Where is the best place to hide money in an apartment? Where should you not hide money at home? iPhone case with double bottom

And a quarter of Russians (24% of men and 25% of women) continue to save money in the old fashioned way, not for anything specific, but simply for a “rainy day,” reports Finmarket, citing a study by the comprehensive service agency Profi Online Research. The reason is understandable - history has not spoiled Russians with economic stability.

In general, it is one of the favorite pastimes of Russians. Moreover, many people keep money the old fashioned way - at home. Having cash on hand is nice, but also dangerous. Firstly, thieves may visit. Secondly, it can be quite difficult for the owner of the “bins” of the home budget to resist the temptation to ruin his own reserve.

Where will they most likely be found?

If you are afraid of thieves, then you should not store money between piles of bed linen, behind mirrors, picture frames, in the freezer, washing machine drum, toilet flush tank, vent, trash can, under and inside mattresses, in empty dishes, in clothes , shoe boxes, shoes, books.

As representatives of law enforcement agencies assure, burglars check these places first and foremost. Moreover, it only takes thieves about 10 minutes to discover the stash in such places. First of all, burglars will check the books - every third person hides their money there. Although, on the other hand, it is difficult to check each book, if there are many of them.

Where to hide

As for protecting yourself from thieves, there are several tips. Basically, You can hide money under parquet or tiles. The burglars also check these places, but it still takes more time to find such “nooks”. But thieves still value them. You can try attaching money under the cornice - do not forget to reliably protect it from moisture.

No need to put all your money in one place- this increases the likelihood that at least some of it will be preserved. Moreover, it is better to put part of the money in the most banal place - it is possible that the criminals will be satisfied with the “catch” and they will not touch the rest.

If the amount you keep at home is quite large, it makes sense to buy a safe. Moreover, some operatives advise not to put money in the safe. It will distract thieves who will try to open it. It needs to be built into the wall- this will also increase the likelihood that burglars will spend more time trying to break into it, and will also attract the attention of neighbors with noise.

You can try hiding money at the bottom of a fish aquarium- Naturally, it is necessary to ensure sealing. If you know how to protect banknotes from moisture, you can hide them in a jar of jam- naturally, dark.

Thieves rarely look for stashes in children's rooms or toys, since, as a rule, parents do not trust their children with money. You can hide money under a basket of dirty laundry, in a box of washing powder, or in used bags.

Who has a hiding place?

In general, Russians are very inventive in finding a more secluded place for their loved ones. Of course, the most common places are books and pockets of clothes put away for storage until the season.

Women love to hide money in closets with pillowcases and duvet covers. Older people often make hiding places in pillows, sofa upholstery and bedding.

Participants in various forums on the Internet talk about and. Money is hidden in soccer ball pumps, in a box with an artificial Christmas tree, in subwoofers, in a computer system unit, in a tool box. Someone hides money in the barrel of a gun, in a video player, in a mobile phone. Sometimes people approach the matter of stash quite thoroughly: instead of a piggy bank, they use a roll of toilet paper, between the sheets of which bills are laid out.

You can even take the stash out of the house and hide it in the country house or garage. Then there will be fewer opportunities to spend it unplanned.

The apartment of any family with good income is a potential victim of a burglar. Therefore, you need to know how to protect yourself from this trouble. Of course, it will not be possible to do this completely in any case, and if a professional thief breaks into the house, then there is practically no chance of a favorable outcome for you, no matter where you hide the money.

Let's look at this problem by contradiction. Here is a list of places where it is strictly forbidden to make caches. Thieves know the psychology of the owners well and find money in such places instantly.

So, places where you should not hide money:

  1. You should never leave jewelry or money in drawers and bedside tables. These are the first places in the house where burglars will look. Also exclude various boxes and wallets.
  2. If there is piano, you should not hide money inside it. As soon as the thief enters the apartment, it will be investigated first.
  3. Computer disks and books. Every second person hides money in these things. Therefore, your entire library or film library will be “shoveled” within 10 minutes.
  4. Mattress. Although this is surprising, many people believe that this is a great place to hide their savings. And the thieves are aware of this.
  5. Paintings, photographs and carpets. Anything that tends to hang on walls is also not suitable for this purpose. Such a hiding place is very quickly discovered by robbers.
  6. Boxes with linen. No thief would hesitate to rummage through your laundry if necessary, so this is another bad decision.
  7. Toilet cistern and ventilation. Many owners, in the hope that robbers will not find money sealed in a plastic bag, hide it in a cistern or in ventilation shafts. This is all also known and there is little chance of preserving wealth in this way.
  8. Kitchen and household appliances. It is also an ineffective method that will not lead to anything good. The computer or laptop will be stolen on its own, and the dishwasher or oven will be examined very carefully.
  9. Cans for cereals and other similar containers. All this is not suitable for hiding places, as any thief knows.

You may ask, if all such places in the house are known to robbers, then where to hide the money in this case?

But you can try to fool a stray thief. As practice shows, installing an alarm with output to the security console is protection specifically from random visitors. If they are going to “take” your apartment specifically, then the alarm will most likely be turned off.

If you are planning to leave for a long time, then never leave expensive things in your apartment or house. , and before leaving, hand over your valuables to the locker rented there.

If you want to hide money in the house, then never resort to the above “hiding places”, but come up with something more original. It’s difficult to suggest here, since it will no longer be a secret.

It is best to take care of creating a hiding place during the construction or major renovation of a house. It should not stand out or be tapped, and ideally there should be some kind of heavy furniture in its place.

At first glance, there are not many places in the apartment where you can hide money. But at second glance there are a lot of these places. Wanting to save what they have earned, people hide their money in places that are simply impossible to guess. But there is another category of people - these simply put valuables out of sight - if they can’t be seen, they won’t find them.

How to hide money

A thief doesn't have much time. The owners can enter the apartment at any moment - then there will certainly be trouble. That's why thieves don't like to spend a lot of time searching. The more difficult it is to get money, the more reliable it is.

If you save money and put it in a piggy bank, then you yourself need to have fairly easy access to your stash. But the place must be non-standard, your own, which will be difficult for a thief to guess.

If you hide money behind a closet, it will be difficult for a thief to get it. But the fact that the closet is often moved aside will be visible, and it is not so difficult to guess where exactly the money is.

And it is best to have several caches in which a certain amount will lie. Having found one “burial place”, the thief can calm down and leave the apartment, leaving the rest of the savings untouched.

Where you don't need to hide money

Money should not be hidden in places such as:
- a box in the table;
- under the tablecloth;
- under the mattress;
- behind the wallpaper;
- in a refrigerator;
- in the pillow;
- in the closet in linen;
- in soft toys;
- in the pockets of clothes.

The list goes on and on. Thieves inspect these easily accessible and understandable places first. That is, money should not be hidden in places where access to it does not require special physical effort or strong mental stress.

Where can you hide money

You need to hide money in places where access to them requires a significant burden on the part of the thief. It is not difficult to guess about the money hidden behind the cabinet, but it is difficult to move it away. Money hidden in “bombs” on a chandelier is not difficult to unscrew, but you need to guess that there may be savings there. The cornice is difficult to remove and it is difficult to guess the money in it.

This is roughly how you should think about hiding your savings. If there are a lot of books in the house, then you can hide money in books. This method is dangerous because if a thief decides to look into them, he can easily discover the savings. It is not difficult to turn the book upside down and shake it. If the money is not secured in the book, it will fall out.

You can arrange a hiding place near your apartment. Hiding places are located in places where they are not visible. Box under the window sill with double bottom; a shelf in the pantry, slightly shorter than the others; a small box glued to the bottom shelf of the shoe rack. This list can also be continued indefinitely.

The safest place to store money is a safe. Even if a thief finds it, he will not bother opening the door without the skills. But the presence of a safe implies the presence of serious savings, so the thief may return.

Hide the money in a hiding place, and put a couple of bills in the safe. You can also make fun of thieves by putting a “cookie” from a funny gift shop in the safe.

But the safest thing to do is keep your money in a bank. Make a fixed-term deposit so that neither you nor anyone else can take money from the bank until a certain time. And if you are afraid of default, then keep your savings in hard currency.

Burglars broke into my apartment. I stood on the threshold in shock, looking around at the chaos: upholstered furniture was torn apart, books were scattered, and in the middle of the kitchen lay a broken jar of jam - the same one in which I had once hidden my stash for a rainy day, rejoicing at my own ingenuity.

Sergey Antonov


As it turned out later in a conversation with the investigator, many secluded places that seem original to us are checked by thieves first. But it is knowledge of this fact that can make it possible to preserve savings and protect housing from destruction.

It is clear that it is better not to store large sums at home. It is much wiser to take the money to the bank, where it will not only be safe, but also generate income. However, there are situations when you need to hold over a large amount of money at home - say, before a major purchase.

Where thieves will look first

It just seems to you that the freezer or flush cistern in the toilet is the last place where attackers will look. In fact, it's the other way around.

First of all, thieves search the bedroom - chests of drawers, wardrobes, feel the mattress and pillows. They can shake the soil out of a flower pot or tap the laminate flooring. In addition, everything that hangs on the walls comes under suspicion - carpets, paintings, mirrors.

In the kitchen, thieves check cans of bulk foods, the refrigerator and freezer, oven and microwave, as well as the trash can.

Tanks, cabinets, jars, containers, books - no

Don’t even think about hiding money behind the ventilation grill: Mikhail Bulgakov told everyone about this hiding place in The Master and Margarita a long time ago.

It's also a bad idea to hide money in books, even if there are a lot of them. They are viewed very quickly. The same goes for CDs.

Having delved deeper into the search, thieves may begin to open expensive equipment - a TV, set-top box, computer, etc.

Where can you hide money?

Before you think about setting up a cache, figure out how often you yourself will have to reach for your stash. It's stupid to move a heavy wardrobe once every two weeks before going grocery shopping. Naturally, if your stash is intended for a purchase postponed for the distant future, then it makes sense to have such a hard-to-reach stash.

The main rule when choosing a secluded place is non-obviousness. Stand in the center of the room and look around. There are a lot of surfaces and objects around you - in almost every one you can actually make a hiding place:

  1. The inside of the cornice is hollow; a stack of banknotes rolled up into a tube can easily fit there.
  2. You can drill holes for banknotes in the top and bottom edges of interior doors.
  3. Cavities inside any shelves, walls, window sills are good places if you came up with these cavities yourself. Thieves won't be able to check every facet of every piece of furniture, especially if they don't know where to look.

How to prevent destruction in your apartment

A good hiding place also has its downside. Imagine that you are on vacation, the thieves know about it. Consequently, they have nowhere to rush and are ready to search until the last minute.

The attackers may not find a well-hidden stash, but they will search thoroughly - they will break the furniture, throw all the clothes out of the closets onto the floor, turn over cans of bulk products in the kitchen, and tear off the baseboards. Everything that you hid and put aside, you will eventually have to spend on repairs and furnishings.

However, such an outcome can be avoided. Divide the money into two, or better yet, three parts. Hide the main amount more securely. Place the smaller portion in a place easily accessible to thieves. Let's say, between the clothes in the wardrobe.

Make a false cache that is easy to find and you don’t mind losing

He will be one of the first to be searched. They will find your pseudo-stash and think that this is all the savings stored at home. The most you will lose is these few thousand and some digital equipment that is easy to take away and sell.

Install a small safe at home. A compact model costs about 2000-3000 rubles. Place a smaller portion of the money in it, and hide the safe itself in the same closet. To make it even more convincing, screw the safe to the wall of the closet so that thieves will be interested in tearing it off.

Thieves are unlikely to open a metal container on the spot; they will simply take it with them. And even if they open it, they will be satisfied with what they find.

How to protect yourself from thieves

Security. All major cities have quick response services: a magnetic sensor is installed in the apartment, which must be deactivated when you return home. If the sensor is not deactivated for some time, armed guards go to the apartment. The very presence of a security system can deter thieves.

Security camera. Install an Internet camera in your apartment. This device sends notifications to your smartphone if it detects movement. If thieves enter your apartment, you will immediately know about it.

Neighbours. It makes sense to know your neighbors in the stairwell and be on good terms with them. You shouldn’t give them the keys during your vacation, but it makes sense to warn them about the vacation.

Friends. But you should give close friends a spare set of keys, so that if something happens you can call them and ask them to come with a police squad.

We are all well aware of the phrase from the legendary Soviet film, which goes like this: “Citizens, keep your money in a savings bank... if, of course, you have it.” But today this method of storing money certainly cannot be called the best.

Yes, you can hold funds in an account with or at any other financial institution. But what if you urgently need cash? One way or another, you will have to think about where to hide them. And right now we will tell you 12 very practical and interesting options for where you can hide your money.

1. Under the mattress

Of course, this is far from the best option to protect cash from thieves, because in 98% of cases, it is under the mattress that robbers look at first. However, many pensioners still habitually keep their money there, and this is much better than just putting it on the table.

2. Food container

This option already looks safer, since not every thief will realize that money may be hidden in a container in the refrigerator. The main thing is to remember to thoroughly rinse such a container and wipe it dry, otherwise you risk saying goodbye to your money even without outside help.

Sometimes open packets of cereal are used as a safe. It’s also very convenient, especially if you have a large selection of them. But it should be borne in mind that the popularity of this method of storing cash makes it attractive to thieves in the first place. As familiar investigators said, sometimes after a robbery the kitchen looks like a construction site - everything is covered in flour and porridge.

3. Fake socket

A very original solution would be an unusual safe in the form of a simple socket. It is only important to select all the sockets of the same color, otherwise the thief will very quickly understand that something is not clean here.

4. Inside the ballpoint pen

Of course, you won’t hide a lot of money here, but this option is quite suitable for storing a couple of bills. The most important thing is not to forget that you have money in this pen, and do not give it to anyone.

5. Bottom of the chest of drawers

If you simply put money in an envelope in the bottom drawer of your dresser, it will be too easy a target for any thief. Instead, be more original and stick this envelope with money using ordinary tape under the box. The same trick can be done with a chair, because not every thief would think of looking for money under it.

6. Pillow

How do you like the idea of ​​sleeping on money? In the literal sense of the word. You can always store your money in a pillow, because most of them have a special zipper. They opened the pillow, hid the money and buttoned it up. The risks here are the same - you risk forgetting where exactly you keep your money, and one day you decide to wash all your linen, including pillows.

7. Comb

Keep money in a regular comb? Why not! After all, you use this item very often, especially for ladies. And not all thieves would think of looking for money in a comb, so this method of storing cash seems very promising.

8. Book

A classic of the genre... the most obvious place to store money is perhaps the mattress. The only problem for thieves may be that the book in which the money will be hidden does not necessarily have to be in the closet. You can always hide it in a more reliable and secure place.

9. Shoes

Not the best way to hide money from robbers, but storing it in shoes can be very convenient. But don’t forget about the hiding place when you’re getting rid of unnecessary junk. However, once you fill the entire space of your shoes with money, you definitely won’t be able to help but notice them.

It's also a very popular place to store savings, so these boxes go straight to check. Make a double bottom or cover your shoe with something unsightly, and take the time to protect yourself from thieves.

10. Tennis ball

Make a cut in the middle of the tennis ball and place the money there, then put your original “safe” back in the box with the other tennis balls.

11. Inside the cornice

Everything is simple here: we disconnect one of the ends of the cornice, put money inside the cornice and close it. Of course, this does not guarantee you 100% safety of your money, but this method does not seem obvious - hiding money in a chest of drawers, under a mattress or in a book is much easier.

12. Wall clock

Who said that a watch is needed only to check the time? You can also use them as a safe and always have access to them. Simple, affordable and practical.

Of course, thieves also read such articles, and in time replenish their knowledge about where to hide money, but still, when a criminal does not have much time, he cannot check all the options, so do not keep all your savings in one place - in There are enough places in the house where you can neatly hide your finances.