A game with elements of solving project problems "Polite words and deeds" for younger students. "Grow a magic tree Tree of polite words with your own hands


extracurricular Events

"Grow a Magic Tree"

Grade 2

Prepared and hosted:

Primary school teacher

Khizrieva Larisa Mustafaevna

"Grow a Magic Tree"


    identifying the amount of vocabulary of polite words used by the guys;


    to form an understanding of the moral meaning of polite words that children use when communicating;

    expand and consolidate the vocabulary of the most commonly used polite words.


    courtesy tree

    Leaves with words


The form: the game, creative activity, conversation.

Methods: dialog, collective creative activity.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

Greetings. Seating in places. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

2. Conversation about politeness

Each person can express his kind attitude towards the world with the help of certain words - “kind”, “magic”. They live next to us, we use them all the time! These are words of greeting, gratitude, request, forgiveness, respect and apology. What are these words? When should you say the magic words? Why are they "magic"? (Answers guys.)

Guys, all of you know the word "Hello". And who among you knows what this word means? That's right, this is a word of greeting, so, a very long time ago, when people met, they wished each other health, as the most important thing in life.

Today we will remember and consolidate knowledge of polite words. But what is politeness?

Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others would be pleased to communicate with you.


To never end.

It gets fixed over the years.

3. Game. And now we will play a game: "Politely impolite" Let's try to determine what kind of connoisseurs of the rules of politeness you are.

If politely - clap twice, impolitely - sit quietly

    Say hello at the meeting;

    Push and do not apologize;

    Help to get up

    Pick up fallen things;

    Do not stand up while addressing the teacher;

    Do not give up your seat in transport;

    Do not notice the discontent of the mother;

    Refer to "You" to the elders;

    Thanks for the help;

    Help carry heavy bags.

Do you always use “magic” words when communicating with people?

4. "Tree of courtesy"

Guys, look what we have (the “Courtesy Tree” is being demonstrated). Our tree is completely leafless! We need to help him get dressed! But our tree is magical, which means that its leaves must be magical! Here we have leaflets with words, but not all of them are “magic”, your task is to find a leaf with “magic”, i.e. polite word and glue it to our tree.

Well, look what a beautiful, magical tree we got! Now this tree will stand in our classroom and remind you to be polite.

5. Summing up:

Well, guys, we remembered polite words and grew the "Magic Tree" In my opinion, we did great! Well done boys!

We all learned at some point

Walk, draw, talk.

Let's remember guys

How to be kind and polite.

Meeting friends and acquaintances

I look into their eyes with a smile

Being polite is very easy for me

I'll say hello first.

Beautifully designed by someone

Thanks for the help

The usual word "thank you"

We must not forget to speak.

Saying goodbye, we are all "goodbye"

We always say to each other

"Please" - if desired

Or we want to fulfill the request.

How many useful things in the world

Beautiful and kind words.

Please just be polite

After all, this is the foundation.

And it's very easy to be polite:

Be kind - the usual advice

It doesn't matter how tall you are

And how old are you.

Politeness at school begins,

To never end.

It gets fixed over the years.

And stays with the person forever.

Summary of direct educational activities,

in integration with the educational areas "Cognition",

"Communication" by section

"Formation of elementary mathematical representations", "Development of speech"

in the senior group of compensatory orientation for children with TNR

developmental situation "Tree of polite words"



Summary of direct educational activities,

in integration with the educational areas "Cognition",

"Communication" by section

"Formation of elementary mathematical representations", "Development of speech"

in the senior group of compensatory orientation for children with TNR

developmental situation "Tree of polite words"

MBDOU No. 4 "Snegurochka", Salekhard

Senior group teacher

compensatory orientation for children with THD:

Kizima Galina Vasilievna

Polite word tree


1. Fixing vowel sounds, ordinal count within 10.

2. To consolidate the knowledge of children of grammatical forms of coherent speech, the knowledge of children of wild animals and their cubs.

3. Consolidation of children's knowledge of "polite" words, the ability to use them correctly in speech.

MATERIALS: letters, numbers, wild animal pictures, writing,


Educator: Guys, today we received a letter from the Old Man-Lesovichka.

He asks to help the forest dwellers, they cannot get into the forest school, because the evil wizard has bewitched everything around, and only then everything will come to life, who can find the answer to everything. But in order to help forest dwellers get into school, we will have to overcome many obstacles. You are ready?

Children answer: Yes.

caregiver : Well, here is our first obstacle - the river.

The river, the river is deep, there is no bridge to be seen anywhere,

(The entrance to the forest is littered with stones, the image of stones with numbers from 1 to 10).

caregiver : To enter the forest, the stones must be dismantled.

Take the stone with the number that comes after the number 5.

Take the stone in front of the number 4.

Take a stone with a number between 7 and so on.

caregiver : We entered the forest, we go quietly so that the evil wizard does not hear. It's quiet in the forest, as if everyone had died.

caregiver : Guys, here is a note, let's read it?

Answer one poll - Where does the bear live?

Children's answer: In the den.

caregiver : What are the names of bear cubs?

Children's answer: Bear cubs.

caregiver : The answer is correct, so our bears left the den.

Educator: Where does the fox live?

Children's answer: In a hole.

Educator: What are the names of fox cubs?

Children's answer: Foxes.

The answer is correct, here is our fox with cubs

Educator: Where does the hare live?

Children's answer: Under the bush.

Educator: Where does the squirrel live?

Children's answer: In the hollow.

caregiver : What are the names of baby squirrels?

Children's answer: Belchat.

The answer is correct, here is our squirrel with squirrels.

But in order to go to the forest school, we must solve the following tasks:

1) Winter came, the hare built himself a house out of snow. I planted flowers near the house. How many flowers did the hare plant near the house?

Children answer: Flowers are not planted in winter.

caregiver : But the Old Man-Lesovichok meets us

Old Man-Lesovichok:Guys, what a lot of fellows you are, you have overcome obstacles.

Educator: And why are you so sad, Old Man-Forester?

Old Man-Lesovichok:Yes, the evil Fairy has bewitched my forest, and my favorite tree of "polite words". My forest will come to life and turn green when kind people come to it, and many good, kind words are said.

caregiver : Guys, let's help the Old Man-Lesovichka revive the forest, and his favorite tree"polite words"

Educator: Children, what polite words do you know?

Children answer:

Educator: Do you know when to say them and do you always do it?

Children answer:

Educator: Now we will go through the lesson of politeness.

- Hello! Word, where are you from? Hello, what does this mean? - so be healthy - this is how people meeting, wished each other health.

Three children come out and read poetry, skipping the right word, and the rest of the children insert it in chorus.


I put on goggles and flippers

And dived into the underwater world.

Karashu I said: "Hello!",

But the silent-eyed man sailed away,

He only wagged his tail in response.

We're walking down the street

We beat off a step clearly.

Let's meet the general

Harknam: "We wish you good health!"

So that ringing is in the ears.

The rules of good behavior are all spoken in unison.

If you met a friend

Even on the street, even at home,

Don't be shy, don't be foolish

And say louder: "Hello!"

Educator: And there is a word with which you can say hello and say goodbye. This word - Hello!

Mole got out into the world

And he said to Hedgehog: “Hello!

Haven't seen each other for so many years.

Say hi to your wife.

Now goodbye. Hello!

And the Mole is no more, as if not.

Educator: Here's another polite word - "Please." This word contains a respectful request and reciprocal attention, gratitude and respect.

Rule for well-behaved children all speak in chorus.

If you ask for something

Don't forget first

Open your mouth and say:


Educator: "Be healthy!" These words in the old days meant not only kindness, but also strength. It is not for nothing that “good fellows” won in fairy tales, and one of the Russian heroes was called Dobrynya.

Be kind to all who are weaker.

Let the sparrow not be afraid of you.

Warm up the kitten, pet the puppy

And don't drive the moth off the flower.

Do not offend the mosquitoes.

Don't forget, please!

We repeat the rule in unison.

If you don't want to be considered ignorant,

I beg you, be wise

Begin your request with a polite word:

“Be kind! Please!"

Educator: "Welcome!" you with these words will be met with kindness.

The bear called the bear to visit -

Pamper me with honey.

He opened the door to the lair, said: “Welcome!”

Educator: In ancient times, when they wanted to thank a person for a good deed, they said to him: “God save you!” and these words "save is:" Do not regret your thanks.

We all repeat the rule in unison.

If by word or deed

Has anyone helped you

Feel free to say out loud, boldly: Thank you!

Educator: "Sorry!" it is necessary to speak when you accidentally offended someone, or caused trouble.

Sparrow tore the web threads.

He tweeted embarrassedly: “Well, sorry!”,

The spider got angry: "Well, I'm sorry!"

They ruined the nets - bring the fly!

If you offended someone by accident

Or stepped on the foot by accident,

Just don't be silent, just don't mumble,

Don't wait too long, say, "I'm sorry."

Educator: "Goodbye!" With this, in a word, the children say goodbye to the Old Man-Lesovichok with a friend. You can also say goodbye: See you soon! See you! Wish you a good journey!

The Polite Words tree turned green, the forest came to life.

Outcome: Educator: Guys, where were we today?

Children answer:

Teacher: What did we do?

Children answer:

Summary of direct educational activities,

in integration with the educational areas "Cognition",

"Communication" by section

"Formation of elementary mathematical representations", "Development of speech"

in the senior group of compensatory orientation for children with ONR

developmental situation "Tree of polite words"

MBDOU No. 4 "Snegurochka", Salekhard

Senior group teacher

compensatory orientation for children with ONR:

Kizima Galina Vasilievna

Polite word tree


1. Fixing vowel sounds, ordinal count within 10.

2. To consolidate the knowledge of children of grammatical forms of coherent speech, the knowledge of children of wild animals and their cubs.

3. Consolidation of children's knowledge of "polite" words, the ability to use them correctly in speech.

MATERIALS: letters, numbers, wild animal pictures, writing,


Educator: Guys, today we received a letter from the Old Man-Lesovichka.

He asks to help the forest dwellers, they cannot get into the forest school, because the evil wizard has bewitched everything around, and only then everything will come to life, who can find the answer to everything. But in order to help forest dwellers get into school, we will have to overcome many obstacles. You are ready?

Children answer: Yes.

caregiver: Well, here is our first obstacle - the river.

The river, the river is deep, there is no bridge to be seen anywhere,

(The entrance to the forest is littered with stones, the image of stones with numbers from 1 to 10).

caregiver: To enter the forest, the stones must be dismantled.

Take the stone with the number that comes after the number 5.

Take the stone in front of the number 4.

Take a stone with a number between 7 and so on.

caregiver: We entered the forest, we go quietly so that the evil wizard does not hear. It's quiet in the forest, as if everyone had died.

caregiver: Guys, here is a note, let's read it?

Answer one poll - Where does the bear live?

Children answer: In the den.

caregiver: What are the names of bear cubs?

Children answer: Bear cubs.

caregiver: The answer is correct, so our bears left the den.

caregiver: Where does the fox live?

Children answer: In the hole.

Educator: What are the names of fox cubs?

Children answer: Fox cubs.

The answer is correct, here is our fox with cubs

Educator: Where does the hare live?

Children answer: Under a bush.

Educator: Where does the squirrel live?

Children answer: In the hollow

caregiver: What are the names of baby squirrels?

Children's answer: Belchata.

The answer is correct, here is our squirrel with squirrels.

But in order to go to the forest school, we must solve the following tasks:

1) Winter came, the hare built himself a house out of snow. I planted flowers near the house. How many flowers did the hare plant near the house?

Children answer: Flowers are not planted in winter.

caregiver: But the Old Man-Lesovichok meets us

Old Man-Lesovichok: Guys, what a lot of fellows you are, you have overcome obstacles.

Educator: And why are you so sad, Old Man-Forester?

Old Man-Lesovichok: Yes, the evil Fairy has bewitched my forest, and my favorite tree of "polite words". My forest will come to life and turn green when kind people come to it, and many good, kind words are said.

caregiver: Guys, let's help the Old Man-Lesovichka revive the forest, and his favorite tree "polite words"

Educator: Children, what polite words do you know?

Children answer:

Educator: Do you know when to say them and do you always do it?

Children answer:

Educator: Now we will go through the lesson of politeness.

- Hello! Word, where are you from? Hello, what does this mean? - so be healthy - this is how people meeting, wished each other health.

Three children come out and read poetry, skipping the right word, and the rest of the children insert it in chorus.


I put on goggles and flippers

And dived into the underwater world.

Karashu I said: "Hello!",

But the silent-eyed man sailed away,

He only wagged his tail in response.

We're walking down the street

We beat off a step clearly.

Let's meet the general

Harknam: "We wish you good health!"

So that ringing is in the ears.

The rules of good behavior are all spoken in unison.

If you met a friend

Even on the street, even at home,

Don't be shy, don't be foolish

And say louder: "Hello!"

Educator: And there is a word with which you can say hello and say goodbye. This word - Hello!

Mole got out into the world

And he said to Hedgehog: “Hello!

Haven't seen each other for so many years.

Say hi to your wife.

Now goodbye. Hello!

And the Mole is no more, as if not.

Educator: Here's another polite word - "Please." This word contains a respectful request and reciprocal attention, gratitude and respect.

Rule for well-behaved children all speak in chorus.

If you ask for something

Don't forget first

Open your mouth and say:


Educator:"Be healthy!" These words in the old days meant not only kindness, but also strength. It is not for nothing that “good fellows” won in fairy tales, and one of the Russian heroes was called Dobrynya.

Be kind to all who are weaker.

Let the sparrow not be afraid of you.

Warm up the kitten, pet the puppy

And don't drive the moth off the flower.

Do not offend the mosquitoes.

Don't forget, please!

We repeat the rule in unison.

If you don't want to be considered ignorant,

I beg you, be wise

Begin your request with a polite word:

“Be kind! Please!"

Educator:"Welcome!" you with these words will be met with kindness.

The bear called the bear to visit -

Pamper me with honey.

He opened the door to the lair, said: “Welcome!”

Educator: In ancient times, when they wanted to thank a person for a good deed, they said to him: “God save you!” and these words "save is:" Do not regret your thanks.

We all repeat the rule in unison.

If by word or deed

Has anyone helped you

Feel free to say out loud, boldly: Thank you!

Educator:"Sorry!" it is necessary to speak when you accidentally offended someone, or caused trouble.

Sparrow tore the web threads.

He tweeted embarrassedly: “Well, sorry!”,

The spider got angry: "Well, I'm sorry!"

They ruined the nets - bring the fly!

Quiz game

"Be polite."

Prepared by:

Teacher of additional education Negasheva E. A.


year 2013.

Purpose: to cultivate respect for elders; repeat the rules of courtesy; develop the desire to be attentive to the people around you.

Round 1 Say a word .

If you met a friend

Even on the street, even at home -

Don't be shy, don't be foolish

And say louder ... ( hello).

Sparrow tore

Spider threads.

He chirped in embarrassment:

Well…( sorry).

Mole got out into the world

And he said to Hedgehog ... ( Hey).

If the company met

Not hastily, not in advance

And in the moment of parting

Tell everyone... Goodbye).

If you ask for something

Don't forget first

Open your mouth

And say… ( please).

When I give something

They tell me: ... ( Thanks to).

You will be given something

Don't forget to thank !

If you don't want to be considered ignorant,

I beg you - be wise,

Begin your request with a polite word:

Be...( kind),

Be...( kind).

If by word or deed

Has anyone helped you

Don't be shy loud, bold

Talk … ( Thanks)!

Round 2 Guys, guess the riddle:

Joy has a friend

in the shape of a semicircle,

She lives on the face;

It will suddenly go somewhere,

Then suddenly return

Let melancholy be afraid of her!


Round 3. Question-answer. Teams are asked one question each, for the correct answer, a token is awarded.

Question.What should you do if a senior enters your room and you are sitting?

Answer.You need to get up, give a chair, and sit down only after an invitation.

Question.How to behave when a senior enters the class?

(Students should give the appropriate answer.)

Question.How should you behave when meeting with elders on the street, at home?

Answer.Stop, say hello first.

Question.How to behave when talking with elders?

Answer.Talk standing up, do not put your hands in your pockets, stand straight, talk calmly.

Question.If you are addressing elders, what should you call them? On "you" or "you"? (Appropriate answer.)

Question.You sometimes have to meet old people, disabled people or women who need help: cross the street, carry something, climb a mountain, stairs, etc. What should you do?

(Achieve an appropriate answer.)

Question:What words do we say when we meet?

Answer:("Hello", "Good morning", "Good afternoon", "Good evening", "I'm glad to see you", "How are you feeling?")

Question:What words do we say when parting?

Answer:("Goodbye", "See you tomorrow", "See you", "Good luck", "All the best", "All the best")

Question:What words do we say during breakfast, lunch, dinner?

Answer:(“Bon appetit”, “Thank you”, “Thank you”, “Everything was very tasty”)

Question:What words do we say before bed?

Answer:("Good night", "Good night", "Pleasant dreams")

Question:During the game, you accidentally pushed a friend and he fell. How will you do it?

Answer:(Sorry and help to get up.

Question:You are about to draw a picture, you do not have the right pencil, but your friend does. How will you do it?

Answer:(Ask politely: "Give me please")

Round 4. Situation.

One day an old man was walking along the street, leaning on a large gnarled stick. He was very old and bent from old age, so he walked, looking at his feet. Towards him, raising his head up and looking at something in the sky, there was a boy. He ran into an old man. The old man was very angry with the boy. But then the boy said something, and the old man immediately became kinder.

What did the boy say that made grandfather stop being angry? (excuse me please or forgive me please.)

Round 5. "Be careful."

Teacher:Let's play the game again. I will ask you to do something, if the request with a polite word - do it; if the request is without a polite word, do not comply. Everyone understands the game

-stand up please;

- dance;

- clap your hands, please;

- turn around, please;

- stomp your feet;

-swap places with a neighbor;

- lend a neighbor a pen, please;

-shake hands with your neighbor, please;

- go to the door;

-take back the pen you lent to your neighbor;

-sit down please.

Round 6. Who will name more polite words? The teams are given leaflets and each team writes their options in the allotted time, at the end of the time the teacher checks the answers and counts their number.

(For example: please, thank you, good morning, afternoon, evening, night, sorry, sorry, goodbye).

After the end of the round, summing up the results of the entire quiz. All tokens of both teams are counted, rewarding the winning and losing teams with incentive prizes.

Summary of direct educational activities,

in integration with the educational areas "Cognition",

"Communication" by section

"Formation of elementary mathematical representations", "Development of speech"

in the senior group of compensatory orientation for children with ONR

developmental situation "Tree of polite words"


educator of the speech therapy group - Skorobogatova Olga Fedorovna

speech therapist - Kalashnikova Irina Vladimirovna


Education of a culture of behavior in children.


1. Fixing vowel sounds, ordinal count within 8.

2. To consolidate the knowledge of children of grammatical forms of coherent speech, the knowledge of children of wild animals and their cubs.

3. Improve the skills of OBZH "Rules of behavior in the forest"

4. Consolidation of children's knowledge of "polite" words, the ability to use them correctly in speech.


1. Develop creative imagination

2. Development of fine and general motor skills, visual attention.

3. Develop logical thinking.


1. Formation of a responsible attitude to the performance of the task, the desire to bring the work begun to the end.

2. Education of emotional responsiveness.

3. Cultivate a caring attitude towards forest dwellers.


1. Game (using surprise moments)

2. Visual (use of illustrations)

3. Verbal (reminder, speaking individually, in chorus; search questions, individual answers of children)

4. Encouragement, analysis of the lesson

MATERIALS : letters, numbers, pictures of wild animals, letter, medium soft ball, oak leaves, paper flowers, audio recording from the movie "About Little Red Riding Hood", "Together it's fun to walk" (backing track), relaxation "Morning", sweet surprise for children, gifts for guests.


1. Children have formed knowledge about the culture of behavior in the forest, the correct use of polite words in speech, about wild animals and their cubs.

2. They understand the importance of using polite words. Carefully treat nature, show compassion for all living things.

3. They know how to form compound words, nouns with diminutive suffixes.

4. Differentiate sounds in free speech.

5. Expressively read poetry.

6. They know how to complement rhyme verses.


1. Organizational moment. Quiet music recording sounds - relaxation "Morning"

caregiver . 1,2,3,4,5 - start playing in a circle!

It's a new day. I smiled at you and you smiled at each other. And think how good it is that we are all here together today. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate, we are healthy. Let's wish each other good morning, and our magic ball will help us do this. We will pass the ball with two palms, smile and say to our friend - Good morning ...... (Masha) and pass the ball to the next one. (at the end of the exercise, the music stops and the children go to their places)

1.1 Surprise moment.

Educator: Guys, today we received a letter from the Old Man-Lesovichka.

He asks to help the forest, because the evil wizard has bewitched everything around, and only then everything will come to life, who can find the answer to everything. But in order to help the forest and the Old Man-Lesovichka, we will have to overcome many obstacles. You are ready?

Children answer: Yes

But first, let's remember the rule:

Every day, always everywhere

In the classroom, in the game

We speak loudly and clearly

We are never in a hurry.

caregiver : Well, here is our first obstacle - a river (image of a river)

The river, the river is deep, there is no bridge to be seen anywhere,

To walk further, you need to name the vowel letters: A, O, U, S, I, E (the children name the vowel sounds they met in the classroom, the teacher lays them out in the form of a bridge. All letters are on magnets).

An image of a forest appears on the board (large photo)

(The entrance to the forest is littered with stones, the image of stones with numbers from 1 to 8, all numbers are on magnets).

caregiver : To enter the forest, the stones must be dismantled.

Let's put them in order. What stone do we start with? (1), what kind of pebble do we put behind it? (2) after which one should be put? (3) etc. up to 8 pebbles.

Which pebble is between 3 and 5?, behind 6?, before 2?, after 4?

Count from 8 to 1. And now in chorus from 1 to 8, and now in a whisper from 2 to 7.

Well done, you've done your job, let's move on.

caregiver : Sounds of the Forest music recording plays. We entered the forest, we go quietly so that the evil wizard does not hear. How quiet in the forest! Guys, what rules of behavior should we follow in the forest?

Children's answers: do not break branches of trees and shrubs, do not pick flowers, do not litter, do not shout, do not destroy bird nests, etc.

From behind the tree layout, a white Owl (toy) appears in its paws holding a note.

caregiver : Guys, here is a note, let's read it? (the teacher himself can come up with a text note)

Answer the question - Where does the bear live?

Children answer: In the den.

caregiver : What are the names of bear cubs?

Children answer: Bear cubs.

caregiver : The answer is correct, so our bears came out of the den (I put on the board a picture of a bear and cubs. And so on for each animal).

caregiver : Where does the fox live?

Children answer: In the hole.

Educator: What are the names of fox cubs?

Children answer: Fox cubs.

The answer is correct, here is our fox with cubs

Educator: Where does the hare live?

Children answer: Under a bush.

caregiver : What are the names of the hare cubs?

Children's answer : Bunny

The answer is correct, here is our hare with hares.

Educator: Where does the squirrel live?

Children answer: In the hollow

caregiver : What are the names of baby squirrels?

Children's answer : Belchata.

The answer is correct, here is our squirrel with squirrels.

Once again I clarify with the children who we freed from the evil spell of the wizard.caregiver : We continue our journey.

1) Winter came, the hare built himself a house out of snow. I planted flowers near the house. How many flowers did the hare plant near the house?

Children answer: Flowers are not planted in winter.

Music sounds and the Old Man-Lesovichok appears (speech therapist in the costume of the Old Man-Lesovichok)

caregiver : But the Old Man-Lesovichok meets us

Old Man-Lesovichok: Guys, what a lot of fellows you are, you have overcome obstacles.

Educator: And why are you so sad, Old Man-Forester?

Old Man-Lesovichok: Yes, an evil sorcerer has bewitched my forest, and my favorite "polite words" tree. My forest will come to life and turn green when good guys come to it and say a lot of good, kind words.

caregiver : Guys, let's help the Old Man-Lesovichka revive the forest, and his favorite tree"polite words"

PHYSICAL MINUTE (we follow the Old Man-Lesovichok and repeat all his movements (raising his knees high, on his toes, jumping “over a bump”, “crawling under a branch”, etc., we all move to the music “Together it’s fun to walk”)

Old Man-Lesovichok: Well, here we are. (there is a branch from a tree in the vase, “fallen” leaves and acorns lie nearby)

"Educator: Children, what polite words do you know?

Children answer:

Educator: And let's, we will read poems about polite words to the Old Man-Lesovichka, maybe then the tree will come to life?

Educator: We all learned at some pointWalk, draw, talk.Let's remember guysHow to be kind and polite.

Children read poetry

Meeting friends and acquaintancesI look into their eyes with a smileBeing polite is very easy for meI'll say hello first.
Beautifully designed by someone Thanks for the helpThe usual word "thank you"We must not forget to speak.
Saying goodbye, we are all "goodbye"We always say to each other"Please" - if desiredOr we want to fulfill the request.

"Good evening", "Good afternoon"
It's not too lazy to tell us all!
"Good morning" we say
Waking up in the morning, mom.


If you stepped on your foot
At least by chance, at least a little,
Just say "I'm sorry"
Or better yet, "I'm sorry."

How many useful things in the worldBeautiful and kind words.Please just be politeAfter all, this is the foundation.
Old Man-Lesovichok:
And it's very easy to be polite:Be kind - the usual adviceIt doesn't matter how tall you areAnd how old are you already. (After each poem read, S-L hangs a leaflet with a polite word on a tree)

Old Man-Lesovichok: Riddles about politeness

Don't be lazy to tell your friends

Smiling: "good .... day"!

goodbye to each other

We'll say... "goodbye".

A friend should not be blamed for being offended,

It is better to quickly .... sorry.

How beautiful is it

A kind word ... "thank you."

How similar is the word "reign"

To a friendly ... "hello."

When you are guilty, hurry to say:

“Please, please….sorry”

Never get involved in someone else's conversation

And you better not adults ... interrupt!

Everyone will say goodbye
Leaving, everyone ... "Goodbye."

It's time for a friend to leave
Let's tell him ... "Bye."

If a friend is ready to sneeze,
Remember the phrase "Be healthy!". (The Old Man-Forester hangs leaves on a tree)

Old Man-Lesovichok:

Be kind to all who are weaker.

Let the sparrow not be afraid of you.

Warm up the kitten, pet the puppy

And don't drive the moth off the flower.

Do not offend the mosquitoes.

Don't forget, please!

We repeat the rule in unison.

Old Man-Lesovichok: guys, look, the tree of “Polite words” has turned green, the forest has come to life (the soundtrack “Noise of the Forest” sounds.

A recording of the music from the movie "About Little Red Riding Hood" sounds and the Old Man-Lesovichok invites everyone to dance. Then he thanks all the children for their help and gives him a basket of sweets. Children politely say goodbye to him and "go" home.

Outcome: Educator: Guys, where were we today?

Children answer:

Educator: What did we do?

Children's answer

Educator: did you like our trip? Let's make our guests happy and give them the first spring flowers that we made with our own hands.

Children give gifts and the lesson ends.