Where biology and society is required for admission. Where can you go after passing the Unified State Exam in Biology?

If Unified State Exam results turned out not to be as expected, but strengths graduate - chemistry and biology, enrolling in a pharmacy college or university may be a good option. Pharmacist is a sought-after profession that can be obtained at a university or college after 11th grade. So, where to go if pharmacy is your vocation?

Is a pharmacist a person who sells medicine?

Not really. On the other side of the pharmacy window there may be not only a pharmacist, but also an ordinary pharmacy consultant. The difference between them is precisely the availability of professional knowledge in the field of pharmaceutics and pharmacology.

The pharmacist must know everything: what these or other medications consist of, how each individual ingredient affects human body what contraindications does it have? medicines, which drug should be taken for stomach pain, and which one should be taken if a person has insomnia. In addition, the pharmacist must be able to easily understand a doctor’s prescription and, if necessary, prepare a drug from the specified ingredients directly in the pharmacy.

To master this in-demand profession, you need to study diligently at a secondary vocational or higher educational institution. Applicants who have an excellent knowledge of organic and inorganic chemistry, biology and the basics of genetics can enter there.

Prospects for the profession

Pharmacists, like medical workers, there is always not enough. The number of pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies in Russia is constantly increasing, and employers are snapping up new pharmaceutical graduates like hot cakes.

After completing their training, newly minted pharmacists are free to choose where they want to work next - there are indeed many prospects. You can get a job in a pharmacy and build a career there - from the “first boss” to the head of the pharmacy. You can send your resume to a pharmaceutical company - Russian or foreign. You can go into science and find your place in one of the many laboratories for the development, production or testing of new drugs.

I will be a pharmacist: where to start?

First of all, choose an educational institution: university or college. The difference lies in the possibility or impossibility of combining a profession with work.

For example, in the pharmaceutical college “New Knowledge” (Moscow), where you can enroll after 11th grade, training lasts 3 years 10 months - this is faster than at a university. In parallel with your studies, you can get a job: “New Knowledge” offers full-time and part-time education, and students themselves determine their schedule of classes (day, evening, mixed or weekend). A semester in college costs 24,500 rubles.

There are other options for obtaining a pharmaceutical education. At the Moscow State Educational Complex, you need to study to become a pharmacist according to the same schedule of part-time and part-time education for everyone - twice a week in the evenings and once on Saturday afternoons. Education here will cost 50 thousand rubles per semester. There are several more offers on “Pharmacy” in colleges near Moscow.

Higher education in this specialty can only be full-time and lasts 5 years. This year, enrollment for “Pharmacy” is underway at the State Humanitarian and Technological University (Orekhovo-Zuevo, 51,000 rubles/semester), Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov (105,000 rubles/semester), Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov (100,000 rubles/semester) and RUDN University (89,600 rubles/semester).


Comment on the article "Where to study chemistry and biology? Pharmaceutical college or university"

To college after 11th grade. Admission to universities and other educational institutions. Teenagers. My son has now gone to college after 11th grade. I have already written about our situation, when due to...


Hello) I myself graduated from college first, BUT after 9th grade... many then came to us after 11th and everything was fine)) 3 years and you have a profession, at the same time you are growing up during this time, you understand what you need (that specialty or no)))) and then you calmly go to university) it seems to me that this a good option when there is no exact choice of profession and it will be easier for parents, they will not devote all their energy and money to something that the child will not do later) I then entered the university for a painting course)

I went to college after 11 because I didn’t get into the budget and my parents couldn’t pay. I graduated, got a job and knowledge, entered a university as a correspondence student, I pay for it myself because... I work) thanks to the college certificate, the session is easy, most of it is re-read))

09/14/2017 16:17:24, Polina1996

Leave school and go to college after 9th grade? please advise where to go with Section: Parental experience (if you pass the GVE after 9th grade you can go to college...


It seems to me that there is no university without mathematics or Russian; no matter how you look at it, you will need to pass the Unified State Exam in Russian and mathematics, and this, as I see it, is not realistic. Commerce and business are mathematics (well, at the core).

Who does he see himself as? what profession?

I can advise you on a paid externship, where you can study the necessary subjects, and the rest of the grades are “drawn”. You can take one year at a time, or you can take 10-11 in a year. They train the right ones for the Unified State Examination.

Mine was trained, but we don’t have such problems, only mild psychiatry.
we passed 10-11 in 1 year, wrote 2 exams (Russian and basic mathematics) and went to college with a brilliant certificate (4.9 points)

But it’s difficult in college now, we have failed higher mathematics, and there will be a retake.
We have commerce in college, but there is also a higher education program there, an institute program, I don’t think it’s realistic for you...

Are you considering specialized colleges? This year my daughter is entering the Mikhailovsky College of Economics, a boarding school for disabled children. She has a programmer specialty, they also have an accountant and hotel management - this, I think, is for humanities students.

At the pharmaceutical college "New Knowledge" (Moscow), where can you go after 11? Leave school and go to college after 9th grade? And about Podolsk on the Internet...


Moscow, if only federal colleges accept strangers and dorms. Moscow colleges accept strangers only for a fee. There is a good college at Gzhel University with a dorm, many specialties, federal. And ask about Podolsk on the Internet. There should also be colleges in Serpukhov (like on your train line).

06.11.2016 16:35:29, yes

Isn’t it necessary to have Moscow registration in order to enroll in Moscow? We encountered this three years ago and introduced mandatory registration in Moscow.

We were paid even after 18. Ruslan has already been paid.

A relative would like her son to go to college after 9th grade, but she says that that year only Muscovites studied at College No. 3 for free. All the rest cost 120 thousand a year.


The main plus is that the child receives the profession that he has chosen and for which he has already spent at least 7 years (studying at a music school), and they will not be accepted into the Conservatory or the Gnessin Academy without college music. The Unified State Exam is not mandatory, but if you need it, the college will compile lists of those interested and there you will learn about further steps. As a last resort, you can always submit an application to the regional department of education, and they will assign you to take the Unified State Exam at some reception point. A lot also depends on which college you are going to go to; it is often more difficult to get there than to the most prestigious university

I'll wait and listen, I also wanted to start this topic

Admission to college. Education, development. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with children adolescence: adolescence, problems at school, career guidance...


Interesting too

This is how it happens now:
- we chose several colleges that interested us (the number seems to be unlimited).
- copies of documents were carried everywhere, the originals were not given to anyone.
By the way! You can see in advance (in May) which medical certificate is needed for admission and get it - it is valid for a year. We needed some kind of tricky one, not just 086, because we are going to medical college. Just so that after receiving the certificate you don’t waste time, but can immediately go and submit documents.
- Now on the websites of selected colleges I track the ratings of applicants (they are updated quite regularly) in order to understand where we pass and where we do not.
- Important point- you need to understand exactly by what date you need to bring the original documents. This may vary from college to college. But it turns out that everywhere before August 1st. And here's the dilemma. Since our scores are “borderline”, at the end of July we will have to decide where to go. Where we definitely go, or where we go only on the condition that not everyone ahead in the ranking will bring the originals. In general, the passing score will be clear only after August 1, when everyone who did not bring the original will be excluded from the competition. But then it will be too late to rock the boat...

The child is really needed when submitting copies of documents (immediately after graduation) and when submitting originals towards the end of July. It may also be needed if there are some internal entrance tests for your specialty (for example, we have some kind of psych testing, for hairdressers - drawing, maybe...)
The rest of the time he may not be in Moscow.

We attended preparatory courses. For admission - it does not give anything at all. But at least I was more confident that she would not write the Russian GIA as “2”. We have improved our biology - it will be useful in the 1st year (if we enroll). Well, the child was busy once again :)

Try to improve your certificate within a year. Well, you get a “5” in physical education, in life safety... - and that’s bread :) We somehow didn’t stick to it, which I regret now.

I want to transfer it somewhere. Is it possible to go to college, even if it means losing a year? Based on the State Examination results, you can enter a medical college on a budget without any problems.

Biology is easy, but chemistry isn't your thing? Fortunately, not all universities require the classic “biology and chemistry” set. There are many specialties where you can easily enter with biology (when the additional subjects are different, such as social studies), for example, psychology, physical education, veterinary medicine and many others. Let's figure out together where you can enroll in biology and where you have a better chance of getting on a budget.

Natural Sciences


At RNIMU named after. N. I. Pirogov minimum score - 224, 18 allocated budget places. At the Moscow State Pedagogical University in the Bioecology profile, the passing score is 207, 19 budget places are allocated. At the MBA named after. K.I. Scriabin has a passing score of 221, 40 guys will be accepted for the budget. In MSUPP, to be admitted to the budget, you need to score at least 169 points, 10 places are planned. At the Timiryazev Academy the passing score is 181, 15 places are allocated.

Humanitarian sciences

Clinical psychology

At Moscow State University, 52 places have been allocated, the passing score is 338. Only 10 people who have scored at least 218 points on the Unified State Exam will be able to enter the RSSU on a budget. There are 105 places planned at MSUPE, and in order to enroll, you need to score at least 204 points. At PMGMU named after. I.M. Sechenov was allocated 22 budget places, the passing score is 255. At the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov minimum score - 232, budget places - 20. At MGMSU named after. A.I. Evdokimov, the passing score is 216, 4 people will be accepted for the budget. At the Dubna Municipal Educational Institution of Humanities, the minimum passing score is 196, 15 people will be enrolled on the budget.

Psychology of performance

The minimum passing score at Moscow State University is 322; 47 people will be able to enroll on the budget. There are 12 budget places at the Russian State University for the Humanities, you need to score 216 points on the Unified State Examination, by the way, this is a specialty. At MSUPE the bar is set at 201 points; 105 people will be admitted to the budget.


At RANEPA you must score at least 221 points to get into one of the 80 budget places. At RGSU the passing score is 194, 10 budget places are allocated. The minimum passing score at the Russian State University for the Humanities is 224; 10 people will be able to study at state expense. At MSUPE, 25 budget places are planned, the minimum score is 182. At MSUPE, the passing score is 192, 20 people will be accepted on the budget. At RUDN University the passing score is 236, 9 budget places are planned. At GAUGN you need to score at least 224 points on the Unified State Exam, 10 people will be enrolled in the budget. At MGOU in this specialty the passing score is 173, 10 budget places are planned. Profile at MPGU " Social Psychology development", the passing score is 220, 15 places are allocated.


Medical biophysics

At PMGMU named after. I.M. Sechenov in this direction you need to additionally take physics, the passing score is 227, 12 budget places are allocated. At RNIMU named after. N.I. Pirogov minimum score - 229, additional subject - physics, budget places - 15.

Bioengineering and bioinformatics

Minimum passing score at PMSMU named after. I.M. Sechenov - 230, 15 guys will go to the budget.

Medical cybernetics

At RNIMU named after. N.I. Pirogov’s passing score is 243, 14 budget places are allocated.


At the MSAFK the passing score is 280, 30 places are planned, an interview and a specialized exam are provided.

Physical rehabilitation

The minimum passing score at MSAFK is 291; the budget will accept 30 people who have successfully passed an additional interview and a specialized exam.

Education and pedagogy

Psychological and pedagogical education

At MSLU, the minimum score is 175, 24 budget places are planned, and you additionally need to take a foreign language. At MSUPE the minimum score is 177, 150 places are paid from the budget. The Moscow State Educational Institution trains bachelors in the field of Psychology and Social Pedagogy, the passing score is 163, and there are 25 budget places.

At MPGU for the listed profiles there is an additional exam - social studies.

  • Psychology and pedagogy preschool education- 192 points, 14 places;
  • Practical psychology and educational technologies- 185 points, 12 places;
  • Psychology and social pedagogy - 207 points, 20 places;
  • Psychology and pedagogy vocational education- 203 points, 20 places;
  • Practical developmental psychology - 207 points, 30 places;

Defectological education

To enter the MSUPE, you must score at least 168 points; 150 students will be admitted.

MSPU has four training profiles in this area, with 55 budget places allocated for each:

  • Preschool defectology, passing score - 214;
  • Speech therapy, passing score - 203;
  • Oligophrenopedagogy, passing score - 209;
  • Typhlopedagogy and deaf pedagogy, passing score - 233.

At the Moscow State Pedagogical University, the Institute of Childhood has several training profiles. Here you need to additionally take mathematics, 20 budget places are allocated:

  • Preschool defectology, passing score - 211;
  • Speech therapy, 245 points;
  • Oligophrenopedagogy, 195 points;
  • Deaf pedagogy, 209 points;
  • Special pedagogy, 188 points;
  • Typhlopedagogy, 186 points.

MGOU also has several profiles:

  • Speech therapy - 186 points, 25 places, social studies required;
  • Oligophrenopedagogy - 177 points, 25 places, you need to take social studies.

Teacher Education

At Moscow State Pedagogical University you can enroll in one of three training profiles, each of them has 235 budget places, in addition you need to take social studies:

  • Biology and foreign language, passing score - 202;
  • Biology and computer science, minimum score - 202;
  • Science and biology, 200 points required.

MPGU has several profiles; here you need to take social studies as an additional exam.

  • Biology and chemistry, passing score - 222, 1 budget place allocated;
  • Biology and foreign language (English) - 231 points, 15 places;
  • Biology and ecology - 215 points, 15 places;
  • Chemistry and ecology - 190 points, 15 places;
  • Life safety and ecology - 194 points, 20 places;
  • Preschool education - 211 points, 20 places;
  • Preschool education and music - 219 points, 15 places.

Physical education and sports

Physical Culture

RSUPESY&T trains specialists in physical culture in 19 profiles, 360 budget places are allocated for each of them; in addition, you need to pass a professional test and interview.

  • Basketball, 253 points;
  • Volleyball, 265 points;
  • Handball, 290 points;
  • Individual sports, 294 points;
  • Intellectual sports, 294 points;
  • Tennis, 289 points;
  • Hockey, 282 points;
  • Boxing and kickboxing, 301 points;
  • Martial arts, 298 points;
  • Applied sports and extreme activities, 311 points;
  • Weightlifting sports, 282 points;
  • Cycling, 285 points;
  • Gymnastics, 282 points;
  • Rowing and sailing, 279 points;
  • Athletics, 320 points;
  • Skiing and speed skating, figure skating, 308 points;
  • Water sports, 261 points;
  • Dance sport, 312 points;
  • Tourism and recreation, 288 points.

Recreation and sports and health tourism

At RSUPESY&T the passing score is 279, 15 budget places are allocated, you need to pass creative and professional tests and an interview.

Adaptive physical education, physical education for persons with health problems, physical rehabilitation

At RSUPESY&T the minimum passing score is 292, 12 budget places are allocated, you need to pass an interview and a professional test. 25 places have been allocated at Moscow State Pedagogical University, the minimum passing score is 240.

Sports training

At MSAFK, for each training profile, except for the Russian language and biology, you must successfully pass an interview and a professional test. Each profile has 150 budget places allocated.

  • Basketball - 287 points;
  • Boxing - 283 points;
  • Greco-Roman wrestling - 229 points;
  • Volleyball - 285 points;
  • Artistic gymnastics - 285 points;
  • Athletics - 293 points;
  • Skiing - 290 points;
  • Mini-football - 277 points;
  • Swimming - 277 points;
  • Tennis - 295 points;
  • Weightlifting - 274 points;
  • Fencing - 290 points;
  • Figure skating - 261 points;
  • Football - 281 points;
  • Hockey - 294 points;
  • Rhythmic and aesthetic gymnastics - 225 points.

At Moscow State Pedagogical University the passing score in this area is 277, 25 budget places are allocated.

Health-improving types of aerobics and gymnastics

At MGAPC, the minimum passing score is 279, 30 budget places, a profile test and interview are provided.

Physical Education

The passing score for the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture is 288; 150 people who also passed a specialized exam and interview will be admitted to the budget.

Physical education and health technologies

The minimum passing score at MSAFK is 295, 30 places are planned on the budget, you need to pass a specialized exam and interview.

Sports management

At MGAPC, the passing score is 282, 30 budget places are allocated, and a profile test and interview are provided.



At RUDN, you need to additionally take mathematics and score at least 201 points on the Unified State Exam in order to enter one of the 14 budget places. At the Timiryazev Academy the passing score is 163, 125 places are allocated.


The minimum passing score at RUDN University is 244, an additional exam is mathematics, 13 places are planned on the budget. At the MBA named after. K.I. Scriabin has a passing score of 240, 160 places are allocated on the budget. At RGAU-MSHA named after. Timiryazev has a passing score of 236, 15 people will be admitted to the budget.

Agricultural engineering

At RGAU-MSHA named after. Timiryazev has a passing score of 136, 240 people will be admitted to the budget.

Veterinary and sanitary examination

At RUDN University you also need to take mathematics, the minimum passing score is 243, 4 people will be accepted on the budget. At the MBA named after. K.I. Scriabin minimum score is 212, 15 people will be able to study on the budget. The minimum passing score at MSUPP is 180, budget places are 50. At RGAU. Timiryazev's passing score is 166, 45 places are allocated.

Animal science

At RGAZU you need to additionally take mathematics and score at least 167 points on the Unified State Exam; 150 budget places are allocated. Passing grade in the MBA named after. K.I. Scriabin - 208, 40 places planned. In “Timiryazevka” it is necessary to overcome the mark of 164 points, 100 places are allocated.

Agrochemistry and agro-soil science

There are 105 budget places planned at the Timiryazev Academy, the minimum passing score is 157.


At RGAU-MSHA named after. Timiryazev has a passing score of 170, 90 people will be admitted to the budget.

Food and Consumer Products Technology

Technology of production and processing of agricultural products

There are 50 budget places planned at the Timiryazev Academy, the minimum passing score is 161.

Reproduction and processing of forest resources

landscape architecture

At RUDN, 18 budget places have been allocated in this area, an additional subject is mathematics, the minimum passing score is 207. In Timiryazevka, you need to score 204 points on the Unified State Exam, and 40 budget places.


At RGAZU in this direction you need to additionally take mathematics and score at least 185 points on the Unified State Exam, 25 budget places are allocated. At RGAU-MSHA named after. Timiryazev’s passing score is 159, 25 people will apply for the budget.

In contact with

This way you can decide which direction to choose, since there are a lot of specialties related to chemistry and biology in various fields. It is very important to choose exactly the activity that you will like, because from each employee associated with these disciplines, as a rule, responsibility, accuracy, erudition and ingenuity are expected. At the same time, we will list where to enroll in biology and chemistry.

Biological direction

With knowledge of biology, you can work in the field of flora, study vegetable world, Agriculture. Currently, science is popular in the direction of genetic engineering, the study of biological processes in living nature. Ecology is not far behind in popularity. If you are taking or have already passed the Unified State Exam, but don’t know where to go with chemistry and biology, then you can consider the following options:

  • botany;
  • zoology;
  • agronomy;
  • ecology;
  • psychology;
  • pedagogy.

There are other areas that are related to those listed above.

Activities in the field of chemistry

Chemical processes can be observed everywhere: in nature, in technology, and in medicine; even cosmetology cannot do without this science. But what should we do with biology and chemistry so that more attention is paid to chemistry?

A chemist typically spends most of his time in the laboratory. He can engage in chemical or medical research, study manufacturing technology various materials, engage in environmental research.

Is biochemistry necessary?

But it also happens that a student knows and loves both subjects very well: chemistry and biology. Of course, he has every chance of becoming an excellent specialist. But who should know these two sciences perfectly? Let's list:

  • doctors;
  • pharmacists;
  • biochemists.

Which universities accept applicants with knowledge of chemistry and biology?

You have successfully passed the Unified State Exam (Russian, Chemistry, Biology), but don’t know where to apply?

In this case, focus on the following institute profiles:

  • medical;
  • pedagogical;
  • multidisciplinary (there will probably be a suitable faculty there).

For example, you can enroll in Moscow at:

  • MMA im. Sechenov.
  • Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.
  • RUDN University

You can also choose an agricultural or technical university if you have an interest in agriculture or technology.

What specialties exist?

Where to go with biology and chemistry? We discussed this issue earlier. Now let’s briefly list which specialties correspond to these areas:

  • biologist;
  • chemist;
  • biochemist;
  • ecologist;
  • agronomist;
  • geneticist;
  • engineer;
  • microbiologist.

There are other qualifications that may differ in their narrow profile.

What kind of work can you do?

School graduates and their parents are wondering who can work in biology and chemistry, where they can go. As we have already discussed above, the choice is quite wide. If a person knows how to explain simple and complex things, conduct basic experiments, and share his knowledge with an audience, then it is recommended to choose a teaching career with the possibility of entering graduate school.

If you have an interest in medicine and a desire to study everything that happens in the human or animal body, then you can choose biochemistry to work in a laboratory and conduct various tests.

Lovers of rural life and nature can also explore the living and inanimate world.

For those who like to research something, to get to the truth on their own, it is better to consider research laboratories for the creation of new drugs, household chemicals or various cosmetics.

Is the job promising?

This question often worries parents. It is difficult to say for sure whether there is career, any prospects. Often it all depends on the person himself, his personal qualities and professionalism. If he wants to learn, develop, if necessary, study, for example, foreign languages to go to conferences or on business trips to other countries, then, of course, his profession is promising. Such activities will not only bring good income, but will also help the development of science and the surrounding world.

What can you do on your own?

Sometimes it happens that an adult who has worked for some time at an enterprise realizes that there is a desire to open his own laboratory for research or conduct various seminars and trainings, but he lacks knowledge and skills.

Then he wonders where he can go by taking chemistry and biology. What can you offer? For example:

  • conducting psychological trainings and consultations;
  • independent research in the field of biochemistry;
  • tutoring;
  • studying science for the purpose of writing articles, blogs, books.

To study chemistry and biology yourself, you need to invest in the purchase of equipment, Supplies and tools.

Disadvantages for those who know chemistry and biology well

The disadvantage of almost all chemists and biochemists is that they work with harmful and even hazardous substances. If a researcher has a predisposition to allergies, has concomitant diseases, or weak immunity, then it is better not to go into such a field at all. But if everything is in order with your health, then you can safely ask where to go with biology and chemistry. There is plenty to choose from: there are suitable faculties in medical, agricultural, technical and pedagogical universities.

It must be remembered that the work of such specialists is harmful, your health may worsen, so it is recommended to familiarize yourself with your future profession in advance.

Future applicants who prefer chemistry are welcome at the faculties natural sciences. There are many professions that require excellent knowledge of chemistry. Which university to choose and how to choose the right direction of study?

Fundamental science is not suitable for everyone, but applied chemistry is in demand in various industries - from industrial production to pharmacology. At every university you can find programs that train future ecologists, technologists, and pharmacists. Which universities are considered the best for studying science, and which ones will provide more practice for work? Let's figure it out together.

Top universities and faculties for future chemists

Metropolitan and regional universities with specialized areas in chemistry.


Specialty/Bachelor's degree

Passing score 2017 (budget/commerce)

Russian University Friendship between nations

04.03.01 Chemistry

Modern physical and chemical methods for studying organometallic and inorganic substances based on synchrotron radiation

Chemistry innovative medicines

Nanocatalysts chemical reactions. Petroleum chemistry

Analysis of biological activity of organic and complex compounds

St. Petersburg State University

04.03.01 Chemistry

Novosibirsk State University

04.03.01 Chemistry

Analytical chemistry

Bioorganic chemistry

Inorganic chemistry

Organic chemistry

Physical chemistry

Chemistry solid

Ural Federal University

04.03.01 Chemistry

179/there was no set

Far Eastern Federal University

04.03.01 Chemistry

Fundamental Chemistry

132/there was no dialing

National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N. I. Lobachevsky

04.03.01 Chemistry

Chemistry and materials science

South Ural State University

04.03.01 Chemistry

Moscow Pedagogical University

04.03.01 Chemistry

179/there was no set

Belgorod State National Research University

04.03.01 Chemistry

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

04.03.01 Chemistry

Medical and pharmaceutical chemistry

Environmental chemistry, chemical expertise and environmental Safety

189/there was no dialing

Applicants who choose to study in the field of chemistry and related sciences receive good career prospects.

Popular specialties

Chemistry students in their third year, and sometimes at the very beginning of their studies, choose a specialization that will define them future profession and the opportunity to develop in your field. Let's look at what you can choose.

Pharmaceutical Chemist

In demand and interesting profession related to medicine. A pharmaceutical chemist takes part in the development of new drugs, controls technological processes in the production of drugs. He can specialize in research areas and participate in experimental programs.

The demand for chemists in the pharmaceutical industry is stable. The average salary in Russia is 40 thousand rubles.


A specialist involved in monitoring the impact on environment harmful and toxic substances. Environmental chemists are in demand at industrial enterprises where strict environmental control is ensured.

Employees take part in the development of new production technologies that reduce harm from the use of various toxic substances, and check the quality of products and raw materials.

Graduates can find work in expert organizations, certification laboratories, sanitary and epidemiological stations, factories and industrial farms. The remuneration of a young specialist starts from 20 thousand rubles, an experienced ecologist can claim earnings of up to 60 thousand.


Biochemistry is in demand in the research field. The working day of a specialist takes place in laboratories and is associated with the study of various processes in living organisms.

Biochemists take part in experimental genetics programs, testing drugs and analyzing biological functions substances.

Specialists are needed not only in medical research centers, but also in the food and agricultural industries. Experienced biochemists are highly valued. Wage on initial stage careers from 20 thousand rubles.


This specialty is related to pharmacy, genetics, and medicine. Biotechnologists are engaged in the development and production of medicines, vitamins and nutritional supplements, and food products.

They spend their work time in cosmetology and pharmaceutical laboratories. Large food production corresponding vacancies are also opened in the state. More specialists are working scientific work- conduct research in the field of genetics and cellular structures.

The results of the activities of biotechnologists are in demand in agriculture. Earnings vary from 20 to 80 thousand rubles depending on experience and field of activity.

Teacher or scientist - any chemist can carry out not only Scientific research, but also fun experiences


This is a technical specialty. You can consider employment options in the metallurgy, oil, energy and gas industries. The specialist's main activity is related to research, development and testing of new materials.

Finding a job after graduating from university will not be difficult, the starting salary for a young specialist is 20 thousand rubles, workers with experience can count on amounts from 40 to 50 thousand.

Chemistry teacher

Professionals are in demand in schools and secondary specialized educational institutions. Anyone who loves to share knowledge and has chosen a pedagogical direction for themselves will easily find a job. At the initial stage, income will not be high, but over time you can build a good career.

Living Systems Architect

This specialty is positioned as the profession of the future. By the time today’s students graduate, it will become a new and promising direction. It combines the work of an ecologist, biotechnologist and chemist.

The main task of the specialist is to design and create closed-cycle technologies for the autonomous existence of settlements and cities. Although today it seems like science fiction, the direction of reproduction and recycling of resources is considered promising.

In addition to the listed professions, graduates of chemical faculties can try themselves in science, forensics, medicine and other fields.

Chemistry for admission to medical school

For applicants applying to a medical school, chemistry is a major subject in which they will have to pass an entrance test. Many universities have requirements for minimum Unified State Examination results, a minimum of 50 points.

Is the decision by the doctor/chemist/pharmacist long overdue? You need to think about admission in advance - participate in olympiads, take preparatory courses. This will give you an additional advantage when applying and will help you in exams.

How more prestigious university, the more difficult it is to enter it. Those who choose universities in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Smolensk or Kursk should be prepared for a lot of competition. Siberian “towers” ​​in Tomsk or Khabarovsk are different high level teaching, but due to the territorial remoteness it is easier to enroll in them.

Successfully writing the Unified State Exam in chemistry and biology is not an easy task. It is not surprising that these items are chosen by purposeful and serious guys. The secret of success is not just memorizing formulas, properties of elements and living organisms, but in a deep understanding of the complex processes and laws that describe the world around us.

Most graduates who take the Unified State Exam in chemistry and biology are planning to connect their lives with medicine.

Getting into medical school has always been difficult. Nowadays, admission is also complicated by the fact that, in addition to traditional chemistry and biology, you have to take exams in other subjects - mathematics, physics, and the Russian language. IN medical universities A professional test is also required.

Which universities are easier to get into and which are more difficult?

Having good results Unified State Exam in chemistry and biology, as well as in some other subjects, you will be able to apply for three selected areas and try your luck.

Biology, bioengineering

If you are interested in biology as a science and want to give the world new biotechnologies, then you have a direct path to Moscow State University. In the direction of “Biology” (Faculty of Biology), the passing score is 438, 157 budget places are allocated. To get into one of the 20 places in the field of “Biology” at the Faculty of Biotechnology, you must score at least 455 points. In the field of "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics" only 30 applicants will be able to get into the budget, the bar is the highest - 462 points. Additional exam in all specialties - mathematics.

Soil science

To thoroughly study all the intricacies of land use and reclamation, apply for the specialty “Soil Science” at Moscow State University. Bar height - 385, budget places - 57. Additional exam - mathematics.


This is a very interesting agricultural specialty related to the cultivation of plants, increasing productivity and soil fertility. If you decide to get this profession, then this can be done at the Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University. Pass level 209 and 75 budget places.

General Medicine

It is quite difficult to enter this direction. For example, at Moscow State University the passing score is 465 points, but only 35 places are allocated; in addition, you additionally need to take mathematics. At Sechenov Medical University you need to provide 282 points on the Unified State Exam, 700 people will be accepted on the budget. In “Pirogovka” the passing score is slightly lower - 254, but there are also fewer places - 600.


To enter Moscow State University, you need to score 429 points and additionally pass mathematics, there are 15 budget places. At the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov has a passing score of 233 and 200 places. At the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov established a threshold of 248 points, 30 applicants will be accepted for the budget. Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. A. I. Evdokimov (Moscow State Medical University named after A. I. Evdokimov) 24 people who received at least 257 points on the Unified State Exam will study for free.


You can become a highly qualified nurse by enrolling in the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov. The passing score is 199, the number of budget places is 20.

Medical and preventive care

Training in this area is conducted at the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov, passing score - 236.

Medical biochemistry

The chances of enrolling on a budget are approximately the same in both universities. At the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov has a passing score of 252, but there are only 10 places. At the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov requires 283 points, but more places are allocated - 18.


To become a competent pediatric doctor, you need to undergo training in this area at the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov or at the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov. In “Pirogovka” the passing score is 248, and there are 45 budget places. In “Sechenovka” there are almost three times more places than 150, but the requirements for applicants are higher - the passing score is 330, in addition, you need to pass a professional test.


The most difficult thing is to enter Sechenovka, the passing score is 326, but 100 budget places are provided. In the profile MGMSU named after. A. I. Evdokimov, the bar is set at 261 points, and there are 68 places. At the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov’s passing score is 258, but only 35 places are paid for from the federal budget.

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