Hawaiian sauna party. Fun Hawaiian Party Contests

In the life of any person there are a lot of holidays, which are usually celebrated with friends and relatives. IN Lately Hawaiian parties have become fashionable in our country. This type of celebration of various significant events is ideal for a large noisy company that prefers a cheerful and cheerful feast to a dull feast. leisure. It's pretty easy to run an event like this. The main thing is to know the basic principles of organizing a Hawaiian-style party.

How to organize a Hawaiian party?

A Hawaiian-style party should be approached wisely. Here it is important to take into account all the details, including the decoration of the room where it will be held, and special unusual costumes. Let's give a few simple recommendations, through which you will find out what a real Hawaiian party should include.

Room decoration

It should be noted right away that such an event can be held anywhere - be it a banquet hall, a trip to nature or a summer residence, or ordinary apartment. The main thing is to correctly decorate the room. You should start by purchasing or printing posters depicting the Hawaiian Islands. Thus, you will make the atmosphere of the holiday as realistic as possible.

Buy more colorful balloons and hang them around the room.

Don't forget also that fresh flowers are an essential attribute of a holiday in a similar style.. Of course, they grow in Hawaii exotic plants, but you can get by with lilies, daisies and roses. You can make garlands from flowers, or you can simply arrange them around the room in transparent containers. If the celebration in this style takes place in nature, be sure to light bonfires.

Food and drink

Hawaiian Party Snacks Should Be Light But Nutritious. Arrange a belly feast for yourself and your guests by purchasing as many seafood as possible. In the country or in nature, you can make a barbecue from fish, but in an apartment, shrimp, squid and other seafood are ideal for your table. Don't forget also that fruits and vegetables must be on the table. You should not buy strong alcoholic drinks for such an event, because people will have to have fun and participate in competitions for a long time. The ideal alcoholic drink for a party in a similar style is considered Malibu liqueur or cocktails with rum, vermouth etc. Decorate cocktail glasses with slices of lime, lemon and mint. Do not forget to buy special straws for a cocktail in the form of umbrellas.


You should not put standard glass plates on the table for a Hawaiian party, it is better to buy it in one of the supermarkets disposable bright dishes. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone - make the holiday atmosphere bright and save yourself the trouble of washing a mountain of plates and glasses after the party.

If your event is expected a large number of guests, prepare original invitations for the holiday in advance.

You can make them yourself or order from a print shop. It can be postcards in the form of exotic fruits, parrots or the Hawaiian Islands themselves. Ask your guests to dress appropriately for the party. For men, you can stock up on bright shirts and shorts, and for women, swimsuit tops and long colorful skirts are suitable.

Hawaiian party script for kids

A holiday in a similar style can be arranged not only for adults, but also for children from 7 years old and older. In principle, this "age restriction" is purely formal. It could be a birthday, ending school year and other significant events in your child's life. Be sure to reproduce the atmosphere of the Hawaiian Islands at such an event, decorate the room where the party will be organized, balloons, garlands and flowers. For such a holiday you can hire animators, informing them in advance about the style in which the holiday will be arranged. Your child will certainly be happy to take part not only in the party itself, but also in the process of preparing for it. Invite him to come up with a costume for himself and help you decorate the room and table. Don't forget that an event of this type should be held in a fun and friendly atmosphere- let all the children present on it frolic from the heart. And you should definitely stock up on patience and a photo or video camera in order to capture this solemn moment. For a Hawaiian party for kids, choose an adult to host. He should prepare a text and an entertainment program with fun games and contests in advance. An introduction to the beginning of the holiday can be a story about Hawaii with a mention of the customs and traditions of this small paradise located on earth. The competitive program of the holiday should be interesting and, of course, include Hawaiian paraphernalia. Do not forget to buy interesting souvenirs for the kids, which you will present to the winners. Here are some fun challenges in a similar style:

  • Contest "Catch up with my turtle". It will require several toy turtles, sticks and long pieces of twine. Children stand at the finish line and hold sticks in their hands, to which toys are tied to the other end. On command, all participants in the competition begin to wind ropes around sticks. The one whose turtle is faster than the finish line wins.
  • Competition "Hawaiian hula hoop". For this test, you will need two colored plastic hoops. The children are divided into two teams and take turns starting to twist the hula hoop at the same time. The one who can hold out the longest is awarded a bonus point. The winner is the team with the most points.
  • Competition "Parrot's Nest". To carry it out, you will need two makeshift nests, two toy parrots, several boiled eggs and metal tablespoons.Before the test, tell the children that evil predator birds eggs were stolen from the nest, which must be returned to the parrot. Its essence lies in the fact that children, divided into two teams, must quickly carry the egg to the nest on a spoon without the help of hands. The team that moves all the eggs the fastest wins.

Hawaiian party birthday script

In Hawaiian style, you can also arrange an adult birthday celebration. If it falls in the summer, then the best place for the organization of the holiday there will be a quiet glade by the river or lake. However, you can arrange a similar party in an apartment, a private house or in the country. The main thing is to create the appropriate atmosphere, decorate the room and table, and also warn guests that they should come to the holiday in appropriate outfits that are close to Hawaiian.
Make sure that the guests do not get bored at the party. remember, that the main thing in its implementation is dancing, so you should worry about a selection of music similar to Hawaiian in advance. You can arrange a dance competition for guests. Before it starts, select a few participants by inviting the rest of the people present at the celebration to be the jury. Tell your guests that hula is a traditional Hawaiian dance. The essence of the dance is to convey the movement of everything that is around: the movement of grass or algae, the flight of birds, etc.

The essence of your competition will be that its team members will have to show what you think of them, for example, an impending hurricane, rain or bird flight. The one who, according to the jury, most realistically portrayed natural phenomena, will win.

You can also carry out hand-free transfer contest of frozen liquid bottles. This, of course, should be done to rhythmic music. For this challenge, participants are divided into two teams and asked to pass the bottle hands-free from behind. standing player. Another interesting competition for a Hawaiian-style birthday party is the "banana feast". Its essence lies in the fact that Participants must eat an incompletely peeled banana hanging on a string without using their hands..

Hawaiian Sauna Party Scenario

Recently, Hawaiian parties held in the sauna have become widespread. There is nothing surprising in this, because if you choose Finnish bath as a venue for such an event, you do not have to take care of decorating the hall and table setting yourself. The administration of the institution with pleasure and for a small fee organizes everything independently. If there is enough space in the sauna, you can arrange the above competitions there, and some kind of Hawaiian dance. Well, if it is not enough, you can limit yourself to drinking contests and quizzes on the Hawaiian theme. Here are a few fun contests to make for a Hawaiian sauna party:

  • "I'm going to Hawaii". To conduct this competition, you will need two presenters who know the rules of the game. Its essence lies in the fact that they take turns naming objects and things with the first letter of their name (for example, their names are Stepan and Ruslan), saying this in this way: “I I take rum with me and I'm going to Hawaii. And I take a sambuca with me, and I’m also going to Hawaii. ”Next, guests should be drawn into the game, they will not be able to understand for a long time what should be called an object whose name begins with the first letter of their name.
  • "Dancing with Coconuts". This competition is for couples. Its essence lies in the fact that couples, holding a coconut between their stomachs or backs, perform dances to cheerful Hawaiian music. The winner is the couple that did not drop the nut or danced the most incendiary.
  • And, of course, not a single Hawaiian party should do without the folk entertainment of the inhabitants of these islands - limbo. To organize it, two presenters will be needed, who will hold a bamboo stick on both sides. All participants in the competition must go under it to the incendiary music, bending in their backs. With each entry, the wand should be lowered lower and lower. The one who touches it with his hands and other parts of the body is considered the loser.

Do not forget also that the sauna is gradually getting hot, so ladies should stock up on bright bathing suits, and men - swimming trunks or shorts (it is desirable that the prints on them correspond to the Hawaiian theme). It is not so important where you will hold the Hawaiian party and what holiday or event it will be dedicated to. Main - creating a friendly, fun and incendiary atmosphere, which largely depends on how competently the room will be decorated. Use flowers, balloons and other Hawaiian attributes for this. Don't Forget Special Hawaiian Music, which can be found on the Internet at various sites. Let your guests "light up" to the fullest, and holding holidays in a similar style will become a tradition in your company. Well, if women and girls want to learn at least the simplest Hawaiian-style dance moves in order to demonstrate them at the party itself, they can try to repeat them after the dancers from the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v =f47iKjFe9Pk

When organizing such a holiday as a theme party, you can use our recommendations in the article "". That's where you'll find interesting solutions menu or musical arrangement of the holiday.

They say that the theater begins with a hanger. A good Hawaiian party with an atmosphere :). That is why we invite you to think over all the details of your holiday, including important attributes for a Hawaiian party - invitations, decorations and costumes.

Do you want your guests to be in the real Hawaii? Then follow our advice and you will definitely be satisfied with the atmosphere of these wonderful islands in your home! We will show you how to make chic accessories for a Hawaiian party with your own hands.

First, let's take a look at the layout. Hawaiian party invitations. It can be a regular postcard printed from the Internet, a phone call or an E-mail. But you might want to send out exclusive Hawaiian party invitations. . We recommend that you use our templates, which will allow you to be original.

Having received such an invitation, your friends simply cannot remain indifferent. By the way, in the text of the invitation, indicate the mandatory dress code.

If you or your friends are having difficulty with outfits for a Hawaiian party, you can use our article "". Thus, you will arrange a completely stylized party that will leave only the most positive emotions behind!

What do you need for a Hawaiian party?

First you need to decide in what format the party will take place - under open sky or in home environment. If the holiday involves going out into nature, then the article “e » if you are planning to make a party at home, then use the article "".

Hawaiian party decor can be made not from natural flowers, as is customary on the islands, but from paper and artificial twigs of various shades.

On the islands, every visitor receives a garland of fresh flowers - a leu. Prepare these flowers for your guests and start the evening with a solemn greeting traditionally accepted in Hawaii - "Alloha!"

With a significant budget, you can buy a large number beautiful flowers and strung on long threads. However, you can save money and perform bright colors. It is very easy to make such Hawaiian jewelry with your own hands.

When decorating the house, you can also make various decorations for the Hawaiian party from fruits, paper and other beach attributes with your own hands. Make some beautiful vases with sets of fruits, this will allow you to feel the summer atmosphere. You can also decorate everything with garlands and just fresh flowers.

If you are celebrating a birthday, the birthday chair can also be decorated with a beautiful flower garland.

An interesting solution would also be to arrange accessories for a Hawaiian party. small aquariums, glass vases or even the most ordinary glasses filled with water. They can be placed fresh flowers, lit candles, sand or seashells.

Wooden masks will also look original.

Want to beautiful jewelry on the table for a Hawaiian party? I am sure that you will be pleasantly surprised by the ideas in the article "", where there are examples of a delicious and themed menu for you and your guests.

Decorate the table with fruits, flowers, various wooden figurines, sea nets and ropes. Such attributes of the Hawaiian party will become a real extravaganza of the holiday!

You can also drape the table with a special “skirt” (you can buy it) - it will turn out very effectively:

If you are tired of the typical bachelorette party styles and you are dreaming of something special, turn to non-standard scenarios that will create an original holiday atmosphere. Hawaiian party-hen-party – lovely way how to have fun. Cheerful southern dances, delicious cocktails, Exotic fruits, matching costumes will help create a festive atmosphere of the Hawaiian Islands.


The seashore is considered to be the best place for holding a Hawaiian party. The sound of waves, soft sand under your feet, red sunset, loud Hawaiian music that creates the right mood. The public beach is unlikely to become good place for a party, best to rent private territory- there you definitely will not meet uninvited guests.

If you don't live near the sea, throw a Hawaiian party on a river or lake. In extreme cases, it will be possible to organize a bachelorette party even on a covered area - the main thing is to correctly approach the design and monitor the presence of a pool. As for decorations, there are clear instructions here, because the party is supposed to match the Hawaiian style:

  • Palms. Real, plastic, lined with balloons - they should become an indispensable part of the decor.
  • Huge banana leaves. Decorate the table, walls, make Hawaiian skirts with them.
  • Fruits. Decorate the table, drinks and the entire territory with them. It’s good if they are all edible, but dummies are also suitable.
  • Flowers. Bright flower garlands, woven wreaths, hairpins, arrangements decorating the buffet table are perfect for a real Hawaiian party.
  • Themed items that add extra ambience are also great details - surfboards, colorful umbrellas, coconut cocktail glasses, candles, even parrots.

Dress code

Those who wear suitable clothes will be able to look harmonious at such a themed get-together. Organic shoes - flip flops, sandals. If the party is on the beach, the ideal dress code is bare feet. As for clothing, there are several interesting styles which are easy to implement:

  • Surfer. Stylish swimsuit or swimming trunks, surfboard, comfortable shorts.
  • Hawaiian resident. A colorful shirt, loose shorts or a skirt.
  • Hula dancer. Special skirt, swimsuit.

Leia - typical Hawaiian accessory required at this party. It is a large flower "beads". Even if the guests failed to comply with the dress code, wearing a lei over ordinary clothes will make them look organic. Going to relax in Hawaiian style, do not forget about a hat that will protect you from the bright sun, and suntan lotion (as in the photo).

Competitions for a bachelorette party

Funny contests in Hawaiian style will provide those present with a sunny mood. Prepare a few games for the script, make a party plan and go ahead - delight the bride with a wonderful vacation. Make sure that all winners receive prizes. Also give the participants small comforting gifts so that no one leaves offended.

Evil monkey

This competition is hosted by one of the bridesmaids. The girl sits or stands in front of the team, crossing her arms, and depicts an evil monkey look. The task of the participants is to make this “evil monkey” laugh. Let them show their imagination by bringing the matter to the end, and the leading girl will have to try hard not to laugh not only at their behavior, but also at her image.


This game is perfect for a Hawaiian-style beach bachelorette party. Girls are divided into two teams. The leader counts down the time and turns on fast music. The essence of the competition: take off those parts of clothing that you are not ashamed to take off and tie a rope out of them with the whole team - whose rope at the end of the music will be longer, that team wins. However, ladies who are pretty warmed up by alcohol sometimes go beyond what is permitted, which gives a piquant zest to the Hawaiian party.

Go to the cave

The two presenters hold the ribbon at a level just below human height. The participating teams are given a certain amount of time. During this time, everyone will have to walk under this tape on bent legs, keeping their heads and backs straight. Winner Hawaiian competition will be the team whose members hit the ribbon with their heads the fewest times.

Another fun interpretation of the "Go to the Cave" contest is suitable for those who play sports. Watch the video with the rope contest at the Hawaiian party:

Dancing to Hawaiian Music

Limbo is a cheerful, energizing dance that will delight those present. This competition-game, which is held at a Hawaiian-style bachelorette party, goes like this: a stick is placed on props below the smallest height of the participants. Keeping their legs half-bent, leaning back, those present will have to pass under it. All this is accompanied by cheerful Hawaiian party music.

And how to dance the Hawaiian dance Hula anana, see this video:

Temperamental rhythms of the Hawaiian Islands

A Hawaiian bachelorette party is always energetic dancing and unrestrained fun. "Temperamental Rhythms of the Hawaiian Islands" is an incendiary competition that allows guests to show their character. It consists of several parts:

  1. The music starts to play. The participants dance freely. This stage is rarely accompanied by the elimination of participants, however, "sluggish" dances do not go any further.
  2. The dance moves are made while the participants are sitting on chairs.
  3. Only the hands are involved.
  4. Only legs.
  5. Head with torso.
  6. Mimic is dancing.

The one who showed the most powerful temperament wins.

Auction in Hawaiian

For alcoholic drinks from the bar, party guests pay not with money, but with their own things - clothes, watches, jewelry, shoes. When the end of the bachelorette party celebration comes, the host sets up a Hawaiian auction using the guests' belongings. It often happens that those present buy each other's things, and not their own.

Gifts or prizes

At a bachelorette party, held in the style of a Hawaiian party, there must be prizes that are given out to the winners. It can be: flowers, lei on the neck, a bottle of rum. Mini gifts for guests will also remind you of a successful bachelorette party celebration - even inexpensive ones, they will be a good addition to the holiday.

Bachelorette parties spent in a limousine, restaurant, club - interesting option, but nothing will be more memorable for guests than a theme party. Don't forget to arrange a festive photo session by inviting professional photographer. You can give the bride an album with wishes and soon decorate it with new photos.

Did you like the idea of ​​a Hawaiian bachelorette party and the venue? Leave comments, tell us about your bachelorette party.

If you are planning a Hawaiian party, how to dress is not the last question. Or rather, how to undress, because the islanders caressed by the hot sun do not hide the beauty of tanned athletic bodies. The Hawaiians hide their intimacy under a fan of emerald green, a heap of bright flowers or under a fringe of raffia. Let's try on the image of a native of the Sandwich Islands?

Women's clothing for a Hawaiian party is a bodice, top or shirt, hula skirt, and floral decorations (leaves and/or flowers). The national costume looks something like this:

1. The top can be as open as possible. For a beach, pool or summer party in nature, a swimsuit bra is enough, bright and colorful. Traditional coconut bodices look very natural and symbolic, but wearing them is inconvenient - they hinder movement, rub and rub. Therefore, it is still better to dwell on the fabric. If the party is indoors or you do not want to please the opposite sex with a skimpy top, put on a top or shirt in red (sun), blue (sky), blue (sea) or green (palm trees) colors.

Decorate the cups of the bodice with lush flower buds if you want to add volume to the forms.

2. Hula skirt from fabric imitating palm leaves, from raffia straws or just a short piece of bright matter, as in the first photo above. The traditional length of the skirt is just below the knee or to the ankle, but on the occasion of the holiday, you can not hide beautiful legs. Since making a skirt for a Hawaiian party is not difficult at all, you can do without running around the shops. For assembly, you will need artificial or natural raffia (needlework supplies) and an elastic band.

Read also: Movie themed party (+ photo)

Instead of raffia, you can use thin strips of any thick paper or fabric, Christmas tree rain or packing tapes that decorate and tie bouquets.

Fold the raffia in half and measure the desired length. We apply the fold to the elastic band, pass the end of the raffia through the "loop", tighten. And so we tie each “blade of grass”, tightly shifting the loops to make the skirt more magnificent. The more raffia, the more voluminous the hem. At the end, you just need to tie the edges of the elastic, wrapping the resulting fringe around the waist. An elastic band and knots will be hidden by a belt of flowers or leaves.

If you are very embarrassed by a frank Hawaiian party, a do-it-yourself skirt made of “palm” leaves will reliably hide your legs from prying eyes. From the green fabric we cut out narrow ovals, pointed at one end - the leaves. The length of the ovals is the length of the skirt. The underside of the leaves will develop, revealing the knees and thighs. Top part collected on a petticoat. It is very easy to sew it: a “steering wheel”, the radius of which is the length of the petticoat, and the hole is the volume of the waist. We sew an elastic band along the waist, and then we sew the “leaves” directly to the petticoat so that each “sheet” runs a little over the next one, overlapping:

There is no desire to sew a costume for a Hawaiian party with your own hands, but there is simply no time for running around carnival shops? Buy a bright dress or sundress of any length made of natural fabric with floral ornaments. In secret, modern Hawaiian natives wear just such clothes, and not palm skirts:

Read also: Original script for a Moulin Rouge party

3. Flower garlands or leaves adorn the waistband of the skirt, the neck (lei) and, optionally, the ankles and wrists. On the head - a wreath or large flower supporting a strand of loose wavy hair. But there is one “but” here: the owner of the house presents the lei garland to the guests, and I want it to be combined with the rest of the decorations. Therefore, this point should be discussed in advance with the party organizer (if you are a guest) or with guests (if you organize the holiday yourself).

Garlands and bracelets with an elastic band or elastic band will not tear during active fun. Flower-adorned headband or wire ring hold on the hair better than a regular wreath (although the wreath can be pinned with hairpins).

Garlands, wreaths and bracelets can be bought at a carnival costume store, ordered online, assembled from fresh flowers (which is quite expensive) or made from fabric / paper. The material is better to choose corrugated, light - the buds are lush and lifelike. To enhance the impression - a drop of floral perfume. Bright manicure-pedicure, juicy lips, lush eyelashes, a little bronze blush and light slippers - you are ready to travel to Hawaii!


And what to wear to a Hawaiian party for the stronger sex? The same for girls! Except for the bra, of course. The same floral decorations, the same skirt made of raffia, leaves or fabric. Seductive naked top, to the delight of the girls who were amused. Slippers, and you can go barefoot to the beach or to the pool.

... what to do with guests at the holiday?

What entertainment to come up with so that your friends, saying goodbye on the morning of January 1, say: “Thank you! It feels like you've been to a resort." After all, any theme party (and indeed, a holiday) is remembered rather than by the entourage, but by the emotion that was born in the soul from everything seen. Fundamentally important rule for the host of the party: to create an atmosphere of presence on the islands, to enable guests to plunge headlong into the rhythms, the sea, the traditions of Hawaii, breathe in their smell and feel the customs.


Dancing at New Year's Hawaiian Party

Dancing, dancing and more dancing! The Hawaiian party obliges everyone present to move to the rhythm of the hula. And this means that all competitions, games and fun must be accompanied by Hawaiian national rhythms, or music created on the basis of the melodies of the islanders.

Music for New Year's Hawaiian Party

For dancing (and indeed, as a musical background accompanying the party), it is necessary to carefully create a New Year's playlist.

A few suggestions from Dikmi

Advice: try to use popular, recognizable music. Little-known compositions will soon tire your guests, which means that the party as a whole will lose its positive mood. CDs for Luau parties are available. And even if you don't find anything worthwhile, you can just tune the Hawaiian radio.

Photo shoot for the Hawaiian New Year's party

You prepared so carefully for the Hawaiian party, scrupulously thought through every detail of the decor, every little thing. They decorated dishes, designed costumes - all this simply needs to be captured and left as a keepsake for posterity! What do you need for a photo shoot?

Background. The background can serve as an element of decor, as well as a specially prepared comic banner. You can look for banners for a Hawaiian photo shoot on sale, or you can create it yourself (if there is some artistic talent and a great desire).

Professional photographer. This point is probably not worth explaining. After all, there are no ugly models, there are bad photographers. If you have already decided to arrange a chic holiday, you should not save money on shooting!

Father Frost

New Year, even if it is in a summer, Hawaiian style, it can not do without its main character - Santa Claus. Invite a positive, talented actor in a beautiful costume to your holiday, and, perhaps, thanks to you, he will soon turn from a severe and cold Frost into a melted, smiling Santa.


game part entertainment program should be based on movement. Relay races, competitions for speed, should be at least half of all fun.

Hawaiian knot game (fun puzzle game)

Number of participants: no more than 10.

Rules: all players should stand in a circle and stretch their arms forward. At the command of the facilitator, everyone closes their eyes and tries to take the participant’s hands in front of them. Task: without opening your eyes, leave the circle with the person who was taken by the hands.

Usually there is confusion, the hands of all participants are woven into a very complex knot! Some, trying to get out of the circle, demonstrate such miracles of balancing act that professional circus performers could not even dream of!

The game "Aloha - the name of the pulsation" (simple)

Number of participants: all comers.

Rules: the host says "Aloha", makes a dance move and says the person's name. At the same second, the person whose name was called repeats the hula move shown by the leader. Already two people are dancing. The host calls the second name. And a third one joins them. The game continues until all participants are involved in the hula move. Whoever loses the rhythm of the Hula pulse is out of the game.

Hawaiian musical towel game

We all remember our favorite kindergarten fun from childhood - musical chairs. The essence of "Musical Towels" is exactly the same.

Props: Beach towels.

Rules: spread towels on the floor. They should be one less than the participants. As tropical music plays, the participants dance around the towels. When the music stops, they have time to sit on the towels. The one who does not get the towel is out of the game. The last one, the most agile, wins.

Hula Mania game

Props: bright hoops.

Essence: give each participant a hoop and time the time they can hold the spinning hoop around their waist. Whoever lasts the longest wins.

Props: a rope, or a long stick.

Rules: walk under the rope so as not to catch it. The complexity of the game lies in the fact that with each new circle, the rope is lowered lower and lower to the ground!

Game "Pass the pineapple"

Props: pineapple, coconut, or a medium-sized beach ball.

Rules: participants stand in a circle and pass the “pineapple” from hand to hand to the musical accompaniment. The one who has a pineapple in his hands at the moment when the music stops, leaves the game. The winner's prize is a trophy pineapple!

Hawaiian Fishing Game

Props: bucket, plastic (paper) fish, fishing rod.

Essence: catch as much as possible more fish for a certain period of time, for example, a minute.

Game "Hawaiian mafia"

Props: notes with the words "Mafia", "Detective", "Homeless", "Presenter", empty pieces of paper, a hat.

Rules: everyone sits in a circle and determines their "fate" by drawing lots. “Mafia” is a criminal, he sits quietly and in no way tries not to give out his status, “Detective” - Katani, who must figure out the criminal, “Homeless” - a person who sees and knows everything, never sleeps. "Leader" - guiding the game.

Essence: The host says: “Night. All the inhabitants of the city have been sleeping for a long time, only the Mafia does not sleep, it hunts. At this time, all participants close their eyes, only "Mafia" and "Homeless" remain open. "Mafia" at night should "shoot" at one of the participants. If she hits the "Detective" - ​​the game ends. If it is a civilian, an investigation begins. Then the leader says: “It is morning. Everyone woke up, only (the name of the one who was shot by the Mafia) did not wake up. "Killed" shows his piece of paper and leaves the game.


It will be wonderful if you manage to invite a dance teacher to the New Year's Hawaiian party. A master class on Hula from a professional will greatly enliven the holiday!

It will look spectacular for the New Year and the fire show. An extravaganza of fire, danger and dance is a great start to the year of the Snake.

"Welcome to a bright, tropical, New Year's summer"!!!