What language is the name Helena borrowed from? The meaning of the female name Elena

Career, business and money

If from an early age her parents took care of Lena's future and taught her to work, she can achieve serious heights in life. She is suitable for all professions related to communication, people. The girl perfectly feels the mood of others, can easily adapt, and if necessary, find common ground.

All these qualities could help in business, but often Lena is not too ambitious in matters of making money. It would be right to choose a profession in which there is an opportunity for career growth - within the given limits, it can advance very high, providing itself and its family with financial stability.

Marriage and family

Marriage for Elena is never equal to love. It is often created entirely by calculation, which is based far from money. But financial well-being cannot be discounted either. Lena will choose the person who will put her interests above her own.

She expects a man to provide and protect her, then in return he will receive a comfortable family nest. In the family, such a woman manages finances well, does not spend too much, but does not show signs of greed.

A husband who makes good money is very respected and stimulates in every possible way for further achievements. Children for Lena are a very important part of the family.

The owners of this name make wonderful, wise mothers who provide their children with a happy, calm and interesting life. It can be argued that Elena's family is a team in which she wants to be the captain.

Sex and love

Sex for Elena is far from defining in a relationship. It is important for her to find a partner who is not very passionate. A more moderate, perhaps not so frequent, sex life may well suit her.

And love for Lena is an even more complex concept. In this sense, she has a very changeable mood. Today she can love to the point of madness, and tomorrow look at her partner with indifference. She often simply accepts the love of a man, favorably allowing him to be around.

But here an internal filter is turned on, which does not allow accepting the love of this fan - she certainly needs to choose the best of what is. Much more important than love for her is care, support, reliability.

A man who gives all this will receive in return the attitude that he dreams of. Moreover, a woman rarely puts the appearance of her chosen one at the forefront: if a man suits her in all other respects, unattractiveness is forgiven him.


Owners named Elena often have health problems. They are prone to diseases of the nervous system, allergies of various kinds. Kidneys, pancreas can suffer. Such women need to carefully monitor their health.

Healthy eating, activity, sports, vitamins, giving up bad habits - this is what should accompany them all their lives. Periodically, you should undergo a general medical examination.

Interests and hobbies

Giving preference to everything beautiful, such a woman gravitates towards creativity. She can sing, dance, draw, knit, create various crafts with her own hands. She does not need approval to invest in such activities.

Traveling is another passion of this person. She, like a piggy bank, collects impressions, so that later she constantly scrolls through them in herself, causing pleasant feelings.

The name Elena comes from the ancient Greek Helene. In translation, it means “bright”, “torch”, “fire”, “chosen”, “sparkling”, “brilliant” or “sunny”. This female name is very popular in Russia among adult girls. In the early 90s of the XX century, it was one of the ten most common among newborn babies.

Name astrology

  • Gemini
  • Ruler Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman Stone: Chalcedony
  • Colour: grey-blue
  • Wood: ash
  • plant: aster
  • Animal: deer
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

As a child, Elena loves to read and listen to fairy tales. She grows in her imagined inner world. He treats others with trust, but is often deceived, for which he is vindictive and tries to punish his offender. He does well in school due to his excellent memory.

In the character of adult Elena, the emotional side often prevails over the mind, although it cannot be said that she does not have a mind. The representative of this name always achieves her goals, using considerable mental resourcefulness and assertiveness. It can affect the feelings of others. Able to captivate in her direction so easily and naturally that you won’t even notice it. By nature, she is a changeable person. Often lives according to a rhythm unknown to her, which is entirely subject to emotional experiences.

In dealing with people, Elena is simple, easy and unconstrained. Acutely perceives life's troubles and difficulties. She has sudden whims and whims. It can be secretive and closed, but behind this mask a very thin and vulnerable soul is hiding.

The main character traits of Elena are sociability, receptivity and gullibility. She is accommodating, easily gets along with people and tries to avoid conflict situations. He has good intuition, which he listens to throughout his life. The secret of the name lies in sincerity, thriftiness and depth of feelings.

Elena is able to show empathy and compassion. It is distinguished by a well-marked spirituality and increased excitability. She is attentive and caring towards her loved ones. Always cheerful and optimistic. From the outside, they talk about her as a smart, sincere and warm-hearted girl. At the same time, such a woman has cunning, prudence, laziness, slowness and excessive impressionability.

Interests and hobbies

Lena has been passionate about sports from an early age. In his spare time he does needlework. He likes to travel and visit different cities and countries.

Profession and business

Elena opts for professions that are associated with communication with people. She is attracted to work in the field of aesthetics and art. He does not like the rigid framework of the working day, as well as the early start of the service. She is suitable for the profession of an actress, musician, singer. Successful in the modeling business and financial affairs. Can get carried away by philosophy, religion or studying the culture of another country.


Elena cannot boast of good health. She is in full swing. Weaknesses - the nervous system, pancreas, kidneys and spine. Possible diseases of the skeletal system, heart and intestines. She just needs to keep fit and diet.

Sex and love

Elena is an amorous nature. The representatives of the stronger sex are attracted by her special charm, sexual personality and attractiveness. Having found the second half, he devotes his whole life to him without a trace. Love is usually born with compassion for someone who needs help. Becomes an ideal match for a restrained man with a moderate temperament. Her love is selfless and strong. Often jealous of his chosen one, but never admits it.

Family and marriage

Elena will prefer to marry a man she will regret than a wealthy man with good material wealth. Sacrificing herself, she expects the same from her lover. The representative of this name is a faithful and devoted wife, a homebody and a caring mother. She loves to create coziness and comfort in the house. He builds relationships with his spouse in which peace and tranquility reign. A good hostess happens according to her mood. She loves her children very much and devotes all her free time to them.

Beautiful, wise - such epithets were received by this beautiful female name in Ancient Rsi, the meaning of the name Elena is not far from these definitions. Bright, radiant, like a torch - such an interpretation of the name is embedded in the bright image of this extraordinary woman, who at all times could become both a subject of contention and a means of reconciliation.

At a younger age, the meaning of the name Elena for a girl consists of a certain isolation, constraint, distrust of strangers, but at the same time a liveliness of character sufficient for the baby, and moderate obedience. She has developed strong mental abilities since childhood, and parents will only marvel at how quickly the girl grasps new words and actions.

At primary school age, the young lady studies well, but she can do even better - natural laziness prevents her from getting the status of an excellent student, although she has considerable abilities. Dreamy, with a good fairy-tale imagination, she often does not think about the surrounding reality, living in captivity of fantasies.

Some isolation does not allow Lenochka to achieve understanding and gain authority among her peers, she has few friends, most often she is the only one. In general, the meaning of the name Elena for a child suggests a pronounced introversion, a tendency to melancholy, but at the same time rigid moral principles and principles.

In the senior school team, Lena will not be an outcast, but she will not be a leader either. Although she has natural qualities characteristic of a leader, she does not show them enough to gain trust and authority among her classmates.


Elena, who has matured, can easily control men with her naivety, spontaneity and ability to beat the victim. This means that she knows how to flirt beautifully and unobtrusively, attracting universal male attention and the malicious envy of her rivals. But this does not add enemies to her: she is absolutely not conflict, and is able to find a common language even with a woman from whom she took her lover away.

She attracts men with her fragility, eccentricity, but her childish antics can scare away even the most balanced gentleman. She will ideally suit a man, a few years older than her, in whom she will see support, who can take control of this girl.

Lena's love is very closely connected with a feeling of pity, understanding, and therefore one cannot expect violent passion from her. Even trying to build an easily excitable nature out of herself, in the end she gets tired and burns out completely. Sex for her is not of great importance, she prefers other experiences.


The marriage of this woman is characterized by sacrifice. For her, the financial situation of the future spouse and his status in society does not matter. The most important thing is that she feels the strongest feeling for her chosen one - a feeling of compassion and pity. And she will fully demand the appropriate return from her husband.

She attaches great importance to understanding, confidential conversations, but even in their absence, she very rarely leaves men. Jealously refers to the time spent with loved ones. This means that even with a slight delay at work, it can cause a small scandal.

Even if she works hard, she is still drawn home, she can not wait to get rid of the burden of work duties in order to devote herself to the family hearth. She is madly in love with her children, but does not provoke their activity, since she herself is a homebody and to some extent phlegmatic.

Business and career

Lenin's outlook on life is radically different from many. She is quite superficial, so she is attracted to everything beautiful that can be visualized or felt - it is these characteristics that she attaches great importance to. She will do an excellent job with creative work, which means she will successfully pose for the artist - the main thing is a free schedule, without the need to report to her superiors and get up early.

As a business woman, Elena is extremely rare. In order to reach heights in any business, she needs to exert maximum moral and physical strength, which simply unbearably exhausts her. She is purposeful, and smart business ideas often appear in her ingenious head, but she is often not enough for a long time, and she quits what she started halfway.

origin of the name Elena

The origin of the name Elena is attributed to Ancient Greece, and its etymology is akin to ancient Greek words - light, bright. In the country where this name came from, many legends and myths are associated with it. But perhaps the most significant is the story of Helen, the daughter of Zeus and Leda.

It was this woman, whose name is associated with the Trojan Won, that was the root cause of all conflicts between Troy and the enemy state. And to this day, Elena's secret is that she can easily reconcile enemies, and with the cunning of a snake, incite discord among friends.

Characteristics of the name Elena

The character of the owner of this name is always distinguished by sufficient isolation; she, like no one else, is characterized by introversion. Although, sometimes, due to her natural curiosity, she can completely change, causing admiration for her openness and sociability. But this is just a mask, which should not be given much importance.

The characteristic of the name Elena contains both pros and cons. Her colossal credulity sometimes plays a cruel joke with her - she is often betrayed, and for a long time she closes her feelings not only from the offender, but also from everyone around her.

As a creative person striving for perfection, this woman often violates generally accepted moral standards. An incredible dreamer, she strives to turn her fantasies into reality, regardless of their taboo and vulgarity. She does not achieve heights, but she does not go with the flow, and her characteristic qualities can be called the "golden mean"

Mystery of the name

  • The stone is Chalcedony.
  • Name days - January 28, March 19, June 3, 8, July 24, November 12.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Gemini.

Famous people

  • Elena Vaenga is a Russian singer, songwriter and composer.
  • Elena Korikova is a Russian TV presenter, theater and film actress, singer.
  • Elena Malysheva is a popular TV presenter of medical programs, a Russian doctor.

Different languages

The translation of the name Elena can be found in almost all languages ​​- it is common everywhere. Usually, how this word is translated into other languages ​​sounds quite similar to Russian pronunciation, but there are also very interesting variations: Helen, Ellen, Elaine, Helena, Lena, Eleno, Olena, Eleni, Helena, Alena, Len.

In Chinese, according to the transcription translation, this name will sound exactly the same, and it will be written in Chinese characters - 叶列娜. In Japanese, when translating the direct meaning of the name - solar - the word will sound like Tayota, and Japanese characters will be written 太陽他.

Name Forms

  • Full name - Elena.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Lenka, Lena, Elenka, Elenushka, Lenchik, Lenuska, Lenusya.
  • Declination of the name - Elena, Elena.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Elena.

For many centuries, people living in Russia have given their daughters the beautiful name Elena. The secret of the name is of interest to all its owners, and it will also be useful for parents who plan to name their child that way. Where did it come from, what effect does it have on fate, what secrets are associated with it?

Name Elena: origin

The melodic name, like many others that are popular in our country, has Greek roots, there were times when it sounded like Selena, this is how the inhabitants of Ancient Greece designated the moon. It is easy to guess what the word "Elena" means. Translation of the name: “sparkling”, “shining”, “ray of light”.

For the first time, they began to call daughters like this after the baptism of Rus' took place through the efforts of Prince Vladimir, this happened in 988. The representatives of the ancient Russian nobility were the first to appreciate the beautiful and unusual name. It was proudly worn by the wives of such famous historical figures as Alexander Jagiellon, Ivan Kalita.

Many are interested: Are Alena and Elena the same name? Indeed, Alena is the variation that gained the most popularity, and over time, independence, retaining the same meaning. Also, girls began to be called Ilena, Elya, Deer, wanting to see them feminine, soft, pliable. Popular diminutives: Lenochka, Lenusya, Lenchik.

beautiful legend

There are hardly any connoisseurs of ancient history who have never heard of the woman who gave birth to the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, she also bore the name Helen. Supporting her famous son, who advocated the spread of Christianity in her lands, she also converted to this faith.

Legend has it that Helena of Constantinople had a dream in which an angel told her to open to the whole world divine places where relics related to Jesus were hidden. The dream prompted the woman to undertake a journey to Palestine, where she discovered the Tomb and the Cross of the Lord. Also, the mother of Constantine became famous as the founder of a huge number of churches, the patroness of the destitute and sick. Thanks to her, many unjustly condemned people received freedom.

Character in childhood

So, what will Elena be like in early childhood? The secret of the name says that its owners live in a world of dreams. People around will be able to verify this even in the first years of the girl's life, seeing how much her fairy tales, legends, and myths attract her. Little Elenas often imagine themselves as characters in their favorite fairy tales. If in the real world others refuse to see them as princesses, they are able to withdraw into themselves. This creates certain difficulties when communicating with peers.

As a child, Lena is gullible, but she is not recommended to lie. Feeling like a victim of deception, the girl will certainly try to pay off the offender. Tough, even cruel, Elena is capable of even in childhood. The secret of the name claims that its owners in revenge are distinguished by ingenuity.

Greedy people are extremely rare among Len, they easily give their sweets and dolls to friends. It is difficult for them to concentrate on one hobby, hobbies are constantly changing. But parents should not worry about how their daughter will study at school, an excellent memory will allow her to easily cope with the academic load. Nevertheless, Lena sometimes has to be forced to sit down for lessons. She has the best grades in the subjects taught by the teachers she likes.

Youth years

It is curious that the name Elena makes its owner look like a dad. The similarity can be manifested in appearance, character traits. It is wonderful if, even in childhood, Lena learns to take control of her emotions, otherwise, in her youth, excessive emotionality can cause many problems for her and those around her. People who do not know the girl well may think that she is too shy, not inclined to communicate. However, close friends love her for her cheerfulness, optimism, rich imagination.

If in childhood Lena rarely boasts an abundance of friends, then in her youth the situation changes, the girl begins to strive for communication. Also, her ability to flirt is finally making itself felt, which allows her to get a lot of admirers. Thanks to this, Elena finds spiritual comfort, becoming the "princess" that she dreamed of being from early childhood.

growing up

It is also interesting how the matured Elena becomes. The secret of the name says that its owner does not attach much importance to everyday life. She is rarely fastidious in terms of food, is distinguished by a peculiar desire for asceticism, and often succumbs to bouts of laziness. The kitchen is far from Lena's favorite place; she perceives homework as a heavy duty.

Friendships for the matured Elena already mean much less than in her youth, she can turn into a real homebody who rarely leaves her home. Women who have received this name are reluctant to open their inner world to people, they are tense about attempts at excessive rapprochement by others.

Positive and negative traits

So, what are the pros and cons of Elena, what name has an impact on the character? The girl who received it is almost always honest in relationships with loved ones. Her natural kindness makes her willing to help those who call on her to show compassion. Lenas are extremely rarely stupid, they also do not get lost in an extreme situation, it is difficult to scare them.

Of course, the owners of the name also have negative features. At any age, Lena attaches excessive importance to her own emotional experiences, sometimes missing important events taking place in the outside world because of this. She is able to learn by analyzing other people's mistakes, but she is happy to point them out to people who make them. Often Elena becomes overly principled, there is authoritativeness in her character. As already mentioned, in revenge a woman does not know pity, she is ready to deal with enemies in various ways.


Unfortunately, it does not give its owner excellent health, rather, on the contrary. Her weak point since childhood is the nervous system. Lena needs to constantly monitor the condition of her kidneys, pancreas, and regularly undergo examinations by a urologist.

Interestingly, what will be the daughter's health depends largely on the parents. It is they who are obliged to instill in her a love of sports even in childhood. Voluntarily, Lena will not devote time to useful exercises, which is associated with her inherent laziness. Also, the owners of the name should carefully monitor their diet, refuse junk food. This is important not only for maintaining a figure, but also for maintaining health.

Relationships with men

The meanings of the name Elena are “bright”, “sunny”, “radiant”. This is exactly what her many fans see, attracted by her femininity and softness. Such women most often find happiness in the arms of a man much older than himself, who is ready to take on the role of a wise father in relations with them. Lenas are able to evoke genuine passion in members of the opposite sex, but such a strong feeling rarely covers them themselves.

The average Elena is the owner of a changeable mood. She may seem in love today and completely indifferent tomorrow. Interestingly, such girls shamelessly use their fans, extracting all kinds of benefits from their devotion.

Elena is tall with men whose names are Dmitry, Andrey, Igor, Yaroslav. It is recommended to stay away from its owner from Anatoliev, Alexandrov.

marriage, family

What predictions in terms of personal life does the name Elena make? The fate of a woman in marriage directly depends on her chosen one. A man who dreams of marrying her should stock up on perseverance, such girls say “yes” to the most stubborn representatives of the opposite sex.

In Lena's marriage, they are demanding, jealous. They sincerely expect that the chosen one will value family well-being above all else, they may require him to part with old friends, to give up time-consuming hobbies. Of course, they also need to constantly prove their love, do not forget about gifts, surprises and compliments.

"Keeper of the hearth" - this is how these women see their role in the family, despite the negative attitude to household chores. When they get married, they gladly quit their jobs, devoting themselves to their husband and children. As a rule, Elena makes good mothers, their children are always dressed and fed. However, they do not always manage to achieve spiritual intimacy with offspring. Thrift is another trait inherent in the Lenas. They avoid unreasonable spending that can leave the family without money, do not allow similar actions to the second half.


The name Elena endows her mistress with a certain predisposition to flirt. This does not mean that the husband should be afraid of her infidelity, such cases are extremely rare. Intimacy with a regular partner eventually turns into a routine for Lena, she rarely makes attempts to diversify her sex life, absolutely not needing it.

The chosen one of a girl with that name is categorically not recommended to flirt with other representatives of the fair sex in front of her eyes. Elena, allowing herself light flirting, will not tolerate such behavior from her boyfriend or husband, she may feel insulted and inflamed with a thirst for revenge.

Choice of profession

The history of the name Elena is not as interesting to its owners as the prospects that it provides, including in terms of a career. Creativity is an area in which such women often work. Lena can become an artist, fashion designer, writer, but is unlikely to succeed as a singer or actress because of her negative attitude towards publicity.

Mastering the exact sciences also does not cause difficulties for the owners of this name. Elena is suitable for the profession of an engineer, she can make an excellent accountant. However, she should not open her own business, there is a high probability that the project will fail.

Most Len are the owners of developed intuition, almost from childhood they get used to easily rely on it. Among them are many girls endowed with a penchant for melancholy, delving into themselves. Elena sincerely considers herself the best interlocutor and adviser, a few friends are usually not privy to her secrets, even if she knows their innermost secrets. However, she knows how to listen and, if necessary, console another person, she readily comes to the rescue. Nevertheless, Lena does not strive for communication, she never suffers from its deficiency.

Singing, drawing - many talents can manifest themselves in the owner of the name in early childhood. Flax is attracted to activities that allow them to create beautiful things with their own hands, be it origami or knitting. But with rare exceptions, they show their abilities only to close people, extremely rarely demonstrate them in public.

Elena's Day, according to tradition, comes twice a year. This is the third of June, which is considered the day of the birth of the famous mother of Emperor Constantine, who discovered the Cross of the Lord and erected many churches. And also on November 12 - the birthday of the mother of the Serbian King Elena, who was declared a saint after her death. First of all, it is recommended to give a name to girls who are born under the constellation of Cancer, this will help them grow up kind, gentle, diplomatic, honoring family traditions.

Spring Elena - a rather mercenary woman who, above all, is interested in material values ​​​​in life. From her youth, she studies well, grasps everything on the fly, making her first attempts to build a career. Being already an adult woman, she even chooses her husband primarily according to material criteria, so Elena's family often lives in abundance.

Summer Elena - a big intriguer and envious. This is an ambitious woman whose life principles allow her to reach great heights in the profession. Often her goal is to be the best always and in everything. Therefore, the summer Elena has a very narrow circle of friends (or none at all). What she lacks in friends she makes up for in love for her husband and children.

Autumn Elena prudent and far-sighted. She carefully and scrupulously approaches any life situations. Even when choosing a husband, autumn Elena first accepts the courtship of several men at once, and then chooses only one chosen one, who undergoes a thorough "casting" in all of her parameters. But she creates an extremely strong and reliable family.

Winter Elena stubborn and principled. She does not marry for a long time, because she is too picky. Can show dexterity, activity and resourcefulness in any situation. Winter Elena, as a rule, successfully implements all plans. Has an analytical mind and pedantry. She does not like to participate in ceremonial events, especially to be at the head of those.

Stone - talisman

Elena's talisman stone is chalcedony, a symbol of health and longevity. It promotes the development of internal energy and gives confidence.

Chalcedony symbolizes the feminine, love and happiness. It is believed that this stone banishes melancholy and brings joy, drives away evil spirits and protects sleep. Also, this stone is able to have a beneficial effect on the lungs and improve vision and hearing.



The lucky number for Elena is 5 (you can read about the meaning of the number five in the article).



Elena's element is Water (which means the patronage of this element, you can read in the article "The influence of the elements, planets and numbers on human life").

Animal - symbol

Animal symbols for Elena are deer and cod.


This is a favorable symbol, personifying fertility, purity, renewal, spiritual development. An adult deer is a symbol of abundance and prosperity.

The deer is a symbol of rebirth, and all thanks to the fact that the horns of this animal are periodically updated.

In general, this beautiful animal is associated with nobility, grandeur, grace and speed.


In Denmark and Sweden, this fish symbolizes happiness and wealth.


The happiest zodiac sign for Elena is Gemini (you can read more about this sign in the article "The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of a name on a person's life").


Favorable plants for Elena are aster and orchid.


This autumn flower symbolizes love in all its manifestations, beauty, charm, as well as modesty and elegance.

In addition, the aster is a symbol of modesty, sadness and memories.


This flower is a symbol of tenderness, splendor, luxury, harmony, perfection, beauty and feminine charm. So, white orchids represent pure love, while colorful ones represent ardor and passion.

An orchid should be kept in the house as a symbol of good luck, wealth, family well-being and love.


Elena's talisman metal is copper.

This metal symbolizes warmth and light, hopes that have come true. Because of its color, copper is associated with autumn, therefore, in some nations, it symbolizes withering and decline.

Copper enhances magical power, dispels spells, helps to recognize witches and sorcerers.

auspicious day

bad day


A favorable time of year for Elena is spring.

Important years of life

Significant years of life for Elena: 12, 15, 24, 30, 36, 45, 48, 60 and 72.

origin of the name Elena

Name translation

Elena is a name that has Greek roots and can be translated as "sunbeam" or "sunshine".

Name history

The name Elena has spread since the time of the baptism of Rus' by Vladimir Svyatoslavovich in 988. This name was found both in its original form and in folk variations, among which the most popular were Olena and Alena (the latter version is used today as an independent name).

The name Elena fell in love with the ancient Russian nobility: for example, this name was borne by the spouses of princes Yaropolk Vladimirovich, Ivan Kalita and Alexander Jagiellon. The Queen of Poland and the Grand Duchess of Lithuania were also called Elena.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Elena: Olena, Lena, Lenusya, Lesya, Elya, Lenochka, Lenok, Elenia, Ilena.

The legend of the name Elena

Helena Equal-to-the-Apostles (Constantinople) was the mother of Constantine the Great - Emperor of Rome.

This revered and authoritative woman adopted Christianity in the likeness of her son, who elevated the new religion to the rank of state. In a dream, Elena received a sign, according to which she had to find and point out to people those divine places in which relics associated with Jesus Christ were hidden.

Being at a fairly advanced age, Elena went to Palestine, where she was able to find such artifacts as the Cross and the Holy Sepulcher, as well as the nails with which he was nailed to the cross. It was the finding of the Cross of the Lord by Elena Equal-to-the-Apostles that marked the beginning of a great holiday - the Exaltation of the Cross.

Elena's merit also consisted in the fact that she founded many churches and hospitals, did charity work, redeemed debtors, and also freed prisoners.

The secret of the name Elena

Angel Day (name day)

January - 28 number.

March - 19 number.

June - 3rd, 8th and 10th.

July - 24 number.

September - 17 number.

November - 12 number.

Patrons named after Elena

  • Elena Martyr, daughter of the apostle.
  • Elena Equal-to-the-Apostles, Grand Duchess of Russia.
  • Elena Equal-to-the-Apostles, Constantinople.
  • Elena Serbian.
  • New Martyr Elena.

Famous people

Famous actresses named Elena:

  • Elena Ksenofontova;
  • Elena Yakovleva;
  • Elena Mironova.

Famous TV presenters named Elena:

  • Elena Perova;
  • Elena Kizyakova.

Famous singers named Elena:

  • Elena Vaenga;
  • Elena Obraztsova;
  • Elena Stepanova.

Famous writers named Elena:

  • Elena Gan;
  • Helena Blavatsky.

Elena Ilyina - the famous Russian figure skater.

Elena Paparizou - Greek singer, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2005.

The meaning of the name Elena

For a child

From early childhood, Elena loves fairy tales very much, therefore life often seems to her an amazing story in which she is the main character. When in real life she fails to become a princess, she withdraws into herself, which makes it difficult for her to join the children's team (she prefers to be in her personal closed world).

Little Lena is trusting, but, having recognized the deception, she will definitely try to take revenge on the person who deceived her, while showing ingenuity.

For a girl

Elena, as a rule, is similar to her father in appearance and character. The character is clearly expressed emotionality and categorical. In her youth, Elena gives the impression of a shy and withdrawn nature, but upon closer acquaintance, it begins to become clear that she is a cheerful person, a dreamer and an optimist. If she manages to liberate herself, she can become the "soul" of the company.

It is in her youth that Elena begins to make many friends, discovering a new world for herself in communication with her peers.

Elena is feminine and knows how to flirt, therefore she is of great interest among the representatives of the opposite sex. Such attention flatters her pride, returning to the world of fairy tales, where knights fight for her hand and heart.

For woman

Elena is a calm, modest and rather peculiar woman. He always worries about his loved ones and takes their problems to heart. Friends for Elena fade into the background. Immersed in her emotional experiences, Elena can be indifferent to everyday life, she can easily get by with little, she is not picky. I must say that she does a good housekeeping only according to her mood (and her laziness is to blame for everything). In general, Lena treats the kitchen and other household chores as boring, banal, but inevitable.

In general, Elena is a homebody and a caring mother. At home, peace and tranquility always reign in her.

Elena often behaves quite tensely in life. She, like a panther, is always ready to jump, because she is constantly waiting for attacks from others. It is very difficult for her to trust another person, which is why even in adulthood she has very few real friends.

Description of the name Elena


Elena does not always act according to her conscience. It is common for her to look for her own benefit in everything and always. Her creative nature strives for perfection, therefore Elena often perceives other people's mistakes as her own and tries not to repeat them, which forms such character traits as adherence to principles and authority.


Elena is not in good health, especially her nervous system. Weakened organs - pancreas and kidneys. Elena urgently needs a healthy lifestyle, which includes an active lifestyle, healthy eating and sports.


Many men are ready for anything for Elena, who has femininity and charm. This woman captivates, excites, drives fans to despair until she finds a male father who is not intimidated by her difficult nature. Her response to the most passionate love may well be not so hot.

Elena's mood is very changeable: so, today she will love a man crazy, and tomorrow she will show complete indifference towards him. She shamelessly uses her many admirers.


She most often marries a man who is more assertive than everyone else, but she will not necessarily be in love with him. Elena longs for her husband to love her madly and put family well-being in the first place.

She is jealous of everything that her husband takes away from her - his hobbies, friends, work, affections.

Family relationships

Lena builds her family relationships according to the principle "the husband is a hunter, the wife is the creator and keeper of the home nest." She may not truly love her husband, but this will be hidden behind the screen of a diligent mistress. Although Elena is economical, she loves to go shopping and spend money, and at the same time she will never forget about family well-being, which means that her children will always be fed, dressed and shod.


It is difficult to understand her sexual behavior, because she is flirtatious and is disposed to innocent (in her opinion) flirting, but she will not tolerate flirting with other girls from her chosen one. She does not know what hot passions are. In family life, intimate relationships can become a routine nighttime ritual for her.

Mind (intelligence)

Elena does not like to waste money on trifles, because she knows how to highlight the main thing and skip the secondary. Thanks to his mind and diligence, he achieves his goals. Its advantage is that it painstakingly builds its well-being brick by brick, without chasing quick profits. She is curious and has an excellent visual memory. Elena gravitates towards the exact sciences, which influences the choice of her profession.


Elena is easily carried away by the work she likes. Her ability to transform and artistic data dispose Elena to creative activities. Some find themselves in the modeling business or in the fine arts. Elena with a developed intellectual and cultural level can be fond of philosophy and religion. It will make an excellent accountant or engineer.


Elena may be lucky in financial matters, but this is not enough for a successful business. Her generosity and indifference to money will not allow her to conduct commercial activities. Therefore, all Elena's attempts to start her own business, as a rule, fail.


Elena loves to draw and sing. She likes to create beauty around herself with her own hands. At the same time, she shows her talents only in the circle of her family and for her family, preferring not to put them on public display.

Character type


Elena feels comfortable only in her own, fictional world, while she almost never feels a lack of communication. The fact is that Elena always has a smart, beautiful, and understanding interlocutor - she herself. That is why she takes an extremely responsible approach to creating a family, because only in the family can she fully open her inner world.


Elena unconditionally trusts her intuition, which is well developed in her. She is not afraid to go off the beaten path or go against the opinion of the majority, as she believes in herself and her strengths. She tends to listen to all her feelings and sensations.

Horoscope named after Elena

Elena - Aries

This is an imperious, but at the same time open nature, whose motto is "movement is life." Elena-Aries is a person of mood, and if she has a bad mood, then others around her will definitely feel it.

Elena, born under this sign, loves to be in the center of male attention, but often men, feeling her authority, retreat from the battlefield. Only a strong man can subdue Elena-Aries.

Elena - Taurus

This ambitious and self-confident woman realizes her plans mainly at the expense of others, which is due to her natural laziness and unwillingness to take responsibility. Elena-Taurus is an excellent speaker who can convince anyone to act as she needs, while she will never forget to emphasize her merits and significance. Men adore her, but her heart belongs to that one and only beloved man, to whom she is ready to forgive a lot.

Elena - Gemini

Thanks to cheerfulness, wit and openness, Elena-Gemini can easily win over those around her. It gives the impression of a person whose life is like a holiday, in which there is no place for sadness and trouble. But this does not mean at all that there are no problems in her life, just Elena-Gemini knows how to treat them easily. In relations with men, she is careful: she will easily flirt, while she will build a serious relationship for a long time, exposing her chosen one to many checks.

Elena - Cancer

This is a scrupulous nature, in whose head a huge number of ideas arise, which remain just ideas. And all for the reason that Elena-Rak is used to relying on someone, and not on herself. She often exaggerates her personal merits, but she also experiences defeats extremely hard, blaming fate for everything, which is unfavorable to her.

Elena-Cancer constantly looks for flaws in her partner, accuses him of treason and insufficient attention to her person.

Elena - Leo

Pride, vanity, imperiousness and temperament - these are the main characteristics of Elena-Leo, because of which those around her do not like her. Her condescending manner of communication does not endear her either. Elena-Lev herself is convinced of her chosenness, uniqueness and irresistibility. Undoubtedly, she attracts men with her independent disposition, but not all of them are ready to bow before the passionate Elena-Leo and indulge all her whims.

Elena - Virgo

This is a tough and principled person, in whose life there is no place for passions and emotions. Dimension and stability - this is the basis on which (according to Elena-Virgo) life is built, both social and family. Far from all men share such life principles, therefore it is often very difficult for Elena-Virgo to arrange her personal life. the ideal partner for her will be a man who takes life easy.

Elena - Libra

This is a direct, sociable and energetic woman who loves to talk more than listen (by the way, it is better not to trust her with secrets, since she absolutely does not know how to keep them). Elena-Libra wants to take an active part in the bustling life around, it’s a pity that there are only 24 hours in a day. Conquering the heart of Elena-Libra from the first time is not so easy, because she strives for a stable and lasting relationship in which the partner will provide her with a certain amount of freedom.

Elena - Scorpio

This talented, but impressionable and somewhat irritable woman is led, first of all, by emotions and spiritual impulses, while cold calculation and common sense go by the wayside. Elena-Scorpio is very quick-tempered, which leads to the creation of conflict situations. Elena, born under this sign, is capable of truly deep feelings, but her temperament is fraught with quarrels.

Elena - Sagittarius

The independence and enterprise of Elena-Sagittarius know no bounds. Only now she likes to generate ideas more than to put them into practice (she can perfectly organize the process of turning the plan into reality, but she is a bad performer). Elena-Sagittarius is constantly in search of unusual sensations, so her novels are often short-lived and not serious.

Elena - Capricorn

This sensible and pragmatic woman gravitates towards order, both in her personal life and at work. She does not like petty and frivolous people who are not serious about life. Elena-Capricorn always has everything under control - appearance, actions, and words. She accepts the courtship of men, but with caution. Flirting with strangers will never be tolerated. Such coldness and prudence lead to the fact that it is extremely difficult for Elena-Capricorn to trust a man and fall in love.

Elena - Aquarius

This is an independent and freedom-loving nature that lives in peace and harmony with itself, preferring not to get into someone else's life, and not let it into its own. Elena-Aquarius does not like to conflict, she would rather keep silent correctly, but at the same time she will draw her own conclusions. She is feminine and graceful, so she does not lack admirers and novels. She will connect her life with a man who will be her true friend rather than a passionate lover.

Elena - Pisces

This is a good-natured and sensitive nature who is afraid to offend his interlocutor in word or deed. Elena-Pisces will not prove her case, but will yield to her opponent, even if she knows that she is one hundred percent right. Elena-Pisces has charm and charm, therefore she often "catches" the admiring glances of men. She knows how to love sincerely, selflessly and disinterestedly.

Elena name compatibility with male names

Elena and Alexander

Elena and Maxim

Despite the fact that both Lena and Maxim do not want to part with their freedom, they manage to build trusting, but at the same time quite independent relationships in which there is no place for distrust. Their restless natures cannot stand loneliness, so life is always multifaceted and unusual, full of events and emotions.

Elena and Vladimir

Elena and Mikhail

The dissimilarity of the characters of Elena and Mikhail does not mean that these two cannot be together. Yes, both are prone to mood swings. Yes, both are emotional and quick-tempered. But they know how to make concessions, listen and forgive, so their strange union often stands the test of time.

Elena and Roman

These relationships are based primarily on the sexual component. Common interests (both domestic and spiritual) fade into the background, especially since the energy of both is enough to solve several tasks or problems at once. In the pair of Elena and Roman, it is precisely the passion and dissimilarity of characters that will help create a strong family.

Elena and Nikolai

Elena and Valery

Between Elena and Valery there is not only love, but also friendship, not only passion, but also tenderness. In addition, they are united by common interests, so their union, which is not afraid of any circumstances and obstacles, will be strong.

Elena and Yuri

These two prefer an atmosphere of celebration and fun, so they surround themselves with people who go through life easily, without bending under any circumstances. But Elena and Yuri should remember that real life is not a theatrical performance, otherwise they cannot avoid a divorce.

Elena and Anatoly

The practicality of Anatoly does not go well with the carelessness of Elena, for whom life must be filled with fun. In addition, Elena can hardly be called an ideal housewife, while for Anatoly it is extremely important that peace, comfort and coziness reign at home. In general, compatibility between them is extremely low.

Elena and Ruslan

Quarrels rarely occur in this couple, because they do not have time for this. And the thing is that both Elena and Ruslan see their mission not only in creating a family, but also in helping others. Such an active life position helps them to know each other and the world around them. They are never bored, which is very important for building strong relationships.

Elena and Victor

This creative union has great chances, because both partners are looking in the same direction. In marriage, Elena and Victor always support each other (and they teach their children that people should help each other). It is not surprising that this couple has many friends who appreciate their openness and good nature.

Elena and Nikita

This couple, whose energy and strength can only be envied, can be both a strong family union and a successful partner tandem. And this is quite natural, because both partners have an analytical mind and entrepreneurial acumen. But Elena and Nikita love power and fame, which can destroy their relationship.

Elena and Kirill

This union is very interesting, because both partners in it strive to learn about the world around them, to find new facets in it. Traveling brings Elena and Cyril closer, whose thoughts and feelings are directed in one direction. This couple is definitely not bored.

Elena and Leonid

Leonid, accustomed to always and in everything to be the first, is fascinated by Elena's love of freedom and disobedience. He spares no effort to win his chosen one. But over time, Elena's independence can become an obstacle to building family happiness. If Leonid can suppress the feeling of possessiveness in himself, then the union can become strong.

Elena and Peter

Peter's seriousness attracts Elena, who lacks rationality and pragmatism. But the problem is that a woman in this union does not want to learn from her man, believing that her business is to be there and give joy to her lover. When Peter starts teaching Elena, she simply turns around and leaves.

Elena and Arthur

Italian passions boil in this couple, where every little thing can become a reason for a grandiose scandal. And if at the beginning of family life such quarrels are followed by passionate reconciliations, then over time Elena and Arthur withdraw into themselves, and irritability and indifference come to replace love.

Elena and Gregory

Ordinary family life does not threaten Elena and Gregory, because even after five years of marriage they will resemble two lovers who have just found each other. They always have something to talk about, they treat each other warmly, gently and reverently and try to avoid quarrels.

Elena and Edward

In this tandem, both partners are looking for novelty, while it can be travel, moving, changing jobs, and meeting new people. The main thing is not to forget about stability, otherwise, sooner or later, love and romance will break up against the realities of life.

Elena and Vasily

Elena and Vasily are suitable for each other, first of all, sexually, so their relationship begins brightly and passionately. But their life together most often does not add up, but all because of the dissimilarity of their characters and interests.

Elena and Fedor

Both partners strive for power, while they are often unable to share the reins of government among themselves, against which conflicts arise. And since neither Elena nor Fedor can and do not want to compromise, their family life does not work out either.

Elena and Gennady

This union is based on the spiritual unity of partners for whom feelings and experiences are important, and not the material component. They know how to clearly plan their lives, but they are not always ready for the difficulties that life presents, which can destroy their union.