Plaster butterflies on the wall. Ideas for decorating a room using paper butterflies

For creating unique interior used today different variants. Butterflies on the wall, photos of which you will see in this material - original way bring an empty wall to life. The renovation is completed furniture arranged, new ones are already hanging curtains, but something is missing to complete the image of the room. Paper butterflies on the wall - creative idea, which cannot fail to attract attention.

Creating such decor will require a minimum of material and free time. Even if there is no suitable paper at home, it is sold in any office supply department and is inexpensive. If you don’t want to bother with cutting out silhouettes, you can purchase ready-made stickers with a sticky base.

But fluttering beauties can be made not only from paper - there are other materials suitable for realizing the idea. This is what the conversation will be about.

DIY butterflies on the wall

Butterflies as a design move are used not only to decorate walls. They decorate, and, mirrors, ceilings. However, butterflies in the interior on the wall are the most popular option. And this is not just a beautiful element of decoration: according to the laws Feng Shui, butterflies are considered a symbol of joy, rebirth and mutual love.

Their appearance in the bedroom will give marital relations new colors, will return slightly faded feelings, rekindle the fire of passion. Fluttering beauties should not be bored alone - they are glued to the walls in pairs or large groups.

Different materials are used to make bright moths:

  1. Colored paper.
  2. Rough cardboard.
  3. Vinyl records.
  4. Starched fabric.
  5. Thin metal (beer cans, Coca-Cola cans).

The sizes of soaring beauties can also be different, and are also allowed different shapes and colors. The embodiment of an idea depends on imagination and available material.

Advice! You can arrange butterflies on the wall randomly or depict a rapid whirlwind. Moths can be used as a frame for any composition, for example, from several photographs.

For what style are such decorations acceptable?

Decorating a wall with butterflies will be appropriate in any interior style:

  • rustic;
  • replete with technology;
  • ascetic;
  • stingy;
  • noble classics.

The main thing is that the miniature applications harmonize in color with the overall interior. Otherwise, they will look ridiculous and tasteless. Just don’t make butterflies from paper of the same tone as the walls; they will simply blend into the background and be almost invisible.

The following combinations would be ideal:

  1. green or red moths on;
  2. black or dark brown on white or;
  3. combination of bright blue and bright red on.

Advice! Designers recommend enhancing the effect, creating the illusion of real soaring. A bedroom or children's room decorated in this way will look great.

Preparing for work

First you need to think over the composition and make a stencil of butterflies for the wall. You can look up photos of ideas on the Internet, just in case your own imagination doesn’t suggest anything. Then you should choose the material, and if there is nothing suitable in the house, you will have to go to a stationery or arts and crafts store.

Moths of the desired shape and size are drawn on paper or vinyl film using a stencil. Ideally, there should be several stencils, then the figures will be varied. When choosing fastening method Some points need to be taken into account:

  • if the moths will hang on the wall, at least until the next renovation, then you can use glue to attach them;
  • if the apartment owner is not sure that the butterflies will last long, it is better to secure them with pins or small buttons.

Advice! Having clearly imagined the future composition or drawn up a sketch on paper, you need to mark the lines of the butterflies’ location on the walls with a pencil. This will make it possible not to deviate from the plan, which may well happen while gluing the elements.

Bright, shiny butterflies are obtained from old, long-read magazines. Photos of butterflies can be taken from the Internet and printed on glossy paper. In order for the applications to shimmer with multi-colored lights, they are coated with acrylic varnish with the addition of glitter. The effect is amazing! Compositions with fluorescent colors look no less tempting. paint.

Advice! When fixing butterflies to the wall, you should fix only their middle, and the wings should remain completely free and bent, creating volume.

Composition of fabric and painted butterflies

If the room is finished liquid wallpaper, decor with butterflies on the wall – perfect solution, but it is better to choose as a material textile. Any will do variegated or plain patches, which are sure to be found in any home. It is better to use PVA for fastening.

To prevent the edges of the fabric from fraying or fraying, and to make the fabric more rigid, it is recommended to first soak it in water with the addition of PVA glue, dry it, and only then cut out the figures.

Painted moths look no less luxurious. To create a unique composition you will need:

  • , which is made of plastic or thick cardboard;
  • acrylic and fluorescent;
  • thin brush;
  • sponge for washing dishes.

Using a stencil, the main design is applied to the wall with acrylic paint, then the contours of the butterflies are outlined with fluorescent paint. In the dark, the hovering moths will flicker mysteriously.

If you are bored with the interior and want to change something in your home, but you are not ready for drastic decisions, then a great option would be to decorate the walls with your own hands using such decorative elements, like a panel or applique. Particularly popular among designers are decorative elements in the form of butterflies, which symbolize joy and natural beauty.

This decoration will look especially harmonious in a bedroom or nursery, but if used skillfully, it will fit into other rooms. This economical and rather unusual way of decorating walls will transform any room with minimal investment of time and money.

Butterflies in the interior of the room

Butterfly decorations are rarely single. Usually entire groups of many moths are created. This creates wide scope for imagination, because you can place them in the most in unusual ways: on the walls, under the ceiling, around chandeliers, curtains or other interior items. Very interesting are the airy compositions that “come to life” with a light breeze.

White butterflies in the interior

Multi-colored butterflies on the wall

Butterflies will become bright accent For monochrome interior. Their color can be absolutely any: from strict white or black tones to the brightest neon shade. The main thing is that they fit organically into the interior, and their color echoes the color of the walls and other elements.

According to Feng Shui, butterflies bring happiness and mutual understanding to the home, bring romance into relationships and contribute to the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

Butterflies in the interior are also used for zoning. By hanging them from the ceiling or decorating a wall with them, you can easily create several functional zones in the room.

Beautiful butterflies in the interior

Room design with butterflies

What style are butterflies suitable for?

Moths are an absolutely non-binding decorative element. This decoration will suit almost any style of room:

  • Provence;
  • classic;
  • eco style;
  • minimalism;
  • high tech;
  • modern

The main thing is to make sure that the butterflies match the color of the room and are located appropriately. Usually their colors contrast with the color of the walls, otherwise they will simply become invisible.

Room design with butterflies

  • Absolute contrast. We glue black butterflies to the white wall, white ones to the black one.
  • Color accent. Bright butterflies on a monochrome background.
  • On beige wall Light green or scarlet moths will look great.
  • The best decoration for a pink wall will be blue or scarlet appliqués.

Materials used

What are they used to make butterflies for decoration? The choice of materials is truly impressive.


The most economical and easy to use material. You can attach paper butterflies to the wall using glue or double-sided tape.


This material is stronger and more durable than paper, but it is more difficult to make appliques from. Since it is quite heavy, you will have to secure the cardboard moths to the wall more securely.

Butterflies in the bedroom interior

Bedroom with butterflies

Vinyl film

This option is ideal for wall decor. Cutting from it is a pleasure; besides, you don’t need to bother with glue and tape, you just need to peel off the protective layer. In addition, vinyl film has a very nice glossy shine and is more resistant to moisture than paper and cardboard.


Most often used to decorate curtains and various draperies. Fabric butterflies add coziness to the atmosphere of the room. They are attached with PVA glue. To give the butterflies the required shape, you can use a soap solution and glue. You will have to wet them first and give them the desired bend, which they will retain after drying.

Huge butterfly in the interior of the room

What butterflies look like in the interior of a children's room


Butterflies made from this material are durable and voluminous. The desired color can be achieved using acrylic paint, and attaching it to the wall is not difficult with ordinary glue.


There is also nothing complicated in making butterflies from plaster: dilute the plaster with water, pour it into a mold, then wait until it dries and paint the resulting decoration with acrylic paint.

Mirrors and glass

Making wall decor elements from mirrors and glass is quite a labor-intensive task, but the result is definitely worth it. A butterfly-shaped mirror will look very original in any room.


Do you know how to carve wood? Your talent will definitely come in handy if you decide to decorate your apartment with your own butterfly-shaped decorations.

Pink butterflies in the interior

Circle with butterflies


This is where improvised means come into play - plastic bottles. The butterfly is cut out of the bottle according to a template, the wings are given the necessary bend and color.

Old photos

Moths from your favorite photographs scattered across the wall can replace boring photo frames.

Fabric or painted composition

Textile moths are perfect for decorating walls covered with liquid wallpaper. On walls of this texture they can be easily fixed using PVA glue. For production, plain and variegated shreds are used.

Before cutting out the required shape, it is recommended to soak the pieces of fabric in a solution of PVA glue and dry. After this procedure, cutting will become easier, and the edges will not fray.

Butterflies with patterns in the interior of the room

Butterflies in the interior

To create a drawn composition you will need a few simple tools:

  • cardboard stencil;
  • acrylic paint;
  • brush;
  • sponge.

Drawing a picture on the wall is very simple. We apply a stencil, apply paint with a sponge, and outline the edge with a brush. It is not recommended to remove the stencil until the paint has dried, otherwise it may spread. For the same reason, paint must be applied to the wall in a thin layer.

Glowing butterflies

To create a magical corner in the room with butterflies fluttering in the dark, we will need phosphor paint.

Place the drawing on a white wall next to table lamp. Glue the stencils to the wall and apply phosphor paint with a sponge. It is better to control the process in dim light. After drying, the stencils are removed, and the butterflies remain on the wall, creating the illusion of them flying freely.

To enhance the effect, you can use blue paint around the wings.

Multi-colored butterflies in the interior

Butterflies in the interior

Moths made of colored paper

We will need several sheets of colored paper in the desired shades, a pencil, thick double-sided tape, scissors and stencils that you can make yourself by cutting them out of cardboard. A composition of butterflies of different sizes will look more impressive, so make several of them.

We trace the stencils and cut out the resulting figures. Their number depends on how large your idea is. To make the butterflies voluminous, bend them colored paper in half, but do it so that the fold line is not sharp.

Room design with butterflies

Beautiful butterflies in the interior of the room

The most enjoyable part of the job is placing butterflies on the wall. You can come up with many composition options.

Most popular:

  • a flock of butterflies flying out of the room;
  • a whirlwind with moths flying out from the center;
  • butterflies folding into a common shape (heart, big butterfly, spiral, etc.);
  • chaotic arrangement all over the wall.

There should be no problems with fastening; paper butterflies are very light. Double-sided tape is ideal for this purpose, which will allow you to get rid of the decoration at any time without damaging the wallpaper.

Decor with butterflies: 7 exclusive ideas for handmade

Butterflies made of paper and cardboard are, of course, beautiful, but if the soul asks for originality, then completely different ideas will come to the rescue. We have collected 7 extraordinary ways to decorate your painting with butterflies using the most unexpected materials and design solutions.

1. From vinyl records

Don’t rush to throw away old vinyl discs, because they are an indispensable material for decorating a room with your own hands. The plates are also used to create decorations in the form of butterflies.

Butterflies in the interior of the room

Room design with butterflies

The process itself includes several stages.

  • We apply the design to the plate according to the template.
  • Heat it in the oven or microwave oven for about 1 minute until the edges begin to curl slightly.
  • Cut out the shape.
  • Sand the edges with sandpaper.
  • We attach it to the wall using glue.

2. Multi-layered and voluminous

Made from several layers of different colors and sizes, they look very vibrant and truly three-dimensional. Usually only the bodies of butterflies are glued together, while the wings remain free and bend at different angles.

An unusual effect is achieved by combining ordinary butterflies with openwork ones. To do this, two butterflies are cut out according to a template of the same size, but different in color, with the wings of one butterfly being solid, and the other with patterns.

To avoid cutting out the same shape several times, fold the paper so that you get several butterflies at once.

Photo wallpaper with butterflies

Butterflies in the heart

3. Corrugated paper

Moths made from such paper are even easier to make than from regular paper. They are very easy to make even without the help of glue.

  • Cut out a rectangle of paper of the desired color, slightly larger than the planned butterfly.
  • We sew the rectangle with a thread in the middle, tighten it, resulting in a bow.
  • Fold it in half and smooth out the wings.
  • From one edge we cut off a small strip for antennae. Using scissors, cut out a pattern along the edge of the wings.
  • We roll the cut strip into a tube, forming antennae.
  • We turn the wings inside out and carefully smooth them, giving them the desired shape.

4. From tin cans

Butterflies for decoration are made even from such inconspicuous objects as ordinary cans. When cutting out the moth silhouettes, extreme care must be taken to avoid cutting your hands. This design can be secured using thin wire. Freely moving butterflies will create a light chime at the slightest breath of wind

5. Accordion

The secret to the success of such a product is in the small accordion. You need to cut out 2 squares of paper, fold them like an accordion, then attach them to each other and wrap them with thread. We will make the antennae from flexible wire of the same color. Let's straighten the wings and give the butterfly the desired shape. The moth is ready!

6. Mobile

An elegant hanging arrangement of butterflies will look great both in a child’s room and in a bedroom. Building such beauty at home is as easy as shelling pears.

To implement this idea, we will need a hoop, fishing line, ribbons, and the butterflies themselves, numerous manufacturing options for which we have already considered. We secure the hoop under the ceiling using satin or chiffon ribbons, and evenly attach the fishing line to the hoop over the entire area. Place butterflies made of paper or cardboard on the fishing line. They can be made either plain or colored. Such a voluminous decorative composition looks very impressive in a woman’s bedroom and emphasizes the romance and femininity of the hostess.

Room design with butterflies

7. Paintings

The essence of the idea is that now the butterflies are not placed directly on the wall, but become part of a single application, enclosed in a limited frame.

Cutting out butterflies from old magazines ready-made template and place them on a single-color sheet, which will be the basis of the picture. We attach them using double-sided tape so that they rise above the level of the picture. If this is not available, then you can insert a piece of foam rubber between the tape.

We combine colors in such a way that they smoothly flow from one to another. We insert the finished picture into a frame.

Summing up

DIY butterflies for decoration are very budget-friendly, but at the same time creative and original version decorate the design of any room. A little time, patience, imagination and a lot of butterflies, and she will simply be unrecognizable!

Video: Decorating a room with butterflies

Wall crafts in the form of butterflies will help refresh your boring and plain wall. They are used as a symbol of summer, lightness and freedom. You can make butterflies from almost any material. Butterflies on the wall are a great way to decorate a room. They bring elegance and lightness to the room.

What style are butterflies on the wall suitable for?

Butterflies on the wall are made as panels, mounted on one or several walls of the room. They can be made from fabrics and many other materials. Depending on the selected The right way production and design of panels.

They can be attached to the wall at random or made into panels. You can also create paintings.

The lighter the material from which you make appliques, the more they will resemble the real thing. When the wind blows lightly, their wings will rustle, creating an imitation of flight.

Moths are suitable for decorating a room of almost any style, but winged insects will look best in the following styles:


It is very important that the color of the moths matches color design rooms. You should not make bright red or green insects for a room decorated in beige tones.

They should also be different in color from the wall so as not to blend in with it. For example, white moths would be out of place on a white or light gray wall. Combinations can be called successful:

The main rule is that the moths on the wall should stand out and at the same time be combined, and not seem like an unnecessary decoration.

Preparing to create applications

Before creating a picture with moths, you need to think about how they will be located, what size they will be and what material they will be made of. You can find ready-made panels on the Internet and get an idea from there, after which you should start making a stencil.

The moths should not be located in one place, and the distance between them should be different to make the composition look interesting. You can attach butterflies in the form of a vortex or randomly place them on the wall.

Afterwards, you need to select the material for production and purchase stencils. It is advisable to have several stencils of different sizes to make the composition look more interesting. You can cut out a stencil on paper, vinyl film or any other suitable material.

Light moths can be cut from:

Making paper butterflies is not difficult, but you will have to tinker with fabric.


Paper is suitable for those people who do not want to spend money on expensive material and production time. It is very simple to make such moths using a stencil, but they have a drawback - the appliqués are easy to damage.

Even small children can cut out paper. You can also use colored paper to draw antennae, eyes and veins for the moths. This applique is inexpensive and the whole family can cut it out.

Paper butterflies can be cut out from old magazines, or you can print out coloring pages and cut out the outline. It is not necessary to make panels in one color scheme– the more different colors, the more interesting.

Paper butterflies can be glued to the center, and then they will sway when the wind blows. Such insects can be planted on glue, tape, or attached with a pushpin.


Cardboard crafts will be a little stronger than paper ones, but will no longer be so light that they sway in the wind. You can stick rhinestones, sparkles on them and attach decorations, and unlike paper ones, cardboard moths will withstand this.

The wings can be made more voluminous or rounded. If the cardboard is thick, it needs to be lightly sprinkled with water, bent, put under a press and dried. After drying, the decoration will take the desired shape.

Cardboard needs to be secured more firmly, as it is heavier than paper. Do not attach it with tape or a pin - the butterfly may fall. It is better to use glue or double-sided tape.

Vinyl film

Vinyl is a self-adhesive material, making it ideal for wall-mounted applications. The film has a smooth glossy finish and shimmers in the light. Bright vinyl film moths will help refresh the room.

It’s not difficult to cut, and you don’t have to worry about how to attach the stickers to the wall. You just need to remove the protective layer from the film and stick it in the right place.


If you want the wings of a moth to move in the wind, protective film need to be removed only at the bend of the wings. The film should be left on the wings.


Fabric moths are perfect for liquid plain wallpaper, draperies or other soft finishing fabric. Moths will make the room more comfortable, improving the atmosphere in it.

The fabric should not be wrinkled; iron it before cutting. It is recommended to attach with glue.

Wall mount

The fastening material depends on the material from which the moths are made. For example, glue is suitable for paper, and foam is suitable for lightweight materials. Butterflies can also be attached to threads, hanging from the ceiling.


You can use glue or a gun. It is not recommended to use a pencil, as it does not hold material well, especially heavy ones. Glue should be used on walls that are not afraid to get dirty.

It is better to apply glue to the fold of the wings, so the moth will look more like a real one.

If you apply glue to all the wings, make sure that it does not extend beyond the edges.. It is important to use high-quality glue, as it may not hold butterflies well or leave unsightly marks on the wallpaper.


Unlike glue, pins leave little damage to the wall. You can also attach insects to cork board. Pins are suitable for walls made of plastic panels, regular or balsa wood, as well as drywall.

You should select pins with a head that matches the color and shape. You can purchase pins with heads in the shape of different figures or with glitter.

Before sticking a pin with a butterfly on it into the wall, you need to glue the applique to the pin with Moment glue. If you attach butterflies to wallpaper, bend the end of the pin halfway at a right angle. This way the structure will be fixed in the wall naturally.


To glue the moth to the foam, you need to smear a piece on both sides and use it to attach the moth to the wall. Applications made from heavy materials are not recommended to be placed on such a mount, as the foam may not withstand it. Only paper and cardboard crafts will do.


In order not to spoil the wall, you can hang butterflies by threads from the ceiling. It is recommended to hang butterflies on threads of different lengths. You can use both colored threads and transparent fishing line. The main thing is that the thread must withstand the decorations.

Glowing butterflies

To create the effect of glowing butterflies, you need to attach the butterflies to a white wall, and there should be a table with a table lamp nearby. To make such a composition, you will need:

  • Stencil.
  • Phosphor paint in several colors.
  • Pencils.
  • Sponge.
  • Brushes, preferably a palette.
  • Glue (preferably spray).

Materials can be purchased at a specialized stationery store. To make a composition you need:

  • Attach the stencils to the wall using glue. You can also secure them with pins.
  • Cut the sponge into small pieces and attach to the handle of the brushes (you can apply paint with a regular sponge).
  • Apply paint inside the stencils. If you want to make the moth multi-colored, it is recommended to mix the colors in the palette.
  • When the paint has dried, you need to carefully remove the stencils, turn on the lamp and enjoy the beautiful composition on the wall.

To make the composition look more interesting, the moths should be different sizes and shapes. Stencils on the wall are placed at different angles and in different places.

Crafts made from colored paper

To make beautiful butterflies from colored paper, you need:

  • A printer.
  • Thick paper in the desired colors.
  • White paper.
  • Pencil.
  • Cardboard (the density should allow it to bend).
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.

After preparing all the materials, you need to start creating crafts:

  • Print the image templates on white paper and cut them out. Prepare more templates in case some don't work out the first time. It is better if the templates are different in size.
  • Attach the templates to the cardboard, trace with a simple pencil, then cut out. If you can, print the pictures directly onto cardstock.
  • Trace the cardboard templates onto the back of the construction paper and cut them out. Fold the paper in half to make the butterflies three-dimensional.
  • Apply glue to the fold, straighten the moth and press it against the wall with your finger. After some time, spread the wings of the craft.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself colored butterflies - easy and simple

Colored butterflies in no time

You can stick the butterflies on the wall randomly, or in one direction (in this case, all insects should be different sizes).

Beautiful and plentiful - it looks masterpiece

Origami butterflies

Origami – perfect solution for family crafts. Such moths will look original and unusual thanks to their voluminous wings.

For such a butterfly you need:

  • Newspaper or old magazine.
  • Any paint (for example, gouache).
  • The wire is thin.
  • Pliers.
  • Pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler.

Having prepared the materials necessary for crafts, you can start working:

  • Cut out squares measuring 4 by 4 cm or 5 by 5 cm from the sheets.
  • Fold the paper in half twice.
  • Fold the resulting square diagonally in two different directions.
  • Fold the paper inwards to create a triangle.
  • Fold the two ends of the top layer towards the top.
  • Turn the triangle over to the other side and bend the corner up so that it extends beyond the body of the craft.
  • Bend the resulting triangle to the other side and glue it to the base.
  • Paint the ends of the wings with different paints.
  • Make a butterfly body and antennae from wire.
  • Expand the butterfly with a scarlet triangle upward, bend its wings and give them any shape.
  • Dip the wire frame in glue and attach to the craft.
  • Attach the insect to the wall in any reliable way.

VIDEO: Origami butterflies - it couldn’t be easier

Paper butterflies

Volume craft for beginners

Vinyl crafts

Creating butterflies is not a difficult task if you do everything clearly and according to the instructions. To do this you need to purchase the necessary material:

  • Old vinyl records.
  • Crayons in two colors - black and white (you can use colored pencils instead).
  • Butterfly patterns.
  • Scissors.

Made from vinyl records - looks original

Templates should preferably be cardboard. After preparing everything you need, you can start creating the applications themselves:

  • Mark the middle of the template on the plate. Use a white chalk or pencil to trace the outline of the plate, and a black chalk to outline the sticker, which is located in the middle of the plate.
  • Take a baking sheet, cover it with foil, put a plate on the foil. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and place a baking sheet in there. Immediately remove the baking sheet with the plate, as it quickly begins to deform, after about 45 seconds.
  • Using sharp scissors, cut out the butterfly from the plate. If it hardens again while cutting, it needs to be placed back in the oven. Vinyl cools very quickly, so you need to cut not only carefully, but also quickly. You may have to heat the template several times.
  • When the insect is cut out, it must be bent in half;
  • When the butterfly has cooled completely, you can glue it to the wall.