Slide for adults and children. Inflatable water slides for adults and teenagers

Teenagers are one of the largest target groups of a business built on the use of pneumatic rides. Manufacturers of attractions and founders of entertainment outlets focus mainly on children of middle school age and teenagers. And here a rather contradictory situation arises: after all, the main condition in organizing entertainment for children is their safety, and the most attractive for teenagers during the period of youthful maximalism is precisely the feeling of danger and the rush of adrenaline.

How to attract teenagers?

Inflatable attractions satisfy both requirements - riding on them is absolutely safe, and at the same time you can experience absolutely incredible sensations on them.

The main thing is size

The secret to the popularity of attractions among teenagers is very simple - to attract their attention. This can be done with eye-catching colors, extraordinary shapes and, most importantly, sizes. High slides (up to 7 meters) attract teenagers as if by magic. And the use of an unusual cascade shape or a stele with a springboard is guaranteed to increase the attendance of the attraction.

Slide with a surprise

In order for children to return to skiing again and again, you need to make sure that each descent is different from the previous one. A great idea will help with this - equipping the base of the slide with a blob - this is a springy air bag that will send the skater flying over the surface of the water. The use of this extreme attraction in the design of a slide will not leave either boys or girls indifferent.

Our company offers inflatable slides for adults and teenagers: for the beach, for the pool, for the water park. You can order slides from us at manufacturer prices; in addition, we deliver throughout Russia and to neighboring countries.

Giant slides for everyone! Tens of meters of pure joy! Slides are not only a solution to mental health problems and an effective remedy against stress and depression. Slides are a practical means of transportation! The author says it is “a playground for the body and brain” that evokes “a specific mood associated with unlimited freedom.”

Born in Belgium, now living in Sweden, German artist Carsten Höller is called one of the most significant artists of his generation. Among the works of the 44-year-old author one can find pure concepts, daring experiments, and thoughtful practical things. Moreover, he does not do anything in particular, but is interested in everything at once: films, drawings, architectural projects, photographs, performances, sculptures, installations.

In general, Höller’s creations often include “playful elements” and require the participation of the audience - only this way complete forms are obtained, only then do they demonstrate the problems raised by the creator regarding human behavior, issues of logic, changes in mood and perception.

Carsten Höller himself (photo from

“Concepts on the verge of extinction” is what interests Höller. These include, for example, unproductivity, indiscretion, hyperbole, calmness and courage.

Karsten also says that he “encourages uncertainty and bewilderment,” but despises “the dominant utilitarian thinking, a kind of mass hysteria that has to do with the illogicality of freedom and joy.” He is disgusted by “obedience to competitive utilitarianism, leading to homogeneity in any field.”

So, among the artist’s most famous works are the roller coasters, which he has been making since 1998 and still can’t stop.

In the London gallery, the roller coaster took over Turbine Hall (photo from

People have already ridden the “adult roller coaster” in Berlin and Milan, and on October 10, five twisting slopes (Test Site installation) opened to the public at the Tate Modern gallery in London. Visitors will be able to ride the slides until April 9 next year.

The longest slide at Tate is more than 55 meters long - you can slide down it from the fifth floor of the gallery, from a height of 26.5 meters! Eyewitnesses claim that the speed reaches 48 km/h! Everyone, naturally, is screaming like crazy.

It seems like it takes courage to dive there. However, even children decide to do this (photo from

But what is this installation doing in an art gallery? “This is art, and this is not art,” says Höller. His answers were also found to other burning questions, such as “how did he come up with the idea of ​​​​slides?” and “why does he need all this?”

“One of my childhood memories is related to this work,” explains the artist. — Every day on the way to school I passed by a large building in the center of the park - a nursing home. Silvery slopes descended from the top floor straight to the ground, they were like fire escapes. And I thought that similar slides could be designed for any number of other purposes.”

The adult spread a cloth under himself, and the fearless child, apparently, went down just like that (photo from the sites and

The coaster, according to Höller, is "a sculptural work with a pragmatic aspect" as it is an "efficient and environmentally friendly means of transportation" ("you let go of your hands, lose control and, a moment later, arrive safely at another place"). But stingrays also “indicate happiness,” because “when people descend, they often scream with pure joy.”

It all looks impressive, of course. On top of that, you can admire those passing through the pipe from the balconies (photo from

“It gives you a range of options: you can just watch and enjoy the beauty of the structure, or watch other people slide, or even slide yourself. And, of course, you can just use the stairs,” explains Carsten.

Every winter, ice and snow slides appear in Moscow where you can go sledding and tubing. 2019 was no exception to the rule, when every year there are only more places for sledding and cheesecake riding. However, the traditional ski areas remain the same.

Where to go tubing in Moscow

Ice and snow slides in Moscow can be divided into three types:

  • Slides where there are no restrictions and you can ride anything: on a sled, on an ice rink, or just on your feet or on your butt - all this is completely free.
  • Slides where you can only use tubing. If you have your own cheesecake and don’t need a rental, which is located right there on the hill, skating becomes completely free.
  • Slides where there is no free ride in principle and, as a rule, the use of your own equipment is not allowed.

On paid slides, payment is hourly or for each descent. The prices may not always please you, but if the slide is equipped with a lift, the ride becomes very comfortable.

The largest tubing slides in Moscow

Victory Park

  • How to get there: walk from the Park Pobedy metro station
  • Opening hours: weekdays 12:00 - 22:00, weekends 10:00 - 22:00
  • Skating is free, rental cost is 400-600 rubles. at one o'clock


  • How to get there: 10 min. walk from Sokolniki metro station
  • The cost of skating is from 300 - 400 rubles for 45 minutes.
  • Opening hours: from 11:00 to 21:45


  • How to get there: 5-10 minutes walk from metro station “Park Kultury” or “Oktyabrskaya”
  • Opening hours: from 11.00 to 20.00
  • You can bring your own tubes, it’s cheaper
  • Cost: 50 – 300 rub.


  • How to get there: From Tsaritsyno or Orekhovo metro stations 10 minutes. on foot
  • With your own tube on weekdays until 17:00 free of charge, rental 150 - 300 rubles per hour
  • Opening hours: on weekdays from 12:00 to 19:00, on weekends from 10:00 to 21:00, closed on Mondays

Tubing in ski resorts in Moscow and the Moscow region

You can go tubing at ski resorts. The disadvantages of the complexes are that they are not free and that you cannot use your own inventory. On the plus side, you will get a well-prepared large slide, a lift, a warm locker room and a place to have a snack.

Sports complex "Lata Track"

  • Address: Moscow, Krylatskaya st. building 1
  • How to get there from Krylatskoye metro station: take the last car from the center, get off at Osenny Boulevard. Behind the Seventh Continent store, st. Krylatskie Hills, turn right and go to the sign “Olympic bicycle road, Ski complex”, then follow the signs “Lata track”.
  • Opening hours: on weekdays, tubing is open from 16:00 to 23:00, on weekends and holidays from 9:00 to 23:00
  • Price on weekdays - 500 rubles. in an hour
  • Price on weekends – 1000 rubles. in an hour
  • Website:

Extreme Park "Freestyle"

  • Address: Dzerzhinsky, Moscow region, st. Ugreshskaya 19, a couple of kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road
  • How to get there by public transport: from the Lyublino metro station - bus No. 305 to the Rynok stop. From Lyubertsy station take buses No. 21 and No. 20 to the “Market” stop. From the Kuzminki metro station - buses No. 347 and No. 595 to the Rynok stop, minibus No. 499 and bus No. 470 to the Freestyle Mountain stop.
  • Opening hours: Monday from 16:00 to 22:00, Tuesday - Thursday from 12:00 to 22:00, Friday from 12:00 to 23:00, Saturday from 10:00 to 24:00, Sunday from 10:00 until 22:00
  • Price for the 1st hour of skiing (tube rental + use of the lift) - 500/800 rubles, for the 2nd hour of skiing (25% discount) - 350/600 rubles
  • Website:

Sports complex KANT

  • Address: Moscow, Elektrolitny proezd, possession 7, building 2
  • How to get there: 5 min walk. from metro station Nagornaya
  • Opening hours: on weekdays - from 17:00 to 22:30, on weekends and holidays - from 9:00 to 22:00, closed on Mondays
  • Cost: hour of skating - 450 rubles, payment is made at the ticket office of the Nagornaya school
  • Website:

Shukolovo – Leonid Tyagachev Ski Club

  • Address: Moscow Region, Dmitrovsky district, Shukolovo village
  • Opening hours: Monday - Thursday: from 10:00 to 24:00, Friday: from 10:00 to 02:00, Saturday: from 09:00 to 02:00, Sunday: from 09:00 to 24:00
  • Tubing rental cost: 1 hour - 300 rubles, 2 hours - 500 rubles, each subsequent hour - 200 rubles. The price of the ride includes use of the track and a special tubing lift.
  • Website:

Sports and entertainment park Yakhroma

  • Address: Moscow Region, Dmitrovsky district, Yakhroma, from the Moscow Ring Road 46 kilometers along Dmitrovskoe highway, turn to the village of Stepanovo
  • Opening hours: Monday-Wednesday 12:00–22:00, Thursday 10:00–23:00, Friday-Saturday 10:00–24:00, Sunday 10:00–23:00
  • Tariffs for tubing rental per 1 hour: weekdays – 500 rubles, weekends – 600 rubles.
  • Website:

Tubing park Elagino

  • Address: Naro-Fominsk district, near the village of Elagino (76 km of Kyiv highway).
  • How to get there: along the Kyiv highway, to the village of Elagino
  • Opening hours: Mon.: technical day, Tue.-Thu.: 14:00 - 22:00, Fri.: 10:00 - 22:00, Sat.: 10:00 - 00:00, Sun:. 10:00 - 22:00
  • Phone: +7 968 ​​644 06 89
  • Price: from 250 to 700 rubles
  • Website:

Snow and ice slides in administrative districts and regions of Moscow

Information from the Open Data Portal of the Moscow Government



  • st. Yunosti, house 2, building 1


  • Big Circle alley, building 7
  • Izmailovsky proezd, building 3, building 1
  • Izmailovsky Prospekt, property 54

Kosino-Ukhtomsky district

  • Lukhmanovskaya st., building 27


  • st. Lazo, house 7, building 2


  • st. Preobrazhensky Val, house 24, building 3


  • st. Sokolnichesky Val, house 1, building 1


district Prospekt Vernadskogo

  • st. Udaltsova, house 22


  • st. Bogdanova, house 6, building 1

Zelenograd administrative district


  • Zelenograd city, building 1560


Khoroshevsky district

  • st. Kuusinena, house 15, building 3


Babushkinsky district

  • Olonetsky proezd, building 20

Losinoostrovsky district

  • Startovaya street, building 10
  • st. Menzhinskogo, house 6


  • Belozerskaya st., building 23


  • Uglichskaya st., possession 13, building 8


  • Altufevskoe highway, building 8A (not working)


  • Prospekt Mira, house 186D



  • Penyaginskaya st., building 14

Northern Tushino

  • st. Svoboda, building 56 (not open)

Central Administrative District

Meshchansky district

  • Bolshaya Ekaterininskaya street, building 27


  • st. Krymsky Val, building 10

Tagansky district

  • Taganskaya street, building 40-42 (not open)



  • Kuzminsky Park, building 1, building 2


  • Porechnaya st., building 13, building 1

South-Western Administrative District

Obruchevsky district

  • Vorontsovsky Park, building 3


  • Bolotnikovskaya st., house 33, building 2 (not open)

Northern Butovo

  • st. Znamenskie Sadki, building 7, building 1

Teply Stan

  • st. Ostrovityanova, house 10, building 3

South Butovo

  • st. Admiral Lazarev, possession 17, building 2

Southern Administrative District

Biryulyovo Western

  • Bulatnikovskaya st., building 2A


  • Andropov Avenue, 58A

Nagatinsky Zaton

  • Kolomenskaya embankment, building 6, building 1
  • Andropov Avenue, 39

Snow and ice slides in Moscow parks on the map

How to choose tubing for skating

The most significant characteristic of the tubing is its outer diameter in the state when the cheesecake is already filled with air.

Dependence of the cheesecake diameter on the height of the skater:

  • Child height up to 110 cm - tubing diameter 65 - 85 cm
  • Height up to 140 cm – tube diameter 90 – 95 cm
  • Height up to 175 cm, tubing 100 - 110 cm is suitable
  • For people taller than 175 cm, you can use tubing with a diameter of 120 - 125 cm

Of course, these recommendations are quite conditional. If you are planning to ride together with a child, it is better to choose a slightly larger tube, with a diameter of at least 120 cm. The main thing is that you can hold it comfortably without flying out of the tube while skating. For this reason, you should not buy a very large tube for a small child to grow into. For overweight people, it is better to choose a cheesecake with a larger diameter.

P.S. Prices and terms of service for slides are provided as a guide only and are subject to change. The list of places for skiing down the mountains in Moscow and the near Moscow region on cheesecakes and sleds is not complete.

Cheesecake riding is becoming fashionable in Moscow. Russian entertainment is liked not only by children, but also by adults. And there are more and more tubing slides in the capital’s parks: the longest, “cosmic” and all-weather. Komsomolskaya Pravda advises going to all the hills, telling you where to ride cheesecakes and sleds in Moscow.

Space launch

Near the model of the Vostok launch vehicle at VDNKh, a whole complex of Raketa tubing slides appeared. It consists of two slopes with a height of 20 and 12 meters and a length of slopes of 180 and 120 meters. It was the first descent that allowed the slide to win the title of the highest in Moscow. When you climb to the 20-meter-high launch pad, you get a stunning panoramic view of the main alley of VDNKh and you can even see a huge skating rink in the shape of a “golden key.” And then everything was easy and simple - I got a cheesecake, sat down and flew. You can scream out loud. Near the slides themselves there are still cosmically beautiful 3.5-meter art objects of the planets of the solar system, among which there is even a magical planet New Year. Also, luminous 6-meter figures of athletes were installed on Industry Square. There are ticket offices, a food court and a Christmas market nearby.

WHERE: VDNKh, Prospekt Mira, 119. The nearest metro station is "VDNKh".

WORKING HOURS: on weekdays from 11.00 to 23.00, on weekends and holidays from 10.00 to 23.00.

COST: on weekdays, adult ticket - 100 rubles, children's ticket - 50 rubles; on weekends, an adult ticket is 150 rubles, a child ticket is 100 rubles. There is a tariff for five descents (with a discount): on weekdays for adults - 300 rubles, on weekends - 400 rubles; on weekdays for children - 200 rubles, on weekends - 300 rubles. At the same time, you do not need to pay for tubing rental. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays there is a 50% discount for schoolchildren, students and pensioners.

IMPORTANT: children under 3 years old will not be allowed on the slide, and children under 110 cm tall will only be allowed with their parents.

“Vsepogorka”: winter and summer

The ice slide from Sokolniki has not disappeared. She just changed the name. There was “The Gorka”, but now it became “Vsepogorka”. And all because the slide has become all-weather and will no longer be dismantled during the summer season. You don't need snow at all - you can ride without it. In the warm season, winter ice caps will be replaced with summer ones. “Vsepogorka” is the longest tubing hill in Moscow. The length of the slope is 200 meters, the height is more than 12 meters. And in the evening there is also beautiful lighting.

WHERE: located on the 3rd Luchevoy clearing (to the left of the Ice skating rink). The nearest metro station is Sokolniki.

WHEN: daily from 11.00 to 22.00.

COST: 45-minute sessions from 11.00 to 18.00 - 300 rubles (on weekdays), 400 rubles (on weekends and holidays), from 18.00 to 22.00 - 400 rubles (on weekdays), 450 rubles (on weekends and holidays ). There are benefits for large families, students, pensioners, and the disabled (check on the park website

IMPORTANT: entry for children under 7 years old is prohibited; children from 7 to 12 years old (inclusive) are admitted only when accompanied by parents or legal representatives; It is prohibited to visit the facility with baby strollers, wheelchairs, large items and belongings; It is prohibited to use tubing that does not correspond to the established model (without a plastic bottom and an acceptable size).

Near the Kremlin

There are gigantic queues - not only for children, but also for adults - to ride on Revolution Square overlooking the Kremlin. Moreover, they come from all cities of Russia. The best part is that the ice slide will be free, as in previous years. You also don’t have to pay to rent cheesecakes. But the number of stingrays was increased from two to four in order to accommodate more than 150,000 visitors per season. The height of the slide is almost 8 meters, and the length is 100 meters. The slide itself is also very beautiful - the side walls are decorated with carvings dedicated to the main theme of the festival - the theater. On the main facade there is a copy of the clock that decorates the puppet theater of Sergei Obraztsov.

WHERE: Revolution Square, between the Moscow Hotel and the Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812. The nearest metro station is Teatralnaya or Okhotny Ryad.

WHEN: daily

COST: free.

IMPORTANT: it is forbidden for two or three people to roll down like a train, head down; Before you go, you will need to wait until the previous person has completely completed the descent.

Tubes in Muzeon

You can also ride along the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val this year. The tubing slide, beloved by Muscovites, is open to adults and children. Here you can only ride from soft tubes, which can be rented near the entrance to the attraction.

WHERE: Muzeon, Krymsky Val, 2. Nearest metro station “Oktyabrskaya”.

WHEN: daily from 10.00 to 22.00, except Monday (technical day)

COST: on weekdays a large tube (for adults and children over 13 years old) – 150 rubles for 30 minutes, 200 rubles for 60 minutes. Small tube (for children 3-13 years old) – 100 rubles for 30 minutes, 150 rubles for 60 minutes; on weekends and holidays, large tube (for adults and children over 13 years old) - 200 rubles for 30 minutes, 300 rubles for 60 minutes, small tube (for children 3-13 years old) - 150 rubles for 30 minutes, 250 rubles for 60 minutes. Entry to the slide with your own tube is 50 rubles for 30 minutes, 100 rubles for 60 minutes.

WHERE ELSE (according to Moscow City Park):

Krasnaya Presnya Park, skating - free, tube rental - 250 rubles per hour (opening soon);

Tagansky Park, tube rental - 200 rubles per hour;

Vorontsovo Estate, skating – free, tube rental – 200 rubles for 30 minutes;

Izmailovsky Park, skating - free, no tube rental;

Kuzminki Park, skating + tubing – 300 rubles for 30 minutes;

Babushkinsky Park, skating + tubing - 200 rubles for 30 minutes;

Fili Park, skiing + tubing – 200 rubles for 30 minutes, 300 rubles per hour;

Northern Tushino Park, skating + tubing – 150 rubles per hour;

Voronsky Park, skating + tubing – 150 rubles per hour;

Druzhba Park, skating + tubing – 150 rubles per hour;

Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill, from December 29 to January 8 as part of the Ice Moscow festival. In the Family Circle" there will be 12 ice slides on which you can ride for free.


Snowboard park on Novy Arbat

A wide four-meter slide with obstacles was installed for professionals, as well as a safe slide for beginners. From time to time, exciting open lessons and lectures will be held here, as well as amateur snowboarding competitions.