Games for girls - Cleaning Monster High. Cleaning games monster high Girls games monster high cleaning the house

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When you're a teenager, life is very difficult. Firstly, the body is changing, hormones are acting up, and this means that it is extremely difficult to control your mood. Sometimes you want to cry to a sad melody, thinking about how unfair life is, and a few minutes later, you can no longer contain your homeric laughter because you read a hilarious post on the Internet on a friend’s wall. Secondly, acne! Oh, this is the grief of millions of teenagers; few are deprived of this “beautiful” zest of puberty. Thirdly, the opposite sex. Boys cannot understand girls, and girls cannot understand boys, but they really want it! I want to communicate and walk hand in hand, hugs and kisses, but I just want to fall in love, in the end!

But, unfortunately, this romantic time of first love is overshadowed by the fact that you need to go to boring school, do tedious homework, and your parents also bother you with cleaning the house! Ugh! I wish I could fly to another country, another continent, or another world altogether, to get rid of this dubious pleasure. For example, go study in the game “Monster High”! There, of course, everything will be completely different!

Not so! Even if you are a monster, you can't avoid cleaning the house! The new one proves this to us Cleaning Monster High game. Spring-cleaning". In it you have to help Draculaura - a charming vegetarian vampire from the cartoon about the School of Monsters - with cleaning the house. Yesterday, in our funny game, Draculaura had a noisy party to which the whole class was invited. And now all the guests have left, but mountains of garbage remain. One unfortunate girl will clean up. No, you simply have to help her!!! First of all, you need to collect all the game trash that is lying on the floor. These include packets of chips and crackers, apple cores and banana peels, some strange twigs, which, by the way, can turn out to be very poisonous plants, as well as purple pieces of ectoplasm. Which were left by some ghost.

Place furniture in its place in the game, pick up scattered chairs, close chests of drawers and cabinets - the room will immediately look much tidier. Sweep the floors with a mop brush and don't forget to put it in the closet Monster High so that the broom does not stand in the middle of the living room. Wash the dishes: plates, mugs and glasses, and clean the juicer. And it’s better to hang your father’s trophy sword in its rightful place, otherwise Count Dracula will hardly be happy to see it lying in the trash on the floor. Good game!

Surely many users have heard about the School of Monsters - an educational institution for the offspring of monsters of all times. Thanks to this cleaning game Monster High You will have a unique opportunity to get to know your favorite characters better. It's no secret that there are not only multiple multi-part cartoons with the main characters, but also numerous dolls. Each of them has its own appearance, character, habits and even biography.

According to the storyline of this game, the main characters of the animated series decided to somehow celebrate the anniversary of their acquaintance and friendship. Surely you know that the girls at the educational institution did not immediately find a common language with each other. It is worth noting that, despite belonging to ancient clans and families of monsters, and also taking into account their specific data, in reality they still remain ordinary teenage girls. Their interests include friends, relationships with the opposite sex, studies, appearance, parties, walks and much more. In total, everything that interests modern representatives of the fair sex. So, as mentioned earlier, the girls started holding a real celebration. Naturally, preparations for the feast did not take much time, since Frankie, Draculaura, Claudine, Laguna, Cleo and Gulia gathered together. Together they quickly decorated the room and prepared treats. It is worth noting that the holiday took place in Frankie Stein’s house. By combining the girl's first and last name, it is not at all difficult to guess who her dad is. This is a special heroine of our game. Her age is calculated by days. Because of this, the girl often finds herself in unpleasant situations, since she does not have enough experience and knowledge about the world around her. In addition, for the same reason, the game character has a hard time making new acquaintances, and it’s even harder for her to maintain friendly relationships. However, she finally made some good friends.

So, it’s worth noting that the holiday in the game was a great success - the girls had a great rest and had fun. As a result, everyone went home, leaving the hostess completely alone. It was then that a very unpleasant surprise awaited her in the game. As it turned out, the friends left behind a terrible mess and now only the players will have to help Frankie clean up the house. In the game, your task is to place all the items in their places, throw out the trash, and also wash all the dirty dishes that have accumulated. Cleaning game Monster High will bring players a lot of pleasure.

Many monsters live in places where there is a lot of garbage, a bad smell and everything is covered in darkness, but if we are talking about the famous students from Monster High, then things are completely different here. Despite the fact that children of the most evil werewolves, vampires, demons and other monsters study in this educational institution, they have an excellent sense of taste and have knowledge of style and fashion. From this we can conclude that our characters live in well-furnished houses, where cleanliness and comfort reign. You can observe all this yourself in our free flash game for girls Cleaning Games Monster High.

Here you have to pass a difficult test, namely the Monster High tests for proper cleaning of monsters’ homes. If you consider yourself fans of the famous representatives of the Monster High school, then this task of cleaning Draculaura’s kitchen will be completely simple entertainment for you and will not cause much difficulty, since in this case you simply must know about all the foundations and way of life of the famous daughter of Count Dracula. Spend your free time in the company of a beautiful student from the school of monsters, Draculaura. the site wishes you success in the difficult task of cleaning!

Tips for passing:

After this entertainment loads on your screens, click on the button labeled Play to begin cleaning up Draculaura’s kitchen. If you think that this task is very simple, then you probably know where to put this or that item, you know what is garbage, and what, on the contrary, is very important. When the image of Draculaura’s kitchen opens in front of you, try as soon as possible using the computer mouse to place all the interior and decorative items in their places, and also do not forget about washing the floors and removing garbage into the trash bin.