Fortune telling at home, fortune telling on paper. Christmas, New Year, Yuletide fortune-telling

Since ancient times, fortune telling for Christmas, Christmastide and New Year has been given special meaning. As a rule, fortune telling carried out during these periods is only positive. Christmastide refers to 2 winter weeks, starting from Christmas Eve, that is, January 6, until Epiphany, which is celebrated on January 19.

Fortune telling on a needle

They bake the needle into bread and if it hits a girl with the tip on her tongue, it means marriage.

Fortune telling on grains or nuts

Take a full handful of nuts, peas or coffee beans, shake them several times and then place one on the table, saying a word each time. For example:
"Svetlana, Natalia, Thin waist, Dark skin, Scary face, Glutton, Singer, Skinny girl, Brown braid, Wonderful beauty..."
Whatever is said on the last grain will come true.

Fortune telling by mirror

IN dark room They placed a mirror on the table and a lit candle in front of it. The girl entered the room and looked through the candle in the mirror, where she was supposed to see her betrothed.

Apple fortune telling

They cut it into 9 parts and, standing in front of the mirror, ate 8 of them, while throwing the last one over their left shoulder. At the same time, the betrothed should have appeared in the mirror.

Fortune telling by apple

This is how they tell fortunes in the Czech Republic. After Christmas dinner, the apples are cut crosswise, and if the correct seeded star is inside, the coming year will be a happy one.

Fortune telling by candles

Some people like to float lighted candles in walnut shells across the water. If the candle does not sink, happiness for the whole year is guaranteed.

Fortune telling on bread

The girl puts the first piece of dinner under the pillow, inviting her betrothed: “Mummer, betrothed, come to dinner with me.” And he appears in a dream.

Fortune telling on ashes

“Rich betrothed, step with your boot; poor betrothed, step with your bast shoes,” says the girl and scatters the ashes. The next day, following the trail, he concludes about the groom.

Fortune telling by rooster

In the house, grain was sprinkled on the floorboard, a piece of clay was placed, water was poured into a saucer, and a mirror was placed next to it. They let the rooster in and watched him. If he pecked at the grain - the girl would be rich; if he approached the clay - trouble could not be avoided; if he drank water - the husband would turn out to be a drunkard; if he approached the mirror - the groom would turn out to be a dissolute reveler.

Fortune telling on the water

In the Pskov province, water was poured into a saucer or shallow bowl. The bowl was left on the red porch for the entire New Year's Eve. In the morning they looked at it: the ice rose up - the year will be good, the ice froze - the year will be calm, the ice froze in waves - there will be both grief and happiness; and if the water freezes like a hole, the year will be bad.

Fortune telling by wood

In England, after dark, a girl would go to the woodpile and bring home an armful of firewood. In the morning they were counted: if the number turned out to be even, the wedding was to be celebrated in the coming year; if it was odd, it was postponed.

Fortune telling by shadows

To do this, take a sheet of paper, preferably newspaper. It must be crushed with your hands so that it turns into a shaped mass, a lump, avoiding the shape of a ball. When the paper is ready, it is placed on the bottom of an overturned plate and set on fire. The burnt paper, without moving or destroying the shape of the ash, is brought to the illuminated wall, carefully turning the plate until some shadow appears on the wall. The future is judged by its outlines.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

You need to prepare a small piece of paper and a pencil by the time the clock starts striking on New Year's Day. After the first strike, you need to have time to write your wish, burn the piece of paper, stir the ashes in a glass of Spanish and drink before the clock finishes striking 12 times. It’s not entirely pleasant, but, they say, it’s a guarantee that your wish will come true in the coming year.

Fortune telling on a log

He pulls out a log from the woodpile: smooth - poor groom, uneven - rich. Options: smooth and distorted.

Fortune telling by horse

The horse is blindfolded and the girl sits on it. If the horse goes outside the gate, be married.

Fortune telling with a needle and thread

They thread the thread, holding the needle with the eye down, stick it into the shirt and go to bed: the dream will tell you whether to get married. “There’s a cat on the stove, a goose on the floor, a winch on the bench, a dove on the windows, a bright falcon at the table,” is the girl’s sentence before going to bed.

Fortune telling by ring

You need to take an ordinary glass with a smooth bottom without any designs, pour three-quarters of water into it and carefully lower it to the middle of the bottom wedding ring, pre-cleaned. Then you need to look through the lowered ring for a relatively long time. Those who have a rich imagination claim that this is how you can see the face of the future groom.

Fortune telling by wax

To perform this fortune-telling, take a candle and, breaking it into small pieces, place it in a metal spoon, heat the spoon over the fire until the pieces of wax turn into a molten liquid. And then in one breath they pour it into a prepared basin of water. You will get some form. They use it to guess, and fantasy plays a big role. Some see a car in the frozen wax figure, while others see the face of a young man...

Boat fortune telling

For this fortune-telling, take a basin filled to the brim with water. Along the edges of this basin, paper boats are hung with the names of fortune-tellers, the wishes of fortune-tellers, or possible events are written on them: wedding, illness, passionate love, loss, death, etc. Then they take a nut shell and place the stub of a Christmas tree candle in it. The boat is launched into the middle of the basin and the candle is lit. Depending on which edge she swims to and which piece of paper she sets on fire, they judge the future.

Fortune telling on objects

Young people of both sexes gather, take rings, rings, cufflinks, earrings, buttons, keys, coins and other small things and place them on a large deep plate, dish or tray along with pieces of bread, covered with a clean towel or napkin on top.

After that, those participating in fortune-telling sing songs. At the end of each song, putting your hand in and turning away from the dish, they take out from under it any one object that fell into their hands first. The rings are rolled along the floor, watching in which direction it will roll: if towards the door, then for a girl - the proximity of marriage, for men - departure. If a fortuneteller pulls out an object that belongs to him, then happiness awaits him in the new year. A piece of bread - for goodness, satiety, a coin - for wealth, a handkerchief - for tears, a key - for housewarming, etc.

Fortune telling with a circle and letters

They draw a circle into 99 sectors (the Russian alphabet is repeated 3 times - 33 letters), and then scatter the grain on top of the letters, and by those on which the grains fell, they recognize the name of the betrothed.

Weather fortune telling

The onion was cut into 12 slices (12 months, from January to December). The slices were sprinkled with salt and left overnight. In the morning we looked at which slices the salt got wet and where it remained dry. These months were destined to be wet or dry.

Fortune telling by shoes

The girls take off the shoe from their left foot and throw it over the gate, watching where the shoe lands with the toe. The one who throws her in marriage will be given in that direction: When he looks at the gate from which he will be thrown out, then the girl will live at home this year and not get married.

Fortune telling on a ring, bread and hook

Having placed a ring, a hook and a piece of bread on the floor, they cover these three objects with a scarf, from under which they then take out who gets which item. If the ring is taken out, then the groom will be a dandy, if the bread is a rich man, and the hook is a poor man.

Fortune telling on grains

This fortune telling was very fashionable at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. We invite you to try your luck with a wheat grain rolled in molten wax. Shuffle the deck thoroughly and arrange the cards in a circle. Close your eyes and throw the grain into this circle. Look at which card the grain fell on. The interpreter will tell you the meaning of the card that fate sent you.

Fortune telling by book

A fortuneteller opens a book at random and looks at what it is about. we're talking about on this page. What is written is what is to be expected.

Fortune telling using a spiritual book

They take some book, mainly of spiritual content, and, without opening it, give themselves a page number and a line at the top or bottom, at random. Then open this page and read. What is read from a certain unknown page and line serves as the answer to the intended question. If the answer is not direct, then it will be interpreted in its own way.

Fortune telling on the rods

Everyone takes a twig and sticks it into the ground near the house. Those whose twigs remain standing until the morning will be guaranteed success and prosperity in the coming year, and those whose twigs fall must be careful.

Fortune telling on paper

We take a graphed sheet of paper, where in each cell an event that interests the fortuneteller is written or drawn. A pea or grain of wheat (any chip can be used) was thrown onto the rafli, that is, onto the fortune-telling sheet. The future is determined by the cell where the chip stops.

Fortune telling for passersby

This fortune-telling consists of leaving the house during the evening or night and, standing in front of it, the girls ask the men: “What is your name?” with the purpose and confidence that future groom will have the same name and the same beauty that the one seen and questioned has.

Fortune telling on rice grains

Hold the jar of rice with your palm facing down. left hand and concentrating, ask a question out loud. Then take a handful of rice from it and pour it onto a spread napkin. An even number of grains is a positive answer. Odd is negative.

Dream fortune telling

Before going to bed, you need to eat something salty, but not drink. When going to bed, they make a wish, saying: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!” Whoever gets you drunk is the one you will marry.

Fortune telling with bulbs

The names of possible candidates for marriage are written on the bulbs. They put them in the water. Whichever bulb sprouts first - on behalf of that one, expect a marriage proposal.

Fortune telling for married people

Water is poured into a glass and the name of the husband’s mistress is written on a piece of paper prepared in advance. A spoon of salt and a lit candle should be prepared here. Salt is thrown from a spoon into a glass and a sheet of paper with the name of the opponent is immediately lit from a candle. Using a spoon, they quickly mix the salt with the words: “If the salt melts faster, then my husband will not leave me, and the paper burns out - their love will burn out.” Then they look: if the salt has melted, but the paper is still smoldering, it means that your husband will remain with you in the end. If on the contrary, then the husband will leave sooner or later.

Fortune telling on the phone

Think about a question and mentally focus on it. Looking at the phone, ask it out loud. If the first call is from a man, the answer is positive. From a woman - negative.

Fortune telling on glowing windows

Go outside in the evening, when it is already well dark. Mentally ask a question of interest, turning your back to the house. Then turn around and count the luminous windows. An even number indicates a positive answer, an odd number indicates a negative answer.

Fortune telling by an armful of firewood

On New Year's Eve, both girls and boys take an armful of firewood in the dark and carry it into the room to count their number; if the number is even, then the fortuneteller will get married this year; if the number is odd, then they will remain single.

Fortune telling with a tub on your head

On New Year's Eve, the girls go out into the yard and put a tub on one of them's head, then turn the girl around several times. different sides and tell her to go. If a girl goes to the gate, she will get married this year, but if she goes deeper into the yard, she will remain a girl.

Fortune telling by name

On Christmastide, the girl took bread or pie and in the evening ran out into the street with it and asked the first man passing what his name was - in the confidence that there would be a husband with that name. This one has simple fortune telling there were many various options- in different provinces, in different villages they asked in different ways: with the first piece in the mouth, with a pancake on the head. Sometimes they asked a passerby not “What is your name?”, but “What is the name of my betrothed?” By the way, not only girls, but also single guys were engaged in calling.

Fortune telling with a mitten

They throw a mitten up from the shelf: if it falls upward with the thumb, it means that the one they are waiting for will arrive; if the thumb is turned downwards, then the expected one will not arrive.

Spoon fortune telling

On New Year's night, all family members take a spoonful of water and take it to a cold place, and in the morning they look: those whose water has frozen with a depression will die, and those whose water has frozen or with a tubercle will live in the coming year.

Fortune telling by burning paper

On New Year's Eve, water is poured into a cup to half its depth, and a piece of paper with your last name is glued to the edges. Into the shell walnut or glue a lit candle to the board of such a size that the flame of the candle can set fire to the piece of paper, and put it into the water. If a candle floats to someone’s piece of paper and sets it on fire, then the fortuneteller’s wish will come true; they also find out their fate, but only on the edge of the cup, around it they stick all the pieces of paper with different inscriptions - such as: “I will die this year”, “Will I get married”, “Will I get rich”, etc. - at the request of the fortuneteller.

Card reading

Before going to bed, they put four kings under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will appear in my dreams.” If you dream about the king of spades, the groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of hearts means young and rich, the king of the cross - expect matchmakers from a military man or businessman, and the king of diamonds - from the desired one.

Fortune telling with a gold ring

At least six people must take part in this fortune telling. Take Golden ring and a large piece of black velvet. Take turns rolling the ring, saying: “I’ll roll the ring around the city, and then I’ll go get that ring and get to my dear one.” Place a mark where the ring stops. Whose ring stops first, that girl will get married first, and if the ring rolls further than the others, she will get married later than everyone else.

To guess how many children there will be

To guess how many children there will be, girls take a mirror and point a month at it. The number of lunar reflections in the mirror is the number of children the fortuneteller will supposedly have when she gets married.

On New Year's Eve

On New Year's Eve, write your most cherished wishes on small pieces of paper, roll them up and put them under your pillow. On January 1, when you wake up, the first thing you do is pull out any of them at random. Whatever wish is on this piece of paper will come true in the coming year.

How to find out the name of your betrothed?

The girls sat around a basin of water, and nutshells were thrown into the water. Papers with male names. And they blew hard. To which name he nails the shell, he will be friends with him.

You will be beautiful all year!

Light objects are placed in nut shells: candy, ribbon, eraser, ring, etc. The girls are blowing again. Whatever shell floats to you is what awaits you. A ring means acquaintance, a candy means gifts, a ribbon means you’ll be beautiful all year, an eraser means you’ll be lucky in your studies.

Fortune telling on the mirror

If you want more serious fortune-telling, take a mirror, place a decanter filled with water in front of it, and burning candles on three sides of it. To find out what the coming year has in store for us, look through the water in the mirror, it will show something!

Card reading

Make a wish. Take a regular deck of 36 cards and shuffle them thoroughly. Place the cards face down into 4 equal piles. From the first, remove cards until an ace appears. Look at the next card after it: if it is again an ace, connect it with the first one and open the next card: send the ace to its “colleagues”, and any other card to the bat (you won’t need it anymore). Your task is to find aces in the pile that are next to each other. Let's say you hit an ace first, followed by another card, and then an ace again. You only need the first ace. All other cards and the aces that do not follow him are sent to the bat. Just as you sorted out the first pile, process the other three. As a result of your search, you may be left with one ace, two, three, four. The wish made is fulfilled by the owner of 4 aces, 3 aces foreshadow the imminent fulfillment of the desire, 2 aces, on the contrary, not soon, and one - there are no hopes.

With Christmas Eve, which, as we wrote, began on January 6, Christmastide begins. They will last until the holiday of Epiphany - January 19.

These days, many girls tell fortunes, wanting to know the name of their betrothed. Among the people, this tradition dates back to pagan times. They say that during Christmas time fortune telling is the most truthful.

We have collected the most interesting and reliable Christmas fortune telling that will help reveal the secrets of the future.

Fortune telling with cups

For fortune telling, you will need several cups, corresponding in number to the number of fortune tellers. A ring, a coin, bread, sugar, onion, salt are placed in cups, and a little water is poured into one cup. With their eyes closed, each of the fortune tellers takes turns choosing a cup.

Predictions for the near future are as follows: ring - for a wedding; coin - to wealth; bread - to prosperity; sugar - for fun; onion - to tears; salt - unfortunately, and a cup of water - to life without much change.

Fortune telling with candles

You will need a bowl of water, halves of walnut shells in quantities equal to the number of fortune tellers, and the same number of small candles or pieces thereof. You need to insert the candles into the shells, light them and let them float in a bowl.

The girl whose candle burns out first will be the first of the fortune tellers to get married; Accordingly, the girl whose candle burns out last will be the last to get married. If someone’s shell with a candle sank, that girl will never be married at all.

Fortune telling on paper

Take a piece of paper and crumple it up. Place the crumpled leaf on the bottom of an upturned plate or saucer and set it on fire. After this, bring the saucer with the burnt paper to the wall and carefully turn the saucer until some shadow appears on the wall, by the outlines of which they judge the near future.

Christmas fortune telling with wax

Take wax cinders or paraffin candles white(holiday colored candles are not suitable for fortune telling), place in metal utensils, melt over the fire and immediately pour into a container with cold water. The figure formed in this case will predict the future that awaits the fortuneteller.

Interpretation of figures

House— soon there will be a new farm; For a girl, this is primarily due to her marriage.

Shapeless ruins- misfortune in the near future.

Pit, small cave or grotto- the most undesirable figure, since it symbolizes the burial place and predicts a serious illness or imminent death.

Trees- they can be interpreted in different ways: upward-pointing tree branches promise quick joy, drooping branches - sadness, melancholy and boredom.

Ring or candle They definitely predict an imminent wedding.

Damn, settled to the bottom, on the contrary, promises a long girlhood.

Fortune telling for marriage using a thread

A group of girls is armed with scissors, a skein or spool of thread, and matches. They all have to cut identical pieces of thread and light them. The girl whose thread burned out earlier than the others will be the first among her friends to put a wedding ring on her finger. If the thread goes out before it has burned halfway, or even immediately, this means that the fortune-telling girl will not get married this year.

Fortune telling about the future husband's financial security using beans

For this fortune telling, three bean grains are needed, and one of them should be unpeeled, the second should be half peeled, and, finally, the third should be completely peeled. They are placed in three bags and placed under the pillow, on which they sleep all night. When you wake up in the morning, you need to put your hand under your pillow and take one of the sachets. If you receive a completely peeled grain, this promises a rich groom - this prognosis is considered the most favorable. Accordingly, an unpeeled bean portends a groom with a very modest income, and a half-peeled bean portends a life partner with an average level of material security.

Fortune telling with matches

Paste into Matchbox(on the sides) two matches and light them. As they burn, the matches begin to move, and if the heads “look” at each other, it means that the girl and the guy they are guessing on will be a couple, they have a future together. Also, by the direction and angle of bending of the matches, one can judge the degree of love of the intended couple.

Fortune telling (yes-no) to a question using a needle

This fortune telling helps answer a question that can be answered with “yes” or “no”.

The needle in this fortune telling is used as a pendulum. You need to thread a red silk thread into it. Take a piece of approximately 75 cm, fold it in half and tie the ends with a knot. We also need a coin belonging to a fortuneteller. In old times prerequisite a coin made of silver was considered, but now it is not observed. The coin is placed on the table and a pendulum made from a needle is directed to its center (they hold the thread by the knot), while the fortuneteller must sit at the table, leaning his elbow on it.

If the pendulum never started to move, this means that a clear answer to this question is in this moment absent. Movement in the transverse direction symbolizes a negative response, while movement in the longitudinal direction symbolizes a positive response. A needle moving in a circle indicates a question that is not entirely well formulated - in this case, it needs to be put into a different verbal form.

Fortune telling using nut shells

For this fortune telling, you need a basin of water, paper and a walnut shell. Attach small paper strips to the edge of the pelvis with significant events written on them, for example, moving, new place of work, travel, marriage, pregnancy, etc. Then, in half the shell, attach the stub of a candle, but not a simple one, but one bought in a church or a birthday candle. The candle is lit, after which the shell is lowered to float in the basin.

Which piece of paper it will moor to or, remaining in place, will lean towards it, then the event will occur within a year.

The New Year has come, Christmas is coming very soon.

Today is January 6th - CHRISTMAS EVE. This day gives rise to Christmastide, and, consequently, Christmastime fortune-telling. The holidays will last until January 19th. Well, who among us did not summon spirits in childhood, did not put a comb under the pillow and did not look into the long mirrored corridor in the hope of seeing our betrothed?

Now is the time to start telling fortunes about your “betrothed,” if you haven’t already acquired one. But it wasn’t just the girls who were going to guess “in search” of the groom: fortune-telling gives answers to many questions - just ask... know what to ask, how and when...

The bathhouse has long been considered an ideal place for fortune telling, since it is here that spirits and all kinds of evil spirits gather.
And even in our time, when consecrating a house, the priest will not go to sprinkle the bathroom with holy water - this is perfect place for fortune telling in a city apartment. But, of course, not for large companies. So gather your friends and go ahead... in search of answers to eternal questions.

Fortune telling has always been very common among the Slavs. It was practiced by both healers, sorcerers and magicians, and mere mortals. Also in ancient Rus' On long winter evenings, the girls gathered, while away the time, and tried to find out what awaited them in the near future.

You can almost always guess, but you can predict your future especially clearly and clearly during the period from January 6 to January 19. But if you didn’t have time to tell your fortune at this time, don’t despair! On Thursdays you will be able to fulfill your dream and look into the future, because on Thursdays fortune telling is more accurate.

So, you're planning to guess, but don't know how? No problem! Here are some examples of fortune telling, which are the most popular, and also indicate some rules of fortune telling:

1. You should never guess alone
2. You cannot guess together with men (boys, young men). Invite your friends, but only in such a number that there are three, five or seven of you together.
3. The number of fortune tellers should be three, five or seven.
4. Do not forget that during fortune telling you should not cross your legs, this “confuses” the objects with which you perform the ritual.
5. You need to take off everything that encircles you (rings, bracelets, belts).
6. Don’t forget that the room should be quiet, no extraneous sounds and light, only candles.
7. You must remove all the iconostases from the room in which you are going to tell fortunes, take off your cross and the consecrated ring, if any.
8. Fortune telling is carried out in different time- some in the evening (from the time it gets dark and you need to turn on the lights), some at midnight or after midnight, some when getting ready for bed. Fortune telling during the day Slavic tradition was considered wrong - it’s clear why.

Do not get carried away with games with dark forces, because fortune telling, although it is entertainment, is blasphemy. Don’t get hung up on fortune telling - there are many more other, brighter and exciting entertainments in life!

Now, let's remember some simple fortune-telling: about suitors and marriage, happiness and love...

Fortune telling when to get married?
Take a glass, fill 2/3 with water, tie a thread to a ring (preferably even, without stones). Now, holding it by the string, immerse it in water as many times as you are old, and then hold it above the water, but in a glass, it will begin to swing and hit the walls of the glass. Count. At that age you will get married.

Christmas fortune telling about a wedding.
When you go out into the yard, take off your shoes from one foot and throw them away, now look in which direction the toe is pointing, if away from the house, wait for the wedding, if towards the house, walk around a little more in girls.

Dream fortune telling
Before going to bed, you need to eat something salty, but not drink. When going to bed, they make a wish, saying: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!” Whoever gets you drunk is the one you will marry.

Burning thread
Several girls cut threads of the same length and set them on fire. Whose thread burns out first will be the first to get married, and if the thread goes out immediately and less than half has burned out, there is a chance of getting by without getting married at all.

They put a new stocking on one leg and go to bed, saying: “Betrothed, mummer, come take off my shoes.” The person in your dream who will take off your stocking is your future husband.

Fortune telling with bulbs
The names of possible candidates for marriage are written on the bulbs. They put them in the water. Whichever bulb sprouts first - on behalf of that one, expect a marriage proposal.

Fortune telling: candle and notes.
Take a basin and fill it halfway with water. You hang notes on its edges, with inscriptions down and inward. In these notes you write various events that generally happen: wedding, birth, pregnancy, death, illness, joy, road, luck, happiness, crazy love, etc. Next, take a small floating candle. If you don’t have one, you can take a small stump of a Christmas tree candle placed in half a walnut shell. The one who tells fortunes lowers the candle in the middle of the basin onto the water. Moving a candle or basin is strictly prohibited, as well as blowing. Whatever note the candle lights is what awaits you in the future.

Fortune telling by shoes
Place six completely different shoes (the style of the shoes or their owner is not important here). Place the following six items in them, one in each:
salt - grief
coin - for money
toy – pregnancy
a piece of bread - a well-fed life
ring – groom, wedding
candy - sweet life.

The girl pulls out three objects at random in a row. He judges his future by them.
Then he swaps them so that the next fortuneteller does not see it.

Fortune telling on the ring.
Pour some grain into some deep bowl, and put a ring there, and now unmarried girls One by one, in one motion, they plunge their hand into the grain and gather it into their fist. Now look who got the ring. She will get married this year.

Christmas fortune telling what is his name?
Take a basin of water, write the names of the men and the year of the proposed marriage on pieces of paper, twist them into tubes and throw them into the water at the same time. Look, whichever one opens first with the name and year, that means that will be your husband’s name and you will get married that year.

Fortune telling the betrothed's name.
You go out into the street and ask the name of the first man you meet. That's what they'll probably call your betrothed.

Fortune telling-love spell.
Take a red apple, cut out the core into a triangle, write on a small piece of paper the name of your lover, his date of birth, or something about him, put it in the apple and cover with the cut out core, now put this apple in a dry place, on a cabinet, on a shelf, but so that no one sees. Now wait a few days. If the apple begins to dry, then your betrothed will begin to pine for you, and his attention is guaranteed to you. But be careful, you can drive him away from you; if the apple begins to rot, then he will no longer be around (tested).

The girls went and listened under the windows of other people's houses and, listening to the conversation, whether cheerful or boring, predicted the same life for themselves in marriage.

They take walnut shells, cutting wax candles into small pieces, inserted into shells, and allowed to float in a cup filled with water. Then each of the girls lights the candles of her shell. Here they note: whoever drowns will die unmarried; The one whose candles burn out sooner will be the first to get married; and the one who will burn the longest will not be married.

They do it in the evening from wax swans according to the number of girls. The winch is painted with blush, but the swan remains white. Fortune tellers choose a swan with a winch for themselves, lower it into a cup of water and cover it with a scarf. Before going to bed, do they watch a swan swim with a winch? If they swim together, then married life will be harmonious; if they go apart, there will be enmity.

Fortune telling on mirrors
“They looked in the mirror, placing it on the stool, two candles on the sides, let their hair down, sat down in one shirt, held a second mirror on their chest and looked into the resulting corridor.”

Fortune telling on mirrors was carried out in a dark room. For fortune telling, you had to look closely at the reflections... the image you imagined could be the desired betrothed or something else... depending on your luck. You need to start this fortune telling after 12 o'clock at night. Take two mirrors different sizes(one is 2-3 times larger than the other) and place them opposite each other. A mirror corridor is formed.

Sit behind the smaller mirror and look over it into the larger one. Place candles on both sides of the smaller mirror. Then, having patience, peer into the mirrored corridor. When your betrothed appears at the end of the corridor, throw a clean scarf over the smaller mirror.

Ring in the water
You need to take an ordinary glass with a completely flat bottom, without any designs, pour three-quarters of water into it, and carefully lower a round wedding ring, previously cleaned, into the middle. Then you need to look through the water for a long time into the middle of the lowered ring.
With a rather rich imagination, many claim that they see the face of the future groom.

Fortune telling with a boat
For this fortune-telling, take a basin of water so that it is not completely filled with water. On the sides of this basin, folded strips with the names of fortune-tellers are hung or attached, or possible events are written on them: wedding, infatuation, kidnapping, passionate love, failure, illness, etc. take a walnut shell (its half) and place a small candle stub (you can use a Christmas tree candle) in the middle of it. They launch the boat into the middle of the basin, and depending on which edge it approaches and which piece of paper it sets on fire, such an event will happen to the one whose name is written on the piece of paper or who is telling fortunes.

The New Year has come, next holiday Christmas is the second most important. It is preceded by Christmas Eve (January 6), which gives rise to Christmastide, and, consequently, Yuletide fortune-telling. And the holidays will last until January 19. Well, who among us did not summon spirits in childhood, put a comb under the pillow and look into a long mirrored corridor in the hope of seeing our betrothed?

The bathhouse has long been considered an ideal place for fortune telling, since it is there that spirits and all kinds of evil spirits gather.

And even in our time, when consecrating a house, the priest will not go to sprinkle holy water on the bathroom - this is the ideal place for fortune telling in a city apartment. But, of course, not for large companies. So gather your friends and go ahead... in search of answers to eternal questions.

Yuletide (New Year, Christmas) fortune telling

Fortune telling has always been very common among the Slavs. It was practiced by both healers, sorcerers and magicians, and mere mortals. Even in ancient Rus', on long winter evenings, girls gathered, while away the time, and tried to find out what awaited them in the near future.

Fortune telling was even prohibited by both the church and the official authorities (for example, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1649), but without much success. However, there is nothing to be surprised about - you won’t discover America by talking about the fusion of pagan and Christian beliefs. As they say - with one hand I light a candle for St. Nicholas, with the other hand I throw a coin into the hollow, and everyone seems to be happy... (according to one of the Mari fairy tales). Accordingly, there is nothing to be surprised about the mention of Christian saints in conspiracies.

You can almost always guess, but you can predict your future especially clearly and clearly during the period from January 6 to January 19. But if you didn’t have time to tell your fortune at this time, don’t despair! On Thursdays you will be able to fulfill your dream and look into the future, because on Thursdays fortune telling is more accurate.

So, you're planning to guess, but don't know how? No problem! Here are some examples of fortune telling, which are the most popular, and also some rules for fortune telling:

1. You should never guess alone
2. You cannot guess together with men (boys, young men). Invite your friends, but only in such a number that there are three, five or seven of you together.
3. So, the number of fortune tellers should be three, five or seven.
4. Also, do not forget that during fortune telling you should not cross your legs, this “confuses” the objects with which you perform the ritual.
5. You need to take off everything that encircles you (rings, bracelets, belts).
6. Don’t forget that the room should be quiet, no extraneous sounds or light, only candles.
7. If you are telling fortunes after January 19th, then it is best to do it on Thursday.
8. You must also remove all the iconostasis from the room in which you are going to tell fortunes, take off your cross and the consecrated ring, if any.
9. Fortune telling is carried out at different times - some in the evening (from the time it gets dark and you need to turn on the lights), some at midnight or after midnight, some when preparing for bed. Fortune telling during the day in the Slavic tradition was considered wrong - it’s clear why.

There are a lot interesting fortune telling: cards, with candles, rings, water, shadows, shoes and other items. But no matter how many ways to look into the future there are, we are still not destined to know what we do not need to know.

Do not get carried away with games with dark forces, because fortune telling, although it is entertainment, is blasphemy. Don’t get hung up on this, because there is much more entertainment in life - bright, interesting, exciting!

So here are some fortune telling.

Yuletide (New Year's, Christmas) fortune telling Fortune telling on rice grains

Hold your left hand palm down over the jar of rice and say:
“Tell me, fate, what should I expect: good or bad?”
And, concentrating, they ask a question out loud. Then take a handful of rice from it and pour it onto a spread napkin. An even number of grains is a positive answer. Odd is negative.

Fortune telling by book

Place your left hand on the cover of a closed book and ask a question. Then they open it at random and read the line beginning under the thumb of the left hand.

Dream fortune telling

Before going to bed, you need to eat something salty, but not drink. When going to bed, they make a wish, saying: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!” Whoever gets you drunk is the one you will marry.


They put a new stocking on one leg and go to bed, saying: “Betrothed, mummer, come take off my shoes.” The person in your dream who will take off your stocking is your future husband.

Fortune telling with bulbs

The names of possible candidates for marriage are written on the bulbs. They put them in the water. Whichever bulb sprouts first - on behalf of that one, expect a marriage proposal.

Fortune telling for married people

Water is poured into a glass and the name of the husband’s mistress is written on a piece of paper prepared in advance. A spoon of salt and a lit candle should be prepared here. Salt is thrown from a spoon into a glass and a sheet of paper with the name of the opponent is immediately lit from a candle. Using a spoon, they quickly mix the salt with the words: “If the salt melts faster, then my husband will not leave me, and the paper burns out - their love will burn out.” Then they look: if the salt has melted, but the paper is still smoldering, it means that your husband will stay with you. If on the contrary, then the husband will leave sooner or later.

A modern way of fortune telling on the radio

Sit in a quiet room for a few minutes and focus on your question. Then say it out loud and turn on the radio. The first words heard on the radio will be the answer to your question. This could be a monologue by the presenter or a song. Turn on your imagination! You can also use a TV.

Fortune telling on the phone

Think about a question and mentally focus on it. Looking at the phone, ask it out loud. If the first call is from a man, the answer is positive. From a woman - negative.

Fortune telling on the elevator

Exit the apartment to the middle floor (exclude the lower and upper floors). Make a wish. Wait for someone to call the elevator. If the elevator goes up, your wish will come true. Down - no.

Fortune telling on glowing windows

Go outside in the evening, when it is already well dark. Mentally ask a question of interest, turning your back to the house. Then turn around and count the luminous windows. An even number indicates a positive answer, an odd number indicates a negative answer.

Fortune telling by shadows

Take whole sheet paper (from a newspaper, magazine, or regular White list– does not play a role). This sheet must be crumpled so that it becomes shapeless, but also so that there is no obvious ball shape. It is necessary that only an outline remains, reminiscent of something round. The crumpled paper must be placed on a plate overturned on the table and set on fire with a match. When everything burns down, carefully bring the plate to the wall, carefully turn the plate until some shadow appears, which will tell you what awaits you.

Fortune telling: candle and notes.

Take a basin and fill it halfway with water. You hang notes on its edges, with inscriptions down and inward. In these notes you write various events that generally happen: wedding, birth, pregnancy, death, illness, joy, road, luck, happiness, crazy love, etc. Next, take a small floating candle. If you don’t have one, you can take a small stump of a Christmas tree candle placed in half a walnut shell. The one who tells fortunes lowers the candle in the middle of the basin onto the water. Moving a candle or basin is strictly prohibited, as well as blowing. Whatever note the candle lights is what awaits you in the future.

Fortune telling by shoes

Place six completely different shoes (the style of the shoes or their owner is not important here). Place the following six items in them, one in each:
salt - grief
coin - for money
toy – pregnancy
a piece of bread - a well-fed life
ring – groom, wedding
candy - sweet life.
The girl pulls out three objects at random in a row. He judges his future by them.
Then he swaps them so that the next fortuneteller does not see it.

Fortune telling on the ring.

Pour some grain into some deep bowl and put a ring there, and now the unmarried girls take turns, with one movement, immerse their hand in the grain and gather it into their fist. Now look who got the ring. She will get married this year.

Fortune telling when to get married?

Take a glass, fill 2/3 with water, tie a thread to a ring (preferably even, without stones). Now, holding it by the string, immerse it in water as many times as you are old, and then hold it above the water, but in a glass, it will begin to swing and hit the walls of the glass. Count. At that age you will get married.

Christmas fortune telling by outlines.

Take a clean sheet of paper, crumple it up and put it on a saucer, set it on fire. Now bring it to the wall so that the shadow of the burnt lump is visible, and use your imagination. You can see your future by its outlines.

Fortune telling about children.

Take a needle and thread it. Holding the thread, lower the needle between the large and index fingers open palm as many times as you are now. Then place the needle in the center of your palm and watch carefully. If the needle begins to rotate in a circle, then your first child will be a girl, and if in a straight line, then a boy. Pass it between your fingers 3 more times, and again in the middle, find out whether you will have a second child and what gender (I checked it on myself - it came true).

Christmas fortune telling what is his name?

Take a basin of water, write the names of the men and the year of the proposed marriage on pieces of paper, twist them into tubes and throw them into the water at the same time. Look, whichever one opens first with the name and year, that means that will be your husband’s name and you will get married that year.

Fortune telling the betrothed's name.

You go out into the street and ask the name of the first man you meet. That's what they'll probably call your betrothed.

This fortune telling is also mentioned by A.S. Pushkin in "Eugene Onegin"

"Chu... the snow crunches... passerby; maiden
Flying towards him on tiptoe,
And her voice sounds
More tender than a pipe tune:
What is your name? He looks
And he answers: Agathon."

Fortune telling-love spell.

Take a red apple, cut out the core into a triangle, write on a small piece of paper the name of your lover, his date of birth, or something about him, put it in the apple and cover with the cut out core, now put this apple in a dry place, on a cabinet, on a shelf, but so that no one sees. Now wait a few days. If the apple begins to dry, then your betrothed will begin to pine for you, and his attention is guaranteed to you. But be careful, you can drive him away from you; if the apple begins to rot, then he will no longer be around (tested).

Christmas fortune telling about a wedding.

When you go out into the yard, take off your shoes from one foot and throw them away, now look in which direction the toe is pointing, if away from the house, wait for the wedding, if towards the house, walk around a little more in girls.

Remember from Zhukovsky: “once in Epiphany evening the girls wondered, they took off the shoe from their feet and threw it through the gate."... They threw the shoes through the gate into the street.

It is obvious that traditional fortune telling requires adaptation to modern conditions: for example, if you decide to throw a shoe (size 39 with a forged toe, a metal heel and a heavy buckle) from the balcony for luck, you should only do this after making sure that there is no one alive within a radius of half a kilometer, or if you are ready after that until late evenings apply to the head of a passing citizen prepared for New Year a bottle of champagne and apologize, apologize, apologize, or generally deal with the police (if you have exceptionally good aim and a silver medal in discus and shot throwing).


You write down wishes on 12 pieces of paper that you would like to see come true this year, put them under your pillow before going to bed, and in the morning, without saying a word, you put your hand under the pillow and randomly pull out three of them. They will come true (verified).

On the coffee grounds

Of course, fortune telling on coffee grounds, just don’t forget that the coffee should be brewed. After drinking it, turn the cup upside down on the saucer and after a while look at the sediment on the walls of the cup. Your own imagination will help you here.


The girls went and listened under the windows of other people's houses and, listening to the conversation, whether cheerful or boring, predicted the same life for themselves in marriage.

"They were running around the windows. You run up to the window and see what they are doing in the window. So my friend and I were running around. At first they told her fortunes. They came up, and there was a scandal, they were drinking, swearing. Well, sure enough, she got married, he drank all the time, she He remembers this all the time. Then they told me to guess. They came - no one was home. “Well, that means you’ll never go out. That's it." And those who come up write to me about something. This means your husband will be an accountant."

They listen under the church lock: if they overhear singing - “rest with the saints,” then this foreshadows death; If they hear something wedding, it means that they will get married that same year. *

We also heard dogs barking. A thin bark meant a young man, a deep bark meant an older and more seasoned man. The side from which the barking was heard also showed which side to marry.
They go out to the fence and say: “Bark, bark, little dog, bark, little gray top.” In which direction the girl hears barking, in that direction she will live married. If barking is heard near the house, then this shows that they will not marry in a distant direction; if the barking is quiet, barely audible, then she will be given in marriage to someone else.
The girls go out into the yard, take the tablecloth by the edges, and the old woman throws in snow. Rocking the tablecloth, they say: “For the field, for the field there is white snow in the middle of the field. Bark, bark, little dog; find out, find out, betrothed! At this time, every girl listens to the dogs barking. A hoarse bark means a betrothed old man, a ringing bark means a young man, a fat bark means a widower.

Fortune telling on chicken bones

I need to eat chicken for dinner. Place the bones on a red piece of ground outside the house: behind the gate if you live in a private house, and behind the entrance if you live in a multi-story building. Then you need to cast the following spell: “What was in the egg, what came out of the egg, what walked around the yard and pecked at the millet. The one whose head was chopped off was boiled with noodles. The one with which I served, whose bones I removed from the flesh , tell me: will my wish be fulfilled or not? What originated in the egg - give me the answer tomorrow.” Look in the morning: if the bones are not in place, then the wish will not come true. If it is covered with snow, then you need to give up your desire. If the bones are in the same place, but one or more are to the side, this means that at first your business will go well, and then it will be upset. If the bones are intact and in the place where you left them, then everything will be as you want, and your wish will come true.

Spider and web[B]

Seeing a spider on a web, make a wish and say:
“If the spider goes down the web, then the wish will come true. If it goes up, it won’t come true.”

It seems that it was from this fortune-telling that the modern “fortune-telling on the elevator” came about.

[B] "Subspecies" fortune-telling

Even Pushkin in “Eugene Onegin” described them this way: a dish of water was placed on a table covered with a special tablecloth, which the honorary matchmaker covered with a handkerchief, dipping pieces of bread, salt and three coals into it. Guests put their jewelry in the dish - rings, rings, earrings. To the accompaniment of the corresponding "sub-survey" songs, things were taken out, and the owner of the thing determined his future based on the song that was played.

"From a dish full of water,
The rings come out in a row;
And she took out the ring
To the song of the old days:
“The men there are all rich,
They shovel silver
To whom we sing, it is good
And glory!” But it promises loss
This song is a pitiful tune;
Dearer is the skin of a maiden's heart."

(Pushkin A.S. "Eugene Onegin")

As O. Naumova explains, the song that fell to Tatyana Larina foreshadowed loss and death, but “Koshurka” (The cat called Koshurka to sleep in the stove: “It’s warm, good to sleep in the stove.” Wonder ul lyada! To whom they sang, Good luck!) meant imminent marriage.
You can try the same thing with a selection of modern songs (like what is sometimes done at weddings).

After singing the water, they take the water out into the yard, and each of the girls, pouring some of this water under the roof, takes a handful of snow. Coming to rest, they look: what color the snow is, so will the narrowed one.

Fortune Telling AFTER MIDNIGHT

Yuletide (New Year's, Christmas) fortune-telling Take walnut shells, cut wax candles into small pieces, insert them into the shells, and let them float in a cup filled with water. Then each of the girls lights the candles of her shell. Here they note: whoever drowns will die unmarried; The one whose candles burn out sooner will be the first to get married; and the one who will burn the longest will not be married.

In the evening they make swans from wax according to the number of girls. The winch is painted with blush, but the swan remains white. Fortune tellers choose a swan with a winch for themselves, lower it into a cup of water and cover it with a scarf. Before going to bed, do they watch a swan swim with a winch? If they swim together, then married life will be harmonious; if they go apart, there will be enmity.

Fortune telling girls sit at the windows, each saying: “Betrothed, mummer! drive past the window." If someone hears a train screaming and whistling, then she predicts a cheerful and good life for herself; and when the train is quiet, he predicts a married life in poverty.
Alternatively, listen to passing cars?

Fortune telling on an egg

Take fresh egg, make a small hole in it and carefully pour the contents into a glass of water. When the protein curls, you need to guess your future based on the shape it takes. The sight of a church means a wedding, a ring means an engagement, a cube means a coffin, a ship means a business trip (for a man) or the return of a husband from a business trip (for a woman). If the protein sinks to the bottom, there will be a fire in the house.

Fortune telling on a burning sheet of paper

This is how it is done: the sheet is crumpled in the hand, placed on the bottom of an inverted plate and set on fire in a darkened room. The future is interpreted either by the shadows of the fire on the wall, or by the silhouette of burnt paper in a lighted room - the plate can be rotated along its axis until a shadow appears from which at least some silhouette can be seen. This fortune telling can also be done collectively.

Burning thread

Several girls cut threads of the same length and set them on fire. Whose thread burns out first will be the first to get married, and if the thread goes out immediately and less than half has burned out, there is a chance of getting by without getting married at all.

Fortune telling on mirrors

“They looked in the mirror, placing it on the stool, two candles on the sides, let their hair down, sat down in one shirt, held a second mirror on their chest and looked into the resulting corridor.”

Fortune telling on mirrors was carried out in a dark room. For fortune telling, you had to look closely at the reflections... the image you imagined could be the desired betrothed or something else... depending on your luck. You need to start this fortune telling after 12 o'clock at night. Take two mirrors of different sizes (one is 2-3 times larger than the other) and place them opposite each other. A mirror corridor is formed.

Sit behind the smaller mirror and look over it into the larger one. Place candles on both sides of the smaller mirror. Then, having patience, peer into the mirrored corridor. When your betrothed appears at the end of the corridor, throw a clean scarf over the smaller mirror.

Ring in the water

You need to take an ordinary glass with a completely flat bottom, without any designs, pour three-quarters of water into it, and carefully lower a round wedding ring, previously cleaned, into the middle. Then you need to look through the water for a long time into the middle of the lowered ring.
With a rather rich imagination, many claim that they see the face of the future groom.

Fortune telling with a boat

For this fortune-telling, take a basin of water so that it is not completely filled with water. On the sides of this basin, folded strips with the names of fortune-tellers are hung or attached, or possible events are written on them: wedding, infatuation, kidnapping, passionate love, failure, illness, etc. take a walnut shell (its half) and place a small candle stub (you can use a Christmas tree candle) in the middle of it. They launch the boat into the middle of the basin, and depending on which edge it approaches and which piece of paper it sets on fire, such an event will happen to the one whose name is written on the piece of paper or who is telling fortunes.

Fortune telling in the bath

The essence of this strange method was that on Holy Week, girls who were washing in the bathhouse would run out into the yard for a moment and ask, using extremely obscene expressions, for their betrothed to touch them. If one of them felt a furry hand on himself (whether it was real or not is unknown), a wealthy groom was waiting for him. It’s better to try it not in the city in a sauna (it’s unclear how it might end), but in the countryside.

Fortune telling on pine needles.

Gather an armful of pine branches. On Christmas night, get together with your friends and scatter them across the floor (not girlfriends, of course, but branches). Now, having closed your eyes, or blindfolded, so as not to peek, select each branch. The eyes can be untied. If the bark on your branch is smooth, then the groom will be good and handsome; if the bark is strong, he is wealthy; rough bark predicts a reliable, but not handsome, person; a stripped trunk in places indicates that your future chosen one is not very wealthy. If the branch is thick, then he will be strong. In short, you can continue in the same spirit, the main thing is that you have enough imagination.

Fortune telling with an old key.

Look for an old flat key (like a mailbox) with a round rim. If you can’t find a completely old one, you can use a new one. Now place it between the sheets of a tightly tied book (just, I beg you, do not take the Great Soviet Encyclopedia) and hang the whole thing with a rope and a hole in the key to the ceiling, to a chandelier, for example. (And if you didn’t listen to me and took the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, blame yourself, it’s unlikely that your chandelier will withstand this). Watch this book and list out loud the names of all the girls present. Whose name the book turns on will get married this year. And if the book spins incessantly, it means you tied it too loosely.

Fortune telling from a book.

(Just not by telephone.) In this way, people have been learning about their future for many centuries. Pick up a book, preferably a thick one, something from the classics, but not a dictionary or scientific literature, otherwise you’ll guess something that won’t make you happy. Formulate your most intimate and unanswerable question and guess the page number and line (top or bottom). Now read and think about what this could mean. They used to often tell fortunes using the Bible - interesting...

Fortune telling on coffee grounds.

First, brew the coffee. You drain or drink (why translate the good stuff?) while it’s hot, all the liquid. Then place three tablespoons of grounds in a coffee cup, cover it with a saucer, then tip it up so that the coffee sticks to the walls of the cup, and place it on the table. Pour some water into the saucer and, taking the cup by the bottom, lower it into the saucer three times. When the edges of the dishes touch (three times), say out loud: “Loyalty, friendship and harmony.” When you lift the cup for the last time, take a good look at it (from the inside).


Animals - fun, joy, luck, fulfillment of desires.
Tower - very good sign.
Human shadow - speaks of a pleasant date.
Palaces predict possible poverty, and modest dwellings indicate wealth in the near future.
Trees are obstacles on the way.
Dense forest - unexpected quarrels with loved ones.
Horned animal - to the fast road.
Gate - for the return of a friend, the arrival of guests.
The mill speaks of lies in relationships with lovers.
Mountains or cliffs portend melancholy and sadness.

The most popular fortune telling, of course, is related to dreams. What they didn’t come up with in the old days to see your betrothed in a dream! You can try to eat something salty before going to bed and ask: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!”; ask your betrothed to come take off your shoes in your sleep (to do this, when going to bed, you need to put a new stocking on one leg); put a comb under the pillow and say: “Betrothed, mummer! Comb my head!” (Whoever comes to comb your hair in a dream will be your husband).

At all times, people have tried to look into their future and find out their fate. This interest has not disappeared even now. Today you don’t have to go to a fortune teller to find answers to your questions and learn about upcoming events. All the secrets of fortune telling of our ancestors in modern world available to everyone. Let's consider the most popular and effective methods of fortune telling for the future.

Fortune telling with wax on water

In order to find out the future using wax, you will need a candle, a white saucer with water and a tablespoon. Before you start fortune telling, you need to get yourself in the right mood. You need to concentrate on the question you want to answer. As a rule, fortune telling with wax is carried out in order to find out your destiny for the coming year. Throw away all unnecessary thoughts and focus on what you want to learn.

Take the candle and pour the wax from it into a spoon. Fill it to the brim, and then hold it over the candle for a while until the wax becomes liquid. After this, say your question to yourself and slowly pour the wax into the water. Figures formed on the surface, and. Take a close look at what happened. The interpretation of fortune telling on wax will require good imagination and imagination from you.

  • If you see an animal, then this is a good sign. All your plans are being realized.
  • If the result is a bird, then good news awaits you in the future.
  • If you saw a person, then a new acquaintance awaits you that will change your life.
  • If you saw a ring, it means you will get married soon.
  • The long strip symbolizes the road. This means that trips or travels await you soon.
  • If the wax on the surface of the water has formed many small dots, then a lot of troubles, tasks and worries await you.
  • The cross means illness, difficulties and problems.
  • A circle is a sign of imminent changes in life.
  • Home - prosperity and stability.
  • A zigzag symbolizes a life that will have both ups and downs.

If you saw something else that was not described above, then you will have to interpret the prediction based on comparing the resulting figure with your life. This fortune telling is purely individual, so many meanings wax figures may be interpreted differently for everyone.

Fortune telling with a candle

This method of fortune telling is suitable for those who want to know their destiny for the next two to three years. You will need a bowl of water, a plastic bottle cap, a candle and a piece of paper. Cut the paper into several small strips and write on each one an event (wedding, receiving money, trip, wish fulfillment, etc.).

In addition to positive events, do not forget to write negative predictions (illness, tears, failure, etc.). You should not deceive fate and write only good things, because in this case it will not be truthful.

Place all paper strips with predictions evenly along the edge of the basin. Take a candle and place it in plastic cover. Focus on the ritual, mentally ask what you want to know, and float the lid with the candle across the water. Now all that remains is to watch where your makeshift boat will land. In your near future, whatever prediction the candle will float will happen.

These methods of fortune telling were used by our distant ancestors, which undoubtedly indicates the veracity of fate predictions obtained by such methods. Now there are many ways of fortune telling, for example, on our website you can. We wish you good predictions and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.02.2014 10:30

Many women dream of knowing their future. To do this at home, on your own, and most effectively, will help you with the simplest...