The name that is being translated. Gothic names

Bulgaria is a generous country. There's a lot here. Lots of sun and sea, smiles and good mood, greenery, fruits and vegetables.

Here's what else turned out to be a lot, so these are the names involved in Bulgarian passports. There are probably no such number of them in any other country, in Europe for sure. Full review I won't even try to make Bulgarian names. In order, it seems, it is necessary to graduate from the philological faculty of the university.

First of all, in Bulgaria there are all the famous Slavic names and various diminutive derivatives formed from them, which are also used as independent names. Ivan - Ivanka, Dimitar - Dimitrinka, Todor - Todorka, Stoyan - Stoyanka, Zdravko - Zdravka, Tsvetan - Tsvetanka, Milen - Milena, etc. etc.

Bulgarian female names are full of variety: Shchilyanka, Zhivka, Siyana, Tsvetka, Khristinka, Ivanka, Petya (namely Petya, in Bulgaria there is also a female name Vanya), Petka, Penka, Yordanka, Mariyka (the name Maria is present in itself and is one of the most common). Belotsveta, Beads, Berislav, Desislav, Bozhana, Chrysantha, Gisela, Jasmine, Rusana, Svetlena, Svetla, Zornitsa, Zaryana, Svetozar, Tsvetomir - an incredible number of beautiful and, most importantly, rare names. The name of the Bulgarian princess is Kalina. This is Lyubka in Russia - not the most respectful nickname, and even the nickname of a goat. And in Bulgaria it can be written in the passport of the owner of this name.

In male names in Bulgaria, there are all conceivable Glories (Zlatoslav, Miroslav, Radoslav, Vladislav, Svetoslav, Berislav, Borislav, Dezislav) as well as Miras (Radomir, Lubomir, Zlatomir, Stanimir, Krasimir, Vladimir). Mitko, Mirko, Tudko, Venko, Nedko, Zhivko, Radko, Zlatko, Batko are popular. And then there are such names as Galin, Lyudmil, Dobrin, Ognyan and Svetlin.

Turkish times left the names Demir and Demir in Bulgarian passports, but they are not so popular today, although some muslim names present - Mehmed, Mustafa, Emine. The names left from the nomadic Turkic tribes, such as Asparukh and Krum, are almost never found.

Bulgaria is the land of Angels. There are about 50,000 men bearing this name. Surely, in no country in the world there are so many Angels, and even with passports where this is written. Well, exactly, a paradise country - Bulgaria.

There are many Apostles in Bulgaria. And the most unusual male name, perhaps, Mr. When I first heard such a name, I thought that the man who introduced himself to them was joking.

In Bulgaria, as in neighboring Romania, there are many gypsies. Therefore, among the Bulgarians there are many people with gypsy names - Shukar, Evseniya, Gozho, Godyavir, Bakhtalo. Of the pan-European names, the first place in Bulgaria is firmly held by the names Alexander and Victoria. There are many names in Bulgaria “according to mood”: Veselin and Veselin, Radostin, Zdravka, Svetlina.

Even at the border I noticed that the name in Bulgaria is much more important than the surname. Border guards identify people primarily by name and date of birth. Later, when buying a TV in the warranty card, in the column “buyer (buyer)”, only my name was also written down. Officially, the Bulgarians also have a patronymic, but in real life completely unused.

With so many names in Bulgaria, they have long been confused about who should celebrate the name day, and they introduced a wonderful holiday - the Day of All Bulgarian Saints.

In January 2010, the Bulgarian National Institute of Statistics published the latest official statistics on proper names in Bulgaria.

According to these data, the number of names is more than 67 thousand (29 thousand for men and 38 thousand for women). Most common male names in Bulgaria George and Ivan. Almost 1,372,000 men in Bulgaria (38%) are bearers of these names. Ivans celebrate their Ivanovden holiday on January 7th.

The variety of names among women is much greater. Mary is the most common - more than 125 thousand women have this name, and if we take into account its derivative Mariyka (35 thousand women), then leadership is obvious.

According to the Institute, significant changes are taking place in the structure of Bulgarian names. Newborn boys today are most often called Georges, and girls Victoria. AT last years in Bulgaria there is a noticeable tendency to name girls double names. Today, Anna-Maria, Marie-Magdalena, Marie-Antoinette are growing up in the country. So far, the trend of double names has not spread to boys.

Source of statistics:

OTHER COUNTRIES (select from list) Australia Austria England Armenia Belgium Bulgaria Hungary Germany Netherlands Denmark Ireland Iceland Spain Italy Canada Latvia Lithuania New Zealand Norway Poland Russia (Belgorod region) Russia (Moscow) Russia (summary by region) Northern Ireland Serbia Slovenia USA Turkey Ukraine Wales Finland France Czech Republic Switzerland Sweden Scotland Estonia

select a country and click on it - a page with lists of popular names will open

State in South East Europe, in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. The capital is Sofia. Population - 7,202,198 (2014). I will also give data on ethnic groups and languages ​​(for 2011). 84.8% are Bulgarians. The second largest group is the Turks (8.8%). 4.9% of Gypsies live, 0.15% of Russians, as well as Armenians, Circassians, Romanians, Ukrainians, Greeks, Karakachans, Jews, Gagauz. Most of the inhabitants of Bulgaria are Orthodox Christians (83.96%), 0.85% are Catholics, 1.12% are Protestants. 2.02% - Muslims, 0.012% - Jews. Official language- Bulgarian, which is native to 85.2% of the population. The Bulgarian alphabet, as you know, is Cyrillic.

Turkish is the native language for 8.8% of people. It is widely distributed in the regions of Kardzhali, Razgrad, Targovishte, Shumen, Silistra, Dobrich, Ruse and Burgas.

The Bulgarian personal name is similar to the Russian one, since the basis of both are names from the Orthodox church calendar. The Bulgarians have a lot of names of Slavic origin. There are Thracians. Turkish, despite the long Turkish rule, the Bulgarians are almost not perceived. A feature of the Bulgarian naming in comparison with Russian is the widespread use of short forms of names as official diminutives (for example: Boyko, Vlado, Drago, Miro, Rado, Slavko).

The official statistics of names in Bulgaria is supplied by the National Statistical Institute. This statistic has been available on its website since 2010. It is usually published in late December or early January and does not include data for December. Therefore, the statistics on the names in the Institute's press releases are preliminary. In 2011, he published a press release containing information about the most popular names in Bulgaria in 2007–2010

20 most common male names

PlaceNameNumber of media% carriers
1 Georgi171356 4.9
2 Ivan164858 4.7
3 Dimitar126990 3.6
4 Nicholas94637 2.7
5 Petar76968 2.2
6 Christo62592 1.8
7 Alexander57313 1.6
8 Stephen53728 1.5
9 Jordan53352 1.5
10 Vasil51607 1.5
11 Todor50090 1.4
12 Stoyan49667 1.4
13 Atanas47109 1.3
14 Angel46513 1.3
15 Krasimir44984 1.3
16 flames41282 1.2
17 Nikola39178 1.1
18 Ivaylo35771 1.0
19 Valentine33740 1.0
20 Emil32330 0.9

Of the Muslim male names in modern Bulgaria, the most common are Mehmed(16 thousand), Ahmed(14 thousand), Mustafa(12 thousand).

20 most common female names

PlaceNameNumber of media% carriers
1 Maria120049 3.2
2 Ivanka63675 1.7
3 Elena54778 1.5
4 Jordanian40497 1.1
5 Penka33228 0.9
6 Daniela30451 0.8
7 Rositsa30143 0.8
8 Mariyka30052 0.8
9 Peter29485 0.8
10 Desislava29468 0.8
11 Gergana27894 0.8
12 Violeta27102 0.7
13 margarita26978 0.7
14 Hope26350 0.7
15 Radka26002 0.7
16 Silvia24786 0.7
17 Emilia24729 0.7
18 Blush24694 0.7
19 Victoria23640 0.6
20 Parking23567 0.6

Of the female Muslim names in modern Bulgaria, the most common are Fatme(17 thousand), Aisha(15 thousand), Emine(10 thousand).

20 most common male newborn names

PlaceNameNumber of named% named
1 Georgi1249 3.5
2 Alexander1222 3.5
3 Martin1024 2.9
4 Ivan821 2.3
5 Dimitar775 2.2
6 Nikola750 2.1
7 Daniel701 2.0
8 Nicholas696 2.0
9 Victor693 2.0
10 Kaloyan628 1.8
11 Christian550 1.6
12 Boris513 1.5
13 Theodore503 1.4
14 Bozidar477 1.4
15 Stephen406 1.2
16 Petar379 1.1
17 Alex376 1.1
18 Michael349 1.0
19 Christo348 1.0
20 Ivaylo348 1.0

The most common male names of newborns from Muslim families: Emir(202) and Mert (133).

20 most common female baby names

PlaceNameNumber of named% named
1 Victoria931 2.8
2 Nicol883 2.6
3 Maria862 2.6
4 Alexandra592 1.8
5 Gabriela494 1.5
6 Darius448 1.3
7 Yoana412 1.2
8 Raya408 1.2
9 Sofia377 1.1
10 Simone355 1.1
11 Elena339 1.0
12 Theodora313 0.9
13 Siyana307 0.9
14 Gergana296 0.9
15 Michaela265 0.8
16 Ivayla248 0.7
17 Magdalena244 0.7
18 Bozhidara240 0.7
19 ema219 0.7
20 Stephanie211 0.6

The most common female names of newborns from Muslim families: Elif(136) and Melek (98).

One publication has the top 20 names of newborns in Bulgaria in 1980. Here are the first 10 names from that list.

Men's: Ivan, Georgi, Dimitar, Petar, Christo, Nikolai, Todor, Jordan, Stoyan, Vasil
Women's: Maria, Ivanka, Elena, Mariyka, Jordanka, Ana, Penka, Hope, Radka, Anka

You can clearly see how much the top 10 female names have been updated. Of the former composition, after 30 years, only the name remained. Maria. The male part of the name changed more slowly. In the modern top 10 we find 4 names from the top 10 of 1980: Ivan, Georgi, Dimitar, Nikolay.

Many of the above names of Bulgarians among Russians meet correspondences that are traditional and familiar to Russians. There are few unusual names for Russians in the top 20. I will give some of them with etymological explanations.

Bozidar- translation (tracing paper) Greek name Theodore i.e. "god" + "gift". The feminine form of the name is Bozhidar.

Desislava- feminine to Desislav(fam. from decity"find, comprehend" + glory).

Ivaylo- the name of the Bulgarian king in 1277-1280. It can also be a variant of the name Ivan and type of name Vjlo(translated as "wolf"). The feminine form of the name is Evayla.

Kaloyan- the male name of several historical figures. Among them are the Byzantine emperor from 1118 to 1143 and the king of Bulgaria from 1197 to 1207. The name comes from the Greek Kaloiōannēs, which means "good John" or "beautiful John". The feminine form of the name is Kaloyan.

Penkafemale form name Penko. The latter is the folk form of the name Petar(Russian Peter). According to another etymology, an abbreviation for Petkana(from the name of the day of the week "Friday").

Radka(female) - from glad("joyful").

Rositsa(feminine) - either associated with the word dew, or feminine to Rosen(flower name rosen, in Russian dittany).

Blush- feminine form of the name Rumen("ruddy", that is, having healthy red cheeks).

Siyana(female) - "bright, light." Although it may well be a derivative of such female names as Vasiyana, Kasiyan, Rusiyana etc., or name Sia("bright" or from the name Anastasia).

Bulgarian belongs to the southern group Slavic languages, which are part of the Indo-European language family.

The modern Bulgarian name book contains names that are different in origin and belong to different eras. The most ancient include names common to most Slavic peoples, such as Velislav, Vladimir / Vladimir, Vladislav, Dragomir, Radomer / Radomir. Subsequently, they underwent significant changes. For example, on behalf of Vladimir, the male names Vlad, Vlado, Vladai, Vladaicho, Vladan, Vladin, Vladun, Vladio, Vlaiko, Vlaicho, Lado are formed in Bulgarian. and women's - Vlad, Vladepa, Vladka, Vladimirka, Vladitsa, Vladunka, Frankincense.

With the adoption of Christianity by the Bulgarians (about 865), a large number of Christian names (Greek, Hebrew, Latin in origin) appear in Bulgarian anthroponymy: Aleksandar, Georgi, Ivan, Christo, Ana, Maria, Julia. Often, Christian names were replaced by tracing-translations understandable to the people: Petar (Greek) - Kamen, Theodosius, Todor (Greek) - Bozhidar, Bogdan. In other cases, they adapted to the pronunciation norms of the Bulgarian language: Dimitri (Greek) - Dimitar, Dimo, Dimcho, Yolazar (Jewish) - Lazar, Lazo, Lacho.

The most significant layer of names, both male and female, formed on the basis of the vocabulary of the Bulgarian language. These are appellative names, for example: Zlatan, Parvan, Valkan, Krusho. In some cases, these are amulets, names-wishes that were given to the child in order to protect him from evil spirits and all sorts of troubles, for example: Vyako, Dobri, Zhivko, Zdravko, Lyubek, Ognyan, Stoyan. Women's names regularly formed from male personal names, while male ones from female ones are much less common: Zlat (male) - Zlatitsa (female), Sold - Sold, but Ruzha (female) - Ruzhan (male), Ekaterina - Ekaterina.

A characteristic feature of the Bulgarian anthroponymic system is a large number of formants, which made it possible to form different names with the same semantics from one name or root: for male names, the suffixes -an, -yan, -din, -en, -il -in, -ko, -oh, -osh, -ush, -cho, for female names -a, -ya, -ka, -tsa, -che. Some of them give names a certain stylistic

coloring. So, formants -ko, -cho (masculine), -ka ( female) can
bring a diminutive connotation to the meaning of the name (especially if there are parallel forms of names: Andrei - Andreicho - Andreiko, Mladen - Mladencho,
Lila - Lila). Proper diminutive suffixes: male names entse (Vasio - Vasentse), female names -che (Maria - Mariyche). This category of names can also be used with the postpositive member -to.

Despite the long Turkish rule over Balkan Peninsula, Turkish personal names are accepted by the Bulgarians to a very small extent; Turkish anthroponyms are common among Bulgarians who converted to Islam (Pomaks).

During the period of the Bulgarian Revival (XIX century), the number of borrowed foreign names increased, penetrating through literature, newspapers and magazines or associated with certain political or historical events, for example: Robinson, Romeo, Margarita, Lyudmila, Gurko, Venelin.

The Bulgarian personal name list is constantly enriched and replenished with new names, borrowed or created according to the type of the well-known word-formation model: Plamen, Vihren (modeled after Rumen), Svetomir/Svetlomir (modelled after Vladimir), Snezhana/Snezhanka (modelled after Bozhan), Snezhinka.

The choice of the AI ​​child by the parents in contemporary practice arbitrary. In the past, the most common tradition was to name the first child - a boy by the name of his paternal grandfather, a girl - by the name of her grandmother, also by her father's side. The second child was named after the maternal grandfather or grandmother. If a child was born on the day of the commemoration of a saint or on the day church holiday, then he was given the name of this saint or was named in honor of the holiday, for example, Ducho - in honor of the day of the Holy Spirit, Vrachen.
The surname was not typical for the Bulgarians and appeared (in modern meaning) not earlier than the period of the Bulgarian revival. Prior to this, patronyms ending in -ov, -ee (Petkov, Gotsev) and matronyms ending in -in (Dankin, Jordan) performed the function possessive adjectives and used to explain AI. The same function was performed by toponyms in -ski, -chki, -shka, for example, Kliment Ohridski (that is, from Ohrid), Dimcho Lesicherski (that is, from the village of Lesicharka), as well as numerous nicknames and nicknames such as Noncho Plyaka (ta) - plyaka ( colloquial) "cunning", Mara Papazulya (ta) -papazulya (dial.) "hit".

However, the process of fixing the patronymic and turning it into a surname gradually intensified. After the liberation of Bulgaria from the yoke of the Ottoman Empire (1878), with the establishment of new socio-political and cultural relations, AM “AI + surname” became widespread. Most often, the surname was formed from the AI ​​of the father (less often the mother), sometimes the grandfather or more distant ancestors. Surnames could also be formed from nicknames (Mechkov-mechkata "bear"), the names of professions and occupations (Kovachev, Kovachki, Kovashki<ковач «кузнец »; Сакаджиев, Сакаджийски<сакаджия «водонос »), топонимов (Ковачес/ш — названия села Ковачево). Женские фамилии образовывались от мужских прибавлением окончания -а (Ковачева). Фамилии на -ич, -ович, -оглу, -олу, распространенные в XIX веке, не характерны для современной антропонимической системы болгар.

The introduction of a third term into AM in some cases can also be considered a feature of the modern Bulgarian anthroponymic system. In passports, orders, statements and other official documents, the trinomial "II + OI + NI" (Zakhara Stoyanov Nakolov) is used for identification of a person. The use of a trinomial is a sign of pure officiality. Sometimes, in writing, the full AI or OR can be replaced by initials.

In everyday life, both in official and in family and everyday communication, the binomial "II + surname" is used. In the official business sphere of public life, they address by last name or by position, profession with the addition of the words drugar, friendarka "comrade" in the vocative form: friend Kolya, friendarka Stankova. In family and everyday communication, Bulgarians most often use a personal name: Todore, Petre, Elena, None.

In the colloquial language, when respectfully addressing an older person, the terms of kinship in the vocative form were previously widely used (either alone or in combination with AI); uncle "grandfather", "grandfather", bai, chicho "uncle", bae, bate "elder brother", woman "grandmother", lelya "aunt", kaka "elder sister", "elder woman". In modern colloquial practice (colloquial), only the words bai and kaka are actively used, for example: bai Stoyane, kako Donke.

Thinking about strange names - which for some reason parents come up with, and then the child will suffer all his life - was prompted by today's news from the Ryazan region. The hard workers, who are experiencing an acute attack of patri(id)otism, have named their boy...United Russia. “Father Valentin from our village church fully supported and blessed this choice of name,” the happy father noted and reminded reporters that two years ago he named his daughter Putin.

In general, almost a joke. Cleaner than any, God forgive me, Dazdraperma. But, I thought, do metalists have such pushes? Well, call your son Slayer. Or daughter Sepultura. Have you heard of these...

And if you decide to stand out yourself, here is a list of "gothic baby names" compiled by for thought. The option, of course, is rather for the English-speaking, but how the idea will come down ...

Absinthe - absinthe. (I don’t think I need to explain what kind of gloomy booze this is.)
Ague is the name given to malaria in the Middle Ages.
Ahriman is a destroying spirit, the personification of the evil inclination in Zoroastrianism.
Alcina is a sorceress from Italian legends.
Amanita is the mistress of poisoned mushrooms.
Amarantha is a mythological unfading flower from Greek myths.
Amaranthus - Amaranth flower, also known as "love lies bleeding." In ancient times it was used to stop bleeding.
Amethyst - amethyst. The ability to save from drunkenness, as well as from celibacy, is associated with this stone. And astrology is considered a symbol of divine understanding.
Annabel Lee is the heroine of a tragic poem by Edgar Allan Poe.
Artemisia is a character from Greek mythology, as well as a variety of wormwood used to make absinthe.
Ash - ashes.
Asmodeus is one of the names of Satan.
Astaroth is a Christian demon.
Asura is a "demon" in Hinduism.
Asya - they say in Swahili means "born in a time of sadness."
Atropine is a kind of poison.
Avalon is the place where King Arthur went after his death.
Avarice - greed. One of the seven deadly sins.
Aveira means "sin" in Hebrew.
Avon - in Hebrew - impulsive sin of voluptuousness.
Azazel is a biblical demon in the form of a goat.
Azrael (Esdras) - Angel of Death according to the Qur'an.
Beelzebub is the Hebrew version of Satan.
Belial is another Satan.
Belinda is one of the moons of the planet Uranus. Presumably, the etymology of this word is based on the ancient designation of a snake.
Belladonna is a poisonous plant with purple flowers.
Blood - what a great name!..
Bran/Branwen is the Celtic word for raven.
Briar - thorn, thorn.
Chalice is a special cup for holy blood.
Chaos - Chaos. In the original meaning: the state in which the universe was before the reign of the Greek gods.
Chimera / Chimaera - Chimera. In Greek mythology, a hybrid monster with the head and neck of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a snake.
Chrysanthemum - chrysanthemum. A flower considered a symbol of death in Japan and some European countries.
Cinder is another name for ash.
Corvus/Cornix is ​​Latin for "raven".
Dark/Darque/Darkling etc. - several versions of darkness...
Demon/Daemon/Demona - A variation on the theme of demons.
Dies Irae - day of wrath, judgment day.
Digitalis - digitalis, another poisonous flower.
Diti is the mother of a demon in Hinduism.
Dolores means "sorrows" in Spanish.
Draconia - From "draconian", which means "severe" or "extremely serious."
Dystopia is the opposite of Utopia. Fantastic place where everything is very bad.
Elysium - in Greek mythology, dead heroes go there.
Ember - fading embers.
Esmeree - according to legend, the daughter of the Welsh king, turned into a snake by the efforts of sorcerers. She returned to human form thanks to the kiss of a beautiful young man.
Eurydice - Eurydice, a tragic female figure in Greek mythology.
Evilyn is a beautiful female given name with the root "evil". It looks like it came from an old cartoon.
Felony - sounds almost like the common Melanie, but it also means "a serious criminal offense."
Gefjun/Gefion is a Norse goddess who took dead virgins under her care.
Gehenna is the name of Hell in the New Testament.
Golgotha ​​is Hebrew for skull. Hill in the form of a skull, on which the crucifixion of Christ.
Grendel is the monster in Beowulf.
Griffin/Gryphon is a mythological monstrous hybrid: the body of a lion, wings and the head of an eagle.
Grigori are fallen angels in the Bible.
Grimoire is a grimoire. A book describing magical rituals and spells, containing magical recipes.
Hades is the Greek god of the underworld.
Hecate is the ancient Greek deity of moonlight, a powerful sorceress.
Hellebore - hellebore. A flower blooming in the snow in the middle of winter. According to medieval belief, it saves from leprosy and insanity.
Hemlock - hemlock. Strong poison. They poisoned, for example, Socrates.
Inclementia is Latin for cruelty.
Innominata is the name of the embalming agent.
Isolde is a Celtic name meaning "beauty", "she who is looked at". Gained fame thanks to the medieval chivalric romance of the XII century, Tristan and Isolde.
Israfil / Rafael / Israfel - an angel who must cut through the beginning of the Day of Judgment.
Kalma is an ancient Finnish goddess of death. Her name means "dead stench".
Lachrimae means "tears" in Latin.
Lamia - "witch", "sorceress" in Latin.
Lanius means "executioner" in Latin.
Leila means "night" in Arabic.
Lenore is the heroine of the poetry of Edgar Allan Poe.
Lethe - Summer. The river of oblivion in the underworld in Greek mythology.
Lilith is Adam's notorious first wife. Very sinister.
Lily - lily. Traditional funeral flower.
Lucifer is a fallen angel, often associated with the Devil.
Luna - "moon", Latin.
Malady is practically Melody, but no. The word means "illness".
Malice - bad intentions.
Malik is the angel who rules over Hell according to the Qur'an.
Mara - in Scandinavian mythology, a demon who sits on his chest at night and causes bad dreams (nightmare). The Greeks knew this demon under the name of Ephialtes, and the Romans called it an incubo. Among the Slavs, this role is played by kikimora. In Hebrew "mara" means "bitter".
Melancholia is a very gothic doom name for a girl. Or a boy...
Melania/Melanie - "black" in Greek.
Melanthe means "black flower" in Greek.
Merula means "black bird" in Latin.
Mephistopheles / Mephisto - in the Renaissance, this was the name of the Devil.
Minax is Latin for "threat".
Misericordia is Latin for compassionate heart.
Mitternacht means "midnight" in German.
Miyuki means "silence of deep snow" in Japanese.
Moon, Moonless, Moonlight - everything that concerns the Moon. By the way, the moon is an ancient symbol of fertility.
Moirai - Moirai. Greek goddesses of fate.
Monstrance is an empty cross, inside of which the holy spirit is "sealed".
Morrigan is the Celtic goddess of war and fertility.
Mort(e) - "death", "dead" in French.
Mortifer / Mortifera - Latin equivalents of the words "lethal", "fatal", "deadly".
Mortis is a form of the Latin word for death.
Mortualia - grave pit.
Natrix is ​​Latin for "water snake".
Nephilim - Nephilim. Representative of the race of giants, the sons of fallen angels.
Nocturne - nocturne. Romantic "night" genre of music.
obsidian - obsidian. Black stone formed from volcanic eruptions. Used in surgery, because. is sharper than steel.
Oleander - oleander. A beautiful poisonous flower.
Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, symbolizing the end, the end.
Orchid - an orchid. Exotic rare flower. Often used as decoration in glamorous western gothic clubs.
Osiris is the Egyptian lord of the underworld.
Penance - repentance, penance.
Perdita - sounds great in Russian!!! This name was coined by Shakespeare, in Latin it means "lost".
Pestilentia is a Latin term meaning "plague", "unhealthy atmosphere".
Reaper - aka Great Reaper, Grim Reaper. English - male - a variant of a bony old woman with a scythe.
Sabine / Sabina - Sabines or Sabines. The people of the Italian group. According to legend, the Romans kidnapped the Sabine women during one of the festivities in order to take them as their wives. About a year later, the Sabin army approached Rome to free the captives, but they entered the battlefield with babies from new husbands in their arms and achieved reconciliation of the parties.
Sabrina/Sabre/Sabrenn - Celtic goddess of the River Severn.
Salem is a popular witch massacre in Massachusetts.
Samael is the Angel of Death according to the Talmud.
Samhain is similar to Halloween.
Sanctuary - a sanctuary.
Serpent - "serpent". A symbol of evil in many cultures.
Shadow - "shadow". By the way, a common nickname for black cats.
Tansy - tansy. According to legend, its seeds provoke miscarriages.
Tartarus is the Greek equivalent of Hell.
Tenebrae is Latin for "darkness".
Thorn(e) - thorn.
Tristesse/Tristessa - "sorrow" in French and Italian.
Umbra is another word meaning "darkness".
Vespers are morning prayers in Catholicism.
Willow - willow. "Weeping tree", a symbol of mortal sadness.
Wolf (e) - how could it be without a wolf ...
Xenobia means "outsider" in Greek.
Yama/Yamaraja is the lord of death in Hinduism.

English female names are very popular not only in English-speaking countries, but throughout the world. Some of them are used in their original form, some are transformed and adjusted to the norms of a particular language. But the meaning and origin of the name always remain the same.

If you are interested in English culture or are looking for a beautiful and unusual name for your daughter, this article will provide you with a lot of useful information.

English female names and their meanings

The name of a person most directly affects his fate. Therefore, it will be very useful to know what a particular name means before choosing it for yourself or giving it to your beloved child. The following list of English female names and their meanings will help to understand this issue:

Agatha Agata kind, good
Agnes Agnes Innocent, blameless
Adelaide Adelaida noble
Ayda Ida Industrious
iris iris rainbow goddess
Alice Alice noble
Amanda Amanda Pleasant
Amelia Amelia Industrious
Anastasia Anastasia resurrection
Angelina Angelina Angelic
Anna Ann Mercy
Ariel Ariel God's might
Arya Arya noble
Barbara Barbara foreigner
Beatrice Beatrice Blessed
Bridget Bridget Worthy of respect
Britney Britney Little Britain
Betty Batty Oath to the gods
Valerie Valery Strong, brave
Vanessa Vanessa Butterfly
Wendy Wendy Friend
Veronica Veronica The one that brings victory
Vivien Vivian live
Victoria Victoria winner
Viola Viola violet flower
Gabriella Gabriel god man
Gwen Gwen Fair
Gwyneth Gwinnett Happiness
Gloria Gloria Glory
Grace grace Grace
Debra Debra honey bee
Janet Juliet Girl with soft hair
Jane Jane God's Mercy
Janice Janice Gracious
Jenny Jenny Gracious
jennifer Jennifer Enchantress
Jesy Jessie God's grace
Jessica Jessica Treasure
Jill Gill Curly
Gina Gina immaculate
Joan Joan Merciful God's Gift
Jody Jodie gemstone
Joyce Joyce ruler, leader
Jocelyn Jocelyn Cheerful
Judy Judy glorification
Julia Julia soft-haired
June June soft-haired
Diana Diana Divine
Dorothy Dorothy divine gift
Eve Eva Life
Jacqueline Jacqueline May god protect
Jeannette Janet Young woman
Josephine Josephine fertile woman
Zara Zara Dawn
Zoe Zoe Life
ivy Ivy goddess of food
Isabel Isabella Goddess of Oath
Irma Irma Noble
Irene Irene Mirnaya
Camila camilla Worthy to serve the gods
Caroline Caroline human
Karen Karen Purity
Cassandra Cassandra shining
Catherine Katherine Purity
kimberley Kimberly Born in the royal meadow
Constance Constance Constant
Christina Christine Christian
Cayley Kelly Warrior
candy Candy Sincere
Laura Laura laurel
Leila Leila night beauty
Leona Leona Lioness
Leslie Lesley oak garden
Lydia Lydia rich
Lillian Lillian immaculate lily
Linda Linda Beautiful girl
lois Louise famous warrior
Lucy Lucy Bringing light and good luck
Madeleine Madeline Great
Margaret Margaret Zhemchuzhin
Maria Maria Bitterness
Marsha Marcia Goddess of War
Melissa Melissa Honey
Marian Marian Grace
Miranda Miranda Delightful
Mia Mia Stubborn, rebellious
Molly Molly mistress of the sea
Mona Mona Hermit
Monica Monica adviser
Maggie Maggie Pearl
Madison Madison kind-hearted
May May Young woman
Mandy Mandy worthy of love
Mary Mary mistress of the seas
Muriel Muriel bitter
Naomi Naomi Delight
Natalie Nataly Born on Christmas
Nicole Nicole Victory
Nora Nora Ninth daughter
Norm Norma Approximate
Nancy Nancy Grace
Audrey Audrey noble
Olivia Olivia Peace
Pamela Pamela playful
Patricia Patricia noble
Paula Paula Petite
Pegi Peggy Pearl
Page Page Child
penalties Penny Weaving in silence
Poly Polly The bitterness of rebellion
Priscila Priscilla Ancient
Rebecca Rebecca Trap
Regina Regina Integrity
Rachel Rachel Lamb
Rosemary Rosemary sea ​​dew
Rose Rose rose flower
Ruth Ruth Friendship
Sabrina Sabrina Noble
Sally Sally Princess
Samantha Samantha God listened
Sandra Sandra Protector of men
Sarah Sara Princess
Selene Selena Moon
Sandy Sandy Defender of Humanity
Cecilia Cecil blind
scarlet scarlet Fabric Saleswoman
Sophie Sophia Wisdom
Stacey Stacy Rising again
Stele Stella Star
Susan Susan Lily
Suzanne Susan little lily
Theresa Teresa Reaper
Tina Tina Petite
Tiffany Tiffany Manifestation of a god
Tracy Tracy market road
Florence Florence blooming
Heather Heather blooming heather
Chloe Chloe blooming
Charlotte Charlote Person
Sheila Sheila blind
Cheryl Cheryl Darling
Sharon Sharon Princess
Sherry Sherry Darling
Shirley Shirley beautiful settlement
Abileil Abigayle Father's Joy
Evelyn Evelyn Small bird
Edison Edison Edward's son
Edith Edith Welfare, struggle
Avery Avery Elf
Eleanor Eleanor Outlander, other
Elizabeth Elizabeth My oath is god
Ella Ella Torch
Emily Emily rival
Emma Emma Comprehensive
Esther Esther Star
Ashley Ashley Ash Grove

It is noteworthy that very little has survived to this day. The vast majority were borrowed from other cultures: Hebrew, Ancient Greek Celtic, Norman, etc. At that time, people received names that praised the forces of nature, gods, and any human qualities.

Therefore, the meanings of names can be unusual and even ridiculous for a modern person. For example, the popular name Rachel today means "lamb" or "little sheep."

After Christianity came to Europe, the list of English names included the names of biblical characters (Sarah, Agnes). Many names are associated with the occupation of a person (Bailey is a sheriff's assistant; Abella is a shepherdess). Sometimes the abbreviated version of the name becomes an independent unit, for example, Victoria - Wiki; Rebecca - Becky; Angelina - Angie.

Popular English female names

Name trends come and go. Some previously are forgotten forever, and some return from time to time - often in their original form, but sometimes in a new interpretation.

Olivia, Emma and Sophie are the most popular female names according to UK National Statistics.

Top 30 English female names are presented below:

Very often, fashion series or films influence the degree of popularity of a particular name.. For example, the name Arya, which is in 24th place in the ranking of popular female names in the UK in 2014, was named one of the main characters of the popular TV series Game of Thrones.

Also suddenly the names of other heroines of this series - Sansa, Brienne, Kaitelyn and Daenerys - began to be used frequently.

The name Isabella (Bella) was rarely used until recently. A new life was given to him by the heroine of the Twilight saga, Bella Swan. The first part of the film was released in 2008, and since that time the name Isabella has been annually among the most popular English female names.

And how many girls today bear the name of Harry Potter's faithful friend - Hermione! Until recently, this name was considered obsolete, but the popularity of the book and its film version have given it new life.

The success rate of name bearers also greatly influences the popularity of the name itself. A survey conducted in the UK showed which owners of which names the inhabitants of Foggy Albion consider the most and least successful. The survey results are shown below.

As you can see, simple girls with short and mediocre names are less successful than their rivals, whose names are full and aristocratic. Interestingly, the name Elizabeth is the leader in the list of the most successful names, while its abbreviated form - Lisa closes the ranking of the least successful.