Interesting articles about plastic windows. Everything about plastic windows

Probably, there is no need to prove to anyone anymore that plastic windows with double-glazed windows, in terms of their performance qualities, have long and firmly taken a leading position in the competition with old wooden frames. Advantages - in almost all respects, from thermal conductivity and noise absorption to maximum convenience in use and aesthetics.

Owners of apartments and private houses of old construction, at the slightest opportunity, try to replace imperfect wooden structures on modern windows. At first glance, there are no problems with this; in any region there are many large and small companies working in this field. But can everyone be trusted, and are the windows offered for purchase of equal value? Alas, but in this segment construction business there are quite a few "pitfalls", and the external similarity of the windows does not at all indicate their identical quality and operational characteristics. Therefore, before making a final decision and signing an installation contract, you need to clearly understand how to choose PVC windows so as not to be disappointed in them after a few months.

Such windows entered everyday life of Russians relatively recently. But even during these 15 ÷ 20 years, like probably any outlandish novelty, they managed to “grow” with a whole bunch of mythological rumors, both immoderately extolling their qualities and unfairly attributing to them non-existent vices. First, let's try to clarify this issue.

What they say about PVC windows, and is this really true?

  • It happens common the opinion is that the installation of plastic windows with double-glazed windows completely solves the issue of thermal insulation - they completely block the path to the cold.

Alas, not everything is so rosy. Create a completely heat-proof light transmitting design is very difficult, although high-quality double-glazed windows and a reliable sealing system can significantly increase thermal resistance windows. However, any window structure also includes assembly seams, which always, to some extent, serve as “cold bridges.”

What we can say with confidence in this matter is that the level of insulation of premises with the installation of high-quality plastic windows will increase significantly.

  • The next “myth” is that the air is completely pumped out from the space between the glasses and a vacuum is created there.

This statement is not true. In fact, the air is partially pumped out, creating an area of ​​​​low pressure inside. This is necessary for better sealing– external atmospheric pressure presses the glass against the seals as tightly as possible. This also gives the effect of increasing heat and soundproofing qualities By the way, for the same purposes, some manufacturers use the practice of pumping inert gases into this space, which creates a special, “layered” atmosphere inside the glass unit, which effectively dampens sound waves.

  • How do you feel about the statement that installing double-glazed windows provides absolute suppression of noise from the street?

You can’t completely believe in this either. Increasingly PVC construction windows “cuts off” high frequencies, but low-frequency noise, which also spreads through vibration, unfortunately, finds its way. So, if construction equipment is working outside the window, or there is a busy highway nearby, then the noise cannot be avoided.

Manufacturers are constantly working to improve the design, but have not yet been able to completely solve this problem.

  • A closed PVC window provides complete sealing of the room.

This is another persistent misconception. With a high-quality multi-level sealing system, we can talk about the window’s impenetrability for drafts, for exit warm air from the apartment, but this is still far away not tight.

  • Another erroneous opinion is that the wider the glass is placed on a double-glazed unit, the better the quality of the window.

The distance between the glasses is not a value taken “from the ceiling”. Exists a complex system thermal engineering calculations, which gives rather paradoxical results - an excessive increase in this distance leads to sharp decline thermal insulation qualities. When producing windows, we adhere to optimal values, proven by theory and practice: for single-chamber double-glazed windows, the maximum thickness should be 24 mm, and for double-chamber windows - 44 mm.

  • The principle that when choosing a window there is no need to be limited in the thickness of the profile and the number of air chambers in it is not always justified: “The thicker the profile, the better the window, of course.”

To reason this way is tantamount to assert that that a large sledgehammer is much better and more useful than a regular hammer, because each of these tools has yours own purpose. Of course, the number and size of the air chambers of a window profile directly affect thermal conductivity and sound insulation. But everything should be reasonable and in due measure. An increase in the number of cameras inevitably means an increase in the size and weight of the entire window structure, difficulties with its delivery and installation, and a rapid increase in price. There will be no point in paying extra money for a “super-sophisticated” design if climatic conditions region, the purpose of the room in which the windows are planned to be installed, and its location, it is enough to limit yourself to a no less high-quality, but more “budget” option.

  • You can often hear that plastic windows disrupt the normal ecological balance in an apartment.

Well, first of all, polyvinyl chloride , Although and synthetic material, but is absolutely safe for human and animal health. Suffice it to remember that it is actively used for the manufacture of medical containers and devices, food utensils, water vessels, etc. And secondly, if you look around even with a cursory glance, you will definitely see polymer products, from household appliances to pieces of furniture. But for some reason they “sin” only on PVC windows.

  • Statements about the increased fire hazard of such windows are unfounded.

Yes, of course, polyvinyl chloride is a flammable material, but its thermal decomposition temperature is much higher than that of wood - wooden windows will light up faster. Moreover, if there is no open flame, then the PVC is more likely to melt than to start a fire. As for the substances released during combustion, they are, of course, toxic, but those released during the combustion of wood carbon monoxide poses no less danger.

  • The service life of PVC windows is short - another common delusion.

It all depends on the quality of the profiles, double-glazed windows, fittings used for their production, and on the professionalism of the assemblers and installers. Agree that an ordinary wooden window made by a crooked carpenter, even from selected materials, will not last long.

If a truly high-quality PVC window has been chosen, it should be guaranteed for decades without loss of any performance characteristics. Of course, the owners must follow the rules for its use and regular maintenance.

  • You may come across the opinion that plastic windows, with their standardized appearance, impoverish the design and can ruin external design home or interior design.

This statement does not stand up to criticism. This can be said by people who have never been interested in the existing variety of PVC. In reality, you can order a design of the most bizarre shapes, with one-sided or double-sided lamination of plastic, which will give the window the desired color or an interesting external texture - like noble wood, like metal, etc. In a word, there are more than enough opportunities to fit the window into the intended design.

PVC window selection options

First of all, for those who don't know this, general scheme plastic window devices:

It would seem that everything is simple and obvious, but almost any element of this design requires special attention.

The figure below schematically shows the main criteria for choosing a PVC window model.

Now about each of these parameters - in more detail.

Profile type and quality

The very first and closest attention is paid to the design and quality of the profile - all the operational characteristics of the window and its durability mainly depend on it.

  • The material of manufacture must be high-quality polyvinyl chloride, durable and absolutely inert to any atmospheric influences. The thickness of the outer walls of the profile is at least 3 mm. Some manufacturers practice, in order to reduce production costs, producing profiles with a wall thickness of, for example, 2.7 mm. It would seem insignificant, but the rigidity and wear resistance deteriorate sharply, and there is no need to talk about the long service life of such windows.

For regions with harsh winters, you should choose a profile made of PVC with increased frost resistance. This is usually indicated by the additional index “M” on the marking.

  • The number of air chambers - the thermal insulation characteristics of the window largely depend on this parameter.

The number of cameras is calculated by the width of the profile. If they stand horizontal lintels, dividing the cavity into several vertical compartments, then these are not considered additional chambers. The minimum number of cameras allowed by the standards is two, but, as a rule, such products are not available due to their lack of demand. Typically used for installation in residential areas T pex - or five-chamber profiles.

Three-chamber profiles, with a total thickness of about 58 ÷ 60 mm, are certainly much cheaper. It makes sense to purchase them if the climate of the region does not have severe winters, or in the case when the window will be installed, for example, to glaze a loggia or balcony. They are acceptable in the kitchen or on the south side of the building, provided that the house has efficient heating and general thermal insulation.

For the main part of Russia, where January frosts below -20 degrees are considered common, it is better to purchase a high-quality five-chamber profile with a total thickness of over 70 mm - its resistance to heat loss is much higher. True, you will have to pay more.

There are other varieties - with four or six chambers, but they are rare and, as a rule, have a specific purpose.

  • Presence and type of reinforcing insert. According to existing standards, all profiles with a length exceeding 800 mm or having a coating other than white must have a reinforcing insert. However, leading manufacturers equip all their products with such structural element. This reinforcement will create the necessary rigidity and stability of the window structure, prevent deformation associated with thermal expansion, which will significantly increase the service life.

A profile made of corrosion resistant galvanized steel with a thickness of about 1.2 - 2 mm. If a thin material is used, for example, 0.5 mm, or does not have anti-corrosion protection, then this can be considered a fiction - you cannot expect either rigidity or durability from such a window, and the insert is made only to “blur” the eyes.

The reinforcing insert can have a closed or open profile. Of course, with its closed form, the strength characteristics are much higher. However, this affects the total weight of the window structure and, of course, its cost. For small windows, you can limit yourself to a profile with high-quality U-shaped reinforcement, however, if the means and installation conditions allow, it is still better to give preference to closed ones.

But if pseudo-reinforcement made of two flat metal inserts placed closer to the edges of the profile, then it is better to abandon this option immediately - they will not provide any resistance to deformation, for example, bending or twisting.

  • The “appearance” of the profile is also of considerable importance. Conventional technology decorating windows - using special laminating films, which can be selected from the proposed catalog. It is possible to perform single-sided or double-sided lamination, with external and inner surface can be finished in different textures .

The design of the profiles shown is the same, the decoration is different

There are profiles colored in the mass at the production stage, when pigment compositions are introduced into the original mass. Good qualities the profiles are different, with acrylic coatings applied using the co-extrusion method - an additional protective and decorative layer, which becomes an inseparable component with the PVC base. Another technology exterior finishing is the application of colored acrylic varnish to a white surface.

  • The profile manufacturing company is very important when choosing. It hardly makes sense to get involved with a manufacturer that is unknown or has already earned a bad reputation - you can find a lot of examples when such windows disappointed their owners already in the first year of operation. If you decide to go for a replacement, then it is better to give up your savings for really high-quality products, which are accompanied by manufacturer’s warranties.

You can safely purchase REHAU, KBE, VEKA+ profiles. LG-Chem and MONTBLANC are completely trustworthy. In the premium window category, DIMEX and THYSSEN are traditionally leaders. Several domestic companies have appeared, trying to keep up with foreign manufacturers in terms of quality, for example, SOK (Samara Window Designs), DI FENCE or PROPLEX. It’s never a bad idea to go to the manufacturer’s official website and get acquainted with the features of the product – the raw materials used, technology, variety of models, guarantees provided. Well, when ordering, you should not be shy to ask for documents confirming that the profiles are really a brand and not a cheap fake.

Prices for a popular line of windows

Choosing a double-glazed window

The area of ​​the glazed section of the window is always many times greater than the space occupied by the plastic profile, so the importance of the quality of the double-glazed window can hardly be overestimated.

The design of double-glazed windows is, in principle, the same for all models:

1 – glass, at least 4 mm thick.

2 – air chambers formed between the glasses.

3 – spacer frames ensuring the same distance between the glasses.

4 – drying fill (silica gel or other material with increased hygroscopicity). The main goal is to maintain optimal humidity conditions in the chambers.

5 – sealing adhesive composition, collecting all the elements into a common structure.

What are the main criteria for choosing a double-glazed window:

  • Thickness and quality of glass. Most models use 4mm thick glass. In the case where the windows face the street with increased noise levels, it makes sense to think about installing external glass with a thickness of 5 or 6 mm. This will significantly increase sound insulation qualities, since glass of different thicknesses will never resonate.

The glass must be tempered and undergo special heat treatment after cutting it to the required size. At the same time, tempered glass does not lose its light transmitting abilities and any other qualities. But, firstly, this significantly increases, by 5 ÷ 6, its strength characteristics, resistance to both impacts and bending or compression loads. Secondly, even if accidentally broken, it will crumble into small fragments of almost regular shape without sharp cutting edges.

An even safer option is laminated glass - triplex. They can withstand even a directed blow, resist a break-in attempt, and in the event of destruction they do not shatter into fragments. In addition, such glass is much less susceptible to microvibration, which means it dampens more effectively. sound vibrations. True, the price of such double-glazed windows is quite high.

There are glasses with internal metal reinforcement. Recently, there has been a growing trend in the popularity of glass with electromagnetic protection. It could be metal grid or conductive film, which are connected to the ground loop. This measure helps prevent exposure to external electromagnetic radiation, to prevent leakage of information transmitted via radio frequencies.

  • Number of chambers and their width.

Double-glazed windows come in single- and double-chamber types. The single-chamber option is two glasses separated by a certain distance. The total thickness of such a package ranges from 24 to 30 mm. Usually I choose this design according to the same principle as the number of chambers in the profile - for southern regions or for unheated rooms.

Double-chamber, respectively, have three glasses and two air or gas layers between them. The thickness of such bags is usually from 32 to 44 mm. Thermal insulation and noise canceling The quality in this option is, of course, much higher, so it is best to choose it for residential premises.

Find out, and also consider the causes and solutions, from our new article.

In a two-chamber double-glazed window, various glass layout options are possible. So, they can be the same thickness and installed at the same distance from each other. To ensure increased sound insulation, if necessary, it is better to choose a different scheme - the chambers have different widths (distance frames are used, for example, 6 and 16 mm), and the outer glass is thick. When passing through such a “pie,” sound vibrations are damped most effectively.

  • Special energy-saving technologies in the design of double-glazed windows.

In order to significantly improve the thermal performance of double-glazed windows, reduce heating costs in winter and air conditioning in summer, special technologies have been developed. First of all, this concerns application to glass. film coating or low-emission sputtering based on silver ions. Depending on the technology used, there are k-glass i—glass. The first ones are much easier to manufacture and, accordingly, cheaper. The latter have more impressive energy-saving characteristics, but their production is more difficult, which, of course, is reflected in the price.

In winter, such coatings reflect heat flow back into the room, preventing it from cooling through a large window area. At the same time, they prevent the free passage of hard solar radiation into the apartment in the summer, keeping it as cool as possible.

The marking of such double-glazed windows is usually specified by a formula indicating the thickness of the glass, the type of coating (if applied) and the distance between them. For example, the designation "4i – 10 – 4 – 10 – 4 i" indicates that this is a two-chamber double-glazed window, with a glass thickness of 4 mm, a distance between them of 10 mm, and the outer and inner glass, in addition, belong to the i-type.

Even more effective in terms of heat conservation are double-glazed windows that do not have thin air, but the injected inert gas (usually argon or krypton). The special molecular structure of these gases significantly reduces the thermal conductivity coefficient. For example, compared to a conventional one (with the same other characteristics), a double-glazed window with argon gives a significant increase of 5% in energy savings. And if a combined scheme is used, then this figure is even higher: on a double-glazed window "4 – 16Argon – 4i" we can talk about an increase of 10 ÷ 12%. The results will be even more impressive on double-chamber combined double-glazed windows.

There are glasses with a special sun protection layer, which is especially important in the summer for rooms oriented to the south or southwest, especially in regions with a hot climate. True, such glasses usually have reduced and light transmitting ability.

Window operation diagram and fittings kit

The buyer has to decide how he sees it and how it should work. Basic principles the work is shown in the figure:

Basic window “working” diagrams

The schemes can be used either individually or in a certain combination, for example, a rotary opening plus a folding one for ventilation.

The number, shape and size of all glazed areas should be considered. Many owners are often tempted to have one large glass panel covering the entire area of ​​the opening. However, it must be taken into account that this is a very heavy load to fastening elements. In addition, the larger the window area, the more likely the occurrence of resonant transmission of sound waves, and therefore - lower soundproofing quality. It is more expedient to distribute a large area into several sections separated by imposts.

The correct and easy operation of a window directly depends on the quality of the fittings used in it, and the issue of its choice is of paramount importance. Under no circumstances should you purchase products from plastic elements– they do not stand up to any criticism, are never certified and will not last very long.

The fittings must be exclusively made of steel (best of all, alloy steel), so that it can withstand several dozen daily operating cycles over many years. At the same time, it must be perfectly adjusted, so that any family member can easily open or close the window.

The quality of the fittings is the key to reliable and long-term operation of the window system.

When choosing, you should pay attention to reinforced fittings with anti-burglary characteristics. It has several degrees of protection, and the most reliable can withstand even the impact of powerful power tools.

If there are young children in the apartment, you should inquire about locking systems so that the child cannot open the window on his own. These can be removable handles with plugged sockets for them, special hidden push-button locks, rotation function limiters, mortise or overhead locks, etc.

One of the types of “children’s” locks - a child will not be able to open the window to a dangerous distance

There are also additional elements fittings that, for example, provide stepwise opening of a window, prevent it from arbitrarily slamming in a draft, prevent handles from closing incorrectly, etc. Fittings also include all handles, decorative trims and other external decorative items.

Self-respecting companies engaged in the production and installation of plastic windows usually use high-quality fittings from leading European manufacturers. The undisputed leaders in this market segment are MACO, ROTO or SIEGENIA-AUBI.

Video: high-quality fittings for PVC windows

Prices for fittings for PVC windows

Accessories for PVC windows


Another important criterion for choosing PVC windows. Extremely much depends on this “frontier” - the maximum possible tightness of the closure, thermal and sound insulation, protection of fittings from dust and dirt that can cause abrasive wear.

Window systems can use one or more (up to three) sealing circuits. Depending on their location, they can be external, internal or intermediate. In addition to sealing the moving part, sealing elements must be located on both sides of the installed glass unit.

Seals can have different cross-sectional profiles. They are made from rubber, silicone, special rubber or composite polymer compounds. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, both in terms of reaction to low temperatures and in terms of resistance to abrasion and deformation loads, cracking, delamination, etc. It is believed that the EPDM composite composition has the best performance indicators (translated into Russian, it has the complex name “ ethylene-propylene-thermopolymer-rubber"or EPTC).

How to choose a window installer company

No less important, and perhaps even decisive, is the choice of the company that should assemble and install the windows. There are many offers for such services, and it is important not to fall prey to unscrupulous performers or even amateurs in this matter.

The quality of a window is not only proven materials, but also the professionalism of the craftsmen of the company involved in its assembly and installation.

You should never “buy” into clearly reduced prices - most often they are offered by fly-by-night companies, and after a year there will be no one to make claims on quality. You should definitely be wary if this organization, for example, does not have an office, and all negotiations are conducted only by mobile phone. In this case, as a rule, it is proposed to conclude the contract at the customer’s home.

If at telephone conversation you are asked to measure the window opening yourself to place an order - hang up immediately, without getting involved in any discussion, since there is no smell of professionalism here.

A reputable company should demonstrate in its office samples of the profiles and double-glazed windows it uses - usually split window models are installed for this purpose. Even a list of questions that a competent manager will ask can say a lot. In order for the window to turn out to be of truly high quality and fully perform its functions, the manufacturer must evaluate a lot of information:

  • The series of the house, the material of the walls - most likely, the installers have already encountered similar apartments and have developed the best options.
  • Customer wishes for window configuration. Not all the “whims” of the apartment owner can be fulfilled, and the manager’s task is to find a compromise solution, both in terms of “de-glazing” and in terms of operation patterns of the valves.
  • The direction of the windows to the cardinal directions, the location of noisy passages or, conversely, quiet courtyards, must be taken into account. This will make it possible to more accurately determine the number of profile cameras and the type of glass unit.
  • As a rule, issues regarding the installation of ebb and flow sills are resolved at the same time, sometimes it is immediately planned from PVC. It will almost certainly be proposed to install a mosquito net, a regular overhead or a roller shutter type.
  • A serious company will always accommodate a good customer and give him a significant discount if several windows are purchased and installed at once.
  • It is possible that the company’s list of services includes innovative solutions, for example, a ventilation system built into the profile.

Only modern but experienced enterprises can satisfy the listed requirements. One of the leaders in the niche under consideration is the Window Factory company. Its competitiveness is determined by many obvious advantages:

  • the presence of our own production, which allows us to maintain acceptable prices for the company’s products and services to customers;
  • 14 years of experience in the field;
  • warranty support for customers for 5 years after order completion;
  • friendly customer service system.

In addition to customer focus, the company has strengthened its position as a leader through the production of innovative products, bringing to life completely new windows that are “attentive” to customer requirements.

The first technology, installed free of charge on products from Window Factory, is called SmartBox III. She is represented by those in charge of climate control supply valve located at the top of the window. The valve consists of:

  • a special curtain selected according to the wind load;
  • adjustable position switch.

Using SmartBoxIII technology, even with the windows closed, you can enjoy fresh air, while:

  • without releasing room heat;
  • maintaining sound insulation at the original level.

The appearance of the structure is not affected when installing the valves.

The second innovative product of the Window Factory is heat-saving windows.

The thermal effect of structures is achieved by applying a special pollination to the glass, which, while remaining invisible to the eye, makes significant changes in your life:

  • retaining heat 40% more efficiently than multifunctional glass and 97% more intense than ordinary double-glazed windows;
  • in summer it reduces the penetration of natural heat from the street, keeping the room cool, while transmitting 30% more light;
  • in winter it retains heat inside the apartment, storing it on the windowsill comfortable temperature, on average +6°C higher than that for a standard double-glazed window;
  • reduces the risk of condensation from temperature differences;
  • saves money spent on heating without releasing heat, which is especially important for private residential buildings.

If desired, the thermal package can be supplemented with tinting to create a cozy and private atmosphere. For safety-conscious clients, Window Factory offers the option of installing tempered glass.

PVC profiles of double-glazed windows from the Window Factory are represented by individual REHAU designs that have passed all stages of quality control. Product fittings are represented by the Titan AF line, which provides the following advantages:

  • prevents rapid wear of structures;
  • provides anti-burglary resistance;
  • enhances sound insulation;
  • allows you to independently choose the intensity of ventilation.

By choosing the innovative offers of the Window Factory, you maximize the efficiency of the installed double-glazed windows, creating the most comfortable atmosphere at home.

The impression you get from the surveyor’s visit can tell you a lot. It's not even about his appearance and demeanor (although this sometimes creates a certain opinion). If the technician limited himself to two or three measurements and spent no more than five minutes on this, most likely he should refrain from further contacts. Professional approach involves an assessment of at least 10 ÷ 12 parameters, and usually takes up to half an hour. In no case should you pay money for taking measurements - this service is not paid and, again, does not yet oblige the customer to anything.

It’s only when a detailed project is drawn up in the company’s office that completely satisfies the client, with all the drawings and diagrams, a list of materials and an estimate for assembly and installation, that the contract can be signed. In this case, it is necessary to stipulate the maximum permissible deadlines for completing all work, the responsibility of the parties for failure to fulfill obligations, and a number of other important points.

Thus, you should pay special attention to whether the payable estimate includes the delivery of windows, lifting them to the floor, dismantling old frames, garbage removal, and the use of consumables (for example, polyurethane foam). Often, inexperienced customers fall into such “traps” of unscrupulous companies, who then, during the installation of the window, find themselves faced with the need for additional costs not specified in the concluded agreement.

And, finally, another video with tips on choosing PVC windows.

Video: how to choose the right plastic window

A window is a special type of enclosing structure that allows light to pass through but retains heat worse than walls or a thermally insulated roof. It is impossible to refuse windows, because for a person daylight is a necessary condition of life. It remains to improve window technologies and keep up with the times.

Plastic windows- this is the name of our most popular window structures made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride), reinforced with a metal profile. PVC is an inexpensive and durable material that can provide a good appearance and high performance window frame. The window system consists of plastic profiles responsible for the rigidity of the structure. The main window profiles include elements such as frame, sash, mullion (impost), metal profiles rigidity and plastic glazing beads. They are accompanied by additional profiles: expanders, connecting elements, platbands and other elements.

There are several PVC window systems, differing primarily in profile thickness. There may be differences even in the model range of the same manufacturer. Typical sizes - 58, 70, 82, 90, 104 mm; at the same time, there are other size ranges. Profiles may differ in the number of internal chambers - fenced off spaces. The more of these chambers, the higher the thermal insulation properties of the profile. In addition, the latter can have a different number of sealing circuits - from one to three.

Number of cameras and the thickness of the profile determine its heat transfer resistance coefficient R. According to current standards for the city of Moscow, this coefficient should not be lower than 0.8 m².C/W. To achieve this indicator, you will need a PVC profile with a thickness of 70 mm with at least 4 chambers. If you use, for example, a 90 mm profile, the heat transfer resistance coefficient will increase to 1.3-1.4 m².S/W. However, the overall heat transfer resistance of a window is determined not only by the profile parameters, but also by the thermal conductivity of the glass unit.

PVC window finishing. The base color of PVC profiles is white. It is also the cheapest. Colored profiles will cost more. The most in a simple way Decorating PVC profiles involves gluing (laminating) them with acrylic film. Such films are available in a wide variety of colors and can imitate wood and other textures. Plastic window profiles can also be painted superficially or in bulk.
By the way, profiles painted in mass without a protective surface finish fade quite quickly. They should be laminated with film or painted with front sides, and the hidden part, which is visible only when the window is opened, being painted in the mass, does not stand out in contrast.

The reason for fogging of plastic windows? In winter, you can often see condensation on the glass of plastic windows. Where does it come from and how to prevent its formation? - not everyone knows. The actual reason for fogging is simple - moisture contained in the air condenses on cold glasses. However, in some rooms there is condensation on the windows, but in others there is not. Why? The thing is that sealed windows block the flow of air, which in houses with natural ventilation provided through loose joinery. As a result, when the windows are closed, a situation is created where steam is not removed from the room and settles on the cold glass. But if there is a heating radiator under the window sill, then warm air will create a warm convection flow over the glass and dry it. If there is no radiator, then, unfortunately, condensation will form from time to time and cause a lot of trouble.

Slot ventilation helps to partially reduce the intensity of condensation on glass, but then heat loss increases significantly. Most moisture falls on the glass of kitchen windows. It is recommended to open the window sash slightly when cooking is in progress. This will allow steam to escape through the vent and additionally provide air movement in the window opening.

Most of the condensation forms at night, since at this time the temperature of the inner glass of the window is at its lowest. During the day, the sun's heat is enough to dry the moisture that has fallen on the glass. Obviously, the amount of condensation formed depends on the temperature of the internal glass, so it makes sense to increase the temperature of the window structure. First of all, we're talking about about energy-saving double-glazed windows, the inner glass of which will have more high temperature than usual.

Mold around windows is a direct consequence of condensation. Water flows from glass and profiles onto the windowsill, creating a humid environment there that is favorable for the development of mold fungi. Condensation can also form on frozen slopes. Ventilation of the window niche in such cases is usually insufficient. It often happens that there is a powerful radiator under the window, but mold still forms. The problem here, most likely, is the wide window sill, which does not allow sufficient blowing of the glass with a warm convection flow. A solution to the problem can be moving the window closer to the room, or making ventilation slots in the window sill, as well as insulating the slopes.

Ventilation problem. Due to the tightness of modern PVC windows, the air flow into the premises is disrupted and, accordingly, air exchange stops. Natural exhaust ventilation stops working, causing a lot of trouble. The most technologically advanced solution to this problem is built-in ventilators - ventilation valves that ensure the flow of outside air into the room when closed window. Such valves can be manually controlled, hydraulically controlled (using a special sponge element that opens the valve when it swells) or electronic. In addition, there are valves with increased sound insulation.

If ventilation valves is not provided, then it remains to use slot ventilation, when the sash is opened a few millimeters, allowing outside air to penetrate inside. However, such a measure violates the sound insulation of the window and increases heat loss in the room. But it’s still better than stale air and puddles of condensation on the windowsill.

Drainage holes, present in the design of any plastic window, are designed to remove moisture from precipitation penetrating through the sash seal. The auxiliary function of the drainage holes is the ventilation of the cavities of the frame and sash. In some systems such holes are visible, in others they are hidden. During routine maintenance of a plastic window, you should also check the patency of the drainage holes.

Depressurization of a plastic window- the situation is quite common. In most cases, windows “siphon” from the first day of installation, which indicates gross installation violations. There are two main reasons: holes in the foam layer around the perimeter of the window and loose fit of the sashes. In the first case, the problem is solved by repeated foaming, but in order for the sash to fit smoothly, the window may need to be reinstalled. During installation, it is extremely important to install the frame in a single plane without distortion. Careless installers often make mistakes when attaching an anchor: the hammer drill moves to the side, and the hole is made in the wrong place. As a result, the window frame has deviations and the sash does not fit tightly to it. If the deviations are within 2-3 mm, then you can tighten the sash using the adjustment of the eccentrics of the locking fittings. There is usually a mark on the eccentric that indicates its position. At maximum tightening, the mark is directed towards the room. By turning all the eccentrics with the mark towards the room, we thereby move the window to winter mode. In summer, it is advisable to install the eccentrics with the mark facing outward so that the seals are not squeezed out so much and more fresh air gets into the room.

The plastic window is sealed around the perimeter polyurethane foam. After the foam has expanded as much as possible (this takes up to 12 hours), its excess must be cut off with a sharp knife, and the seam itself must be plastered or finished with a special sealant. The foam in the seams should not be left open, as it is quickly destroyed by ultraviolet radiation.

Remember! Most problems with plastic windows are the result of improper installation technology. As practice shows, not all companies involved in window installation train their specialists at the proper level. Some of them are not only unable to perform high-quality installation, but also cannot correct their own mistakes. Therefore, contact only professionals large companies or on the recommendation of authoritative friends. Low price Windows with installation is most often a sure way to disappointment!

Seal. Plastic window systems use various seals, which play an important role in sealing and sound insulation. According to GOST 23166-99 “Window blocks” in heated rooms near the window, at least 2 sealing circuits must be provided on opening sashes and 1 circuit on solid structures. In our climate optimal material for window seals is EPTK (ethylene-propylene-thermopolymer-rubber).

With prolonged use, any seal becomes unusable if it is not periodically treated with special products containing silicone oil. These and other products are included in the plastic window care kit, which should be immediately purchased from the installer. Sometimes sealant milk is included as a bonus. Replacing seals is possible, but it is better to teach it a lesson to a specialist.

Plastic windows have long ceased to be a novelty, but, unfortunately, there are still cases when a lot of money spent on their installation ends up in literally thrown to the wind: due to an incorrectly selected design, low-quality materials or unprofessional installation, such windows very quickly become unusable and, at best, require expensive repairs, and at worst, complete replacement. We have prepared information about the most important parameters that you must pay attention to when ordering and installing windows, and asked for advice from a professional expert from the Archdialogue agency.

Well-installed high-quality plastic windows should serve faithfully long years, reliably protecting your home from bad weather and street noise. They have a number of advantages over outdated wooden frames: they do not rot or rust, do not dry out from the sun and do not swell from moisture, do not require regular puttying and painting, have convenient opening mechanisms, are reliable, comfortable and durable in use. The only disadvantage of plastic windows is their flammability and very heavy weight. To choose windows that meet the best characteristics, you need to pay attention to several parameters, which we will discuss in detail.


Plastic or PVC windows consist of a hollow multi-chamber plastic profile with metal reinforcement, double-glazed windows and fittings.

A PVC profile usually has from 2 to 8 hollow chambers. It is believed that the thicker the profile and the more chambers there are, the warmer the windows. However, you should not overpay a lot of money for an extra number of chambers: plastic already has very low heat transfer, so to save money in our climate, it is enough to install high-quality windows with a three-chamber profile, a double-glazed window and two sealing contours - this will ensure effective heat retention indoors in cold weather season.

Double-glazed windows

Heat retention in the house is largely ensured by properly selected double-glazed windows. In residential premises, it is safer and more expedient to install windows with double-glazed windows (i.e., with 3 panes of glass and 2 air chambers between them). Compared to single-chamber double-glazed windows, this is a more expensive option, but the difference in price will be justified by significant savings on heating and greater comfort in winter period.

Single-chamber double-glazed windows (with 2 glasses and 1 air chamber) are significantly inferior to double-chamber ones in heat conservation, but their undoubted advantage is more a light weight and affordable price. It is recommended to install windows with single-chamber double-glazed windows in regions with very warm climates or in non-residential premises: summer cottages, balconies, loggias, verandas, etc. Some manufacturers claim that their single-chamber double-glazed windows, filled with inert gas or, conversely, with highly rarefied air (“vacuum”) inside, retain heat as effectively as double-chamber double-glazed windows, and are much cheaper. However, you shouldn’t believe these marketing tricks - it’s better to pay extra once and order a high-quality double-glazed window than to suffer and suffer from the cold for many years.

Three-chamber double-glazed windows (with 4 glasses and 3 air chambers) are very heavy and require especially durable fittings and special technology installations. In addition, the four glasses included in their composition transmit light much worse compared to single-chamber and double-chamber double-glazed windows. It is recommended to use them only in the extremely cold climate of the Far North, preferably on blind, non-opening windows.

Previously it was believed that the wider the air chamber of a double-glazed window, the less heat will go out into the street through the window. But now it has already been proven that she is fat air gap does not always guarantee effective heat retention: according to the law of convection, warm air from the internal warm glass will rise upward, and cold air from the external cold one will fall down, replacing it. Thus, there is a constant circulation of air masses inside the glass unit, which leads to significant heat loss. Therefore, modern manufacturers are trying to reduce the distance between the glasses.


To provide additional strength to a heavy window structure, the PVC profile is reinforced with an insert, the thickness of the metal in which, according to German standards, must be at least 1.5 mm for ordinary windows and 2 mm for large windows. It is advisable to choose a PVC profile with closed rather than U-shaped reinforcement - it is much stronger and more durable.


When ordering plastic windows, it is very important to choose high-quality, strong fittings, especially for structures with double-glazed windows: weak fittings simply cannot withstand the weight of a heavy frame with three glasses, and within a few months after installation, serious problems with the windows may begin, such as drafts, frame skew , difficulties with opening and closing.

Additional functions

When ordering plastic windows, you can choose the most suitable option for each home. For example, if your windows overlook a noisy road, it is very useful to take care of additional sound insulation. It is achieved by setting double glazing with different glass thicknesses and different widths air chambers between the glasses that will dampen resonance. Top winter ventilation function, profile with built-in ventilation, mosquito net and the opening regulator (“comb”) will become very useful additions to new windows.

What to look for when choosing

To avoid many problems, it is better to order windows from reliable, reputable companies. Indeed, in addition to the high quality of the windows themselves, you need confidence that they will be installed correctly: the vast majority of problems with plastic windows occur not so much because of their low quality, but because of unprofessional installation. Serious companies have a quality certificate for their products and provide a guarantee on their windows for at least 5 years. Another everyday recommendation is to hire someone you know as an assistant who has experience in ordering windows, so that if necessary, he can advise you on something or clarify some important details.

Window adjustment

During operation, any, even the highest quality windows, sag over time from heavy weight and constant loads, their mechanisms begin to work poorly, the frames shift and no longer fit tightly to the base. Therefore, all windows require periodic adjustment. If it is blowing from the window, its handle does not turn well, or there are difficulties opening and closing, this is an indicator that it is time to make an adjustment. You can adjust the window either yourself or by inviting a professional technician to your home.

November 30, 2018

PVC profiles gradually replaced wooden windows, which moved from the lowest to the highest segment. Now the cost of a set made of wood is at least 20% more than that of polyvinyl chloride.

Disputes between supporters of different materials continue to this day. Many people love wood for its appearance, environmental friendliness and durability. Oak windows, the most expensive option, will last up to 90 years versus 30-40 years for plastic.

From an aesthetic point of view, wood is also superior to plastic. Nat... A great discovery occurred in the 60s of the last century: German technologists created the world's first plastic windows. To this day, the same materials are used as 50 years ago. The basis of the entire process is a compound called PVC for short, that is, polyvinyl chloride. In our country, these foreign inventions appeared relatively recently, in the late 90s. And they met great resistance. Only in the last decade have plastic profiles begun to spread...? Can they withstand extreme heat or cold? And how reliable is the protection against thieves? These are questions that customers regularly ask before installation. Where did they come from...

Currently, wooden buildings are popular. However, plastic windows are most often used for glazing such buildings, most likely due to their prevalence, as opposed to the more logical use of wood here. If you decide to install plastic windows in wooden house, You should take into account a number of characteristics so that the installation process in this case goes as smoothly as possible.

Please note that all wooden...

Double-glazed windows are filled with inert gases to reduce heat loss. According to experts, a double-glazed window filled with such gas retains heat in the room by 40% more. Krypton is much more expensive than argon because it has a thermal conductivity 1.5 times less than argon and 2.5 times less than air. Therefore, the heat transfer resistance of such a double-glazed window is quite high. Many people are concerned about the question of whether the gases inside such glass will cause harm... PVC (polyvinyl chloride) in its pure form is too fragile for the production of plastic windows, and therefore it is not used for these purposes. In order to make it a full-fledged material for manufacturing window designs

, you need to add special substances to the PVC composition. For example, lead salts are present in the composition to give the material strength and rigidity. Recently, lead salt has been replaced by calcium or zinc salt. They give the PVC material strength, moisture resistance...

Plastic windows are the best invention for the Russian winter

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