Gas generator heating boiler. Choosing gas generating pyrolysis boilers

Natural gas is the cheapest and most efficient source of heat. Unfortunately, the main gas pipeline is not installed in all regions of our homeland, and even bottled gas is not delivered everywhere. However, this is not a reason to refuse to use it when heating your home, with the only exception that you will have to make a wood-burning gas generator with your own hands. This is an alternative heating method, where not only firewood, but sawdust, pellets, waste from the wood processing industry, etc. will be used as the base fuel.

In the article we will look in detail at how to properly make such a unit, what is needed for this, and also understand its advantages and possible disadvantages.

How it works

In order to get natural gas, it is not necessary to look for a deposit and open a well; you can use a pyrolysis boiler. This is a special type of boiler equipment where fuel burns with minimal access to oxygen, breaking down into wood residue (coal) and combustible gas (propylene and ethylene).

Considering that the combustion of pyrolysis gases occurs simultaneously with the fuel, the efficiency of the boiler increases by 1.5-2 times with the same fuel consumption as a conventional boiler.

Slow combustion of fuel (wood, sawdust, pellets, etc.) provides a much longer combustion process (12 hours compared to 3-4 hours in a normal one).

The diagram shows on what principle the pyrolysis boiler works and how the process of formation of combustible (wood) gas occurs.

Being, in fact, a gas-generating equipment, such a boiler performs a number of tasks, namely:

  1. Produces low-molecular-weight olefins as a result of the combustion of wood and its constituent cellulose.
  2. Purifies olefins from all foreign impurities, resulting in a clean combustible gas.
  3. Cools gases by reducing the amount of energy during final combustion of fuel.

A pyrolysis boiler is always divided into 2 chambers, in one of which the main fuel burns with minimal access to oxygen, the second receives exhaust gases and, when air is pumped in, they are burned.

Such optimization of the combustion process allows you to solve 2 key problems at once - increasing the coefficient useful action boiler and the ability to organize a water heating boiler by connecting to a water jacket.

The pyrolysis process ensures complete combustion of fuel with maximum heat transfer, which ultimately results in more than 35% cost savings.

It is quite possible to make a wood-fired gas generator boiler with your own hands, but before that you need to understand the principle of its operation and the design of the chambers internal combustion and safety precautions to eliminate the slightest violation of technology.

Wood-burning model design and diagram

This type of boiler is heated according to exactly the same principle as a conventional solid fuel boiler. Firewood, pellets, briquettes, sawdust and other types of fuel are placed in the lower chamber, set on fire, after which the air damper opens to create draft.

The air damper should only be opened halfway to avoid excess air entering the combustion chamber.

Homemade device gas generator boiler very simple. The basis consists of 2 chambers, closed in one housing. Solid fuel burns in the bottom, wood gas burns in the top. In this case, heated air constantly circulates through the air ducts - warm air rises up and goes outside, cold air is sucked in from the outside, heats up and also comes out. This process continues until the fuel smolders in the chamber.

Convection of a wood-burning gas generator boiler warms up the room quickly enough (50 sq.m. in 60-90 minutes), while the heat is retained for a longer period of time.

How to make it yourself

The diagram shown above shows how the boiler functions, where and what chambers are located, so before proceeding hand-assembled, you need to understand the operating principle of the finished boiler, and also use a drawing of a boiler that runs on solid fuel.

In the video you can see how a gas generator boiler works:

  1. The basis of the boiler (body) is any metal barrel, even a used one will do gas cylinder. You can make such a cylinder from a sheet of steel 8-10 mm thick, for which you weld it around the circumference and weld the bottom.
  2. In the upper part of the cylinder, make a chamber with a minimum volume of 0.7 cubic meters, into which solid fuel will be loaded in the future.

  1. At the very top of the cylinder, weld an additional circle of steel from which cold air will be taken in (skirt).

  1. To clean wood gas from foreign impurities, coarse rings are used. It is blown through a tuyere.

  1. To cool the gas, cold air is taken from the skirt. It passes through a zigzag of pipes equipped with several metal rings, gradually cooling.

  1. If insufficiently dry fuel is used for combustion, condensation will accumulate during boiler operation. It must be drained regularly, for which a similar crane is used.

  1. The gas generator boiler is the only one in the line of heating equipment that allows you to use even wet - freshly cut - firewood. When in contact with cold air coming from the skirt, too much a large number of water, which must be constantly drained. For this purpose, the so-called separator. It is made from a pipe with a diameter of 3-5 mm, into which a plate with ribs is inserted. Passing through the separator, water is removed from the system via a drain tape.

  1. To increase the power of a gas generator boiler, dry gas is required. To do this, just close the condensate drain valve and open the tap to gas pipe, which is located immediately behind the separator tube. When gas flows from a small pipe into a large one, it breaks up into gaseous and liquid fractions, after which it passes into the combustion chamber.

  1. To heat large areas, it is recommended to install a water circuit. You can even make a separate chamber in a gas generator boiler, where water will be heated using the incoming combustible gas. Due to convection, heating occurs at the same time as cooling.

  1. When piping the boiler, it is recommended to use gas as a source of additional fuel. To do this, just connect the circuit and open the gas supply valve to the additional zone.
  1. The combustion chambers are made of low-carbon steel, not exposed to high temperatures and condensation.
  2. The combustion chambers are secured with bolts inside the housing.
  3. The cover of the housing and chamber is always sealed to prevent uncontrolled entry of air inside. Asbestos cord can be used as a sealant.
  4. The body of a gas generator boiler is best made from an empty gas cylinder. To eliminate the risk of residual gas igniting during installation work, fill it to the brim with water.
  5. Be sure to install on the gas generator check valve, which will prevent gas from escaping.
  6. A fan can be used to pump air, but in this case the boiler will be energy dependent.
  7. Grate for combustion chamber solid fuel made from cast iron strips. To make such a unit easy to clean, make the center of the grate movable.
  8. Provide a hatch in the loading chamber - if there is an excess of fuel and gas, it will allow you to dump part of the ballast.
  9. To make a gas generator boiler with your own hands, be sure to use the drawings, or even better, a failed boiler, in order to accurately observe all the proportions and dimensions.

Despite the high cost, after purchase, a solid fuel gas generator boiler helps save on heating by reducing fuel consumption by 15-20%. An additional advantage is long time operation of the gas generator from one tab.

Construction of a gas generator boiler

Modern heating gas generator boiler for solid fuel, bears little resemblance to the first gas generators. As a result of design and engineering decisions, internal organization And appearance have undergone significant changes. Only the operating principle used remains the same, which is as follows:
  • Wood, when burned, releases a small amount of carbon dioxide. This process is called gas generation or oxidation.
  • If you create the necessary conditions, the burning rate slows down and the amount of CO increases.
  • Carbon dioxide, after mixing with air in required proportions, forms a fuel-air mixture.
  • The gas-air mixture burns well and at the same time releases additional thermal energy.
The design and structure of a solid fuel gas-generating boiler differs depending on the model and manufacturer. The following nodes are required:

Depending on the model, the combustion process is carried out in a completely autonomous mode or with some human participation. Classic wood-fired units are loaded manually. Air supply settings, ash removal and other functions are performed with human assistance.

Automatic boilers operate in completely autonomous mode. The entire process, from air supply to combustion waste removal, is controlled automatically.

Technical conditions for gas generation

Gas generation or release of carbon dioxide during the oxidation of wood can only begin under certain conditions:
  • Limited air access - in order for gas to begin to be released, it is necessary to limit the air flow, causing the wood to literally smolder.
  • High temperature - wood chars, turning into carbon and mixing with oxygen to form carbon dioxide. To produce CO, it is necessary to maintain a temperature in the furnace above 600°C.
  • Humidity – when wet wood, when heated, releases steam instead of carbon dioxide. For gas generation it is required that the humidity does not exceed 20%.

Household gas generators solid fuel boilers domestically produced heating systems are less picky about the quality of the wood used. In models with vertical loading and, the use of firewood with a humidity of 30 to 42% is allowed.

Fuel consumption in gas generator boilers

Solid fuel boilers with gas generator combustion, have several advantages that make their operation economical:
  • Fuel combustion in gas generator boilers occurs more slowly due to the lack of intense air flow. When wood smoulders, less heat is released than during full combustion. The lack of thermal energy is compensated by the afterburning of the released carbon dioxide.
  • Fuel consumption, compared to classic boilers, is reduced by 15-20%. At the same time, the amount of heat released during combustion has practically not decreased.
  • The use of automation reduces fuel consumption by at least another 10%.
Solid fuel gas generator boiler long burning, designed for wood, working on coal, quickly fails. Therefore, gas generators should be heated exclusively with wood or its waste. The exception is models specifically designed to work on coal.

Is it possible to make a gas generator from a simple boiler?

The principle of operation of the gas generator solid fuel boiler implies the use of mandatory components in the design:
  • Fireboxes and afterburning chambers - the design of gas generators specifically provides for an enlarged combustion chamber. Afterburning is carried out in a separate chamber made of fireclay bricks.
  • The coolant surrounds not only the firebox, but also the broken smoke channel located inside the boiler. The heat exchanger circuit is quite complex. The coolant must surround not only the firebox, but also the smoke ducts.
It is possible to make a gas generator from an existing wood-burning boiler, but you will have to face the following difficulties:
  • Size limitation combustion chamber– to create the temperature necessary in the gas generation process, full combustion of firewood will be required for half an hour. All fuel will burn in approximately 1.5-2 hours, which negates the efficiency of the converted boiler.
  • Flaw free space will lead to an even greater reduction in the firebox due to the installation of an afterburner.
After conversion, you should not expect the same performance indicators as factory-produced gas generator models. Making a gas generator anew is much easier than remaking an existing boiler.

Rules and conditions for installation and operation of the boiler

Long-burning solid fuel gas generator boilers are demanding in terms of operating conditions. The efficiency of operation is influenced by the characteristics of the boiler room, smoke removal and ventilation systems. The premises used as a boiler room are subject to the PPB rules regarding the operation of solid fuel units. General recommendations by installation are:
  • Installation of a boiler with a capacity of up to 40 kW is carried out anywhere in a residential building, subject to compliance with the rules fire safety. A heat generator with a capacity of 40 kW is mounted in a separate room.
  • The size of the boiler room is at least 8 m². The presence of supply and exhaust ventilation is required.
  • The walls and floor of the boiler room are lined non-flammable materials: ceramic tiles or cement-sand plaster.
  • The chimney pipe is made with a minimum number of angles and maximum length vertical section no more than 1 m. When passing through floor slabs and roofing, fire breaks are provided.
As a recommended measure, smoke detectors are installed in the boiler room. If a connection to the electrical network is required, a switchboard with automatic machines is installed outside the room where the solid fuel unit is located.

How to choose a gas generator boiler

When choosing suitable model gas generating equipment, take into account several features related to the operation and functionality of the boiler, and its performance:
  • Design features - the consumer is offered boilers that use the principle of upper and lower combustion, with vertical and horizontal fireboxes. These characteristics determine the operating time, acceptable quality of fuel used and other operating parameters.
  • Power - with average thermal insulation of the building and a ceiling height of no more than 2.7 m, a formula applies that allows you to calculate the required boiler performance: 1 kW = 10 m². Accurate calculation of the required power, taking into account all the features and technical characteristics buildings are carried out using special ones.
In addition to the listed criteria that influence the selection of heating equipment, extra attention pay attention to the country of manufacture and the cost of the gas generator.

The best manufacturers of gas generating equipment

Literally 5-10 years ago, only 4-5 brands of gas generator boilers, exclusively made in Europe, were represented on the heating equipment market. At the moment, the product range has expanded so much that when selecting equipment, it has become impossible to do without qualified advice.

In addition to already proven European factories, the production of boilers gas generator type, established domestic companies. To facilitate the choice, all models can be divided into several groups according to territorial characteristics:

  • Russian gas generator boilers– domestic companies manufacture products either independently (as in the case of the companies BTS, Teplov, F.B.R.Zh., Phantom, Bastion, Gazgen) or with the support of foreign partners (Lavoro). The products are adapted to domestic conditions. Changes in the design made it possible to use fuel with a moisture content of up to 30-42%.
  • European boilers are traditionally considered the best in their class. Products are offered by Viadrus, Stropuva (practically the founder of gas generator boilers), Atmos and others. Boilers from European concerns have a long service life, are reliable, have a high degree of automation and are economical.

Cost of gas generator type boilers

European companies offer premium class products, which is reflected both in the comfort of control and operation, and in the cost of heating gas generator units. Thus, the Latvian Stropuva can be purchased for approximately 100 thousand rubles. Czech Viadrus will cost between 180-200 thousand rubles, Atmos - 120 thousand rubles. and higher.

Domestic boilers can be found starting from 30 thousand rubles. For a high-quality gas generator, similar to European models, you will have to pay about 80 thousand rubles. (Prices are based on approximately 30 kW performance).

Pros and cons of boilers with gas generation of fuel

The experience of operating long-burning gas generator boilers by domestic consumers allowed us to see the advantages and disadvantages of this type equipment. Gas generators have several advantages:
  • The duration of fuel combustion in a gas generator boiler is at least 6 hours. Some models, both domestic and European manufacturers, can last up to 3-5 days from one load.
  • Greater heat transfer compared to the classic model. The efficiency of gas generator boilers is 80-92%.
There are disadvantages:
  • Restrictions on fuel use. The heat exchanger of a gas generator boiler operating on wood, when switching to coal, burns out after just a year of operation. You cannot burn with wet firewood or waste wood.
  • Cost – a classic boiler costs approximately 2-3 times less.
Another disadvantage is considered special rules kindling and maintaining combustion during operation of gas generator models. This drawback is temporary. After several fires, the owner of the heating equipment gets used to the features.

Gas-generating boilers have no analogues among other models in terms of operating time from one load, heat performance characteristics and other operating parameters. The popularity of the models is somewhat limited by their high cost and operating features.

Gas-generating solid fuel boilers during operation create conditions for the release of gases from wood. Subsequently, these gases are enriched with oxygen and burned. This approach makes it possible to make maximum use of the thermal potential of the energy carrier, which entails many different benefits.

What is a gas generator boiler

There is an energy-dependent turbocharging.

Gas generator boilers operate on solid fuel. They can use firewood and all its derivatives as an energy carrier, for example, pellets, medium-fraction wood industry waste. Sawdust and tyrsa are not suitable. Such solid fuel boilers work in tandem with an ordinary chimney, that is, they draw air from the room in which they are installed to maintain the flame. Therefore, it is advisable to make a separate boiler room for them.

Basically, such units are energy-dependent; they have a fan installed. Its task is to control the amount of supplied air to maintain the coolant temperature at the set level. Of course, not all heaters are equipped with automatic modes, some are quite simple:

  • firebox;
  • gas afterburning chamber;
  • chimney pipe;
  • pipes for primary and secondary air.

Primary air is needed to ignite the flames in the firebox during ignition. When the flame covers the entire area of ​​the firebox, the primary air is covered. Secondary air is supplied to the gas afterburning chamber; it enters constantly through narrow air ducts.

A wood-fired gas generator boiler can be single-circuit or double-circuit. Single-circuit ones heat only the coolant for the heating system, and double-circuit ones also for hot water supply. To do this, another water heat exchanger is installed in the firebox. Heating water and hot water supply do not intersect; they are separate systems that operate independently of each other.

How are gases generated?

From the very name of gas-generating solid fuel boilers, it becomes clear that the unit must generate gases. What kind of gases are these and where do they come from? It's simple - there is a process called pyrolysis. From ancient Greek it is translated as splitting under the influence of heat. In this case, firewood is split into two components:

Gases are generated in several stages.

  • inorganic wood fibers (essentially wood);
  • pyrolysis gases.

These gases are released under certain conditions, which can only be achieved if there are two combustion chambers (primary and secondary). As we have already said, fuel smolderes in the primary chamber, and pyrolysis gases are burned in the secondary chamber. The fuel must smolder; if there is a fire, the pyrolysis process becomes impossible. This is because fire requires oxygen, and wood pyrolysis begins only when there is a shortage of air.

Temperature is important. According to various sources, the temperature should be from 200 to 800 degrees, but optimally when it is 500 degrees - the golden mean.

When the firebox maintains a high temperature and there is practically no oxygen, then pyrolysis gas begins to be released from the firewood. It is highly flammable, but the problem is that the gas burns, there must be a flame. And the flame needs oxygen, which is not available in the primary furnace.

Therefore, pyrolysis gases are discharged into the afterburning chamber, where secondary air is constantly supplied. Enriched with oxygen, the gas ignites under the influence of high temperature. Naturally, when it burns, heat is released, which is used for heating DHW water and coolant in the heating system. In conventional boilers, this gas is simply not released, so their efficiency is lower than that of gas generators.

What are the advantages of gas generator boilers

The first advantage has already been announced - it is efficiency, which reaches 90%. For solid fuel boilers this is a high figure. If the heater uses energy more efficiently, accordingly, the amount of firewood heating season It will go less, you can save a lot of money on this.

More rational use solid fuel entails another important advantage - there is no need to frequently fill the firebox with firewood. This is relevant in houses where people live permanently, because there is no need to work on the boiler every four hours. It is generally unclear what workers should do in this case. A hydrolysis boiler operates for 8 hours or more on one load, depending on the size of the firebox.

When the firewood slowly smolders, there is almost no ash left, so you will have to clean the heater less often. This will save your time and effort, which is important. So, to summarize, a hydrolysis boiler gives you the following advantages:

  • saving money;
  • saving time on cleaning;
  • no need to add firewood every 4 hours.

The only downside is the price, but a good thing can’t be cheap. When purchasing, pay attention to the size of the firebox, the volume of coolant in the boiler, thermal power and the ability to connect additional equipment.

Piping of gas generator boilers

Solid fuel gas generator boilers operate a little more stable than conventional ones, but temperature changes are inevitable. After all, the fuel burns unevenly, there are periods of inactivity, so the heater must be connected through a heat accumulator. This is a reservoir that accumulates excess heat during operation of the heater and releases it when the boiler is not operating.

To stabilize the system, a heat accumulator is included in the piping.

There can be many piping options, but we recommend installing a three-way valve between the boiler and the buffer tank and bypass. The temperature on the three-way valve is set at 55 degrees. As a result, the boiler does not experience thermal shock when cold return flows to it and efficiency increases. It is installed behind the three-way valve. And of course, it is installed on the boiler pipes on American ones.

The buffer tank can be connected to the heating system:

  • according to a single-pipe scheme;
  • according to a two-pipe scheme;
  • according to the collector circuit.

In this case, the wiring can be either horizontal or vertical. For proper operation circuit, you need to choose a heat accumulator with a volume of at least 500 liters. This value largely depends on the thermal power of the entire heating system.

Solid fuel boilers are a very relevant topic today, especially in areas far from electricity and gas pipelines. The variety of boilers differs only in the fuel used and combustion technology. Solid fuel gas generator boilers are those boilers that use a rather innovative principle of solid fuel combustion - pyrolysis. How does such a device differ from similar ones that operate on the principle of combustion of wood, coal and other types of solid fuel?

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Principle of operation

A solid fuel gas generator boiler differs from others in its combustion principle. Most likely, this cannot even be called combustion - it is pyrolysis or smoldering.

By design, the boiler has two combustion chambers:

  • In the first, the pyrolysis process occurs, that is, the smoldering of coal with a small amount of incoming oxygen. As a result, there is a slow decomposition of solid fuel into resins, steam, oils and carbon - pyrolysis. This releases flammable gas.
  • In the second, the gas begins to burn intensively, with the supply of oxygen from the air and produces additional heat, increasing the efficiency.

It turns out that in a solid fuel gas generator boiler two types of fuel are used simultaneously in parallel. Actually, solid fuel, which smolders, releases heat and flammable gas, which is released during the pyrolysis process. This type of solid fuel gas generator boilers combines gas and solid fuel boilers.


For proper operation of a solid fuel gas generator boiler, fuel that meets certain characteristics is required. It must contain a large amount of light substances, not be too wet (no more than 20-30%), and water vapor should not interfere with decay.

The types of fuel listed below are suitable for pyrolysis boilers:

  • Wood or simply firewood of a size suitable for loading into the device.
  • Wood shavings and waste from the woodworking industry.
  • Specially pressed bio fuel briquettes– pellets.
  • Compressed wood dust - fuel briquettes.
  • Coal production products include coke and hard coal.
  • Brown coal is also good for use.

As you can see, the variety of solid fuels for solid fuel gas generator boilers is large. This makes their use widely available in many areas of residence.


In addition to the variety of applications different types The geography of use of gas generator boilers using solid fuel is also wide.

Among other advantages:

  • Autonomy, independence from any gas pipelines or power lines.
  • There is an automation that supports the pyrolysis process by opening and closing the dampers, depending on the temperature (there is a thermostatic sensor).
  • It is possible to regulate the degree of heating of a solid fuel gas generator boiler by adjusting the draft.
  • No soot is formed on the walls of the apparatus.
  • Less emissions into the atmosphere harmful substances during pyrolysis.
  • Low cost of coal or firewood compared to electricity and gas.
  • Overheating protection – presence of a protective cooling circuit.
  • Economical with an efficiency of 85%.

Taking into account the listed significant advantages, we can say that buying solid fuel gas generator boilers is a good purchase. But there is no technology that is completely free of some shortcomings, and a solid fuel gas generator boiler is not without them.


  • The main disadvantage can be considered the high cost of a solid fuel gas generator boiler, but you need to remember that operation and maintenance are cheap, and you will be buying a boiler at long years.
  • Increased requirements for quality and, especially, fuel moisture.
  • To remove burnt substances after pyrolysis, smoke removal is required. This means that the use of solid fuel gas generator boilers is possible only in houses where it is possible to vent the pipe into the atmosphere, without causing inconvenience to neighbors. Therefore, it is hardly applicable in high-rise buildings.
  • Some limitation in temperature conditions. To prevent condensation from forming, the temperature of the water coming from the heating system should be about 60 degrees.
  • It is impossible to automate the supply of solid fuel to the furnace.
  • High requirements for the tightness of solid fuel gas generator boilers. Leakage of flammable gas may cause an explosion or fire.

However, some disadvantages of boilers operating on the principle of pyrolysis are also inherent in some boilers that use coal, gas or wood as fuel. The ratio of advantages and disadvantages speaks in favor of solid fuel gas generator boilers.


The gas-generating pyrolysis boiler has two combustion chambers. The first serves as a gas generator, where smoldering wood or coal emits flammable CO gas. In the second, gas is burned. This uses energy from both chambers. Since gas combustion is easier to control, automatic dampers are used to regulate the flow of gas after pyrolysis and oxygen from the air. This makes it possible to regulate the combustion temperature and energy transfer to the coolant within a wide range.

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When modernizing modern solid fuel gas generator boilers, all the mistakes of earlier ones were taken into account similar devices. Models have appeared that work completely independently. For example, the removal of harmful substances remaining after pyrolysis can occur without electricity. A safety water circuit has been created to prevent the boiler from overheating. Thanks to modernization, the efficiency of the pyrolysis boiler is high. It is enough to load the first chamber with solid fuel once a day.


Special requirements for the installation of a solid fuel gas generator boiler:

  • It must be installed by professionals licensed to install this equipment. This is due to the specifics of pyrolysis boilers, where they must take into account certain rules security.
  • The pyrolysis boiler must be installed in a separate room (for example, on ground floor). The room where the solid fuel gas generator boiler will be installed must be lined with refractory bricks.
  • It is not allowed to store solid fuels or flammable materials indoors or near the pyrolysis boiler.
  • The equipment is mounted on a concrete foundation and must stand firmly on it.

By entrusting the installation of the boiler to specialists, you will be confident in the correct and efficient work equipment for many years. Don't take risks and neglect the safety of your home.

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When developing solid fuel gas generator boilers, attention was primarily paid to the volume of the combustion chambers and the amount of solid fuel consumed. But because of this, they achieved a slight increase in efficiency with increasing overall dimensions and weight of the boilers. No one took into account that pyrolysis releases gas, which was not effectively used in the chambers of previous models of wood or coal boilers.

As a result of lengthy experiments, it became clear that it was necessary to use the properties organic matter, with a lack of oxygen, releasing flammable gas - pyrolysis. The use of solid fuel not for the main release of heat, but for the production of CO, made it possible to create a boiler that combines the combustion of solid fuel and gas. The solid fuel gas generator boiler increased the heating effect, combined savings and low cost of fuel, using the pyrolysis process.

Bottom line

By purchasing a solid fuel gas generator boiler, you get a highly economical heater that can regulate the temperature of the coolant (heating water) within a wide range. The savings are significant. You just need to load firewood or coal once a day. This frees you from the obligation to monitor the fuel level around the clock.

The use of automation will save you from manually controlling the dampers. If gas supply will cost you too much or is not available at all, then this is the best solution for providing heating for a private home when using cheap coal or firewood.

Can be made. Such equipment is widely used today, because for its operation you can use various wood such as pressed briquettes, waste and logs. The operating principle of the installations is somewhat different from conventional solid fuel models. At first glance, the design seems more complex, but it has a lot of advantages and also saves money spent on heating.

Construction of a gas generator boiler

In order to make gas generator boilers with your own hands, you first need to become familiar with the structure and principle of their operation. The basis of such an installation is the firebox, which has two compartments. In the first of them, wood burns with insufficient oxygen, while in the second compartment the released gases burn out. These compartments are separated from each other using a grate. If we talk about the differences between a pyrolysis boiler and a regular classic one, then the main one can be identified as the movement of air in the downward direction. Significantly excludes the possibility of free circulation of air masses. Therefore, forced draft is installed, which is provided by the blower fan method (it is replaced in some cases by a smoke exhauster).

The main principle underlying the operation of this type of installation is the decomposition of wood under the influence of high temperatures. Subsequently, the fuel is separated into gaseous volatile mixtures and coal. The process takes place in the filling chamber at a high temperature, but there should not be enough air for complete combustion; volatile mixtures that enter the second chamber burn out at temperatures reaching up to 1000 degrees. Ultimately, carbon monoxide is directed through the convective part into the chimney, giving off its heat. In order to ensure ideal conditions for burning wood, inner surface must be lined with a refractory lining. Both chambers must be lined.

It is quite difficult to assemble gas generator boilers with your own hands, which is why it is recommended to use a Belyaev boiler as a basis. The master himself will be able to decide on changing the design; it will depend on engineering and professional skills, as well as the desire to experiment. The internal volume of space should not be changed. Instead of a liquid coolant, the described equipment can use hot air to heat the house, which will circulate through the pipes. This option eliminates freezing, which is why such systems are widespread, because they can be installed in country houses. In winter, there will be no problems when operating such heating.

Preparation of materials for work

In order to make gas generator boilers with your own hands, you will need to prepare some materials and tools. You will need a grinder with cleaning brushes and cutting wheels, welding machine, and Consumables. Among the latter, we can highlight pipes for cold and hot water, doors, as well as locks and fastenings for them. You will also need a blower fan, metal of considerable thickness, and a grate.

Features of gas generator boiler assembly

If you decide to make a gas generator boiler yourself, you need to review the drawings before starting work. At the first stage, four walls are prepared, which are cut out of sheet metal. You need to make two rectangular holes in the front wall using a grinder. The lower one is intended for the ash pan, while the upper one is for the firebox. The back wall can be set aside for a while. The remaining plates must be welded together, and at the joints the resulting growths must be carefully sanded, using the same grinder for this. After assembling the heat exchanger, water or any other coolant will circulate through it; as a rule, it is liquid. All component elements must be reliably welded and cleaned; the result should be a structure that is devoid of joints and seams.

Installing a heat exchanger and working on a smoke exhauster

If you decide to assemble a gas generator boiler with your own hands, it will be important for you to know its structure. Technology on next stage involves installing a heat exchange device in the furnace itself. Water must be run through the pipes and created operating pressure, this will allow you to determine the presence of defects that can be expressed in leaks. The combustion chamber will be located at the bottom, and not at the top, as in factory models. It must be separated from the gasification area, which is mounted above the grate. The fuel combustion section must be lined with refractory bricks at the bottom, sides and top. It is also important to provide for the presence of an air duct. The next step is to install the doors, which should be pressed as tightly as possible against the walls. After the smoke exhauster is installed, it is necessary to install a temperature sensor that will monitor the state of heating inside and the combustion process.

Final works

If you make it yourself, the diagram and principle of operation must be considered. They are presented above in the article. On final stage It will only be necessary to cut out the holes for the smoke exhauster and sub-tubes, only then will it be possible to weld the back wall and grind it. Now you can check the efficiency; for this you will need to use a device that is already ready for operation. If the output is not observed carbon monoxide, then the equipment is considered fully operational and can be operated.

Additional work in the manufacture of a pyrolysis boiler

Safety precautions

It is quite difficult to manufacture pyrolysis equipment on your own; such work is not always justified. The resulting model can be used for heating an oversized utility room, as well as a residential building. In the latter case, experts recommend purchasing factory equipment. It is important to install the gas generator boiler correctly. The area of ​​the ventilation hole in the room should be approximately 100 square centimeters. Equipment must be removed from the surface and other objects at a distance of 0.2 meters. Before the boiler you need to lay sheet metal, the thickness of which is 3 millimeters. This will prevent the occurrence of a fire when combustion products such as coal or ash fall out during equipment operation and fuel loading. A gas generator furnace can be made with your own hands from available materials. However, it is important to place such a device on a brick or concrete base. For necessary separate room. This could be a boiler room that needs to be protected as much as possible from fire. The chimney should be well insulated with insulation so that soot and other deposits do not form inside due to hypothermia.


The design and diagram of a wood-fired gas generator boiler, which are presented in this article, will help you with self-production equipment. However, it is important to remember that professional craftsmen do not recommend using such installations as heating systems for a residential building. This is not always justified and can cause a fire. That is why it is not recommended to save on purchasing quality equipment.