Research work "Influence of appearance on human behavior". The influence of clothing on a person

When they say that a person is greeted by clothes, they mean not only the neatness of his outfit, style, grooming and high cost, but also the color.

Shades subconsciously affect the perception of your image. Depending on what impression you want to make (and how you want to enter the new team), and it is worth choosing the color of the clothes.

Everyone will remember for a long time the scandal when a famous pop artist kicked out a journalist in a frivolous pink blouse from a press conference. No one will say what her name was and what publication she represented, but the shade of her outfit is forever on the lips.

In order not to find yourself in a similar situation, find out how the color of clothes affects others (and our own mood) and approach the choice wisely.


It is good because it attracts attention, puts it on a pedestal and allows others to catch you with their eyes from any crowd. It charges with energy and enthusiasm, increases working capacity. If you are in the mood for a fight and love to be looked at, the red color in clothes is your choice.

However, where someone else should be in the center (your boss, a bride at a wedding, an honorary hero of the day), you should be more careful with scarlet. To others, it may seem that you are trying to divert attention from the main persons of the event.

Do not forget about the seductive properties of red: this exciting tone excites sexual energy, which is not always and everywhere appropriate.

The passionate and eye-catching image of a girl in red is actively used by cinema and is sung in various hits. If you're not itching to fend off fans, dress up in a more subdued palette.


The mournful notes of black are betrayed too great importance. In fact, this color is elegant, strict, noble, respectable and suits absolutely everyone.

A little black dress will turn any village lady into a lady, and a solid noir suit will become best solution for business meeting.

Serious black clothes allow you to keep yourself in good shape, concentrate on important tasks and not relax. But one must understand that a person in dark clothes does not stand out from the team: most often he is invisible, his merits are belittled.

Deep black looks mysterious (sometimes even gloomy), it intrigues and attracts, so it is good for evening and cocktail dresses.

Yellow and orange

Cheerful sunny tones bring with them a positive and optimistic mood. If you're sad, dress up with lemon-mustard things - and the mood will rise.

A person dressed in canary colors does not go unnoticed at work: most often they treat him kindly, positively, even with some condescension.

The one who brings the sun and joy with him is considered a valuable participant and soul of the project: many people want to be friends with him and share secrets.


A marine shade is good for business: it inspires respect, but not fear. A lady in a blue dress looks a little cold and aloof, less accessible - sometimes this becomes the reason that men get to know her less often.

But the hard worker Blue colour only helps: cools the mind, stimulates creativity, improves concentration and logic, invigorates.

A person in blue seems to be a reliable employee and inspires confidence: choose this shade for negotiations with partners or for going to the bank for a loan.


Natural, close to nature color has both rest and work. It is comfortable to communicate with a person dressed in an emerald-grass scale, he inspires affection and a friendly attitude.

When preaching eco-politics and protection of nature, it is appropriate to wear things in green tones. However, in these clothes, a person looks harmless, peaceful and, in a sense, “toothless”.

Competitors will not be afraid of him, and it is hardly possible to declare one's leadership inclinations with a kind, soothing eco-hue.


The frivolous feminine shade sounds informal: both delicate lavender and flashy fuchsia hardly fit into the office dress code. At a meeting, such a lady will look strange (remember "Legally Blonde"), hardly anyone will take her arguments seriously.

But in situations where you want to seem simple, this outfit is extremely effective. At a disco, in a bar, on a summer beach, girls in pink clothes look feminine and innocent, ready for flirting and frivolous relationships.

Ladies in pink (as well as men) are psychologically credited with a mild disposition and easy character. This is convenient for dating, but interferes with business: it is difficult to give the impression of an assertive, confident, strong man when you're wearing a purple shirt.

Meanwhile, all gentle pastel shades(cream, blue, mint, lavender) sound noble - wearing them, people seem richer, more mature, creative, wise, not trying to attract attention in cheap ways.


Very neat, rational, tidy, crystal clear shade.

He is subconsciously trusted, he testifies to sincerity and professionalism.

No wonder this color was chosen for the uniform - both school and medical.

White is relevant not only for the office: a chiffon blouse tucked into high-waisted jeans will give you a stylish and mature person.

Brown and gray

The shade of the earth testifies to the stability and reliability of its "carrier". He is solid, impressive, but very boring and dreary. Of all the romantic options, a woman will never prefer a man in a brown suit.

The same notes of limitation, sadness and loneliness are also found in the impassive gray range. But these two shades have a strong advantage: they are ordinary and inconspicuous. If you want to hide in the crowd (get out of sight of the authorities), this is the perfect option!

When choosing a color for everyday wear, think not only about its properties, but also about its relevance in a particular place. Business style implies light and restrained dark shades: cream + brown, snow-white + black, blue + gray.

Office dress code does not accept variegation and neon accents. But in the evening and at the weekend you can afford any freedom of shades!

Knapp M., Hall J.

Clothing functions

In order to understand the relationship between the style of dress and the act of communication, it is necessary to understand the various functions that clothes can perform. It can decorate, protect (both physically and psychologically), attract a sexual partner, help assert itself or, conversely, testify to self-sacrifice, can hide something, give out belonging to a group of people of a certain nationality and religion, and also indicate a position in society. and social role. Since there are generally accepted rules in any culture regarding the combination of certain colors and styles of clothing, clothes can also show that the wearer knows about these rules.
When lovers wear the same or matching clothes in color and style, they are perceived as visible evidence of their closeness. Countless studies have been devoted to clothing that indicates belonging to a particular nationality or religion.
An old but classic study tested the ability of well-dressed people to influence unsuspecting passers-by and force them to break traffic rules. Lefkowitz, Blake, and Mouton (1995) found that pedestrians were much more likely to cross the road at a red light near an intersection if another person did it before them, and they were especially willing to break the rules if the person's clothing pointed to their high position in society.
The results of other studies show that people are much more willing to fulfill various requests (change banknotes, take leaflets distributed, explain directions in detail, return money left in a phone booth) if the person asking them about it is dressed according to the situation or in such a way that what's his appearance indicates a higher social status (Fortenberrv, MacLean, Morris & O "Connell, 1978; Levine, Bluni & Hochman, 1998). For example, during the study of Bickman (Bickman, 1974 a, 1974 b), four assistants were stopped under various pretexts for 153 people on the streets of Brooklyn.The researchers were dressed in the suits of an employee (sport jacket, tie), milkman (uniform jacket, white trousers, bottles of milk) and military (uniform, badge, orders, no weapons).The researchers asked passers-by to give them a bag, help someone else insert a coin into the parking meter or stand at the other end of the bus stop.In each case, the researchers dressed in military uniforms were much more willing to give in - in fact, 83% of people who were asked to insert a coin into the counter obeyed, even when a person dressed in a military uniform left the scene.In general, the uniform will really help other people to determine the occupation of the one who wears it, and this information can influence their opinion. During a public service action, the same woman, dressed in a nurse's outfit and a casual business suit, asked people to donate to a leukemia fund. According to those who were asked, the nurse was more competent in this matter, and therefore received more donations (Lawrence & Watson, 1991). Police officers who wear uniforms assume that it will help them influence people more successfully, but this is not always the case, as their work involves various purposes. But can the same form express both friendliness and willingness to help and an imperious demand to obey the law (Young, 1999)? Lawyers have long known that the way clients dress can have a positive effect on the opinion of a judge or jury. Lawyers sometimes even recommend that unmarried clients put on their fingers wedding ring to prevent possible prejudice against an unmarried man or woman.

Clothing as a source of information about a person

It is impossible to compile a list of information that clothes always convey: such a list would vary depending on each individual person, the ethnic group to which he belongs, the period of time (both the time of day or season, and the historical era), the region in which he lives, etc. Complicating this task is the fact that any piece of clothing can be worn in such a way that it will convey different shades of meaning. The style of a tie may indicate sophistication and position in society, but the way it is tied (tight or loose) or worn (for example, slung over the shoulder) may convey different information.
The qualities that clothing can convey information include gender, age, nationality, relationship to a partner (for example, identical sweaters), socioeconomic status, belonging to a certain group of people, occupation and position in society, mood, personal charm, passions, interests and values. Clothing also determines the behavior we expect from the wearer. When our attention is directed to a person whom we know well, this knowledge will affect how we perceive his clothes. For example, we can explain a sudden change in the style of his clothes as a temporary change in mood, and not as a change in character. Obviously, the accuracy of such judgments can vary greatly: more specific characteristics, such as gender, age, and socioeconomic status, can be established with greater certainty than more abstract qualities, such as preferences, values, and character traits. Behind last years T-shirts with slogans have become a means of conveying information that would be more difficult to perceive in any other way.

The influence of clothing on a person

Up to this point, we have argued that the style of clothing can carry a certain semantic load, and that the people with whom we communicate will react differently to this information. But how does clothing affect the wearer? According to some researchers, clothing helps a person to feel satisfaction from his appearance get closer to his own ideal. For example, Gibbins, working with 15-16-year-old girls, found that for them there was a relationship between the clothes they liked and their ideal appearance. They perceived the style of clothing as a way of conveying certain information, and the appearance they liked “depended on the extent to which this transmitted information coincided with a person's ideal self-image" (Gibbins, 1969). Another curious discovery shows that there is a potential relationship between the clothes a person wears and their self-esteem. High school boys who scored high on exams but wore clothes that their peers considered "inappropriate" were found to score lower than those who wore "appropriate" clothes (Hamilton & Warden, 1966). The latter also clashed less with others and more often took part in school-wide activities. Therefore, the style of clothing can dictate or override certain rules communication behavior. New suit can cause a feeling of joy and fun; a person may feel insecure in tight shoes; Self-confidence can develop even when dressed in "inappropriate" clothes - this is often true of teenagers who are trying to find their own style. Some graduate students wear formal suits to classes to emphasize the distance between themselves and students, who are often almost the same age as them. Many report that such clothing helps them feel more confident when interacting with students, but these same clothing seems to have relatively little effect on students' opinion of the teacher, in contrast to his behavior (Gorham, Cohen & Morris, 1999; Roach, 1997) .
The results of studies that studied different types The uniforms of the National Hockey League and National Football League teams have clearly shown that clothing affects both the person who wears it and the person who communicates with him. It turned out that teams in black uniforms were near the champions in their leagues in the number of free kicks received, and teams that wore a different color and changed it to black began to receive more free kicks after that. The authors suggest that players in black uniforms seem to be more aggressive, and this, combined with the fact that the referees perceive them in the same way, leads to more penalties (Frank & Gilovich, 1988).
In recent years, much attention has been paid to the issue of wearing a school uniform. One of the most widely accepted arguments in favor of it is that the style of clothing changes a person's self-image and therefore influences their behavior. Detailed study, which targeted high school students, found no direct association between school uniform wearing and drug and alcohol use, attendance, and behavioral problems, and demonstrated a negative effect of uniforms on student achievement (Brunsma & Rockquemore, 1998). For some students, school uniforms do act as a measure of discipline and control and are a symbol of the unity of the school, but wearing a uniform cannot be expected to solve all the behavioral problems of difficult teenagers. The introduction of a school uniform in itself, without the efforts of both the students themselves and the parents, is unlikely to have a significant effect on discipline.

Clothing and character traits

Rosenfeld and Plax (1977) set out to determine whether a person's attitude to certain styles clothes to any character traits. During the study, 371 people were interviewed. Men and women were asked to fill out a questionnaire containing questions about their attitudes towards clothing, and also to pass a large number of character tests. Then the results of these tests were correlated with four variants of a person's attitude to clothing from the questionnaire proposed to the subjects. These scores are listed below in order from male to female, and from high to low on each option.

1. Conscious choice of clothes. ("My acquaintances always notice what I'm wearing.")

Men who scored a high number of points had a balanced character, were restrained, respectful of authorities, customs and traditions. They had a low regard for beauty, appearance, and friendship, and believed that people were easy to manipulate.
. The high-scoring women were restrained, but at the same time restless, worshiped authority, were kind, compassionate, devoted to friends by nature.
. Men who scored low were aggressive, independent by nature, and believed that people were difficult to manage.
. Women who scored low had a strong and independent character and clear thinking, sought to dominate and did not seek to enter into heterosexual relationships and control other people.

2. Exhibitionism. (“I like topless swimsuits and tight bottoms, and I don’t mind wearing them.”)

Men who scored high were aggressive, confident, outgoing, ruthless, incapable of strong affection; they were characterized by moodiness and impulsiveness, and they rarely perceived themselves as family people.
. The women who scored high were resolute and independent of others, and had a high opinion of their own importance and moral and ethical values.
. Men who scored low were wary of betraying their true feelings, rarely perceived themselves as family people, and believed that people were easy to control.
. Women who scored low were naturally shy, sincere, affectionate towards others, patient and did not seek to enter into heterosexual relationships. They also had independence.

3. Practicality. (“When I buy clothes, I think more about practicality than elegance.”)

Men who scored high were reserved, prudent, rebellious by nature, did not feel satisfied with their own lives, did not seek to make friends, maintain relationships with others and receive approval and recognition from authorities.
. The high-scoring women were smart, confident, engaging, and sociable, and were wary of betraying their true feelings. They had a sense of superiority, but they did not seek to occupy a dominant position.
. The low-scoring men were driven to succeed, serious, established and strong character; they were characterized by an analytical mindset, and they tried to predict how other people would behave in various situations.
. Women who scored low were self-centered and independent of other people.

4. "Modeler". (“I would like to be a fashion designer.”)

The men who scored high were kind and open by nature, strove to help others, had impulsive, could be irritable and demanding, but also compliant. They were worried about how their behavior was perceived by the people around them.
. Women who scored high were illogical, non-critical, stereotyped, impulsive, emotional and enthusiastic.
. Men who scored low were adventurous and restless, self-centered and dissatisfied with life. They had a sense of superiority over other people, and they did not seek to have friends.
. Women who scored low were active, resourceful and persistent by nature, had clear thinking, but were easily lost under pressure from others. They believed that people were easy to manage and were pessimistic about their own future in terms of work and career.

Jewelry and ways to decorate the body

People often adorn themselves different ways: with the help of signs, tattoos, masks, earrings and jewelry. When discussing clothing styles, these adornments should be taken into account, as they also have the potential to carry certain messages. A ring worn on a particular finger, badges of a student or some other organization pinned in a certain sequence, or an earring worn in the right or left ear, all these can convey certain information about the nature of a person's relationships with other people and about how he perceives himself.
It is known that all over the world people adorn their body and change it with the most different ways. Sometimes scars or paint are applied to the body, and sometimes it is specially deformed. If you bandage the legs of a child, the structure of the bones will change. In our society, many boys are circumcised, and in recent years, piercings have become increasingly popular among young people. different parts body. Tattoos are also widely used (Sanders, 1989).
In addition, we know that sometimes people around us react violently to any item of clothing or jewelry, such as glasses or lipstick. However, although such elements may initially be very conspicuous, other details of appearance and speech behavior will soon help to form the overall impression, thus diminishing the effect of any one feature.

Knapp M., Hall J. Non-verbal communication. St. Petersburg: Prime-Evroznak, 2004, pp. 128-131.

There is a saying - they are greeted by clothes, they are escorted by the mind. And if you can disagree with the second part of it, then there is hardly a person who does not take into account the appearance of a new acquaintance. And the basis of the image is clothing - it is by it that we can determine the position of a person in society and his social role, his religion or nationality, professional occupation. Can't compose full list information that clothing conveys, because this list is individual for a particular person. But, one way or another, by clothes we form our first idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe character of a person.

For example, one study tested the ability of well-dressed people to influence the behavior of unsuspecting passers-by, forcing them to violate their traffic rules. In the experiment, the scientists found that the subjects willingly crossed the road in the wrong place if someone else did it before them, and especially often broke the rules if it was a well-dressed person. Most of the subjects followed suit.

There is only one conclusion: a well-dressed person is able to inspire more trust among strangers compared to poorly dressed. In addition, it turned out that the appearance of a person affects not only the attitude of others around him. What a man or woman wears affects his/her self-esteem and even mood. A new suit or dress can evoke a sense of fun and joy, soiled clothes can make you feel embarrassed or upset.

It has been established that adolescents who wear “fashionable” clothes from the point of view of youth are more confident than their peers who dress differently, even if the latter are more successful in school or sports. In general, a lot of research has been carried out, and the results are absolutely understandable - a person’s clothing affects both the attitude of others towards him and his own self-esteem.

What practical advice in creating an image offer us scientists?

So, it is quite clear from all of the above that people are attracted by wealth and solidity in clothing. Business suits are suitable for work, or, in the absence of a dress code, restrained, but at the same time beautiful casual clothes. An elegant suit for men is suitable for a solemn event, and beautiful evening dress for ladies.

As for the colors in the image, they should be selected, focusing more on your mood and goals, rather than on the attitude of others around them.Pastel colors will create a feeling of security, peace and concentration, help to calm down and relax.Yellow color gives confidence, improves mood, enhances concentration, increases vitality, but when abundant, it can be oppressive.

Red, bright pink, raspberry and orange stimulate vigorous activity, give vigor, but with prolonged wear can be depressing.Blue color calms and relaxes, gives a feeling of self-confidence.

Black color is psychologically protective, and can even lead to aggression.Green color gives harmony, generally has a positive effect on the body.

In addition, all sorts of arrangements of colors in clothes create a complex and complete image, which, with their proper selection, can give their owner everything that he needs.

After all, you see, it is important not what we are wearing, but how we feel in it.As the saying goes, beautiful person beautiful in everything, while beauty is a combination of your internal qualities and external attractiveness, therefore it is very important to monitor your appearance.

This is because although "Clothes don't make a man", they certainly make him morally positive or negative.

Some people leisurely choose their clothes in accordance with the occasions, others spend hours thinking: "What am I going to do today and what to wear today?". The secret lies not in choosing the right clothes, but in your plans for the future. Experienced managers say that you need to dress in harmony with the professional position that you aspire to, and not the one that you currently own.

It's no secret that your clothes increase (or decrease) your self-esteem. It all has to do with how you feel and perceive yourself in a particular outfit. "The more you like your appearance, the more confident you feel," said professor and assistant professor Robert Ridge, Brigham Young University. Clothes that you don't quite like give you negative thoughts, make you think you're drawing too much attention to yourself. Because of this, you begin to worry about what others might think of you.

Clothes for success

Certain accessories, such as glasses or a well-fitted suit, can make a person look competent in the eyes of others. Such clothes contribute to success, however, if you overdo it, you will spoil the first impression of yourself, and you will be left with a psychological trauma.

The effect is known as "enclothing cognition". The term was coined by experts from the Kellogg School after evaluating the effects of participants' cognitive skills on clothing.

The results of the first experiment showed that volunteers who wore beautiful dresses made fewer mistakes during the tests compared to those who wore regular clothes.

In another experiment, conducted by researchers at the University of Hertfordshire, a group of students were asked to wear T-shirts with the emblem of Superman, a comic book character. And the rest of the participants wore simple shirts and ordinary clothes. "Students wearing Superman shirts were liked by all the students. When all the participants were asked how much weight they could lift, those wearing the Superman shirt felt stronger than those wearing plain shirts," said the study coordinator. , Professor Karen Pine.

You become what you wear

The clothes themselves do not have magical powers. Instead, she exerts a strong psychological impact on your owner. For example, the Superman logo on a T-shirt doesn't make you into a super hero, but it gives you confidence.

The same thing happens in the case of a medical gown. Although the person may not be a doctor, such clothing affects him and the wearer may feel qualified and thus adopt certain qualities associated with the profession. When a person puts on an artist's robe, he can become more creative.

"The simultaneous combination of man and clothing carries symbolic meaning", said Adam Galinsky, one of the authors of the study, quoted by The Washington Post.

The effect of clothing on the brain can vary from person to person because people relate differently to the symbolism of clothing. For example, a business suit can give a person more self-confidence, and he sees himself as an authoritative and competent person, according to a study published in the Human Resource Development Quarterly. "If you associate clothes with power and confidence, you will have a strong influence on others. But some people use a business suit for deceit and various scams," says Galinsky.

A similar result was observed after an experiment in which volunteers had to solve a math test. Some of them were dressed in bathing suits, while others were in casual clothes. While the men scored regardless of clothing, the women who wore swimsuits performed worse than the other participants. This phenomenon may be due to the fact that women pay attention to how their body is evaluated by others, explains psychology professor Ben Fletchen in an article for Psychology Today.

Clothing is your card

Clothing has only recently transcended the role of simply protecting the body, now it can change the mentality and behavior - both of the owner and other people - in a positive or negative side. Due to the dual mode of action of clothing, it is becoming increasingly important in the context of building the first impression that is formed in seconds during the first contact with a person. On the one hand, a person can dress properly and feel confident, can accept correct solution, and this happens through the means of transformations taking place in the human brain.

On the other hand, clothes can tell other people a lot about their owner. It is able to display valuable information about its owner: how serious and reliable he is, what kind of education he has and how much money he earns. However, the "cover" can be deceiving and the content can be completely different.

"When a stranger sees you, their brain makes a thousand calculations: Are you a person who can be trusted or should you be avoided? Are you friend or foe? Are you law and authority? Are you reliable, competent, friendly, confident?" wrote Dr. Carol Kinsey Homan. , an expert in non-verbal communication, in an article for Forbes.

Clothing and accessories, along with looks and facial attractiveness, are among the first things a person notices in a stranger, and this increases the importance of choosing the right clothes. However, it should be noted that first impressions are not always correct and appearances can be deceiving.

How does clothing style affect the human body?

How does clothing affect female body? Tight, short, transparent clothing corrupts a person. Usually such clothes are worn by people with low self-esteem. Thus, they are compensated by attracting sexual attention.

Torn, asymmetric lines, cuts on clothes bring disharmony into the image of a person, as if tearing or cutting his energy.

Long dresses and skirts help a woman reveal her femininity. They have one amazing property - they seem to be created specifically to collect female energy from the earth. A woman who wears long skirts and dresses changes her character, she becomes softer and calmer, many recover their health, and their hormonal levels improve.

Conversely, when a woman wears trousers, pants or jeans, it is negatively affected and can lead to hormonal failure. In women in trousers, even the gait changes.

Clothing with a low waist on skirts or trousers can cause serious harm to health, since it pulls everything just in the area where the woman has the most important organ - the uterus, as a result of which blood circulation is disturbed, and can lead to serious consequences feminine. And drawing attention to these areas robs a woman of the most valuable thing - her feminine energy.

In addition, women who wear such clothes accumulate fat in the waist and hips, this happens, firstly, due to pulling, and secondly, the body is thus protected from hypothermia.

Knowing how clothes affect a person, you can not only choose your style, but also establish inner harmony.

The impact of traditional ornament on the human body

In the northern regions of Russia, such folk names as "healing", etc. are noted. It is possible that the origin of the name is associated not only with the features of the cut of a shirt made of solid (uncut) fabric, but also reflects magical properties with which these clothes were endowed. Numerous facts of the use of healing sick people are known. So, many rituals of “washing away” the disease in a bathhouse, a pond or the ritual of “baking” a sick child ended with putting on a new shirt - usually embroidered. The ubiquity of conviction in the healing power of patterns in the late XIX - early XX centuries. makes us assume the presence of an objective energy-informational impact of the ornament on the human body, regardless of the latter's belief and belief in its effectiveness.

The presence of such an effect is confirmed by a simple experiment. samples aqueous solution of a light-decomposing dye (methylene blue) of the same concentration were placed by us on different parts of the drawing of the ornamental composition of the hem of a female pybakha from Vologda so that bright light fell on them evenly sunlight. After three weeks visually clearly observed a different degree of clarification of the solution placed on different parts of the pattern.

The search for a possible mechanism of action of folk textile patterns of a geometric type forced us to pay attention to the so-called "rule of equal size of the background and pattern", which the ancient masters strictly observed somewhere before the turn of the 15th-16th centuries, and which is still preserved in the techniques of weaving and hand-knitted clothes in the Russian North. It consists of the following: the area of ​​the background ("Earth", in the terminology Smolensk region) and the pattern ("Sky") symbol must be equal. Technologically, such a design of the pattern was ensured by appropriate dressing of the warp threads on the bastard (thread). Berdyshko or mugs (plates); the technique of weaving on crosses, folk embroidery "in a set"; hand knitting with the beginning in 3 loops of the background on 3 loops of the pattern. Upon careful examination of such patterns, the observer experiences the effect of three-dimensional vision (observation by Ph.D., Academician A.N. Komissarov).

Trying to understand the mechanisms of this effect, we found regularities in the proportions of the parts of the pattern among themselves. They are associated with the rule of equal size of the background and pattern and allow you to objectively compare characters of different shapes with each other.

Using the therapeutic apparatus "DiaDENS" (manufactured by Yekaterinburg, Russia), using the Voll method, we measured the change in BAT potentials responsible for the state of certain meridians (control and measuring points) before and during contact with the drawings of the folk ornament of that area human body, which is adjacent to the organ associated with the studied meridian. To exclude the psychosomatic impact of the pattern, the studies were designed in such a way that the subjects could not see the tested patterns.

Measurements have shown the ability of specific patterns to normalize the BAP parameters of individual meridians and, therefore, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the meridians associated with them. internal organs person. Thus, the maximum difference between the readings of the device before and during the application of the “hooks (swans)” pattern in the projection of the upper part of the lungs and bronchi in one of the cases was forty units - from the value of “final organ degeneration” to “normal”. This area of ​​the human body in a women's folk costume is covered by parts of a shirt called “poliki” and “shoulder”, for the decoration of which this particular pattern was often used.

According to our data, groups of patterns with characteristic rhythmic rows that control the functioning of the central nervous system, lungs, heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract, as well as the solar plexus area. Not a single case of a negative impact of folk ornament on the body of the subjects was recorded.

The frequency of the rhythmic series has a decisive influence on the properties of the pattern. However, which particular organ (group of organs) or meridian will be positively affected by the pattern is partly related not only to the frequency parameters and rhythm, but also to the shape, and perhaps the proportions of the pattern.

Marina Kachaeva

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