Why divorced Timati and Shishkova. Timati's wife: photo, latest news from personal life

Domestic stars decided not to leave the "yellow" publications without daily bread and live under the slogan - "not a day without news"!

Not having time to savor the details of the parting of "Miss Russia-2003" with the football player Fedor Smolov, the tabloids immediately had a new reason for discussion marked "lightning" - the wife left the rapper Timati!

Indeed, for several days this news either appeared or disappeared from the tape, but, in the end, the participants in the event themselves dotted the “i”.

And it all started according to an already rehearsed scenario, typical for stellar news of the last period - Timati's common-law wife Alena Shishkova published on her page on the social network a photograph in which she is depicted with a football player (again, a regularity?) Anton Shunin, and instead of a signature, she simply put a smiley " heart."

What can I say, if in a couple of hours a real "war of thrones" unfolded between the rapper's fans and fans of the spectacular blonde. Kilometers of discussions with the removal of all the ins and outs shed some light on this situation. As it turned out, the close circle of the couple has long been aware that Timati and Alena maintain their relationship only formally, and family photos were posted on social networks to maintain the image of an “ideal family”.

(caption under the photo from Timati's page: "My black hair gene failed. I still can't get over it")

And the couple's common daughter, Alice, spent more and more time not with her parents, but visiting her grandmother Simona Yunusova (Timati's mother) in the Dominican Republic.

(on the photo: Simona Yunusova, Alisa and Timati)

And in the meantime, while the rapper was busy with regular performances in order to be able to live in a big way and sponsor his wife, Alena enjoyed communicating with Anton, having spent all the May holidays together, having managed to visit the capital of Italy and spend the night in a lover's cottage in Khimki. The paparazzi have repeatedly caught a couple in love in the lens, riding around the capital in the blue Bentley of a football player and at various social events.

A couple of days after the publication on Alena's page, Anton decided to add fuel to the fire by also posting a photo with a "heart" emoticon and the caption:

“Everything is transparent, clean and clear to Us!”

The journalists could not miss this opportunity, and decided to talk with all the participants in the love triangle, but apart from Anton Shunin, no one wanted to comment on this situation. Meanwhile, the football player said that he and Alena had nothing to hide, and he knew that Alena had an official lover.

Alena Shishkova - a sweet girl with beautiful eyes and a charming smile, was born on November 12, 1992 in a simple Tyumen family. The only daughter adored by her parents grew up complaisant, good-natured and very shy.

In her school years, young Alena Shishkova was seriously engaged in vocals and, like most of her peers, she dreamed. The path to the modeling business began at the age of 14, when, at the insistence of her mother, Alena took part in several castings. The experience turned out to be useful and a little later brought success in various beauty contests.

After winning the famous competition COVER BEAUTY LOOK"The girl decided to take a more serious step, and on March 3, 2012 she became a participant in the contest" Miss Russia - 2012”, where she received the title of second vice-miss. Almost everyone who closely followed the course of these events remembered the girl for her “extraordinary” answers to the traditional question from the audience, but this did not prevent her from winning the hearts of a huge number of fans.

And although at the completed competition, Elizaveta Golovanova became the winner, and the first vice-miss Kristina Gontar, the majority of the audience sympathized with Alena, and her friends supported the girl as best they could. Her page on the social network was literally flooded with messages - “ You are the best!”, “All Russia is with you!” . In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, the charming winner admitted: - “ Participation in this competition was a pipe dream for me, and I am very happy that it came true. This is a great honor and a great start, opening up new opportunities».

Indeed, even during the qualifying round, a graceful blond girl attracted the attention of Svetlana Kuvshinova, director of the Renaissance modeling agency, and subsequently they entered into a cooperation agreement. Currently, Alena is successfully working not only in this agency, because her attractive forms are 86x62x90, a stunning figure and an ideal model height 175 cm, weight - 52 kg(like y), allow you to easily conclude many contracts both in Russia and abroad.

Speaking about her appearance, it is impossible not to notice some of the changes that have taken place recently, and Alena herself does not at all hide her lip augmentation and a slight nose job. Although before that, in her first published photos, without plastic surgery, and even without makeup, the girl looks no less attractive. Also Alena got 2 cute tattoos, with text: " The path of true love has never been smooth"- on the shoulder blade and " hurry up slowly”- on the wrist But times are changing, and in the latest, most recent photographs, Alena is very similar to Megan Fox, her idol. I would like to believe that the beauty standards so fashionable now will not turn her into another Barbie doll.

As for the style of clothing, like every real fashionista Shishkova loves various brands: Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton, Christian Louboutin, she looks great both in evening dresses and in tight jeans, her beauty attracts numerous glances of men.

About her first romance with Dynamo Kyiv goalkeeper Maxim Koval mentioned a few years ago. Maxim and Alena met on the Internet. One of the most promising young goalkeepers in Europe corresponded with her for a long time and insisted on a meeting. At this time, Alena combined her studies at the University, working as a model in Moscow and constant trips to Kyiv, where she was seen many times in the company of a young Ukrainian football player.

In 2013, it became known about Alena Shishkova's romance with rapper Timati. How and under what circumstances they met remains a mystery, but perhaps soon we will all know about it. They first appeared together at the New Year's concert "Song of the Year".

The girl did not take part in the performance, she simply accompanied the new guy offstage. He did not answer the questions of journalists about who Timati is a charming blonde, and Alena herself clearly did not like the fact that they were showing increased attention to her. Shishkova and Timati still do not advertise their romance, but they are not embarrassed to be photographed in an embrace, and the girl quite often posts joint photos on her social page. networks and instagramm. How long their relationship will last and whether it will lead to something more serious is still unknown. But maybe it is Alena who will finally be able to make Black Star, who has sat up in bachelors, truly happy.

UPD 19/03/2014 / Alena gave birth to Daughter Timati

Alena Shishkova gave birth to the future Black Princess for the rapper Timati (the baby weighed 4 kg, and as much as 53 cm tall), which the young couple named Alice.. Now Alena has joined the clan of hip-hop moms, where Dzhigan's wife and Guf's ex-wife have been for a long time.

UPD 05/21/2015 / Alena Shishkova Broke up with Timati?

We continue to follow the news from Alena Shishkova, and judging by the photos of SUPER magazine, Dynamo goalkeepers haunt Alena. Anton Shunin(a pupil, and now the main goalkeeper of Dynamo Moscow), who broke up with his wife in 2013, began to accompany Shishkova more and more often. While there were no comments and details, we wish Alena success in her work and find a person with whom she wants to meet old age.

More recently on the photo tape on Instagram Timati, his wife and daughter were together. However, in early 2015, the star couple announced their separation. What caused the collapse of the relationship of such a beautiful couple?

Timati: brief reference

If you try to compile a list of the largest stars of domestic hip-hop, then Timati will be in one of the first lines. This is a performer not only of Russian, but also of world level, who collaborated with the largest professionals in his genre. In social life, he is known for his outrageousness, which earned him not only fans, but also haters.

He founded his first band while still at school. In 1999, he managed to light up the video of the then king of Russian-language rap - Decl. Since then, however, their creative paths have diverged. Five years later, Timur joined the main part of the Star Factory and created the Banda group. In 2006, he released his debut album, and in 2012 he made himself known as a world star with the English-language album SWAGG.

The personal life of one of the largest Russian stars has long been under the guns of the lenses of the yellow press. Among his most famous companions:

  • Alexa- the daughter of a major Ukrainian businessman, with whom he began to meet at the "Star Factory". But the novel was relatively short-lived;
  • Ksenia Sobchak- Timati allegedly had an amorous relationship with her, but, most likely, it was a journalistic "duck";
  • Masha Malinovskaya- singer, actress and model;
  • Victoria Bonya- the heroine of one of the rapper's clips. Whether they were actually a couple remains a mystery;
  • Sofia Rudyeva- a professional model, one of Timur's few serious hobbies. There was even a wedding in the plans, but they were not destined to come true;
  • Among later hobbies - M Ila Volchek and Angelina Bashkina who are neither actresses nor singers.

However, the only girl who gave him a child is the Tyumen model Alena Shishkova.

Alena Shishkova: who is this?

The girl who gave birth to the rapper's child is almost ten years younger than him: she was born in 1992 in Tyumen. Since childhood, she participated in beauty contests and successfully won them. Among her achievements:

  • Miss Hope (2008);
  • Miss Dream (2008);
  • Miss Little Happiness (2008);
  • Miss Sunshine (2010);
  • "Supermodel" (2010).

However, the finest hour for the girl was 2012, when she took second place in the Miss Russia contest. From that moment on, she turned from an ordinary fashion model into a socialite. She began to be invited to social events, where the first persons of Russian show business were present.

The girl's career is constantly evolving: she can rightfully consider herself a world-class model, being a welcome guest in modeling agencies in Russia, the USA, Europe and Asia. In particular, in 2013 she was the decoration of the podium at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.

Love story

The romance of one of the largest hip-hop performers in Russia with a budding socialite was carefully hidden from prying eyes. It is only known that Timur had to make a lot of efforts and give more than one bouquet of roses to the Tyumen beauty before she agreed.

The public was allowed to know only those facts that the couple herself wanted to reveal, which is why information about her is extremely fragmentary. Among what has been revealed:

  • They met in November 2012 in Ukraine during the filming of a video for Timati's song. Alice there struck the rapper with her beauty (shortly before that, she had plastic surgery in America);
  • The relationship was kept secret until 2013, when the girl accompanied her lover to the Song of the Year contest;
  • After some time, Timur introduced his beloved to his parents, and then they began to live together.

What is the name and how old is Timati's daughter?

The girl's pregnancy was also kept in the strictest confidence: in order not to give food to the paparazzi, Alena prudently flew to the Dominican Republic, where her mother-in-law took care of the offspring. Although evil tongues say that migration was just a mercantile way to give the unborn child the citizenship of this sunny country.

Be that as it may, the birth of the baby was a bolt from the blue for the unsuspecting Russian bohemia.

A girl was born on March 19, 2014. The father was not afraid to be present at the birth of the child and even cut the umbilical cord. According to witnesses, Timur, brutal in ordinary life, shed a tear when he saw his daughter.

girl named after her mother - Alice.

The couple spent a few more months in the Dominican Republic, and then returned to Moscow. There, Timati, to celebrate, gave the girl an expensive toy - a Mercedes jeep worth a good Moscow apartment. And after some time, the beauty showed on her hand a watch worth more than ten thousand dollars.

Alena Shishkova forbade Timati to see her daughter?

However, a common child did not turn the cohabitants into spouses. In March 2015, rumors were already in full swing that there was a discord in the family, although in public the couple showed a cozy family idyll. The first sign of a breakup of celebrities was that Alena stopped posting photos of her husband and daughter on Instagram.

In May 2015, information was leaked to the media that the girl had found herself a new boyfriend, this time the football player Anton Shunin, the goalkeeper of Dynamo Moscow. For the first time in the company of this young man, she appeared at the opening ceremony of the Exit-Casino quest.

However, this affair did not last long: the girl allegedly meets with Alexei Chadov, a famous actor.

There were rumors that after the breakup, Shishkova did not let her father near her daughter. However, this is not so: the couple maintained friendly relations. Moreover, Timati still does not lose hope of reuniting the family and gives his ex expensive gifts.

Who does Timati's daughter live with?

The daughter spent the first year of her life with her family. Timur did his best to help the young mother in caring for her daughter:

  • At his direction, a wardrobe was built in the house especially for the baby;
  • The father also worked on the visual style of the girl. True, with varying success: Instagram subscribers have repeatedly noted that the baby is very similar to a boy. In addition, some elements of clothing completely aroused the indignation of commentators (for example, skulls were printed on the girl’s shoes);
  • Timati took care of his daughter when the common-law wife was at work, not allowing nannies even close.

However, after the breakup of the star family, the question hung in the air: with whom will the baby live?

As it later became known, the upbringing of the child was at the mercy of Timati's relatives, and Alena returned to professional modeling. The mother sees her daughter so rarely that she cannot recognize her, according to one of the network videos posted by mother-in-law Simona Yunusova.

According to Simone, in raising her daughter, she does not adhere to any dogmas and does not shy away from innovative ideas in education.

The yellow press in Russia does not get tired of washing up the details of Timati's personal life. His wife and daughter are not together, but the rapper does not give up hope for a family reunion. In the meantime, Timur's mother gives the child an excellent upbringing.

Video about Timati and Shishkova

In this Periscope broadcast, Alena Shishkova herself will answer questions about her relationship with Timati:

Alena grew up as a very creative girl: in her native Tyumen she studied vocals, learned to play the guitar and won local beauty contests. Three years ago, the beauty won the crown of the second "Vice-Miss Russia", after which she entered into an agreement with the capital's modeling agency.

The life of a provincial turned into a string of shows in Russia and abroad, photography and parties. Starting to earn money, Alena decided to invest in her appearance. At the Los Angeles clinic, she underwent rhinoplasty and lip augmentation.

Shishkova met Timati on the set of the video. Naturally, the scandalous rapper could not miss the doll-like blonde with plump lips, who came to the shooting in sneakers and a tracksuit. Unlike other models, Shishkova did not defile in front of Timothy in a swimsuit, which further aroused the guy's interest.

For the first time, the couple declassified their relationship in 2013: Alena accompanied her boyfriend to the Song of the Year contest. The lovers did not give any comments to the press, and the blond beauty in every possible way showed her irritation from the increased attention from the media.

As their mutual friends say, Timati courted Alena for a very long time: he gave her bouquets with 101 roses and wrote romantic SMS when she left for Tyumen. Then the couple decided to live together, but the wedding of Timati and Shishkova never took place.

Why did Shishkova hide the pregnancy?

When Shishkova temporarily left Moscow for the Dominican Republic, no one even suspected that she was pregnant. Timati hid it even from his friends. And Alena continued to post selfies and the usual sexy photos on Instagram. As it turns out later, Timati's resourceful common-law wife took a lot of photos in advance to hide her position.

To avoid excessive attention and pressure from the press, the singer decided to send the pregnant Alena to the Dominican Republic, where he rented a luxurious villa in Santa Domingo in advance. In the same country, she gave birth to a daughter, Alice. Caring Timati was present at the birth and even cut the umbilical cord. On his Instagram, he immediately shared the good news with subscribers and wrote that Alice was born weighing 4 kg and 53 cm tall.

To help his beloved, Timati sent his mother and au pair to the Dominican Republic. The young parents decided to return to Moscow in a few months, so that the daughter of Timati and Shishkova could still soak up the Dominican sun.

Even the birth of a joint child did not force the couple to get married. But Timati did not stop flooding his beloved with bouquets and gifts. He bought plane tickets to confess his love to Alena and give her flowers, and then returned back to Moscow. The singer's friends noted that he had changed a lot after the birth of Alice, became more serious and responsible.

How does Timati's daughter live?

When the weather improved in the Russian capital, Timati's common-law wife Alena Shishkova decided to return to her homeland. The move was very difficult for her: the girl got used to the hot climate, exotic fruits and walks along the ocean. The noisy and restless capital seemed to her a real hell! But Timati firmly decided that parents should be close to their daughter. By Alena's return, he presented her with a luxurious gift - a snow-white Mercedes-Benz Gelandewagen for 10 million rubles.

A little later, Shishkova showed subscribers a brand new Rolex watch for 12,000 euros.

At the airport, journalists managed to take exclusive photos of the return of the star family. They noted the chic figure of Alena, who became a mother only three months ago. It turned out that the model swam a lot, went in for sports and adhered to a strict diet. All this helped her quickly regain her former attractiveness.

After the return of his beloved women, Timati took up not only education, but also the style of his daughter. Judging by the photos on Instagram, Timati's daughter has been bathing in brands from the first months. The child has just gone 4 months old, and the parents have already begun to build a separate wardrobe for her!

The young father does not skimp on expensive sneakers, T-shirts and dresses for his adored daughter. However, subscribers often reproach the singer for dressing Alice like a boy.

Timati fans really noticed the changes in their idol. The photo where the rapper feeds her daughter from a bottle has become especially popular. He added the caption: "While my wife Alena is at work, I look after my child and feed him."

On March 19, Alice celebrated her first birthday. This time it was difficult to confuse her with a boy: a snow-white dress and a lush white flower on her head made the girl look like a princess. But black suede shoes with skulls clearly betrayed my father's style. The common-law wife of Timati Alena put on a tight dress showing off the girl's sexy figure.

The closest relatives came to congratulate Alice. All party guests followed the white dress code. But unpleasant comments began to appear under the holiday photos: subscribers began to claim that the couple had not lived together for a long time, and all these happy family photos were just a farce ...

Timati and Shishkova broke up?

Time passed, Alice grew up, and Timati Shishkov's wife never became the official wife of the rapper. Moreover, subscribers began to notice that the blonde stopped posting family photos. When asked about a possible split in the couple, she replied that she was not going to constantly post photos of the child and Timati to create the image of an ideal couple.

Alena returned to modeling, and grandmothers and nannies took up the upbringing of Alice. It is obvious that the model has ceased to pay attention to Timati. She recently returned from another business trip and immediately posted a touching photo with the baby.

But it was not this photo that caused a frenzied stir in the press. A real scandal was the photo of Alena with football player Anton Shunin. Under this post, the girl left a touching heart, hinting at a romantic relationship with a handsome guy.

At the same time, Anton Shunin posted a selfie with Alena. The couple looks very beautiful and harmonious. Under the photo, the football player left an ambiguous comment: “Everything is transparent, clean and understandable to us!” Most subscribers were surprised by the pronoun written in capital letters. Does it mean that a new couple has appeared on the starry Olympus? By the way, before the affair with Timati, Alena also met with a football player - the goalkeeper of Dynamo Kyiv and the Ukrainian national team Maxim Koval.

Timati's mother, Simone, adds even more mysteries. She recently published a photo in which Timati and Alena kiss little Alice. The couple looks happy and touching.

What happens in the relationship between the model and the benchmark? So far, young parents do not give any comments, and the public is already thinking about who their daughter will stay with. Most likely, her grandmother Simona will take care of her upbringing, because she took care of the baby from the first days of her life. Well, Timati will not miss the blond beast for long. Rumor has it that he had an affair with another model - Anastasia Reshetova.

Meanwhile, the common-law wife of Timati uploads a photo with flowers that Shunin presented to her. They drive around the city in his blue Bentley, attend social events and even spend the night together. The football player in every possible way evades questions about his personal life and does not comment on his communication with Timati's bride. But all the facts indicate that Shunin and Shishkova began a romantic relationship.

What caused the breakup of Timati and Alena? Perhaps the 22-year-old model was not ready for maternal responsibilities and decided to enjoy her youth in the arms of a sexy football player and build a career. Or maybe the loving Timati did not dare to become a family man and went on a spree.

But the blonde model hit back

But the blonde model hit back

The goalkeeper of the Moscow "Dynamo" Anton SHUNIN has long been sitting in a deaf reserve. Fans gradually began to forget about this goalkeeper, when suddenly he reminded of himself from a very unexpected side. The 28-year-old footballer is increasingly appearing in the company of Alena SHISKOVA, the common-law wife of rapper TIMATI.

The piquancy of the situation lies in the fact that a year ago Alena gave birth to a 31-year-old singer of a child. Timur Yunusov(aka Timati) was present at the birth and even cut the umbilical cord himself. Baby Alice was born in the Dominican Republic and, by the way, is very similar to her dad. However, marriage proposals Shishkova the rapper never did. The ambitious and proud beauty, who took third place at the Miss Russia contest in 2012, clearly did not like it. But in the musical get-together, few people imagined that the paths of Alena and Timati would disperse so quickly. While the singer was preparing for the next concert tour, the mother of his child flew to Rome for a few days, along with Anton Shunin.

A little later, the football player and the model appeared together in the center of Moscow at the opening of the Exit Casino reality quest. The journalists rolled their eyes and asked Anton if he was aware that Shishkova had a daughter from Timati. The goalkeeper nodded and added that he and Alena had nothing to hide. According to our information, Shunin and Shishkova have been living in the football player's house near Moscow in Khimki for two months.

What happened? When Alena became pregnant, Timur Yunusov sent her to his mother in the Dominican Republic. Shishkova swam in the ocean, ate exotic fruits and drank coconut milk in the morning. Not life, but heavenly pleasure! But Timati himself rarely visited Alena - work did not allow. And when daughter Alice was born, her grandmother began to take care of her. The sexy model quickly returned to the catwalk and to photography, so the common child of the parents, in fact, did not bring them together. They saw Alice mostly apart.

I wanted to take my son

Shunin also has a child - a three-year-old son Artemy from his first marriage. Glamorous blonde Veronica left him with a scandal and breaking dishes. But it all started so well! The young people met at the birthday party of a football player, where Veronica arrived with another guy. Anton at that time also had a girlfriend, but this did not stop the brave Veronica. She was the first to take the initiative and got her way.

The Dynamo goalkeeper switched to a new passion and a year and a half later, having presented a ring with diamonds, he invited him to the registry office. The wedding was played in the summer of 2010. Serious disagreements began after the birth of the child. Shunin's wife was disliked by his mother, who called Veronika a white hand. - I thought he was a man, and Anton turned out to be a sissy, - then she got excited Shunin. - He always listens to his parents in everything. And his mother slanders me: they say, I do nothing around the house. But I have a baby!

According to Veronika, after she left her husband, Anton did not even want to give away the baby carriage. And he tried to hide his income so as not to pay large alimony. At first, after the break, he gave only 50 thousand rubles to his son. per month. Veronica considered this a miserable handout and went to court. In turn, Shunin filed a counterclaim. He insisted that the child live with his father, because the father has more comfortable living conditions. If the court ruled in favor of the football player, he would not have to pay child support at all! The situation was somewhere reminiscent of the one in which the Zenit forward turned out to be Alexander Kerzhakov. But if the Petersburger, with the help of influential patrons, managed to prove that the mother of his child used drugs and therefore it would be better if his father would raise his son, then Shunin did not have such powerful support. If you believe the ex-wife, Anton threatened that he would take the child and would not give it back. But the boy stayed with his mother.

After all this story, the Dynamo goalkeeper was clearly upset, which, of course, affected his game. However, the club went to meet Shunin and extended his contract this spring. According to unofficial data, his salary is $1.1 million a year. Accustomed to a luxurious life, Alena Shishkova took this information into account.

Timati, of course, is still a womanizer, but with him the model lived in grand style. Once, the rapper gave her a Rolex watch for $10,000. And a little later, Alena was seen driving a brand new Mercedes jeep worth 10 million rubles. However, who exactly paid for this purchase is not known for certain. Timati has very rich parents, his father Ildar Yunusov- a big businessman and in everything, especially at first, helped his son. Including money.

And by the age of 31, the son not only managed to become a successful singer and producer, but also earned the fame of a notorious womanizer. Even before meeting Shishkova, he had an affair with Alexa from the Star Factory. Then Timur switched to another young singer - Nastya Kochetkova. But the rapper really lost his head when he met a burning brunette Milu Volchek. At that time, she studied at the directing department of VGIK. Mila did not give Timati access to her body for a long time, he suffered and almost cried. But still she gave up, and the young people came to the Griboedovsky registry office in Moscow, where they signed without pathos and unnecessary noise.

The musician once admitted that Mila completely changed his life, filled it with love, responsibility and meaning. But the rapper's next affair ruined everything. Upon learning of the betrayal, Mila silently packed her things and left. In 2013, already meeting with Shishkova, Timati in his Twitter very warmly congratulated Volchek on his birthday. Timur apologized to her and wrote that Mila is still the one and only for him. It is no coincidence that a rumor began to circulate among the singer's fans that Timati, having parted with Alena Shishkova, returned to his ex. But Mila herself did not confirm this assumption:

There have been no changes in my personal life. Nobody came back to me.

But in the world of show business, another version has appeared. They say that Timati secretly rested abroad with another beauty - a 19-year-old Muscovite Anastasia Reshetova, the owner of the title "Vice-Miss Russia-2014". Nastya is studying at Moscow State University and wants to become an advertising and PR specialist. And he dreams of acting in films. She has a very strict dad. Grigory Anatolyevich - colonel, candidate of legal and historical sciences. For some reason, he is completely indifferent to the work of Timati. And playboys can't stand it.


* Timati is a co-owner of the restaurant "Black october", a co-founder of the club "Black club" and produces his own clothing line.* Anton Shunin on shares with his brother Evgeny, he manages the mentioned quest "Exit Casino".