Divination by the Book of Changes (I-Ching), online. Chinese Book of Changes

The "Book of Changes I-Ching" or "Canons of Changes" consists of 64 hexagram symbols, each of which expresses a particular life situation in time from the point of view of its gradual development. The symbols consist of six strokes each; and these features denote successive stages in the development of a given situation. Six features are made up of two trigrams.

The features of hexagrams are of two types: solid and interrupted in the middle. The first symbolize the active state, light, tension, and the second - the passive state, darkness. That is, broken lines symbolize yin, continuous lines symbolize yang. Take a sheet of paper and a pen. Take 3 identical coins.

Each of the trigrams has its own name, pointed to a certain property and expressed a specific image:

1. QIAN (creativity), property - fortress, image - sky;
2. DUI (permission), joyfulness, reservoir;
3. LI (clutch), clarity, fire;
4. ZHEN (excitement), mobility, thunder;
5. XUN (thinning), penetration, wind (tree);
6. KAN (immersion), danger, water;
7. Gen (stay), firmness, mountain;
8. KUN (performance), self-giving, earth.

How to guess according to the Book of Changes?

Focus on the one thing that excites you the most or make a wish... Ready? Then start tossing coins...

Toss coins one by one (I toss three at once). This must be done six times to get six features and make a hexagram. Draw lines from the bottom - up, i.e. first draw the bottom line and move up. If 2 or 3 coins land on heads, draw a solid line; if 2 or 3 coins land on tails, draw a broken line.

The sixth (upper line) marks the completion of the development of the situation or its so-called overdevelopment, when it turns into its opposite. Fifth - the maximum disclosure of the situation outside. Fourth - the beginning of manifestation internal process outside. The third is the crisis moment of the transition of the situation from an internal quality to an external one. The second position characterizes the apogee internal development situations. The first position (lower line) characterizes only the origin of the situation, when its typicality has not yet been fully determined.

Of the 6 lines drawn by you, a hexagram is formed, which will show you the answer to the question.

To find the interpretation of your hexagram in the table, mentally divide your hexagram into two equal parts (trigrams): top and bottom. Then, at the intersection of these figures, you look for the number of your hexagram in the table. It remains only to read the interpretation of the dropped symbol by clicking on the number and consider how correctly it describes your life situation.

Sometimes, in the daily bustle, we do not notice the simplest and most obvious solution to our problem.

There is no need to be upset if the meaning of the compiled hexagram affects facts that are unpleasant for you or simply does not reflect all your expectations. Just like life itself, fortune-telling cannot contain only pleasant aspects: after all, fortune-telling is a reflection of life, its mirror.

ATTENTION: You can not turn to the Book if the plan may harm others or its implementation is associated with unworthy means. Also, don't test the I Ching with questions like "What is the meaning of life?" or “What is 2×2?”. Do not ask the Book of Changes the same question again, even if you are not satisfied with the answer, or it seems too gloomy to you. If you have an unfavorable combination (especially hexagrams numbered 3, 29, 39 or 47), in no case be upset, but take into account the recommendations that the Book gives you. Try to limit yourself to one question per session, and don't guess more than once a day.

Interpretation of hexagrams (modern)

01. Qian. Creation.

The symbol consists of six lines of yang. Good sign. This is a masculine hexagram, meaning the month of April and spring hopes. But be careful! You are at the top of the mountain, and you have no way to go down. So be vigilant and reasonable while you are at the top. No later than six months, expect major changes. Time favors your undertakings. In your personal life, you have a certain uncertainty, you need to clarify it. If your desire is reasonable and modest, it will certainly come true. Someone opposes you, but if you are determined and adamant, success awaits you. You will pass the test.

02. Kun. Execution.

The gods have awakened Mother Earth. Work diligently, and in two months your efforts will be crowned with great success. You are a cultured and thirsty person, lovingly treat even the smallest fruits of your labor. Very attached to mother. Now is not the time to give free rein to greed, so do not think too much about material gain. Your wish will come true, although not immediately. In the near future, it is not recommended to go on the road - not alone, not with anyone. Soon a person will appear in your environment who has a strong interest in you.

03. Zhong. Initial difficulty.

One of the most unfortunate combinations. Whatever you undertake, everything will fall out of your hands, without giving a result. There is nothing left but to wait for a more favorable time. Try to lead a secluded life for at least three months, which, of course, does not mean at all that during this period you should not try to think through plans for the future. Be patient, listen to the woman's advice. Luck and luck are out of the question at the moment.

04. Myn. Underdevelopment.

You see everything around, as if through a kind of veil, but it will soon subside and the world will regain clarity for you. However, since your nerves are currently very shattered, do not make hasty decisions. If you want to succeed, do not neglect the advice of your superiors, think about them; soon everything will change. Don't be discouraged. Spend more time talking with your children. New plans, new perspectives are already emerging, but not even close new love. Concentrate your will on the fulfillment of one single desire.

05. Xu. The need to wait.

Wait and gather your strength, you will need it very soon - when spring comes, the snow will melt and the flowers will bloom again. Too hasty actions now can only bring harm. Be patient a little more, about two months, until a certain person appears who will help you in a way that you do not expect. If you are now decisively and energetically engaged in planning further actions, then help and support will come even faster. Your financial situation will suddenly improve. You may feel attracted to someone older than you. Try not to show too much interest in him. Your desire will be fulfilled if you act purposefully and prudently enough.

06. Sun. Litigation.

You feel disharmony. A conflict is brewing. Be humble and reserved; if someone throws a glove at you, don't pick it up. Try to moderate your demands, do not embark on any undertakings alone until circumstances change for the better. On the contrary, take part in joint work with someone. Let everything go in its own order, then peace and tranquility will come, and you will once again be convinced that life's problems not only depress, but also teach.

07. Shi. Army.

This hexagram symbolizes conscious solitude. Your current state is like that of a general deciding when is the best time to attack. Be careful, select people with good intentions as your allies, and although luck accompanies you at the moment, do not forget about precautions. You will receive unexpected news, or an unexpected visitor will visit you. The present time is full of romance for you, which, however, did not prevent the emergence of discord with a loved one. Plan all future affairs carefully and judiciously.

08. Bi. Approximation.

The worst is behind us, but some difficult problems still remain. Participate in common affairs, success awaits you in cooperation with others. Be faithful, do not neglect your duties. Those who love each other need mutual respect and understanding just as much as a teacher and a student. Fulfillment of desires and largely depends on how you use the advice of superiors and friends. It's not the right time for gambling.

09. Xiao-chu. Little upbringing.

Luck, success are not very characteristic of your current position, but it should be borne in mind that the night is darkest just before dawn. The situation is not clear to you, you do not own it, but this is a transitional state. Events that will change it for the better are already on the way. Until then, be patient and wait. You are used to be considered a person to whom "money flows into their own hands." Be prudent, do not quarrel over trifles with friends and acquaintances, do not overdo it in work, so as not to break yourself. In three months, the money will really flow to you.

10. Lee. Offensive.

At present, your behavior should be emphatically polite, friendly and reserved. Get inside yourself and think about your position. In any way, show respect for the authorities, now it will do you good. An unexpected event will happen that will bring you great joy. It's not the right time for flirting. Ladies, communicating with men who are not well known, should be especially careful. This is the period when claims to life should be reduced to a minimum.

11. Thai. Rise.

Now, when happiness favors you and your career is moving forward and upward, right now think about your friends. At the same time, do not be frivolous and careless. If you want luck and success to accompany you as long as possible, try to back them up with success in other areas. The desire will be fulfilled, but do not seek to artificially speed up its implementation. At the moment you tend to overspend; restrain yourself, keep within your financial capabilities.

12. Pi. decline.

Much is not clear to you, you are concerned about the problems of public life. People who don't deserve you are drawn to you. Be vigilant and prudent, do not take on anything significant. Your environment does not understand you; you quarrel with one of your friends for no good reason. Your desires will be fulfilled by eighty percent, but even then not immediately. Watch your wallet these days. Listen to the advice of your superiors, but make decisions on your own. The situation will change soon.

13. Tong-ren. Relatives (Associates).

Wherever you go, you will be in good company. You can boldly join the fight, pursuing lofty goals; you will be supported by a person you did not count on. Very soon, your business will go smoothly. You are somewhat insecure and restless, this is a consequence of the slight stress in which you are. Nevertheless, your desire will be fulfilled, and as fully as you take seriously the help of the elders offered to you.

14. Yeah. Many possessions.

The sun is shining brightly. This means that you feel especially free now; in addition, you are quite rich - both from a material and spiritual point of view. Concentrate your will on the fulfillment of your desires, the fulfillment of which is necessary for success in business. Although this period is favorable for you, try not to overload yourself, constantly keep your main goal in sight. Do not waste money!

15. Qian. Humility.

A branch of a tree bowed to the very ground under the weight of snow, but soon it will straighten up again and take its former position. Your circumstances at the moment can only be called "moderately favorable." If your behavior now differs in moderation and restraint, later you will become the master of the situation. At present, for a number of reasons, including financial reasons, you are experiencing some confusion and anxiety, but do not worry, everything will change for the better soon. If you do not reject the help of others, your desire will be fulfilled. In the future, financial affairs will improve.

16. Yu. Liberty.

Your sun is about to rise, luck is on the way, you have been waiting for it long enough. Time favors all kinds of entertainment, the main thing is not to get carried away by them beyond measure. Get ready for the success that will soon follow. Happiness will accompany you in the implementation of new ideas, as well as in the game. Walking along the path of success, do not forget to look under your feet so as not to wallow in pettiness and commercialism. Desires will certainly come true, but you need to wait a little more. Be careful not to spend more than you get.

17. Sui. Follow-up.

The time is more suitable for consolidating leadership positions than for recruiting supporters. Be true to your principles even if your goals change. From now on, be content with small victories and successes for the time being, they will certainly entail larger ones. Go with the flow, not against it, and then everything will come in order. Your wish will come true with a high degree of probability, but be prepared for major changes in life.

18. Gu. Correction.

You will be part of a series of changes and transformations in the personal lives of others. Carefully analyze, evaluate events. You should be the master of the situation, which will gradually become possible by itself, thanks to your current state. You may lose a friend. Soon you will do something that will stun your acquaintances, and perhaps even yourself. Your relationships with others are not in order, the problems arising from this can interfere with the fulfillment of your desires, so the relationship needs to be clarified. Be prudent! You are spending too much.

19. Lin. visit.

Whatever you do now, you will succeed. And the more results you achieve, the more successful the circumstances will be. A period is approaching during which major successes are possible immediately in many matters and areas of activity. Resolutely pursue your goals, but at the same time be careful not to offend, anger or arouse the envy of friends. One of the people close to you, whom you know very well, will force you to change your attitude towards him.

20. Guan. Contemplation.

Get ready for an unpleasant surprise. Try to think rationally and in detail about the situation; see them as they really are. You may have to change your place of work and residence. Now you need to be especially careful, do not let important things slip out of your influence. Think carefully about all the actions and then get help from where you least expect it. Wishes come true, but not as fast as you would like. Think carefully and analyze the possibilities of implementing your plans, and if things go well, do not forget to help others.

21. Shi-ho. Clenched teeth.

Something is tormenting you, you feel miserable. Try to take on a new business, and your circumstances will improve. Conscientious work will gradually and steadily lead you to very great success. You consider yourself a victim of injustice. If you constantly think about how this could happen, it will not help the case. Obviously, in something you made a mistake, one of those that others make in a huge variety. Gather courage and learn from what happened a proper lesson. With regard to the fulfillment of your desire, then just now someone is contributing to this. Stay reasonable and wait calmly, then very soon everything will change for the better for you.

22. Bi. Decoration.

This hexagram is favorable only for matters related to the theater. It means that you hide your true face and that the people around you also behave not quite sincerely and honestly. Love affairs are quite problematic at the moment. Some success in the field of show business is possible. The wish will come true after some delay. Accept life as it is and learn from it.

23. Bo. Devastation.

In the near future, big changes await you. Now do not take on any new business, you must not fall into a stupid position. Perhaps someone is slandering at your address, spreading gossip. Your wishes will come true a little later. Do not be shy if at some point it turns out that you cannot count on the help of friends. Be careful in dealing with hypocritical members of the opposite sex.

24. Fu. Return.

It seems to you that you are completely confused in the environment, and you are very nervous about this, but the interference is of little importance, and you will cope with them very soon if you work diligently and conscientiously. A certain very definite period - seven days or seven weeks, or perhaps seven months - will gain for you great importance. In all likelihood, you yourself feel that you are on the verge of serious changes in fate, and this is true. Just a little more and everything will be fine. Gradually, coin to coin, accumulate money. Resolutely and irresistibly you aspire to a new way.

25. Wu-van. Immaculate.

A unity of clarity and simplicity prevails, which will benefit you if you carry out worthy ideas by worthy means. The time for higher activity has not yet arrived. Fate will soon smile at you, but only if you know how to wait patiently. Sometimes you are too preoccupied with love affairs, but do not worry, all your desires will come true in due time.

26. Yes-choo. Great upbringing.

Do not waste your energy, there has been a "pause" in your destiny. Wait for its end in full readiness, do not exchange energy for trifles, soon it will find something more pleasant and useful application. Desires will come true, but only if you set the bar not too high. Help will come from those who are facing problems similar to yours. Do not try to speed things up by force, the result may be the opposite.

27. I. Nutrition.

You talk too much and eat too much. Do not gossip about others, as you harm not only them, but also yourself. The wish will come true, but in a slightly different way than you would like. Stop complaining about fate. You would do well to see a doctor. Get ready for a quick change in your life.

28. Yes. The re-development of the great.

You feel very happy. It is advisable to take control of yourself, because your temperament, if given free rein, can harm both others and yourself. Do not be overly self-confident, your judgments are currently by no means the most correct. Don't try to be successful by force. Restrain yourself and reflect on the state of affairs. Time will change everything. Your desire cannot be fulfilled quickly. Beware of offending others with your vehemence.

29. Si-kan. Repeated danger.

One of the four worst combinations. Your life is characterized by losses and defeats at this time. The only thing you can do is to reduce the number of strokes of fate to the minimum possible. Be patient and wait until the goddess of happiness once again honors you with a look. You have a lot of time, do scientific research. In two months, at the most in five months, the situation will begin to change for the better. Until then, keep calm and don't lose heart. This is a period when self-analysis and a sober assessment of the situation are much more important than a desperate struggle with fate.

30. Lee. Shine.

Outwardly, everything is fine, but in reality it is not. You are a prisoner of illusions, if not to say - conscious self-deception. Listen to a friend's advice. Fate favors you at the moment, but this is a deceptive impression, it can be misleading and cause serious damage if you rely entirely on fortune. Your desire will be fulfilled thanks to the intervention of a person older than you. In matters related to writing and mediation, great successes are possible. Listen to what people are saying.

31. Xian. Interaction.

The state of mind you are in is usually associated with luck and success. You are tuned to a good “wave”. Several unexpected and very beneficial events for you are approaching, almost every step you take will bring good luck. Real results will exceed even the wildest expectations, which will bring unprecedented peace to your soul. The only "negative" factor: after all the excitement, there is a need to get away from business for a while and relax.

32. Hyun. Constancy.

You are torn apart, trying to move in two directions at once. If you keep your composure, everything will work out to your advantage. Don't seek change. Your wish will come true if you are patient. It is not superfluous now to conduct an “internal inventory” and try to properly understand future plans and intentions. This is not the right time for new beginnings.

33. Dun. Escape.

You will only win if you restrain yourself a little. Assertiveness at the moment will not bring any benefit. This hexagram is favorable for interesting recreation and entertainment, as well as for making plans for the future. Postpone plans until after the current period of uncertainty. Use it for meditation.

34. Da-zhuang. The power of the great.

You are striving to the fore too actively, more than it is beneficial to you at this time. You are ready to trample on others, which, to put it mildly, would not give them pleasure. There is nothing wrong with ambition, but it must certainly be accompanied by tact in dealing with people. Your desire will be fulfilled if you behave a little more modestly. Try to find the "golden mean" in this regard.

35. Jin. Sunrise.

Good luck is on the way. You are waiting for the respect and recognition that you rightfully counted on. In the future, the reward will be even higher. Rely on your lucky star and boldly step forward, while not saddening you that your desire will be fulfilled only with some delay. You will suddenly meet a person whom you have not seen for a very long time. Try to spend a little, in the future such frugality will be rewarded to you a hundredfold.

36. Min-i. Defeat of the world.

You are currently in luck, but don't be overconfident, things will change soon. Act thoughtfully and prudently, do not get carried away with love adventures. From the outside, you give the impression of a minion of fate, and therefore it is quite possible that others interpret your actions incorrectly, but do not worry, in the near future everything will fall into place. Your desires will not come true now. Be frugal.

37. Jia-ren. Home.

Your place is where the heart is drawn, and well-being awaits you there. Hopes will be fulfilled outside help. Perhaps you think to yourself that somewhere the grass is greener, but believe me, if you leave your land now, you will be convinced very soon that you have made a mistake. Enjoy family life, chatting with friends, peace in the house.

38. Kui. discord.

This hexagram means that this period of your life is devoid of harmony. It seems to you that everyone around you find fault with you, they are malicious. Even the smallest little things piss you off. Calm down, do not be nervous, the situation will improve soon. Companions are hard to find now. Some woman gets on your nerves. Watch your words and don't take on anything new. In the field of your interests at the moment is whole line things that are completely inconsistent with your true desires.

39. Chien. Let.

One of the worst hexagrams. The more effort you put in, the further you are pushed back. It is difficult to say why exactly, but at the moment Fortune is not interested in your fate. It is best now to immerse yourself in studies or scientific activities and find peace in them. It is possible that several of your friends will come to your aid and support. Keep track of your expenses: during this unkind period, there is a real danger of being left without funds.

40. Jie. Permission.

You have gone through a long period of anxiety and trouble. This period has come to an end. Work will be successful again. Act immediately, otherwise you will miss the opportunity to achieve a great result. Some old desire of yours will be fulfilled, a new one too, but a little later. You will make new friends. If you go on a journey, it will give you great pleasure. The period that has begun is favorable for making good money.

41. Sun. Wane.

What you give to others today, fate will return to you tomorrow with interest. Perhaps now it seems to you that you are too wasteful, giving too much to others, but this impression will soon pass and you will be richly rewarded. Time favors thinking of plans and intellectual activity. Most of your desires will come true, and you will reap even more than you sowed.

42. I. Multiplication.

Time is favorable outstanding personalities but it works for others as well. What is planned will be realized, what has been done will be paid. You will be able to help others. Some business that the authorities entrust to you will turn into a personal benefit for you. Someone is preparing to make you a profitable offer. The desire will be fulfilled with the help of a higher person. In the near future - an opportunity to unexpectedly, but significantly improve financial affairs.

43. Guay. Exit.

At the present time you are lucky, but it can easily happen that due to your own stubbornness you make a mistake and alienate those who used to help you. Go to meet them yourself and show more tolerance in dealing with them. It is possible that during this period you will fall in love with a person with whom you have little sympathy, and this, of course, will have an impact on your behavior. Don't gamble.

44. Go. Translation.

Well if feature your present behavior will be restraint. Be attentive to changes in contacts with people and try to evaluate their actions less critically. Fulfillment of desires and hopes is problematic. Be frugal. Internally prepare for the fact that unexpected events will soon follow that do not promise you anything favorable.

45. Cui. Reunion.

Everything that you do during this period, for which you undertake, will end in a successful result. Some invisible force will strengthen your relationships with people, help you establish new close contacts that will somehow become favorable for you. Past labors and efforts will be paid. A woman is chasing you, she seeks to block your path, interfere with the implementation of your intentions, interfere in your life. Regardless, your wishes will come true.

46. ​​Sheng. Climb.

What you have been working on for a long time finally gives a favorable result and will be paid. You just need to work a little more, persistently and conscientiously, then you can soon count on high appreciation and recognition. Bold and decisive action is now much more favorable than idle waiting. rely on your common sense and intuition, and then your desire will surely come true. The ideas that you are currently thinking about will most likely bring success in a financial sense.

47. Kun. Exhaustion.

One of the four worst hexagrams. This is not the period when it would be worth taking on anything. Hang in there and wait. Your thoughts are not clear enough. Someone from your environment, occupying high position will lend you a helping hand. Heed this person's advice. belief own forces you are now very weak. But do not take the events too tragically, because this negative period will pass and your circumstances will improve.

48. Ching. Well.

It is good if you lend a helping hand to others, even if things are not going quite smoothly for you yourself. Subsequently, you will see that this course of action is very beneficial. During this period, you can hardly count on the recognition of your abilities and achievements by your superiors, which, of course, is unpleasant. You long for circumstances to change, but the time is not right now. Your modest desires can be fulfilled even now, but the big ones cannot. Oddly enough, your current financial situation is not so bad.

49. Ge. Change.

Everything around you is in motion right now, everything is changing, but in the end, good results will exceed even your wildest expectations. At the moment you do not feel confident in yourself, but soon it will return to you again with new perspectives, circumstances will change for the better. You will change your recent plans and go where you never intended before. In the game, you are now lucky.

50. Dean. Altar.

This hexagram has a positive meaning for you if you decisively take on the role of leader. Some people are not happy with your success, but do not pay attention to these people. Beware of taking on or promising more than you can deliver. The number three has a strong influence on you and on your relationships with people. The business you have undertaken together with two like-minded people will lead to success. The wish will come true, although not quite the way you originally intended. You spend too much on entertainment and hobbies.

51. Zhen. Lightning.

You are close to success, but someone is making efforts to prevent you from achieving it. Don't get upset about this. What you sought to obtain as necessary for you, in fact, will turn out to be completely different, not what it seemed, so you can safely and with peace of mind give it to your opponent. Soon something unexpected and unpleasant will happen in your environment, however, this event will not harm you in any way. The period is favorable for rest. Do not be nervous because circumstances develop this way and not otherwise. A little later, fate will smile at you.

52. Gen. Concentration.

Currently, progress in cases is problematic. Obviously, you should wait a little and only then start working again. It is better to refuse a planned trip or trip. Try your hand at the circumstances and think carefully about your position before you take on anything. Head up! Victory over the difficulties and intrigues of ill-wishers will be yours, and very soon. The fulfillment of desires without persistent efforts on your part is out of the question.

53. Chiang. Flow.

If you move forward, carefully considering each step, success and luck will not change you in the future. Happiness will continue to be your companion if, without succumbing to persuasion, you do not get ahead of events. A tortoise has no less chance of finishing first than a hare. You are at the beginning of a long journey. The wish will eventually come true. Financial affairs will improve significantly.

54. Gui-mei. Bride.

Always be careful in everything, especially in love affairs. Take what is happening calmly and calmly, otherwise you can get into a very unpleasant situation. The fulfillment of desire is delayed. This is the period when it is better to wait and think. At the same time, this is the period when income exceeds expenses. The coming weeks are very favorable for preparing for the next, more positive period.

55. Fyn. Abundance.

This hexagram symbolizes the autumn harvest, the gathering of a rich harvest and means that your lucky star brightly illuminates all your affairs. They are going successfully and evenly, and in the future, perhaps, they will go even more successfully and more evenly. Do not forget that it is very important for you to always be well informed and that a certain part of the money you earn should be saved. This period especially favorable for cases related to agriculture, art and show business. However, although you are now successful, there is no complete certainty that your deeds will be fulfilled.

56. Lu. Wandering.

There are all the prerequisites for success in business. A foreign scientific trip, if one is planned, will also be successful. You are very ambitious, be careful not to spoil relations with friends and work colleagues. The desire to be fulfilled if your claims are not too high and you do not expect too much. You are very nervous about some unpleasant event. This is not reasonable, forget and do not remember.

57. Sun. Penetration.

Your situation is confused, and at the moment it is not so easy to understand and evaluate it. You tend to portray events too gloomily. Follow the path that the person in your circle points out to you and make sure that this is the best way out. In five months, your essence will change for the better. Something prevents the fulfillment of your desires, a woman will help you eliminate the obstacles. During this period, in no case do not allow yourself to be persuaded into such actions that you consider inappropriate and erroneous.

58. Dui. Joy.

Happiness is already on its way to you, it will dispel the current depressed mood. This hexagram is related to everything related to the organs of speech. Do not neglect the good advice of a friend and beware of speaking ill of others. A very favorable period for everything related to singing and trading. Don't worry about what you can't change anyway. Keep calm happiness, luck is on the way.

59. Huan. Fragmentation.

After a long period of failure, the sun of success rises again. It will bring you everything you desire. You may be on a long journey. Don't spend a lot of money. As for your scientific, industrial and love affairs, they will go brilliantly. In the near future, you will have an unexpected chance to take a leadership position. Your desire is already being fulfilled and will be fulfilled in its entirety, if you continue to make persistent and purposeful efforts for this.

60. Jie. Limitation.

Your time has come, actively get down to business, but, of course, remembering the necessary foresight, otherwise all efforts will go to waste. Do not accept too hastily an offer that has just been made to you or is about to be made. It is possible that it is much less beneficial to you than it seems at first glance. The same applies to your new loves and friendships. Reasonable and real desires will be fulfilled. For traveling, long trips the time is not right. Remember the proverb: do not dig a hole for another, you yourself will fall into it.

61. Zhong-fu. Inner truth.

Working not alone, but in cooperation with others, is now the most profitable for you. Beware of overestimating your mental abilities, so as not to become arrogant and intemperate. This may jeopardize the implementation of your plans. Try to be humble and reserved. Only in this case, if your desires are reasonable and honest, they will be fulfilled. The authorities in the near future will pay attention to your abilities and capabilities, appreciate them, which, of course, will greatly help you move along the path of success.

62. Xiao-guo. Small development.

You may be disappointed in the one you love, but don't take everything too tragically. The best chance, which, more truly than any other, contributed to the fulfillment of your desire, you missed. But there will be a new one soon. This period is marked by opportunities good earnings, however, not suitable for long trips. At present, you attach too much importance to trifles and thereby exchange, humiliate yourself.

63. Chi-chi. It's already over.

If you quarreled with someone, urgently contact a third party with a request to mediate between you. Resist the urge to do it again one day achieved success. If you think carefully about this advice and follow it, you will be rewarded with the full realization of your desires. At the moment, do not throw all your strength into a new undertaking, it will not lead to success. A specific desire made will be fulfilled with some delay.

64. Wei Chi. It's not over yet!

Good luck, when all your deeds are marked, is on the threshold. But it is still too early to act. If you move ahead cautiously enough, things will get better day by day. The wish will come true soon. A happy period of life is approaching, it will not be long to wait.

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Explanation of the oracle

Used for divination modern method, called Model of change: two symbols appear - original And related. The original character is the usual form of interpretation of the I Ching. Using a strictly defined method, a hexagram is compiled, in which usually there are one or more turning lines.

This hexagram describes the main situation and options for your actions in this situation. When the transforming lines change their appearance, a second hexagram is formed - a related one.

A related hexagram shows how you are related to the original one. It can describe future developments, indicate a past event that led you to the current one, serve as a warning, indicate a goal, a special relationship or innermost desire - anything that connects you to the main interpretation. It is something like the sea or the surrounding feeling in which the original symbol floats.

All combinations of hexagrams are made up of 8 trigrams, which are called Bauga. Each has its own name and plays a specific role:

  • Qian (all continuous lines) - creation, art;
  • Kun (all interrupted lines) - implementation;
  • Zhen (two interrupted from above, continuous line below) - emotional excitement;
  • Kan (top and bottom interrupted, in the middle solid line) - immersion;
  • Gen (continuous above, interrupted lines below it) - presence;
  • Sun (top two solid lines, bottom broken line) - clarification;
  • Li (solid bottom and top, interrupted line in the middle) - clutch;
  • Dui (interrupted from above, two continuous from below) - permission.

Interpretation of hexagrams:

Name Interpretation
1 QianA symbol with male energy, meaning April. It symbolizes spring and the hopes associated with the awakening of nature. But at the same time, this is a warning: be careful! It is necessary to wait for changes in life no later than six months after fortune-telling, and when they happen, you need to treat them with all reasonableness and prudence
2 KunSign of the awakening of Mother Earth. It means that only hard work will help to fulfill desires. Do not think too much about material wealth and then in a few months well-being will come by itself. In the foreseeable future, you should not go on the road or start a new business
3 ZhongOne of the most unfavorable combinations. Failures will follow everywhere, business will not bring results. You just need to try to endure this black bar. Philosophers advise at this time to reduce contacts with the outside world and consider the state of affairs.
4 MaineIt symbolizes a misunderstanding of the situation, the nebula of being. It portends that the veil from the eyes will soon fall and the world will again shine with bright colors. Do not take at this time important decisions. Need more time for family and children
5 XuThe symbol means waiting. There is no need to rush into rash acts. We need to gather strength and do everything right. Purposeful and deliberate actions will help in the fulfillment of desire
6 soongPredicts disharmony and conflict situations. No need to plan an important event or business alone. We must wait until a more auspicious time comes.
7 ShiDenotes solitude, detachment from the world. The fallen Shi sign means that you need to think about your situation, carefully plan for the future.
8 BeeThe worst is behind us, but there are still a few unsolved problems. However, success will only come when a person cooperates with other people.
9 Xiao-chuEven if there is no luck now, this does not mean that it will always be so. Very soon, events will occur that will change life in better side. You just need to be patient and wait. And try not to overwork at work
10 LeeSoon an unexpected event will happen that will greatly please the fortuneteller. The main thing is to be polite, collected and thoughtful. For women not best time start a romantic relationship
11 TaiDo not forget about friends if your career suddenly went up. But at the same time, it is unacceptable to behave carelessly and frivolously. You should refrain from spending extra money on unnecessary things.
12 PiIn the environment appeared people unworthy and envious. You have to be careful in their company. There is no need to start significant business at this time.
13 Tong RenIn the near future, things will get better only if you accept help from senior comrades. We must leave uncertainty and doubt, boldly accepting the challenge of circumstances.
14 Yes-yuAll is well at the moment. The fortuneteller is rich both materially and spiritually. To maintain your success, you need to focus on a specific goal, not scatter over trifles.
15 QianIf now small failures are haunting, then in the future everything can change for the better. But for this it is necessary to show restraint and calmness, listening to the wise instructions of the elders.
16 YuThe fortuneteller is given freedom of choice life path. But you need to approach this wisely, considering your next steps.
17 SuiAll undertakings will be successful. In business, a streak of luck will come. To do this, you just need to endure temporary difficulties.
18 Guventuring new project need to be careful and vigilant. There may be problems in financial terms or with business partners
19 TenchSymbolizes danger and warns against it. If you behave carefully enough, then the troubles will be minimal.
20 GuanIn the near future, the fortuneteller will be offered a new undertaking. But you should not rush to accept the offer. It requires discretion and clarity of thought.
21 Shi-hoLearning new things, you need to be able to escape from the past. Creating something new, you need to know your soul. These wise words will help fulfill all desires
22 BeeIt is better not to take on big things at the moment, starting small. This will help you gain experience and become more competent.
23 BoThis hexagram symbolizes destruction. Falling out in fortune-telling, Bo says that now it’s better to wait with a serious matter and good times will come soon
24 UghThe symbol favors new beginnings. If it was he who got caught, you can safely start running your business.
25 wu wangGood luck will accompany only when the fortuneteller begins to behave honestly and with dignity. The peak of activity has not yet arrived, so you need to wait for better times
26 Da-chooNo need to try to speed up the course of events and then fate will be favorable. The fortuneteller should not change his plans at the last moment, otherwise the business will fail.
27 ANDSoon in the life of the one who guesses, there will be big changes. You just need to be persistent and not complain about fate. Also, the sages of the Book of Changes advise to stop gossip, otherwise luck will leave the path of life.
28 YeahProsperity cannot be achieved by force. So says the Canon of Change. Only with the mind and common sense can success and prosperity be achieved.
29 Xi-kanOne of the worst signs in the table. Symbolizes misfortune and loss. However, by maintaining calm and self-confidence, major troubles can be avoided.
30 LeeAt the moment it feels like everything is fine, but this is an illusion. In fact, troubles and problems are already brewing behind you. The only way to deal with them is with the help of friends.
31 xianA good attitude goes hand in hand with success. You don't have to be discouraged. It is better to enjoy life and look at the world with optimism, then fortune will be favorable
32 hyungDon't take on two things at once. None of them will be successful. It is necessary to concentrate on one thing, then all desires will come true
33 dunDon't be too pushy, it will only make things worse. It would be better to retreat for a while and then start with renewed vigor.
34 da zhuanYou cannot be happy by making others unhappy. Walking along career ladder up, do not break human destinies. It won't end well
35 JinFor those who have worked hard and hard, fate will prepare a well-deserved reward. Financial and family well-being awaits very soon
36 MiniLuck will change the one who will exchange it for a love affair. Now is not the time to make meaningless connections
37 jia-zhenLuck will go to those who did not exchange their homeland and relatives for foreign countries. "Finding peace in your family, you will find good luck," say the ancient philosophers
38 KunMany things cause irritation, but you need to remain calm. Life will change soon
39 jianThe worst character in the table. portends a long bad luck. Everything that the fortuneteller undertakes will not succeed. This is especially true of finance and everything connected with it.
40 DzeAfter a long streak of failures, a bright streak in life has come. It is worth taking advantage of this and starting a profitable business
41 SunGenerosity will return a hundredfold. By giving, the fortuneteller will soon receive a reward for his kindness
42 ANDGood time for creative endeavors. With a favorable set of circumstances, there will be a sponsor who will support the creative project
43 GuaiYou need to be careful and try not to make stupid mistakes. Otherwise, fortune will turn away and for a long time
44 gouIt portends imminent financial losses. It is necessary to establish contact with loved ones, make peace with relatives who are in a quarrel, and then the troubles will be minimal
45 CuiThe period is favorable for making new acquaintances both in business terms and in general human terms. Friends made during this time will last a lifetime
46 ShengThe business, which was started by a fortuneteller, will soon bring great financial profit. All it takes is perseverance and faith in yourself.
47 KunStop and think about your life. Perhaps then all problems will be solved by themselves
48 jingThis sign portends trouble with the authorities. It will not appreciate the abilities of a fortuneteller. However, this may change soon.
49 GeGood luck favors the self-confident. Having gained the strength of the spirit, you can overcome all troubles
50 DeanOpportunity to climb the career ladder. But do not take on more obligations than necessary.
51 ZhenIndicates an opponent who is preventing you from reaching the desired heights. In this case, the sages advise to give in to him, since the desired will not be necessary at all for the one who wonders
52 GenRight now is not the best time to travel. Hexagram No. 52 warns that the planned trip must be canceled, otherwise there may be big trouble
53 jianPromises the one who wonders big love. But before throwing yourself into the pool with your head, you need to think everything over.
54 gui meiDuring this period, income will exceed expenses and good luck will accompany business. But you have to be careful and avoid waste money
55 FyanSymbol for stability. If he falls to a fortuneteller, prosperity and wealth will reign in his future fate
56 Favorable time for travel or business trip abroad. Deals concluded within a month after fortune-telling will be successful
57 SunChanges in life are not always for the better. Family and loved ones will help to overcome the streak of trouble
58 duiThis hexagram promotes good luck in business. It is also favorable for singers and people whose work is related to colloquial speech.
59 huanA sign that says it's time to act. The one who guesses has a chance to become a leader. It just takes a little effort
60 JieRelationships and friendships should be strengthened. They may come in handy in the near future.
61 zhong fuEncourages teamwork. Only in this way can dreams of career advancement come true.
62 Xiao-guoPredicts disappointment in love. But you should not despair - the real feeling is ahead. And no need to try to keep someone who wants to leave
63 chi chiPredicts a big quarrel with family or a close friend. To make peace, the fortuneteller will have to turn to a mediator who will help correct the situation and reconcile the warring parties.
64 wei chiGood luck will soon overtake the one who guesses. But to find it, you need to pacify your temper and wait for the right opportunity.

The Chinese have improved ancient scheme fortune-telling by building a flexible and ingenious system of symbols and numbers. Each symbol allows you to see the situation from the point of view of its consistent development. According to the authors of the philosophical work, predictions can be realized in several interrelated directions - cosmic, social and intrahuman.


fortune telling

Tradition says that the legendary Chinese ruler Fu Xi(2852 - 2737 BC) once saw a huge tortoise floating out of the Yellow River ashore, on the shell of which mysterious signs were inscribed, consisting of solid and broken lines. In their combination, Fu Xi saw a system of symbols of the universe, where everything arose as a result of the interaction of earth and sky. And they, according to the ruler, were symbolically depicted with dashes. Having understood the system of their location, Fu Xi created the "Book of Changes". She is the most famous work of ancient Chinese philosophy, which has become a kind of oracle that helps answer burning questions.
After unraveling genetic code scientists drew attention to the amazing similarity of the divinatory system "I-ching" with its 64 hexagrams and 64 code "words" in the DNA molecule containing the genetic information of any living organism. What if the coils of DNA are nothing more than the words of an ancient "diary of life" and is the I Ching intended to make this "diary" speak? After all, 64 hexagrams are not just "code" words, but a description of the state of a person's personality, moreover, 64 keys to these states, containing six stages of their development.

What to do

The book consists of graphic figures - the so-called hexagrams, or gua. There are 64 of them. According to the number of ways in which two lines can be arranged - broken and solid - in a group of six pieces one above the other. The lines symbolize the two main cosmic energies - yin (intermittent) and yang (solid). Their combination forms hexagrams, each of which gives an answer to some question.

How to guess?

1. Mentally formulate a question. And it is better not trifling, but very important for you.

2. Click on the "Toss Coins" button

Let heads be yang and tails be yin. See what ended up happening. If the majority of coins (two or three) lay head down, then yang prevailed. If "tails" - yin. Since there are six lines in the hexagram, it is necessary to throw coins in six steps.

3. After the hexagram is composed, we read the explanation. Divination will be effective if you are fixated on your question. Try to guess no more than once a month.

Comments (1 )

19.10.2014 13:32

Loved this trick! In a good scenario, I receive and feel support, and if the interpretation is not very good, then I argue philosophically. After all, everything will be fine anyway!