Using electricity to grow plants. Electricity from an external source

Inventor's name: Lartsev Vadim Viktorovich
Name of the patent holder: Lartsev Vadim Viktorovich
Address for correspondence: 140103, Moscow region, Ramenskoye-3, (post office), on demand, V.V. Lartsev
Start date of the patent: 2002.06.05


The know-how of development, namely, this invention of the author relates to the development of agriculture, crop production and can be used mainly for electrical stimulation of plant life. It is based on the property of water to change its pH when it comes into contact with metals (Application for discovery No. OT OB dated 03/07/1997).

The application of this method is based on the property of changing the pH of water when it comes into contact with metals (Application for discovery No. OT OB dated March 7, 1997, entitled "The property of changing the pH of water when it comes into contact with metals").

It is known that a weak electric current passed through the soil has a beneficial effect on the vital activity of plants. At the same time, a lot of experiments on electrization of the soil and the influence of this factor on the development of plants have been carried out both in our country and abroad (see the book by A.M. Gordeev, V.B. Sheshnev "Electricity in plant life", M., Enlightenment , 1988, - 176 pp., pp. 108-115) It has been established that this effect changes the movement of various types of soil moisture, promotes the decomposition of a number of substances that are difficult for plants to digest, and provokes a wide variety of chemical reactions, which in turn change the reaction of the soil solution. The electric current parameters were also determined, which are optimal for various soils: from 0.02 to 0.6 mA/cm2 for direct current and from 0.25 to 0.50 mA/cm2 for alternating current.

Currently using various ways soil electrification - by creating a brush electric charge in the arable layer, creating in the soil and in the atmosphere a high-voltage low-power continuous arc discharge of alternating current. To implement these methods, the electrical energy of external sources of electrical energy is used. However, the use of such methods requires a fundamentally new technology for growing crops. This is a very complex and expensive task, requiring the use of power sources, in addition, the question arises of how to handle such a field with wires hung over it and laid in it.

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However, there are ways to electrify the soil that do not use external ones, trying to compensate for the stated disadvantage.

So, the method proposed by French researchers is known. They patented a device that works like an electric battery. Soil solution is used only as an electrolyte. To do this, positive and negative electrodes are alternately placed in its soil (in the form of two combs, the teeth of which are located between each other). The conclusions from them are short-circuited, thereby causing heating of the electrolyte. Between the electrolytes, a current of low strength begins to pass, which is quite enough, as the authors convince, in order to stimulate the accelerated germination of plants and their accelerated growth in the future.

This method does not use an external source of electrical energy, it can be used both on large areas under crops, fields, and for electrical stimulation of individual plants.

However, to implement this method, it is necessary to have a certain soil solution, electrodes are required, which are proposed to be placed in a strictly defined position - in the form of two combs, and also connected. The current does not occur between electrodes, but between electrolytes, that is, certain areas of the soil solution. The authors do not report how this current, its magnitude, can be regulated.

Another method of electrical stimulation was proposed by the staff of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev. It consists in the fact that within the arable layer there are strips, in some of which elements of mineral nutrition in the form of anions predominate, in others - cations. The potential difference created at the same time stimulates the growth and development of plants, increases their productivity.

This method does not use external ones; it can also be used for both large sown areas and small plots of land.

However this method tested in laboratory conditions, in small vessels, using expensive chemicals. For its implementation, it is necessary to use a certain nutrition of the arable soil layer with a predominance of mineral nutrition elements in the form of anions or cations. This method is difficult to implement for widespread use, since its implementation requires expensive fertilizers, which must be regularly applied to the soil in a certain order. The authors of this method also do not report the possibility of regulating the electrical stimulation current.

It should be noted the method of soil electrification without an external current source, which is a modern modification of the method proposed by E. Pilsudski. To create electrolyzable agronomic fields, he proposed using the Earth's electromagnetic field, and for this, laying a steel wire at a shallow depth, such as not to interfere with normal agronomic work, along the beds, between them, at a certain interval. At the same time, a small EMF, 25-35 mV, is induced on such electrodes.

This method also does not use external power sources, for its application there is no need to observe a certain power supply of the arable layer, it uses simple components for implementation - steel wire.

However, the proposed method of electrical stimulation does not allow obtaining currents of different values. This method depends on the electromagnetic field of the Earth: the steel wire must be laid strictly along the beds, orienting it according to the location of the Earth's magnetic field. The proposed method is difficult to apply for electrical stimulation of the vital activity of separately growing plants, indoor plants, as well as plants located in greenhouses, in small areas.

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The aim of the present invention is to obtain a method for electrical stimulation of plant vital activity, simple in its implementation, inexpensive, having the absence of the indicated disadvantages of the considered electrical stimulation methods for more efficient use of electrical stimulation of plant vital activity both for various crops and for individual plants, for a wider use of electrical stimulation both in agriculture and household plots, as well as in everyday life, on private plots, in greenhouses, for electrical stimulation of individual indoor plants.

This goal is achieved by the fact that small metal particles, small metal plates of various shapes and configurations, made of metals of various types . In this case, the type of metal is determined by its location in the electrochemical series of metal voltages. The current of electrical stimulation of plant life can be changed by changing the types of metals introduced. You can also change the charge of the soil itself, making it positively electrically charged (it will have more positively charged ions) or negatively electrically charged (it will have more negatively charged ions) if metal particles of one type of metal are introduced into the soil for crops.

So, if metal particles of metals that are in the electrochemical series of voltages of metals up to hydrogen are introduced into the soil (since sodium, calcium are very active metals and are present in the free state mainly in the form of compounds), then in this case it is proposed to introduce such metals as aluminum, magnesium , zinc, iron and their alloys, and metals sodium, calcium in the form of compounds), then in this case, it is possible to obtain a soil composition positively electrically charged relative to the metals introduced into the soil. Between the introduced metals and the soil moist solution, currents will flow in various directions, which will electrically stimulate the vital activity of plants. In this case, the metal particles will be charged negatively, and the soil solution positively. The maximum value of the electrostimulation current of plants will depend on the composition of the soil, humidity, temperature, and on the location of the metal in the electrochemical series of metal voltages. The more to the left this metal is relative to hydrogen, the greater the electrical stimulation current will be (magnesium, compounds of magnesium, sodium, calcium, aluminum, zinc). For iron, lead, it will be minimal (however, lead is not recommended to be applied to the soil). In pure water, the current value at a temperature of 20 ° C between these metals and water is 0.011-0.033 mA, voltage: 0.32-0.6 V.

If metal particles of metals that are in the electrochemical voltage series of metals after hydrogen (copper, silver, gold, platinum and their alloys) are introduced into the soil, then in this case it is possible to obtain a soil composition that is negatively electrically charged relative to the metals introduced into the soil. Between the introduced metals and the soil moist solution, currents will also flow in different directions, electrically stimulating the vital activity of plants. In this case, the metal particles will be positively charged, and the soil solution will be negatively charged. The maximum current value will be determined by the composition of the soil, its moisture content, temperature, and the location of metals in the electrochemical series of metal voltages. The more to the right this metal is located relative to hydrogen, the greater the electrical stimulation current will be (gold, platinum). In pure water, the current value at a temperature of 20 ° C between these metals and water lies within 0.0007-0.003 mA, voltage: 0.04-0.05 V.

When metals of various types are introduced into the soil with respect to hydrogen in the electrochemical series of metal voltages, namely, when they are located before and after hydrogen, the currents that arise will be significantly greater than when metals of the same type are found. In this case, the metals that are in the electrochemical voltage series of metals to the right of hydrogen (copper, silver, gold, platinum and their alloys) will be positively charged, and the metals that are in the electrochemical voltage series of metals to the left of hydrogen (magnesium, zinc, aluminum, iron .. .) will be negatively charged. The maximum current value will be determined by the composition of the soil, humidity, its temperature and the difference in the presence of metals in the electrochemical series of metal voltages. The more to the right and to the left these metals are relative to hydrogen, the greater the electrical stimulation current will be (gold-magnesium, platinum-zinc).

In pure water, the value of current, voltage at a temperature of 40 ° C between these metals is:

    gold-aluminum pair: current - 0.020 mA,

    voltage - 0.36 V,

    silver-aluminum pair: current - 0.017 mA,

    voltage - 0.30 V,

    copper-aluminum pair: current - 0.006 mA,

    voltage - 0.20 V.

(Gold, silver, copper are positively charged during measurements, aluminum is negatively charged. The measurements were carried out using a universal device EK 4304. These are steady-state values).

For practical use, it is proposed to introduce such metals as copper, silver, aluminum, magnesium, zinc, iron and their alloys into the soil solution. The emerging currents between copper and aluminum, copper and zinc will create the effect of electrical stimulation of plants. In this case, the value of the emerging currents will be within the parameters of the electric current, which is optimal for electrical stimulation of plants.

As already mentioned, metals such as sodium, calcium in the free state are present mainly in the form of compounds. Magnesium is part of such a compound as carnallite - KCl MgCl 2 6H 2 O. This compound is used not only to obtain free magnesium, but also as a fertilizer that supplies magnesium and potassium to plants. Magnesium is needed by plants because it is contained in chlorophyll, is part of the compounds involved in the processes of photosynthesis.

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By selecting pairs of introduced metals, it is possible to select the optimal electrical stimulation currents for a given plant. When choosing the introduced metals, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the soil, its moisture content, the type of plant, the way it is fed, and the importance of certain microelements for it. The microcurrents created in this case in the soil will be of various directions, of various sizes.

As one of the ways to increase the currents of electrical stimulation of plants with the corresponding metals placed in the soil, it is proposed to sprinkle crops of agricultural crops with baking soda NaHCO 3 (150-200 grams per square meter) before watering or directly water crops with water with dissolved soda in proportions of 25-30 grams for 1 liter of water. The introduction of soda into the soil will increase the electrical stimulation currents of plants, since, based on experimental data, the currents between metals in pure water increase when soda is dissolved in water. A soda solution has an alkaline environment, it has more negatively charged ions, and therefore the current in such an environment will increase. At the same time, disintegrating into its constituent parts under the influence of an electric current, it will itself be used as a nutrient necessary for absorption by the plant.

Soda is a useful substance for plants, as it contains sodium ions, which are necessary for the plant - they take an active part in the energy sodium-potassium metabolism of plant cells. According to P. Mitchell's hypothesis, which is the foundation of all bioenergetics today, food energy is first converted into electrical energy, which is then already spent on the production of ATP. Sodium ions, according to recent studies, together with potassium ions and hydrogen ions, are involved in such a transformation.

The carbon dioxide released during the decomposition of soda can also be absorbed by the plant, since it is the product that is used to feed the plant. For plants, carbon dioxide serves as a source of carbon, and its enrichment of the air in greenhouses and greenhouses leads to an increase in yield.

Sodium ions play an important role in the sodium-potassium metabolism of cells. They are playing important role in the energy supply of plant cells with nutrients.

So, for example, a certain class of "molecular machines" - carrier proteins is known. These proteins do not have an electrical charge. However, by attaching sodium ions and a molecule, such as a sugar molecule, these proteins acquire a positive charge and are thus drawn into the electric field of the membrane surface, where they separate the sugar and sodium. Sugar enters the cell in this way, and excess sodium is pumped out by the sodium pump. Thus, due to the positive charge of the sodium ion, the carrier protein is positively charged, thereby falling under the attraction of the electric field of the cell membrane. Having a charge, it can be drawn in by the electric field of the cell membrane and thus, by attaching nutrient molecules, such as sugar molecules, deliver these nutrient molecules inside the cells. "We can say that the carrier protein plays the role of a carriage, the sugar molecule plays the role of a rider, and sodium plays the role of a horse. Although it does not cause movement itself, it is drawn into the cell by an electric field."

It is known that the potassium-sodium gradient created on opposite sides of the cell membrane is a kind of proton potential generator. It prolongs the efficiency of the cell in conditions when the energy resources of the cell are exhausted.

V. Skulachev in his note "Why does a cell exchange sodium for potassium?" emphasizes the importance of the sodium element in the life of plant cells: “The potassium-sodium gradient should prolong the performance of the riveting in conditions where energy resources have been exhausted. This fact can be confirmed by the experiment with salt-loving bacteria, which transport very large amounts of potassium and sodium ions to reduce potassium -sodium gradient Such bacteria quickly stopped in the dark in anoxic conditions if there was KCl in the medium, and still moved after 9 hours if KCl was replaced by NaCl.The physical meaning of this experiment is that the presence of a potassium-sodium gradient allowed maintain the proton potential of the cells of a given bacterium and thereby ensure their movement in the absence of light, i.e. when there were no other sources of energy for the photosynthesis reaction.

According to experimental data, the current between metals located in water, and between metals and water, increases if a small amount of baking soda is dissolved in water.

Thus, in a metal-water system, the current and voltage at a temperature of 20°C are equal to:

Between copper and water: current = 0.0007 mA;

voltage = 40 mV;.

(copper is positively charged, water is negatively charged);

Between aluminum and water:

current = 0.012 mA;

voltage = 323 mV.

(aluminum is negatively charged, water is positively charged).

In a metal-soda solution system (30 grams of baking soda per 250 milliliters of boiled water was used), the voltage and current at a temperature of 20 ° C are:

Between copper and soda solution:

current = 0.024 mA;

voltage = 16 mV.

(copper is positively charged, soda solution is negatively charged);

Between aluminum and soda solution:

current = 0.030 mA;

voltage = 240 mV.

(aluminum is negatively charged, soda solution positively).

As can be seen from the above data, the current between the metal and the soda solution increases, becomes greater than between the metal and water. For copper, it increases from 0.0007 to 0.024 mA, and for aluminum it increased from 0.012 to 0.030 mA, while the voltage in these examples, on the contrary, decreases: for copper from 40 to 16 mV, and for aluminum from 323 to 240 mV.

In a metal1-water-metal2 type system, the current and voltage at a temperature of 20°C are:

Between copper and zinc:

current = 0.075 mA;

voltage = 755 mV.

Between copper and aluminum:

current = 0.024 mA;

voltage = 370 mV.

(copper is positively charged, aluminum is negatively charged).

In a metal1-water solution of soda - metal2 type system, where the solution obtained by dissolving 30 grams of baking soda in 250 milliliters of boiled water is used as a soda solution, the current, voltage at a temperature of 20 ° C are:

Between copper and zinc:

current = 0.080 mA;

voltage = 160 mV.

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(copper has a positive charge, zinc is negative);

between copper and aluminum:

current =0.120 mA;

voltage = 271 mV.

(copper is positively charged, aluminum is negatively charged).

Voltage and current measurements were carried out using simultaneously measuring instruments M-838 and Ts 4354-M1. As can be seen from the data presented, the current in the soda solution between the metals became greater than when they were placed in pure water. For copper and zinc, the current increased from 0.075 to 0.080 mA; for copper and aluminum, it increased from 0.024 to 0.120 mA. Although the voltage in these cases decreased for copper and zinc from 755 to 160 mV, for copper and aluminum from 370 to 271 mV.

As for the electrical properties of soils, it is known that their electrical conductivity, the ability to conduct current, depends on a whole range of factors: humidity, density, temperature, chemical-mineralogical and mechanical composition, structure and combination of properties of the soil solution. At the same time, if the density of soils of various types changes by 2-3 times, thermal conductivity - by 5-10 times, the speed of propagation of sound waves in them - by 10-12 times, then electrical conductivity - even for the same soil, depending on its momentary state - can change millions of times. The fact is that in it, as in the most complex physical and chemical compound, at the same time there are elements that have sharply different electrically conductive properties. In addition, the biological activity in the soil of hundreds of species of organisms, ranging from microbes to a whole range of plant organisms, plays a huge role.

The difference between this method and the considered prototype is that the resulting electrical stimulation currents can be selected for various plant varieties by the appropriate choice of applied metals, as well as the composition of the soil, thus choosing the optimal value of the electrical stimulation currents.

This method can be used for land plots of various sizes. This method can be used both for single plants (houseplants) and for cultivated areas. It can be used in greenhouses, in suburban areas. It is convenient for use in space greenhouses used at orbital stations, since it does not need to be supplied with energy from an external current source and does not depend on the EMF induced by the Earth. It is simple to implement, since it does not require special soil nutrition, the use of any complex components, fertilizers, or special electrodes.

In the case of applying this method for sown areas, the number of applied metal plates is calculated from the desired effect of electrical stimulation of plants, from the type of plant, from the composition of the soil.

For application on sown areas, it is proposed to apply 150-200 grams of copper-containing plates and 400 grams of metal plates containing alloys of zinc, aluminum, magnesium, iron, sodium, calcium compounds per 1 square meter. It is necessary to introduce more metals in the percentage state of the electrochemical voltage series of metals to hydrogen, since they will begin to oxidize when in contact with the soil solution and from the effect of interaction with metals that are in the electrochemical voltage series of metals after hydrogen. Over time (when measuring the time of the process of oxidation of a given type of metals, which are up to hydrogen, for a given soil condition), it is necessary to replenish the soil solution with such metals.

The use of the proposed method of electrical stimulation of plants provides the following advantages in comparison with existing methods:

The possibility of obtaining various currents and potentials of the electric field for electrical stimulation of the vital activity of plants without supplying electrical energy from external sources, through the use of various metals introduced into the soil, with different soil composition;

The introduction of metal particles, plates into the soil can be combined with other processes associated with tillage. At the same time, metal particles, plates can be placed without a certain direction;

The possibility of exposure to weak electric currents, without the use of electrical energy from an external source, for a long time;

Obtaining electrical stimulation currents of plants in various directions, without supplying electrical energy from an external source, depending on the position of the metals;

The effect of electrical stimulation does not depend on the shape of the metal particles used. Metal particles of various shapes can be placed in the soil: round, square, oblong. These metals can be introduced in appropriate proportions in the form of powder, rods, plates. For crop areas, it is proposed to place oblong metal plates 2 cm wide, 3 mm thick and 40-50 cm long into the ground at a certain interval, at a distance of 10-30 cm from the surface of the arable layer, alternating the introduction of metal plates of the same type of metal with the introduction of metal plates of another type of metal. The task of applying metals to sown areas is greatly simplified if they are mixed into the soil in the form of a powder, which (this process can be combined with plowing the soil) is mixed with the ground. The resulting currents between the particles of the powder, consisting of metals of various types, will create the effect of electrical stimulation. In this case, the resulting currents will be without a certain direction. In this case, only metals can be introduced in the form of a powder, in which the rate of the oxidation process is low, that is, metals that are in the electrochemical series of voltages of metals after hydrogen (compounds of copper, silver). Metals that are in the electrochemical series of voltages of metals before hydrogen must be introduced in the form of large particles, plates, since these metals, when in contact with soil solution and from the effect of interaction with metals that are in the electrochemical series of voltages of metals after hydrogen, will begin to oxidize, and therefore, both in mass and in size, these metal particles should be larger;

The independence of this method from the electromagnetic field of the Earth makes it possible to use this method both on small plots of land for influencing individual plants, for electrical stimulation of the vital activity of indoor plants, for electrical stimulation of plants in greenhouses, in summer cottages, and on large sown areas. This method is convenient for use in greenhouses used at orbital stations, since it does not require the use of an external source of electrical energy and does not depend on the EMF induced by the Earth;

This method is simple to implement, since it does not require special soil nutrition, the use of any complex components, fertilizers, or special electrodes.

The use of this method will increase the yield of crops, frost and drought resistance of plants, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, use conventional, non-genetically modified agricultural seed materials.

This method will make it possible to exclude the introduction of chemical fertilizers, various pesticides, since the resulting currents will allow the decomposition of a number of substances that are difficult for plants to digest, and, therefore, will allow the plant to more easily absorb these substances.

At the same time, it is necessary to select currents for certain plants experimentally, since the electrical conductivity even for the same soil, depending on its momentary state, can change millions of times (3, p. 71), as well as taking into account the nutritional characteristics of a given plant and greater importance for him of certain micro- and macroelements.

The effect of electrical stimulation of plant life has been confirmed by many researchers both in our country and abroad.

There are studies showing that an artificial increase in the negative charge of the root enhances the flow of cations into it from the soil solution.

It is known that "the ground part of grass, shrubs and trees can be considered consumers of atmospheric charges. As for the other pole of plants - its root system, negative air ions have a beneficial effect on it. For proof, the researchers placed a positively charged rod - an electrode, between the roots of a tomato," pulling" negative air ions from the soil. The tomato crop immediately increased by 1.5 times. In addition, it turned out that negative charges accumulate more in soil with a high content of organic matter. This is also seen as one of the reasons for the increase in yields.

Weak direct currents have a significant stimulating effect when they are directly passed through plants, in the root zone of which a negative electrode is placed. In this case, the linear growth of stems increases by 5-30%. This method is very effective in terms of energy consumption, safety and ecology. After all, powerful fields can adversely affect the soil microflora. Unfortunately, the efficiency of weak fields has not been adequately investigated.

The generated electrical stimulation currents will increase the frost and drought resistance of plants.

As stated in the source, “It has recently become known that electricity supplied directly to the root zone of plants can alleviate their fate during drought due to a physiological effect that has not yet been clarified. In 1983 in the USA, Paulson and K. Vervi published an article on transport of water in plants under stress.They immediately described the experience when a gradient of electrical potentials of 1 V/cm was applied to beans exposed to air drought. and stronger than in the control.If the polarity was reversed, no wilting was observed.In addition, plants that were in a dormant state came out of it faster if their potential was negative, and the potential of the soil was positive.When the polarity was reversed, plants did not come out of dormancy at all. came out, as they died from dehydration, because the bean plants were in conditions of air drought.

Approximately in the same years in the Smolensk branch of the TSKhA, in the laboratory dealing with the effectiveness of electrical stimulation, they noticed that when exposed to current, plants grow better with a moisture deficit, but special experiments were not set then, other problems were solved.

In 1986, a similar effect of electrical stimulation at low soil moisture was discovered at the Moscow Agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazev. In doing so, they used an external DC power supply.

In a slightly different modification, due to a different method of creating electrical potential differences in the nutrient substrate (without an external current source), the experiment was carried out in the Smolensk branch of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev. The result was truly amazing. Peas were grown under optimal moisture (70% of total water capacity) and extreme (35% of total water capacity). Moreover, this technique was much more effective than the impact of an external current source under similar conditions. What turned out?

At half the humidity, pea plants did not germinate for a long time and on the 14th day they had a height of only 8 cm. They looked very oppressed. When in such extreme conditions plants were under the influence of a small difference in electrochemical potentials, a completely different picture was observed. Both germination, growth rates, and their general appearance, despite the moisture deficit, essentially did not differ from the control ones grown at optimal humidity; on the 14th day, they had a height of 24.6 cm, which is only 0.5 cm lower than the control ones.

Further, the source says: “Naturally, the question arises - what is the reason for such a reserve of plant endurance, what is the role of electricity here?

But this fact takes place, and it must certainly be used for practical purposes. Indeed, for the time being, enormous amounts of water and energy are spent on irrigation of crops to supply it to the fields. And it turns out you can do it in a much more economical way. This is also not easy, but nevertheless, it seems that the time is not far off when electricity will help to irrigate crops without watering."

The effect of electrical stimulation of plants was tested not only in our country, but also in many other countries. So, in "a Canadian review article published in the 1960s, it was noted that at the end of the last century, under the conditions of the Arctic, with electrical stimulation of barley, an acceleration of its growth by 37% was observed. Potatoes, carrots, celery gave a crop of 30-70% higher Electric stimulation of cereals in the field increased the yield by 45-55%, raspberries - by 95%. The experiments were repeated in different climatic zones from Finland to the south of France. With abundant moisture and good fertilizer the yield of carrots grew by 125%, peas - by 75%, the sugar content of beets increased by 15%.

Prominent Soviet biologist, honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences I.V. Michurin passed a current of a certain strength through the soil in which he grew seedlings. And I was convinced that this accelerated their growth and improved the quality of planting material. Summing up his work, he wrote, “A significant help in growing new varieties of apple trees is the introduction of liquid fertilizer from bird droppings into the soil mixed with nitrogenous and other mineral fertilizers, such as Chilean saltpeter and tomasslag. In particular, such a fertilizer gives amazing results if subject the ridges with plants to electrification, but on condition that the voltage of the current would not exceed two volts. Higher voltage currents, according to my observations, are more harmful in this matter than good. " And further: "Electrification of the ridges produces a particularly strong effect on the luxurious development of young grape seedlings."

G.M. did a lot to improve the methods of soil electrization and to clarify their effectiveness Ramek, about which he spoke in the book "The Influence of Electricity on the Soil", published in Kyiv in 1911.

In another case, the application of the electrification method is described, when there was a potential difference of 23-35 mV between the electrodes, and an electric circuit arose between them through wet soil, through which a direct current flowed with a density of 4 to 6 μA / cm 2 of the anode. Drawing conclusions, the authors of the work report: “Passing through the soil solution as through an electrolyte, this current supports the processes of electrophoresis and electrolysis in the fertile layer, due to which the soil chemicals necessary for plants pass from hard-to-digest to easily digestible forms. In addition, under the influence of electric current, all plant residues , weed seeds, dead animal organisms humify faster, which leads to an increase in soil fertility.

In this variant of soil electrification (the method of E. Pilsudski was used), a very high increase in grain yield was obtained - up to 7 c/ha.

A certain step in determining the result of the direct action of electricity on root system, and through it on the whole plant, on physical and chemical changes in the soil, Leningrad scientists made (3, p. 109). They passed through the nutrient solution, in which the corn seedlings were placed, a small constant electric current using chemically inert platinum electrodes with a value of 5-7 μA/cm 2 .

In the course of their experiment, they reached the following conclusions: "The transmission of a weak electric current through the nutrient solution, in which the root system of corn seedlings is immersed, has a stimulating effect on the absorption of potassium ions and nitrate nitrogen from the nutrient solution by plants."

When conducting a similar experiment with cucumbers, through the root system of which, immersed in a nutrient solution, a current of 5-7 μA/cm 2 was also passed, it was also concluded that the operation of the root system improved during electrical stimulation.

The Armenian Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture used electricity to stimulate tobacco plants. We studied a wide range of current densities transmitted in the cross section of the root layer. For alternating current, it was 0.1; 0.5; 1.0, 1.6; 2.0; 2.5; 3.2 and 4.0 A / m 2; permanent - 0.005; 0.01; 0.03; 0.05; 0.075; 0.1; 0.125 and 0.15 A/m2. A mixture consisting of 50% chernozem, 25% humus and 25% sand was used as a nutrient substrate. The most optimal current densities were 2.5 A/m 2 for AC and 0.1 A/m 2 for DC with continuous supply of electricity for a month and a half.

Tomatoes were also electrified. The experimenters created a constant electric field in their root zone. Plants developed much faster than controls, especially in the budding phase. They had a larger leaf surface area, increased activity of the peroxidase enzyme, and increased respiration. As a result, the yield increase was 52%, and this happened mainly due to an increase in the size of the fruits and their number per plant.

Similar experiments, as already mentioned, were carried out by I.V. Michurin. He noticed that the direct current passed through the soil also has a beneficial effect on fruit trees. In this case, they go through the "children's" (they say "juvenile") stage of development faster, their cold resistance and resistance to other adverse environmental factors increase, as a result, the yield increases. When a constant current was passed through the soil on which young coniferous and deciduous trees grew continuously, during the daylight period, a number of remarkable phenomena occurred in their lives. In June-July, the experimental trees were characterized by more intense photosynthesis, which was the result of stimulating the growth of soil biological activity with electricity, increasing the speed of movement of soil ions, and better absorption by their root systems of plants. Moreover, the current flowing in the soil created a large potential difference between the plants and the atmosphere. And this, as already mentioned, is a factor in itself favorable for trees, especially young ones.

In the corresponding experiment, carried out under a film cover, with continuous transmission of direct current, the phytomass of annual seedlings of pine and larch increased by 40-42%. "If such a growth rate were maintained for several years, then it is not difficult to imagine what a huge benefit it would turn out to be for loggers," the authors of the book conclude.

As for the question of the reasons due to which the frost and drought resistance of plants increases, the following data can be cited in this regard. It is known that the most "frost-resistant plants store fats in reserve, while others accumulate in large quantities sugar ". From the above fact, we can conclude that electrical stimulation of plants contributes to the accumulation of fats, sugar in plants, due to which their frost resistance increases. The accumulation of these substances depends on metabolism, on the rate of its flow in the plant itself. Thus, the effect of electrical stimulation of plant life contributed to an increase in the metabolism in the plant, and consequently, the accumulation of fats and sugar in the plant, thereby increasing their frost resistance.

As for the drought resistance of plants, it is known that in order to increase the drought resistance of plants, the method of pre-sowing hardening of plants is used today (The method consists in soaking the seeds once in water, after which they are kept for two days, and then dried in air until air-dry states). For wheat seeds, 45% of water is given by weight, for sunflower - 60%, etc.). The seeds that have passed the hardening process do not lose their germination capacity, and more drought-resistant plants grow from them. Hardened plants are distinguished by increased viscosity and hydration of the cytoplasm, have a more intensive metabolism (respiration, photosynthesis, enzyme activity), maintain synthetic reactions at a higher level, are characterized by an increased content of ribonucleic acid, and quickly restore the normal course of physiological processes after drought. They have less water deficit and higher water content during drought. Their cells are smaller, but the leaf area is larger than that of non-hardened plants. Hardened plants in drought conditions bring more yield. Many hardened plants have a stimulating effect, that is, even in the absence of drought, their growth and productivity are higher.

Such an observation allows us to conclude that in the process of electrical stimulation of plants, this plant acquires properties such as those acquired by a plant that has undergone the method of presowing hardening. As a result, this plant is distinguished by increased viscosity and hydration of the cytoplasm, has a more intensive metabolism (respiration, photosynthesis, enzyme activity), maintains synthetic reactions at a higher level, is characterized by an increased content of ribonucleic acid, and a rapid restoration of the normal course of physiological processes after drought.

This fact can be confirmed by the data that the area of ​​leaves of plants under the influence of electrical stimulation, as shown by experiments, is also larger than the area of ​​leaves of plants of control samples.

List of figures, drawings and other materials.

Figure 1 schematically shows the results of an experiment conducted with a houseplant type "Uzambara violet" for 7 months from April to October 1997. At the same time, under paragraph "A" shows the view of the experimental (2) and control (1) samples before the experiment . The species of these plants practically did not differ. Under item "B" shows the view of the experimental (2) and control plants (1) seven months after metal particles were placed in the soil of the experimental plant: copper shavings and aluminum foil. As can be seen from the above observations, the type of experimental plant has changed. The species of the control plant practically remained unchanged.

Figure 2 schematically shows the views, various types of metal particles introduced into the soil, plates used by the author in experiments on electrical stimulation of plants. At the same time, under item "A" the type of introduced metals is shown in the form of plates: 20 cm long, 1 cm wide, 0.5 mm thick. Under item "B" the type of introduced metals is shown in the form of plates 3 × 2 cm, 3 × 4 cm. Under item "C" the type of introduced metals is shown in the form of "stars" 2 × 3 cm, 2 × 2 cm, 0.25 mm thick. Under item "D" the type of introduced metals is shown in the form of circles 2 cm in diameter, 0.25 mm thick. Under item "D" the type of introduced metals in the form of a powder is shown.

For practical use, the types of metal plates introduced into the soil, particles can be of various configurations and sizes.

Figure 3 shows a view of a lemon seedling and a view of its leaf cover (its age was 2 years by the time the experiment was summed up). About 9 months after planting, metal particles were placed in the soil of this seedling: copper plates of the "star" shape (shape "C", figure 2) and aluminum plates of type "A", "B" (figure 2). After that, 11 months after it was planted, sometimes 14 months after it was planted (that is, shortly before the sketch of this lemon, a month before summing up the results of the experiment), baking soda was regularly added to the soil of the lemon when watering (30 grams of soda per 1 liter of water). ).

This method of electrical stimulation of plants was tested in practice - it was used for electrical stimulation of the houseplant "Uzambara violet"

So, there were two plants, two "Uzambara violets" of the same type, which grew under the same conditions on the windowsill in the room. Then, in one of them, in the soil of one of them, small particles of metals were placed - shavings of copper and aluminum foil. Six months after that, namely after seven months (the experiment was carried out from April to October 1997). the difference in the development of these plants, indoor flowers, became noticeable. If in the control sample the structure of the leaves and the stem remained practically unchanged, then in the experimental sample the stems of the leaves became thicker, the leaves themselves became larger and juicier, they more aspired upwards, while in the control sample such a pronounced tendency of the leaves upwards was not observed. The leaves of the prototype were elastic and raised above the ground. The plant looked healthier. The control plant had leaves almost near the ground. The difference in the development of these plants was observed already in the first months. At the same time, fertilizers were not added to the soil of the experimental plant. Figure 1 shows a view of the experimental (2) and control (1) plants before (point "A") and after (point "B") of the experiment.

A similar experiment was carried out with another plant - a fruit-bearing fig (fig tree), growing in a room. This plant had a height of about 70 cm. It grew in a plastic bucket with a volume of 5 liters, on a windowsill, at a temperature of 18-20°C. After flowering, it bore fruit and these fruits did not reach maturity, they fell immature - they were greenish in color.

As an experiment, the following metal particles, metal plates were introduced into the soil of this plant:

Aluminum plates 20 cm long, 1 cm wide, 0.5 mm thick, (type "A", figure 2) in the amount of 5 pieces. They were located evenly along the entire circumference of the pot and were placed throughout its entire depth;

Small copper, iron plates (3×2 cm, 3×4 cm) in the amount of 5 pieces (type "B", figure 2), which were placed at a shallow depth near the surface;

A small amount of copper powder in an amount of about 6 grams (form "D", figure 2), evenly introduced into the surface layer of the soil.

After the listed metal particles and plates were introduced into the soil for the growth of figs, this tree, located in the same plastic bucket, in the same soil, during fruiting, began to produce fully ripe fruits of a ripe burgundy color, with certain taste qualities. At the same time, fertilizers were not applied to the soil. Observations were carried out for 6 months.

A similar experiment was also carried out with a lemon seedling for about 2 years from the moment it was planted in the soil (the experiment was carried out from summer 1999 to autumn 2001).

At the beginning of its development, when a lemon in the form of a cutting was planted in a clay pot and developed, metal particles and fertilizers were not introduced into its soil. Then, about 9 months after planting, metal particles, copper plates of the form "B" (figure 2) and aluminum, iron plates of the type "A", "B" (figure 2) were placed in the soil of this seedling.

After that, 11 months after it was planted, sometimes 14 months after planting (that is, shortly before sketching this lemon, a month before summing up the results of the experiment), baking soda was regularly added to the soil of the lemon when watering (taking into account 30 grams of soda per 1 liter water). In addition, soda was applied directly to the soil. At the same time, metal particles were still found in the soil of lemon growth: aluminum, iron, copper plates. They were in a very different order, evenly filling the entire volume of the soil.

Similar actions, the effect of finding metal particles in the soil and the electrical stimulation effect caused in this case, obtained as a result of the interaction of metal particles with the soil solution, as well as the introduction of soda into the soil and watering the plant with water with dissolved soda, could be observed directly from the appearance of a developing lemon. .

So, the leaves located on the branch of the lemon, corresponding to its initial development (figure 3, the right branch of the lemon), when no metal particles were added to the soil in the process of its development and growth, had dimensions from the base of the leaf to its tip 7.2, 10 cm. The leaves developing at the other end of the lemon branch, corresponding to its present development, that is, such a period when there were metal particles in the soil of the lemon and it was watered with water with dissolved soda, had a size of 16.2 cm from the base of the leaf to its tip (Fig. 3, the topmost sheet on the left branch), 15 cm, 13 cm (figure 3, penultimate sheets on the left branch). The latest leaf size data (15 and 13 cm) correspond to such a period of its development, when the lemon was watered with ordinary water, and sometimes, periodically, with water with dissolved soda, with metal plates in the soil. The noted leaves differed from the leaves of the first right branch of the initial development of the lemon in size not only in length - they were wider. In addition, they had a peculiar sheen, while the leaves of the first branch, the right branch of the initial development of the lemon, had a matte tint. Especially this brilliance was manifested in a leaf with a size of 16.2 cm, that is, in that leaf corresponding to the period of development of a lemon, when it was constantly watered with water with dissolved soda for a month with metal particles contained in the soil.

The image of this lemon is placed in Fig.3.

Such observations allow us to conclude that such effects may occur in natural conditions. Thus, according to the state of vegetation growing in a given area, it is possible to determine the state of the nearest soil layers. If in a given area the forest grows dense and higher than in other places, or the grass in this place is more juicy and dense, then in this case it can be concluded that it is possible that in this area there are deposits of metal-containing ores located not far from from the surface. The electric effect created by them has a beneficial effect on the development of plants in the area.


1. Application for discovery No. OT OB 6 dated 03/07/1997 "The property of changing the hydrogen index of water when it comes into contact with metals", - 31 sheets.

2. Additional materials to the description of the discovery No. OT 0B 6 dated 03/07/1997, to section III "The field of scientific and practical use of the discovery.", - March, 2001, 31 sheets.

3. Gordeev A.M., Sheshnev V.B. Electricity in plant life. - M.: Nauka, 1991. - 160 p.

4. Khodakov Yu.V., Epshtein D.A., Gloriozov P.A. Inorganic Chemistry: Proc. for 9 cells. avg. school - M.: Enlightenment, 1988 - 176 p.

5. Berkinblig M.B., Glagoleva E.G. Electricity in living organisms. - M.: Science. Ch. red - physical. - mat. lit., 1988. - 288 p. (B-chka "Quantum"; issue 69).

6. Skulachev V.P. Stories about bioenergetics. - M.: Young Guard, 1982.

7. Genkel P.A. Plant Physiology: Proc. allowance for electives. course for IX class. - 3rd ed., revised. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985. - 175 p.


1. A method of electrical stimulation of plant life, including the introduction of metals into the soil, characterized in that metal particles in the form of powder, rods, plates of various shapes and configurations are introduced into the soil at a depth convenient for further processing, at a certain interval, in appropriate proportions, made of metals of various types and their alloys, differing in their relationship to hydrogen in the electrochemical series of voltages of metals, alternating the introduction of metal particles of one type of metal with the introduction of metal particles of another type, taking into account the composition of the soil and the type of plant, while the value of the resulting currents will be within parameters of electric current, optimal for electrical stimulation of plants.

2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that in order to increase the electrical stimulation currents of plants and its effectiveness, with the corresponding metals placed in the soil, before watering, the plant crops are sprinkled with baking soda 150-200 g / m 2 or the crops are directly watered with water with dissolved soda in proportions of 25-30 g/l of water.

The invention relates to the field of agriculture and can be used for electrical stimulation of plants.

Purpose of the method: intensification of the vital activity of plants in test tubes, for example, potatoes grown by the "in vitro" method.

There is a known method of electrical stimulation of plant life, when metal particles in the form of powder, rods, plates of various shapes and configurations, made of metals of various types and their alloys, differing in their relationship to hydrogen in electrochemical series of voltages of metals, taking into account the composition of the soil and the type of plant, while the value of the resulting currents will be within the parameters of the electric current, which is optimal for electrical stimulation of plants (prototype RU 2261588 C2, A01G 7/04, 05.06.2002).

The essence of the invention

There is a known method of electrical stimulation of plant life, when metal particles are introduced into the soil to a depth convenient for further processing, differing in their relationship to hydrogen in the electrochemical series of metal voltages, while the value of the resulting currents will be within the parameters of the electric current, which is optimal for electrical stimulation of plants ( prototype RU 2261588 C2, A01G 7/04, 06/05/2002).

The method claimed as a prototype involves electrical stimulation of plants and is based on the property of changing the pH of water when it comes into contact with metals.

The disadvantage of the above method is its applicability to soil plantings.

The objective of the proposed method is to create a system for electrical stimulation of the vital activity of plants grown by the "in vitro" method.

The technical and biological result of the method is the possibility of efficient use of electrical energy to intensify the growth of plants of micropropagation.

This technical and biological result is achieved by using a specially designed meristem growing tube and an electrical circuit to create an electrical circuit passing through the plant tube. The electrical stimulation system of plants grown by the "in vitro" method is shown in the drawing.

The system includes a battery 1, a switch 2, a current regulator 3 with a current recording device, a time relay 4, an electrically conductive test tube 5 with a metal tip, a nutrient solution with a plant 6, a plug with an electrical conductor 7.

The electrical stimulation system for plants grown by the "in vitro" method operates as follows.

The electrically conductive test tube 5 is mounted on a tripod so that the metal tip touches the metal base of the tripod, to which the conductor from the positive terminal of battery 1 is connected. is set using the time relay 4, operating according to the specified mode. Electrical stimulation begins from the period when the meristem slice is placed in the nutrient solution, then the electrical conductor 7 of the plug touches the mirror of the nutrient solution 6. As the root system forms and the sprout appears, the conductor must touch the plant stem. After the plug, the conductor is connected to the negative terminal of the battery 1, thus providing a closed electrical circuit. The system functions until the plant reaches the required level of development, after which it is transferred to open ground.

A method for electrical stimulation of plant life, characterized in that plants are grown "in vitro", an electrically conductive test tube for growing plants with a metal tip and a stopper is installed on a tripod so that the metal tip touches the metal base of the tripod, to which the conductor from the positive battery terminal is connected, for stop the current supply, use a switch, regulate the current supply using a current regulator with current and voltage recording devices, set the current supply using a time relay, and electrical stimulation is started when the plant meristem cut is placed in the nutrient solution, so that the electrical conductor of the plug touches nutrient solution mirrors, a plug with an electrical conductor is connected to the negative terminal of the battery, after the plant reaches the required level of development, it is transferred to open ground.

Similar patents:

The invention relates to the field of agriculture and breeding, in particular to the recovery from viruses of raspberry plants grown in vitro. The method includes harvesting explants of vegetative parts of plants, planting them on a nutrient medium and treating them six times with a periodic sequence of differently directed magnetic induction pulses.

SUBSTANCE: method of energy-saving pulsed irradiation of plants includes exposing plants to an optical radiation flux, which is obtained by turning on groups of LEDs with different emission spectra, adjusting the parameters of the pulses, and adjusting the phase angle of the pulses in each group of LEDs.

The invention relates to agriculture. The method of feeding fruit trees includes spraying with an alkaline solution of nanodispersed magnetite stabilized by naphthenic acids boiling away within 250-300 degrees Celsius at a pressure of 5 mm Hg with the addition of potassium microfertilizer at the rate of 30-40 grams per 100 liters of water.

The invention relates to means for illuminating plants when grown in a protected environment. The device contains: a computer (1) with an interface (2), a control device (3), a power supply unit (4), at least one lamp (7), a fan (5) for cooling the LED elements and supplying CO2 or nitrogen (N ) from the reservoir (6) connected via the appropriate line (8).

The invention relates to the field of agriculture. The device contains an uninterruptible power supply connected by an output to the input of a stabilized power supply and through a toggle switch to the input of an adjustable rectifier, the negative output of which is connected by the first common bus to the second terminals of the storage capacitor, the first and second keys, a stabilized power supply, the positive output and the common bus of which are connected to the power supply circuit of logic elements, circuits and blocks, the current limiting element connected through the third key to the anode of the first diode, the cathode of which is connected to the first output of the storage capacitor and the cathodes of the second and third diodes, the anodes of which are connected to the cathodes of the fourth and fifth diodes, respectively, the first driver output connected to the control input of the third key, the first and second synchronously connected switches, the outputs of which are respectively connected through the second and third drivers to the control inputs of the first and second keys, the inductor, the first coil output of which is connected to the first output the second key, the NOT element, the output of which is connected through a single vibrator to the input of the sound signaling unit.

The invention relates to the field of agriculture, in particular to crop production. The method includes photographing corn seeds, which are additionally treated with an extremely high frequency electromagnetic field, after which they are photographed again, followed by comparing the temperature of each seed before and after exposure to an extremely high frequency electromagnetic field.

The group of inventions relates to the field of agriculture and electricity. The modular system includes a package that contains: a row of light emitting diodes (LEDs) of at least two different colors for generating light within the color spectrum, the LEDs being mounted, preferably snap-on, on a plate, preferably thermally conductive, or adjacent to it, which is equipped with means for cooling the LED with a cooler; a processor for adjusting the amount of current supplied to the row of LEDs so that the amount of current supplied to them determines the color of the illumination generated by the row of LEDs, and a planar translucent member having translucent lenses associated with the LEDs for controlling the scattering angle of light emitted by each LED to uniform illumination of the surface; wherein the housing is provided with a channel for receiving a tube for supplying power and, optionally, a cooler for the LED system.

The invention relates to agriculture, in particular to the production of vegetables in protected ground, in greenhouses with an automatic control system for environmental factors.

The invention relates to the field of processing plant materials, namely to devices for processing growing plants with light radiation. The proposed device is a container in which there are several chambers light-isolated from each other, arranged in a multi-storey structure. Each chamber is equipped with its own container with a substrate for growing plants, a light source of its own wavelength and its own video camera. The light source on the bracket - radiator and the video camera are mounted on the walls of the camera at right angles to each other. Growing plants are illuminated by a light source through the transparent side wall of the container, and the video camera is observed through another side wall perpendicular to it. The common power supply for all cameras and the monitoring and control unit are mounted on the same board and fixed inside the container. This invention makes it possible to study the phototropic and gravitropic reactions of plants to their irradiation. various types light, visible and invisible spectra, at different levels of gravity, both in terrestrial conditions and in conditions close to weightlessness, on spacecraft. 3 w.p. f-ly, 2 ill.

The invention provides a lighting system for regulating plant growth, the system comprising: a group of solid state light sources configured to emit light of a predetermined wavelength or range of wavelengths; and a cooling unit comprising a tube having at least one inlet for obtaining a gaseous cooling medium and a plurality of outlets for releasing said gaseous cooling medium from said cooling unit, wherein the cooling unit is in mechanical and thermal contact with said light sources. The invention also provides a method for regulating the growth of a plant in a greenhouse or growth chamber. The invention makes it possible to promote plant photosynthesis by changing the conditions (light intensity, temperature, CO2 concentration) locally around the plant. 2 n. and 13 z.p. f-ly, 4 ill.

The invention relates to the field of agriculture. The method includes exposure to a direct electric current with a density of 0.25-1.0 μA/mm2 at a voltage of 1.5-3 V for 72-144 hours directly on a rooted plant when a negative potential is applied to the scion, and a positive one - to the rootstock. At the same time, stimulating energy is supplied to provide an S-shaped nature of increasing the degree of fusion of the scion and rootstock, depending on the absorbed energy. Stimulation is terminated when the degree of coalescence reaches a value of 0.8-0.9 by reducing the voltage in inverse proportion to the square root of the stimulation time to values ​​of 0.12-0.08 from the initial voltage. The method allows to ensure a high degree of survival rate of plant grafting in the spring-summer period. 1 ill., 1 pr.

The group of inventions relates to the field of agriculture, in particular to plant growing and beekeeping. The illumination light emitting diode (LED) device is configured to emit at least one spectral peak (401, 402 and 403) at a wavelength that matches the increased reflectivity of flowers of pollinated plants (710, 711). Moreover, the specified LED lighting device is configured to emit at least one spectral peak (401, 402 and 403) at a wavelength coinciding with hypersensitivity light perception of insect vision (840). In the method, plants (710, 711) are illuminated with an LED lighting device. EFFECT: inventions make it possible to improve the efficiency of pollination, reduce the mortality of insects and increase the yield. 2 n. and 18 z.p. f-ly, 12 ill.

The invention relates to lighting engineering, in particular to semiconductor lighting engineering, intended for use in greenhouses and greenhouses as inter-row lighting. The system includes a linear irradiator equipped with a set of at least two replaceable light-converting elements 5, means for attaching the irradiator above greenhouse plants and means for changing the position of the irradiator in height and angle of inclination. The irradiator includes a bearing body 3, made in the form of an extended profiled part made of a heat-conducting material, having side walls, coupled with the base, and equipped with end caps; at least one printed circuit board 2 with at least one light emitting diode 1 with a maximum emission in the range of 430-470 nm, placed on the base of the housing and equipped with a lead for connecting to the supply voltage. The body is provided with a hole for the mentioned conclusions. Reflector 4 is an extended part with side walls and a base. The reflector and end caps are made of a material or covered with a material having a diffuse reflection coefficient of 0.95-0.99. The reflector has a trapezoid shape in cross section and is installed in the housing with its base on a printed circuit board with LEDs. The base of the reflector 4 is provided with slots for accommodating LEDs 1. The irradiator includes means for sealing the internal space of the irradiator and fastening means in the body of the light-converting element 5, the end cap, the board with LEDs, and the reflector. The light-converting elements are fixed in the housing at a distance from the diodes and are made of optical transparent material with a layer deposited on its inner and/or outer surface, containing dispersed particles with fluorescence peak maxima in the wavelength range of 600-680 nm and a half-width in the range of 50-180 nm. Light-converting elements 5 are made with different maxima of fluorescence peaks. This implementation provides an increase in the yield of greenhouse crops while reducing the energy consumption of the system, increases the manufacturability of the irradiator, the convenience of its assembly and operation with the possibility of replacing removable parts of the irradiator, in particular, a board with LEDs, a light-converting plate. 25 z.p. f-ly, 5 ill.

The invention relates to the field of agriculture. The device contains an uninterruptible power supply connected by its output to the input of a stabilized power supply, the positive and common terminals of which are connected to the power circuit of logic elements, circuits and blocks, and through the first toggle switch, the output is connected to the input of the first high voltage source, the negative terminal of which is connected to a common bus associated with the input of the current limiting element, the first and second keys, the control inputs of which are connected to the outputs of the first and second drivers, respectively, the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth diodes. The input of the first switch is connected to the positive terminal of the first high voltage source, and the output to the anode of the first diode, the cathode of which is connected to the first terminal of the first storage capacitor, to the cathode of the second diode and the first terminal of the third switch, the second terminal of which is connected to the anode of the second and the cathode of the third diodes , with the first output of the fourth key, and through the primary winding of the current transformer and the inductor winding connected in series with the second output of the first storage capacitor. The second output of the fourth key is connected to the anode of the third diode. The secondary winding of the current transformer through an active rectifier is connected to the discharge current indicator, a programmable master oscillator connected through a limiting amplifier with galvanic isolation to the control signal generator, the fourth and fifth terminals of which are connected to the first terminals of the first and second, respectively, synchronously connected switches, the second and the third outputs of which are connected together and connected to the sixth output of the control signal generator, and their fourth outputs, respectively, through the third and fourth drivers are connected to the control inputs of the third and fourth keys, a DC voltage amplifier, the output is connected to the first input of the comparison device, the second input of which is connected to the output of the reference level adjuster, a single vibrator, a control panel connected to the control input of a digital timer, the output of which is connected through the "NOT" element to the input of the sound signaling unit. Additionally, a second high voltage source is introduced into the device, the input is connected to the input of the first high voltage source, the positive output of the second high voltage source is connected to a common bus, and the negative output is connected to the input of the second switch, the output of which is connected to the cathode of the fourth diode, the anode of which is connected to the second terminals of the fourth key and the second storage capacitor, the first terminal of which is connected to the second terminal of the first storage capacitor, the second and third toggle switches, the first terminals of which are connected respectively to the cathode of the fifth and the anode of the sixth diode. The second terminals are connected respectively to the first and second terminals of the first and second storage capacitors, the anode of the fifth and the cathode of the sixth diodes are connected together and connected to the second and first terminals of the first and second storage capacitors, respectively, the charge current regulator is connected to the output of the current limiting element, and output with the second and first conclusions, respectively, of the third and fourth keys. The Hall sensor is located in working area the inductor and connected through the pulse amplifier to the input of the peak detector, the output of which is connected through the absolute value shaper to the input of the DC voltage amplifier, the third and fourth switches are synchronously connected to the first and second switches, the first and second "AND" elements, the first inputs of which are connected together and through a resistor connected to the output of the digital timer, the fourth toggle switch, the first output of which is connected to the first inputs of the first and second "AND" elements. Its second output is connected to a common output, the first outputs of the third and fourth switches are connected respectively to the first and second outputs of the control signal generator, the third output of which is connected to the second and third outputs of the third and fourth switches, respectively, and through a single vibrator is connected to the peak detector reset control input . The third and second outputs of the third and fourth switches, respectively, are connected to a common output, and their fourth outputs are connected to the second inputs of the first and second "AND" elements, respectively, the outputs of which are connected to the inputs of the first and second drivers, respectively. The device allows fixing the active frequencies of exposure that affect the functional activity, stimulation of metabolic processes and adaptation of plants to an external environmental factor. 3 ill.

The invention relates to lighting devices, namely to lamps with a certain spectrum of emitted light, used to illuminate plants that lack sunlight, to the so-called phytolamps. The LED phytoluminaire consists of a housing 1, on the upper surface of which a solar battery 2 is placed, and on the lower surface there is a reflector 3, in which at least one LED is located, which is connected through a switch to the battery 6 located inside the housing, and the solar battery 2. The connection of the solar battery 2 with the storage battery 6 is made through a diode. The body along its length is conditionally divided into two unequal parts, on the most part of which, on its upper surface, there is at least one solar battery, and on the lower surface there is a reflector, in which at least one blue LED with a wavelength of 400-500 nm is placed and one red LED with a wavelength of 600-700 nm. The storage battery 6 is placed inside the housing 1 in a smaller part along its length, perpendicular to its length and along its side wall. A hole 7 or a sleeve is made in the housing from below, located in the space between the battery and the reflector, through which the housing can be put on top of the holder 8, made in the form of a vertical rod, the lower end of which is adapted for sticking into the ground. This design provides ease of installation, positioning and operation of the device, the possibility of more convenient charging, as well as cost reduction. 2 w.p. f-ly, 2 ill.

The invention relates to the field of agriculture, in particular to crop production. The photoelectrochemical cell contains photoelectrodes, an electrolyte, and an electrolyte bridge. In this case, the photoelectrodes are a plant with leaves, stem and roots saturated with metal nanoparticles having giant Raman scattering properties, for example, Au, Cu with sizes of 0.2-100 nm. Moreover, the electrolyte and the concentration of nanoparticles allow the plant to carry out photosynthesis. The plant is saturated artificially, namely by soaking the seeds before planting, planting cuttings of the plant in a nano-containing medium or watering. The use of the device makes it possible to simplify the design of the photoelectrochemical cell. 1 z.p. f-ly, 2 pr.

The invention relates to the field of breeding and seed production, as well as to forestry. The method includes a two-stage selection during thinning. At the first thinning, promising trees are left that have differences in the electrical resistance of the scion and rootstock from 10 to 20 kOhm. Trees having differences in electrical resistance of more than 30 kΩ are removed. At the second thinning, seed plants are left that have indicators of the bioelectric potentials of trees with intensive metabolic processes, potential growth and seed productivity. The method allows to increase the selection effect when creating seed plantations. 5 tab., 1 pr.

The invention relates to the field of agriculture, in particular to horticulture, plant physiology and nursery. The method includes measuring the dynamics of electrical conductivity of graft tissues. At the same time, the electrical conductivity of the grafting tissues is measured at three grafting sites: scion, grafting site and rootstock, on the first day and 14-16 days after its implementation. Qualitatively accustomed are those in which the correlation of the values ​​of the electrical conductivity of the scion and rootstock tends to unity, the standard deviation from the initial values ​​within the variety-rootstock combination does not exceed 75-85 μS, and the nature of the dynamics has a monotonous growth. The method allows for an early assessment of the quality of the fusion of grafting components and to increase the yield of high-quality planting material. 4 ill., 1 tab.

The invention relates to the field of agriculture and can be used for electrical stimulation of plant life in test tubes. In the method, plants are grown "in vitro", an electrically conductive test tube for growing plants with a metal tip and a stopper is mounted on a tripod so that the metal tip touches the metal base of the tripod, to which the conductor from the positive battery terminal is connected. To stop the current supply, a switch is used, the current supply is regulated using a current regulator with current and voltage recording devices. The current supply is set using a time relay, and electrical stimulation is started when the plant meristem cut is placed in the nutrient solution, so that the plug electrical conductor touches the nutrient solution mirror, the plug with the electrical conductor is connected to the negative terminal of the battery. The plant is transferred to open ground after reaching the required level of development. The method allows efficient use of electrical energy to intensify the growth of plants of micropropagation. 1 ill.

Electro plant growth stimulator

Solar cells really amaze the imagination as soon as one thinks about their extraordinary variety of applications. Indeed, the scope of solar cells is quite wide.

Below is an application that is hard to believe. We are talking about photoelectric converters that stimulate plant growth. Sounds unbelievable?

plant growth

To begin with, it is best to get acquainted with the basics of plant life. Most readers are well aware of the phenomenon of photosynthesis, which is the main driving force in plant life. Essentially, photosynthesis is the process by which sunlight allows plants to be nourished.

Although the process of photosynthesis is much more complicated than the explanation that is possible and appropriate in this book, this process is as follows. The leaf of every green plant is made up of thousands of individual cells. They contain a substance called chlorophyll, which, incidentally, is what gives the leaves their green color. Each such cell is a miniature chemical plant. When a particle of light, called a photon, enters a cell, it is absorbed by chlorophyll. The photon energy released in this way activates chlorophyll and initiates a series of transformations that eventually lead to the formation of sugar and starch, which are absorbed by plants and stimulate growth.

These substances are stored in the cell until needed by the plant. It is safe to assume that the amount of nutrients a leaf can provide to a plant is directly proportional to the amount of sunlight falling on its surface. This phenomenon is similar to the conversion of energy by a solar cell.

A few words about roots

However, sunlight alone is not enough for a plant. In order to produce nutrients, the leaf must have a feedstock. The supplier of such substances is a developed root system, through which they are absorbed from the soil*.( * Not only from the soil, but also from the air. Fortunately for humans and animals, plants breathe carbon dioxide during the day, with which we constantly enrich the atmosphere by exhaling air, in which the ratio of carbon dioxide to oxygen is significantly increased compared to the air we breathe.). Roots, which are complex structures, are as important to plant development as sunlight.

Usually the root system is as extensive and branched as the plant it feeds. For example, it may turn out that a healthy plant 10 cm high has a root system that goes into the ground to a depth of 10 cm. Of course, this is not always the case and not in all plants, but, as a rule, this is the case.

Therefore, it would be logical to expect that if it were possible in any way to increase the growth of the root system, then the upper part of the plant would follow suit and grow by the same amount. In fact, this is how it happens. It was found that, thanks to an action that was still not fully understood, a weak electric current really promotes the development of the root system, and hence the growth of the plant. It is assumed that such stimulation with an electric current actually supplements the energy obtained in the usual way during photosynthesis.

Photoelectricity and Photosynthesis

solar cell, like leaf cells during photosynthesis, absorbs a photon of light and converts its energy into electrical energy. However, the solar cell, unlike the leaf of a plant, performs the conversion function much better. So, a conventional solar cell converts at least 10% of the light falling on it into electrical energy. On the other hand, during photosynthesis, almost 0.1% of the incident light is converted into energy.

Rice. 1. Is there any benefit from a root system stimulant? This can be solved by looking at a photo of two plants. Both of them are of the same type and age, grew up in identical conditions. The plant on the left had a root system stimulator.

For the experiment, seedlings 10 cm long were selected. They grew indoors with weak sunlight penetrating through a window located at a considerable distance. No attempt was made to favor any particular plant, except that the faceplate of the photovoltaic cell was oriented in the direction of sunlight.

The experiment lasted about 1 month. This photo was taken on the 35th day. It is noteworthy that the plant with the root system stimulator is more than 2 times larger than the control plant.

When one solar cell is connected to the root system of a plant, its growth is stimulated. But there is one trick here. It lies in the fact that stimulation of root growth gives better results in shaded plants.

Studies have shown that for plants exposed to bright sunlight, there is little or no benefit from root stimulation. This is probably because such plants have enough energy from photosynthesis. Apparently, the effect of stimulation appears only when the only source of energy for the plant is a photoelectric converter (solar cell).

However, it should be remembered that a solar cell converts light into energy much more efficiently than a leaf in photosynthesis. In particular, it can convert into a useful amount of electricity light that would be simply useless for a plant, for example, light from fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps used daily to illuminate rooms. Experiments also show that in seeds exposed to a weak electric current, germination is accelerated and the number of shoots and, ultimately, yield increases.

The design of the growth stimulator

All that is needed to test the theory is a single solar cell. However, you still need a pair of electrodes that could be easily stuck into the ground near the roots (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. You can quickly and easily test the root system stimulator by sticking a couple into the ground near the plant long nails and connecting them with wires to any solar cell.

The size of the solar cell does not matter in principle, since the current required to stimulate the root system is negligible. However, for best results, the surface of the solar cell must be large enough to capture more light. Taking into account these conditions, an element with a diameter of 6 cm was chosen for the root system stimulator.

Two stainless steel rods were connected to the element disc. One of them was soldered to the rear contact of the element, the other - to the upper current-collecting grid (Fig. 3). However, it is not recommended to use the element as a fastener for rods, as it is too fragile and thin.

Rice. 3

It is best to fix the solar cell on metal plate(predominantly aluminum or stainless steel) slightly larger. Convinced of reliability electrical contact plates on the back side of the element, you can connect one rod to the plate, the other to the current collection grid.

You can assemble the structure in another way: place the element, rods and everything else in a plastic protective case. For this purpose, boxes made of thin transparent plastic (used, for example, for packaging commemorative coins), which can be found in a haberdashery, hardware store, or office supply store, are quite suitable. It is only necessary to strengthen the metal rods so that they do not scroll or bend. You can even fill the entire product with a liquid curing polymer composition.

However, it should be borne in mind that shrinkage occurs during the curing of liquid polymers. If the element and the attached rods are securely fastened, then no complications will arise. A poorly fixed rod during shrinkage of the polymer compound can destroy the element and disable it.

The element also needs protection from the external environment. Silicon solar cells are slightly hygroscopic, capable of absorbing small amounts of water. Of course, over time, water penetrates a little inside the crystal and destroys the most affected atomic bonds *. ( * The mechanism of degradation of solar cell parameters under the influence of moisture is different: first of all, metal contacts are corroded and antireflection coatings peel off, conductive jumpers appear on the ends of solar cells, shunting the p-n junction.). As a result, worsening electrical characteristics element, and eventually it fails completely.

If the element is filled with a suitable polymer composition, the problem can be considered solved. Other methods of fastening the element will require other solutions.

Parts list
Solar cell with a diameter of 6 cm Two stainless steel rods approx. 20 cm long Suitable plastic box (see text).

Growth stimulator experiment

Now that the stimulator is ready, you need to stick two metal rod into the ground near the roots. The solar cell will do the rest.

You can set up such a simple experiment. Take two identical plants, preferably grown in similar conditions. Plant them in separate pots. Insert the electrodes of the root system stimulator into one of the pots, and leave the second plant for control. Now it is necessary to care for both plants equally, watering them at the same time and giving them equal attention.

After about 30 days, a striking difference can be seen between the two plants. The root booster plant will be clearly taller than the control plant and will have more leaves. This experiment is best done indoors using only artificial lighting.

The stimulator can be used on houseplants to keep them healthy. A gardener or flower grower can use it to accelerated germination seed or improve the root system of plants. Regardless of the type of use of this stimulant, you can experiment well in this area.

The purpose of hail allocations was not limited to the prevention of thunderstorms. They served as sources of electric current in the scientist's experiments on the effect of electricity on plants: currents circulated in the soil, and ozone was formed in the air by means of quiet discharges near the copper tip.

Recognizing the analogy between a hail and lightning rod, the researcher clarified: “I cannot, however, refrain from noting that such a device is extremely similar to the one that the immortal Franklin used in his studies of atmospheric electricity, although, of course, he had the least of all in mind” electroculture". A special feature of the Narkevich-Iodko lightning rods was a special network branched underground in the soil, designed for electroculture, for the “wiring” of electricity attracted from the atmosphere.

Hail and lightning rods were known in the Igumen region even before the research of Narkevich-Iodko, but the attraction of atmospheric electricity to the soil for agricultural purposes and to reduce the likelihood of thunderstorms with hail on the “electrocultural Nadneman lands” became new.

In addition, on the fields of the estate, the scientist conducted experiments using a natural galvanic cell according to the principle of the Grene element. Electricity in the soil was formed between heteropolar copper-zinc or copper-graphite plates buried in the soil when the conductors connected to them were closed above the soil surface. Plant yields also increased.

For Narkevich-Iodko, a landowner and research scientist, the study of the effect of electricity on plants was big interest. In order to carry out systematic research in this area, he equipped experimental electro-cultivation plots in the Nadneman estate. If in 1891 10 hectares were occupied by electroculture, then in subsequent years the area increased by 20 times. Such a scale of experimental work at that time was nowhere to be found. During experiments under electricity, crops of rye, oats, barley, corn, peas, beans, as well as fruit and berry plants, and hops were studied. Electrocultivation was carried out both in greenhouses and greenhouses. The scientist was especially concerned about the purity, accuracy and correctness of the experiments.

Studying the effect of electricity on plants, the scientist came to the conclusion that electricity has a beneficial effect on plants. From the reports it followed that under the influence of electricity, the yield of agricultural crops increased by 6-10 percent in comparison with control measurements. Electricity contributed to the acceleration of chemical processes occurring in the soil.

Well-known scientists A.I. Voeikov and A.V. Councils who visited the Nadneman estate and gave a positive assessment of the results of the work.

In January 1892, at a meeting of the Assembly of Farmers in St. Petersburg, Narkevich-Iodko made an official announcement about the results of experiments on the use of electricity in agriculture. It was noted that his experiments on electroculture do not duplicate already known facts, because significant changes were made to the experimental scheme: for the first time, a galvanic cell as a current source was excluded from the experiment. As the scientist wrote: “My last experiments of 1891 were made on atmospheric electricity. As it turned out, passing a current of a certain strength through the soil not only improved the quality of the seed, but also accelerated growth.”

Currently, numerous studies of scientists are devoted to the issues of the influence of electric currents on plants. It has been established that when current is passed through the stem of the plant, the linear growth of shoots increases by 5-10%, and the ripening period of tomato fruits is accelerated. The relationship between the intensity of photosynthesis and the value of the difference in electrical potentials between the earth and the atmosphere is noted. However, the mechanism underlying these phenomena has not yet been studied.

Despite such convincing and undeniable positive results, the electrical stimulation of plants has not found wide application in agricultural practice, although interest in the electrocultivation of plants remains in our time.


1.1. Status and prospects for the development of viticulture.

1.2. Technology for the production of own-rooted planting material of grapes.

1.3. Methods for stimulating root and shoot formation of grape cuttings.

1.4. Stimulating effect on plant objects of electrophysical factors.

1.5. Substantiation of the method of stimulation of grape cuttings by electric current.

1.6. State of the art of constructive development of devices for electrical stimulation of plant material.

1.7. Conclusions on the review of literary sources. Research objectives.


2.1. The mechanism of the stimulating effect of electric current on plant objects.

2.2. Grape cutting replacement scheme.

2.3. Study of the energy characteristics of the electrical circuit for processing grape cuttings.

2.4. Theoretical substantiation of the optimal ratio between the volume of current-carrying liquid and the total volume of processed cuttings.


3.1. Study of grape cuttings as a conductor of electric current.

3.2. Methodology for conducting experiments to study the effect of electric current on the root formation of grape cuttings.

3.3 Methodology for conducting an experiment to identify electrical parameters electrical processing circuit.

3.4. Methodology for conducting records and observations of the shoot and root formation of grape cuttings.

Chapter 4

4.1. Study of the electrophysical properties of the vine.

4.2. Stimulation of root formation of cuttings of grapes.

4.3. Research and substantiation of the installation parameters for electrical stimulation of root formation of grape cuttings.

4.4. The results of the study of root formation of cuttings of grapes.

Chapter 5


5.1. Structural development of the installation.

5.2. The results of production tests of the installation for electrical stimulation of root formation of grape cuttings.

5.3. Agrotechnical assessment.

5.4. Economic efficiency of using the installation for electrical stimulation of root formation of grape cuttings.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Biological aspects of the accelerated reproduction of grapes in the conditions of Dagestan 2005, candidate of biological sciences Balamirzoeva, Zulfiya Mirzebalaevna

  • System for the production of planting material of grapes of the highest quality categories 2006, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Kravchenko, Leonid Vasilyevich

  • The role of micromycetes in the etiology of vascular necrosis of grape seedlings in the Anapo-Taman zone of the Krasnodar Territory 2011, candidate of biological sciences Lukyanova, Anna Aleksandrovna

  • Techniques for the formation and pruning of grape bushes on rain-fed and irrigated mother liquors of graft vines of the southern steppe of the Ukrainian SSR 1984, candidate of agricultural sciences Mikitenko, Sergey Vasilyevich

  • Scientific foundations of adaptive viticulture in the Chechen Republic 2001, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Zarmaev, Ali Alkhazurovich

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Stimulation of root formation of cuttings of grapes by electric current"

At present, the cultivation of commercial grapes in Russian Federation 195 specialized viticulture farms are engaged, 97 of which have plants for the primary processing of grapes.

The variety of soil and climatic conditions for growing grapes in Russia makes it possible to produce a wide range of dry, dessert, strong and sparkling wines, high-quality cognacs.

In addition, winemaking should be considered not only as a means of production alcoholic products, but also as the main source of financing for the development of viticulture in Russia, providing the consumer market with table grapes, grape juices, baby food, dry wines and other environmentally friendly products that are vital for the population of the country (suffice it to recall Chernobyl and the supply of red table wines there - the only product removes radioactive elements from the human body).

The use of fresh grapes in these years did not exceed 13 thousand tons, that is, its per capita consumption was 0.1 kg instead of 7-12 kg according to medical standards.

In 1996, more than 100 thousand tons of grapes were not harvested due to the death of plantings from pests and diseases, about 8 million decalitres of grape wine were not received for a total of 560-600 billion rubles. (the purchase of crop protection products required only 25-30 billion rubles). It makes no sense for winegrowers to expand plantings of valuable industrial varieties, since with the existing pricing and taxes, all this is simply unprofitable. Winemakers have lost the point in making high-value wines, since the population does not have free money to buy natural grape wines, and countless commercial stalls are littered with dozens of varieties of cheap vodka, it is not known by whom and how it was prepared.

The stabilization of the industry currently depends on the solution of problems at the federal level: its further destruction must not be allowed, it is necessary to strengthen the production base and improve the financial standing of enterprises. Therefore, since 1997, special attention has been paid to measures aimed at preserving existing plantations and their productivity by carrying out all work to care for vineyards at a high agrotechnical level. At the same time, the farms are constantly replacing low-profitable plantations that have lost their economic value, cultivar renewal and improvement of their structure.

The prospects for the further development of viticulture in our country require a sharp increase in the production of planting material, as the main factor delaying the development of new areas for vineyards. Despite the use of a number of biological and agrotechnical measures to increase the yield of first-class native root seedlings, to date, their yield in some farms is extremely low, which hinders the expansion of vineyard areas.

Growing own-rooted seedlings is a complex biological process that depends on both internal and external factors of plant growth.

The current state of science makes it possible to control these factors through various kinds of stimulators, including electrical ones, with the help of which it is possible to actively intervene in the life process of a plant and orient it in the right direction.

The studies of Soviet and foreign scientists, among which the works of V.I. Michurina, A.M. Basova, I.I. Gunara, B.R. Lazarenko, I.F. Borodin found that electrophysical methods and methods of influencing biological objects, including plant organisms, in some cases give not only quantitative, but also qualitative positive results that are not achievable using other methods.

Despite the great prospects for the use of electrophysical control methods life processes of plant organisms, the introduction of these methods in crop production is delayed, since the mechanism of stimulation and the issues of calculating and designing the corresponding electrical installations have not yet been sufficiently studied.

In connection with the foregoing, the topic being developed is very relevant for the grape nursery.

The scientific novelty of the work carried out is as follows: the dependence of the current density flowing through the cuttings of grapes as an object of electrical processing, on the electric field strength and exposure has been revealed. The modes of electrical processing (electric field strength, exposure) corresponding to the minimum energy consumption are established. The parameters of electrode systems and power supply for electrical stimulation of grape cuttings are substantiated.

The main provisions that are submitted for defense:

1. Treatment of grape cuttings with electric current stimulates root formation, due to which the yield of standard seedlings from the school increases by 12%.

2. Electrostimulation of grape cuttings should be carried out with an alternating current of industrial frequency (50 Hz) with the supply of electricity to them through a current-carrying liquid. 8

3. The maximum efficiency during electrical stimulation of grape cuttings with the supply of electricity to them through the current-carrying liquid is achieved when the ratio of the volume of liquid to the total volume of processed cuttings is 1:2; in this case, the ratio between the specific resistances of the current-carrying liquid and the processed cuttings should be in the range from 2 to 3.

4. Electrical stimulation of grape cuttings should be carried out at an electric field strength of 14 V/m and a treatment exposure of 24 hours.

Similar theses in the specialty "Electrical technologies and electrical equipment in agriculture", 05.20.02 VAK code

  • 1999, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Kozachenko, Dmitry Mikhailovich

  • Improving methods for activating root formation in rootstocks and grape varieties in the production of seedlings 2009, candidate of agricultural sciences Nikolsky, Maxim Alekseevich

  • 2007, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Malykh, Pavel Grigorievich

  • Scientific substantiation of methods for improving the quality of viticulture products in the conditions of the south of Russia 2013, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Pankin, Mikhail Ivanovich

  • Improving the technology of accelerated reproduction of introduced grape varieties in the conditions of the Lower Don 2006, candidate of agricultural sciences Gabibova, Elena Nikolaevna

Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Electrical technologies and electrical equipment in agriculture", Kudryakov, Alexander Georgievich


1. Research and production tests have established that pre-planting electrical stimulation of grape cuttings improves the root formation of cuttings, which contributes to a higher yield of standard seedlings from the school.

2. For the implementation of electrical stimulation of grape cuttings, it is advisable to use an alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz, bringing it to the cuttings through a current-carrying liquid.

3. The optimal operating parameters of the installation for electrical stimulation of grape cuttings are substantiated. The electric field strength in the treatment area is 14 V/m, treatment exposure is 24 hours.

4. Production tests carried out at CJSC "Rodina" of the Crimean region showed that the developed plant is efficient and allows increasing the yield of standard seedlings by 12%.

5. The economic effect of the installation for electrical stimulation of the root formation of cuttings of grapes is 68.5 thousand rubles per 1 ha.

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