Prefabricated reinforced concrete garages. Reinforced concrete garage

It can rightly be called the leader in durability among garages - no structure made of foam blocks, profiled sheets or wood can last as long as a concrete “box” will last. In addition, they are erected faster than buildings made of brick or cinder blocks.

And before standard designs monolithic concrete garage, assembled with your own hands, has the advantage of being able to independently determine the size and area of ​​the building.

As for the disadvantages, the main disadvantage of building concrete garages is impossibility of restructuring, disassembly and transfer to another location. If you made a house for a car from concrete, then you made it “seriously and for a long time”, and when you move you won’t take it with you, and to expand the garage you will first have to demolish the old one.

Second drawback reinforced concrete buildings The problem is that to build them you will need to rent heavy equipment and allocate a lot of space on the site for storing building materials and concrete slabs (if you decide not to pour a concrete garage, but to assemble it like a construction set).

When does it make sense to build it?

Construction of a garage from concrete doing it yourself is a labor-intensive and rather complicated task, so you need to understand how much you need it and how often you will use it.

If it is intended for the site where your house is located and where you permanently live, there is no question, it needs to be built.

If you decide to do it at your summer cottage, where you come only for the summer (and even then not for all of it), then you need to compare the expenditure of effort, time and money with the benefits received.

Perhaps for summer cottage It would be more rational to build a shed garage or a prefabricated garage.

As for choosing a place for a monolithic building, it is advisable to place it separately from your home. First of all, this is due to the technology of constructing a concrete garage - it will be inconvenient to make it an extension. In addition, in appearance it will be significantly different from a house made from a different material, which is not very good from the point of view aesthetics.

Weight reinforced concrete building capable of accommodating a car can reach from 15 to 25 tons, depending on the size, availability of a basement and space for a second car. Considering this fact, it is worth paying great attention to the preparation of the soil and soil, since the load on them will be considerable.

By the way, it is not necessary to do monolithic concrete garage yourself - there is always the opportunity to order a ready-made design from one of the manufacturers. Or, as an alternative, build a garage using concrete slabs purchased from a precast concrete factory.

Standard concrete panels can have a length of 4 to 6 meters, a height of 2.3-2.6 meters and a thickness of 80-120 millimeters. Walls are formed from them, a panel with an opening for a gate is placed on one side, a concrete slab is installed to serve as a roof, and that’s it - the garage is ready and you can drive your car into it!

But we are still interested in how we can do concrete garage with your own hands. Let's look at this process in detail.

Construction stages

The first item on the list of things needed to build a garage is development detailed plan , which will take into account the dimensions of the future building, foundation, roof and everything else. Careful planning and taking into account all the nuances in advance will protect you from annoying mistakes during the construction process.

In this case, you need to do them first, and only then proceed to everything else. At the same time, be sure to waterproof and drain the cellar and inspection hole - this way you will significantly extend the life of the building, protect the car from corrosion and prevent food and things stored in it from deteriorating. garage basement.

Next, a trench is dug to fill the garage. concrete and installation of formwork and support posts.

The depth of the trench should be at least 30 cm, and preferably up to half a meter.

The bottom of the trench should be thoroughly compacted and the edges leveled.

Then recesses are made to install support posts, which will serve as the basis for the frame, giving reinforced concrete walls strength and durability.

It is advisable to achieve the same depth of the recesses; this can be done using a template plug made of concrete. When installing supports, achieve them vertical position using a level. Also make sure that the top ends of the posts are at the same height.

Don't forget about waterproofing. In order to rainwater did not wash away the building, it should be done around its perimeter concrete blind areas And rain drainage(more often referred to as “storm drainage”). If previously on your land or in neighboring areas the groundwater lies relatively shallow, make it under the foundation using wells.

After installing the supports you need to do "pillow" from a mixture of sand and gravel. With a trench depth of 0.5 meters, its compacted thickness should reach 15-20 cm. Now you can install formwork, the material for which can be boards or plywood. The formwork frame is made of timber. Don't forget to fill in floor garage, preferably using steel rod reinforcement.

Internal width formwork should be equal thickness future walls. How thick walls concrete garage? Their minimum thickness should be 80 mm, optimal 100-150 mm. In the middle, between the sheets of outer and inner formwork, a grid of steel rods is laid, which will serve reinforced frame. Horizontal reinforcement bars are welded to the support posts.

Now the main stage of construction begins monolithic garagepouring walls. The space between the formwork is filled with concrete, which should be well compacted on top (especially at the corners) and leveled. As soon as the bottom layer of the walls has dried, remove the formwork from it and install it higher, repeat the operation with pouring concrete in the garage until the walls are fully erected.

How to cover a concrete garage? If you are planning a roof made of concrete, then it is made in the same way as the walls, but below for the formwork you will need supports made of logs or very thick timber. They should be located often enough to prevent collapse future ceiling.

Otherwise, it is necessary to install longitudinal beams in pre-prepared recesses, lay boards and roofing felt on them for waterproofing. Tiles, slate or corrugated sheets are laid on top of this “pie” - the roof is ready.

In order for a monolithic garage to be warm in winter, it also needs thermal insulation. The latter is often made using foam plastic or other similar material. It is attached to the walls using a special solution, and a plaster mesh is glued on top of the foam.

For heating the resulting premises can be used radiators, connected to a centralized network or to an electric boiler. An alternative to batteries can be water or electric convectors.

The final stage of construction is external and. To do this, you can use plaster, both regular and colored versions. If you love wood, then the inside of a monolithic garage can be covered with clapboard. How to paint concrete walls in a garage? Better to use acrylic facade paints . And from the outside, if you are not short on funds, the building can be decorated with decorative stone.

Properly built monolithic concrete garage will become a reliable shelter for your car for many decades. It is possible that even your children and grandchildren will park their cars in it.

Useful video

Watch a video on how to pour concrete in a garage:

We offer three types of Concrete garages with a width of 3200mm, 3420mm and 3900mm, length 6000mm. height 2600mm.

Name Price, rub) Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) Weight (kg) Quantity per car (20t)
Concrete garage 1 + Concrete floor + Gate 185000.00 6000 3200 2600 14700 1
Concrete garage 2 + Concrete floor + Gate 205000.00 6000 3420 2600 15700 1
Concrete garage 3 + Concrete floor + Gate 225000.00 6000 3900 2600 17700 1
Concrete garage 4 (without floor) + Gate (2800x1900x3) 160000.00 5480 3240 2320 10230 1

Reinforced concrete garage1

Reinforced concrete garage2

Reinforced concrete garage3

Surely many motorists have had to deal with the problem of arranging their parking lot. vehicle. Many people prefer to use paid guarded parking lots, however, there are also some car owners who... various reasons want to have own garage. In addition to its direct functions, a garage is also attractive because it can store various equipment and accessories for the car, carry out minor repairs, which is very difficult in a parking lot or garage complex. One of the most popular today are reinforced concrete garages.

From a technical point of view, a reinforced concrete garage is a structure made in the form of a monolithic box. Since reinforced concrete structures are quite heavy in weight, it is quite natural that prefabricated reinforced concrete garages are especially popular, the delivery of material for which in parts is most economically beneficial for the buyer. Often, for a buyer who has studied the market, it becomes quite obvious that buying a reinforced concrete garage is much more profitable both economically and in terms of labor costs compared to building a garage from other materials. This design has many advantages: fast construction, convenient transportation to the assembly site, absence welding work, the ability to quickly dismantle and transport to a new location.

Of course, an important factor is that the market building materials offers quite a wide range of, any buyer can choose almost any reinforced concrete garage whose price suits him. Moreover, the market makes it possible to choose any size, shape of garages and offer relatively low prices compared to building a garage from other building materials.

Concrete garage structure

A car has long been transformed from a luxury item into an indispensable assistant. With its help, it is easy to quickly resolve many issues. Vehicle owners are faced with a serious problem related to car parking. After all, residents of high-rise buildings do not always have the opportunity to get a place in a garage cooperative to build a garage. Hosts country houses and land plots can build a prefabricated or monolithic garage made of concrete or various blocks on their territory.

Garage design options

If you need to quickly build a room to store your car, you should choose a reinforced concrete garage. Garage buildings made of composite blocks, metal sheets and wood, it is problematic to compete with a reinforced concrete garage in terms of durability, strength and reliability. Popularity reinforced concrete buildings associated with simplicity of construction and accelerated pace of implementation installation work. Today it is easy to purchase a prefabricated or solid garage at precast concrete enterprises or carry out the construction yourself monolithic design.

Sooner or later, any car enthusiast comes to the idea that his “iron horse” needs a home

Car owners install various designs reinforced concrete garages:

  • a team consisting of industrially manufactured reinforced concrete slabs. Increased mass components requires the use of special lifting equipment to perform installation operations. This structure is assembled without the use of a binding solution, since reinforced concrete modules, after installation, remain immobile due to their increased mass. During assembly, electric welding can be used to connect embedded elements and fittings. Vehicle owners are attracted by the accelerated installation, ease of assembly, lack of need for a foundation, as well as the possibility of prompt dismantling of the structure;
  • monolithic, manufactured at factories of reinforced concrete products in the form of a solid block. Car owners who decide to install a solid reinforced concrete garage are faced with the problem of delivering the structure to the installation site, as well as the need to use special vehicles and a lifting crane for transportation. In this regard, this design is characterized by increased cost compared to the prefabricated version. To install a one-piece garage block made of steel-reinforced concrete, the site must be carefully prepared. To do this, it is necessary to remove debris and vegetation, level the soil surface, lay and compact a sand-crushed stone cushion;
  • combined, including ready-made and self-formed reinforced concrete structures. As ready-made floor elements, you can use standard slabs corresponding in size to the length and width garage space. The walls of such a garage are made of composite blocks, the laying of which is carried out with cement mortar or monolithic concrete. Formation of integral iron concrete walls carried out by pouring concrete mixture into formwork with pre-installed reinforcement cage. The floor is poured independently by concreting the base reinforced with a reinforcement grid.

The combined option attracts car owners with reduced costs and expanded choice constructive solutions, as well as the possibility of constructing a room with the required dimensions.

They are erected faster than buildings made of brick or cinder blocks

Advantages and disadvantages of a concrete garage

A concrete garage, like other types of garage premises, has certain advantages, as well as a number of disadvantages.

The positive characteristics of reinforced concrete structures include:

  • long period of use. Provided that the manufacturing technology is followed and a high-quality solution is used for concreting, the hardened monolith is able to retain its properties for a century;
  • increased safety margin and increased level of reliability. Structure from reinforced concrete problematic to damage. There is no doubt about the safety of a vehicle located in a concrete room;
  • Fire safety. In a garage where oils, fuels and flammable liquids are stored, there is a risk of fire situations. Concrete structure not subject to combustion;
  • maintainability. In the event of cracks or local defects, it is easy to seal cavities in the solid using a cement solution, special putty or plaster composition;
  • installation speed. Compared to stone or wooden buildings, the construction of which requires long time, a ready-made reinforced concrete garage is installed on a prepared site in a couple of hours with the help of a team of workers;
  • vandal resistance. It is problematic for attackers who traditionally use a jack to lift floor elements to violate the integrity of a monolithic structure made of reinforced concrete;
  • diversity design options ready-made concrete garages. When ordering products in the right place, an opening for the doors is made, as well as concrete slab the base is equipped with an opening for access to the inspection pit or basement.

As for the disadvantages, the main disadvantage of building concrete garages is the impossibility of rebuilding, disassembling and moving to another location

The reinforced concrete structure also has weak sides:

  • increased mass. Weighing more than 12 tons, special equipment is required for transportation and installation, and during installation you should worry about constructing a crushed stone-sand cushion;
  • increased construction costs. The increased material consumption of reinforced concrete structures, in the manufacture of which expensive plasticizers are used, increases the total cost;
  • difficulties during transportation. It is necessary to use special equipment. Violation of transportation rules causes deformation and impairs performance characteristics.

When giving preference to a reinforced concrete garage, you should carefully study the advantages and also analyze the disadvantages.

Getting ready to build a garage from concrete or blocks

Regardless of whether a monolithic garage will be installed, or a prefabricated version of the garage will be constructed, a number of works should be performed at the preparatory stage:

  1. Select the location of the garage space.
  2. Decide on the design of the garage.
  3. Develop a project that takes into account all the features.
  4. Determine the need for building materials.
  5. Calculate total costs.
  6. Purchase everything necessary for construction.

You should also take care in advance about obtaining permission to build a garage. Let us dwell on the features of performing individual stages.

The first item on the list of things needed to build a garage is to develop a detailed plan that will take into account the dimensions of the future building, foundation, roof and everything else.

Choosing a location for a reinforced concrete garage

When deciding on the location of the future garage, consider the following points:

  • distance of the building from the place of residence. The garage is located close to the place permanent residence more convenient, as it will allow you to manage time rationally;
  • the nature of the soil at the construction site. Close location groundwater and increased soil moisture will create inconvenience during construction inspection hole or basement;
  • proximity to power lines and water mains. You should take into account where the communications lie, to which you can quickly connect. Running networks under a garage can cause a number of difficulties when repairing them.

An important point when determining the location is the availability of free space intended for opening the gate leaves, as well as the convenience of leaving the garage area.

Carrying out markings on a construction site

To carry out the marking, you need to transfer the coordinates of the garage location from the plan to the conditions of the real area. To do this you need to use:

  • construction cord;
  • small pegs;
  • roulette

Marking is carried out on a site cleared of vegetation and leveled.

As for choosing a place for a monolithic building, it is advisable to place it separately from your house

Calculation of building materials

Perform operations to determine the need for material according to the following algorithm:

  1. Calculate the total length of the garage walls.
  2. Multiply the resulting perimeter by the wall thickness and height.
  3. Subtract the volume of window and door openings from the resulting volume of the garage.

By dividing the actual volume of future walls by the volume of one block, it is easy to determine the amount of building material. During production monolithic walls garage using the concreting method, the volume of the walls corresponds to the need for concrete mortar.

The order of operations at each stage of construction

results Vote

Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Many developers prefer the combined design of a concrete garage.

Garage construction technology combined type provides for the following work:

  1. Production of earthworks.
  2. Construction of the foundation.
  3. Construction of walls.
  4. Roof installation.
  5. Concreting the floor
  6. Installation of entrance gates.

After completion of construction activities, landscaping work is carried out. Let's consider the specifics of performing individual stages.

It is not necessary to make a monolithic concrete garage yourself - you can always order a ready-made structure from one of the manufacturers

Construction of a reinforced concrete foundation

Among various types foundations, the most common is strip foundation.

Sequence of construction actions:

  1. Extract the soil along the contour of the foundation to the required height.
  2. Place a bed of gravel and sand at the bottom of the trench and compact it.
  3. Assemble the formwork from ready-made panels.
  4. Place and secure the reinforcement grid in the formwork.
  5. Pour the concrete mixture into the formwork.

Duration of strength development is 28 days.

A trench is being dug to fill the garage with concrete and install formwork and support posts.

Construction of concrete walls

The process of constructing concrete walls is similar to the construction of a strip foundation and is carried out in the following order:

  1. Install and securely fix the formwork structure, repeating the configuration of the foundation.
  2. Collect reinforcement cage and firmly fix it inside the panel formwork.
  3. Prepare the concrete solution and pour it continuously.

After concreting, the concrete mass should be compacted to allow air inclusions to escape. Dismantling of the formwork is carried out a month after filling the formwork with concrete.

Construction of a garage begins with laying floor slabs

Roof and roofing - important points

The roof is constructed in various options:

  • from an I-beam, the dimensions of which exceed the width of the garage by 25 cm. I-beams lie at intervals of 100-120 cm and are secured with anchors. After construction under the formwork beams, finished design concreted;
  • based on ready-made iron concrete panels. Standard slabs laid on cement mortar with subsequent sealing of the joint areas. The surface of the ceiling should be thoroughly waterproofed.

If it is necessary to organize an attic or attic space, a beam structure is constructed on which a roof made of various materials is mounted.

It is necessary to install longitudinal beams in pre-prepared recesses, lay boards and roofing felt on them for waterproofing

Construction of concrete flooring

The most common flooring option is concrete. It is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. The surface is cleared of construction debris.
  2. The base is leveled and a gravel-sand mixture is poured.
  3. The reinforcing mesh is assembled and fixed.
  4. The concrete solution is prepared and poured.
  5. The surface of the concrete mass is leveled.

Concrete marked M200 is used to make the screed. After the screed has hardened, the surface is grouted.

A garage is a necessity for any car owner, both protection and security. In the article we will talk about how to choose a concrete garage, build it yourself, consider the types, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of concrete garages.

Types of concrete garages, their pros and cons

A garage made of concrete or reinforced concrete slabs is the most reliable place to store and maintain a car. The building can be erected with your own hands, it will not take much time, and besides, it is a relatively inexpensive construction.

The buildings are divided into:

  • Prefabricated reinforced concrete buildings , which are built from blocks or wall panels and floor slabs. You can purchase ready-made sets of garage slabs; they have lighter, but no less reliable designs.

Such buildings are erected for a short time, if necessary, they are quickly disassembled and transported to a new location. Nowadays, many companies offer to purchase a concrete garage with installation by the company’s specialists; in this case, installation is carried out within a few hours.

Today, manufacturers offer factory-cast ones into a single design. Such a garage is delivered to the installation site and firmly mounted on the foundation.

But the size of monolithic garages is limited by transportation, besides, dismantling it is impossible and transportation is difficult, but such a structure is installed quickly - in a couple of hours you have a full-fledged, reliable garage, almost ready for use.

  • Monolithic reinforced concrete buildings erected from concrete poured into reinforced formwork. The work is carried out using a small concrete mixer: for the construction of a standard garage, a machine with a capacity of 0.5–1 m3 will be sufficient.

A monolithic concrete garage is quite reliable; it can be built of any size, shape and configuration. For reasons of economy, instead of ASG, you can use slag or foam concrete, the price of which is lower, and besides, such walls will retain heat better.

Advantages of a concrete garage


  • Reliability. The walls of the garage will protect the car from atmospheric influences and foreign penetration.
  • Durability. The garage will last for decades, as it is built once and almost forever.
  • Environmental friendliness. All materials used do not contain substances hazardous to human life and health.
  • Frost resistance. Concrete is not subject to destruction from exposure to low temperatures.
  • Fire resistance. The material is not afraid high temperature and retains its performance properties even in contact with open fire.

Disadvantages of a concrete garage

A properly built garage has virtually no drawbacks, except that it requires insulation and heating of the room (see). Temperature in winter period the garage will be only a few degrees higher than outside, so for a comfortable stay in it it is necessary to install heating.

A garage made of foam concrete will require protecting the walls from moisture penetration, you will have to do external finishing buildings (see). A prefabricated garage made of concrete panels is limited in size; construction requires the use of equipment, and if the elements are connected by welding, then specialists.

Stages of the garage construction process

Let's start with the fact that any work begins with a project that indicates the dimensions of the building, necessary materials and their number, the location of the building on the ground, that is, all the necessary parameters.

You can make a concrete garage project yourself or order it from a specialized organization. Competent craftsmen will analyze the soil, determine the depth of freezing and groundwater, which is important in the case of constructing a basement or workshop under a garage. Installation of concrete garages is carried out on a leveled base, free from fertile soil, garbage, covered with a layer of sand or small gravel and carefully compacted.


Shallow strip foundation for a garage


  • A monolithic or prefabricated garage without a basement is placed at a height of 40–60 cm and a width of 25–30 cm.
  • Reinforcement is carried out with reinforcement with a diameter of 12–14 mm.
  • The tape should protrude above the ground by at least 10 cm.
  • The surface of the foundation is waterproofed with a layer of roofing material or other rolled material to cut off moisture from the walls.


A monolithic, reinforced garage is built using formwork; it is placed on a foundation with a distance between elements equal to the thickness of the walls.

If there is no factory formwork, then you can use various available materials:

  • Plywood.
  • Boards.
  • Metal sheets.

The formwork is secured with bolts or studs for easy disassembly and subsequent assembly of the structure. The walls are reinforced with a spatial frame or individual rods. Particular attention is paid to the corners of the building.

Concrete is poured in layers (each layer no more than 50 cm thick), carefully vibrated to release excess air. Otherwise, voids and cavities may form in the walls, which will weaken the building and deprive the surface of its aesthetics.

As the concrete hardens, a row of formwork is removed and fixed higher, arranging the next row. The last layer is leveled, the horizontal level is measured for correct installation floor panels. After removing the formwork, the seams between the layers should be freed from concrete leaks, leveled and plastered.

The prefabricated concrete garage is assembled like a designer on a prepared foundation using a truck crane. The elements are connected by brackets, bolts or welding. The kit includes detailed assembly instructions, which must be carefully checked and the slabs installed in the specified order.

Seams between panels and connecting elements mint cement mortar.


Let's talk about some of the nuances that need to be paid to Special attention when installing the roof.

Gable garage roof covered with corrugated sheets


  • Monolithic garage is covered reinforced concrete slabs, and it is necessary to take into account the material of the walls and the area of ​​​​the garage.
  • If the walls are made of concrete, then solid covering panels can be laid.
  • For weaker walls, hollow slabs are used. For example, a 6 by 6 garage made of foam concrete simply will not withstand the weight of a monolithic slab; the wall material under pressure will gradually begin to weaken, and there may be a risk of roof collapse.
  • The panels are mounted on cement mortar.
  • The slabs are laid with a slope of at least 3% to allow water to drain.
  • The gaps between the roof panels and the locations of the mounting loops are sealed with mortar or filled with foam (the excess of which is cut off after setting); the surface of the slabs, if necessary, is leveled with a screed.
  • Before the beginning roofing works the roof is dried and dusted.
  • The panels are covered with rolled material: roofing felt, TechnoNIKOL, etc. The work is carried out in accordance with the instructions for laying fused roofing coverings.
  • Alternatively, the roof can be covered with ondulin, soft tiles(see), corrugated sheets and other roofing materials.

Garage floor

Both in a monolithic garage and in a prefabricated one (if the floor slab is not included in the package), the floor covering is poured using the following technology.

  • The base is leveled and compacted well
  • A layer of sand or fine gravel 10 cm thick is laid and also compacted tightly.
  • Waterproofing is laid, the role of which will be perfectly performed by two layers of film, roofing felt, TechnoNIKOL and others rolled materials. The edges of the material extend 15 cm onto the wall.
  • If a concrete garage is equipped with heating in the future, then it would be rational to insulate the floor so that the heat is not wasted and your feet do not get cold. Insulation is placed over the waterproofing - polystyrene foam, mineral wool And so on.
  • To strengthen the coating and protect it from destruction and cracking, a reinforcing mesh of reinforcement with a diameter of at least 14 mm and a pitch of 10–15 cm is installed.

Important! The mesh reinforcement must be protected by concrete on all sides. To do this, to the grid with bottom side“legs” are attached, which will allow the mixture to penetrate under the reinforcement. The protective layer is made at least 3 cm thick.

  • Compensation gaps are installed along the walls and around protruding structures; for their construction, foam plastic 5 cm thick can be used.
  • Concrete is poured with a slope of 2-3% directed towards the gate. The thickness of the coating varies between 7–15 cm and depends on the requirements for the floor.
  • To make the base strong and monolithic, it is recommended to lay the mixture at one time.

  • After the concrete has completely set, you can begin additional decorative finishing floors: coat with a polymer composition (see), paint with concrete paint, lay tiles or make a self-leveling floor. The main thing is that the surface is non-slip.

Garage door

Function performed garage doors, consists of protecting the doorway from entry by unauthorized persons and theft of the car, as well as preserving heat in winter time. Therefore, they must be durable, reliable, safe for the owner, tightly closed and easy to open.

Several types of gates are installed in a concrete garage:

  • Recoil.
  • Swing.
  • Lift-and-swivel.
  • Roller shutters.
  • Sectional.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. If the garage is located in a garage cooperative or in a country house, then ordinary swing gates, as the simplest, proven and reliable option.

All other types are appropriate near the house when the garage is being monitored, as they have poor resistance to breaking and entering.


We told you step by step what types of work will have to be done when installing or building a concrete garage. If the chain “project – garage – concrete” is followed correctly and consistently, all recommendations and instructions are carefully followed, then as a result you will receive a reliable, durable shelter for your car.

Thematic photos and videos presented in this article will clearly demonstrate some of the nuances of construction and help you understand complex issues.

A monolithic garage is a precast concrete structure that can be purchased at finished form at the factory that manufactures such products. In this case, the structure looks like a monolithic box. After installation in place, metal gates are hung on it.

In another option, separate reinforced concrete blocks are purchased and the garage is assembled with your own hands using cement. The article will tell you how to make a monolithic garage yourself.

Materials for the construction of garages

When starting the construction of any building, it is necessary to find out what material it can be built from.

So for a garage you can use:

  1. easy flammability;
  2. need for special treatment protective equipment from possible rotting.
  • Stone or brick(cm. ). They are quite practical and reliable. The material tolerates temperature fluctuations or other external influences well. But its walls need additional insulation, and the entire structure needs a reliable, solid foundation, which can significantly increase the cost of the garage. The room needs arrangement reliable system heating and ventilation. Inside brick garage may accumulate a large number of moisture.
  • Concrete blocks.Different:
  1. increased strength:
  2. durability;
  3. good heat retention;
  4. easy to process.

Condensation does not accumulate on the walls of the room; the material can “breathe”.

How to build a garage out of concrete blocks

The price for purchasing concrete blocks is quite attractive, which makes it possible to build a garage relatively inexpensively.

The advantages of a garage made of precast concrete are:

  • High speed of construction.
  • The prefabricated structure kit comes with fairly detailed instructions from the manufacturer for assembling the product.
  • Ease of transportation due to the possibility of dismantling and then moving to another location.
  • No welding required.

A standard set of precast concrete structures consists of the following elements:

  • Panels for the construction of a cellar.
  • Left panel for flooring.
  • Right floor panel.
  • Several wall panels.
  • Middle wall panel.
  • Panels for installing gates.
  • Roof slabs that have the appearance of a hollow structure.

Advice: When assembling a garage, you should constantly clarify the order of work with detailed instructions, which is included with the building kit.

For ease of use of the garage, it is necessary to provide:

  • for Maintenance auto.
  • Availability of a basement for harvest storage and preservation throughout the year.
  • For prefabricated garages from reinforced concrete structures mainly used strip foundations from ready-made reinforced concrete blocks, as can be seen in the photo, and a properly equipped blind area (see). A layer of sand is placed in the trench and compacted well. Foundation slabs are installed, fastened together and waterproofed.

Precast concrete structural elements can be easily assembled without welding using specially provided rigid metal brackets and bolted connections, which are necessarily included in the delivery for assembling the garage.

Advice: When purchasing reinforced concrete structures, you should carefully check the completeness of the delivery.

The garage construction kit includes and.

The garage assembly should be performed in the following sequence:

  • A pit is being dug.
  • Panels are assembled for the foundation and basement.
  • Slabs are installed to construct the floor, usually two of them.
  • Everything is mounted side panels for walls of precast concrete structures.
  • The central wall panel is installed.
  • The panel for fastening the gate is fixed.
  • Metal gates are being installed.
  • The work ends with the installation of the roof. For this, hollow core slabs are used.

How to assemble a garage from reinforced concrete elements

A do-it-yourself monolithic garage from purchased elements of reinforced concrete structures can be assembled in the following sequence:

  • Support posts are installed. This does not require a special foundation. When constructing the back wall:
  1. holes are dug in the ground;
  2. supports are installed;
  3. gradually the excavations are filled with concrete in a ratio of cement and sand of 1:5;
  4. Each layer is carefully compacted.

For filling, it is good to use stones, crushed stone, gravel and broken bricks.

Tip: To ensure same height all racks, it is necessary to make a template corresponding to the dimensions of the first hole, which looks like a concrete plug. It will be the depth standard for the remaining holes.

  • Wall elements are mounted from bottom to top to a certain height. Wherein:
  1. horizontally located seams are sealed with a cement mortar of concrete and sand in a ratio of 1:2;
  2. rear rafter purlins are laid;
  3. The connecting brackets are carefully walled up.
  • The side walls are installed in the same way as the back.. All horizontal connections are carefully controlled. All seams between adjacent elements are carefully sealed.
  • Marking of butt seams is carried out, which should be on the overhang and ridge runs.
  • Panels are installed on the roof. At the pediment, cement mortar is used for fixation. The roof panels are mounted on hinges and pins that are provided on the parts.
  • All panels are laid according to the markings.
  • All cracks are filled with concrete mortar.
  • Embedding is in progress.

Tip: You should not walk on the roof. In case of great need, boards can be laid on it.

  • When laying the roof, it is necessary to ensure that the surface is clean and dry.

How to hang a garage door

The gate hanging technology is as follows:

  • The gate threshold is laid on the sandy surface. In this case, the lining is placed strictly horizontally.
  • The gate leaf is hung on the provided holders.
  • Using shim washers, it is necessary to achieve the same desired suspension height.

The final finishing of a monolithic concrete garage is as follows:

  • All irregularities on the roof are first removed with cement mortar. Then roofing material is glued onto it in two layers, which can be replaced with glassy plastic. It is best to lay the panels parallel to the ridge of the building, starting from the overhang.
  • By treating the external surfaces of walls, you can provide additional protection. Internal surfaces should be plastered with lime mortar, and then simply whitewashed. When processing external walls (see), you can harmoniously fit the garage into existing style other buildings and landscape. If there are no special conditions, you can use ordinary plaster on cement, which is thrown onto the wall with a trowel and carefully rubbed down. After drying, the surface can be treated with lime and simply renewed every 2-3 years.

The video shows details about the construction of a monolithic garage.

After constructing a concrete garage, you should take care of the flow into the room fresh air. The most inexpensive and fairly acceptable option is to install a natural ventilation system. In this case, a pipe for fresh air is placed at a height of approximately 0.5 meters from the floor level; the exhaust pipe should be at ceiling level.

Competent and careful construction of a garage from reinforced concrete structures will extend its service life for many years.