Why dream of an attack. Dream Interpretation Man Attacks Dream Interpretation Man Attacks Woman

It is unlikely that someone manages to live life without being attacked at least once by unfriendly-minded peers during their school years. For our ancestors, the attack of large animals was a common thing, which now happens quite rarely, but the memory of this is stored in our minds.

Therefore, dreams about the attack of people or animals are very common, and are classified as disturbing. Usually, after waking up, the dreamer experiences a state of excitement, fear, palpitations and other unpleasant symptoms. However, a dream about an attack does not always belong to the category of bad ones; moreover, it often portends good luck.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina. What does the dream of an attack mean?

An attack or attack seen in a dream speaks of the danger of being disgraced by a lie, a disgrace to honor.

Modern dream book. How to interpret the dream "Attack"?

If a young woman dreamed that she was attacked, she was in big trouble, most likely in her personal life. A dream in which you attack yourself may be a reaction to the fact that you were accused of indecision. Finding out about an attack in a dream is a sign that you need to be prepared for enemy intrigues that can cause great harm.

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov. Why dream of an attack?

If you were attacked in a dream, you will soon receive very important, albeit incredible information. If you attacked yourself, they will talk badly about you.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse. What does the dream of an attack predict?

Attack in a dream - endanger your honor; be attacked - get unexpected.

Dream interpretation of Sigmund Freud. The meaning of a dream about an attack

The attack symbolizes sexual intercourse. If in a dream he attacks someone, this indicates his sexual activity, as well as a tendency to sadism. Participation in a group attack is a sign of self-doubt, which requires the right advice, psychological support, or a sexually active partner. A dream in which the dreamer is attacked speaks of his penchant for sexual fantasies. For a woman, such a dream speaks of sexual dissatisfaction, which entails her tendency to conflict.

Esoteric dream book. What was the purpose of the attack?

A dream in which someone attacks you is a reflection of your fears and concerns. If you attack, beware of overestimating your capabilities, listen to the advice of competent people.


The dream of an attack speaks, first of all, of the dreamer's great emotional tension caused by domestic troubles or problems at work. A dream about an animal attack can warn of an unexpected attack by an ill-wisher or of external influences that will be difficult to resist.

A dream about an attack can have both a positive and a negative interpretation, depending on its details. It is important to consider what emotions the sleeping person experienced in the process - whether he was hurt, scared, uncomfortable.

The meaning of sleep is influenced by numerous details - the attacking character, the conditions under which an unpleasant event occurred. Even the gender of the dreamer himself may be important in interpreting the plot he has seen.

Plots in which the sleeper was the victim of an attack leave behind a feeling of anxiety. It can last the whole next day.

But such dreams can also have a positive interpretation. To correctly understand the meaning of the plot, you need to try to remember as many of its details as possible in the morning.

Who attacked?

The most important thing to remember is who exactly attacked the sleeper:

Attack Meaning
Human If an unfamiliar man kicks a sleeping man in a dream, in reality one can expect an improvement in well-being. The attack of a woman with fists on a dreamer suggests that in reality it is worth paying special attention to your reputation. Thoughtless words or actions can spoil the opinion of others about the dreamer.
Wild beast
  • A bear attacking in a dream is a bad omen. An enemy will appear in a person’s life, which is almost impossible to overcome. If the clubfoot severely injured the sleeping man, he will face large material losses.
  • An attacking tiger portends serious problems on the way to achieving your own goals. You need to show courage and determination.
  • The attack of a crocodile suggests that the dreamer will have to obey the will of another person through force.
  • If the sleeper was attacked by a wolf, in reality he will have a serious conflict with a stranger.
  • A poultry attack dreams of protracted family quarrels.
  • If a person is pecked by a bird of an unusual type and color, great luck awaits him.
  • And the attack of a large number of pigeons portends an accident. With extreme caution in reality, you need to travel in public transport
Rat An aggressively tuned rat symbolizes the behavior of the ill-wishers of the sleeping person in real life. If she attacked a person in a barn or basement, where huge hordes of rodents live, then in reality the sleeping person himself provokes enemies to take action. A rat bite in the dreamer's house suggests that he needs to take a closer look at his immediate surroundings. There are traitors among friends
Pets A pet attack in a dream suggests that ill-wishers have set their traps in the immediate vicinity of the sleeper. In the near future, you should be more careful and keep your own plans secret.
Criminal To be attacked by bandits in night dreams - to experienced strong fear in real life. If the sleeper himself easily fights them off and kills criminals, it is likely that he will soon be outlawed. A long pursuit, and then an attack by a maniac, is dreamed of during a period of strong moral and physical fatigue of the dreamer. In order not to start serious health problems, he needs to organize a quality vacation for himself.
Significant other The attack of the second half in a dream indicates that the person indulges her in everything and makes any concessions for the sake of love. With such behavior, the beloved or beloved will soon finally “sit on the neck”.
Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you attacked someone or attacked you - the sensations, I believe, were not the most pleasant. If only you are attacked, do you think it is justified or not?. If this is unjustified, try to understand why you see yourself as a victim. Perhaps it is…

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you attack yourself and, moreover, an innocent person, such a dream speaks of your impunity, which will still play a cruel joke in reality not only with you, but also with your loved ones. To see a dream in which you are attacked by ...

Seeing an attack in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A dream about him warns you of danger. Sometimes it is not about the danger that threatens you with physical violence, but rather about an attempt on your honor and good name. The dream in which you saw that you were attacked promises a profitable business. To attack.

Dream Interpretation: what the attack is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Same-sex attacks - This behavior is associated with passive homosexuality.

Dreaming of "robbery" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you dreamed that robbers attacked you or your house, expect welcome guests. How to improve the value of sleep? It will be good if on the day of sleep you read something about noble robbers, for example, about Robin Hood.

Attack (See in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

For a young woman, a dream in which she is a victim of an attack means that she has to deal with serious troubles, possibly in her personal life. If you dreamed that you yourself were committing an attack, then in real life, many accuse you of indecision. If a …

Dream - Attack - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Take care of your honor. Be attacked - get money. Pounce on someone with unfair accusations - you should be more careful about your reputation and not give rise to gossip. If someone suddenly attacks you from an ambush, you are in danger ...

Dream Interpretation Attack

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Take care of your honor. Be attacked - get money.

dream attack

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Kangaroo attacks you - your reputation is in danger. If you kill one of them, then success awaits you, despite the intrigues of enemies and all sorts of obstacles. Attack the threat of oxen - unfaithful friends. A whale attacking a ship - if you see...

Dream Interpretation: what the attack is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

An attack on you is a sign of physical danger or psychological conflict. To attack yourself - to the imbalance of the nervous system, hormones of aggression have been accumulated.

Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of Attack and defense

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Often in our dreams we are subjected to someone's aggression. We are attacked and we defend ourselves, strike back, stab, cut, kill. Moreover, dreams of such content are dreamed of by both men and women. If you yourself are chasing someone in a dream, and that ...

Attack - interpretation of sleep

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A young woman has a dream in which she is a victim of an attack - she has to deal with serious troubles, possibly in her personal life. Suddenly you find out about any attack - be vigilant - the enemies will stop at nothing, just to harm you as much as possible.

Dream Interpretation: what the attack is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Someone attacked - good news. You attack yourself - they scold you.

If you had a dream - Attack

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Your concerns are on you. You anticipate a threat from someone else. You attack - do not rely only on your own strength. You need help or advice from a competent person.

dream attack

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Guard your honor. Get attacked - get money.

Leopard - interpretation of a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A dreaming leopard - marks misfortune, an attack by a strong enemy, revenge, an insidious plan against you.

The essence of sleep - Tramp

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To see yourself in a dream as a tramp: expect some problems soon. Sometimes it is sometimes: inner peace. A company of vagrants seen in a dream - an unusual environment vagrant attack: serious obstacles to give alms to a vagrant: your good attitude towards people will not go unnoticed.

How to interpret the dream "Behemoth"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To see a meeting with a hippopotamus in a dream: promises a meeting with a powerful and quite influential person who can help you in a difficult situation. To train a hippopotamus in a dream: to dream of the impossible. Hippo Attack: Warning! Beware of the machinations of ill-wishers.

How to interpret the dream "Attack"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If in a dream you are watching an attack, then you will have to make a lot of effort and overcome many difficulties in order to achieve what you want. If you are attacked, then the dream warns you of the danger of betrayal by treacherous people pretending to be your friends. Maybe, …

Dream Interpretation: what is the Shark dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A shark in a dream promises you formidable enemies. If you dream that a shark is chasing or attacking you, then such a dream means future disasters and cataclysms that will plunge you into despondency. A dream in which sharks play in clear clear water predicts that ...

Article author: site

Seeing a man attack in a dream, becoming a victim - to the appearance of active gentlemen and fans in reality. A dream means that it's time to fight off marriage proposals if you dreamed that you were given a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Trying to understand why a stranger with a knife or other weapon is dreaming, remember your emotions and fears before you open the dream book.

Interpretations of Miller's dream book

To be raided in a dream, to be robbed - to a conflict, a loud scandal with loved ones on the basis of jealousy. Sometimes a dream means a stormy sex life, sometimes it indicates the exposure of the plans of competitors and enemies. Psychologists say: if a guy dreamed of an aggressive person, then it’s time to explain to his partner. For girls, dream books promise the appearance of admirers.

Why dream about a man’s attack, Miller explains this:

  • with a knife, a pistol - to deceit, quarrels;
  • without weapons - to a romantic relationship;
  • to see the rapist from the side - to a huge emotional stress;
  • to resist robbery and raid - to obtain victory over rivals.

Beware of forgeries

Become a victim in a dream, experience fear - to helplessness in reality. Be careful when signing papers, drawing up documents, if you dreamed that you were attacked with a knife or a gun in your hands. There is a high probability of encountering officials who will delay the registration of important accounts and acts.

Being deceived, getting into trouble with the law - this is what the attack of a man armed to the teeth dreams of. The dream book of Nostradamus warns against false accusations, unfair reproaches that will fall on your head in the next few days.

Dive into passion

It is common for women to see in a dream an attack by a masked man more often than the strong half of humanity. The interpretation of sleep with strangers is usually interpreted as the dreamer's increased sexuality. Not just novels await you, but also violent showdowns, disputes with rivals, if you had to fight the attacker for a very long time.

Freud's dream book, considering what an aggressive stranger is dreaming of, promises the appearance of a persistent admirer who can captivate you in earnest. Life will immediately sparkle with new colors, emotions will overwhelm even the most restrained girls and women.

Get together and act

Confronting a robber in a dream, surviving a man's attack means being able to defend one's point of view in reality. Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov speaks of the vicissitudes of fate that lie in wait for you in a serious matter if you dreamed of an evil and strong raider. However, repelling an attack is a worthy way out even from tricky situations.

To be frightened, to hide, to cry - to a temporary retreat from one's own plans, long-term projects. Most likely, you need to stop, take a time out and once again carefully reflect on further actions.

  • Attacking someone with unfair accusations and reproaches is a warning not to be undeservedly insulted yourself.
  • Being attacked by biased criticism means that you will soon receive the long-awaited money.
  • If someone suddenly attacks you in a dream from an ambush, then you are in danger on the road.
  • A dream in which a drunken man attacks you with a pitchfork means that you have or will have personal enemies who will begin to annoy you in every possible way.
  • A dream in which witches and other evil spirits attack you portends a breakdown in affairs both at work and at home.
  • Defending yourself with a spear from the evil dwarfs attacking you suggests that in reality you will refute all the accusations against you, proving your honesty.
  • Attacking someone with a knife in your hands means that in reality you will show bad traits of your character, you will treat your friends unfairly.
  • A dream in which sharks attack you predicts failures that will plunge you into extreme despair.
  • If a whale attacks a ship on board which you are sailing in the ocean and turns it over - in reality this will turn into an accident or illness for you.
  • The snakes attacking you mean that you will find yourself a powerless victim in the hands of your enemies.
  • If a cat attacks you, biting hard and trying to scratch your eyes, this is a threat of loss of property and reputation during an unequal lawsuit, which will take all your savings.
  • Learn about the attack - you should be prepared for the intrigues of enemies who will not leave you in the choice of means to cause you maximum harm.

Eastern female dream book

  • A dream in which she is a victim of an attack warns a young woman that she will have to deal with serious troubles, possibly in her personal life. If you suddenly find out about any attack - be vigilant: the enemies will stop at nothing - just to harm you as much as possible.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • Take care of your honor; be attacked - you will get money.

Family dream book

  • For a young woman, a dream in which she is a victim of an attack means that she has to deal with serious troubles, possibly in her personal life. If you dreamed that you yourself were committing an attack, then in real life, many accuse you of indecision. If in a dream you learn about any attack, then you should be prepared for the intrigues of enemies who will not stop in choosing means to cause you maximum harm.

Modern dream book

  • Attack, attack to see - to be put to shame; the danger that a lie will stain honor.

Erotic dream book

  • An attack on you is a sign of physical danger or psychological conflict; To attack yourself - to the imbalance of the nervous system, hormones of aggression have been accumulated.

Esoteric dream book

  • Attack - Your fears are on you. You anticipate a threat from someone else. You attack do not rely only on your own strength. You need help or advice from a competent person.
  • Beating - Remorse for a bad deed

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • Seeing an attack in a dream is an unfavorable sign that indicates that in real life you have to prepare for serious troubles and trials.
  • If a young woman dreamed of an attack, where she is a victim, then in reality in her personal life she will be disappointed - a loved one will betray her, showing herself not from the best side.
  • If you had a dream in which you yourself attack someone, then in reality you very often hear reproaches of indecision addressed to you, and it is quite possible that these reproaches are unfounded and come from those who want to subdue you.
  • Why dream of an attack - If you had a dream in which you find out that someone attacked a person close to you, then in reality you should be wary of your enemies, who do not sleep and take action.
  • If you dreamed that during the attack the police were detaining the criminal, then in reality one of your close people will need your help.
  • Why dream of an attack - If you dreamed that some animal attacked you, then in reality you will be haunted by trouble for a long time. And they will persecute until you understand that you yourself, your inattention and irresponsibility are the culprit of all difficult situations - as soon as you change your attitude to life, your behavior, the situation will change dramatically.

Aesop's dream book

  • Attack - Protect your honor; be attacked - you will get money.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

  • Assault - Protect your honor - get attacked - get money
  • Attack - Someone attacked - incredible, profitable information; himself - they will say badly.

See interpretation: attack, fight