State estimate standard “reference book of basic prices for design work in the construction of Railways.”

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Prices provided by "Railways" ed. 2014 take into account all requirements for the development of design documentation established by design standards as of 01/01/2014.

Basic prices for the design of station buildings, contained in Table 7 “Railways” ed. 2014, the cost of designing anti-icing systems for roofs and gutters is not taken into account and can be determined additionally in accordance with clause 2.1.4 of Section II of the Guidelines for the use of Directories of basic prices for design work in construction for cost calculation (form 3P).This provision fully applies to clause 6 “Wagon, truck scales” of table No. 9 “Cargo handling” of the specified Directory.At the same time, the need to reconstruct access railway tracks is determined by the design standards for this structure, and their cost can be calculated additionally.

In accordance with clause 2.6.1. Chapters 2.6 “Railway crossings” (table No. 50) “Railroads” ed. 2014 base prices do not take into account the cost of designing a moving booth. Tables of relative costs for the construction of industrial facilities No. 53-54 should be applied to table No. 50.

If the installation of noise barriers is required on certain sections of the highway (if the specified work is provided for in the design assignment), the cost of the specified design work is determined in addition to the cost of designing the highway.

According to clause 8.1 “Storage and utility rooms, up to 100 m2”, clause 13.1 “Access road to buildings up to 1 km long” of Table No. 10 “Individual buildings and structures” in the column “unit of measurement of the main indicator of the object” instead of “ m2" and "km" should be read "object". In clause 11.1 of table No. 10 of the Directory “Railways”, 2014 edition. in the column “unit of measurement of the main indicator” you should read “object” instead of “l.m.”

The fencing of these objects can be determined in the manner established by clause 9 of table No. 10 “Individual buildings and structures” of the SBC “Railways” ed. 2014, regardless of the material of the enclosing structures. Considering clause 11 “Retaining and enclosing walls in the ground” of table No. 10 “Individual buildings and structures” “Railways” ed. 2014 refers to linear structures.

Moreover, in accordance with paragraph 1.8 of the Guidelines for the use of reference books of basic prices for design work in construction, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation by order No. 620 dated December 29, 2009 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 16686 dated March 23, 2010, The recommended indicators of the relative cost of developing sections of design and working documentation presented in the SBC, if necessary, can be clarified by the design organization when designing a specific object within the total cost, depending on the labor intensity of the work performed.To determine the indicators of the relative cost of developing design and working documentation for the design of specific facilities within the total cost of developing design products, it is possible to use the indicators of the relative cost of sections given in the tables of the relative cost of developing design and working documentation for the construction of facilities, which are contained in no longer valid due to the release SBC “Railways and highways. Bridges. Tunnels. Subways. Industrial Transport" edition of 1995. At the same time, the reduction coefficients for the absence of such sections as "Architectural solutions", "Gas supply", "Water supply", "Water disposal" and others established by the SBC, in calculating the cost of design work for the construction of railways, are not apply.