Capricorn female horoscope for November. Horoscope of work and money

In general, the zodiac sign Capricorn frankly “will not like” November 2016, although such a definition from the point of view of representatives of this sign can be applied to the entire desired annual cycle. Well, Capricorn’s personal energy will not correspond to the energy mood of this time stage, what can you do! This does not mean at all that you do not have a single chance for a positive outcome; quite the contrary, struggle, as you know, hardens you, makes you stronger, and allows you to easily survive the most difficult and unforeseen circumstances in the future. Now your main antagonist, Jupiter, traditionally responsible for the “fall” of the sign Capricorn, will turn out to be greatly strengthened due to its planetary position. This is a clearly negative point, which is completely offset by the situation with Saturn, your ruler, who simultaneously acts as the “heavenly leader” of the entire earthly trine. As a result, only the Moon, responsible for the “fall” of Capricorn, and Mars, your exalted planet, will remain. How productive the confrontation between these solar system objects will be for you personally is the second question. It is much more important how you yourself behave during this time, because a lot will depend on your personal efforts. Remember: it's not just the stars that influence you, it's a two-way communication.

In particular, in the work area in November 2016, Capricorn will feel confident, but his position still cannot be called stable. If you work for yourself, be prepared for the fact that your opponents will become more active, and all their capabilities, imaginable and unimaginable, will be directed against you. In essence, every representative of the zodiac sign Capricorn at this stage will have enough strength to withstand any pressure. But this is, let’s say, the “default” situation. To develop, to move on, static struggle is not enough; there is a need to connect an extra “pair of convolutions”. Therefore, already in the first days of the first decade, get together and plan your capabilities. Of course, plans will be adjusted, and more than once, but this does not mean at all that there is any point in doing without them at all. Ultimately, you always need to think about how and where to distribute the resources available to you, especially in conditions of scarcity of these same resources. If you don’t work for yourself, try to become as flexible as possible, but not in terms of decision-making, but let’s say, in terms of adapting to circumstances. No one is asking you to “bend to a changing world,” but mimicry often produces much more productive results than meaningless “fighting the system.”

In the sensory-emotional direction in November 2016, Capricorn will have to turn around over and over again and evaluate his past actions. And this is correct, there is nothing negative about drawing experience from your own actions at past stages. Focus on the present, but use your existing experiences as a basis. In particular, this applies to any new relationship - both love affairs and strong friendly emotions. Be attentive to new acquaintances, do not rush to sign a person up as your bosom friend based only on the fact that, figuratively speaking, you are looking in the same direction. In fact, this is far from being a determining factor, although in reality, contrary to popular belief, it is the like and not the opposite that is attracted. If you want a new relationship, don’t force it, let everything take its course, harmoniously and consistently. Now your feelings will experience a kind of test, perhaps even more than one. Don't try to prove anything to anyone, just do as you see fit.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for November 2016 for the zodiac sign Capricorn, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign. You can find out a more accurate horoscope by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Capricorn sign: Personal horoscopes for the Capricorn sign:

In November 2016, Capricorn may change his plans. Or - modify them, making them more diverse and wider. It is likely that Capricorn will simply understand that he is not using his capabilities fully. Or maybe he has outgrown his own goals, which until recently seemed so tempting to Capricorn. The horoscope for 2016 Capricorn says that now it may be beneficial to join someone else's plans, since this may open up additional prospects and opportunities. Of course, for this in November 2016, Capricorn will need to sacrifice some of his decisions and act on someone else’s instructions. On the other hand, in this way Capricorn will receive additional help or tips on how to act in a particular case. So a professional athlete can train alone, or he can join a team, get an excellent coach and an excellent base.

It is clear that in this case Capricorn will no longer be able to behave only the way he wants. And the requirements will be much higher. But on the other hand, the results will also be much better. And the reward will not be long in coming.

Favorable dates for October are 10, 11, 16, 18, 22, 26.

Unfavorable dates for October: 5, 9, 13, 17, 23, 28.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Capricorn

In November 2016, Capricorn can expect a calm and orderly life, but only if he has been in a relationship for quite a long time. This could be either marriage, or simply living together, or dating with great experience. If this is so, then in November 2016 Capricorn will fully enjoy life, relationships and everyday life, which Capricorn will spend a significant amount of time establishing. At the same time, in November 2016, Capricorn will be able to get rid of everything that does not suit him and live in a way that is convenient for him. However, the horoscope for 2016 Capricorn says that there will still be certain disadvantages in November, and the main one is that in November 2016 Capricorn may lack warmth and cordiality in relationships. But Capricorn’s partner will not be to blame for this, he behaves the same way as usual, but Capricorn himself will be determined to do something more.

With a new relationship, everything will be much more complicated. In November 2016, Capricorn will want to give up on them only because they break his usual way of life. But if Capricorn had given himself the trouble to think, he could have realized that this would only benefit him. And in principle, he’s not so bad in them, and the dynamics are definitely positive.

Finance and career horoscope for November 2016 Capricorn

The situation in the professional sphere in November 2016 for Capricorn will turn out to be quite comfortable, normal and, in general, understandable. Before taking any initiative, Capricorn will have to do his immediate work, following a clearly outlined plan. It is likely that this month Capricorn may experience certain problems caused by excessive sociability. This will affect the fact that in November 2016 Capricorn may talk more than work and, of course, immediate management will not like this. In addition, as a result of such idle conversations, Capricorn may receive false information and follow it in the future.

The horoscope for 2016 Capricorn says that November will help you advance on the path leading to your goal, no matter whether it is a new position or the opportunity to participate in some promising project. But it is very important that Capricorn himself is ready to work hard and not give up at the first failure. It would be better if in November 2016 Capricorn simply pretends that this is exactly what was intended.

If Capricorn intends to move to a new job, then November will be the most suitable month for this. In November 2016, Capricorn can find exactly the option that suits him and successfully pass the interview.

Health horoscope for November 2016 Capricorn

In November 2016, Capricorn should be attentive to those diseases that will appear in him at the beginning of this month. Although they may seem quite simple at first, things can later turn out to be much more serious. And even a survey will not necessarily be able to provide a complete picture. So Capricorn will have to hedge his bets.

The horoscope for 2016 Capricorn says that in November you may well try to overcome your bad habits or, if necessary, change your regime. It will be easier to do this this month. In addition, you can cope with intestinal problems, especially when it comes to its lower sections.

In November 2016, representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign will be full of ambition and the desire to succeed. However, it is still not worth doing this at any cost - the effect may be the opposite of what was expected.

Work, career, business

November 2016 for the Capricorn zodiac sign is good for finding new investors, friends and patrons. They will help not only in word, but also in deed, and this will come in handy. With their help, you can establish and strengthen difficult relationships with partners from other cities or countries, as well as deal with legal problems. Here, as they say, “Who has what hurts”... In general, professional positions are strengthened, everything falls into place and the only problem is you yourself. In some matters, you may lack flexibility, diplomacy, humanity, and this is why conflict situations with one of your partners or with your superiors are possible. In this regard, the most difficult time is the last ten days of November. The stars strongly recommend being more patient and modest. In case of problems, try to look at the situation through the eyes of your opponents, which is always useful. This advice is especially relevant for an employee; it can save him from misunderstandings with his superiors.


Financial positions in November 2016 are not particularly stable for the Capricorn zodiac sign. There will be a lot of expenses, but most of them are quite predictable and reasonable.

Love, family

Personal life is also full of changes for representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign in November 2016. Relationships are renewed with old friends, former passions living in another city or in another country. Either a move is on the horizon for you, or a loved one will settle with you or somewhere nearby, which should be kept in mind. Friendly spouses can also change their place of residence, and this can be either a long-distance move or moving to a new apartment, a new house. Relations with relatives may deteriorate somewhat towards the end of the month, and again old problems will be discussed.


In November 2016, representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign are healthy, energetic and all illnesses will bypass you.

In the last month of autumn, many Capricorns have the opportunity to reconsider their attitude towards their own personal life. Representatives of this zodiac sign in November can be prompted to these thoughts by a variety of events: meetings with friends, new books, or a conversation with a loved one. Whether such events will be fateful and how they will affect the future will be answered by the exact love horoscope for November 2019 for Capricorns.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for November 2019

A stormy November can greatly affect the usual life of lonely Capricorns. During this period of time, people born under this constellation may think about the role of new acquaintances, flirting and romantic encounters in their lives. At the end of autumn, for most Capricorns, the sensual side of relationships with the opposite sex will be much more important than the arguments of reason. Usually quite conservative Capricorns will be able to throw away many principles regarding love relationships in November.

If in everyday life many married Capricorns are quite stable and prefer not to differ much from other couples, then in November representatives of this constellation can finally throw away the rules imposed from outside. For many married Capricorns, it will be a discovery that if you openly show love and tenderness to your other half, you can get much more pleasure from personal communication. The accurate love horoscope for November 2019 for Capricorns recommends not suppressing your passions for the sake of public opinion.

Love horoscope for Capricorn women for November 2019

Single Capricorn girls in November will not be looking for relationships with the opposite sex, but for their love. The stars honestly warn that not all girls belonging to the sign of Capricorn will be able to fulfill their desire. However, you shouldn’t give up trying to find your other half at the end of autumn. The opportunity for Capricorn girls to meet a person who will make goosebumps appear at just one glance is quite obvious for Capricorn girls in November. The desire for mutual love can take over them so much that even the difference in age, skin color or religion cannot stop such girls.

The stable family life of Capricorn women may be under threat in the last weeks of autumn. In November, representatives of this zodiac sign want to receive not only the usual attention and support from communicating with their spouse, but also confirmation of serious feelings. Without love, the marriages of Capricorn women during this period of time may be in danger of breaking up. On this basis, relations between spouses in November 2019 may either flare up with mutual passion or worsen due to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Love horoscope for Capricorn men for November 2019

For many single Capricorn men, November can be a favorable period for changes in their personal lives, flirting, dating and meetings. New romances will arise among representatives of this sign if meeting a girl causes a storm of new emotions and feelings in their souls. Winning the heart of a Capricorn man at the end of autumn is not at all easy. Cunning and feminine tricks will not help here. The love horoscope for November does not advise free Capricorns to be too categorical in the last weeks of autumn. After all, love often doesn’t strike you at the first meeting.

Married Capricorn men may not have the most favorable relationships with their spouses. Representatives of this zodiac sign during this period will be especially sensitive to attention, tenderness and manifestations of love from their significant other. Without this, you should not expect a warm atmosphere in the relationships of Capricorn men with their spouses. The accurate love horoscope for November 2019 for Capricorns recommends that they not only demand that their beloved woman show feelings, but also not be shy about showing tender emotions themselves.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for other months of 2019

For those born under the Capricorn zodiac sign, November promises to be a stable month. During this period, you are revived by achievements in the professional field. There will be great chances to earn more than usual. Most representatives of this sign will be able to earn recognition from management and climb up the career ladder. And also many Capricorns will be able to go on a romantic trip with their significant other.

It cannot be said that November will be a passionate period. You will feel insecure and constrained in your relationship with your partner. But the subsequent period promises to bring more love pleasures into the relationship. The middle of the month is a favorable time for love. Single Capricorns will have a great chance of finding love. Married couples will be able to refresh and renew their relationship. And some couples in love will be able to go on a romantic trip. Capricorns will have a need for love and romance. There is a high chance that you will have a secret admirer.

November is an active period in terms of work. Although there may be big problems in the second half of the month, you will eventually overcome them.

Thanks to confidence, many Capricorns will be able to solve large-scale tasks set by management. During this month, you will be revived by your achievements in the professional field. Most representatives of this sign will be able to earn recognition from management and climb up the career ladder.

In the second half of the month, you should make decisions carefully and thoughtfully. You will also be able to emphasize your leadership qualities in the team.

In terms of finances, everything will work out well. The last month of autumn portends good income. There will be great chances to earn more than usual. But still, spend your money wisely.

At the beginning of the month, no health problems are expected. You are full of energy and vitality. But in the second half of the month there is a high risk of getting sick. Therefore, the stars advise representatives of this sign to avoid overexertion, rest more and lead an active lifestyle.

The stars advise Capricorns to focus all their efforts on important tasks! This is the only way you can achieve tremendous success in all your endeavors.

The most favorable days in November for the zodiac sign Capricorn: 4, 5, 23, 27, 30.

Less favorable days in November for the zodiac sign Capricorn: 8, 14, 17, 28, 29.

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Inga Polonskaya.