The most common options are:

  • The fish is dreamed of as food: fried, salted, dried, and so on.
  • Dreaming of raw or dead fish.
  • Live fish swimming in an aquarium or pond.
  • To catch fish in a dream - even with your hands, even with a fishing rod.
  • Floating in the water.
  • A whole flock of fish, large or small.

If a woman had a dream

Miller's dream book says: a young lady dreams of a fish for offspring. But this is only if the fish was dreamed of by a young girl who never had children. And yet such a meaning is attributed to sleep when the fish simply arose, as an image, without being tied to anything.

But I wonder why a fish is dreaming of a woman or a girl who already has children? Various interpreters of dreams, not only Miller's dream book, say that if a woman or girl holds her in her hands, especially a large one, this is a very good sign.

Expect success, profit, pleasant love relationships, big happy love and attention from a man. In general, a fish dreaming of a girl or woman is a very auspicious symbol in any case.

Delicious and not so good

It happens that in dreams you have to cook or eat fish. And this is not surprising, because in life this is exactly what we most often do with it.

In general, eating fish, especially if it is pleasant in a dream, tasty, if you enjoy a meal, is extremely good dream promising tenderness, joy, pleasure, spiritual and physical health.

True, there are exceptions, and here it all depends on the details of sleep.

1. Did you happen to eat boiled fish in a dream? This plot warns that illness or indisposition, any damage or temporary setbacks are possible soon.

2. Salted fish (no matter if it is large or small) is not so much a prediction as an indication of your character. A dream where salt appears, dried fish, as well as red and any fish delicacies, hints that you probably lack sharp and vibrant sensations in life.

You don't get something, you don't allow yourself. You deny yourself something, and this does not reflect in the best way on the quality of your life. Think: maybe it's time to change something?

3. Why dream of fried fish - this is a particularly common question. Most often, this is a sign that the road awaits the sleeper, but how good and pleasant it depends on the quality of the dish:

  • If you fried fish in a dream for a long time and with difficulty, it means that preparing for the road will be protracted and troublesome. Because frying fish is a symbol of packing for the journey.
  • If you ate fried fish in a dream, remember its taste. Delicious, juicy, tender - the road will be good, and vice versa.

4. Smoked fish is not a very favorable sign. To the question of why smoked fish is dreaming, the answer is unequivocal: health problems are possible in the near future.

And it doesn’t matter if you ate smoked fish in your dreams, looked at it, sniffed it or smoked it - it all means the same thing. Take care of your health - this is what the dream book recommends to you!

5. What is the dream of frozen fish, for example? It happens that dreams are dreamed in which raw, frozen or fresh fish appear. Such a dream most often means some kind of expectation, while joyful, reverent.

If in a dream you ate such a fish, be careful: you may be in for ailments, there is a risk of getting sick. And if in your dreams you just dreamed of fresh, raw or frozen fish, this means that now you are in a period of some kind of expectation. And it depends only on you how this period will end.

6. But rotten fish is a bad sign, and it warns of enemies, possible betrayal, dishonesty. Take a look around, be very careful: it is quite possible that you have envious people.


Fishing in a dream is a fairly common phenomenon. Fish in the water is a good sign, but only if it is clean. Such a dream means well-being, health and even wealth.

1. If there was a live fish in a dream and you tried to catch it with your hands, but to no avail, it means that in real life your efforts are in vain. Luck is slipping, but it can also mean that you better not rush, but look for a different approach (just like in a dream it is better to take a fishing rod).

2. If you still caught a fish with your hands, this is a great sign. Expect generosity from fate: it will give you good luck, recognition and prosperity.

3. If you saw in your dream how dead fish floating in the water - this is not a very favorable dream. A dead fish carcass dreams of problems: illness, quarrel, turmoil, poverty. But all this is temporary, and it is in your power to overcome all difficulties.

4. If in a dream you were fishing, and successfully, this is a great sign. Fishing itself can mean difficulties and trials, and the longer you wait for a catch, the more serious and lengthy these tests will be.

But the catch is a victory, complete success, luck and reward! After such a dream, it is very important not to be afraid of obstacles, to maintain strength of mind, not to give up and to believe that success will certainly lie ahead.

5. If, on the contrary, you left fishing in a dream with nothing, the same thing will happen in the near future. Your desires and intentions are too ambitious and overstated.

Probably, you should not wait for the result - you will be left empty-handed. Review your plans and desires - you may be able to make them more realistic and succeed in business.

6. Well, if you caught a fish, but it suddenly slipped out of your hands - alas, the luck and success that you have been seeking for a long time will slip away from you. For an unmarried girl, such a dream can mean the loss of a loved one, a break in relations.

But don't worry! Ahead of you, without a doubt, a new one awaits, best stage in life.

A sign for an expectant mother ... or dad!

Often a pregnant woman dreams of a fish, and you should pay attention to such a dream. Remember what kind of fish the expectant mother dreamed about.

If she has a "male" name - for example, sturgeon, carp - it is believed that a son will be born. But if a pregnant woman dreamed of a beluga, sprat, capelin and so on - wait for your daughter!

In general, a “fishy” dream is a great sign for a pregnant woman. He dreams as a sign of good, healthy offspring and happy motherhood.

Men dream of fish less often, but such dreams have the same meaning. In addition to pregnancy and upcoming motherhood, of course! However, sometimes fresh big fish, who came in a dream to a man, may mean that he will soon become a dad ... If in his dream he sees a fish in the hands of his beloved, this is a sure sign that the chosen one is either already pregnant or will be soon. Get ready! Author: Vasilina Serova

It is interesting that the fish dreamed of by a woman has an individual interpretation. To search for a reliable meaning of a dream, a woman needs to remember her dream, its details. Only on the basis of these data can one accurately interpret what dreams of eating fish in a dream mean. Among the main details that you need to pay attention to are: the emotional coloring of the dream, the type of fish, as well as its degree of readiness.

It is interesting that the fish dreamed of by a woman has an individual interpretation.

Various dream books interpret fish dreams with different sides Therefore, such stories can acquire both positive and negative meanings.

  1. If a lady in a dream sees a fish that swims in a clean pond, and then cooks and eats it, her authority will soon be strengthened.
  2. Eating fish in a dream, as well as feeling its pleasant taste - to a quick addition to the family. Also, this dream can be interpreted as a harbinger of a bargain, strengthening relations with your soulmate.
  3. If a lady has a dream in which she eats boiled fish fillets, her subconscious hints that there is a need to limit herself in eating food, otherwise, her figure can deteriorate dramatically, which will lead to a loss of attractiveness in front of men.
  4. If the lady ate the fish slowly, in reality, pleasant news will await her, as well as an interesting pastime. The hasty use of delicacies in a dream promises concern about some event.
  5. If a girl and her chosen one eat a fish dish in a restaurant, a long journey awaits her soon.

Eating fish in a dream (video)

If a woman in a dream eats raw, dried, red or bone-in fish: why is this dreaming?

Often, the fair sex dreams about how they eat salted fish. These dreams can have many interpretations.

  1. If you dreamed about how a lady eats salted fish, this may also indicate that someone from her inner circle is hiding a secret from the dreamer that can radically change her life. If caviar is present in the fish, then this secret concerns the entire sleeping family. Moreover, the larger the delicacy, the more carefully the secret is hidden.
  2. If a woman ate spoiled salted fish, losses await her, as well as a losing outcome from an initially winning business.
  3. Red salted fish, eaten in a dream, promises a woman trouble, regret. It is possible that the lady will have to on your own cope with depression.
  4. A red fish seen in a dream portends a woman to a soon pleasant acquaintance. And the man will be solid. However, one should not relax in the hands of a wealthy companion, because having lost her dignity, a woman can be considered a dummy.

If you dreamed about how a lady eats salted fish, this may also indicate that someone from her inner circle is hiding a secret from the dreamer that can radically change her life.

Raw and bony fish

There are times when ladies have dreams in which they eat raw fish or dishes with fish bones, they usually have the following interpretations.

  1. If a girl whose activities are related to business dreams of eating raw fish, her decisions made in a hurry may turn out to be wrong. Therefore, such a dream serves as a warning: before signing any agreement, you need to think about it several times.
  2. For a young girl to eat raw fish in a dream, while experiencing joyful feelings - for an early pregnancy, but if this process gave her negative feelings, then she will soon find out the long-awaited good news.
  3. If a young lady eats fish with bones in a dream, she needs to be careful, as liars have appeared in her environment.

For a businesswoman, eating fish with bones in a dream promises quick losses resulting from deceiving partners. In this case, the dream book recommends that you once again study the details of the transaction, as well as reconsider your own decision.

Dried product

AT various dream books the process of eating dried fish is interpreted from different angles. If a representative of the fair sex in a dream sees how she eats dried fish product, she needs to pay attention to its taste and aroma.

  1. If a lady consumes salted fish in a dream, the negative situation that has developed in reality will soon be resolved successfully. Perhaps the solution to the problem will occur by improving the financial situation. The dream has the same interpretation, in which the fair sex has dried fish. In this case, no effort will be required to improve the financial situation.
  2. If an unpleasant smell emanates from a dried fish, this is a bad sign, perhaps in reality the dreamer is expected to lose.

If an unpleasant smell comes from a dried fish - this is a bad sign, perhaps in reality the dreamer is expected to lose

In some dream books dried fish symbolizes physical fatigue. If the dreamer does not go on a well-deserved rest, her peace of mind may also be disturbed.

Eating fish by a woman in Miller's dream book

The use of fish according to Miller's dream book portends:

  • the appearance of the first lover, if a young girl has a dream;
  • for an unmarried woman - to quick tears, sadness that may be associated with a love relationship;
  • for a married woman - to the beginning of a new stage in relations with her husband. Moreover, this stage can be both positive (if the fishy taste was pleasant) and negative (if the product was spoiled);
  • dried or dried fish may indicate a strengthening of the financial situation;
  • to eat a fried salted fish dish - for a journey, and the larger the delicacy is, the further the dreamer will have to go.

For an unmarried woman, eating fish is a quick cry

Someone else eats fish in a dream: what does it mean?

There are situations when a woman has a dream in which she watches someone else eat a fish.

Such dreams can have the following interpretations:

  • a dream in which a red cat eats a fish warns the dreamer against deceit;
  • if a black cat ate a fish delicacy, the dreamer will soon be surrounded by unkind gossip;
  • the gray cat symbolizes that the dreamer cannot find approval among those around her due to a lack of understanding of people;
  • some dream books claim that a dream in which a cat eating fish meat appears warns a person that, due to his excessive trust in people, plans for a future life may soon be cut short;
  • to see in a dream how a fish devours another fish is a warning that caution is required in reality. This warning applies especially to business people.

A dream in which a red cat eats a fish warns the dreamer against deceit

If a woman dreams about her friend eating a fish dish, soon the dreamer will receive good news from this person.

What does the fish caviar seen in a dream promise?

Dreamed fish caviar is mainly interpreted from a positive point of view. If the woman’s activities are related to business, most likely she will receive incredible profits. This interpretation is due to the fact that in reality caviar is a symbol of luxurious life.

If a young girl eats red caviar in a dream, in reality she will have a profitable marriage or a quick replenishment of the family.

Eating fish in a dream (video)

It is worth considering that each dream book can interpret the described dreams in different ways, taking into account various details. Therefore, before giving preference to any interpretation, it is necessary to carefully recall all the details of sleep, the sensations that the dreamer experienced when using fish dish as well as his mood. All these components of sleep will give the correct interpretation only with their comprehensive assessment.

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