Probationary period when hiring. How to pass a probationary period at work

When a person applies for a job, they are invited to attend an interview. This is the case if he has never worked in this company. If a potential employee successfully passes the interview and has skills and experience that match the vacancy, he is hired. However, this is not yet final success.

Probationary period - what is it?

Probation when hiring - the period when new employee has taken up duties in the company for the first time, and his work is being assessed by a potentially permanent employer. The probationary period is a chance for both parties to understand:

  1. To the employer - whether the employee is suitable for the position.
  2. The employee is satisfied with the team, duties and working conditions.

Probationary period - pros and cons

Working with a probationary period has its advantages and disadvantages. Recruiting and retaining valuable employees – Herculean task for personnel officers. The introduction of a probationary period is a kind of guarantee of hiring a suitable employee. Advantages for the employer:

  1. The ability to evaluate an employee’s performance without significant risks.
  2. The right to terminate probation without any consequences.
  3. Lack of significant financial investments (for example, benefits) until the end of the “examination” period.

There are also significant disadvantages:

  1. The employee may leave before the expiration of the probationary period, leaving him with a “new” vacancy.
  2. The risk of wasted finances if:
  • the employee decided to leave;
  • the candidate was not suitable.

For the applicant, the probationary period is also replete with pros and cons. Undoubted advantages:

  • a chance to “fit in” to the position;
  • the opportunity to see the company from the inside;
  • lack of serious obligations when leaving.

Not so pleasant aspects:

  • reduced wage rate;
  • the risk of “flying out” and being left without work;
  • lack of a full package of benefits.

To avoid negative aspects when applying for a job with a probationary period, you need to get answers to the following questions from the employer:

  1. How long will the probationary period last?
  2. Who will evaluate and when?
  3. If a reduced salary is offered during the trial period, when will it increase?
  4. How many people were tested for this position, and how many were eliminated?
  5. What specific duties will be performed?

Before agreeing to a probationary period, it is important:

  1. Understand all its terms.
  2. Be willing to go the extra mile to make an impression.

It is common practice for employers to expect more from newcomers - to perform work that is not directly related to the job description. For example, after hours or little things like “running for coffee” and “changing the cartridge in the printer.” It's okay if in moderation. These situations test your ability to:

  • to be active;
  • work in a team;
  • come face to face with .

Probation period

The probationary period must be specified in the employment contract. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it can last up to 3 months, no more. During this period, the employee has all rights in accordance with labor laws. A probationary period of 6-12 months can be assigned for management positions (director, branch manager) and their deputies, as well as for:

  • chief accountant;
  • police officer;
  • civil servant;
  • law enforcement officer.

Probation cannot be extended. If the probationary period expires and the employee continues to work, he is considered to have passed it successfully. Applicants of some categories are not subject to a probationary period:

  • pregnant women;
  • mothers with children under 1.5 years old;
  • employees under 18 years of age;
  • employees with an employment contract of less than 2 months.

I haven’t passed the probationary period – what should I do?

Failure to complete probation is not the end of the world. If all the issues were discussed before it began, and the “failure” was honest on the part of the employer, it is worth moving on:

  • first calm down;
  • then rest;
  • update your resume;
  • start searching - your dream job is still ahead!

How to quit during a probationary period?

Dismissal during the probationary period works both ways. The law states that an employee has the right to terminate employment contract during the trial period on your own initiative:

  1. Reporting your decision three days in advance.
  2. By writing a letter of resignation.

It is not necessary to inform the employer about the reasons for leaving - a simple notification to in writing. However, there are some points:

  1. Workout. In the case of full-time work, it lasts two weeks. When leaving at will during the test it is reduced to three days.
  2. The financially responsible person, upon dismissal during the probationary period, must transfer all matters to the receiver.

Can they be fired during a probationary period?

Dismissal during the probationary period at the initiative of the employer and due to unsuccessful results is possible. But must be respected certain rules, the employer must:

  1. Establish clear criteria for evaluating an employee for a probationary period.
  2. Issue work assignments in writing.
  3. Provide at least 3 days notice prior to termination date.
  4. Provide a reasonable explanation of the reasons.

Some job seekers are confident that after a successful interview and a concluded contract with the employer, they can relax. As a result, from the first days of the probationary period, they make a lot of fatal mistakes, and then again join the ranks of the unemployed. Rjob found out why newcomers are fired.


We are all different: some get up to speed in a couple of days, others will need weeks or even months. Of course, during the time you will not be expected to perform feats of labor. A reasonable employer will always give time for adaptation and disclosure of personal potential. However, there is no need to delay.

“New employees spend a lot of time on adaptation and onboarding. This may have a negative impact on further work. Begin your immediate responsibilities as soon as possible. Try to be as active as possible, and when something is unclear, ask your colleagues, they will not refuse help to a newcomer,” advises Anastasia Borovskaya, director of the Russian School of Management.

Zero ability to adapt

There are newcomers who take the other extreme - they ignore the importance of adaptation in a new place and come to a foreign monastery with their own rules.

“Make sure you know what dress code is acceptable in your new company and how colleagues communicate with each other (including in business correspondence). Violation internal regulations and standards may negatively affect the completion of the probationary period,” comments Ani Arevikyan, consultant at Hays recruiting company in Russia.

Ekaterina Goryanaya, head of the Wyser consulting group (international HR Holding Gi Group), advises you not to forget that you have entered a new organization with

“You can no longer act and act in the same way as in your previous place of work. I'm talking about the model of communication with colleagues and the manager and the format for proposing initiatives on my part. The result is important, but even more important is how. new employee reaches him. If in the first three months an employee does not find understanding and support from his manager, then the likelihood of conflicts is very high. This is not about being “friends” with everyone. Build communication with a focus on effective interaction and cooperation,” the expert recommends.

Time off, extra days off and lateness

Child's illness flowing pipes in the bathroom, a car accident are good reasons to take time off from work. But do not forget that during the probationary period you are under close scrutiny, and several days off in a short period of time will not add points to you.

“During the probationary period, it is important to show your ability to work and your desire to be part of the new company. Time off and extra days off are not always demonstrated - often it is a signal to the employer that you are not motivated enough,” says Ani Arevikyan.

The same applies to being late. Even minor ones call into question your organizational abilities.

“If you are still late during your probationary period, make sure that your manager is warned and that the reason for the delay is valid,” advises Ani Arevikian.

Violation of professional communications

Gossip, quarrels, conversations about personal matters, discussions with superiors are evidence of an employee’s unprofessionalism that will alert management.

"Don't discuss things at work. personal life and, especially, personal problems. From a professional point of view, such conversations will not help you in any way. Being too open may even alienate new colleagues. You should not criticize the company, employees and projects. During the probationary period, few people really understand all the intricacies of business and internal processes companies. Most likely, you will be wrong and make a negative impression on both management and colleagues. Don't try to raise expectations from you. Be natural and open. No need to push yourself into limits corporate culture, if she is not close to you. It will still open,” notes Anastasia Borovskaya.

Open access resume

It happens that after starting a new job, an employee forgets to delete his resume from the job search site. And sometimes he leaves his data deliberately - in case something interesting comes up. It’s a pity that such “prudent” employees do not understand that the HR service in a new company may stumble upon this resume and draw the appropriate conclusions.

“Whether you're happy with your new employer or not, remember to give both yourself and the company time to figure out if you're a good fit. changes day by day. If in the second week of work you emotionally post your resume in open sources, you will deprive yourself of the chance to stay in the company and gain the trust of your manager if the situation changes,” says Ani Arevikyan.

Lack of necessary knowledge

Who among us has not embellished our abilities during an interview? But the risk of being caught in a lie is very high! To avoid getting into trouble, resist the temptation to point out your non-existent skills and qualities.

“One of the companies noticed that a designer undergoing a probationary period constantly turned to training tutorials in order to complete a basic task - his competence raised questions, and as a result he was fired,” recalls Anna Suslova, Softline Ventrue Partners.

Of course, no one is immune from mistakes during the probationary period. But everyone can minimize their number. According to Ruzalina Tukhbatulina, HR specialist at JivoSite, the decision to terminate the employment contract is made ahead of the allotted time if there are gross violations - untimely completion or failure to complete assigned tasks, systematic sabotage of management requests, low or absent involvement in any project or company activity, discrepancy between work results and what the candidate declared himself to be summary.

Oleg Matyunin, managing partner of the Moscow law firm “Matyunins and Partners”, notes two groups of errors during the probationary period - those committed by employees and management.

“The first indicate the incompetence of the employee and are expressed in non-fulfillment or improper performance of duties enshrined in the employment contract and. The employer's mistakes are strategic, systemic mistakes (superficial selection and thoughtless placement of personnel, vague assignment of labor functions). The success of passing the test is also influenced by the specifics of legislation, the quality of local regulations and real relationships within the organization. Pursuant to Article 70 and subject to the provisions of Article 71 Labor Code, formally minimum term The test can be equal to four working days (of which three days are for warning about an unsatisfactory result), and the maximum possible duration of the test for certain categories of managers cannot exceed six months, emphasizes Oleg Matyunin. “As for local acts (provisions, regulations, instructions), the subject must clearly understand what he should and should not do: they often require one thing, but ask for another.”

The expert also advises paying attention to the fact that when terminating an employment contract due to an unsatisfactory test result, the employer is obliged to indicate the reasons. illegal.

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You've been hired! But, of course, with a probationary period... How to pass it successfully?

You and colleagues
On your first day, you need to get to know all your colleagues who work in the same room as you. It’s great if in three or four days you manage to make acquaintance with some employees of other departments of the company or other offices of the building. This will allow you not to feel lonely and always “new”.

Among your inner circle, select one or two colleagues to whom you can turn with questions - most likely, you will not be able to do without this. Of course, no one will teach you how to work (maybe this is for the best?), but they will not refuse to advise you on something. At the same time, don’t “stick” even to nice and sweet employees - after all, it is not yet known what kind of account they have with the management and whether any of them bear the well-deserved title of an honorary intriguer.

During the probationary period, do not allow yourself to be drawn into any groups, conflicts, etc., which could lead to trouble. You will have enough time for this later. In addition, now you should not be too frank about yourself or zealously solicit information about others, not to mention office romances. Of course, there is nothing seditious in this, but the probationary period is a special period, it’s worth being a little patient.

You and the boss
It’s great if your immediate manager took the time to tell you about your direct responsibilities and the company’s working methods and traditions. If this does not happen, be prepared to talk with him at any moment: there is a type of boss who loves to suddenly call a newcomer and have a conversation with him. In any case, it is obvious that every effort should be made to ensure that the first contact with management leaves a positive impression. If you know that this may happen at a general meeting or meeting, you can prepare and ask to speak - but only if you have something to say.

You and work
Paradoxically, the most difficult thing during the probationary period is to stop being afraid and start... working. If you have the feeling that there is not much work as such yet, don’t sit idle anyway: draw up a detailed schedule or sketch out your ideas. At first, it’s good to keep a literally daily report in a separate document: you will always have an extra argument for your superiors and critics (if there are any).

Another common problem is when a newcomer really doesn’t know what to grab onto: the instructions of managers at different levels are so contradictory. There is only one way out - to apply common sense and sort tasks according to the degree of urgency and importance directly for your department.

Don’t strive to work to your absolute maximum: right now both your colleagues and your bosses are looking at you. If after the probationary period the quality of your work decreases significantly (and this will inevitably happen if you are currently trying too hard), then this will be an unpleasant discovery for them. Don’t try to immediately prove to everyone that you are an invaluable employee, just do your job.

Finally, be careful with your innovative proposals: on the one hand, they may be expected, but on the other, try not to be too radical or unreasonable.

And most importantly, do not forget that not only the company is “testing” you, but you must also evaluate whether you really want to work here in the future or should you think about another job.

Probation- This is a kind of protection of the employer from unqualified personnel. It is established in order to give both parties the opportunity to “get used to” each other: the employee joins the team, builds relationships with superiors and colleagues, shows his best strengths, and the employer tests him for strength and professionalism.

How to pass the probationary period with dignity?

Maintaining balance. During probationary period the employee reveals himself not only from the professional side, but also from the personal side. It is necessary to establish contact with colleagues, but you should not get carried away with it. Your main task is to show what kind of employee you are, so try to go out for a cup of coffee and smoke breaks with colleagues no more than 2 times a day. You can have a closer conversation during lunch. Most of the time should be devoted to professional achievements.

Rules of business etiquette. These include: dress code, punctuality, subordination, etc. All attention during probationary period is chained to the new employee, so your every lateness, disregard for company rules or familiar gesture will be considered a blunder. A new employee must be as disciplined as possible, which means short outfits, deep necklines and flashy makeup are not for this case.

Moderate initiative. Every new employee wants to stand out by bringing new ideas to management. The line between healthy initiative and excessive fussiness is very thin, and it is important not to step over it. There is no need to try to prove that you are an irreplaceable employee, just do your job well! You risk turning the team against you if you immediately start bombarding everyone with your ideas and persistently promoting them.

Concentration of attention. At first, a lot will fall on you new information: important and not very important. So, the main thing is to set priorities and be sure to remember important information: the names of your colleagues and superiors, information about your direct responsibilities and pitfalls in your work. Remember for sure that your boss does not at all accept the behavior of his employees. Listen to absolutely everything you hear – it might come in handy.

Corporate culture. Each, even the smallest company, has its own traditions. For example, a joint dinner every Friday, celebrating all employees’ birthdays, team building. As a new employee, you are required to attend such events, regardless of your wishes. This will help you see your colleagues in an informal setting, communicate more openly, and perhaps even find a friend in a new team.

Benefits of probation

Often people see only one plus in this: after the end of the probationary period.

However, the probationary period is important not only for the employer, but also for the new employee, because it great chance look around and understand whether you want to continue working for the benefit of this company. In addition, it is useful to know your rights. Remember, the manager does not have the right to fire you after graduation probationary period without good reason.

At looking for a new job, a lot of effort is put into finding a decent vacancy, pass an interview and a competency test, and eventually hear: “We are waiting for you at your workplace on Monday at 9:00.” It would seem that at this moment you can relax, believing that all the obstacles on the way to desired job passed. But there's more to come passing a probationary period- an equally important period, which is also important for subsequent successful work in the organization.

According to Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a probationary period is a check of an employee’s compliance with the assigned work, which is established by agreement of the parties and must be indicated in the employment contract.

Success during the probationary period lies not only in the conscientiousness of your work, but also in how competently you can enter the team. So how to pass a probationary period at work? The 10 rules for passing the probationary period given below will help you do this.

Passing the probationary period:

1. Don't be late

Have you noticed that your new colleagues are not particularly punctual, and that your boss generally comes to the office for lunch? May be. But this is not at all a reason to behave the same way. You are a newbie and must show yourself to be as disciplined as possible, even if no one is keeping track of your arrival time. Being late should not be part of your habits at all, and even more so when going through a probationary period, you should not allow yourself to relax.

2. Take your time

On your first day, do you want to impress your bosses and prove that you were hired for a reason? Take your time and take a closer look. Initiative is good, but no one likes upstarts, and the new boss expects diligence and discipline from you, rather than instant innovation. Moreover, if you immediately start promoting your ideas, you willy-nilly show that you do not like the order established in the company, and thus turn the team against you.

3. Write down names

Accept that your name and face will not be remembered right away, but on the contrary, you need to “learn” all your colleagues as quickly as possible. Everyone likes thoughtful people, so write down names, titles, and office numbers, and try to address people by their first names rather than “Sorry” as often as possible.

4. Leave on time

Bosses love workaholics, but if you immediately start staying late at work, this will most likely arouse suspicion. Are you unable to complete your responsibilities within the allotted time? Or are you just going to surf the Internet for free? Or maybe for some reason you want to be alone in the office? In any case, it doesn't make you look good. Yes, you need to be diligent, but only when it is really necessary. At any enterprise there are “shock” seasons, and the rest of the time there is a work schedule and normal working hours.

5. Forget “your charter”

Remember the proverb about someone else's monastery? She is fully enthusiastic about her new place of work. So that already on time passing the probationary period To join the team, you need to support its public and unspoken rules and not neglect the company if you are invited to join it. Even if you don’t like something, don’t rebel, try to do it your own way softly and delicately, but don’t show it off, because your “courage” will definitely not be appreciated.

6. Don't show off

No one is forcing you to be a gray mouse, but you shouldn’t immediately shock new colleagues. Don’t get carried away with bright outfits, don’t wear elaborate makeup, your appearance may be individual, but in no case should it shock. To gain the right to full self-expression, you must first win the sympathy or at least the respect of your colleagues. Wait until they conclude a deal with you fixed-term employment contract until the team gets used to you, and until that moment, try not to irritate them self-promotion and self-PR.

7. Don't mope

Is it hard for you to get used to a new place? Are you scared that you won't make it? Do you miss old job? Whatever is bothering you, your new colleagues shouldn't know about it. Don’t show your depression, don’t complain about the conditions and don’t sigh, remembering “how good it was there.” Otherwise, sooner or later your superiors will have a question: if you feel so bad here, why did you come?

8. Be robotic

Yes, we are all human, and we all have personal problems. But, unfortunately, everyone will have to solve them differently. Thus, older employees have probably won the trust of their superiors and can “like themselves” take time off for a day or two. Another thing is that a newcomer is on a probationary period; he has not yet earned the right to be a human being, and if his child gets sick or a sewer breaks, he must “resolve” the situation without compromising his work. If something really extraordinary happens, explain everything to your boss and promise to make up for the lost time. And make it clear: such incidents are the exception, not the rule.

9. Don't talk

Personal conversations in work time You shouldn’t even allow yourself to old people. Firstly, it is distracting, and secondly, it irritates those around you who are working while you chat. And even with passing the probationary period such luxury is even more unacceptable. Remember - talkativeness, talkativeness, verbosity evil!

10. Rest discreetly

It's okay to take short breaks from work. All people need rest, and all bosses understand this very well. However, while you are in the office “with bird rights”, it is better not to be an eyesore with your rest. Don’t take long smoke breaks, don’t get carried away with tea parties, and don’t play solitaire on your work computer. Yes, at first you will have to work harder, but this is a probationary period - who told you that it would be easy?

And most importantly, do not forget that not only you are going through a probationary period in relation to the company, but also the company in relation to you. Remember that you are an excellent specialist and that your employment opportunities are not limited only to this company. This attitude will improve your chances by:

Your possible shortcomings will be more than compensated for by professionalism;

Confident behavior, adorned with self-esteem, is in itself perceived as professionalism;

It is in a confident and firm state that you will intuitively choose the line of behavior that will contribute not only to successful entry into the company, but also to professional and career growth (promotion, promotion) in it.

Good luck with your probationary period!

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