Instagram of Christina Konkova. The “Bachelor” participant had a relationship with Evgeni Plushenko

The romantic reality show “The Bachelor” is recognized by a huge number of fans as one of the most popular shows on Russian television. For 4 seasons in a row, young beauties have been fighting for the hearts of famous Russian bachelors. In the second season of the program, the female cast was very bright. The audience especially remembered the charismatic and strong beauty Kristina Konkova. Interest in her life has not subsided to this day. What makes this participant so attractive and interesting?

Oh sport, you are life!

Among the girls participating in the second season of “The Bachelor,” the well-built blonde stood out primarily because she was recognizable in certain circles. Namely: Kristina Konkova is a figure skater, quite famous in the world of figure skating. The peak of her sports career occurred at the beginning of the 21st century. In 2001, the athlete became the world champion in figure skating among juniors. Having successfully skated for a couple more seasons, Christina ended her sports career in 2004 due to a serious injury. By the way, she performed under her first, maiden name - Oblasova. It was in 2004 that she met her first husband.

Men before the project

Christina's first husband was a hockey player. It is his name that the self-confident blonde bears. But the marriage, not lasting even 10 years, broke up and the couple divorced.

Before marriage, living her life in the world of sports, Kristina Konkova was always surrounded by young people. Promising and sometimes even very famous. For example, even in their youth, Kristina and Evgeni Plushenko were friends, and they even have photographs together. And after meeting the French figure skater Brian Joubert, the beauty completely lost her head and dreamed of at least one romantic date with a popular athlete. Yes, he himself would not mind, since he spoke quite positively about the Russian figure skater. But things never went further than acquaintance.

And other members of foreign teams at championships and competitions tried to court Christina. The French, Spanish, Italians, for example, the energetic and lively Massimo Scali. The girl preferred to maintain purely friendly relations with her Russian colleagues.

After the divorce, the active and strong lady decided not to give up, but to look for her new happiness. This is why she went to the show “Bachelor 2”.

Participation in the reality show “Bachelor”

Having declared herself in the most decisive way at the casting, Konkova easily passed it, just like the first selection of brides at the very beginning of the project.

The bright and courageous girl immediately attracted the attention of the enviable bachelor Maxim. And her rivals never ceased to be amazed at Christina’s sharp tongue, tenacity and temper. At the same time, sincerity, openness, the ability to surprise and seduce (which was just worth her performance in a cabaret at the show “City of Sin”) brought the figure skater to the final of the show.

But in the end, perhaps it was this and the habit of ramming that let him down this time. Kristina Konkova remained only in third place in the fight for the bachelor’s heart.

Life after

Having received the refusal of an enviable and such a desirable groom, Christina, as is typical for her, did not despair and even shared the ideal of the man she wants to see next to her. Stately, brutal brunette. A strong, brave man who takes full responsibility for his words and actions. It is worth noting that many features are characteristic of her. And maybe Kristina Konkova, after the “Bachelor” project, is simply tired of being strong, and she needs a defender and a hero, next to whom she would feel like a truly fragile “blonde”?!

Who is she really?

A charming blonde without complexes was born in September 1985 in Moscow. The capital was and remains her main place of residence. Christina's family is prosperous. Parents, businessmen, cared for and cherished their daughter, for which she is eternally grateful to them and notes this in her interviews.

The girl is a trainer-instructor by training, graduated from the Russian State University of Physical Education. And, despite his failed career in sports, he enjoys coaching.

In addition to sports, Kristina Konkova is engaged in the promotion and promotion of her beauty salon. Initially, she opened it as a nail service office, but over time the business began to gain momentum, and the office transformed into a fairly reputable salon.

Where is the prince?

While running and constantly expanding her own business, the athlete still does not forget about her personal life. She can often be seen at various events, and she is not deprived of male attention.

But, judging by her personal pages on social networks, Kristina Konkova got married, and her photographs show the same man, whose name has not been disclosed. It is clear that young people are happy. They travel together and spend time at parties. Christina gives her prince flirtatious nicknames, flirts and makes advances in her usual manner. The couple looks harmonious, and the love and mutual understanding that reigns between the lovers is striking. Also in some photos you can see the girl’s noticeably rounded tummy... What is this? Bad shots after a hearty dinner or is the couple actually happily awaiting a baby? We look forward to hearing from Christina!

Looking at the example of Kristina Konkova, it is easy to guess the absolute independence and potential of the girls of the show “Bachelor 2”. Initially, they went to the project, publicly declaring their loneliness and, as it turned out, problems in relationships with the opposite sex. And in the end, each of the potential brides turned out to be a strong personality, extraordinary and self-sufficient.


Father and mother Christina are doing business. Three years ago, in one quick interview, Christina, when asked what she was willing to do for the sake of beauty, answered: “Nature gave me everything! Thanks mom and dad!”

Kristina Konkova Graduated from the Russian State University of Physical Culture with a degree in trainer-instructor. Now she conducts individual figure skating lessons, and once performed on ice herself. Favorite hobby the girl was forced to leave after a serious injury, but managed, however, to achieve great success in this field:

Konkova was a world figure skating champion. Some viewers, however, immediately rushed to doubt this fact, since no one could remember the world champion named Konkova. In fact, Christina was the winner of the World Figure Skating Championship, but a junior one, and then performed under the name Oblasov.

In addition, after leaving professional sports, Christina opened her own nail studio, where she was the director.

Kristina Konkova admitted that perfect men for her - a tall sexy brutal man with strong character. It must be said that in 2010 she answered this question “a little” differently:

“The ideal man is responsible, handsome, generous, smart, caring, like my husband.” However, a year ago everything changed: Christina got divorced.

In general, in people Kristina Konkova appreciates the qualities that she herself possesses - courage (according to the girl, she is not afraid of anything) and perseverance, and considers self-development to be the main thing in life.

About your interests Christina says this: “Sport is the key to health and happy life! Driving, dancing and music."

Loves Italian cuisine and here's this joke about blondes:

“A blonde and a brunette are stuck in an elevator. The brunette screams: “Help, help!” Blonde: “Help, help!” Brunette: “Let’s shout together, so people will hear us faster.” Blonde: “Together, together, together!”

According to viewers, on the first evening of meeting the Bachelor, Christina could have looked much better if not for the terrible dress that the show organizers chose for her. However, the tasteless outfit, which added a dozen years to Christina, did not prevent Maxim Chernyavsky from seeing something special in the girl, namely, her directness in communication, sometimes quite harsh, and openness and sincerity. The bachelor gave her the treasured red rose, and Konkova continued to fight in the show. By the way, many fans of the show agreed that this “particular lady” is very similar to Samantha from the famous film “Sex and the City”.

Kristina Konkova I am sure that a man should not know anything about a woman:

“A woman should be a mystery. There is a good proverb: “How smart a woman must be to appear stupid in front of a man.”

// Photo: Official website of the TNT channel

The second season of the show “The Bachelor” is gaining momentum, and fans would be interested to know about the past of the participants, but most girls are reluctant to talk about it or reveal only those details that present them to the public and the bachelor in a favorable light. Remembering the recent, and perhaps already married, “StarHit” decided to find out if everything really looks the way the girls show us. And it turned out that at least one of the contenders for the hand and heart of businessman Maxim Chernyavsky managed to become a star long before she got on the project. We are talking about figure skater Kristina Konkova. The girl immediately attracted the attention of the audience and already now fans are discussing her most actively.

It turned out that in her youth Christina knew Evgeni Plushenko. The girl has already posted a joint photo on her page on social network, boasting that he and Zhenya were in the same company of young skaters. In addition, old interviews with Christina were discovered online, in which she repeatedly stated that she dreams of seducing French figure skater Brian Joubert. Kristina also showed signs of attention to the President of the Russian Figure Skating Federation, Valentin Piseev, although in a joking manner.

Note that Konkova does not hide the fact that she was married and divorced a year ago. Her husband was hockey player Sergei Konkov, who gave her a sonorous surname. The couple met in 2004. At the wedding celebration, Kristina and Sergei danced their first waltz on ice on skates.

Before the wedding, the girl performed under her maiden name Oblasova. Under the name of Kristina Oblasova, she appears in all tournament tables. Until now, her maximum achievement is first place at the World Junior Championships in 2001. That is why in the credits Konkova proudly calls herself the world champion in figure skating. The 2003-2004 season was her last, and Christina left the sport.

Maxim Chernyavsky listened to his grandmother’s opinion, but did it his own way.

The Sunday broadcast of the project about the search for true love was dedicated to introducing the applicants to the female half of Maxim Chernyavsky’s family. The girls were judged by their grandmother, mother and godmother.

Grandmother remembered Anna Sedokova

At a villa in Marrakech, the eastern pearl of the world, the three main women in the life of Maxim Chernyavsky were waiting to meet the first contestant, Masha. To pass the time, they remembered what the first wife of the show's protagonist, Anna Sedokova, with whom he is now divorced, was like. Anna Sedokova and Maxim Chernyavsky have a little daughter, Monica.

“Remember the pink and fluffy one?” — grandmother Marina Chernyavskaya sarcastically asked the bachelor’s mother. She agreed that, indeed, when Anna Sedokova appeared in the house for the first time, she made the best impression on everyone.

“I couldn’t give any advice! - said the grandmother. “I thought it was real.” It turned out not. I'm very afraid of another mistake."

Masha Drigola answered only the truth

Before going to the villa with Masha, Maxim Chernyavsky invited the girl to an elite souvenir boutique. There, they chose the luxurious and soft “Royal Carpet” as a gift to their relatives.

Maxim Chernyavsky and Masha Drigola entered the house and the contestant immediately rushed to hug her grandmother, mother and godmother of the potential groom. But this did not save her from the meticulous interrogation by her grandmother.

Marina Chernyavskaya’s caustic comments cast doubt on whether she liked the girl. “She’s not a lawyer at all. She’s the makings of a lawyer,” grandmother commented on Masha’s story about her profession.

The participant’s excessive enthusiasm surprised the bachelor’s mother. She invited the girl to walk with her in the garden and gave good advice: “If this is your usual behavior, then people get very tired of it.”

When the contestant returned, her grandmother took her to the kitchen to prepare hodgepodge. It turned out that the owner from Masha was simply no good - she didn’t even know how to use a knife and said that she was “afraid” of him.

However, when the dish was ready and Maxim Chernyavsky took a sample, he was satisfied. “Solyanka is a food that I don’t touch. But I liked it!"

Marina Chernyavskaya called Kristina Konkova a boy-woman

After Masha’s visit, the grandmother again began to talk about Anna Sedokova and compare her with the rear admiral’s daughter. “Masha is given money and she doesn’t count it. Anya spent more than Maxim earned. Now she has to work herself, because the free money has run out for her!”

Kristina Konkova was not worried about the impression she would make on the groom's family. She enjoyed a carriage ride and took pictures with the snake charmers.

As expected, the girl did not hide anything about herself. Kristina Konkova talked about her personal life, her career and how she got on the show “The Bachelor.” It turns out that she simply bet her friend's wish when they started playing "American" for drinks. A friend expressed a desire for Christina to go to the project.

The competitive athlete also passed the kitchen text easily. Kristina Konkova ignored her grandmother's advice on culinary arts and prepared cabbage rolls as she saw fit. Marina Chernyavskaya did not miss the moment and asked the girl provocative questions. “Will you drink during pregnancy? Will you breastfeed your children? But Christina was not embarrassed and answered directly.

After everyone said goodbye, grandma gave her verdict. “She is very sincere. But Christina is a fighter, and this is not needed in the house. Do you need a girl?" - she turned to Maxim Chernyavsky, who thought about her words.

Alena Pavlova categorically did not like her grandmother

Alena Pavlova's acquaintance with the female half of Maxim Chernyavsky's family turned out to be the most intense. The grandmother was not at all moved by the love story for the Egyptian that the contestant told. She was outraged when Alena voiced the real reason why she got together with the child’s father. “I had nowhere to live then!” - said the girl.

The applicant could not answer some of Marina Chernyavskaya’s questions at all. Instead of answering, Alena Pavlova began to cry. Seeing that the situation was heating up, Maxim Chernyavsky’s mother took the contestant into the garden. There were invited tattoo artists. They put it on the girls' hands artistic painting henna "Here it is traditional preparation for the wedding! - Maxim Chernyavsky’s mother reassured Alena Pavlova and together they returned to the house.

However, grandma has prepared a new test drive. She voiced Alena’s words that she got along with a young man in Egypt not out of love, but out of calculation. The participant immediately retracted her words and tried to attribute them to her grandmother’s fantasy.

After the girl left the villa, family council a whole scandal broke out. Grandmother was categorically against Alena Pavlova. “This is completely unacceptable! If she enters the family, she will turn Max against me!” — Marina Chernyavskaya was indignant. But main character show stated that he would do as he sees fit.

The penultimate Rose Ceremony was intense.

Three participants in the show “The Bachelor”: Masha Drigola, Kristina Konkova and Alena Pavlova gathered near a pedestal with two roses. Today Maxim Chernyavsky had to choose two finalists. One of them will become his wife in the near future.

The first rose went to Masha Drigola, the second went to Alena Pavlova, who almost fainted from excitement. Kristina Konkova was left without a flower. She courageously met the bachelor’s decision and invited Maxim Chernyavsky to remain friends.

Watch the finale of the most romantic project on TNT next Sunday! The Bachelor show will start at 21:00. Don't miss the most interesting broadcast!

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(12.09.85) - participant in the 2nd season of the show “The Bachelor” on TNT, former 2001 world champion in figure skating among juniors (performed under the name Oblasova). In 2004, she retired from big-time sports. Her parameters: height - 172 cm.

Some saw in her a resemblance to actress Kim Cattrall, who plays Samantha in the TV series Sex and the City.

Christina was born in Moscow into a family of businessmen. Graduated from Russian State University Physical Culture. Currently she is a figure skating coach. She has a small business - her own nail studio.

Christina assures that she is not afraid of anything, and about her interests she says this: “Sport is the key to health and a happy life! Driving, dancing and music." Christina has a sense of humor and, despite the fact that she is a blonde, she likes to tell the following joke: “A blonde and a brunette got stuck in an elevator. The brunette screams: “Help, help!” Blonde: “Help, help!” Brunette: “Let’s shout together, so people will hear us faster.” Blonde: “Together, together, together!”

The ideal man for Christina: a sexy, handsome brutal man with a strong character. He must be responsible, generous, smart and caring, capable. As you can see, the girl has considerable demands. Perhaps that is why she divorced hockey player Sergei Konkov a year ago. They met in 2004 and danced their first waltz on ice on skates at their wedding celebration. What stopped them from life together- it is unknown, but, left alone, the girl does not think of giving in to despondency and that is why she decided to take part in the show.

From the first days of the show, she proved herself to be a brave and bright participant.

“Christina is the very sincerity and openness. Great sense of humor, tenacity. She will be an ideal wife, girlfriend for a significant man who is not interested in artificial mushi-pusi, whining. Wonderful girl. Maxim is too weak for her,”- write her fans. Others think that she is “terrible” and criticize her for her lack of taste. For example, they didn't like her dress at the first ceremony.

However, Maxim Chernyavsky liked her for her sincerity and openness. For example, in Los Vegas during latest issue show, to Maxim’s question about whether money affects relationships in a couple, only she answered with a decisive “yes.” Many girls remained silent, and red-haired Kristina Podgurskaya began to assure that money had no effect. Podgurskaya paid for such hypocrisy (she had to leave the show), as she once spoke about other circumstances of her life. Her rivals immediately caught her lying, but Kristina Konkova was most indignant.

Then she rose even more in the eyes of Bachelor 2, not being afraid to perform in the most expensive cabaret - the Sin City show. She received a rose, Maxim’s kiss and, stunned by her success, said: “It’s as if he had already chosen me...”. Whether you chose it or not, time will tell.



Bachelor 2 on TNT is developing according to a Hollywood plot: passions are off the charts...





Photos of show participants:


Anna Sedokova got married

Why did Yuliana Ilyina leave the project?