Fortune telling from a book is a way to look into the future. Fortune telling from books online

Perhaps the simplest and most uncomplicated fortune telling that has been used since Ancient Greece. The fortune telling process is very simple. Formulate a question, open any book in a random place and select a random paragraph. What is written in this paragraph will be the answer to your question. Sometimes the answer is given in an allegorical form, sometimes it is very vague. Don’t be discouraged and try to tell your fortune again; if you add up all the answers, you will most likely get a fairly clear picture.

If after three attempts the answer seems too “vague” to you, try turning to another oracle.

This virtual fortune telling uses the same principle as in classical way. In bold The selected paragraph is highlighted, and the two previous and two subsequent paragraphs are displayed in gray font, because sometimes their content can be useful if the body paragraph does not contain the necessary information. Listed below are the books available for fortune telling; select the one you need and start fortune telling.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev. “LOVE OF LIFE. A practical system for returning to life"



Fortune telling from a book is ancient look predictions that are still relevant today. Many people are sure that this method of predicting the future is quite truthful and, using it, you can accurately determine what will happen in life.

In the article:

Fortune telling by book - Holy Scripture

The Bible is the main book of the entire Christian world. Therefore, both church ministers and Christians themselves have an ambivalent attitude towards fortune telling from the Holy Scriptures. Some clergy argue that searching for answers to difficult life situations through fortune telling is illogical, since they must be sought through prayer.

There is also an opinion that this is a voluntary renunciation of freedom of choice, which is granted to a person from birth. The clergy argue that using the Bible as a magical attribute is in advance incorrect and desecrates it.

But despite this, fortune telling from the Bible remains popular, and in difficult times people hope to get an answer from it. Most chapters in the Holy Scriptures are considered prophetic. Therefore, the Church argues that in order to truly understand them, it is necessary spiritual experience and knowledge of theology, but these texts cannot in any way be used for such rituals.

So if you use Holy Bible for fortune telling, then this is a personal choice and you are responsible for the predictions received.

Fortune telling based on quotes from classic books

There are many ways to find out what the future holds - on paper, etc.

If you decide to get an answer to a question using a quote from a book, you need to decide which book you will choose for the ritual. Second step - proper preparation to the ritual. It is advisable to first cleanse yourself of negative energy, extraneous thoughts, and relax.

Meditation or mantras for relaxation will help with this. If these practices are difficult, then you can achieve the desired state by concentrating your attention on the candle flame for a while. Most difficult step- correct interpretation of the received answer. You may not immediately understand what you mean we're talking about, but after a while the picture will become clearer.

Be responsible when choosing a book. It’s better to stick to a collection of your favorite poems or a work you’ve already read. It will be much easier to navigate a familiar text, and you will not evaluate phrases from it in two ways.

The fortune telling process itself is simple. You need to mentally ask a question, and then, without hesitation, open the book on any page and point your finger at any line. The sentence you pointed to and the following provides valuable information.

Sometimes you can get a fairly clear answer, but if the predictions are vague, don’t ask the question again. It's better to wait until the situation becomes clearer. Perhaps after some time you will understand that the prediction was quite specific, at that time you simply could not understand it.

Also, do not pay attention to the reasoning that comes after the designated passage. They will only confuse and do not provide the necessary information.

If the choice fell on a classic who wrote in poetic form, fortune telling is carried out according to the usual scheme. Only in this case can you take into account both the whole poem, if it is small, and a separate quatrain that was chosen.

If you decide to tell fortunes using a book, it is best to perform the ritual in the morning. After waking up, you have not yet had time to accumulate negative energy, which may affect the result.

Additional information - how to correctly interpret the result?

If you decide to tell fortunes from a book, be prepared for the fact that sometimes the answer may not be presented in the form you expected. Quite often the choice may fall on interrogative sentence. This suggests that it is possible to get both a negative and a positive answer to the question.

If the choice fell on an exclamatory sentence, then this indicates that a sea of ​​emotions awaits you in the near future, most of them will be positive. If the proposal was affirmative, this is a sign that nothing will prevent you from realizing your plans.

With such a ritual, it is necessary to look for signs that fate may send us. The received text of the prediction may contain a certain word, a phrase that will be key, which only you will understand, it will be the hint that you expected to see.

Pay attention to whether the selected fragment of text mentions the season. This is also an important sign.

  • Spring indicates that events will develop very rapidly and you will have to make efforts in order to have time to do everything you have planned.
  • Summer- what you are asking for will probably happen very soon.
  • Autumn- you will have to work tirelessly in order to achieve your goal. But the result will be worth the effort.
  • Winter- your dreams are not destined to come true soon, so you will have to wait.

If there is a mention in the text bonfire, fire, candles, then this indicates that events will take place in full view of other people.

Mention water indicates that you will not be able to remain calm.

It's a good sign if the text mentions Earth or home. This suggests that the answer to the question is positive and you will be able to achieve your goal and overcome any obstacles.

It should be regarded as a hint that will help you figure out what to do in the future and what you should refrain from. Take the deciphering of the result seriously and use the information received wisely.

Independent fortune-telling technique:

Predicting the future from books is the most effective and oldest fortune telling. But many do not know that this fortune-telling has its own characteristics that need to be known, especially for those people who are trying such fortune-telling for the first time.

Before you start fortune-telling from a book, you need to clearly understand that the most important thing in this fortune-telling is to be correct. asked question. It is important to remember that the book will not be able to answer simple questions. She will present the main idea, the meaning of which will need to be found on her own. For fortune telling, you only need a book. To start fortune telling, you need to think of two numbers. The first number will be the page, so this number will be determined depending on the number of pages. The second number is guessed depending on the number of lines, since this number is a line. It is also necessary to determine how the row will be selected, either from below or from above.

After identifying the page and line, you need to ask the question out loud. It is also very important to focus on thoughts about the future. After this, opening the book on the desired page, find the necessary line, which will be the interpretation of the future. There is another way of such fortune telling. This also involves asking the question out loud and focusing on the future. For example, you can think about the man you are interested in, pick up a collection of poems or a work on the topic of relationships, and ask - does he love me? Then open the first page you come across in the book and point your finger at an arbitrary paragraph, phrase or quote. This fragment will show the answer to the question or explain the current situation.

How to choose the right book:

In order to guess from a book, it is very important to choose it correctly. There are several rules thanks to which you can choose the right book for fortune telling:

1. Printed version.
It is absolutely impossible to guess from the book in the electronic version. In this case, the fortune telling may not be correct. The printed book can be purchased at any bookstore. Only such a book is suitable for fortune telling.

2. Genre of the book.
You can use any book for fortune telling. It all depends on your taste. The most best choice will fiction, any work that you like. It is advisable to choose books that have more than one hundred pages.

3. Various books.
When doing this kind of fortune telling, it is important not to use the same book several times. For more accurate fortune telling we need to change books, publications, and diversify fortune telling.

How many times to guess and when, only the person himself decides. It is important to remember that fortune telling should not occur every five minutes, and they should also be varied (both in questions and in the choice of books). Thanks to this, the accuracy of fortune telling increases.

Fortune telling from a book is a simple way to find out the answers to questions that interest you at a certain point in your life. Anyone can tell fortunes; all you need is a home library. It is important to choose a piece that is suitable for specific situation. Fortune telling from the books of the classics, for example, will help with solving deeper questions, quotes will give a quick answer to trivial problems.

How to guess correctly on a book

It is impossible to reliably know when people began to practice fortune telling from a book. Initially, any writings and drawings had sacred meaning. A similar trend can be traced in all types of writing - the ancient ones, those that arose later.

For example, at first they were also strictly magical symbols. All letters containa piece of magic that everyone can use.

The fortune telling procedure is simple. All you have to do is ask a question and look at a specific page and line. But there are several basic rules that anyone who decides to tell fortunes on a book should know:

  • As with any other method, this method should not be abused. That is, you should not ask the question several times in a row. Especially the same work.
  • The more old book- the more accurate the result will be. Both the time of writing and the age of publication are important.
  • Well-known, beloved novels will give a much more accurate, understandable answer.
  • You only need to guess works of art or with mystical overtones. You should not use telephone directories, encyclopedias, or textbooks.
  • It is better to guess on personal ones that did not fall into the hands of other people. Especially relatives. Taken from the library, bartered, or purchased secondhand may contain imprints of someone else's energy. This will cause confusion.

You must first choose the book most suitable for fortune telling. The next step is to configure yourself, the instrument. You should not take recently read works, those that you are studying now. You need to hold the book in your hands for several minutes or even press it to your body.

Then you should formulate a question. It should be precise, specific, but allow for the formulation of the answer. The biggest difficulty is deciphering the result. Sometimes you have to reflect on what the Universe wanted to tell you.

Once you are in the mood, you need to guess two numbers. The first must be in the range of the number of pages, the second - in rows. You just need to open it on the hidden page and read the intended line - it will be the answer to your question.

There are other methods of fortune telling with books, depending on the specific situation. So, to get an answer to the question about a person’s fate, you should add up the year and month of birth. They will be used to find the desired page. And to find the line, you need to substitute his birthday.

The older the literature is, and the more deeply it deals with issues not material, but spiritual, the better the result can be. That is why fortune telling from classic books often turns out to be much more effective than using modern, especially entertaining works.

Great popularity among fortune telling Bible. But only believing Christians should use it. Otherwise, the most powerful energy of religion will prevent you from getting correct result. The same can be said about other similar works.

In everyday matters, fortune telling from a book is popular "Robinson Crusoe". She provides fairly simple answers. In addition, its content is largely devoted to issues of survival and search for the most best solutions V non-standard conditions. The works of Sigmund Freud, Nietzsche and others are often used famous psychologists, philosophers. Such literature will be especially relevant for people who are looking for answers to questions about relationships in society and existence.

To make the interpretation of the result more clear, you can use fortune telling based on quotes from books. The technique remains the same. But you need to look for the answer not only in the line, but read the entire sentence.

A good recommendation for choosing literature would be a work that is similar in topic to the question. So, it is better to use romantic novels. Books by American classics - Theodore Dreiser or Jack London - are ideal for business.

You can use the list:

  • Questions about fate and global goals - the Bible, “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” by Nietzsche.
  • Everyday ones - “Robinson Crusoe” by Defoe, “The Three Musketeers” by Dumas, “War and Peace” by Tolstoy.
  • Related to magic, self-development - “The Divine Comedy” by Alighieri, “The Book of the Law” by Aleister Crowley.
  • Romantic - “Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell, “Eugene Onegin” by Pushkin.
  • For money - “The Financier” by Theodore Dreiser, “Walking across Three Seas” by Afanasy Nikitin.

The idea of ​​telling fortunes with a book can be fun entertainment for a group and an opportunity to look into the future. With this method, everyone can change their life for the better. Everything will depend on the attitude of the fortuneteller himself to the process, on the desire to understand what the Universe wants to convey to him.

Fortune telling by quotes is the simplest and most affordable way find out your destiny. To use this method, just ask or write down a question and open the book. First line, where will it fall look, and will be the answer to the question.

You can also try modern method online fortune telling based on quotes from various sources. However, you should not 100% trust the results of online fortune telling.

Fortune telling with and without company

Of course, it is better to find out your future from the lines of books in the company circle. This will help you subjectively select a page, paragraph, etc. If you don’t have anyone to guess with, you can use the online service.

If you decide to guess on your own using quotes, then you will need:

  • Bin for papers.
  • 3 pieces of paper with the names of the books.
  • Page numbers.
  • Paragraph number.

First, you need to place papers with the names of the books in the urn, mix thoroughly and take out one leaf. The same should be done with other leaves. As a result, you will receive information about the source of fortune telling.

You can make your own fortune telling book. To do this, you will need a general notebook in which you need to paste quotes from various sources. This will help simplify the prediction process.


One of the most popular fairy tales on which predictions can be made is Alice in Wonderland. However, it happens that sometimes what you read seems like complete nonsense.

You shouldn’t rush and draw conclusions, because the answers in the book Alice in Wonderland may be veiled. Some examples of paragraph interpretation:

  • In the book Alice in Wonderland there is a description of the riot of nature. It is a harbinger of something negative, while rain signifies changes for the better.
  • Interrogative sentences indicate uncertainty, exclamatory sentences indicate confidence in the answer (can also be a positive answer to a question).
  • The beginning of the chapter symbolizes good changes.

If you look into a good novel, you can find answers to all your questions there! Author: Evgenia Shvets